
October 2001
BIFM BCSIG Version 1.1
Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power
Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
The Need
Legal Requirements
Design Requirements
Types of Standby Power supplies
Power distribution
Risk & Redundancy
Commissioning & Training
Service and Maintenance
Palana Designs
Types of contract
References & Associated Links
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Special thanks to those all who helped contribute to this guide
Mick Dalton
Chris Mills
Andy Meek
Andy Vigar
Colin Pearson
Paul Lanahan
John Goddard
Andrew Martin
David Wilkin
Kevin Barrett
Jeremy Philpot
Sarah Noakes
Ernst & Young
BSC Consulting
Martin Jolly
Eddie Picton
Keith Cook
John Taplin
Martin Jolly
Palana Designs
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
The following information is intended to give non-technical Building or Facilities Managers outline guidance and an
overview of facilities information relating to Standby Power Supply Systems.
It does not purport to be authoritative or exhaustive. There are many areas, which have to be treated on an
individual case-by-case basis. Of necessity, much information is directly derived from British and other Standards.
There are also many instances in which expert advice is advised.
This is anticipated as coming from a professionally qualified engineer (most often a member of CIBSE or the IEE),
whether from an FM or consultancy background. Facilities and Building Managers are, perforce, generalists. They
will often need to seek advice from specialists.
Standby Power Supplies for the purpose of this document include;
Standby generators, central UPS systems, central battery systems (for example serving emergency lighting), on
desk UPS and under-desk UPS.
The following are excluded;
Integral batteries in fire alarm panels, emergency lights, BMS outstations and the like. Renewable energy sources.
Combined Heating and Power (CHP) systems. Generator systems used for peak load lopping.
Health and Safety.
By their nature, standby power supply systems are noisy and can start automatically without warning. Risk
assessments should be in place and maintained regarding their operation and maintenance. Access to areas
containing such systems should be strictly controlled. Unqualified personnel should not be allowed access.
Qualified personnel should always be equipped with personal protective equipment, such as ear defenders and eye
protection. Care must be taken to ensure equipment is used properly for its intended purpose. Moving parts,
dangerous voltages, battery explosions etc can cause serious injury.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
The Need
Why have a standby power
The requirements for standby power supplies are many and various. Statistically every customer in the UK can expect
power interruption in a year of a total duration 71minutes (source OFGEM). Presently interruptions of less than one
minute are not always recorded. The impact of such interruptions on an organisation or business needs to be
considered. A hospital operating theatre cannot afford to have lights and life support machines go out if the power
fails, so they would be supported by a UPS (a battery system) and a standby generator. Likewise many businesses
rely on computers so consideration needs to be given to the impact of power interruptions to IT systems. Power
interruptions can vary from a brief "flicker" to more than 24 hours duration.
How long should your standby
system support you for?
Once again there is no specific answer. A desktop PC may only need a small desktop "brick" type UPS to enable the
machine to be powered down in a controlled fashion, so 10 minutes is probably sufficient. A hospital or large financial
institution may take the view that it needs to be supported for a day or more. Duration of support is ultimately decided
by battery size or fuel storage capacity.
Generator or UPS or both?
Whilst these are both types of standby system, they fulfill different functions. An Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS)
consists mainly of a set of batteries and will give a constant (no break) supply until the batteries run down. Depending
on the number of batteries installed, the length of support from a UPS can be extended. A UPS provides a continuous
additional function of protecting the electrical supply from external disturbances such as harmonic distortion and
transient voltages. It is however, very expensive, heavy and space consuming. Also batteries need to be replaced on
an approximate three to five year cycle, which is also expensive. Standby generators are comparatively cheaper, with
fuel being replaced as it is used; the big drawback is that there is a break between mains failing and the generator
coming on line of up to 40 seconds. It is usual to take a layered approach and only support really important or critical
equipment on a UPS (main computers and operating theatres for example), and then support less important
equipment from a generator. Finally it may be decided that some loads will be ignored completely and not be
supported by UPS or generator. This is generally referred to as load shedding.
Power Quality
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As well as considering power interruptions, power quality is an issue, which is becoming more important. It is very
specialised and expert advice should be sought.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Provision of a system
Firstly list all the electrical loads in your building(s). Ventilation plant, lifts, lighting, general office power, special IT
loads etc. Next decide which loads cannot be interrupted. In this list it would only be special IT loads (such as
servers), desktop PC's would generally be allowed to fail unless they are running a special application, in which case
why are they in an office environment? The loads that you or your organisation consider cannot be interrupted are the
loads that should be supported by UPS. Then which of the remaining loads can be interrupted briefly, but still need to
run? These plus the UPS loads are your generator loads. It would be normal to include life safety systems such as
fire alarms amongst the generator loads. Anything left can be load shed. This is the basic process. Once you have
decided the above you will need to consult a specialist to sort out the underlying levels of detail.
