Economics with Frenc.. - Loughborough University

Programme Specification
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of
the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning
opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes,
content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be
found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and
may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution;
Loughborough University
Teaching institution (if different);
Details of accreditation by a
professional/statutory body;
Name of the final award;
B.Sc. (Honours) Economics with French
Programme title;
Economics with French
UCAS code;
Date at which the programme
specification was written or
March 2006
1. Aims of the programme:
 To provide students with the opportunity to study a broad curriculum in both
Economics and French.
 To provide training in the principles of economics and their application.
 To stimulate students intellectually through the study of economics and to lead
them to appreciate its application to a range of problems and its relevance in a
variety of contexts.
 To provide a firm foundation of knowledge about the workings of the economy and
to develop the relevant skills for the constructive use of that knowledge in a range of
 To develop in students the ability to apply the knowledge and skills they have
acquired to the solution of theoretical and applied problems in economics.
 To equip students with appropriate tools of analysis to tackle issues and problems
of economic policy.
 To develop in students, through the study of economics, a range of transferable
skills that will be of value in employment and self-employment
 To provide students with analytical skills and an ability to develop simplifying
frameworks for studying the real world.
 To develop in students the ability to appreciate what would be an appropriate level
of abstraction for a range of economic issues.
 To provide students with the knowledge and skill base, from which they can
proceed to further studies in economics, related areas or in multi-disciplinary areas
that involve economics.
 To generate in students an appreciation of the economic dimension of wider social
and political issues.
 To provide specialised training in the aspects of economics relevant to industry,
commerce and financial services.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal
reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
 QAA Subject Benchmark Statements: Economics.
 Framework for Higher Education Qualifications.
 International links with a network of eleven European Universities within the
Socrates exchange programme.
 University Learning and Teaching Strategy.
 Departmental learning and teaching policies.
 Links, both formal and informal, with external examiners.
 Staff research specialisms, and professional involvement in the discipline.
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding:
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to
demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
 A coherent core of economic principles. The understanding of these might be
verbal, graphical or mathematical.
These principles will cover the microeconomic issues of decision and choice, the
production and exchange of goods, the interdependency of markets, and economic
welfare. They also include macroeconomic issues, such as employment, national
income, the balance of payments and the distribution of income, inflation, growth and
business cycles, money and finance. The understanding should extend to economic
policy at both the microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. In all these, students
should show an understanding of analytical methods and model-based argument and
should appreciate the existence of different methodological approaches.
 Relevant quantitative methods and computing techniques. These are likely to cover
mathematical and statistical methods, including econometrics. Students will have
exposure to the use of such techniques on actual economic, financial or social data.
A knowledge and appreciation of economic data, both quantitative and qualitative.
Students should also have some knowledge of the appropriate methods that the
economist might use to structure and analyse such data.
 The applications of economics. Students should have the ability to apply a core of
economic principles and reasoning to a variety of applied topics. They should also be
aware of the economic principles that can be used to design, guide and interpret
commercial, economic and social policy. As part of this, they should have the ability
to discuss and analyse government policy and to assess the performance of the UK
and other economies.
The above implies that the attainments of students should be:
 Ability to demonstrate specialised knowledge relating to French language, society
and politics
 Ability to apply core economic theory and economic reasoning to applied topics.
 Ability to relate differences in economic policy recommendations to differences in
the theoretical and empirical features of the economic analysis, which underlie such
 Ability to discuss and analyse government policy and to assess the performance of
the UK and other economies.
 Understanding of verbal, graphical, mathematical and econometric representation
of economic ideas and analysis, including the relationship between them.
 Understanding of relevant mathematical and statistical techniques.
 Understanding of analytical methods, both theory- and model-based.
 Appreciation of the history and development of economic ideas and the differing
methods of analysis that have been and are used by economists.
 The appropriate techniques to enable manipulation, treatment and interpretation of
the relevant statistical data.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
 Learning and teaching is provided through lectures, tutorials, seminars, computerbased laboratory workshops, group work, web-based guided study, presentations
and guided independent study.
 Contact and feedback is typically provided through projects, coursework
assessment (essays, short answer and multiple choice), lectures, tutorials,
presentations, seminars, computer-based laboratory workshops, group work, webbased guided study/self tests, guided independent study, and one to one contact with
staff within the personal tutoring system and office hours with lecturers and subject
 Students receive a departmental handbook detailing procedures, how to contact
staff, how to get help, assessment criteria, programme outlines, module
specifications, essay writing and presentation of coursework note taking and potential
prizes awarded for academic achievement. This information is also available to
students on the University intranet.
