Training & Development Schedule 2005/2006 Issued by Training & Development, Human Resources Department Training and Development, Human Resources Department The Training and Development section is committed to supporting the training and development of all staff in DCU. To meet this commitment we coordinate the delivery and provision of: Centrally organised training and development courses Customised training intervention for specific groups of staff or departments Organisational development support to specific departments One-to-one coaching to employees and managers Financial support for courses leading to professional and/or academic qualifications through the fee waiver scheme (DCU Programmes) Paid study and examination leave Training and Development can play an important and significant role in facilitating career advancement and development. Therefore we would encourage staff to undertake any staff development opportunities available. Who we are? Martin Leavy, Training & Development Officer, (Ext. 5147/ Kathryn McCarthy, Training & Development Officer, (Ext. 7377/ Amanda Jordan, Training Assistant, (Ext. 5904/ The Training and Development Schedule The Training and Development section facilitates staff development by issuing an annual Training schedule on the Training and Development webpage. This schedule outlines training programmes scheduled for the current academic year. The schedule includes training on Equality & Diversity, Professional & Administrative Development, Management Development, Interpersonnel Skills, Orientation, Career Development, Computer Skills and Health & Safety. How can staff access Training and Development opportunities? Selection of participants on courses is based on the reasons why you want to attend the course and is not necessarily based on a first come, first served basis. Selection is also based on ensuring that there is a mix of departments, grades and gender on each course. Participants selected to attend a course will be notified by e-mail. Before applying for a course, it is important to consider what you want to achieve from the course. This will involve asking yourself the following questions: What you hope to gain from the course? How you will apply what you learned from the course in your job? 2 The answers to these questions should be explored with your line-manager/and of Head of School/Unit. Staff can apply for training courses by completing the (application form) available on the website and faxing to 5500. The reasons why you want to apply for a course need to be stated on the application form. Any queries regarding Training and Development can be made by e-mailing or phoning Ext.5904/5147/7377 3 Index PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEME .................... 6 Reviewee Training ................................................................................................. 6 Reviewer Training ................................................................................................. 7 EQUALITY & DIVERSITY TRAINING ..................................................................... 8 Equality & Managing Diversity ............................................................................. 8 Respect & Dignity In DCU – What It Means? ...................................................... 9 Managing And Working In An Intercultural Work Environment ....................... 10 Them And Us – In Organisations, Which Group Are You In? ........................... 11 Improving the Learning Environment for Learners with Dyslexia ..................... 12 Disability Awareness Training ............................................................................ 13 PROFESSIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT ................................... 14 PA Skills .............................................................................................................. 14 Minute Taking ...................................................................................................... 15 Self-Management In An Office Environment ...................................................... 16 Report Writing ..................................................................................................... 17 Managing your Unit’s Financial Accounts .......................................................... 18 Agresso Training .................................................................................................. 19 Freedom Of Information And Data Protection (Implications for Academic & Administrative Processes) .................................................................................... 20 Administering HR Systems (Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Part-Time Contracts Etc) ....................................................................................................................... 21 Personal Effectiveness ......................................................................................... 22 Presentation Skills ................................................................................................ 23 Train The Trainer ................................................................................................. 24 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT ......................................................................... 25 Improving the quality of Ph.D. student supervision* .......................................... 25 The Management Of Meetings ............................................................................ 26 Managing A Project ............................................................................................. 27 *Interviewer Skills ............................................................................................... 28 Shortlisting Skills ................................................................................................. 29 Supervisory Skills / Frontline Management ........................................................ 30 Team Building Skills ........................................................................................... 31 Media Skills ......................................................................................................... 32 Managing Change ................................................................................................ 33 Managing Difficult Situations Using The University’s Grievance And Disciplinary Policies ............................................................................................ 33 Managing Difficult Situations Using The University’s Grievance And Disciplinary Policies ............................................................................................ 