An essential part of the monograph collection is being funded through the USAID program during 2012 – 2014 (update October 2013). Barcode -----------4225773980 4225773981 4225773982 4225773983 4225773984 4225773985 4225773986 4225773987 4225773988 4225773989 4225773990 4225773991 4225773993 4225773994 4225773995 4225773996 4225773997 4225773998 4225773999 4225774000 4225774001 4225774002 4225774003 4225774004 4225774005 4225774006 4225774007 4225774008 4225774009 4225774010 4225774185 4225774186 4225774187 4225774188 4225774189 4225774190 4225774191 4225774192 4225774193 4225774194 4225774195 4225774196 Title -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Centrální bankovnictví Ekonomická reforma 1965-1969 Ekonomie Ekonomie dobra a zla Encyklopedie nejvýznamnejších ekonomu Finance po krizi Krize, nebo konec kapitalismu? Mezinárodní finance Tržní prostor strední Evropa Zásady ekonomie Ekonomie duvery a spolecného dobra Hospodárské politiky v kontextu vývoje Evropské unie Moc slova Teorie a praxe státních úverových podpor Bohatým brát, chudým dávat Cesta k rovnováze Ekonomie a ekonomika Euro Euro versus koruna Evropská integrace bez iluzí Fair trade Guerilla marketing Jak selhávají trhy Pražská zima Rakouská škola Soumrak homo economicus Soumrak sociálního státu Stát blahobytu, nebo kapitalismus? Svetová válka men Vzestup penez Adaptive numerical solution of PDEs Advanced microeconomic theory Analysis of financial time series At the crossroads of post-communist modernisation Bayesian statistics Case studies for ethics in academic research in the social sciences China and the global financial crisis The Chinese economy Designing & doing survey research Europe's unfinished currency European tort law 2010 Finance 1/USAID Shelfmark -------------------332.11 REV 338.94371043 VON 330 HOL 330.9 SED 330.0922 PRE 338.9 KOH 338.9 KRI 332.042 DUR 332.0943 KAS 330 MAN 337.142094371 MLC 337.142 KUC 300 MLC 332.71 JAN 332.0943 MYN 338.94371 KOH 330.94371 KLA 332.494 MAR 332.494 EUR 338.94 KLA 382 RAN 658.8 LEV 381 CAS 943.712033092 ALB 338.9436 HUE 330.1 SED 361.61 KEL 338.94371 PIC 332.494 ECK 332.49 FER 515.3533 DEU 338.5 JEH 332.0151955 TSA 330.947086 CRO 519.542 LEE 174.93 FLY 330.9510611 CHI 338.951 CHI 001.422 AND 332.494 MAY 346.403 EUR 332.1 FIN ENTRY_DAT --------24-OCT-12 24-OCT-12 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indispensable Milton Friedman The last hunger season The law and economics of intellectual property in the digital age Milestones and turning points in development thinking The official history of privatisation | Volume II: Popular capitalism, 1987-97 Science, technology and taxation Shadow economies and irregular work in urban Europe Statistics with STATA Stochastic calculus for finance Tax policy and the economy | Vol. 26 Trade policy review Brain drain and brain gain Complex analysis and differential equations Economic freedom Economics of regulation and antitrust Emotions in finance European Union budget reform The hour between dog and wolf How China became capitalist Information asymmetries and the creation of economic value Mathematical finance Methods of randomization in experimental design Misunderstanding financial crises Monte Carlo simulation with applications to finance Money over two centuries Partial differential equations | Vol. 1: Foundations and integral representation Partial differential equations | Vol. 2: Functional analytic methods Random regret-based discrete choice modeling Simple brownian diffusion Unintended consequences Advances in financial economics Bounded rationality and industrial organization Corporate takeovers : modern empirical developments | Vol. 1: Takeover activity, Corporate takeovers : modern empirical developments | Vol. 2: Bidding strategies Econometric analysis Econometric analysis Econometric analysis Econometric analysis Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Managing labour migration in Europe Stochastic finance Turkey and the European Union Analysis of financial time series Analysis of financial time series Analysis of financial time series Analysis of financial time series Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Social security programs and retirement around the world 2/USAID 338.9 IND 338.196762 THU 346.048 ELK 338.9001 MIL 338.94105 PAR 336.20285 SCI 338.634 SHA 519.502855369 HAM 332.0151922 CAP 336.2 TAX 382.309405 TRA 331.62 BRA 515.35 BAR 330.9512506 LIK 338.973 VIS 332.042019 PIX 336.4 EUR 332.019 COA 330.1220951 COA 330.0151 ROE 332.015195 ALH 001.434 ALF 338.542 GOR 332.01518282 WAN 332.4941 MON 515.353 SAU 515.353 SAU 658.4033 CHO 530.475 GIL 330.973 CON 332.05220 ADV 658.8342 SPI 658.15 COR 658.15 COR 330.015195 GRE 330.015195 GRE 330.015195 GRE 330.015195 GRE 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 331.62094 BAL 332.0151922 VEC 341.242209561 TUR 332.0151955 TSA 332.0151955 