Computer Security Policy 2013

Learning Academy Partnership
(South West)
Achieving Excellence for All
Ilsham Church of England Academy
Ellacombe Academy
Little Stars Childcare Centre
Computer Security Policy
Agreed by Senior Executive Team November 2013
Date for Review November 2016
Contents of the policy
Document Change Control
Page 3
Policy Statement
Purpose of the Policy
Page 4
Page 4
Scope of Policy
E-mail - User Responsibility
Page 6
Page 8
Internet – User Responsibility
General Security – User Responsibility
Page 13
Page 15
Monitoring of E-mail Usage
Page 18
Page 18
Monitoring of Internet Usage
Monitoring of Access to and Data Stored on the
Monitoring Against Virus and Hacking
Page 19
Page 20
Appendix 1 – Glossary of Terms
Appendix 2 – Examples of violations
Page 21
Page 23
Appendix 3 – Legal Requirements & User Links
Appendix 4 – Standard School Disclaimer
Page 24
Page 26
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Page 20
This Policy will be subject to change as a result of innovations in technology,
changes in legislation, business need, and any best practice advice. Any change will
be communicated through normal channels i.e. email, staff news etc.
Employees are responsible for maintaining their awareness of this Policy. This
Policy will be published and held in the academy offices and maintained on Learning
Academy Partnership (South West)] computer system.
If employee’s print a copy of this or related policies, it is their responsibility to ensure
that they are referring to the current version of the policy.
Contact Information
Schools contact for ICT services is the IT Manager.
Advice / Notification
Contact Details
Concerns regarding virus
Concerns regarding
monitoring, investigation
and any queries regarding
this policy
Concerns regarding
breach of policy by other
IT Helpdesk
Audit &
Business Manager
Policy Statement
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Observance of this policy is mandatory and forms part of the terms and conditions of
employment. Misuse of the facilities will be treated as a disciplinary matter and may
lead to dismissal and/or criminal prosecution. The Learning Academy Partnership
(LAP) accepts no liability for any loss you may suffer as a result of personal use of
ICT equipment.
In order to ensure compliance, this policy is available from the academy offices and
electronically, it will be available as part of the appointment and induction process
and via regular all staff emails.
The Learning Academy Partnership SW is committed to the use and development of
information technology as an important part of providing efficient services and
effective communication to its staff, pupils and partners.
Learning Academy Partnership SW provides you with access to various computing,
telephony and postage facilities to allow you to undertake the responsibilities of your
position and to improve internal and external communication.
Purpose of the policy
This policy and associated guidelines is intended to help you make the best use of
the computer resources at your disposal.
The objective of this policy is to protect users from inappropriate use of technology,
to ensure the security of computer systems, the availability, confidentiality and
security of information and to minimise the impact of computer and information
security incidents. It is also intended to set out good practice for communicating,
storing and retrieving information.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that users of the LAP’Learning Academy
Partnership SW IT infrastructure utilise it in accordance with the Partnership’s
business objectives and values. It sets out the user’s responsibilities and potential
liability when using the facilities, the monitoring policies adopted by the LAP, and
guidance on how to use the facilities. It should be noted that this policy is not a
definitive statement of the purposes for which the LAP facilities must not be used; all
staff must conduct themselves at all times in a trustworthy and appropriate manner
so as not to discredit or harm the LAP, its staff or pupils.
The policy has been created to ensure compliance with all applicable laws, protect
the LAP and the users from the risk of financial loss and the loss of reputation or libel
and to ensure that the facilities are not used so as to cause harm or damage to any
person or organisation.
When using the computer resources you should understand the following:
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
You must protect the data and information for which you are responsible.
Security is everyone's responsibility – information is an asset.
Use the resources at your disposal only for the benefit of Learning Academy
Partnership (South West), it must not be used for personal gain.
Understand that you are accountable for what you do on the system. Your
activity may be monitored.
Understand that your password is your responsibility. If you provide it to
another party, then this is at your risk and you should change it immediately if
you think it has been compromised. Passwords should also be changed as a
matter of routine (monthly is a good guide).
