Economic Ownership Society Plan The following idea is to suggest a parallel new method to eventually phase out social security without making any impact on the current system in a negative way. The overall objective will be to establish a system that can be managed by the individual for all decisions but that can engage the federal govt. to fulfill complete transparency and open markets for all citizens. Section I: Economic restoration (Creation of an Ownership Society) Act I: Immediate creation of a Universal Retirement and Investment Plan (URIP). Issues to be addressed: -Creation of this fund to improve US citizen’s economic viability and retirement futures. -Citizen Controlled investment and retirement fund to offer new option other than current public image battered corporate based 401k and stock/options plans and federal notes based savings that could collapse in the future. -New option for US citizen’s current 401k plans to roll over into URIP;[proposed strategy to avoid 401k plan sell off forecasted 2016 mass baby boomer sell offs and possible 2019 social security issues from negatively impacting US citizens funds.] -URIP to allow an income based tax exemption and corporate deduction for investment within the plan. -URIP accounts to be created for all US citizens. (Initial 5000 dollar family transfers investment account plan for children allowed under the plans) -URIP citizen fund to follow the US Citizen over his or her life and world wide location. -URIP is a non tax based investment plan that with returns for the individual’s retirement and US wide needs. -URIP is focused on US Domestic Business and Jobs Development. -URIP will create the necessary zero interest equity capital for Technology development in Energy, Bioscience (Biomedical, Bioengineering and medical devices), Biotechnology and Micro/Nanotechnologies - URIP will make possible the creation of the world’s lowest cost Energy and Health Care costs for businesses and individuals. -Creation of World’s leading Clean Energy and Advanced medical resources for all US Citizens. -Creation of Citizen Controlled private pay superfund to bargain down drugs, focus efforts on nation wide medical costs and resource improvements, citizen funded plan for medical insurance for doctors with managers for tort reform. -Creation of medical research to be tied to active senior volunteers for studies with issues of loss of teeth, hearing, vision and other aging and health issues. -US Citizen based low interest (0-6%) home ownership loans for all US citizens. Core Investment Portfolio areas: -Physical ownership of rare metals, rare collectibles, and high value rate of exchange possessions. -General Hedge Funds-Berkeshire Hathaway,Park Place Columbia,Ashmore Portfolio, Global Undecided Sec. Fund, Quantum Fund,currency and rare metals fund. -Trusts-royalty trusts, Property Trusts, Mortgage REIT(Municipal-tax free returns), tax deferred 1031 exchanges, depreciation deductions, private real estate partnerships(real estate syndications);ex. Warehouse storage buildings, apartment buildings, triple net leases(lease payments, tenant payed :maintenance, insurance,taxes and structural repairs); high equity gaining from this area over long time periods.(US, US Alliance(US domestic and international) based businesses. Page 1 of 8 -Establishment of fund manager support (experienced real estate brokers, etc..) teams and citizen training and education programs for funds and investments. -Taxation allowed only on sells within the fund and no useage or access to the funds by the US govt outside of taxation of the income will be allowed.. -No maturation on the fund and no closing ever of the fund allowed, except by death, whereby the fund is transferred to the individual(s) beneficiaries. No leans or other means are allowed against these funds before or after the transfer. -Funds can be inherited and will not be taxed upon the death of the individual. -Focused Money market fund created within the fund to allow for payment on life expenses (health care, education, home purchase, business start fund, etc..) All plans are based on choice by the individual to invest or not invest in possible options and to create their own options for investment if it is not represented. -Focused Health care money fund and the creation of a group to manage grouped buying power, patient’s bill of rights, reduced drug costs, negotiation to lower costs and promote invention and improved health care. This would remove the financial burden from the employer for the employee and the retiree and give the citizen the ability to focus the choice for future possible health care rather than to wait for people to get around to what they need. -Focused Education fund allows grouped buying power and negotiation to lower costs and promote investment and improved education for all citizens from birth to grave. -Focused Home purchase plan allows grouped buying power and fixed ultra low interest rates to protect all citizens from external forces and give back all citizens the chance for the American dream. -Focused business starting fund plan allows group risk and shared IP and technology gains for all citizens that invest in this fund. All such IP is owned by the fund and used to invest in future businesses, improvements and invention discovery.