 All programmes taught within the Economics Department contain a common core
of modules. As students progress through each part of the programme they will
develop more programme specific skills, knowledge and understanding with greater
contact with staff in that specialism.
 In the final year students are given the option of a 20 credit weighted project.
Skills and other attributes:
Key skills and rigorous transferable skills
On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to
demonstrate the key skills of,
 Analysis and decision making.
 Communication.
 Numeracy and computation.
 IT, information handling and retrieval, including library skills.
 Independent study and group work.
 Time management.
More specifically students should be able to demonstrate the following rigorous
transferable skills:
 Abstraction. From the study of economic principles and models, students see how
one can abstract the essential features of complex systems and provide a useable
framework for evaluation and assessment of the effects of policy or other exogenous
events. Through this, the typical student will acquire proficiency in how to simplify
while still retaining relevance. This is an approach that they can then apply in other
contexts, thereby becoming more effective problem-solvers and decision-makers.
 Analysis, deduction and induction. Economic reasoning is highly deductive, and
logical analysis is applied to assumption-based models. However, inductive
reasoning is also important. The typical student will have been exposed to some or
all of these and be able to use some of them. Such skills also enhance their problemsolving and decision-making ability.
 Quantification and design. Data, and their effective organization, presentation and
analysis, are important in economics. The typical student will have some familiarity
with the principal sources of economic information and data relevant to industry,
commerce and government, and have had practice in organising it and presenting it
informatively. This skill is important at all stages in the decision-making process.
 Framing. Through the study of economics, a student should learn how to decide
what should be taken as given or fixed for the purposes of setting up and solving a
problem, i.e. what the important 'parameters' are in constraining the solution to the
problem. Learning to think about how and why these parameters might change
encourages a student to place the economic problem in its broader social and
political context. This `framing' skill is important in determining the decision-maker's
ability to implement the solutions to problems.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable outcomes to be
achieved and demonstrated:
The skills listed above are developed heterogeneously throughout the modules of the
degree programme. For example, Data analysis and Information Technology
modules focus on numeracy and computational skills, quantification, IT, information
handling and retrieval skills, whereas Macroeconomics and Microeconomics courses
develop communication skills, abstraction, analysis and decision making skills,
numeracy, independent study, group work skills and time management skills.
Part A of the programme focuses especially on subject areas rich in rigorous
transferable and key skills, Information Technology, Data Analysis, Quantitative
Economics, Microeconomic Principles and Macroeconomic Principles. In further
years the key skills are enhanced by the Part C optional project that brings together
all of the skills referred to above.
Examinations indicate how well the student can demonstrate their mastery of an area
by selecting appropriate material from memory and applying it using their key and
transferable skills, outlined above, to a typically unseen question in a limited period of
Coursework may take many forms, for example presentations, multiple choice tests,
short answer tests through to timed essays, short projects, group work and a third
year optional project. In all cases learning is encouraged, enhanced and feedback
given in order to help the student assess and review their subject specific knowledge
and subject specific skills.
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and
Students have a choice over length of programme.
Three year programme
Year 1 (Part A), Year 2 (Part B), Year 3 (Part C)
Socrates scheme, with a year abroad Part I, between Part B and Part C
Year 1 (Part A), Year 2 (Part B), Year 3 (Part I), Year 4 (Part C)
Part I is not assessed for the degree but may earn a Diploma in Professional
Each part of the programme (A, B, C) allows progressively more choice over
modules (options) and fewer compulsory core modules.
Students must have a total modular weighting of 120 credits per year. This must
include the compulsory modules. The remaining optional modules may be chosen to
give a 60:60 split over the two semesters, or alternatively, 50:70 or 70:50. Except in
exceptional cases, the University allows only a maximum of 80 credits to be chosen
from 20 weighted long-thin modules. These are modules that are studied
continuously over both Semesters 1 and 2.
Note that any 50:70 or 70:50 variation employed must be restricted to the modules
offered by the Economics Department.