Space for a system
All standby systems will require space. It may be possible to purchase systems in containers, which can be
accommodated in car parks. You will need to consider structural loads for systems within buildings. You will need to
seek expert advice on system sizes and structural capacities.
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As well as the generator or UPS you will need to consider the cost of additional switchgear, fuel storage, running costs
(labour, fuel etc), maintenance and the need for competent personnel to operate.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Legal Requirements
Fuel storage
This will need to be agreed with your local planning authority at design stage. Requirements will vary depending on
amount of fuel stored. Generally, it is unusual to have bulk fuel storage above basement level, because of risk of
leaks. There may be requirements for bunding, leak detection and spill back lines as well.
Electrical installations need to comply with the Electricity Supply Regulations 1989 and the IEE regulations BS 7671.
CE Mark
All equipment should carry a CE mark to indicate compliance with relevant European regulations.
Equipment will need to comply with these regulations.
Supply of Machinery Act
Control of Waste
Disposal of batteries, oils, filters etc
Working with fuels, batteries etc
Clean Air Act
The requirements of the ‘off road and stationary engine emissions act’ must be taken into account where standby
generators are to be installed
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Design Requirements
It is important that the distribution network downstream of the standby power supply be considered at the design
stage. A standby power supply will be of little use if it cannot deliver power to the point of utilisation due to a fault in the
distribution network within the building or site.
All to often the standby power supply is designed to cover for the loss of supply from the local electricity supplier with
little or no regard being given to points of failure and the consequences of those failures within the building or site
distribution system.
Types of Standby Power Supply
Package Standby Generating sets
These are generally diesel engine generators, with daily service tank (typical 8 hours), simple controls, mounted in an
acoustic ISO size container. Often seen in an "on hire" situation, although increasingly seen in supermarket delivery
areas. Engines may alternatively be fuelled by gas, in which case fuel tanks are not required.
Diverse power supplies
Generating sets
Palana Designs
Larger and more complex buildings and sites may enjoy electrically separate electrical supplies, each capable of
supplying the total load. This type of supply would need to be negotiated with your local supplier and you would pay a
significant premium for it. You would need to check regularly with your supplier to confirm the arrangement is still
The most common type of standby power supply is the diesel engine standby generator. The diesel engine drives an
alternator, which generates the power. They are simple reliable devices, which with proper maintenance and regular
testing should last for very many years. Do not expect an un-maintained generating set to work when you need it.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
High or Low voltage generators
Diesel No Break Set
Uninterruptible Power Supplies
Standby generators most commonly operate at what is known as low voltage (230 / 400V). For very large buildings
and loads it is often considered more advantageous to use high voltage (3.3 to 11kV) machines. These give the
benefit of space saving, but then will need to supply a load from the high voltage side of the main transformers. The
decision as to which is most appropriate is normally taken at design stage. It should be remembered that specially
qualified (and thus more expensive) staff are required to maintain high voltage machines.
The mains supply drives a motor mounted on a common shaft with a generator, flywheel and diesel engine (via a
clutch). When the mains fails the flywheel keeps the shaft and alternator rotating, the clutch is engaged and the
flywheel starts the diesel. The diesel then maintains the rotation of the generator.
These generally consist of banks of batteries supplied by an inverter / rectifier unit. The batteries store energy and
allow an uninterrupted supply to be given to the load, if the mains fail. The length of time the batteries can maintain a
load is called the "autonomy". This will vary with load. As load increases, autonomy falls. The relationship is nonlinear. Careful management of loads connected to UPS is necessary to ensure that it will perform its desired function.
Static UPS
This is the most widely used type of UPS. It uses solid-state electronics to convert mains power to DC for battery
charging and then convert and condition DC back to AC for use by the load. Most widely used type but can impose
harmonic distortion (power quality problems) on the supply network.
Rotary UPS
A rotary UPS consists of rectification equipment, which converts the normal AC mains to DC. This is then used to
drive a motor mounted on a common shaft with a generator (AC generator). Mostly supplanted by static systems, still
has some uses where isolation of the load from the supply network for electrical reasons is a consideration.
Online / Offline
Online systems operate constantly "in line" between the supply and load, conditioning the voltage to the load. Offline
systems "switch in" to supply a load when the supply fails. They do this very quickly so the effect appears to be
uninterrupted. There may be a very brief "flicker" which IT loads in particular can be sensitive to.
Gas Turbines
Fuel cells
Palana Designs
Normally used to support very large loads. Where such installations exist it is assumed specialist staff will be
Some CHP systems may serve a dual function as a source of standby supply.
At the time of writing this is an embryonic technology, which may become more prominent in the future.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Functional (generator)
All standby generator systems will require interfacing with the normal mains supply. This will enable failure of the
normal supply to cause the generator to automatically start, changeover switchgear to operate, and the generators to
be connected to the building load. In addition the generator will need to provide an electrical supply to battery
chargers and any fuel transfer pumps. Possible air supply and exhaust fans may also require a supply.