34 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS TRAINING .................................................................. 35 Communication Skills & Personality Styles ........................................................ 35 Assertiveness Skills ............................................................................................. 36 Influencing & Negotiation Skills ......................................................................... 37 ORIENTATION ........................................................................................................ 38 Orientation To Dublin City University ................................................................ 38 How To Approach The Probationary Process ..................................................... 39 Getting To Know Your University ...................................................................... 40 CAREER DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 41 Getting Started (Career Development) ................................................................ 41 Developing And Managing Your Career (Mid Career Planning) ........................ 42 Senior Lecturer - Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures ........................ 43 4 Associate Professor - Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures .................. 44 Progression From Lecturer-Below-Bar To Lecturer-Above-Bar, Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures ............................................................................. 45 COMPUTER SKILLS ............................................................................................... 46 Microsoft Word - Introductory ............................................................................ 46 Microsoft Excel - Introductory ............................................................................ 47 Microsoft Powerpoint- Introductory .................................................................... 48 Microsoft Access – Introductory ......................................................................... 49 Microsoft Word – Intermediate/Advanced .......................................................... 50 Microsoft Excel – Intermediate/Advanced .......................................................... 51 Microsoft Powerpoint- Intermediate .................................................................... 52 Microsoft Office Specialist Certification ............................................................. 53 Introduction to SPSS & Statistics ........................................................................ 54 MAKING INFORMED DECISIONS (HEALTH, PENSIONS ETC) ........................ 55 Workshops For Making Informed Decisions ....................................................... 55 HEALTH & SAFETY................................................................................................ 57 Office Ergonomics ............................................................................................... 57 Manual Handling ................................................................................................. 58 5 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SCHEME Reviewee Training Dates for Academic Staff: 24th February 2006 (A.M.) Dates for Administrative, Technical and Support Staff: 15th February 2006 (A.M./P.M.) Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? The course applies to all categories and levels of staff across the University. Staff who hold contracts of less than 2 years or who are in the probationary process or are within one year of retirement are not required to attend this course. Aims of this course: The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a greater understanding of the Performance Management Development Scheme together with the necessary skills to maximise the benefits of the Scheme. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: Use the documentation to assist in self reflective practice Articulate more effectively their objectives (work development etc) Set S.M.A.R.T. objectives Set realistic action plans Identify training and development needs together with strategies for meeting identified needs 6 Reviewer Training Dates for Academic Staff: Dates for Administrative, Technical and Support Staff: Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Heads of School/Units and other nominated Reviewers Aims of the course: The aim of the workshop is to provide participants with a greater understanding of the Performance Management Development Scheme and their role in supporting Reviewees’ at the Review Meeting. At the end of this workshop, participants will be able to: Conduct a Review meeting in an effective manner Facilitate Reviewees in reflecting on their past performance Assist Reviewees in setting S.M.A.R.T. objectives and realistic implementation plans 7 EQUALITY & DIVERSITY TRAINING Equality & Managing Diversity Date: 30th & 31st March 2006 Date: 7th & 8th March 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Specifically designed for staff with management or supervisory responsibilities Aims of this course: This course aims to promote the University’s strategic objective to “create a culture of partnership, diversity, dignity, equality and respect for all individuals” at DCU. At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Recognise the social, legal, and organisational context of equality Recognise the barriers, cultural and behavioural, that prevent equality Develop a conceptual understanding of difference, stereotyping, and prejudice Understand the behavioural and practical implications of managing diversity on a day-to-day basis 8 Respect & Dignity In DCU – What It Means? Date: 9th February, 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: 2 Hours Who is the course applicable to? All staff Aims of this course: The aim of this workshop is to enable staff to recognise acceptable and unacceptable workplace behaviour and take appropriate action if they consider themselves to be victims of bullying and harassment. At the end of this course, participants will: Be acquainted with university policies and procedures on preventing workplace bullying and harassment Be aware of the types of workplace behaviours that are in appropriate Be able to take appropriate action if necessary Understand how to use the policy to resolve 9 Managing And Working In An Intercultural Work Environment Date for Administrative and Support Staff: 16th and 23rd November 2005 Date for Administrative and Support Staff: 16th and 17th January 2005 Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Academic, Administrative and Support Staff who interact with international students and staff Aims of this course: As cultural diversity within the staff and student body increases, it is