Part A - Core Economics Introductory Modules
Semester 1 and 2 Compulsory Modules for all Economics with a Minor
Principles of Macroeconomics
Principles of Microeconomics
Data Analysis and IT (S1)
Quantitative Economics (S2)
Part A - Minor Content for Economics with French
Semester 1 Compulsory Modules:
French Language 7
Semester 2 Compulsory Modules:
Contemporary European Studies
French Language 8
Part B - Core Economics Modules
Semester 1 and 2 Economics Compulsory Modules:
ECB001 Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECB002 Intermediate Microeconomics
Economic Optional Modules
Semester 1 and 2 Optional Modules
ECB003 Introduction to Econometrics
ECB004 Introduction to Finance
ECB005 International Economic Relations
Semester 1 Optional Modules
ECB015 Economics of the Financial System
ECB035 Economics of the Welfare State
Semester 2 Optional Modules
ECB030 Energy and the Environment
ECB115 Financial Institutions, Systems and Markets
ECB135 Economics of Criminology
Part B - Minor Content for Economics with French
Semester 1 Compulsory French Modules
EUB610 Borders and Boundaries
EUL109 French Language 9
Semester 2 Compulsory French Modules
EUL110 French Language 10
Part I : Year Abroad (8 semester programme only)
During the Year Abroad students will undertake a programme of study as
specified by the Department of Economics.
Part C - Core Economics Modules
Economics Optional Modules - A total weighting of 80 must be chosen
Semester 1 and 2 Optional Modules
ECB003 Introduction to Econometrics
ECC003 International Money and Finance
ECC004 Financial Economics and Corporate Finance
ECC005 Economics of Industry and the Firm
ECC006 Economics of Developing Countries
ECC126 Project
Semester 1 Optional Modules
ECC007 Economics of Uncertainty and Information
ECC010 Game Theory
ECC024 Econometric Modelling 1
ECC031 International Trade
ECC035 Monetary Theory and Policy
ECC101 Developments in Macroeconomics
Semester 2 Optional Modules
ECC001 Developments in Microeconomics
ECC009 Public Finance
ECC050 Comparative Banking
ECC124 Econometric Modelling 2
ECC133 Economics of Monetary Integration
Part C Minor Content for Economics with French
Semester 1 French Compulsory Module
EUL111 French Language 11
Semester 2 French Compulsory Module
EUL112 French Language 12
Semester 1 & 2 French Compulsory Module
EUC100 The French Dissertation
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
A Level qualifications: 320 points from: two subjects at A Level plus
a third subject at A Level
or two subjects at AS Level
(not including general studies) with no subject below grade C
Other qualifications: Vocational A Level (VAL): 320 points from a minimum of 18 units
(any combination of VAL units/AS Level units/A Level units).
Additional requirements: GCSE Mathematics grade C.
Admissions tutor: Professor T.Weyman-Jones, Tel 01509 222710 Fax 01509
223910, Email:
6. Information about assessment regulations:
Most modules are assessed by a mixture of written exam and coursework, although
there are exceptions in Year 1 (Part A) where some modules are assessed purely by
coursework. Typically, though, coursework counts 20-30 percent and examinations
70-80 percent to the final module mark.
First year assessment is for progression to the second year. Second and third year
results are weighted 30 and 70 percent respectively for calculation of the final degree
Students follow 120 credits of modules each year (60 credits per semester). In order
to gain credit for a module, students must achieve a pass mark of 40%.
In the first and second year students must accumulate 100 credits and obtain a
minimum of 30% in the remaining modules in order to progress to the second/third
year (Part B/C). Part C students who entered the University from 2004-5 onwards
must pass 100 weight and obtain a minimum mark of 20% in remaining modules. In
addition, to progress from the second (Part B) to the final year (Part C) candidates
must accumulate 200 credits (where 100 credits must be from modules taken in Part
B). The Degree of Bachelor (Honours) is awarded if 300 credits are accumulated with
no less than 100 from Part C in not less than 6 semesters. Reassessment is
permitted, only if a student has achieved at least 40 credits in that year, during the
Special Assessment Period (SAP).
Full details of these arrangements are contained in the official programme
7. Indicators of quality:
The Department of Economics scored a near perfect 23 out of a possible 24 points in
the recent (2001/2002) External Subject Review (ESR) for Economics. Our Research
Assessment Exercise (RAE) ranking was 3a.