If you observe anything unusual, tell the Business Manager, the Academy
Head. or Executive Headteacher
If you discover a breach of this policy, it is your duty and responsibility to
notify the Business Manager, the Academy Head. or Executive Headteacher
to enable appropriate action. (Refer to Contact Information on page 3).
When using the LAP’s computer systems you should comply with the user
responsibility procedures detailed in this policy. However, these should be read in
conjunction with all other policies, procedures, legislation and linked documents as
detailed within this policy. Attached at Appendix 3 are examples of legislation that
apply in the UK for your information.
It is important that you read this document carefully and understand your
responsibilities contained within it. If there is anything that you do not completely
understand, it is your responsibility to obtain an explanation from your Manager.
Note: All (internal and external) internet and email activity is monitored both
electronically and by nominated individuals as necessary. The LAP reserves
the absolute right to revoke or review email and internet access at its complete
discretion and to withdraw equipment, email or internet facilities from any user
to whom this policy applies.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Scope of the Policy
This Policy applies to, and will be made accessible to, everyone using or having
access to the LAP’s IT equipment or facilities. Granting of access is subject to
agreement to comply with this policy, forms part of an employee’s rights and
responsibilities and should be read before using any of the LAP’s IT equipment or
Access to the IT facilities including internet and email will be provided by the LAP’s IT
Services following the completion of fully completed and authorised documentation.
This will grant the user an allocated user account and password. Using the allocated
account and password is taken as a statement of understanding and willingness to
comply with the policy and will be deemed as consent to the monitoring of email,
internet and workstations (refer to the Monitoring section in this policy).
Controlled use of the IT infrastructure relies on a combination of responsible
behaviour by users and the implementation of security features by IT management
and system operators.
The following is not an exhaustive list but is an indication of those covered by the
All permanent and temporary employees, (including casual, seasonal and
sessional workers) of the LAP will be required to comply with the provisions of
this policy as a condition of their employment. Any breach of this policy will be
dealt with through the Learning Academy Partnership (South West)’s
Disciplinary Procedures.
Additionally, the following groups will also be required to comply with the policy;
however, it is the responsibility of the engaging officer or body to ensure that they
are fully aware of the policy requirements: 
Agency employees
Workers engaged on a self employed basis to work for or on behalf of the
LAP directors
Students on work placement
Other individuals accessing or using LAP IT equipment and facilities
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
This policy applies to the use of all LAP equipment, including, but not limited to:
Local, inter-office, national and international, private or public networks
(including the internet and intranet) and all systems and services accessed
through those networks
Desktop, portable, mobile computers or any item with computer functionality,
and applications (including items such as IPhones and IPads).
Electronic mail and messaging services.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Email – User Responsibility
This policy sets out the general rules for the use of the Learning Academy
Partnership (South West) email system. Email and other electronic information
systems will reduce the need for paper-based communication. The LAP makes
available email systems for use by authorised users and encourages the appropriate
use of email as an alternative to paper-based and verbal communication.
Email Usage
Your inbox needs to be checked regularly (at least
once daily)
Email should be replied to promptly or out of office
Always include a meaningful subject line in your
Always check the address line before sending an
email message to ensure you are sending it to the
right person
Delete email messages from your inbox when they
are no longer required
Large attachments should be saved in a relevant
folder before deleting the email message containing
them. This reduces the storage requirements of the
email system.
Respect the legal protections to data and software
provided by copyright and licenses i.e. when
attaching to your message
Internet email is not a secure medium of
communication. It can be intercepted and read. Do
not use it to say anything you would not wish to be
made public. If you are sending confidential or
sensitive information (i.e. personnel employment
related information, personal / sensitive client
information and commercially sensitive data) by email
this should be sent using appropriate security i.e.