imperative to address issues of intercultural awareness and skills among staff, so that they will be in a better position to manage intercultural interactions in an appropriate and effective manner At the end of this course, participants will have: Raised their awareness of intercultural issues in their work environment Developed greater intercultural sensitivity Explored racism and prejudice and identified strategies for overcoming them Considered relevant information on the specific cultures with which participants interact at work Considered theoretical framework/models for interpreting real-life intercultural experiences and difficulties 10 Them And Us – In Organisations, Which Group Are You In? Date: January 2006 (date to be confirmed) - Postponed Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? All Staff Aims of this course: A half day work shop to explore Equality and Diversity in the workplace A distinguishing feature of organizational work is that it is usually performed in groups. Working alongside others is important and Equality and Diversity are important issues within our multi-functional, changing organization. Have you ever wondered: How organizations work at the people level What can happen when people form groups Why some groups seem to be more favoured than others Who gets What Why you may have felt treated differently because of the group you belong to If you belong to the in group or the out group What effect the group can have upon the individual During this half-day workshop participants will explore in a participative and practical way how the research can help us to understand some of the answers to these questions. 11 Improving the Learning Environment for Learners with Dyslexia (Organised by the Disability Office) Date: 6th December 2005 - Postponed Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? Academic Staff Aims of this course: The aim of this course is to give participants a greater understanding of the impact of specific learning difficulties on their students with dyslexia in the learning environment. It will also allow them to address these issues within their teaching and learning strategies. By the end of this course, participants will be able to answer the following questions: How do I identify some of the indicators of dyslexia in a student’s work? How does dyslexia impact on a student’s learning? How can I effectively accommodate this group of learners within my teaching and assessment strategies? What diagnostic assessments are available to students who present with dyslexia in DCU? What supports are available to learners with dyslexia in DCU? Please click the Disability Office for more information 12 Disability Awareness Training (Organised by the Disability Office) Date: 7th December 2005 - Postponed Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? All staff Aims of this course: Completion of the course will give staff an understanding of ‘Disability in Ireland’. It will allow participants to deal with students with disabilities in both a professional and appropriate way. This course is a general introduction to a range of disability related issues. By the end of this course, participants will have a greater understanding of: Models of Disability e.g. medical model Language and Etiquette Communication The personal experience of Disability The Disability Service in DCU Please click the Disability Office for more information 13 PROFESSIONAL & ADMINISTRATIVE DEVELOPMENT PA Skills Date: 26th April 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day Heads of Schools / Units / Managers rely heavily on their personal assistants to help them achieve success. It is understood that personal assistants should have excellent administrative skills. There is far more to the role than just administration. This programme offers Personal Assistants training in the areas beyond technical expertise that will improve their personal effectiveness. Who is this course applicable to? Recently appointed PA’s People considering a career move to a PA position Aims of this course: Identify how participants can communicate more effectively with the Dean / Head of School / Unit / Manager Help participants deal confidently with conflict and to negotiate effectively with others Improve participants organisational skills (e.g. diary management, e-mail management) Practice effective telephone behaviour Highlight to participants how to project an image of self confidence and professionalism At the end of this workshop, participants will have learned: How to communicate more effectively with the Dean / Head of School / Unit / Manager How to say ‘no’ without appearing intimidating or aggressive How to organise your work better How to deal with confidential information How to project an image of self confidence and professionalism 14 Minute Taking Date: 8th December 2005 Course Duration: ½ Day (9.30 am -1.00 pm) Who is this course applicable to? Staff who take minutes at meetings Aims of this course: Examine the role of the minute taker Identify what to record during meetings At the end of this course, participants will have learned: How to take effective minutes during meetings 15 Self-Management In An Office Environment Date: 10th & 11th May 2006 Date: 23rd & 24th January 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Secretarial and Administrative staff Aims of this course: Identify work roles and relationships Examine how to manage time and priorities Develop and improve influencing and interacting skills Develop an individual learning plan At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Clarify working roles and relationships, identify external and internal ‘customers’ Use planning and streamlining tools to manage time more effectively Use basic assertiveness skills to build co-operative working relationships 16 Report Writing Date: 2nd February 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day Who is this course applicable to? Staff who are required to produce reports and / or recommendations. For example: Management reports summarising issues. Sequence of events with recommended actions (e.g. for complaint resolution) Aims of this course: Develop the ability to define an issue or problem effectively Develop the ability to summarise the problem succinctly and in terms that a senior manager or person without a particular expertise can understand Identify impact(s) and propose solution(s) or recommendations Develop the ability to write a report quickly at the appropriate level of detail At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Summarise information clearly within a report Develop reports that are pitched at different levels 17 Managing your Unit’s Financial Accounts Date: To Be Confirmed Course Duration: 2 Hours Who is this course applicable to? All staff who manage accounts The following topics will be covered in this course: Financial Issues impacting on Units/Schools Understanding your reports Financial controls 18 Agresso Training Date: Courses scheduled Monthly. Dates will be confirmed shortly. Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? All staff Agresso courses will be offered in the following areas: Agresso web requisitioning The aim of this course is to introduce the University’s web based requisitioning process on Agresso. It will enable users to submit requisitions. Agresso Purchase Orders This course will enable participants to raise purchase orders on Agresso Agresso Reporting The aim of this course is to enable participants to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of financial reporting within Agresso. 19 Freedom Of Information And Data Protection (Implications for Academic & Administrative Processes) Date: 16th November 2005 Course Duration: 1 Hour (lunch-time) Who is this course applicable to? All staff Description: It’s been four years since the universities came under the ambit of the FOI Act. Joe Maxwell, (FOI Officer) will explain the ongoing impact that FOI has had on academic processes and will illustrate these using real FOI requests received by DCU. Among the topics to be presented, this 1 hour session will put the Freedom of Information in the context of exam marking, external examiners reports and postgraduate student direct entry. 20 Administering HR Systems (Sick Leave, Annual Leave, Part-Time Contracts Etc) Date: 13th December 2005 Course Duration: 2 Hours Who is this course applicable to? Secretarial and Administrative who administer/coordinate contract requests, leave and sick pay procedures and those who are interested in learning more about same. Aims of this course: The aim of this course is to outline the various regulations which underpin University policies and procedures. It will also examine administrative systems which support their effective implementation. By the end of this course, participants will be able to administer: Sick pay procedures Holiday leave entitlements Requesting contracts of employment 21 Personal Effectiveness Date: 15th December 2005 - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day Who is this course applicable to? This course is intended for those who wish to make fuller and more effective use of their time and become more effective at work. Aims of this course: Identify work objectives and prioritise tasks more efficiently Develop personal plans to achieve objectives Examine what participants spend their time doing and how that time can be used more effectively Identify interruptions and how these can be managed At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Define clear objectives for your job and prioritise tasks more efficiently Plan and schedule activities to achieve your goals Organise your time to get the important things done Manage interactions and interruptions Select the correct organising tools for your tasks 22 Presentation Skills Date: 16th and 17th January 2006 Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are required to make presentations to small / large groups Aims of this course: Enable participants to make natural, interesting and effective presentations to large or small groups. Identify what makes a speaker nervous and how she/he can relax Examine body language - the power of 'non verbal' communication Examine how to influence the audience and what visual aids to use At the end of this course, participants will have learned: How to design and deliver high quality presentations How to generate audience commitment and action through effective planning and meeting control 23 Train The Trainer Date: 14th December 2005 Repeated on 21st March 2006 Course Duration: (+ follow-up ½ day, date to be confirmed) (+ follow-up ½ day, date to be confirmed) 1.5 Days Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are required to design and deliver training courses and training workshops Aims of this course: Describe the structured approach to Training and identify different stages in the learning process Explain the principles of how adults learn and examine learning styles Identify the steps to follow when designing training material and develop material in line with this Deliver training material using different methods to assist the learning process and receive feedback At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Identify the difference between the structured and unstructured approaches to training design and development Recognise learning styles and how to adapt the design and delivery of training to these styles Follow best practice guidelines when designing and developing training materials Practice delivering training material using different methods to help assist in the learning process and receive feedback 24 MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT Improving the quality of Ph.D. student supervision* Date: to be confirmed Duration: 2 days Who is this course applicable to? Academic staff and postdoctoral researchers who are responsible for or involved in the supervision of Ph.D. students. Aims of this course: The overall emphasis of the course is on the skills required for the efficient management of the Ph.D. student and the student's programme, with a particular emphasis on quality assurance and student support consistent with the objectives of a Ph.D. programme. Essentially, the course aims to assist in the process of producing a student capable of independent research to the highest of standards. By the end of this course, participants will be: Able to adopt a number of behaviours associated with a competent Ph.D supervisor including: adopt a planned approach to the supervision of Ph.D. students ability to facilitate and act as an advisor identifying difficulties early and implementing appropriate remedial action where required Funded by Training for Trainers, National Development Plan 25 The Management Of Meetings Date: 26th January 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? Staff (Academic and Administrative) who regularly participate in and chair meetings Aims of this course: Examine the reasons for attending meetings and how to prepare for meetings Examine the roles of the chairperson and participant Highlight how to manage the time to produce results during a meeting Provide participants with techniques for generating ideas and solutions By the end of this course, participants will know: What meetings to attend and how to prepare for meetings The fundamentals of effective meeting management How to chair a meeting How to participate more effectively during meetings How to achieve results from meetings 26 Managing A Project