(Key focus in Energy independence, Biomedical/biotechnology, micro and nanotech) -1st purchasing power of IPO ownership stock of US and US alliance (US domestic and international) based businesses. -IP ownership of patents from IPO funded companies return revenue at 38% of value. -Matching funds plan for less than 137,000 a year weighted plan matched fund investment plan -Employers will be permitted for tax breaks to continue with the employee into the universal pension fund at the discretion of the company policy and current Govt Maximum for tax deferments and incentives. All sales of stock taxes from these funds will be used to directly feed back into matching funds accounts for the fund. Proxy votes will be ran by written ballot for individual held shares in each fund. No fund management voting for shares or funds with shares within. Projected full health coverage costs per citizen ~ 6000 dollars per year- per person private pay Projected 10 year real estate market growth in US >500% Free Energy delivery systems market value >10 Trillion Biomedical,bioengineering,biotechnology market values >10 Trillion Micro and Nanotechnology market values ~1 Trillion Page 2 of 8 URIP PLAN assets growth on Kentucky State Level 10.0E+12 low investments by kentucky citizens 1.0E+12 dollars high investments by kentucky citizens interest monies from high invest 100.0E+9 10.0E+9 interest monies from low investments self sufficient health care min point 1.0E+9 100.0E+6 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 years URIP PLAN on national level 1.00E+14 high investments by US citizens dollars 1.00E+12 low investments by us citizens 1.00E+10 current national debt with continued interest growth of 2004 1.00E+08 1.00E+06 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 years Act II: Transition over ten years from income to the following source of our budget and controlling our budget: Excerpt...USA TODAY reported Monday that taxpayers have a hidden debt of at least $53 trillion in government obligations, mostly from Medicare, Social Security and the federal debt. This debt equals $473,456 per household, dwarfing the $84,454 in personal debt per household owed for mortgages, car loans and other borrowing..... ***The greatest danger of our time is economic ruin from the national debt. ***Imports are from non Federal Reserve noted circulated income sources and allow for a method to pay down the foreign debt without creating greater circulation and greater debt. Page 3 of 8 1) US budget baseline budget would be done by tax on all transfers of goods, materials and services both physical and electronic into and out of our borders. 2) US based add on to imports for inspection tax to fund homeland security and immigration. 3) Tax on all sales within the URIP plan 4) Balanced Budget tax payed only directly to first foreign debt and next other US debt. These funds come from outside circulated US Federal Reserve notes and therefore do not incur new debt since no new bills must be created from these sources of wealth and revenue. A 1% tax reduction for anyone who pays debt from non federal reserve sources.(ie securities, wealth, etc) financial reduction via payments results of no debt tax 9E+12 8E+12 7E+12 6E+12 5E+12 4E+12 3E+12 2E+12 1E+12 0 4 year fast paydown 7 year paydown some principle 8 to 9 year paydown 0 2 4 6 8 10 years dollars paydown plans 4.50E+12 4.00E+12 3.50E+12 3.00E+12 2.50E+12 2.00E+12 1.50E+12 1.00E+12 5.00E+11 0.00E+00 4 year plan-fast pay down 7 year paydown some intial extra principle 8-9 long term paydown 0 2 4 6 8 10 years 5) Decreasing per year income tax and finished within 10 years on US citizens Page 4 of 8 6) It is proposed that the failures of the fed reserve would note at this time the canceling of the federal reserve act and return to US Treasury’s lead. With this a switch to a hybrid system and a normalized exchange rate system to get our virtual monies back into a frame of back able support. ****Current circulation is 750 billion of Federal Reserve notes. This is 1/10 of the foreign national debt. Since no new circulation limit can be created without creating new debt this system is broken and needs massive reform and auditing. Create a Hybrid money system of asset certificates and asset coinage bases on silver, gold, platinum and other fine metals and land for the default currency to support key economic areas such as social security. For the sake of rapid market shifts or lack of assets for the amount of circulate able monies the remaining assets shall be made up the current notes issues by the government backed by the governments bonds and bills. This will give a diversified economy whereby circulated monies can still be modulated via notes but the bulk of the economy will be based on a free market value of land assets and precious metals. This should help to stabilize desires for run away debts since this will allow the Congress to actually make