password protection / encryption etc
Take care not to express views which could be
regarded as defamatory or libellous or could be
considered to denigrate, insult, ridicule, intimidate,
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bully or harass another person
Be careful what you write. Never forget that email
and written correspondence are not the same as
conversation. They are a written record and can be
duplicated at will
Do remember that all email messages are subject to
disclosure as necessary in respect of the Data
Protection Act and Freedom of Information Act. You
should therefore only keep messages for a valid
reason and store them appropriately to ensure easy
Do not forget that emails and other forms of
correspondence should maintain the high standards
expected by the LAP
Consider font and format when writing an email
message. Excessive capitalisation, large font and
garish colours may appear to the reader as
Be aware of cultural and social diversities – what may
appear acceptable to one person may not be to
another – know your audience
Check your grammar and spelling as such errors may
appear unprofessional
Do not print electronic mail messages unless
absolutely necessary i.e. if there is a requirement to
retain a hard copy. But do keep a permanent record
of an email containing information that may be
needed for evidential purposes. Remember not
printing helps save the environment
Where possible, other people’s comments or
observations should be communicated verbatim by
using the ‘threading’ capability of email i.e. using
Reply and Forward options so that message history is
retained (do not quote comments or observations
from other people as a quote may be taken out of
Do not forward chain mail
Where the originator has specifically stated that the
email remains confidential or confidentiality is implicit
through the email nature and content, do not forward
the email to any other parties without the permission
of the originator
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Do not attempt to read, delete, copy or modify email
without prior consent. Alteration of the source of
electronic mail, message or posting is unethical and
may have legal implications. You should be aware
that a message forwarded to you could have been
modified, therefore, where deemed necessary
confirm content with the originator
Before leaving Learning Academy Partnership
(South West)’s employment / ceasing use of LAP
equipment users should unsubscribe from any
business email distribution listings that they have
subscribed to and delete any personal emails in their
account. (Please refer to the LAP’s leaving
Limited personal use of email is permitted providing it
does not conflict with business priorities and/or work
routines), however, use for the purpose of trading or
carrying out any business activity other than LAP
business is strictly prohibited. Do not use your LAP
email address for non-work related activities such as
subscribing to flyers, alerts, gambling or making
personal purchasing or any activity that could result in
the inadvertent commitment of the Learning
Academy Partnership (South West)to a contract or
The use of email for incidental and occasional
personal purposes is permitted for convenience but
should not be used for private confidential
correspondence due to the inability of the monitoring
software to distinguish between business and
personal/private content and the inherent insecure
nature of email
Where personal emails are sent using the LAP email
address, the email should make it apparent to the
intended recipient that the message is sent by the
user in their personal capacity not in their capacity as
a representative of the LAP
Be aware that due to the monitoring methods
employed, any stored or retained emails will be
subject to monitoring, thus this may include personal
email sent / received through the LAP email account.
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All electronic mail originating, arriving or in transit
through any electronic mail system belonging to the
LAP is the property of the LAP
The conditions applying to business use, as defined
as appropriate for teaching and learning, should be
followed in respect of personal use
Do not send unnecessary non-business related
messages by electronic mail
Do not participate in chain or pyramid messages or
similar schemes i.e. ‘for profit’ messages, junk mail or
mail to multiple groups
Do not send excessively large electronic mail
messages or attachments (where possible use
another form of media i.e. removable storage or by
sending links to a document if it’s internal and
accessible to the recipient)
The sending and receiving of non LAP related images
e.g. jpeg, mpeg, gif etc. using your LAP email
account is not permissible
Do not represent yourself as another person or forge
or attempt to forge electronic mail messages i.e.
spoofing / phishing
Do not use electronic mail to send or forward material
that could be construed as confidential, commercially
sensitive, of an illegal / terrorist nature, political,
obscene, threatening, offensive, defamatory, libellous
or damaging to the LAP’s reputation or may be
considered by others to cause distress, sexual, racial
or other harassment or discrimination
LAP owned data that is not in the public domain must
not be sent in either the body or as an attachment to
an email without the express consent of your line
manager. This includes personal contact details of
pupils and staff
Contact IT technician immediately of any unusual
occurrence i.e. suspicion of a virus within a received
If you receive any malicious or offensive email you
should retain the item in your inbox and contact IT
Technician/Business Manager
If you receive any material or email which has been
wrongly delivered, return the message to sender and
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
do not retain it
All email messages generated should include the
standard LAP’s disclaimer prominently so that it
draws the recipient’s attention to the existence of the
All electronic mail activity may be monitored and logged.
