252y0581s 12/5/05 ECO252 QBA2 Final EXAM May 2-6, 2005 TAKE HOME SECTION Name: _________________________ Student Number: _________________________ Class days and time : _________________________ III Take-home Exam (20+ points) A) 4th computer problem (5+) This is an internet project. You should do only one of the following 2 problems. Problem 1: In his book, Statistics for Economists: An Intuitive Approach (New York, HarperCollins, 1992), Alan S. Caniglia presents data for 50 states and the District of Columbia. These data are presented as an appendix at the end of this section. The Data Consists of six variables. The dependent variable, MIM, the mean income of males (having income) who are 18 years of age or older. PMHS, the percent of males 18 and older who are high school graduates. PURBAN, the percent of total population living in an urban area. MAGE, the median age of males. Using his data, I got the results below. Regression Analysis: MIM versus PMHS The regression equation is MIM = 2736 + 180 PMHS Predictor Constant PMHS Coef 2736 180.08 S = 1430.91 SE Coef 2174 31.31 R-Sq = 40.3% T 1.26 5.75 P 0.214 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 39.1% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 1 67720854 Residual Error 49 100328329 Total 50 168049183 MS 67720854 2047517 F 33.07 P 0.000 Unusual Observations Obs PMHS MIM Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 1 69.1 12112 15180 200 -3068 -2.17R 3 71.6 12711 15630 215 -2919 -2.06R 50 81.9 21552 17485 447 4067 2.99R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. His only comment is that a 1% increase in the percent of males that are college graduates results is associated with about a $180 increase in male income and that there is evidence her that the relationship is significant. He then describes three dummy variables: NE = 1 if the state is in the Northeast (Maine through Pennsylvania in his listing); MW = 1 if the state is in the Midwest (Ohio through Kansas) and SO = 1 if the state is in the South (Delaware through Texas). If all of the dummy variables are zero, the state is in the West (Montana through Hawaii). I ran the regression with all six independent variables. MTB > regress c2 6 c3-c8; SUBC> VIF; SUBC> brief 2. Regression Analysis: MIM versus PMHS, PURBAN, MAGE, NE, MW, SO The regression equation is MIM = - 1294 + 198 PMHS + 49.4 PURBAN - 42 MAGE + 247 NE + 757 MW + 1269 SO 252y0581s 12/5/05 Predictor Constant PMHS PURBAN MAGE NE MW SO Coef -1294 198.13 49.36 -42.1 246.6 756.7 1268.9 S = 1271.71 SE Coef 5394 53.97 14.27 151.6 723.7 608.2 863.0 R-Sq = 57.7% T -0.24 3.67 3.46 -0.28 0.34 1.24 1.47 DF 1 1 1 1 1 1 VIF 3.8 1.4 1.5 2.4 2.1 5.2 R-Sq(adj) = 51.9% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 6 96890414 Residual Error 44 71158768 Total 50 168049183 Source PMHS PURBAN MAGE NE MW SO P 0.811 0.001 0.001 0.783 0.735 0.220 0.149 MS 16148402 1617245 F 9.99 P 0.000 Seq SS 67720854 23781889 281110 1416569 193443 3496549 Unusual Observations Obs PMHS MIM Fit SE Fit Residual St Resid 50 81.9 21552 16999 543 4553 3.96R R denotes an observation with a large standardized residual. He has asked whether region affects the independent variable, on the strength of the significance tests in the output above, he concludes that the regional variables do not have any affect on male income. (Median Age looks pretty bad too.) There are two ways to confirm these conclusions. Caniglia does one of these, an F test that shows whether the regional variables as a group have any effect. He says that they do not. Another way to test this is by using a stepwise regression. MTB > stepwise c2 c3-c8 Stepwise Regression: MIM versus PMHS, PURBAN, MAGE, NE, MW, SO Alpha-to-Enter: 0.15 Alpha-to-Remove: 0.15 Response is MIM on 6 predictors, with N = 51 Step Constant 1 2736 2 2528 PMHS T-Value P-Value 180 5.75 0.000 134 4.46 0.000 PURBAN T-Value P-Value S R-Sq R-Sq(adj) Mallows C-p 50 3.86 0.000 1431 40.30 39.08 15.0 1263 54.45 52.55 2.3 More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> y No variables entered or removed More? (Yes, No, Subcommand, or Help) SUBC> n What happens is that the computer picks PMHS as the most valuable independent variable, and gets the same result that appeared in the simple regression above. It then adds PURBAN and gets MIM = 2528 + 134 PMHS + 50 PURBAN. The coefficients of the 2 independent variables are significant, the adjusted R-Sq is higher than the adjusted R-sq with all 6 predictors and the computer refuses to add any more independent variables. So it looks like we have found our ‘best’ regression. (See the text for interpretation VIFs and C-p’s.) 252y0581s 12/5/05 So here is your job. Update this work. Use any income per person variable, a