Alarms can include oil pressure, coolant temperature, voltage, frequency, mains healthy / mains fail, starter battery
condition, fuel level etc. Generators can be "held off" by operation of emergency power off pushbuttons or fire alarms
if required.
Functional UPS
A UPS can usually be regarded as an "in line" device, such that if the input supply fails, the integral battery will
maintain the output for a finite period known as "autonomy". Depending on their size and sophistication, UPS can
provide a number of information outputs, including mains healthy / mains fail, self-diagnoses reports, associated
cooling equipment failure etc. Where necessary these can be used to start generators if these are available.
Emergency Stops
An adequate number of emergency stop buttons will be required in a standby generator house or UPS room, which
when operated stop the machine(s). Releasing the buttons must not allow the machine to restart, there must be a
separate reset facility elsewhere. Provision of emergency stops should be decided by experts.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Generating sets
Generators require the following basic conditions to operate. An adequately sized enclosure with due allowance for
maintenance and parts removal. Fuel supply (usually a set or generator house mounted daily service tank
supplemented by a bulk storage tank elsewhere and fuel transfer pumps). Adequate supply of air for aspiration and
cooling. Exhaust system to safely dispose of combustion products. Normal power supply to operate water jacket
heaters and starter battery chargers. Control system to monitor mains, operate changeover switchgear and give start
UPS and batteries should be housed in an adequately sized enclosure with adequate allowance for maintenance and
parts replacement. There are two main components to a UPS, the inverter / rectifier unit and the batteries. The
batteries are most sensitive to environmental conditions. BS6133 sets down a recommended 20ºC for the most
commonly used sealed lead acid type. Temperatures in excess of this can severely reduce service life necessitating
more frequent costly battery renewal. The inverter rectifier units, being less sensitive to temperature and actually
producing most heat, can be located separately, but nearby, ideally next door, thus saving on environmental control.
Expert advice should be sought to ensure effective cooling and ventilation is provided.
Noise and vibration
In respect of standby generators and larger sized UPS, it should be appreciated that they generate noise and
vibration. A UPS will generate noise all the time, and room sized equipment will cause enough noise to make the area
on the other side of a dry lined wall unsuitable for office use. Generators are only noisy when they are running, but
they also cause large amounts of vibration, which can be transmitted through a structure. Both noise and vibration
can be largely eliminated by careful attention to detail at design stage, it will add to costs though.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Power Distribution
Normal power distribution
Normal power is distributed through a tree type structure of cables and switchgear to final points of use. These are
typically ventilation systems, lifts, and large items of plant, lighting, and floor power.
Generator distribution
If the generator is large enough to support the entire building then it will provide its supply to "change-over switchgear"
at the normal mains supply point. In the more common case of generator only being able to support part of the
building then there may be several sets of changeover switchgear at points downstream in the distribution system.
This will enable agreed critical loads to be supported. Other loads will be ignored (load shed), and will experience any
supply problems that occur. It is important that everybody from senior management down agree what loads and
equipment require generator support and which do not. Trying to change things after installation is a difficult,
disruptive and expensive affair. Expert advice should be sought once internal agreement is reached.
UPS distribution
UPS distribution can be as simple as plugging in a small desktop "brick" size unit between a PC and its power supply.
At the other end of the spectrum large UPS weigh many tonnes and require dedicated switchgear and specialist
design knowledge. Once again it is important that everyone is very clear what needs to be achieved.
UPS distribution should be segregated and carefully managed. Loads such as fridges and desk fans can be
inadvertently added, which can cause pollution of the UPS output and add unnecessarily to the load.
Load shedding
Not usually employed in connection with UPS. The practice of automatically or manually disconnecting electrical loads
(those deemed of lesser importance), in order to match a load to the output of generators or other standby supply
An important and sometimes neglected aspect of electrical installations, particularly with generators. It is generally
necessary to independently earth a standby generator installation, unless a formal agreement can be made with the
local electricity supply authority. All electrical installations in a building should be connected to a main building earth
bar, which is in turn connected to earth electrodes, or earthing grid.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Parallel Generators
It is quite usual to have several similar standby generators operating in "parallel". Instead of having one large
machine, several smaller machines are used. The voltage and frequency from each machine is matched to the other
machines and hence they are "synchronized" and can then be switched to a common output. The advantage of this
arrangement is that if one machine fails, there is still some standby capacity, although some loads that would normally
be supported may have to be disconnected, either manually or automatically. This should ideally be considered at
design stage.
Synchronizing to mains
It is possible to synchronize the output of generators to the incoming mains by use of appropriate control equipment.
This needs expert design input and agreement with your supply authority. The advantage of this arrangement is that a
building can be returned to normal mains supply, when it is available without any interruptions to users.
Step Loads
Generators and UPS equipment cannot accept 100% of their rated load in one step. Therefore arrangements have to
be made to present loads sequentially in appropriately sized steps. Attention needs to be paid to the loads imposed
on generators by large UPS as in some cases this can tend to stall generators and cause permanent damage.