All electronic mail coming into or leaving the LAP is scanned electronically for viruses
and all the content of electronic mail is scanned for inappropriate / unauthorised
material, including SPAM. Further firewalls are in operation to support this control.
If training is required on the use of the LAP’s email system then discuss your
requirements with the Business manager and the IT Technician. It is your
responsibility to ensure that you receive sufficient training to enable you to utilise the
LAP’s email system securely and effectively.
If you are in any doubt about an issue affecting the use of electronic mail you
should consult the Business Manager or IT Technician.
Any breach of the Learning Academy Partnership (South West) Computer
Security Policy may lead to disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Internet - User Responsibility
The Internet is a rich information resource and is provided by the LAP to facilitate
access to good practice resource and relevant information to support and improve
the efficient and effective delivery of teaching and learning and services to our
customers / clients. Access is given to users where there is a recognised teaching,
business need and is also provided for limited personal use (see below). The LAP
accepts no responsibility for protecting any personal information that has been
entered on its equipment. In particular, employees must ensure that they log off from
any shared workstations at the end of their session. The LAP reserves the right to
terminate the facility without notice.
Internet Usage
All users must ensure that they are sufficiently trained
in order to effectively and efficiently use the service
Limited personal use of the internet is permitted
providing it does not conflict with the working of the
LAP, however, use for the purpose of trading or
carrying out any business activity other than LAP
business is strictly prohibited. Do not use your LAP
email address for non-LAP related activities such as
subscribing to flyers, alerts, gambling or making
personal purchasing
Use of chat sites / chat rooms / instant messaging is
not an acceptable means for business
communications. Access to known sites will be
blocked, however this may be subject to review and
filtering if found to be contrary to educational need
The downloading of Software including MP3 Music
files, Video images “Freeware” or “Shareware” or any
evaluation Software is not permissible unless
approved by the Business Manager/ IT. This is to
ensure that any software downloaded is not
incompatible with the existing software and so that
neither you nor the LAP is in contravention of any UK
copyright laws. i.e. you can only download such
items where approved as appropriate by IT and as a
requirement of your post and thus education related
or implicitly allowed through this policy
Exercise caution when downloading any material
from the internet due to risk of virus infection. If you
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
are in any doubt about the site do not download the
material but contact IT Technician first
Do check that any information you access on the
internet is accurate, complete, valid and current
Respect the legal protections to data and software
provided by copyright and licences i.e. when
downloading information
Users must not access any unsuitable material that is
not filtered
Do inform the Business Manager/ ITI immediately of
any unusual occurrence i.e. intentional or
unintentional access to an inappropriate site, any
changes to your PC format / operation following
access to the internet
Do not view, download, store, post, transmit or host
via a webpage (including weblogs – ‘Blogs’) text or
images which are considered to be of a confidential
nature or contain material of a pornographic,
obscene, racist, sexist, discriminatory, or otherwise
offensive, defamatory, libellous or damaging to the
LAP’s reputation or of an extreme political nature, or
which incites violence, hatred or any illegal or terrorist
activity, or may constitute harassment or threat. Such
use is strictly prohibited
Do not download copyright protected software from
the internet and install it upon the LAP’s computer
equipment including any type of removable storage
media. This should be restricted through
administrator rights
Do not use the LAP’s computers to make or attempt
to make unauthorised entry into any other computer
or network i.e. hacking
Do not attempt to gain unauthorised access to the
LAP’s network from remote systems
Do not represent yourself as another person when
using the internet or forge or attempt to forge
electronic mail messages i.e. spoofing / phishing
Note: All users’ internet activity may be monitored and logged and will be
reported to line managers. All internet activity is scanned for viruses and
content is scanned for inappropriate / unauthorised material.
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If you are in any doubt about an issue affecting the use of the internet you
should consult the I.T. Technician.
Any breach of the LAP’s Computer Security Policy may lead to disciplinary
action and/or criminal prosecution
General Security – User Responsibility
General Security
Only authorised or LAP owned equipment may be
plugged into the LAP’s network. Authorisation should
be sought from Business Manager/ I.T Technician
Do not take any unauthorised, deliberate action which
damages or disrupts / crashes the network, hardware,
software or alters its normal performance or causes it
to malfunction.