mean or a median for men, women or everybody. Find measures of urbanization or median age. Fix the categorization of states if you don’t like it. Regress state incomes against the revised data. Remove the variables with insignificant coefficients. If you can think of new variables add them. (Last year I suggested trying percent of output or labor force in manufacturing.) Make sure that you pick variables that can be compared state to state. Though you can legitimately ask whether size of a state affects per capita income, using total amount produced in manufacturing is poor because it’s just going to be big for big states. Similarly the fraction of the workforce with a certain education level is far better then the number. For instructions on how to do a regression, try the material in Doing a Regression. For data sources, try the sites mentioned in 252datalinks. Problem 2: Recently the Heritage Foundation produced the graph below. What I want to know is if you can develop an equation relating per capita income (the dependent variable) and Economic freedom x . Because it is pretty obvious that a straight line won’t work, you will probably need to create a x 2 variable too. But I would like to know what parts of ‘economic freedom’ affect per capita income. In addition to the Heritage Foundation Sources, the CIFP site mentioned in 252datalinks, and the CIA Factbook might provide some interesting independent variables. You should probably use a sample of no more than 50 countries and it’s up to you what variables to use. You are, of course, looking for significant coefficients and high R-squares. For instructions on how to do a regression, try the material in Doing a Regression. 252y0581s 12/5/05 B. Do only Problem 1 or problem 2. (Problem Due to Donald R Byrkit). Four different job candidates are interviewed by seven executives. These are rated for 7 traits on a scale of 1-10 and the scores are added together to create a total score for each candidate-rater pair that is between 0 and 70. The results appear below. Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Raters Moore Gaston Heinrich Seldon Greasy Waters Pierce of of of of of of Lee 52 38 54 43 58 36 52 Candidates Jacobs 25 31 38 30 44 28 41 Wilkes 29 24 40 31 46 22 37 Delap 33 29 39 28 47 25 45 Jacobs = 237 squares (uncorrected) of Jacobs = 8331 Wilkes = 229 squares (uncorrected) of Wilkes = 7947 Delap = 246 squares (uncorrected) of Delap = 9094 Personalize the data by adding the second to last digit of of your student number to Lee’s column. For example Roland Dough’s student number is 123689, so he uses 52 + 8 = 60, 38 + 8 = 46, 62 etc. If the second to last digit of your student number is zero, add 10. Problem 1: a) Assume that a Normal distribution applies and use a statistical prodedure to compare the column means, treating each column as an independent random sample. If you conclude that there is a difference between the column means, use an individual confidence interval to see if there is a significant difference between the best and second-best candidate. If you conclude that there is no difference between the means, use an individual confidence interval to see if there is a significant difference between the best and worst candidate. (6) b) Now assume that a Normal distribution does not apply but that the columns are still independent randon samples and use an appropriate procedure to compare the column medians. (4) [16] Problem 2: a) Assume that a Normal distribution applies and use a statistical prodedure to compare the column means, taking note of the fact that each row represents one executive. If you conclude that there is a difference between the column means, use an individual confidence interval to see if there is a significant difference between the best and second-best candidate. If you conclude that there is no difference between the column means, use an individual confidence interval to see if there is a significant difference between the kindest and least kind executive. (8) b) Now assume that a Normal distribution does not apply but that each row represents the opinion of one rater and use an appropriate procedure to compare the column medians. (4) c) Use Kendall’s coefficient of concordance to show how the raters differ and do a significance test. (3) Problem 3: (Extra Credit) Decide between the methods used in Problem 1 and Problem 2. To do this test for equal variances and for Normality on the computer. What is your decision? Why? (4) You can do most of this with the following commands in Minitab if you put your data in 3 columns of Minitab with A, B, C and D above them. MTB > MTB > SUBC> SUBC> MTB > MTB > AOVOneway A B C D stack A B C D C11; subscripts C12; UseNames. rank