Risk and Redundancy
Generally used in the context of the combination of likelihood of an event occurring and the consequences of such an
Generally refers to the ability of a system or group of systems to continue to operate when components or units within
it have failed. Often expressed in terms of "N + 1" or dual redundant. Normally achieved by using multiple units
(generator or UPS), and parallel paths to give an overprovision, which then allows part of the system to fail whilst still
being able to serve the requirement. An important spin off from this is it allows maintenance to occur without having to
shut down an entire system.
This terminology is frequently used to describe levels of redundancy within a standby system. It is important to
understand that N represents the number of devices (generators or UPS systems) required to meet the stated load
and duration. For example a given installation may require 2 UPS units of a given size, so N = 2. Therefore N + 1
would mean installing three units which would give 50% redundancy. However a different installation may require 5
units, so N = 5, and N+ 1 would give 6 units and 20% redundancy.
Business Risk
The risk that a business perceives as arising from an external event such as a power failure. This risk can be reduced
by procedures UPS or generators depending on the severity of the consequences and the cost.
External Risk
A risk outside a company or organisation over which it cannot exercise any control. A man digging up power cables
with an excavator is a classic example.
Single point of failure
Failure of a single piece of equipment or device within a system which causes failure of all or part of that system, thus
denying normal and standby power to all or part of the load.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Commissioning & Training
Full records of testing and commissioning should be kept on site at a readily accessible position.
maintenance visits and tests should also be recorded in a log book.
Full system schematics should be readily available, together with switching procedures for all operational modes.
A change control procedure should be agreed and put in place to keep track of load(s) connected to UPS and
All loads fed from UPS or generators should be clearly identified for Health and Safety reasons.
Log book. This should contain test and commissioning records plus results of maintenance and testing. Record any
incidents such as power failures including lessons learnt etc.
Ensure any defects are rectified ASAP.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Service and Maintenance
Types of contract
Insurers will expect standby systems to be maintained to
recognised standards.
Many companies use their own jargon to describe contracts such
as "Gold Standard" or "Premium". At the end of the day most
probably fit into one of the categories below. Rather than accept
a company's pre printed contract, you may find it easier to define
what you need on a sheet of A4 paper and invite quotes. If you
do decide to go with a pre printed contract read it carefully,
particularly the small print.
Should cover routine maintenance, call outs, labour and parts. Monthly or
Exclusions should be very limited and clearly stated. Also Quarterly
ensure that response times are defined, and that consumables
(lubrication oil, antifreeze, filters, belts etc) are included.
Stipulate whether
work is to be carried
out in normal hours
or at weekends or
Do not expect maintainers to include for fuel or batteries, they
will expect to charge extra for these.
Quarterly or Annual
half yearly
Routine or Basic maintenance
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Agree call out rates
etc in advance
Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Service and Maintenance
Points to remember
Agree when works can be carried out.
Agree access procedures - notice for visits etc
Agree health and safety procedures, authorizations for testing etc.
Agree responsibilities for interfaces with other systems. Examples of these are switchgear, UPS or generator, cooling
systems, Building Management Systems, remote monitoring agencies. You may need to include other contractors in
these arrangements.
Avoiding problems
Palana Designs
Have system regularly maintained by reputable company.
Test systems regularly and fully.
Any alterations or extensions should be carried out under the supervision of experts. Do not expect to add
significant new loads to a standby system and that it will continue to work. It won't. Make sure maintenance staff
is well versed in the operation of standby systems - including regular tests. In multiple occupancy buildings,
tenants adding unauthorised additional loads may cause problems.
Ensure any defects are rectified ASAP.
Have systems in place to control contractor’s activities. If switchgear is worked on or modified ensure standby
system is tested immediately afterwards.
Maintenance for generators will need to state who pays for oil, coolant, filters etc.
Maintenance for UPS will need to include annual battery inspection.
Thermographic inspections of electrical switchgear under load can often reveal problems - consider doing
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Standby Generators
Have simple procedures in place such as weekly fuel level, oil and coolant checks.
Have fuel quality checked annually. Certain algae and micro-organisms can breed in diesel fuel, particularly when
it is stored for long periods.
Check generator batteries at least monthly.
Check generators, fuel pumps etc are in "auto" mode every week.
Test on load (by failing normal building power supply) monthly. This will test all ancillary systems such as
switchgear, fuel, cooling etc. Run for two hours.
Off load generator testing is detrimental to the generator and a waste of time.
Time delay between mains being re-established and switching back from generator to mains should be agreed
within your organisation. For example, it may be decided to keep generators going until 19:00 to avoid ant further
Annually test generator against full rated load (load bank) for at least four hours.
Keep full records of all tests and rectify any fault immediately.
Check unit autonomy weekly, where possible.
Check environmental conditions weekly.
Have annual battery test carried out by maintainer.
indication of expected remaining life.
Have bi-annual maintenance carried out.