Date: 1st & 2nd December 2005 (Full) Course Duration: 2 Days Effective project management involves the project manager and the people working on the project identifying and understanding the critical factors that are necessary for the successful achievement of the project's objectives. The approaches and techniques that are used in the project management process are of interest to all those who wish to be more certain about achieving predetermined targets. Who is this course applicable to? Staff working in a project led environment or those wishing to adopt a project management approach to their work. Aims of this course: To understand the difference between a process and a project To recognise the different types of project structures To be able to plan and schedule a project To identify what is needed to control a project At the end of this workshop, participants will have learned: The fundamentals of project management How to plan and schedule a project How to manage a project team How to manage the cost, benefit and analysis of a project 27 *Interviewer Skills Date: 2nd March 2006 24th January 2006 – Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day Who is this course applicable to? This course is designed to help those sitting on interview boards to make better selection decisions Aims of this course: Develop a clear understanding of the recruitment process and in particular how to conduct an interview. By the end of this course, participants will know: How to develop selection criteria How to conduct the interview - establishing rapport, structuring the interview, etc. Questioning techniques How to make a decision Equality and Freedom of Information legislation relevant to recruitment * (The University Recruitment Policy states staff who become involved in selection boards should undergo formal training in Interviewing Skills) 28 Shortlisting Skills Date: 12th January 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are required to short-list candidates for recruitment and selection purposes The aim of this course is to help participants: Gain the ability to identify the selection criteria for a role Develop an awareness of the rules of short-listing and practice comparing application forms against the selection criteria By the end of this course, participants will know: How to identify the selection criteria for roles The rules of short-listing How to short-list fairly 29 Supervisory Skills / Frontline Management Date: 27th April 2006 Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Staff with supervisory roles who have recently taken up supervisory positions and / or staff in supervisory roles who have not received training in this area. Aims of this course: Assist staff in making the transition to their new role Motivate and develop staff Develop a team work approach Set goals and priorities Improve communication skills, up, down and across Tackle problems and difficult situations By the end of this course, participants will know how to: Communicate effectively with staff Motivate staff they supervise Supervise a team Deal with difficult situations 30 Team Building Skills Date: 29th March 2006 – Postponed (new date to be confirmed) Course Duration: 1 Day Who is this course applicable to? All staff who supervise, manage, lead or need to build a team By request from existing teams who wish to review/improve their effectiveness Aims of this course: This course aims to help participants gain an understanding of the primciples of effective teamwork and awareness of how to build an effective team By the end of this course, participants will have gained: An awareness of the principles of effective teamwork An ability to create a productive team environment An understanding of different team roles An ability to build an effective team 31 Media Skills Date: 23rd & 24th February 2006 Date: 26th and 27th January 2006 – Postponed Course Duration: 2 Days Who is this course applicable to? Academic staff Aims of the Course: To develop media literacy To develop the capacity to interact effectively with media At the end of this course, participants will have: Improved their understanding of how the media works Been exposed to the demands of interacting with the media Used scenarios to practice interacting with the media Received coaching in writing media statements Undertaken simulated broadcast interviews Received feedback on their performance in media interactions 32 Managing Change Date: 25th January 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day “If we want deeper understanding of the prospect of change, we must pay closer attention to our own powerful inclinations not to change”…Prof Bob Kegan and Dr Lisa Lahey, Harvard University, 2002. Who is this course applicable to? Academic Staff Aims of this course: This workshop provides a developmental space for individuals to consider how these words apply to themselves, their departments and the organisations in which they work. The workshop will help participants identify clearly their unique ability to consciously and successfully manufacture ‘non-change’, and explore the effects of such a process on their careers, professional relationships and leadership roles. Drawing on the work of Kegan and Lahey, the workshop will: Introduce participants to the concept of the ‘immune system’, at individual, and organizational levels Identify why these immune systems are successful and therefore difficult to ‘switch off’ Explore the implications of successful immune systems for our own work, for the context of our /department and in terms of the wider organization in which we are employed Consider ways in which leadership in our institutions might best respond to the dynamic immune systems that constrain change Develop a personal process for incorporating immune system dynamics into our work. Workshop Facilitator Dr Jim Walsh lectures in management in University College Cork. Funded by Training for Trainers, National Development Plan 33 Managing Difficult Situations Using The University’s Grievance And Disciplinary Policies Date: 17th January 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to? Staff who have managerial, supervisory roles or who expect to have such roles in the future Aims of this course: Good employee relations requires managers to have specific practical skills in handling grievance and disciplinary issues. The workshop will examine key aspects of the University's Industrial Relations policies and good practice models in preventing issues escalating. At the end of this workshop, participants will be: Familiar with the provisions of the Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977-2001 and its implications for managerial and supervisory roles. Know how to deal with issues arising in the areas of employee performance and conducts including the holding of Disciplinary meetings and issuing verbal and written warnings Have the practical skills needed to handle disciplinary and grievances issues with confidence 34 INTERPERSONAL SKILLS TRAINING Communication Skills & Personality Styles Date: 9th March 2006 5th April 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day Have you ever wondered why your message may not be getting through to some people? This course is designed to raise awareness among participants of their own communication and personality styles and to help them to both spot and communicate with different styles. Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are interested in improving how they communicate with others Aims of this course: Examine the importance of personality and communication styles in the workplace Look at ways to communicate with different personality styles Your Performance Profiles Indicator, what this tells you about your own personality style By the end of this course participants will have learned: The importance of personality and communication styles in the workplace How to spot different communication and personality styles How to communicate with different personality styles What their own personality style is and how to use this more effectively at work 35 Assertiveness Skills Date: 14th March & 25th May 2006 – Postponed (New date to be confirmed) Course Duration: 1 Day Assertiveness is a valuable communication tool. It is essential for progress and successful interaction with colleagues. Who is this course applicable to? All staff who wish to improve or develop their existing assertiveness skills Aims of this course: Understand what is assertive behaviour Give participants an opportunity to practice assertiveness techniques Identify how to deal with difficult situations and criticism Examine ways to build confidence By the end of this course, participants will have learned: What assertive behaviour looks like How to act assertively How to manage difficult situations and criticism How to build their confidence in different situations 36 Influencing & Negotiation Skills Date: 11th & 12th May Course Duration: 1.5 Days This course examines negotiation and influencing skills, which are not only key skills in any organisation, but also impact upon our relationships with other people, and communication in general. This course investigates a range of leading thinkers on the topic, in addition to key theories and practical models in order to sketch out the processes of influencing and negotiation Who is this course applicable to? Staff who have managerial/supervisory role and/or positions involving negotiation with others (e.g. suppliers, state agencies etc) Aims of the course: Understand the theory and practice of influencing and negotiation and power in organisations. Understand your own and others’ motivational factors and adapt your approach accordingly when influencing Consider a number of approaches to managing conflict and select the most appropriate method for the situation At the end of the course, participants will have learned to: Prepare effectively to negotiate with a colleague Conduct a negotiation with a colleague in an appropriate and effective manner Achieve successful outcomes when negotiating and influencing Use their personal sources of influence 37 ORIENTATION Orientation To Dublin City University Dates: 12th October 2005 Repeated on 25th January 2006 Repeated on 18th May 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day Who is this course applicable to? All new staff (including temporary and part-time) Aims of this course: Give you a sense of Dublin City University, it’s origins and culture Provide an overview of DCU’s structures Outline your terms, conditions and benefits Give an overview of DCU’s policies and procedures Provide an overview of Equality, Health & Safety and Computer Services At the end of this workshop, participants will have: An overview of the origins and culture of DCU An understanding of DCU’s academic, administrative, support and committee structures A knowledge of their benefits and entitlements An awareness of what HR policies exist and where they can be located An overview of DCU’s policy ‘To promote Respect and To Protect Dignity’ An overview of Health and Safety An overview of the Computer Services Department and the ‘code of conduct for the use of computer resources in Dublin City University’ and ‘Breaches of the Code of Conduct for the use of computing resources in DCU’ 38 How To Approach The Probationary Process Date: 23rd November 2005, 10am to 12pm. Repeated on 22nd March, 2006, 10am to 12pm. Course Duration: 2 Hours The first year of employment in DCU is both challenging and exciting for new staff members. The probation process exists to help new staff members become familiar with their role and receive feedback on their strengths and development needs. The probation process is an opportunity for new staff to engage in a two-way dialogue with their Head of School and can enrich a person’s future career in DCU. Who is this course applicable to? All new permanent staff and those staff currently going through the probation process. Aims of this course: Look at the probationary year for new staff members Define what is probation? Identify who is involved and how the probationary process operates? Identify what new staff members gain from the probationary process? Provide tips on how to approach the assessment interview and complete the probationary assessment form At the end of this course participants will have learned: The importance of the probationary year for them What the probation process involves? How to approach the assessment interviews? How to complete the probationary assessment form? 39 Getting To Know Your University Date: 31st January 2006 - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day (modular) Who is this course applicable to? New and long serving Staff Aims of this course: This series of sessions are being offered to all staff, new and long serving, to give them the opportunity to get to know the University better, to understand the way it is structured and organised and to highlight any changes that have taken place in various departments in recent years. A schedule of modules will be available shortly. 