When leaving the office at the end of the day ensure
you have logged off your workstation and where
appropriate, shut down your PC
When leaving the office temporarily, or if you are
working on sensitive information either log off your
system or use a password protected screensaver
Remember that challenging people about their
business in your academy if they look as though they
do not belong there, is also going to help security of
the network and academy
Wherever possible, reasonable steps must be taken
to ensure that all IT equipment i.e. hardware
(including laptops, removable storage such as data
sticks, disks, CD’s), software and data contained
thereon are kept secure (e.g. password protection,
encryption etc)
Equipment, data or software should only be taken off
site with appropriate authorisation. Appropriate
measures must be taken to ensure the security of
equipment, data or software during transportation.
Never leave any equipment or data including pupil
and other sensitive files, laptops, computer
equipment, mobile phones, iPads, removable storage
media etc unattended / insecurely stored. Especially
ensure that all valuable and easily transportable
electronic equipment, e.g. laptops, cd players, are
locked away if not in use.
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Do not allow any unauthorised person to use the
LAP’s equipment and or software i.e. when using
laptops etc at home
Exercise caution when consuming food or drink near
to computer equipment
If your PC is attached to the network, store your files
on the network drives to ensure they are
automatically backed up
If your PC is not on the network (i.e. stand-alone or
laptop) you are responsible for taking regular
backups. Advice is available from your IT support.
Do ensure that all important data is backed up
Do make sure that on every occasion when bringing
memory sticks, disks and other media in to the LAP
that they are checked as much as possible for viruses
and inappropriate software before use
Do inform I.T. immediately if you think that your
workstation may have a virus or you discover any
mechanical, electronic or software defects /
malfunctions. Repairs and servicing of equipment
must only be carried out by authorised personnel
Do choose a password that would be hard to guess
i.e. alpha numeric, mixed case, use of symbols /
characters etc
Do not write down your password
Do not share or disclose your password
You are responsible for keeping it secure
Users are solely responsible for all actions, including
email and internet, taken while their user ID is in use
Access to areas of the network are implicit through
user profiles linked to your role and security
permissions for folders and files; however, do not
delete, examine, copy or modify files and or data
belonging to other users without authorisation
Where possible protect your screen from
unauthorised view, particularly in public areas
Do not use shareware (software downloaded from the
Internet or on PC magazine covers)
Upon the request of the LAP at any time, and for any
reason you may immediately be requested to return
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
any equipment and all software to the LAP
Do not duplicate or copy software or system files on
any LAP equipment
Software installed by the IT technician should only be
removed (i.e. uninstalled) from LAP equipment, by
The copyright and intellectual property rights to all
computer software developed by Learning Academy
Partnership (South West) employees using the
LAP’s software or hardware belong to the LAP
Users should be aware that the LAP retains
intellectual property rights to all material / information
that is created by employees of the LAP as part of
their work or stored on LAP owned equipment whilst
using the LAP’s IT resources
Do not install any software or hardware on your
equipment or alter its configuration, this work may
only be undertaken by I.T.technician and will be
subject to appropriate licence, compatibility and virus
checks. Permission may be set for staff to research
and trial software, but the licensing agreement for
such software must be regularly observed if installed
for trial purposes
All hardware for disposal must be returned to I.T
Technician who will arrange to securely dispose of it
Do not subvert, or attempt to subvert any system that
controls or monitors access to a computer system
including the internet and email service, remote
control software, lockdown software, anti-virus
software etc
Limited personal use of the LAP’s workstations is
permitted providing it does not conflict with business
priorities and/or work routines) and any activities are
in compliance with this policy, however, use for the
purpose of trading or carrying out any business
activity other than LAP business and the saving of
any data to the Network is strictly prohibited
Note: Logins to, and use of the LAP’s network are monitored.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Any breach of the LAP’s Computer Security Policy may lead to disciplinary
action and/or criminal prosecution
Understand that you are accountable for what you do on the system. Your
activity may be monitored. You are also the first and principle line of
monitoring pupils’ use of ICT. Please watch carefully what they are doing, to
ensure that their use of ICT is appropriate at all times.