This should detail the battery condition and give some
Both Standby Generators and UPS
Palana Designs
If an incident such as a power failure occurs have an established information cascade procedure in place,
remembering not to overload any one individual or group.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Staff should be trained and exercised in the normal and emergency use of the system.
Have a simple test sheet made up to record running times, loads, fuel use, hours run etc.
Have another sheet for working through a building checking that gas valves, plant and circuit breakers have all been
reset after a test or power failure.
Ensure that all other building users are aware of tests and load constraints such as IT departments, catering
departments and security. Publish the monthly test dates in advance on your intranet site and send out a reminder
email a week in advance.
Palana Designs
Do not use standby system plant space for storage as this practice may cause failures and accidents.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
References & Associated Links
P 20
P 27
P 27
P 27
P 28
P 30
P 31
P 32
P 33
Important Standards
Electromagnetic Compatibility EMC & Power Quality
Electricity Generation
Electrical Installations
Other relevant Standards
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
References & Associated Links
Books General
UPS The handbook
Uninterruptible Power Supplies;
Peter Bentley & David Bond
Emergency/ standby power
Alexander Kusko
Power Systems in Emergencies:
From Contingency Planning to
Crisis Management
Upton George Knight, U. G. Knight, Hardcover, 378 Pages, Wiley, John & Sons, 11/2000, ISBN: 0471490164, List
Price: $99.95
Palana Designs
200 pages with information and illustrations compiled by experts in the field. This manual is for electrical consultants,
contractors, specifiers and computer users, describes in detail the very latest power protection techniques and
How to evaluate the need for emergency power, and choose the right equipment to deliver it. From specifications to
performance data, this guide provides a detailed description of emergency and standby power systems designed to
serve critical load facilities, such as hospitals, computer centers, office buildings, and remote sites. Covers each major
prototype system is analyzed in terms of specifications, procedures, reliability, costs, and benefits.
This book covers the operational planning measures necessary to ensure that a power system generating or
transmitting electricity will survive any disturbance with minimum impact on its consumers, plant, and current
operation. Disturbances addressed ranged from adverse weather conditions, faults in plant, human errors in operation,
and planning to industrial action, and sabotage.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Recommended Practice for the
Design of Reliable Industrial and
Commercial Power Systems
IEEE 493-1997 - Gold Book, 1997, ISBN 1-5593-7969-3
Recommended Practice for
Emergency and Standby Power
Systems for Industrial and
Commercial Applications
IEEE 446-1995 - Orange Book, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
Standard for Emergency and
Standby Power Systems
(NFPA 110-99), Paperback (June 1999)
Provides data concerning equipment reliability and the cost of power outages so that trade-off studies can be
conducted. Provides sufficient information so that reliability analysis can be performed on power systems without
requiring cross-references to other texts. Information included in the book is the result of extensive surveys of reliability
of electrical equipment in industrial plants and the costs of power outages for both industrial plants and commercial
buildings. The reliability surveys provide historical experience to those who are not able to collect their own data.
Covers many aspects of reliability analysis. The basic concepts of reliability analysis by probability methods,
fundamentals of power system reliability evaluation, the economic evaluation of reliability, and cost of power outage
data are included in the book. Reliability data, as well as electrical preventive maintenance for different types of
equipment, are provided. Some concepts of emergency and standby power, such as reliability compliance testing, are
also included. The book also covers the improvement and evaluation of reliability in existing facilities, voltage sags,
and a methodology for estimating the frequency of these sags.
Hardcover (June 1996); ISBN: 1559375981
Addresses the uses, power sources, design, and maintenance of emergency and standby power systems. Chapter 3
is a general discussion of needs for and the configuration of emergency and standby systems. Chapter 9 lists the
power needs for specific industries. Chapters 4 and 5 deal with the selection of power sources. Chapter 6 provides
recommendations for protecting both power sources and switching equipment during fault conditions. Chapter 7
provides recommendations for design of system grounding, and Chapter 10 provides recommendations for designing
to reliability objectives. Chapter 8 provides recommended maintenance practices.
National Fire Protection Assn; ISBN: 999666919X (30 pp., 1999)
Provides the latest installation criteria and maintenance practices for emergency power systems. This edition includes
new requirements for indication and alarm of low coolant level, clarification of the location requirements for emergency
power supplies, modified requirements for periodic EPSS operational load testing, and more!
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Standard on Stored Electrical
Energy Emergency and Standby
Power Systems,
Technical Guidelines to the first 6
parts of the Generating Set
Standard ISO 8528 (BS7698) for
reciprocating internal combustion
engine driven alternating current
generating sets,
(NFPA 111-2001) (14 pp., 2001)
Covers performance requirements for stored electrical energy systems consisting of an uninterrupted power supply
(UPS) and other components to provide an alternate source of electrical power in buildings and facilities in the event
that the normal electrical power source fails. This 2001 edition addresses: Power sources, Transfer equipment and
controls, Supervisory and accessory equipment to supply power to selected circuits, Installation, maintenance,
operation, and testing as related to system performance.