8. Particular support for learning:
Careers Centre:
The Careers Centre provides support and advice for students seeking careers
guidance and help with job-searching techniques. In addition to its resource and
information room the Careers Centre organises careers fairs, employer
presentations, management and skills courses, a workshadowing scheme and has a
comprehensive website containing vacancies, information, advice and an online
careers management system. Careers consultations and shorter quick advice
sessions are available with careers advisers. Careers staff also run sessions in
departments to help students who are applying for placement. In the UK Graduate
Careers survey 2005, sponsored by the Times, Loughborough University
Careers Centre was rated as one of the most used of all careers services in Higher
The University Library provides advanced support for student learning in a purposebuilt building and via the web. Open for upwards of 80 hours per week during
semester, the Library holds 700,000 printed books and journals and provides access
to 6,000 electronic journals and 200 subject-specific electronic databases. Electronic
resources include the Library catalogue, e-books, online reading lists, and the
federated search tool MetaLib. Over 100 networked PCs, networked printing
facilities and self-service photocopiers are available, and part of the building is
wireless networked. There is a variety of study environments, including a large open
area for students working in groups; group study rooms bookable by students online
and equipped with data projectors; individual study desks and private carrels. Library
staff deliver an extensive programme of information literacy and study skills teaching,
including induction sessions for first year students, lunchtime sessions on specific
information resources, and training tailored for academic departments. Support is
available from seven staffed enquiry points, printed and online guides, and the email
enquiry service Ask a librarian.
Computing Services:
Computing Services provides the University IT facilities and infrastructure. General
purpose computer resources across campus are open 24 hours and more specialist
computer laboratories are provided in partnership with departments. Students in
halls of residence are supported in connecting their computers to the high speed
network. The University’s virtual learning environment “LEARN” provides on and off
campus access to web-based teaching materials provided by lecturing staff.
Professional Development:
Professional Development contributes to enhancing the student learning experience
through supporting the professional development needs of staff, and by fostering and
promoting effective practice in relation to learning, teaching, assessment and
research. This work is led primarily by the Academic Practice and Quality (APQ)
Team within PD.
New lecturers undertake a range of professional development workshops linked to
research and teaching. Teaching practice is assessed through direct observation and
production of a teaching portfolio. This provision has been recognised for
accreditation purposes by The Higher Education Academy. Accredited provision is
also available for learning support staff who carry responsibilities for teaching and
supporting student learning.
PD works directly with staff and groups who wish to develop more effective learning
and teaching methods, including the application of learning technologies which is
supported by a dedicated team within PD.
Other development opportunities are provided in response to institutional strategic
priorities and identified departmental needs.
Counselling Service:
Students sometimes have difficulty with aspects of their academic work where it can
also help to talk with someone outside their department. Counsellors offer
confidential, individual assistance.
The Counselling Service can help with various aspects of the learning process such
as motivation, procrastination, anxiety and panic attacks, block in creativity. It can
also help with a huge variety of personal problems which may impair a students’
academic functioning: eg. relationships, loneliness, depression, suicidal feelings or
attempts, self-harm, identity, alcohol, family problems, bereavement and loss,
sexuality, eating disorders, worries about self esteem, gender identity, mental health
problems, decision making, writing blocks, perfectionism, exam panic, transitions and
adjusting to a new culture
The service also runs a series of workshops and groups on topics such as building
self esteem, assertion skills, overcoming anxiety and panic attacks etc. It also offers
advice, training and consultancy to staff and academic departments on all aspects of
pastoral care including personal tutor training.
Please see our website for details of information on common problems and how to
make an appointment.
English Language Study Unit:
The English Language Study Unit offers support and advice to both UK and
International Students in the University. International students are offered support
with the language they need for their studies, and are also given advice and
guidance on a wide range of issues including: immigration, police registration, and
personal issues associated with living and studying in the UK. Support is also
offered to students who have dyslexia, dyspraxia and other Specific Learning
Difficulties. This is done through individual support and tuition with a specialist tutor
and through weekly workshops.
Mathematics Learning Support Centre:
The Mathematics Learning Support Centre is a resource for students, whatever
degree course they are studying. In particular, it aims to help students in the earlier
stages of their studies, who might benefit from resources and tuition on top of that
normally provided as part of their course. It can provide help with revising longforgotten mathematics, help with basic mathematical techniques and support in
coping with the mathematical demands of a particular course.
Students can access this help by taking advantage of one or more of the following
Superb resource centre: providing a pleasant, comfortable, working
environment with easy access to tutors, textbooks, computer-based learning,
help leaflets and much more.
Personal mathematics tuition: a ‘drop-in’ surgery to provide help with
mathematics where sympathetic and experienced staff are available to
answer individual queries and give alternative explanations.