C11 C13 vartest C11 C12 MTB > Unstack (c13); SUBC> Subscripts c12; SUBC> After; SUBC> VarNames. MTB > NormTest 'A'; SUBC> KSTest. #Does a 1-way ANOVA # Stacks the data in c12, col.no. in c12. #Puts the ranks of the stacked data in c13 #Does a bunch of tests, including Levene’s On stacked data in c11 with IDs in c12. #Unstacks the ranks in the next available # columns. Uses IDs in c12. #Does a test (apparently Lilliefors)for Normality # on column A. 252y0581s 12/5/05 C. You may do both problems. These are intended to be done by hand. A table version of the data for problem 2 is provided in 2005data1 which can be downloaded to Minitab. I do not want Minitab results for these data except for Problem 2e. Problem 1: Using data from the 1970s and 1980s, Alan S. Caniglia calculated a regression of nonresidential investment on the change in level of final sales to verify the accelerator model of investment. This theory says that because capital stock must be approximately proportional to production, investment will be driven by changes in output. In order to check his work I put together a data set 2005series. The last two years of the series are in Exhibit C1 below. Exhibit C1 Row Date 73 1988 01 74 1988 02 75 1988 03 76 1988 04 77 1989 01 78 1989 02 79 1989 03 80 1989 04 RPFI 862.406 879.330 882.704 891.502 900.401 901.643 917.375 902.298 Sales 6637.22 6716.38 6749.47 6835.07 6873.33 6933.55 7015.34 7026.76 Sales-4Q 6344.41 6431.37 6510.82 6542.55 6637.22 6716.38 6749.47 6835.07 Change 292.815 285.006 238.644 292.522 236.106 217.171 265.876 191.695 DEFL %Y 2.897 3.318 3.699 3.724 4.013 4.016 3.596 3.537 MINT % 9.88 9.67 9.96 9.51 9.62 9.79 8.93 8.92 RINT 6.983 6.352 6.261 5.786 5.607 5.774 5.334 5.383 ‘Date’ consists of the year and the quarter. ‘RPFI’ consists of real fixed private investment from 2005InvestSeries1. ‘Sales’ consists of sales data (actually a version of gross domestic product) from 2005SalesSeries1. ‘Sales-4Q’ (Sales 4 Quarters earlier’ is also sales data from 2005SalesSeries1, but is the data of one year earlier. (Note that the 1989 numbers in ‘Sales-4Q’ are identical to the 1988 numbers in ‘Sales.’ ‘Change’ is ‘Sales’ – ‘Sales-4Q. ‘DEFL %Y’ is the percent change in the gross domestic deflator over the last year (a measure of inflation) taken from 2005deflSeries1. ‘MINT %’ is an estimate of the percent return on Aaa bonds taken from 2005intSeries1. Only the values for January, April, July and October are used since quarterly data was not available. ‘RINT’ (an estimate of the real interest rate) is ‘MINT %’ - ‘DEFL %Y’. These are manipulated in the input to the regression program as in Exhibit C2 below. Exhibit C2 Row Time 73 1988 01 74 1988 02 75 1988 03 76 1988 04 77 1989 01 78 1989 02 79 1989 03 80 1989 04 Y 86.2406 87.9330 88.2704 89.1502 90.0401 90.1643 91.7375 90.2298 X1 29.2815 28.5006 23.8644 29.2522 23.6106 21.7171 26.5876 19.1695 X2 6.98 6.35 6.26 5.79 5.61 5.77 5.33 5.38 Here Y is ‘RFPI’ divided by 10. X1 is ‘Change’ divided by 10. X2 is ‘RINT’ rounded to eliminate the last decimal place. If you don’t understand how I got Exhibit C2 from Exhibit C1 find out before you go any further, Personalize the data by adding one year (four values) to the data in 2005 series. Pick the year to be added by adding the last digit of your student number to 1990. Make sure that I know the year you are using. Then get, for your year, ‘RPFI’ from 2005InvestSeries1, ‘Sales’ from 2005SalesSeries1, ‘Sales-4Q’ from 2005SalesSeries1 (Make sure that you use the sales of one year earlier, not 1989 unless your year is 1990.), ‘DEFL %Y’ 2005deflSeries1 and ‘MINT %’ from 2005intSeries1. Calculate ‘Change’ by subtracting ‘Sales-4Q ’ from ‘Sales.’ If you are going to do Problem 2, calculate ‘RINT’ by subtracting ‘DEFL %Y’ from ‘MINT %.’ Present your four rows of new values in the format of Exhibit C1. Now manipulate your numbers to the form in Exhibit C2 and again present your four rows of numbers. These are observations 81 through 84. Now it’s time to compute your spare parts. The following are computed for you from the data for 1970 through 1989. 