money with the addition of sell own land to its list and levy taxes on this land to the users for the sake of increasing the net worth of the property. A normalized exchange rate system would weight investment of countries into the environment, the salaries/benefits of the average employee, the GDP of the country, the full wealth of its citizens, the investment in human rights and labor laws. No country can be below half the value of the maximum country in any area else that country may not exchange goods with the US. Each rating then of each category will be summed, ratioed against the value of the other countries aggregate and compared to the US. This will prevent money values and inflation from ever existing again. Everything will always be normalized, no on will be given absolute trade advantages, the system will pull everyone up. 7) Bonds/Bills are to be used only on infrastructure or in case physical currency of banks is overtopped. Less than 1 trillion in bonds of debt by law can be maintained. These programs should always be going on and funded by bonds/bills allowing banks to still regulate markets with bonds. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) roads, highways, bridges, trains, airports, etc. power grid internet backbone water supply waste management defense equipment schools building and support(all public schools up to college) Estimate 600 billion dollar costs for one time concurrent projects; Wealth tax will not kick in for these threshold covered debts. Only when 1 trillion in debt is created will the wealth tax kick in. This will be exclusively held for these official debts. No budget swapping or mislabeling will be allowed to move debt into these categories. Planned buyout will begin to bring down available debt to 50% or as planned by the congress when 1 trillion thresholds are hit. Page 5 of 8 Example of budget breakdown Year 1-10 Avg Yearly Budget = 4.6 trillion dollars Tax item 1(Core budget): = 1.5 trillion avg Tax item 2(homeland security and immigration): = 400 billion avg Tax item 3(Supplemental core budget): = 500 billion avg Tax item 4(Foreign National Debt): = 1 trillion avg Tax item 5(income tax): = 1.2 trillion avg Year 11(prior forecasted time of baby boomers retirement and possible 401k mass sell off to pay for seniors health care and expenses that would destroy economic stability with too large of supply): Avg Yearly Budget = 2.9 trillion dollars Tax item 1(Core budget): = 1.5 trillion avg Tax item 2(homeland security and immigration): = 400 billion avg Tax item 3(Supplemental core budget): = 1 trillion dollar avg Tax item 4(Foreign National Debt): = 0 Tax item 5(income tax): = 0 Switched to normalized virtual monies plan-Cancel all Fed Reserve linked bills and laws. Normalized exchange creates a summed aggregate model for a country to exchange with the US. All world wide monies, assets and investments are normalized together with each countries percentage of each key area (investment in R&D, environmental, labor salaries/benefits, GDP country, full wealth of citizens, investment in human rights and labor.) Act III: Immediate law changes to require 401k fund managers to transfer stock votes of stocks within fund units to the citizen and away from the fund manager. Act IV: Immediate Apollo like investment and action to create abundant “free” power for our factories. -Nikolas Tesla based technologies for magnetic energy extraction from the earth’s atmosphere to create free power for all citizens and facilities within the US. Mar. 21, 1901 Mar. 21, 1901 Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy #685,957 512 Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy #685,958 517 -The highest cost to manufacturing is usually 25% for energy consumption (close second would be initial recoop of R&D costs (program budgets, salaries and benefits). If this cost were to disappear job creation would be instantaneous in the US. Also jobs would flourish in the area of power system support allowing hybrid work between the Govt and industry to maintain these new portable distributed systems that do not require wires, preventing nationwide blackouts and terrorist attack on such a vulnerable area! Owning this technology would be for the US as oil is for the Middle East. Page 6 of 8 Act V: Immediate creation of a Lock boxed national Catastrophic Illness, Injury and death coverage. -20% of all costs in insurance and Medicare come from this area and this area is fraught with Misdiagnosis, corrupt methods of billing, poorly trained staff and unequal care. -The focus on healing and discovery is not available for catastrophic cases, leaving patients to have their rights violated for the convenience of the care party masked under intentional actions that are labeled as falling under the law. The resultant actions against the citizens has their bodies slowly destroyed by lethal medication use over a long period of time. Review of prior history of the past 100 years(prior to use of these medications) shows that citizens similarly diagnosed do not show anywhere near the same degradation and results as prior to the use