The objective of this section of the document is to provide protection for both the LAP
and any users of the LAP’s IT equipment or facilities through stating clear guidance
on how monitoring the use of internet and email will be undertaken.
The LAP recognises the importance of an individual’s privacy but needs to balance
this against the requirement to protect others and preserve the integrity and
functionality of the facilities.
The LAP may adopt at any time a number of methods to monitor use of the facilities.
The primary responsibility for monitoring internet and email activity is the pupils.
However, as a matter of routine network usage will be monitored on a regular basis
by IT support staff. Where cause of concern is discussed, monitoring will be
undertaken at the direction of the Executive Headteacher or their representative
Internet and email activity is logged and stored. The LAP reserves the right to
retrieve the contents of the messages / material for the purpose of investigating any
potential miss-use or to comply with any legal / contractual obligation. You are
advised not to store personal messages on the LAP’s network. Any personal
messages stored on either the network or any LAP IT resource may be subject to
any monitoring / investigative activity.
The LAP will not (unless required by law), allow third parties to monitor the facilities
or disclose information obtained by such monitoring of the facilities to third parties.
The LAP may be prohibited by law from notifying users of a disclosure to third
Monitoring of Email Usage
The email system is LAP property and the LAP reserves the right to monitor and to
access any email messages for legitimate purposes, such as an investigation or
complaints of misuse. Contents and audit logs for both sent and received email may
be inspected (including personal email) at any time without notice by IT support staff.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Further levels of investigation may be authorised by the Executive Headteacher or
their representative as appropriate.
Appropriate authorisation must always be obtained when access to a user inbox is
required in line with appropriate legislation. Primarily access to an inbox is only
obtained where absolutely necessary such as a business need in the event of
unforeseen staff absence or where an investigation warrants such access.
All email, whether personal or business related may be monitored.
Other organisations may have different policies on email. Some consider it is the
property of the organisation, and thus subject to examination, copying or forwarding.
Be aware of this possibility when sending emails.
Automatic Monitoring – Executable files and images sent by email will be
isolated automatically using specialist filtering software. Similarly, Spam will
be isolated to reduce the unnecessary traffic on the LAP’s network. The
recipient is automatically notified of the isolation to facilitate the release of the
message as deemed appropriate.
Isolating emails with .exe, image or Spam content using filtering systems and virus
scanning can never be 100% effective so any unsolicited emails / attachments
should always be treated with caution. Similarly an email may be incorrectly marked
as infected or deemed to contain an inappropriate image and therefore some emails
could be blocked unnecessarily. A system exists to enable users to track their email
and request release of those items inappropriately blocked.
Monitoring of Internet Usage
The Internet facility is LAP property and the LAP reserves the right to monitor, access
and view an individual’s use of the Internet for legitimate purposes, such as audit,
security or investigations of complaints of misuse. All internet activity, whether
personal or business related may be monitored.
Internet activity is routinely logged through monitoring software via the South West
When considering the Internet and Email monitoring procedures, account has been
taken of the European convention on Human Rights (ECHR), The Human Rights Act
1998 (HRA), The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA), the Freedom of Information Act
2000 (FOI), and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA),
Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of Communications)
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Regulations 2000 (LBP Regs). Guidance issued by the Office of the Information
Commissioner in June 2003 has also been taken into account.
Monitoring of Access to and Data Stored on the Network
The LAP utilises comprehensive firewall protection products as part of its access
controls to the network. The firewall can log and thus monitor external access to the
LAP’s network i.e. both authorised (Citrix / VPN) and unauthorised attempts to gain
Despite your use of a network ID and associated password, the LAP reserves the
right to override your password and obtain access to any part of the facilities. This
would only be undertaken in line with the relevant legislation.
To maintain performance of the network in terms of capacity, I.T will monitor data
files (types and sizes) and where appropriate and following consultation will take
action to increase storage capacity through removal of any such files.