252y0581s 12/5/05 Sum of Y = 5323.20 Sum of X1 = 1283.42 Sum of X2 = 328.33 Sum of Ysq = 371032 Sum of X1sq = 30307.57 Sum of X2sq = 2080.65 Sum of X1Y = 92676.9 Sum of X2Y = 24188.2 Sum of X1X2 = 6324.09 Y 5323 .2 X 1 1283.42 X 2 328.33 Y 371032 X 30307 .6 X 2080 .65 X 1 Y 92676.9 X 2 Y 24188.2 X 1 X 2 6324.09 n 80 2 2 1 2 2 Add the results of your data to these sums (You only need the sums involving X1 and Y if you are not doing Problem 2.) (Show your work!) and do the following. a. Compute the regression equation Yˆ b0 b1 x1 to predict investment on the basis of change in sales only. (2) b. Compute R 2 . (2) c. Compute s e . (2) d. Compute s b0 and do a significance test on b0 (1.5) e. Compute s b1 and do a significance test on b1 (2) f. In the first quarter of 2001 sales were 9883.167, the interest rate was 7.15% and the gdp inflation rate was 2.176%. In the first quarter of 2000 sales were 9668.827. Get values of Y and X1 from this and predict the level of investment for 2001. Using this create a confidence interval or a prediction interval for investment in 2001 as appropriate. (3) g. Do an ANOVA table for the regression. What conclusion can you draw from the hypothesis test in the ANOVA? (2) [30] Problem 2: Continue with the data in problem 1. a. Compute the regression equation Yˆ b0 b1 x1 b2 x 2 to predict investment on the basis of real interest rates and change in sales. Do not attempt to use the value of b1 you got in problem 1. Is the sign of the coefficient what you expected? Why? (5) b. Compute R-squared and R-squared adjusted for degrees of freedom for this regression and compare them with the values for the previous problem. (2) c. Using either R – squares or SST, SSR and SSE do an F tests (ANOVA). First check the usefulness of the multiple regression and show whether the use of real interest rates gives a significant improvement in explanatory power of the regression? (Don’t say a word without referring to a statistical test.) (3) d. Use the values in 1f to compute a predicition for 2001 investment. By what percent does the predicted investment change if you add real interest rates. (2) e. If you are prepared to explain the results of VIF and Durbin-Watson (Check the text!), run the regression of Y on X1 and X2 using MTB > Regress Y 2 X1 X2; SUBC> VIF; SUBC> DW; SUBC> Brief 2. Explain your results. (2) [44] 252y0581s 12/5/05 ————— 12/5/2005 6:36:00 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x050812B.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05081-2B.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Dec 02 2005 Results for: 252x05081-2B.MTW MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x050812B.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05081-2B.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > Print c11-c18 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 Date 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 RPFI 438.783 429.062 436.651 436.970 446.842 465.210 474.075 487.205 508.931 517.997 523.622 547.866 571.154 576.056 574.361 568.585 555.187 547.212 537.591 507.168 476.057 469.408 481.178 490.126 510.526 519.190 524.579 551.527 571.473 603.340 611.248 622.480 627.551 673.168 692.409 707.033 712.607 706.983 719.777 713.078 702.987 641.822 648.101 Sales 3777.99 3770.96 3804.63 3797.22 3844.65 3871.30 3905.17 3952.51 4006.87 4073.05 4109.55 4204.81 4296.37 4317.35 4322.62 4327.31 4322.72 4328.67 4316.28 4254.50 4287.78 4331.02 4370.06 4421.11 4482.11 4496.26 4523.69 4587.13 4631.54 4705.53 4755.21 4794.05 4799.52 4989.95 5036.02 5100.63 5117.81 5117.91 5192.28 5216.88 5227.32 5126.20 5193.45 Sales-4Q 3730.46 3748.61 3767.64 3768.13 3777.99 3770.96 3804.63 3797.22 3844.65 3871.30 3905.17 3952.51 4006.87 4073.05 4109.55 4204.81 4296.37 4317.35 4322.62 4327.31 4322.72 4328.67 4316.28 4254.50 4287.78 4331.02 4370.06 4421.11 4482.11 4496.26 4523.69 4587.13 4631.54 4705.53 4755.21 4794.05 4799.52 4989.95 5036.02 5100.63 5117.81 5117.91 5192.28 Diff 47.533 22.352 36.992 29.086 66.664 100.337 100.533 155.290 162.219 201.749 204.385 252.308 289.496 244.305 213.071 122.494 26.353 11.322 -6.344 -72.813 -34.942 2.343 53.780 166.611 194.331 165.245 153.630 166.026 149.433 209.264 231.518 206.922 167.978 284.421 280.809 306.577 318.289 127.960 156.265 116.247 109.513 8.296 1.172 DEFL %Y 5.580 5.663 4.994 4.982 5.060 4.995 5.216 4.706 4.770 4.032 3.991 4.536 4.160 5.144 6.162 6.845 7.595 8.451 9.504 10.589 11.008 10.105 8.949 7.645 6.391 5.918 5.408 5.476 6.033 6.428 6.270 6.639 6.481 6.887 7.351 7.286 7.574 8.246 8.775 8.651 9.021 8.747 8.870 MINT % 7.91 7.83 8.44 8.03 7.36 7.25 7.64 7.39 7.19 7.30 7.21 7.21 7.15 7.26 7.45 7.60 7.83 8.25 8.72 9.27 8.83 8.95 8.84 8.86 8.60 8.40 8.56 8.32 7.96 8.04 7.94 8.04 8.41 8.56 8.88 8.89 9.25 9.38 9.20 10.13 11.09 12.04 11.07 RINT 2.330 2.167 3.446 3.048 2.300 2.255 2.424 2.684 2.420 3.268 3.219 2.674 2.990 2.116 1.288 0.755 0.235 -0.201 -0.784 -1.319 -2.178 -1.155 -0.109 1.215 2.209 2.482 3.152 2.844 1.927 1.612 1.670 1.401 1.929 1.673 1.529 1.604 1.676 1.134 0.425 1.479 2.069 3.293 2.200 252y0581s 12/5/05 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 673.823 678.726 683.209 683.276 680.824 659.955 637.003 619.256 618.199 631.832 656.160 695.331 735.996 759.065 790.361 807.335 821.942 828.138 838.581 831.815 847.563 848.806 846.758 841.956 847.480 830.807 845.666 863.665 863.631 