AMPS, (2000)
Part 1 Specification for applications, ratings & performance (22 pages)
Part 2 Specification for engines (6 pages)
Part 3 Specification for alternating current generators for generating sets (6 pages)
Part 4 Specification for control gear & switchgear (6 pages)
Part 5 Specification for generating sets (26 pages)
Part 6 Test Methods (14 pages)
A Guide to Earthing of Private
Generating Sets up to 5MW single and parallel operation
Palana Designs
AMPS EL001 (1991) 32 pages
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Uninterruptable power supplies
J. Platts and J.D. St Aubyn (Eds), 1992 160pp, Hardback
A Guide to UPS and Power Quality
C L Escombe and F M Escombe
A comprehensive guide to the various types of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) available, and how a UPS can be
specified and applied for safe and reliable functioning in the working environment.
ERA Tech. 1996, ERA Report 96-0525, 384pp, 7 figs.
Presents a comprehensive guide to UK suppliers of uninterruptible power supplies (ups) and power conditioners and
their products. Follows a discussion of potential power problems with a brief review of the main features of power
conditioners and the various types of ups. Lists the names and addresses of over 150 manufacturers, importers and
distributors and in a second section presents more detailed information provided by 60 of these companies. The final
section presents model details of over 800 power conditioners and ups products currently available in the UK.
Buyers’ guide to UPS and powerconditioning equipment
Palana Designs
ERA Technology Ltd.
ERA Tech. 1991, ERA Report 91-0441, 260pp, 2 figs.
Comprehensive guide to UK suppliers of uninterruptible power supplies (ups) and power conditioners and their
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Power Quality
The BSRIA Power Quality Guide
C Pearson and V Uthayanan, July 2000; ISBN:0860225399
Power Quality Solutions: Case
Studies for Troubleshooters
, Gregory J. Porter (Editor), J. Andrew Van Sciver (Editor) Textbook Binding - 283 pages, 1999
States that a number of high profile electrical failures have highlighted the importance of ‘quality’ in the electrical power
delivered to equipment in commercial and industrial buildings. Power quality depends on at least a dozen key features
of the electrical supply, including frequency and voltage variations, but the critical feature that is not addressed by
existing guidelines is harmonic content. Aims to increase awareness of the problem of harmonic current and voltage in
commercial buildings by gathering together information from sources in the UK and around the world. Addresses the
subject under the headings - Introduction, Harmonic distortion effects, Causes of harmonics, Identification of problems,
Power quality solutions, Case studies, Definitions and theoretical analysis, Management of power quality surveys,
Power quality design software, Power quality survey questionnaire, Power quality standards
Prentice Hall PTR; ISBN: 0130207306
The scope of power quality problems range from those found in the largest of power plants to the smallest electronic
devices, and from the vastness of the nation's power distribution networks to the immediacy of devices sharing a wall
outlet. This book was written to offer a practical resource for solving the full gamut of these problems. Avoiding highly
technical explanations and theory, the case studies presented provide both end users and troubleshooters with
detailed examples of what others have done to solve problems similar to those they are encountering. Each case
history is structured to show how the problem was pinpointed, the specific symptoms presented, and how the solution
was achieved. Sections include chapters that emphasize design, wiring and grounding, harmonics, and approaches to
problem solving
Electrical Power Systems Quality,
Roger C. Dugan, Mark F. McGranaghan, H. Wayne Beaty, Marek Samotyj, Hardcover - 448 pages 1995
McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing; ISBN: 0070180318;
A reference on power quality issues for professionals in the field, including utility engineers, industrial plant
technicians, and power quality consultants. Offers detailed information on voltage sags and interruptions; transient
overvoltages; harmonics; long-duration voltage variations; wiring and grounding; and monitoring power quality.
Includes a chapter on terms and definitions, plus b&w photos.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Power Quality Primer
Barry Kennedy, 361 Pages, Published by McGraw-Hill Professional Book Group: 05/2000, Price: $75.00, ISBN:
Make power deregulation work for you With deregulation, the vast pool of power customers is up for grabs. As a utility,
are you ready to compete? As a customer, are you ready to choose? The book gives specifically designed, ahead-ofthe-curve methods. Utilities will learn how to: Plan successful competitive strategies for every aspect of the business
Market proactive solutions to customers before needs arise Improve transmission and distribution system quality,
efficiency, and power factor performance Eliminate technical problems such as over-voltages and poor grounding
Design and deliver effective simulations Build customer-winning, customer-keeping quality, quality control, and service
into all facets of your enterprise As a customer, you'll learn how to pick the utility that meets your power quality
needs...solve your own power quality problems and find cost-effective solutions...and perform your own power quality
Power System Quality
J. Arrillaga, N. R. Watson, S. Chen, Hardcover - 400 pages (February 2000) John Wiley & Sons; ISBN: 0471988650
Understanding Power Quality
Problems: Voltage Sags and
Bollen, Mathias H.J.
