Call for CVs - Colleges and Institutes Canada

Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Call for CVs
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project
CIDA RFP No. 2006-A-032681-1
The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) is leading a consortium Canadian
firms in preparing a proposal to the Canadian International Development Agency. ACCC is
currently recruiting, from within the member colleges and institutes, qualified candidates who
are interested in becoming involved in the project.
ACCC is searching for individuals to fill the following positions:
1. Canadian Field Project Manager (full-time for whole project and based in Dhaka) –
PIP mission and full time in Dhaka after PIP approval.
2. Canadian Short-term Capacity Development Specialist – PIP Mission and up to 8
short-term assignments within Bangladesh over 4 years
3. Canadian Short-term Operations and Service Delivery Specialist – PIP Mission and
up to 6 short-term assignments within Bangladesh over 4 years covering various aspects
of service delivery.
4. Canadian Short-term Environmental Enforcement Specialist – Up to 5 short-term
assignments within Bangladesh over 4 years
5. Canadian Short-term Environmental Law Specialist – Up to 6 short-term
assignments within Bangladesh over 4 years
6. Canadian Short-term Gender Equality Specialist – PIP Mission, up to 2 short-term
assignments within Bangladesh over 4 years, in-Canada advice to the Project, and
liaising with and guiding the local Gender Equality consultant retained by the project for
on-going, in-country advice.
7. Other Canadian Short-term Specialists – Up to 18 short-term assignments within
Bangladesh over 4 years
All interested candidates, please forward your Curriculum Vitae, indicating clearly which
position you are interested in, before August 5, 2005 to:
Sarah Moreault
Development Officer
Business Development and Technical Co-operation Division
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
Suite 200, 1223 rue Michael St. North
Ottawa, Ontario K1J 7T2
Phone: (613) 746-2222 ext. 3147; Fax: (613) 746-6721
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Project Background:
Bangladesh is a country of about 147,570 km2 on a vast flood plain in one of the world’s largest
deltas created by the Ganges (Padma), Jamuna (Brahmaputra) and Meghna rivers. The land is
nearly flat and the relief is low with nearly 50 percent of the country less than 10 metres above
sea level. Population, poverty and natural calamity often define Bangladesh for the outside
world. Bangladesh is the most densely populated country in the world (excluding city states)
and one of the poorest countries with the poor and landless making up about two thirds of the
country’s population. Floods, cyclones and thunderstorms often cause catastrophes, with many
lives being lost each year to such natural hazards.
Over the past several years, due mainly to the lack of institutional capacity in the Department of
Environment (DOE), the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) has not been able to adequately
address the rapid process of environmental degradation in Bangladesh. The most serious
environmental problems that beset Bangladesh today are:
Water quality degradation due to inadequate sanitation; pollution in urban areas due to
untreated municipal and industrial waste discharges; contamination by pesticides and
fertilizers; intrusion of saline water in aquifers; and iron and arsenic contamination of
water due to the release of naturally occurring metals in aquifers;
Degradation of the urban environment related to domestic water supply, sanitation,
solid waste management, vehicular air pollution, poor drainage, and poor land use
Increasing industrial pollution from a variety of industries including textiles, non-ferrous
metal industries, iron and steel industries, brick kilns, and sugar refineries, among
many others;
Deterioration of natural habitats including forests and wetlands, and depletion of
resources such as fisheries and biodiversity due to inadequate protection and
Soil degradation due to pollution from agrochemical runoff and land-use conflicts, and
nutrient depletion due to demands for higher yields;
General land degradation due to rising sea levels.
Bangladesh is using its natural resources (water, soils, fisheries, forests and wetlands) far more
quickly than the natural rate of replacement while it is becoming industrialized and increasingly
It has been said that the slow economic development in Bangladesh may be viewed as a
blessing because people have a much greater understanding now than before of environmental
hazards resulting from industrial development, and of what can be done to avoid them.
Bangladesh’s local communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are now more
aware of the potential dangers of industrial processes, and large-scale development projects
are coming under increased scrutiny. The Government, too, has become more vigilant and
does not readily approve industrial projects. Even so, this “grace period” may only mean that
the already severe environmental problems risk blossoming. They can be avoided only if
concerted actions are taken now to begin managing increasing industrialization responsibly.
CIDA funded a Bangladesh Environmental Management Project (BEMP) from 1999 to 2005 to,
inter alia, strengthen the capacity of the Department of Environment (DOE) of the Ministry of
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Environment and Forest (MOEF) to enable it to carry out its legislative powers and functions.