Monitoring Against Virus and Hacking
The LAP operates a number of anti-virus (AV) methods whereby the AV software is
pushed out to the user’s PC through AVG whereby the user’s PC is ‘forced’ to accept
an update to the AV software. This ensures that each PC / Server is operating the
latest version. This software will therefore minimise the risk of a threat such as
viruses, Trojan horses, worms etc from corrupting the network.
Executable files carry a high risk of containing these types of threats and as such any
email containing an executable file is automatically isolated using the Email filtering
software (refer to monitoring of email usage on pages 18 to 19).
In addition to the AV software the LAP also utilises firewalls which control access to
the network through a rule base which defines the types of traffic that are permissible
(i.e. that the firewall will allow through) and those that are not (i.e. that the firewall will
drop), hence minimising the risk of successful external hacking attempts and such
The LAP also utilises an HTTP and FTP anti virus product which scans browser
based threats i.e. when using the internet. If a threat is identified the user is notified.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Appendix 1
Glossary of Terms
Means that any failure to comply is a serious breach of the
Refers to Learning Academy Partnership (South West)
Refers to either one or more electronic files used to record
information in a loosely structured format.
Means that compliance is strongly recommended but non
compliance may be acceptable in exceptional circumstances.
IT Specific
Electronic Mail
Computer System
Executable files
User ID
May refer either to your School email address i.e. or your School network log on
Covers all communications stored electronically including email,
voicemail and items transmitted via facsimile.
The Internet is defined as access to data provided on any
computer external to the LAP’s networks by means of a browser
tool, either via an internet service provider or via an e-mail
Ilsham or Ellacombe network
Any form of information
Refers to either one or more electronic files used to record
information in a highly structured format.
Refers to any combination of computer hardware, computer
software and data that can be considered a discrete system.
Personal Computer
All references to information technology services.
Primarily relates to a ‘program’ requiring either physical
installation or download
Takes many forms, but essentially something that may corrupt
the operation / data of the PC and/or network
Refers to anything outside of the LAP’s IT Network
Refers to your LAP network log on ID
The act of sending an email to a user falsely claiming to be an
established legitimate enterprise in an attempt to scam the user
into surrendering private information that will be used for identity
Forging an email to make it appear as if it came from
somewhere or someone other than the actual source
Installing executable files, images, media etc directly from the
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
internet or other downloadable source
Legal action through the criminal justice system
Right of entry
Secret code known only to the user, used in conjunction with
Any person having access to the LAP’s IT facilities
Click on link to Learning Academy Partnership (South West)
Refers to any desktop, portable or palm top PC
It’s a file format which cannot be edited (Portable Document
Refers to Learning Academy Partnership (South West)’s
adopted Disciplinary policy
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Appendix 2
Examples of violations
Throughout this policy document, there are reminders to users that ‘Any breach of
the LAP’s Computer Security Policy may lead to disciplinary action and/or
criminal prosecution’; the list below provides examples of the activity which could
lead to such action. However, please note that the list is not exhaustive and any
known instances of inappropriate user activity will be investigated and considered in
terms of this policy and the LAP’s Disciplinary Procedures.
1. Sharing passwords or acquiring another user’s password. Pupils should not
have access to staff passwords or new areas, under any circumstances.
2. Unauthorised accessing, using, copying, modifying, or deleting of files, data,
user ID’s, access rights, usage records or disk space allocation.
3. Accessing resources for the purposes other than those for which the access
was originally issued, including inappropriate use of authority
4. Copying or capturing license software for use on a system by an individual for
which the software is not authorised or licensed.