of these lethal medications. This current care system has been describe by many as one of Americas leading silent epidemics. -All Catastrophic iIlness and injury shall be covered by this universal yearly tax on all citizens. - medical review board shall be put in place for all such cases and especially ones where a Citizen has died under suspicious circumstances as seen by the parties representatives. -Focus shall be in home based care and in care methodologies that show long term stability And or where that is not yet available to determine it is shown that these novel methods have Shown effective gains in reenabling capabilities that the citizen has lost. Institutionalizing an Individual should never be an option. -All national health care insurance should be now limited per cost to be 20% less than the current costs given the introduction of this plan. Secondly by putting in place these boards and review groups frivolous lawsuits will be reduced. Finally the malpractice insurance should be capped and the individual doctor If proven guilty of injury or death of the patient shall be liable to pick up the difference for life by paying into the plan. All of the patients care needs around this injury/illness or from its progression to cause greater harm shall be covered by these doctors’ payments. The patient who suffers this injury or illness shall be given free care costs through this Plan for life. Act VI: Immediate No debt/balanced budget flat tax amendment to the constitution. -Current methods of operation that allow going to the Federal Reserve to create money and Worsen our “nation killing” debt has to be done away with if our nation is to survive. -Immediate reform to the constitution to allow the debt to be allowed to be reviewed has to be put in place. - The ex post facto law provisions must be replaced with one that allows bad behavior review and expunging of all such actions by prior individuals. -Given current homeland security and economic security are a must an immediate reform to the Constitution for an emergency flat tax law is now proposed. In such cases where the Nation is in DEBT a tax will be administered against all wealth, property, income and other sources of world wide resources “accessible” by any citizen through whatever means. In the event these means require a long time to access the interest on the debt will be applied to the individual yearly until the individual has completed their debt to society. -Immediate reform to do away with all income tax and replace it over a ten year period with a Flat tax against all sources of revenue for each time such goods/sources/services cross our border physically or through other means. This would move the taxation to border protection and away from having to need an IRS but rather to focusing on protecting our nation. The larger the value of the items that moves across the border or its charge for service that greater the amount of income that is collected. Act VII: Patent law Reform to allow only citizens to own patents not corporations and to protect employee opportunities to seek and maintain employment based on their skills. Removal from Uniform trade secrets act the term “threatened” so as to prevent this style of frivolous and very Page 7 of 8 destructive lawsuit from destroying our people and economy. Companies need to compete for the people and the best ideas. No monopoly or regulated prevention of the people’s pursuit of happiness is to be allowed. -Creation of inevitable disclosure laws creates a situation of frivolous lawsuits and tyranny against US citizens. -The current philosophy creates a false doctrine that the company is the one that solely is harmed and it is the one with the idea and mind that created the technology. Therefore the citizen is sued, prevented from future job possibilities and from furthering their ideas with future evolutions that only they solely could evolve in a very rapid time period. This creates a monopoly against the inventor that can not be permitted. -Patents will be given to citizens and non transferable except to ones descendants. Singular exception for use of this Technology, possible trade secrets and revenue from such will be property and available to the URIP fund if VC Funding has occurred for this technology. -Licensing of these technologies is to be allowed in an employee and employer relationship. The employee can not be prevented from licensing this technology to whoever the citizen chooses. Exception would be given if an idea is jointly created (Proof must be provided that all parts of the invention are jointly created. No merging of different patent applications into a super patent will be applicable to limit the submitters original patent application from being cross licensed) In such cases all parties must jointly agree that each party may license the technology free of the decisions of the others. Until this agreed no licensing or use of the technology will be permitted. If this citizens employment relationship is dissolved so will be dissolved the licensing of this technology to the Corporation they are employed by. Page 8 of 8