TSA 332.0151955 TSA 332.0151955 TSA 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 368.43 SOC 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 21-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 22-JAN-13 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and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Economics of regulation and antitrust Inside the Fed Privatisation in Ireland Politics and policies in post-communist transition Applying social science The autumn of dictatorship Before and beyond divergence Behavioural economics and policy The black swan Business cycle synchronisation and economic integration Economic development in the Middle East Emotional and ethical challenges for field research in Africa The ethics of trade and aid Fundamentals of financial management Grabbing hand In defense of globalization International corporate governance Islamic finance Microcredit and women's empowerment Modern applied statistics with S Modern methods of valuation Multivariate generalized linear mixed models using R Primer on property tax Private sector and enterprise development Public finance in theory and practice Real world research Reforming U.S. financial markets Run of the red queen Understanding the process of economic change Why has China grown so fast for so long? Witness to transformation Europe's economic crisis The handbook of news analytics in finance An introduction to analysis of financial data with R Money in the pre-industrial world NBER international seminar on macroeconomics 2011 Probability and statistical inference State, market, and social regulation Understanding the common agricultural policy Youth unemployment and joblessness Capital, coercion, and postcommunist states Carbon markets or climate finance? The classical theory of integral equations 363.585094 HOE 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 338.973 VIS 339.530973 AXI 338.941705 PAL 338.94305 SOO 300.72 BYR 336.62 SOL 330.94 ROS 330.0109 BEH 003.54 TAL 337.142 BUS 330.956 WIL 300.7206 EMO 174 WRA 658.15 VAN 338.9 SHL 337 BHA 658.4 INT 332.1088297 ISL 332 FAR 005.369 VEN 333.3320941 SHA 519.535 BER 336.22 PRI 338.910956953 STE 336 ULB 300.72 ROB 332.0973 KRO 338.951 BRE 330.1 NOR 330.951 MAL 330.95193 HAG 330.94 EUR 332.015118 HAN 332.0285133 TSA 332.49 MON 339 NBE 519.54 BAR 338.945 STA 338.184 HIL 331.34137 YOU 339.5209438 EAS 363.738746091 CAR 515.45 ZEM 3/USAID 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 29-JAN-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 01-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 4225774309 4225774310 4225774311 4225774312 4225774313 4225774314 4225774315 4225774316 4225774317 4225774318 4225774319 4225774320 4225774321 4225774322 4225774323 4225774324 4225774325 4225774326 4225774327 4225774328 4225774329 4225774330 4225774331 4225774332 4225774333 4225774334 4225774335 4225774336 4225774337 4225774338 4225774338CD 4225774339 4225774340 4225774341 4225774342 4225774343 4225774344 4225774345 4225774346 4225774347 4225774348 4225774349 4225774350 4225774351 4225774352 4225774353 4225774354 4225774355 4225774356 4225774357 4225774358 4225774359 4225774360 4225774361 The decline and fall of Europe Econometric modeling of Japan and Asia-Pacific economies Economic reform and development in China Economics of the environment Environmental economics Euro exit Europe 2020 Financial market analysis A guide to modern econometrics Handbook of computational finance Malliavin calculus for Lévy processes and infinite-dimensional Brownian motion Money in economic theory Non-traditional aspects of the Mexican financial crisis of 1994/95 Serbia on the road to EU accession Simulating copulas Why is Norway outside the European Union? Advanced statistical methods for the analysis of large data-sets Almost periodic stochastic processes Bailout Beyond the global crisis China-India economics Cost-benefit analysis and distributional preferences The debt bomb Developing research proposals Economic models for policy making The economics of financial markets Emerging economies and firms in the global crisis EU eastern neighborhood Finance A first course in statistics A first course in statistics Geometric optimal control Issues in monetary and fiscal policy in small developing states New perspectives on emotions in finance The price of civilization Probability and stochastics Research in finance Resolving the European debt crisis Simulation in computational finance and economics Stochastic optimal control and the U.S. financial debt crisis Tax progression in OECD countries Capitalizing China Currencies after the crash Economic incentives and environmental regulation Economics & property Event history analysis with R The impact of the global financial crisis on emerging financial markets International trade and global development Investigations in the