862.406 879.330 882.704 891.502 900.401 901.643 917.375 902.298 5239.72 5261.68 5272.81 5278.47 5247.43 5232.89 5230.54 5196.58 5273.29 5329.22 5404.57 5505.11 5577.04 5614.42 5717.49 5770.20 5854.63 5953.01 5998.50 6095.81 6121.19 6184.14 6230.50 6317.76 6354.95 6344.41 6431.37 6510.82 6542.55 6637.22 6716.38 6749.47 6835.07 6873.33 6933.55 7015.34 7026.76 5216.88 5227.32 5126.20 5193.45 5239.72 5261.68 5272.81 5278.47 5247.43 5232.89 5230.54 5196.58 5273.29 5329.22 5404.57 5505.11 5577.04 5614.42 5717.49 5770.20 5854.63 5953.01 5998.50 6095.81 6121.19 6184.14 6230.50 6317.76 6354.95 6344.41 6431.37 6510.82 6542.55 6637.22 6716.38 6749.47 6835.07 MTB > print c1-c4 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 1971 1972 1972 1972 1972 1973 1973 1973 1973 1974 1974 1974 1974 1975 1975 1975 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 Y 43.8783 42.9062 43.6651 43.6970 44.6842 46.5210 47.4075 48.7205 50.8931 51.7997 52.3622 54.7866 57.1154 57.6056 57.4361 56.8585 55.5187 54.7212 53.7591 50.7168 47.6057 46.9408 48.1178 X1 4.7533 2.2352 3.6992 2.9086 6.6664 10.0337 10.0533 15.5290 16.2219 20.1749 20.4385 25.2308 28.9496 24.4305 21.3071 12.2494 2.6353 1.1322 -0.6344 -7.2813 -3.4942 0.2343 5.3780 X2 2.33 2.17 3.45 3.05 2.30 2.26 2.42 2.68 2.42 3.27 3.22 2.67 2.99 2.12 1.29 0.76 0.24 -0.20 -0.78 -1.32 -2.18 -1.16 -0.11 22.839 34.356 146.602 85.014 7.711 -28.793 -42.262 -81.891 25.865 96.336 174.029 308.529 303.747 285.201 312.921 265.094 277.588 338.591 281.004 325.610 266.558 231.128 232.007 221.953 233.764 160.267 200.870 193.062 187.596 292.815 285.006 238.644 292.522 236.106 217.171 265.876 191.695 9.691 10.196 9.839 9.313 8.307 7.021 6.321 5.937 5.161 4.602 4.095 3.696 3.365 3.804 3.949 3.718 3.595 3.468 3.168 2.774 2.784 2.165 2.106 2.274 2.282 2.597 2.629 2.799 2.872 2.897 3.318 3.699 3.724 4.013 4.016 3.596 3.537 12.31 12.81 13.88 14.38 15.40 15.18 14.46 14.61 12.12 11.79 11.51 12.15 12.25 12.20 12.81 13.44 12.63 12.08 12.23 10.97 11.02 10.05 8.79 8.88 8.86 8.36 8.85 9.42 10.52 9.88 9.67 9.96 9.51 9.62 9.79 8.93 8.92 2.619 2.614 4.041 5.067 7.093 8.159 8.139 8.673 6.959 7.188 7.415 8.454 8.885 8.396 8.861 9.722 9.035 8.612 9.062 8.196 8.236 7.885 6.684 6.606 6.578 5.763 6.221 6.621 7.648 6.983 6.352 6.261 5.786 5.607 5.774 5.334 5.383 252y0581s 12/5/05 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 1975 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 1981 1981 1982 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1985 1986 1986 1986 1986 1987 1987 1987 1987 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 01 02 03 04 49.0126 51.0526 51.9190 52.4579 55.1527 57.1473 60.3340 61.1248 62.2480 62.7551 67.3168 69.2409 70.7033 71.2607 70.6983 71.9777 71.3078 70.2987 64.1822 64.8101 67.3823 67.8726 68.3209 68.3276 68.0824 65.9955 63.7003 61.9256 61.8199 63.1832 65.6160 69.5331 73.5996 75.9065 79.0361 80.7335 82.1942 82.8138 83.8581 83.1815 84.7563 84.8806 84.6758 84.1956 84.7480 83.0807 84.5666 86.3665 86.3631 86.2406 87.9330 88.2704 89.1502 90.0401 90.1643 91.7375 90.2298 16.6611 19.4331 16.5245 15.3630 16.6026 14.9433 20.9264 23.1518 20.6922 16.7978 28.4421 28.0809 30.6577 31.8289 12.7960 15.6265 11.6247 10.9513 0.8296 0.1172 2.2839 3.4356 14.6602 8.5014 0.7711 -2.8793 -4.2262 -8.1891 2.5865 9.6336 17.4029 30.8529 30.3747 28.5201 31.2921 26.5094 27.7588 33.8591 28.1004 32.5610 26.6558 23.1128 23.2007 22.1953 23.3764 16.0267 20.0870 19.3062 18.7596 29.2815 28.5006 23.8644 29.2522 23.6106 21.7171 26.5876 19.1695 regress c2 1 c3; VIF; DW; Brief 2. Regression Analysis: Y versus X1 The regression equation is Y = 54.5 + 0.749 X1 1.22 2.21 2.48 3.15 2.84 1.93 1.61 1.67 1.40 1.93 1.67 1.53 1.60 1.68 1.13 0.43 1.48 2.07 3.29 2.20 2.62 2.61 4.04 5.07 7.09 8.16 8.14 8.67 6.96 7.19 7.42 8.45 8.89 8.40 8.86 9.72 9.04 8.61 9.06 8.20 8.24 7.89 6.68 6.61 6.58 5.76 6.22 6.62 7.65 6.98 6.35 6.26 5.79 5.61 5.77 5.33 5.38 252y0581s 12/5/05 Predictor Constant X1 Coef 54.525 0.7490 S = 12.0764 SE Coef 2.384 0.1225 R-Sq = 32.4% T 22.87 6.11 P 0.000 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 31.5% Analysis of Variance Source DF SS Regression 1 5451.3 Residual Error 78 11375.5 Total 79 16826.8 MS 5451.3 145.8 F 37.38 P 0.000 Durbin-Watson statistic = 0.0951522 MTB > SUBC> SUBC> SUBC> Regress c2 2 c3 c4; VIF; DW; Brief 2. Regression Analysis: Y versus X1, X2 The regression equation is Y = 48.6 + 0.476 X1 + 2.51 X2 Predictor Constant X1 X2 Coef 48.610 0.4764 2.5067 S = 9.86336 SE Coef 2.161 0.1090 0.3967 R-Sq = 55.5% T 22.50 4.37 6.32 P 0.000 0.000 0.000 VIF 1.2 1.2 R-Sq(adj) = 54.3% Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source X1 X2 DF 1 1 DF 2 77 79 SS 9335.8 7491.0 16826.8 MS 4667.9 97.3 F 47.98 P 0.000 Seq SS 5451.3 3884.5 