40 CAREER DEVELOPMENT Getting Started (Career Development) Date: 15th November 2005 - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day plus 1 hour (1:1 meeting to be scheduled as agreed with participant) Who is this course applicable to? Administrative, Secretarial, Technical and Support staff. Aims of this course: The aims of this course is to help participants identify their own skill set and develop an awareness of the skills, strategies and resources to prepare them for internal job opportunities At the end of this workshop, participants will have: Identified their skills, strengths, interests and achievements Developed a CV Identified any gaps in their CV Begun to find ways to fill these gaps Understood how to prepare for applications and interviews Raised their awareness of their career development needs Understood more about how to manage their career at DCU Identified a short-term goal for their career Built a portfolio of career resources to manage their career in the future 41 Developing And Managing Your Career (Mid Career Planning) Postponed to: Session 1 - Full day 9th May 2006 Session 2 - 90 Minutes (one to one session) 17th or 18th May 2006 Session 3 - Full day 25th May 2006 ********************************************** Date: This course is split into three different sessions, as indicated below. Participants need to be available for all three sessions. The dates include: (New dates scheduled as above) Session 1 Full day 11th January Session 2 90 Minutes (one to one session) 18th or 19th January Session 3 Full day 1st February Course Duration: 2 Days & 90 Minutes Who is this course applicable to? Staff (academic, administrative and support) with a significant amount of service (e.g. 3 years plus) Staff wishing to review their careers to date and consider other opportunities. Staff who are curious and interested in finding out more about themselves and how they might be able to develop themselves Aims of this course: This course aims to help participants to develop strategies that work for them, to look in detail at their abilities and make good career decisions. At the end of the course, participants will be able to: Identify their personal plan (this will involve individuals assessing the role which work plays in their lives) Develop practical plans for action to achieve their plan Identify and explore the match between what the organisation wants and offers and what they want and offer Take responsibility for their own career in a practical way. 42 Senior Lecturer - Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures Date: Notification of workshop will be included in the call for applications Duration: 1.5 hours Who is this course applicable to: Academics who are considering making an application for Senior Lecturer under the internal promotion procedures Aims of this course: The purpose of this workshop is to outline the procedures and processes stipulated by the Senior Lecturer Promotion Policy. The workshop will also suggest how best to present a Curriculum Vitae using the SL promotion Guidelines. 43 Associate Professor - Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures Date: Notification of workshop will be included in the call for applications Duration: 2 hours Who is this course applicable to? Academics who are considering making an application for Associate Professor under the internal promotion procedures Aims of this course: The purpose of this workshop is to outline the procedures and processes stipulated by the Associate Professor Promotion Policy. This workshop will also suggest how best to present a C.V. using the AP promotion Guidelines. 44 Progression From Lecturer-Below-Bar To Lecturer-Above-Bar, Workshop On DCU’S Promotion Procedures Date: To be confirmed Duration of this course: 2 hours Aims of this course: The purpose of this workshop is to outline the procedures and processes stipulated by the Progression Policies. The workshop will also suggest how best to present a Curriculum Vitae and how to prepare for interview. 45 COMPUTER SKILLS Microsoft Word - Introductory Date: January 2006 (date to be confirmed) - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below Topics covered in this course are: Word Basics Navigating a document Additional editing techniques Character and paragraph formatting Introduction to tabs and tables Controlling page appearance Tools and printing 46 Microsoft Excel - Introductory Date: 29th November 2005 Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below Topics covered in this course are: Excel basics Entering data and navigating a work sheet Modifying a workbook Moving and copying data Formatting a worksheet Printing a worksheet Introduction to the workbook environment 47 Microsoft Powerpoint- Introductory Date: 30th November 2005 - Postponed Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below: Topics covered in this course are: Introduction to powerpoint Beginning a presentation Drawing tools Clip art and word art Organisation charts and graphs Templates and slide master Slide shows, output and presentation options Preparing presentations for the web 48 Microsoft Access – Introductory Date: 28th January 2006 Course Duration: 2 Days (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person per day) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below: Topics covered in this course are: Overview of access Creating tables Creating and using select queries Creating and using forms Creating and using reports Principles of table design Principles of table relationships 49 Microsoft Word – Intermediate/Advanced Date: 9th January 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below. This course will also include topics from the Advanced Word course Topics covered in this course are: Working with selections Managing tables and table data Using mail merge Styles and auto text Introduction to templates Introduction to macros The internet and the web Using Microsoft Office Word with other programmes Collaborating on documents Adding reference marks and notes Making long documents easier to use Securing a document Creating web pages Creating forms Using XML in Word 50 Microsoft Excel – Intermediate/Advanced Date: 10th January 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below. This course will also include topics from the Advanced Excel course Topics covered in this course are: Sorting data Filtering data Using pivot tables Creating charts Modifying charts Formatting a chart Using graphic objects Streamlining workflow Collaborating with others Auditing worksheets Analyzing data Working with multiple workbooks Importing and exporting data Structuring XML workbooks 51 Microsoft Powerpoint- Intermediate Date: 11th January 2006 Course Duration: 1 Day (Please note: Course fee is €25.00 per person) Who is this course applicable to? All staff who are unfamiliar with the topics outlined below Topics covered in this course are: Working with templates Working with multimedia Working within the office suite Additional powerpoint features Building interactive presentations Collaborating on the web 52 Microsoft Office Specialist Certification What is MOS? Microsoft Office Specialist Certification is a global standard for developing