economics of aging Marshall, Marshallians and industrial economics Mergers and the market for corporate control The paradox of EU-India relations Reading statistics and research Role of elites in economic development 4/USAID 330.94 BON 330.015195 ECO 330.951 YIN 363.7 ECO 333.7 WIE 332.494 ROS 330.94 HAM 336.2 BLA 330.015195 VER 658.15224 HAN 519.23 OSS 332.401 EKS 332.0972 ORO 338.184971 BER 332.015118 MAI 327.481 TAN 519.5 ADV 519.23 BEZ 338.97302 BAR 337.14098 BEY 337.51054 PAL 658.403 SCA 336.340973 COB 001.44 DEN 330.01 COH 332.0415 BAI 338.8881724 EME 337.1420947 EUE 332 FIN 519.5 MCC 519.5 MCC 515.642 SCH 332.49729 BIR 332.019 NEW 330.973 SAC 519.2 CIN 332 RES 336.34094 RES 332.015118 SIM 336.73 STE 336.2009177 SEI 330.951 CAP 332.4044 CUR 333.70961 ECO 333.338 MYE 001.422 BRO 332.1091724 IMP 382 INT 305.260973 INV 330.155 MAR 658.162 MER 341.24220954 001.422 HUC 338.9 ROL 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 27-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 05-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 4225774362 4225774363 4225774393 4225774394 4225774395 4225774396 4225774397 4225774398 4225774399 4225774400 4225774401 4225774402 4225774403 4225774404 4225774405 4225774406 4225774407 4225774408 4225774409 4225774410 4225774411 4225774412 4225774413 4225774414 4225774415 4225774417 4225774418 4225774419 4225774420 4225774421 4225774422 4225774424 4225774425 4225774426 4225774427 4225774428 4225774429 4225774430 4225774431 4225774432 4225774433 4225774434 4225774435 4225774436 4225774437 4225774438 4225774439 4225774440 4225774441 4225774442 4225774443 4225774444 4225774445 4225774446 Stochastic methods for pension funds 332.67254015 DEV Tajikistan's difficult development path 338.9586 OLC Central and East European migrant's contributions to social protection 331.62094 MAA The design and implementation of US climate policy 363.738745610 DES The economic history of India 330.954035 ROY Industrial productivity in Europe 338.060947 IND Scarcity and frontiers 333.7 BAR Structural dynamics and economic growth 338.9 STR China and East Asia's post-crises community 330.95 LIA Chinese economists on economic reform - collected works of Xue Muqiao 330.951 XUE Confronting microfinance 332 CON Constructing and imagining labour migration 331.62 CON Contingent capital 332.67253 GOY The economies of Latin America 330.980033 ECO Financial risk modelling and portfolio optimization with R 332.02855133 PFA Financial systems in developing economies 332.67309593 TOW Gender, work, and economy 331.4 GOT Handbook of ethics in quantitative methodology 174.900142 PAN Handbook on the economics and the theory of the firm 338.5 HAN Innovation law and policy in the European Union 338.064094 GRA Institutions and comparative economic development 338.9 INS Italy and the European Union 341.24220945 BIN Key concepts in development geography 338.9 POT Labor market in the Baltic region 331.1209479 LAB Money and its origins 332.4 KAR Politics and economics of South, Southeastern and Central Asia 330.95 POL Quantitative risk management 332.10681 COL RealWorld evaluation 001.4 BAM U.S.- EU regulatory cooperation 382.3094 USE Understanding regulation 338.941 BAL 2052 330.900112 RAN "Too big to fail" or systemically important financial institutions 332.120973 TOO Banking the world 332.1091724 BAN Capitalism from below 330.951 NEE The consequences of the international crisis on European SMEs 338.642094 CON Debt problems of Eastern Europe 336.34350947 ZLO Development economics 338.90091724 CLU Economics after the crisis 330 TUR Europeanization and domestic policy change 320.60945 GRA Financial analysis and risk management 332 FIN Foundations and applications of statistics 519.50285 PRU A gentle introduction to Stata 005.55 ACO Housing the new Russia 363.50947 ZAV Introduction to differential equations 515.35 TAY Introduction to natural resource planning 333.7 YOE Max Weber 300.92 WEB Study guide [to accompany Microeconomics by D. Besanko, R. R. Braeutigam, 4th ed 338.5 BES Models, methods, concepts & applications of the analytic hierarchy process 330.15118 SAA Natural computing in computational finance | Vol. 4 332.0285 NAT Probability and finance theory 332.0151922 LIM Public policy analysis 320.6 PUB Research in labor economics 331.01 RES The value of information 658.4038 VAL An applied reference guide to research designs 001.42 EDM 5/USAID 12-FEB-13 12-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 22-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 27-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 4225774447 4225774448 4225774449 4225774450 4225774451 4225774452 4225774453 4225774454 4225774455 4225774456 4225774457 4225774458 4225774459 4225774460 4225774461 4225774462 4225774463 4225774464 4225774465 4225774466 4225774467 4225774468 4225774469 4225774470 4225774471 4225774472 