Unusual Observations Obs X1 Y Fit 50 -4.2 63.70 67.00 51 -8.2 61.93 66.44 SE Fit 3.38 3.91 Residual -3.30 -4.52 St Resid -0.36 X -0.50 X X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. Durbin-Watson statistic = 0.0952666 MTB > print c5-c10 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Ysq 1925.31 1840.94 1906.64 1909.43 1996.68 2164.20 2247.47 2373.69 2590.11 2683.21 2741.80 3001.57 3262.17 X1sq 22.59 5.00 13.68 8.46 44.44 100.68 101.07 241.15 263.15 407.03 417.73 636.59 838.08 X2sq 5.4289 4.7089 11.9025 9.3025 5.2900 5.1076 5.8564 7.1824 5.8564 10.6929 10.3684 7.1289 8.9401 X1Y 208.57 95.90 161.53 127.10 297.88 466.78 476.60 756.58 825.58 1045.05 1070.20 1382.31 1653.47 X2Y 102.236 93.106 150.645 133.276 102.774 105.137 114.726 130.571 123.161 169.385 168.606 146.280 170.775 X1X2 11.075 4.850 12.762 8.871 15.333 22.676 24.329 41.618 39.257 65.972 65.812 67.366 86.559 252y0581s 12/5/05 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 3318.41 3298.91 3232.89 3082.33 2994.41 2890.04 2572.19 2266.30 2203.44 2315.32 2402.23 2606.37 2695.58 2751.83 3041.82 3265.81 3640.19 3736.24 3874.81 3938.20 4531.55 4794.30 4998.96 5078.09 4998.25 5180.79 5084.80 4941.91 4119.35 4200.35 4540.37 4606.69 4667.75 4668.66 4635.21 4355.41 4057.73 3834.78 3821.70 3992.12 4305.46 4834.85 5416.90 5761.80 6246.71 6517.90 6755.89 6858.13 7032.18 6919.16 7183.63 7204.72 7169.99 7088.90 7182.22 6902.40 7151.51 7459.17 7458.59 7437.44 7732.21 7791.66 7947.76 8107.22 8129.60 8415.77 8141.42 596.85 453.99 150.05 6.94 1.28 0.40 53.02 12.21 0.05 28.92 277.59 377.65 273.06 236.02 275.65 223.30 437.91 536.01 428.17 282.17 808.95 788.54 939.89 1013.08 163.74 244.19 135.13 119.93 0.69 0.01 5.22 11.80 214.92 72.27 0.59 8.29 17.86 67.06 6.69 92.81 302.86 951.90 922.62 813.40 979.20 702.75 770.55 1146.44 789.63 1060.22 710.53 534.20 538.27 492.63 546.46 256.86 403.49 372.73 351.92 857.41 812.28 569.51 855.69 557.46 471.63 706.90 367.47 4.4944 1.6641 0.5776 0.0576 0.0400 0.6084 1.7424 4.7524 1.3456 0.0121 1.4884 4.8841 6.1504 9.9225 8.0656 3.7249 2.5921 2.7889 1.9600 3.7249 2.7889 2.3409 2.5600 2.8224 1.2769 0.1849 2.1904 4.2849 10.8241 4.8400 6.8644 6.8121 16.3216 25.7049 50.2681 66.5856 66.2596 75.1689 48.4416 51.6961 55.0564 71.4025 79.0321 70.5600 78.4996 94.4784 81.7216 74.1321 82.0836 67.2400 67.8976 62.2521 44.6224 43.6921 43.2964 33.1776 38.6884 43.8244 58.5225 48.7204 40.3225 39.1876 33.5241 31.4721 33.2929 28.4089 28.9444 1407.33 1223.80 696.48 146.31 61.96 -34.10 -369.28 -166.34 11.00 258.78 816.60 992.11 857.94 805.91 915.68 853.97 1262.57 1415.15 1288.05 1054.15 1914.63 1944.35 2167.60 2268.15 904.66 1124.76 828.93 769.86 53.25 7.60 153.89 233.18 1001.60 580.88 52.50 -190.02 -269.21 -507.11 159.90 608.68 1141.91 2145.30 2235.57 2164.86 2473.21 2140.20 2281.61 2804.00 2356.45 2708.47 2259.25 1961.83 1964.54 1868.75 1981.10 1331.51 1698.69 1667.41 1620.14 2525.25 2506.14 2106.52 2607.84 2125.90 1958.11 2439.08 1729.66 122.124 74.093 43.212 13.324 -10.944 -41.932 -66.946 -103.780 -54.451 -5.293 59.795 112.826 128.759 165.242 156.634 110.294 97.138 102.078 87.147 121.117 112.419 105.939 113.125 119.718 79.889 30.950 105.536 145.518 211.159 142.582 176.542 177.147 276.016 346.421 482.704 538.523 518.520 536.895 430.267 454.287 486.871 587.555 654.300 637.615 700.260 784.730 743.036 713.027 759.754 682.088 698.392 669.708 565.634 556.533 557.642 478.545 526.004 571.746 660.678 601.959 558.375 552.573 516.180 505.125 520.248 488.961 485.436 51.793 27.486 9.310 0.632 -0.226 0.495 9.611 7.617 -0.272 -0.592 20.327 42.947 40.981 48.393 47.151 28.841 33.692 38.664 28.969 32.420 47.498 42.964 49.052 53.473 14.459 6.719 17.205 22.669 2.729 0.258 5.984 8.967 59.227 43.102 5.467 -23.495 -34.401 -70.999 18.002 69.266 129.130 260.707 270.031 239.569 277.248 257.671 250.940 291.527 254.590 267.000 219.644 182.360 154.981 146.711 153.817 92.314 124.941 127.807 143.511 204.385 180.979 149.391 169.370 132.455 125.308 141.712 103.132 252y0581s 12/5/05 MTB > sum c2 Sum of Y Sum of Y = 5323.20 MTB > sum c3 Sum of X1 Sum of X1 = 1283.42 MTB > sum c4 Sum of X2 Sum of X2 = 328.33 MTB > sum c5 Sum of Ysq Sum of Ysq = 371032 MTB > sum c6 Sum of X1sq Sum of X1sq = 30307.6 MTB > sum c7 Sum of X2sq Sum of X2sq = 2080.65 MTB > sum c8 Sum of X1Y Sum of X1Y = 92676.9 MTB > sum c9 Sum of X2Y Sum of X2Y = 24188.2 MTB > sum c10 Sum of X1X2 Sum of X1X2 = 6324.09 MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x050812B.