superior proficiency in desktop computing skills. This programme is the only Office certification recognised and endorsed by Microsoft. Who can apply for this certification? The certification can be applied for by anyone who has completed an application specific course provided through this Training & Development schedule or by an external trainer. It can also be applied for by those who have completed the MS modules on-line. How to apply for Certification: The Computer Services Department will make the courseware available on the L drive under MELL. The L drive is available to all staff once they logon to the Computer Services Department Novell network. Copy and paste the following link into Internet Explorer If you don't already have Office 2003 installed, and your PC complies with the recommended spec detailed in the previous web link, you will need to contact the Computer Services Helpdesk @ 5007, and log a request to have it installed. The cost of taking the online test for certification is €60. Each candidate can go at their own pace and decide to take a single or multiple tests. The exams will be held on a regular basis by the Computer Services Department. If you wish to find out more about Microsoft Office Specialist please contact Wendy Clarke in CSD at ext. 8282. 53 Introduction to SPSS & Statistics Course Date: 12th January 2006 - Postponed 19th January 2006 - Postponed 24th January 2006 - Postponed Course duration: 3 days (Please note: course fee is €500 per person) Who is this course applicable to? Staff who are interested in gaining an introduction to how to use SPSS. This course is designed for those wishing to learn how to enter, modify, analyse and present data using SPSS. Aims of this course: This course aims to provide an introduction to SPSS in each of the 4 main stages of data analysis Data definition and access Data modification Data analysis Data presentation At the end of this course, participants will be able to: Enter, edit and define data Carry out essential data modifications Understand the importance of types of data and distinguish between them Perform a range of analyses using SPSS Produce high quality output (e.g. charts) to report findings and transfer this output to word processing packages Interpret data and draw conclusions Control the operation of SPSS and manage files 54 MAKING INFORMED DECISIONS (HEALTH, PENSIONS ETC) Workshops For Making Informed Decisions H Health - VHI, BUPA E Entitlements A AVC's - Additional Voluntary Contributions L Life Assurance / Pensions (Superannuation) T Time for You / Work Life Balance H HR Policies - What can you expect from us VHI 25th January 2006 The VHI will be on campus on Wednesday 25th January from 10.00 a.m. - 11.00 p.m. to give a presentation on their services. The VHI representative will also be available to meet individual staff between 11.00 a.m. and 12.00 p.m. This presentation is open to all staff. BUPA 26th January 2006 BUPA will be on campus on Thursday 26th January from 2.00 p.m.. - 3.00 p.m. to give a presentation on their services. The BUPA representative will also be available to meet individual staff between 3.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. This presentation is open to all staff. Pensions (DCU Superannuation Scheme) 8th December 2005 & repeated on 26th January 2006 The Human Resources Department will deliver a presentation on the 'DCU superannuation scheme' on Thursday 8th December from 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. And repeated again on Thursday 26th January from 11.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. This introductory session is aimed at staff who would like to find out what their membership means in terms of benefits and entitlements. The information session will also outline the various options available in order to maximise benefits at retirement. AVC's - Additional Voluntary Contributions 8th December 2005 and repeated on 26th January 2006 Mr Mark Keane from Gregan McGuinness, who manage the DCU AVC scheme, will be on campus on Thursday 8th December from 11.15 a.m.- 12.15 p.m. and repeated again on Thursday 26th January from 11.15 a.m. - 12.15 p.m. to give a presentation on Additional Voluntary Contributions (AVC'S). AVC's is one of the means at which you can maximise your retirement benefits when there is a shortfall. 55 S.E.L.F. – Support, Entitlements, Leave and Family Friendly Policies 1st December 2005 and repeated on 18th January 2006 (11.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m) Postponed The purpose of these sessions is to raise awareness of your entitlements granted under both legislation and University policies. This is an opportunity for you to gain a better understanding of the Support, Entitlements, Leave and Family friendly policies offered to you at DCU ……………………… 56 HEALTH & SAFETY (Organised by the Health & Safety Office) Office Ergonomics Available Dates: 14th & 15th December 2005 Course Duration: 1.5 hours Who is this course applicable to: If you use a Visual Display Unit (Computer screen) for more than 1 x hour per day then this course is for you! Aims of this course: The course is designed to provide you with the skills, advice and information necessary to ensure that you can organise your work environment (chair/desk/VDU etc) to minimise risk to your safety and health. Following the course you will be able to: - adjust your chair, monitor and desk layout to suit your own body frame - understand how poor posture can affect your overall well being - organise your daily tasks to lessen fatigue and keep the blood circulating! For registration details for the above course please click on the link below. Please click the Health & Safety Office for more information 57 Manual Handling (Organised by the Health & Safety Office) Dates: 14th & 15th December 2005 Course Duration: ½ Day Who is this course applicable to: Almost everyone on campus is involved in manual handling at some stage in their working week - so this course is for you. Aims of this course: This course is designed to provide you with the skills, advice and information necessary to ensure that you can organise your manual handling tasks (lifting /pushing/pulling etc) so as to avoid the strains, sprains and more serious injuries that can be associated with these activities Following this course you will be able to; - Understand your back - Understand the principles of safe manual handling - Lift and handle loads safely For registration details for the above course please click on the link below. Please Note: 1. Based on demand advertised courses may be cancelled or rescheduled 2. On receipt of your booking, The Health and Safety Office will contact you to confirm details Please click the Health & Safety Office for more information 58