Power supply quality and its delivery have become especially important in light of current deregulations taking place
throughout the world. The increased use of power semiconductor devices in industrial, commercial, and domestic
electronic equipment has led to forms of harmonic pollution, all of which are dealt with in this important reference.
Introduces power engineers to the state of the art in power quality assessment. Practicing engineers involved in power
system design and operation will find this a valuable reference. DLC: Electric power system stability
Hardback, 562pp, John Wiley and Sons, IEEE Press Power Engineering Series, 2000 ISBN 0780347137
A practical reference that gives you the theoretical background plus the required knowledge to understand, predict and
mitigate some of the disturbances that can occur in supply voltage. It focuses on the most serious power quality
issues from a customer's point of view: the so-called RMS variations. This book covers the theory, assessment
techniques, equipment behaviour and mitigation methods for the three disturbance types. Power system harmonics
are also discussed. This book covers RMS variations such as long interruptions, short interruptions and voltage sags.
Also discussed are power system harmonics, an integral part of power quality.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Code of practice for protection of
structures against lightning.
British Standards Institution
BSI, #RS (BS 6651:1992) 111pp, 61 figs, 26 tabs, refs, sp
Gives guidance on risk assessment and installation of lightning protection systems. General advice is also given on
protection against lightning of electrical/electronic equipment within or on structures. UK, standards, codes of practice,
lightning, protecting, structure, designing, selecting, materials, explosives, cranes, testing, maintenance, lightning
proofing, lightning conductors, safety,
Power Quality Application Guide
Copper Development Association, 2001.
This Guide will be published in parts to include sections on Costs, Harmonics, Resilience, Voltage Dips and Earthing.
It is a unique reference source providing not only background theory, but also the whole range of solutions from
industry. It will be constantly updated to reflect current thinking and leading edge solutions in this fast moving field.
Recommended Practice for
Maintenance, Testing, and
Replacement of Vented Lead-Acid
Batteries for Stationary
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IEEE Standard 450-1995, 1995
Maintenance, test schedules, and testing procedures that can be used to optimise the life and performance of
permanently installed, vented lead-acid storage batteries used for standby power applications are provided. This
recommended practice also provides guidance to determine when batteries should be replaced. This recommended
practice is applicable to all stationary applications. However, specific applications, such as emergency lighting units
and semi portable equipment, may have other appropriate practices and are beyond the scope of this recommended
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Important Standards;
Title, abstract.
Specification for uninterruptible power systems (UPS). General and safety requirements.
Applicable to electronic indirect a.c. convertor systems with an electrical energy storage device in the d.c. link.
Specification for uninterruptible power systems (UPS). General and safety requirements for UPS used in restricted
access locations
Specification for uninterruptible power systems (UPS). EMC requirements.
This product EMC standard will take precedence over all aspects of the generic standards and no additional testing is
Primary batteries. General
60086-4:2000, IEC
Primary batteries. Safety standard for lithium batteries.
397:Part 1:1985, IEC
Primary batteries. Specification for general requirements.
Code of practice for safe operation of lead-acid stationary batteries.
GBM20 (Electric Lamps, Power Generation, Distribution & Storage)
Applies to primary cells and batteries based on any electrochemical system. The objects of the standard are: a) to
ensure the electrical and physical interchange ability of products from different manufacturers; b) to limit the number of
battery types; c) to define a standard of quality and provide guidance for its assessment.
Provides guidance on health and safety aspects for those specifying, supplying, installing, commissioning or using
lead-acid stationary cells and batteries.
Code of practice for safe operation of lead-acid stationary batteries.
Provides guidance on health and safety aspects for those specifying, supplying, installing, commissioning or using
lead-acid stationary cells and batteries.
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Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. Specification for the high-performance plate positive type
Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. Specification for the flat positive plate type
Lead-acid stationary cells and batteries. Specification for classifying valve regulated types
Code of practice for safe operation of starter batteries
Safety and health aspects associated with the handling, usage and charging of batteries for starting internal
combustion engines.
6745:Part 1:1986
Portable lead-acid cells and batteries. Specification for performance, design and construction of valve regulated sealed
Performance requirements and methods of test for valve regulated sealed lead-acid cells and batteries for generalpurpose uses are specified. The cells or batteries may be mounted in any orientation for cyclic application and stand-by
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Low frequency magnetic fields in various environments.
Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC and Power Quality
Electromagnetic compatibility. Generic emission standard. Industrial environment.
Provides limits for emission of electromagnetic disturbances from electrical and electronic apparatus intended for use in
the industrial environment and for which no dedicated product-family standards exist.
Electromagnetic compatibility. Generic immunity standard. Residential, commercial and light industry.
Provides the requirements for immunity from electromagnetic disturbances for electrical and electronic apparatus
intended for use in residential, commercial and light industrial environments and for which no dedicated product or
product-family immunity standards exist.
The standard is intended to prevent injury or damage due to electric shock, energy, fire, mechanical, heat, radiation
and chemical hazards associated with electrical equipment related to the modern office environment.