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05081-2B.MTW' Existing file replaced. Spare Parts Computation – Y, X1, X2 in Columns 1-3. MTB > exec '252OLS2' Executing from file: 252OLS2.MTB Regression Analysis: y versus x1 The regression equation is y = 54.5 + 0.749 x1 Predictor Constant x1 S = 12.0764 Coef 54.525 0.7490 SE Coef 2.384 0.1225 R-Sq = 32.4% T 22.87 6.11 P 0.000 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 31.5% 252y0581s 12/5/05 Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total DF 1 78 79 SS 5451.3 11375.5 16826.8 MS 5451.3 145.8 F 37.38 P 0.000 Regression Analysis: y versus x1, x2 The regression equation is y = 48.6 + 0.476 x1 + 2.51 x2 Predictor Constant x1 x2 Coef 48.610 0.4764 2.5067 S = 9.86336 SE Coef 2.161 0.1090 0.3967 R-Sq = 55.5% T 22.50 4.37 6.32 P 0.000 0.000 0.000 R-Sq(adj) = 54.3% Analysis of Variance Source Regression Residual Error Total Source x1 x2 DF 1 1 DF 2 77 79 SS 9335.8 7491.0 16826.8 MS 4667.9 97.3 F 47.98 P 0.000 Seq SS 5451.3 3884.5 Unusual Observations Obs 50 51 x1 -4.2 -8.2 y 63.70 61.93 Fit 67.00 66.44 SE Fit 3.38 3.91 Residual -3.30 -4.52 St Resid -0.36 X -0.50 X X denotes an observation whose X value gives it large influence. Executing from file: 252OLS2namer.MTB Executing from file: 252OLS2sumer.MTB Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 y 43.8783 42.9062 43.6651 43.6970 44.6842 46.5210 47.4075 48.7205 50.8931 51.7997 52.3622 54.7866 57.1154 57.6056 57.4361 56.8585 x1 4.7533 2.2352 3.6992 2.9086 6.6664 10.0337 10.0533 15.5290 16.2219 20.1749 20.4385 25.2308 28.9496 24.4305 21.3071 12.2494 x2 2.33 2.17 3.45 3.05 2.30 2.26 2.42 2.68 2.42 3.27 3.22 2.67 2.99 2.12 1.29 0.76 252y0581s 12/5/05 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 55.5187 54.7212 53.7591 50.7168 47.6057 46.9408 48.1178 49.0126 51.0526 51.9190 52.4579 55.1527 57.1473 60.3340 61.1248 62.2480 62.7551 67.3168 69.2409 70.7033 71.2607 70.6983 71.9777 71.3078 70.2987 64.1822 64.8101 67.3823 67.8726 68.3209 68.3276 68.0824 65.9955 63.7003 61.9256 61.8199 63.1832 65.6160 69.5331 73.5996 75.9065 79.0361 80.7335 82.1942 82.8138 83.8581 83.1815 84.7563 84.8806 84.6758 84.1956 84.7480 83.0807 84.5666 86.3665 86.3631 86.2406 87.9330 88.2704 89.1502 90.0401 90.1643 91.7375 90.2298 Data Display 2.6353 1.1322 -0.6344 -7.2813 -3.4942 0.2343 5.3780 16.6611 19.4331 16.5245 15.3630 16.6026 14.9433 20.9264 23.1518 20.6922 16.7978 28.4421 28.0809 30.6577 31.8289 12.7960 15.6265 11.6247 10.9513 0.8296 0.1172 2.2839 3.4356 14.6602 8.5014 0.7711 -2.8793 -4.2262 -8.1891 2.5865 9.6336 17.4029 30.8529 30.3747 28.5201 31.2921 26.5094 27.7588 33.8591 28.1004 32.5610 26.6558 23.1128 23.2007 22.1953 23.3764 16.0267 20.0870 19.3062 18.7596 29.2815 28.5006 23.8644 29.2522 23.6106 21.7171 26.5876 19.1695 0.24 -0.20 -0.78 -1.32 -2.18 -1.16 -0.11 1.22 2.21 2.48 3.15 2.84 1.93 1.61 1.67 1.40 1.93 1.67 1.53 1.60 1.68 1.13 0.43 1.48 2.07 3.29 2.20 2.62 2.61 4.04 5.07 7.09 8.16 8.14 8.67 6.96 7.19 7.42 8.45 8.89 8.40 8.86 9.72 9.04 8.61 9.06 8.20 8.24 7.89 6.68 6.61 6.58 5.76 6.22 6.62 7.65 6.98 6.35 6.26 5.79 5.61 5.77 5.33 5.38 252y0581s 12/5/05 Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 x1sq 22.59 5.00 13.68 8.46 44.44 100.68 101.07 241.15 263.15 407.03 417.73 636.59 838.08 596.85 453.99 150.05 6.94 1.28 0.40 53.02 12.21 0.05 28.92 277.59 377.65 273.06 236.02 275.65 223.30 437.91 536.01 428.17 282.17 808.95 788.54 939.89 1013.08 163.74 244.19 135.13 119.93 0.69 0.01 5.22 11.80 214.92 72.27 0.59 8.29 17.86 67.06 6.69 92.81 302.86 951.90 922.62 813.40 979.20 702.75 770.55 1146.44 789.63 1060.22 710.53 534.20 538.27 x2sq 5.4289 4.7089 11.9025 9.3025 5.2900 5.1076 5.8564 7.1824 5.8564 10.6929 10.3684 7.1289 8.9401 4.4944 1.6641 0.5776 0.0576 0.0400 0.6084 1.7424 4.7524 1.3456 0.0121 1.4884 4.8841 6.1504 9.9225 8.0656 3.7249 2.5921 2.7889 1.9600 3.7249 2.7889 2.3409 2.5600 2.8224 1.2769 0.1849 2.1904 4.2849 10.8241 4.8400 6.8644 6.8121 16.3216 25.7049 50.2681 66.5856 66.2596 75.1689 48.4416 51.6961 55.0564 71.4025 79.0321 70.5600 78.4996 94.4784 81.7216 74.1321 82.0836 67.2400 67.8976 62.2521 44.6224 ysq 1925.31 1840.94 1906.64 1909.43 1996.68 2164.20 2247.47 2373.69 2590.11 2683.21 2741.80 3001.57 3262.17 3318.41 3298.91 3232.89 3082.33 2994.41 2890.04 2572.19 2266.30 2203.44 2315.32 2402.23 2606.37 2695.58 2751.83 3041.82 3265.81 3640.19 3736.24 3874.81 3938.20 4531.55 4794.30 4998.96 5078.09 4998.25 5180.79 5084.80 4941.91 4119.35 4200.35 4540.37 4606.69 4667.75 4668.66 4635.21 4355.41 4057.73 3834.78 3821.70 3992.12 4305.46 4834.85 5416.90 5761.80 6246.71 6517.90 6755.89 6858.13 7032.18 6919.16 7183.63 7204.72 7169.99 x1y 208.57 95.90 161.53 127.10 297.88 466.78 476.60 756.58 825.58 1045.05 1070.20 1382.31 1653.47 1407.33 1223.80 696.48 146.31 61.96 -34.10 -369.28 -166.34 11.00 258.78 816.60 992.11 857.94 805.91 915.68 853.97 1262.57 1415.15 1288.05 1054.15 1914.63 1944.35 2167.60 2268.15 904.66 1124.76 828.93 769.86 53.25 7.60 153.89 233.18 1001.60 580.88 52.50 -190.02 -269.21 -507.11 159.90 608.68 1141.91 2145.30 