Assessed Understanding: Can you label and describe the functions of the basic parts of the respiratory system?
Unit Essential Question: How do the systems in the human body work together to sustain life?
Lesson Essential Question: How do each of the organs function in the respiratory system?
Day 1 (11/16): o Activating activity: Carbon Dioxide Lab.
Using an indicator, students will be able to see that the lungs expel carbon dioxide. o Label the parts of the respiratory system using a diagram given. o Complete the graphic organizer for the organs of the respiratory system and their functions using page 133 of the Science Explorer text to guide you. o Homework: Study the structures/functions of the respiratory system.
Create notecards/flashcards or your own diagram to study from.
Day 2 (11/17): o Complete the graphic organizer for the organs of the respiratory system and their functions using page 133 of the Science Explorer text to guide you. o Begin reading Chapter 5, Section 1 in the Science Explorer text. Record your answers to all checkpoint questions. Use active reading strategies like asking and answering your own questions, identifying important vocabulary, and summarizing after each paragraph of small section of reading to be sure that you understood what you have read. o Homework: Study the structures/functions of the respiratory system.
Create notecards/flashcards or your own diagram to study from.
Day 3 (11/18): o Complete reading Chapter 5, Section 1. Record answers to all checkpoint questions, and answer #1-5 of Section 1 Review questions on page 138. o Study structures/functions of the respiratory system. o Homework: Study the structures/functions of the respiratory system.
Create notecards/flashcards or your own diagram to study from.
Day 4 (11/19):
ASSESSMENT!!! Can you label and describe the functions of the basic parts of the circulatory system?