5. Causing a computer failure through an intentional attempt to ‘crash the
system’ or through the intentional introduction of a programme that is
intended to subvert a system, such as a worm, virus, Trojan horse etc
6. Intentional obscuring or forging of the date, time, physical source, logical
source, or other header information of a message or transaction
7. Interception of transmitted information without prior written authorisation
8. Failure to protect one’s account from unauthorised use
9. Inappropriate internet or email usage
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Appendix 3
Legal Requirements and Useful Links
The contents of any e-mail sent either externally or internally or the content of any
electronic information accessed or otherwise obtained from the internet must comply
with the laws and regulations applicable in the United Kingdom. They are generally
charged to protect both the individual user and the LAP. These include the following
Copyright Designs & Patents Act 1988
The Law of Libel
Libel Act 1843
Libel Act 1845
Law of Libel Amendment Act 1888
The Human Rights Act 1998
Data Protection Act 1998
Freedom of Information Act 2000 http://intranet/policies/foi/index.htm,
Computer Misuse Act 1990,
The Defamation Acts 1952 and 1996, Obscene Publications Act 1964,
Sex Offences Act 2003,
Telecommunications (Lawful Business Practice) (Interception of
Communications) Regulations 2000 (LBP Regs),
Protection of Children Act 1978 and the Criminal Justice Act 1988,
Race Relations Act 1976 and Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000,
The Disability Discrimination Act 1995,
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001,
The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000,
Public Order Act 1986,
Useful Links
Federation Against Software Theft (FAST)
Reporting of offensive / illegal websites / emails to the Internet Watch
The listing above does not remove any rights under existing or future legislation and
is not exclusive with each user responsible for ensuring that they act responsibly and
within the legal restraints of the United Kingdom.
Other LAP policies such as the LAP’s, Document Retention Policy, Disciplinary
procedures, the Prevention of Harassment and Bullying Policy, and Single Equality
Policy should also be considered.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Appendix 4
Standard School Disclaimer
For efficient use of outlook it is recommended that the auto signature option be
utilised for both internal and external email and should include the following where
Your Name
Your contact details i.e. School email address, telephone number
Your job title
The School address
A basic Disclaimer (for the purposes of internal mail). Proposed wording:
Information in this message is confidential and may be legally
privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender
and please delete the message from your system immediately.
All external emails will also include a more comprehensive standard School
disclaimer (see note 2 below), however due to the size and complexity of the
disclaimer our email management software inputs the disclaimer automatically at the
end of your outgoing email message, and will also automatically add reference at the
beginning of the email so as to notify the recipient(s) of the disclaimers existence
(see note 1 below)
Note 1 – Notification to recipients of School Disclaimer
This will be added at the beginning of each email you send externally:
Please read the School’s email disclaimer notification which is located at the
end of the email message.
Note 2 – Standard School Disclaimer (added automatically to
all external outgoing emails):
Please note...
Information in this message is confidential and may be legally privileged. If
you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender and please delete
the message from your system immediately. The views in this message are
personal; they are not necessarily those of Learning Academy Partnership
(South West) School.
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Learning Academy Partnership (South West) School has taken reasonable
precautions to ensure no viruses are present in this email. The School cannot
accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this email
or any attachments.
Unless otherwise explicitly stated above no employee or agent is authorised to
conclude any binding agreement on behalf of Learning Academy Partnership
(South West) School with any other party by email.
Likewise, unless otherwise explicitly stated, nothing in this email should be
taken as agreement to enter any binding contract for the supply of goods or
Senders and recipients of email should be aware that under the UK Data
Protection and Freedom of Information legislation these contents may have to
be disclosed in response to a request.
Under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000, Lawful Business
Practice Regulations, any E-mail sent to or from this address may be accessed
by someone other than the recipient for system management and security
The following details case law which supports the requirement to ensure that any
such disclaimer is prominently displayed and draws the recipient’s attention to the
existence of the disclaimer i.e. a message at the commencement of the email.
Spaced vs. Netscape 306 F.3d the decision found that the licence agreement was
not prominent enough on Netscape’s website – “Over the fold” i.e. the users had to
scroll down to read it. Following this case it was declared that unless terms and
conditions were prominent they would not apply as users did not have reasonable
notice. The case is applied to hyper linked disclaimers and non prominent written
disclaimers. Indeed it is often agreed as best practice to put the disclaimer at the
front of the e-mail.
Policy Feedback
Should you have any comments regarding this policy, please address them to the
Directors via the Business Administrator at
History of Policy Changes
This policy was first agreed by directors of the Learning Academy Partnership (South
West) on 17 January 2013
Details of Change
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013
Agreed by:
Learning Academy Partnership (SW) November 2013