7484:1991, IEC 610002-1:1990
Guide to electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signalling in public power supply
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Low frequency magnetic fields in various environments
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Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limitation of emission of harmonic currents in low-voltage power supply
systems for equipment with rated current greater than 16 A
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Guide to signalling on low-voltage electrical installations. Emission levels,
frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbance levels
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Installation and mitigation guidelines. General considerations. Basic EMC
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Installation and mitigation guidelines. Earthing and cabling
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Environment. Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low-frequency conducted
disturbances (IEC 61000-2-4:1994)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current up to and
including 16 A per phase)
IEC 61000-3-2:2000
IEC 61000-3-3:1994
IEC 61000-3-11:2000
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in low-voltage supply systems
for equipment with rated current <= 16 A
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Limits. Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and flicker in public lowvoltage supply systems. Equipment with rated voltage current <= 75 A and subject to conditional connection
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Generic standards. Immunity for industrial environments
IEC 61000-6-2:1999
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics.
Limits and methods of measurement of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment.
Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment.
Safety on information technology equipment including electrical business equipment.
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Electricity Generation
Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven generating sets. Safety
Rotating electrical machines. A.C. generators for reciprocating internal combustion (RIC) engine driven generating sets.
Covers use of such generators for land and marine use. Excludes generating sets used on aircraft or to propel land
vehicles and locomotives.
Terminal markings for electrical machinery and apparatus. Terminal markings for rotating electrical machinery.
Applies only to small power machines. a.c. generators and motors - markings for primary, secondary, excitation and
capacitor terminals; colours for connecting leads. Mechanical rotation and phase sequence relationship. d.c. generators
and motors - markings for armatures; series, shunt and separate excited field windings; commutating and
compensating windings and common terminals. Mechanical rotation and polarity relationship; colours for connecting
General requirements for rotating electrical machines. General introduction and information on other Parts.
Index of all Parts, published or envisaged, together with details of superseded standards and the relationship of the
Parts to international standards.
5000:Part 2:1973
Specification for rotating electrical machines of particular types or for particular applications. Turbine-type machines.
Specifies performance and principal design features and characteristics of turbine type synchronous generators,
motors, compensators and exciters without limitation of output or voltage. It includes excitation systems.
7698:1993, ISO
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Reciprocating internal combustion engine driven alternating current generating sets.
Part 1 Specification for application, ratings and performance.
Part 2 Specification for engines
Part 3 Specification for alternating current generators for generating sets
Part 4 Specification for control gear & switchgear
Part 5 Specification for generating sets
Part 6 Test Methods
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Electrical installations - General
BS 7671:2001
Requirements for electrical installations
Presents the standard, which replaces the 16th Edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations BS 7671: 1992 as amended.
Section headings are: Scope, object and fundamental principles, Definitions, Assessment of general characteristics,
Protection for safety, Selection and erection of equipment, Special installations or locations, Inspection and testing,
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
Other relevant standards
Uninterruptible power supply equipment.
Transient voltage surge suppressors.
Guide for surge voltages in low voltage ac power circuits.
Guide on surge testing for equipment connected to low voltage ac power circuits.
Canadian Electrical Code – General requirements.
Limited and methods of measurements of radio disturbance characteristics of information technology equipment.
Measurement of noise emission.
Replaced by IEEE C62.4 Guide for surge voltages in low voltage ac power units.
Surge arrestors
Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control equipment.
Semiconductor converters Pt 4. Method of specifying the performance and test requirements of uninterruptible
power systems.
Electromagnetic compatibility for industrial process measurement and control equipment.
Stationary lead acid batteries – vented types.
Safety of information technology equipment including electrical business equipment.
Portable lead acid cells and batteries.
More information can be found on the web,
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Facilities Managers Guide to Standby Power Supplies
AMPS The Association of Manufacturers of Power generating Systems. Its 20 manufacturers of
mobile and standby power systems represent 75% of industry turnover and 80% of exports
ANSI American National Standards Institute Not normally used for UK installations.
BIFM British Institute of Facilities Management
BSI British Standards Institute
is the UK's premier centre for building services technologies, information and consultancy
CDA Copper Development Association UK, produces guidance on electrical distribution systems, and
power quality
CEN Centre for Euronorms, European Standards Organisation
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CIBSE The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers
CISPR the International Special Committee on Interference
CSA The Canadian Standards Association Not normally used for UK installations.
DIN German Standards Organisation, also linked with VDE Standards. Not normally used for UK
ECA The Electrical Contractors' Association
EA Electricity Association
ERA runs a Standby power advisory service
IEC The International Electrotechnical Commission
IEE the institution of Electrical Engineers in the UK
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IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc in the USA
ISO International Standards Organisation
NFPA National Fire Protection Association, in the USA. Not normally used for UK installations.
NICEIC The National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting
UL Underwriters Laboratories Inc. is an independent, not-for-profit product safety testing and
certification organization. Not normally used for UK installations
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