2235.57 2164.86 2473.21 2140.20 2281.61 2804.00 2356.45 2708.47 2259.25 1961.83 1964.54 x2y 102.236 93.106 150.645 133.276 102.774 105.137 114.726 130.571 123.161 169.385 168.606 146.280 170.775 122.124 74.093 43.212 13.324 -10.944 -41.932 -66.946 -103.780 -54.451 -5.293 59.795 112.826 128.759 165.242 156.634 110.294 97.138 102.078 87.147 121.117 112.419 105.939 113.125 119.718 79.889 30.950 105.536 145.518 211.159 142.582 176.542 177.147 276.016 346.421 482.704 538.523 518.520 536.895 430.267 454.287 486.871 587.555 654.300 637.615 700.260 784.730 743.036 713.027 759.754 682.088 698.392 669.708 565.634 x1x2 11.075 4.850 12.762 8.871 15.333 22.676 24.329 41.618 39.257 65.972 65.812 67.366 86.559 51.793 27.486 9.310 0.632 -0.226 0.495 9.611 7.617 -0.272 -0.592 20.327 42.947 40.981 48.393 47.151 28.841 33.692 38.664 28.969 32.420 47.498 42.964 49.052 53.473 14.459 6.719 17.205 22.669 2.729 0.258 5.984 8.967 59.227 43.102 5.467 -23.495 -34.401 -70.999 18.002 69.266 129.130 260.707 270.031 239.569 277.248 257.671 250.940 291.527 254.590 267.000 219.644 182.360 154.981 252y0581s 12/5/05 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 492.63 546.46 256.86 403.49 372.73 351.92 857.41 812.28 569.51 855.69 557.46 471.63 706.90 367.47 43.6921 43.2964 33.1776 38.6884 43.8244 58.5225 48.7204 40.3225 39.1876 33.5241 31.4721 33.2929 28.4089 28.9444 7088.90 7182.22 6902.40 7151.51 7459.17 7458.59 7437.44 7732.21 7791.66 7947.76 8107.22 8129.60 8415.77 8141.42 1868.75 1981.10 1331.51 1698.69 1667.41 1620.14 2525.25 2506.14 2106.52 2607.84 2125.90 1958.11 2439.08 1729.66 556.533 557.642 478.545 526.004 571.746 660.678 601.959 558.375 552.573 516.180 505.125 520.248 488.961 485.436 146.711 153.817 92.314 124.941 127.807 143.511 204.385 180.979 149.391 169.370 132.455 125.308 141.712 103.132 Data Display sumy sumx1 sumx2 n smx1sq smx2sq smysq smx1y smx2y smx1x2 5323.20 1283.42 328.330 80.0000 30307.6 2080.65 371032 92676.9 24188.2 6324.09 Executing from file: 252OLS2mean.MTB Data Display ybar x1bar x2bar 66.5400 16.0427 4.10413 Executing from file: 252OLS2ss.MTB Data Display SSx1 SSx2 SSy Sx1y Sx2y Sx1x2 9718.15 733.144 16826.8 7278.52 2341.17 1056.80 If you need them, means and spare parts are below. 5323 .20 Y 66 .5400 X 22 nX 22 SSX 2 733 .16 80 1283 .42 Y 2 nY 2 SST SSY 16826 .8 X1 16 .0428 80 X 1Y nX 1Y SX 1Y 7277 .87 328 .33 X2 4.1041 X 2 Y nX 2 Y SX 2Y 2341 .25 80 X 2 1 nX 12 SSX1 9717 .86 X 1X 2 nX 1 X 2 SX 1X 2 1056 .79 252y0582s The 2nd and 3rd Normal equations are 7277 .87 9717 .86 b1 2341 .25 1056 .79 b1 1056 .79 b2 733 .16 b2 7277 .87 1056 .79 1.44142 , multiply Equation (3) by 1.44142. 3374 .72 733 .16 Now, subtract Equation 3' from Equation (1) 2 . Since 3 9717 .86 b1 1523 .28b1 3903 .15 8194 .58b1 1056 .79 b2 1056 .79 b2 2 3' 0b2 3903 .15 0.4763 . Now, substitute 0.4763 into either Equation (2) or Equation (3). We get 8194 .58 7277 .87 9717 .860.4763 1056 .79b2 2" or So b1 2341 .25 1056 .790.4763 733 .16b2 3" Using 2" , we get 1056 .79b2 7277 .87 4628 .62 . So b2 2649 .65 2.5069 or, using 3" , we get 1056 .79 1837 .90 2.5068 The difference is due to rounding. 733 .16 Finally, since Y b0 b1 X 1 b2 X 2 , we can write b0 Y b1 X 1 b2 X 2 733 .16b2 2341 .25 503 .35 . So b2 66.5400 0.4763 16.0428 2.5068 4.1041 66.5400 7.6412 10.2882 48.6106 . Our equation is thus Yˆ 48.611 0.476X 2.507X 1 2 17 252y0582s Caniglia’s Original Data Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 STATE ME NH VT MA RI CT NY NJ PA OH IN IL MI WI MN IA MO ND SD NE KS DE MD DC VA WV NC SC GA FL KY TN AL MS AR LA OK TX MT ID WY CO NM AZ UT NV WA OR CA AK HI MIM 12112 14505 12711 15362 13911 17938 15879 17639 15225 16164 15793 17551 17137 15417 15878 15249 14743 13835 12406 14873 15504 16081 17321 15861 15506 13998 12529 12660 13966 14651 13328 13349 13301 11968 12274 15365 14818 16135 14256 14297 17615 16672 14057 15269 15788 16820 17042 15833 17128 21552 15268 PMHS 69.1 73.0 71.6 74.0 65.1 71.8 68.9 70.0 68.0 69.0 68.8 68.9 69.3 70.9 73.5 71.9 66.2 68.0 68.3 74.2 74.5 70.4 69.2 67.9 64.3 58.6 58.2 58.2 60.4 68.0 55.8 59.0 59.9 57.2 58.3 61.3 68.7 65.3 73.8 73.5 77.9 79.1 70.6 73.4 80.4 76.0 77.5 75.1 74.3 81.9 76.9 PURBAN 47.5 52.2 33.8 83.8 87.0 78.8 84.6 89.0 69.3 73.3 64.2 83.3 70.7 64.2 66.9 58.6 68.1 48.8 46.4 62.9 66.7 70.6 80.3 100.0 66.0 36.2 48.0 54.1 62.4 84.3 50.9 60.4 60.0 47.3 51.6 68.6 67.3 79.6 52.9 54.0 62.7 80.6 72.1 83.8 84.4 85.3 73.5 67.9 91.3 64.3 86.5 MAGE 29.2 29.2 28.4 29.6 30.1 30.6 30.3 30.7 30.4 28.6 28.0 28.6 27.8 28.3 28.3 28.7 29.3 27.5 27.9 28.6 28.7 28.7 29.2 29.9 28.6 29.1 28.1 26.7 27.3 32.9 27.8 28.7 27.8 26.1 29.2 26.2 28.6 27.1 28.4 27.0 26.7 27.9 26.6 28.2 23.8 30.0 29.0 29.5 28.9 26.3 27.6 NE 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18