4225774473 4225774474 4225774475 4225774476 4225774477 4225774479 4225774480 4225774481 4225774482 4225774483 4225774484 4225774485 4225774486 4225774487 4225774488 4225774489 4225774490 4225774491 4225774492 4225774493 4225774494 4225774495 4225774496 4225774497 4225774498 4225774509 4225774510 4225774511 Finance & financial markets 332 PIL Food and development 338.19 YOU Gender, inequality, and wages 331.40973 BLA Handbook of critical issues in finance 332 HAN Handbook of local government fiscal health 336.01473 HAN Handbook of survey methodology for the social sciences 300.723 HAN Innovative firms in emerging market countries 338.064 INN The Oxford handbook of work and aging 331.398 OXF The politics of environmental policy in Russia 363.70561094 FEL Program evaluation theory and practice 361.2072 MER Public policy beyond the financial crisis 320.6 HAY Qualitative research 300.72 QUA Asset pricing under asymmetric information 332.63222 BRU Contemporary Chinese economy 330.951 GON Cycles, crises and innovation 338.064 COU Econometric analysis of carbon markets 333.95015118 CHE Eurasia's ascent in energy and geopolitics 327.47051 EUR The financial systems of industrial countries 332 FIN Fiscal aspects of European monetary integration 336.3094 FIS Flexicurity capitalism 330.122 FLA Global finance in emerging market economics 332.04209172 KNO Methods, theories, and empirical applications in the social sciences 300.1 MET Microfinance in developing countries 332 MIC New Lithuania in old hands 330.94793 KNU Regional economic outlook | October 2011: Middle East and Central Asia IMF 330.0112 WOR Social housing in transition countries 363.50947 SOC State, society and the market in contemporary Vietnam 323.4609597 STA Stochastic calculus for finance | Vol.1 : The binomial asset pricing model 332.0151922 SHR Stochastic calculus for finance | Vol.1 : The binomial asset pricing model 332.0151922 SHR Stochastic calculus for finance | Vol.2 : Continuous-time models 332.0151922 SHR Stochastic calculus for finance | Vol.2 : Continuous-time models 332.0151922 SHR Britain and the European Union 341.24220941 GED Challenging the qualitative-quantitative divide 001.42 COO Designing the European Union 341.2422 DES Evaluation for the real world 320.6 PAL How to read journal articles in the social sciences 300.72223 SHO Hungary 338.9439 HUN Indian economic policy and development 338.954 BAU Labour migration, human trafficking and multinational corporations 364.137 LAB Making the European monetary Union 332.494 JAM Study guide [to accompany Microeconomics by D. Besanko, R. R. Braeutigam, 4th ed 338.5 BES Wittgenstein among the sciences 001.4201 REA Study guide [to accompany Microeconomics by D. Besanko, R. R. Braeutigam, 4th ed 338.5 BES Counting the poor 339.46094 COU Europe and the Mediterranean economy 337.14209182 EUR European integration 341.2422 GIL Global economic crisis 338.542 GLO Handbook of key global financial markets, institutuions and infrastructure 332 HAN Land policy 333.30943 DAV Monetary policy 339.53 MON Turkey's accession to the European Union 341.242209561 TUR Advances in longitudinal methods in the social and behavioral sciences 300.721 ADV Economic growth and development 338.9 VAN Microeconomics 338.5 GRA 6/USAID 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 26-FEB-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 11-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 12-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 18-MAR-13 02-APR-13 02-APR-13 02-APR-13 4225774512 4225774515 4225774516 4225774517 4225774518 4225774600 4225774601 4225774602 4225774603 4225774604 4225774605 4225774606 4225774607 4225774608 4225774610 4225774611 4225774617 4225774301 4225774416 Probability and statistics 519.2 DEG Regional economic outlook | April 2012: Western hemisphere IMF 330.0112 WOR The future of EU agricultural markets by AGMEMOD 338.184 FUT Enough is enough 338.927 DIE Economics for environmetal studies 333.7 END The economics of East Asian integration 337.15 ECO Intermediate public economics 336.001 HIN Solutions manual to accompany Intermediate public economics, second edition 336.001 HIN Iterative methods for ill-posed problems 515.353 BAK Modern money theory 339.53 WRA Regulations of foreign investment 346.092 REG Why growth matters 339.460954 BHA Handbook of the economics of finance | Vol. 2A: Corporate finance 332 HAN Handbook of the economics of finance | Vol. 2B: Financial markets and asset pric 332 HAN The limits of inference without theory 001.42 WOL Time to say no 337.142 MIL NBER macroeconomics annual 339 NBE NBER macroeconomics annual 339 NBE NBER macroeconomics annual 339 NBE Total number: 331 Books 7/USAID 02-APR-13 03-APR-13 03-APR-13 03-APR-13 03-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 15-APR-13 23-APR-13 23-APR-13 13-MAY-13 20-MAY-13 12-JUL-13 01-FEB-13 22-FEB-13