Help with statistics: specialist statistics staff available to offer help and advice.
Assistance for students with additional needs: one-to-one tuition provided
weekly for students with additional needs and who require extra help with
Access to mathcentre resources – the UK’s on-line support centre offering
maths help for a range of disciplines. (
Help for economics and business school students: web-sites designed
specifically with mathematical needs of students in the Economics
Department and the
Business School in mind.
Lunchtime short courses: designed for any student who has not studied
mathematics in a serious way since GCSE.
Diagnostic tests: these can help identify weaknesses and help focus effort
where it is required.
The Mathematics Learning Support Centre is there to assist students and enable
them to enhance their understanding of mathematics and develop confidence in the
Further Information
Loughborough University is an acknowledged leader in the support of students from
any discipline who need to use mathematics and statistics to underpin their courses.
In recognition of the outstanding and highly-developed mathematics support we
already provide, the Mathematics Education Centre was recently awarded £4.5
million to develop, in conjunction with Coventry University, a Centre for Excellence in
the Provision of University-wide Mathematics and Statistics Support. This award will
enable the Centre to maintain its position at the forefront of developments
internationally and ensure that all Loughborough University students continue to
benefit from resources, innovative facilities and support which are of the highest
Disabilities & Additional Needs Service:
The Disabilities and Additional Needs Service (DANS) offers support for students and
staff including:
advice both on matters relating to the Special Educational Needs and
Disabilities Act (SENDA);
adaptation of course materials into Braille/large print/tape/disk/other formats;
organising mobility training;
BSL interpretation;
provision of communication support workers;
note takers in lectures/tutorials;
assessment of specific support, equipment and software needs;
individual/small group tuition for students who have dyslexia;
representing students’ needs to academic and other University departments;
organising adapted accommodation to meet individual needs;
helping to organise carers to meet any personal care needs;
organising appropriate support for students who have a mental health
DANS has links with the RNIB Vocational College, Derby College for Deaf People
and the National Autism Society to offer effective support to students at the
University. It regularly takes advice from other national and local organisations of
and for disabled people.
Where a student has complex support or accommodation needs, contact with DANS
is strongly advised prior to application.
Mental Health Support Service:
This provides practical assistance to students who face barriers to their education as
a result of a mental health difficulty. Help is based on an assessment of the effects
of the person’s mental health on their experiences as a student, rather than on
broader issues:
a range of support strategies aimed at meeting students’ needs, whether
short-term help or long-term preventative work.
liaison with (for example) academic departments or accommodation services,
and with community-based resources (eg GP’s, Mental Health Teams) , to
ensure that all appropriate agencies are used effectively to support students
in achieving their academic potential.
a proactive approach to student progression and retention based on a holistic
understanding of the student experience.
help for students to apply for the Disabled Student’s Allowance which can
provide funding for, amongst other things, specialist ongoing support and/or
equipment for students with mental health difficulties, aimed at reducing the
impact of their difficulties on their studies.
The Mental Health Support Adviser is also involved in identifying appropriate
reasonable adjustments which can be made to accommodate student’s needs, as
required by the Disability Discrimination Act.
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning:
The University’s formal quality management and reporting procedures are laid out in
its Academic Quality Procedures Handbook, available online at:
These are under the overall direction of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching).
Each Faculty has an Associate Dean for Teaching responsible for learning and
teaching matters. For each Faculty there is a Directorate (responsible for the
allocation of resources) and a Board (responsible for monitoring learning and
teaching quality issues within each department).
In addition to the National Student Survey, student feedback on modules and
programmes is sought internally at regular intervals. All taught programmes are
reviewed annually (Annual Programme Review), and Departments have their full
portfolio of programmes reviewed every five years (Periodic Programme Review).
Any major changes to programmes are formally considered each year by the
University Curriculum Sub-Committee, which makes recommendations to Learning
and Teaching Committee and Senate. All programmes and modules are subject to
an annual updating process before the start of the academic year, and minor
changes may be made at this time with the approval of the Associate Dean
(Teaching) on behalf of the Curriculum Sub-Committee.
All staff participate in the University's staff appraisal scheme, which helps to identify
any needs for staff skills development. Both probationary staff and those seeking
promotion to Senior Lecturer are subject to a formal teaching evaluation scheme,
administered by Professional Development. The scheme for new lecturers is
accredited by the Higher Education Academy.