The Project was multifaceted with eight distinct project components: institutional planning and
development, policy and legal reform, local environmental initiatives, environmental awareness,
resource information systems, human resource development, demonstration projects, and
project management. Two of these components dealt specifically with institutional capacity
development. Over the past six years, BEMP was successful in achieving a number of notable
Outputs and delivering important products including: (i) the preparation of the first compendium
of environmental laws in Bangladesh; (ii) assisting in updating and modernizing environmental
legislation, including new acts (such as the Brick Kiln Act) to improve environmental
management; (iii) reducing urban air pollution in Dhaka by 37% through the introduction of a
compressed natural gas (CNG) conversion program for three-wheel taxis; (iv) developing and
introducing the first Strategic Plan for the DOE which led to a 27% budgetary increase for DOE
staffing; (v) providing the groundwork for the ban on polyurethane bags which, inter alia,
reduced the impact of flooding in Dhaka through reduced clogging of city drains; (vi)
establishing information Technology networks and e-government information and tracking
systems; and (vii) assisting in producing an environmental strategy for Dhaka which could form
the basis for concerted efforts by the Government of Bangladesh and the Dhaka City Council to
attract major funding from one or more development banks.
Despite the above project successes, BEMP did not achieve the level and degree of
institutional capacity building within DOE which would ensure sustainable management of the
environment in Bangladesh.
Therefore, upon the request of the GOB, CIDA agreed to fund a new project of institutional
support to the DOE (the Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project –
BEISP) and an interim phase of support to DOE (6 to 9 months) pending approval of the new,
more focused, institutional support project and the selection of a Canadian Project
Implementation Agency (CPIA). This interim support phase involves approximately 15
environmental, legal, information technology, and accounting Bangladeshi professionals and 8
support staff (total 23 interim staff) working at the DOE under contract with the CIDA Program
Support Unit to conduct interim support activities.
Sample interim phase activities include: DOE staff training; advice on legal matters; field
demonstration projects, technology transfer, and replication models; compilation of lessons
learned and awareness raising; and assistance with information technology and management.
During the preparation of the Project Implementation Plan, the CPIA will decide what local
resources it requires to implement the project and which interim phase staff it wishes to retain
for the BEISP.
The DOE Strategic Plan (2002) mentioned above was approved by the management of DOE
and MOEF and has become the “roadmap” for DOE. A complementary organizational
restructuring plan recommended a doubling of its staff resources to better fulfill its mandate.
On the basis of the Strategic Plan, the GOB recently approved 53 new positions for DOE (a
27% increase) to support the priorities identified in the Strategic Plan, as well as to support
existing and proposed DOE regional offices. This staff increase will also help the DOE to
further address its international protocol obligations.
GOB commitment to the DOE mandate and activities was confirmed with the December 2004
publication of the draft Bangladesh Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) which lists
“caring for the environment and its sustainability” as one of four supporting strategies through
which the PRSP goal of accelerated poverty reduction will be pursued. The protection of the
environment is also very important to protect human health, as well as to maintain biodiversity.
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Although other donors are working on various environmental issues in Bangladesh, CIDA’s
assistance will be the only program specifically targeted to providing institutional strengthening
support to the DOE.
Project Goal:
The Goal of the Bangladesh Country Development Programming Framework (CDPF), 20032008 is poverty reduction and sustainable development in Bangladesh. The CPDF’s objective
under Governance is to improve policy development and regulatory reform of selected public
and private institutions and link governance more direct to poverty reduction. Environment is an
important cross-cutting theme within the Agency. The new project is an environmental
governance capacity building initiative with the Department of Environment of Bangladesh which
supports the CDPF’s Governance Objective.
Project Objectives:
The Project Goal is to contribute to pro-poor development and better governance by ensuring
synergy between economic growth and environmental management.
The Impacts (to which this project will contribute) are: improved quality of environment in
Bangladesh; more transparent governance in the environmental sector; improved public health;
and improved environmental awareness.
The Project Purpose is to increase the capacity for sustainable environmental management in
The Outcomes are:
-Strengthened capacity of the Department of Environment to implement their
Strategic Plan;
-Strengthened capacity of civil society (including the private sector) for
environmental management.
Project Components and Outputs:
The CPIA will prepare a results-based Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) based on three basic
 Strengthened capacity of the DOE to implement their Strategic Plan (Outcome 100)
 Strengthened capacity of civil society for environmental management (Outcome 200);
 Project Management
The following preliminary Outputs have been identified during project planning (by Outcome):
Outputs for Outcome 100 – Strengthened capacity of the Department of Environment to
implement their Strategic Plan:
-Improved, transparent and sustainable DOE service delivery;
-Improved capacity to monitor environmental quality;
-Improved DOE enforcement capability;
-Enhanced capacity to address legal issues;
-Improved capacity to develop and implement the environmental assessment
rules and guidelines for selected priority sectors;
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
-Improved capacity to coordinate the implementation of the Dhaka
Environmental Strategy (DES); and;
-Enhanced ability to meet international environmental convention
Outputs for Outcome 200 – Strengthened capacity of civil society (including the private sector)
for environmental management:
-Improved capacity of civil society (Non-Governmental Organizations [NGOs],
Community Based Organizations [CBOs] and the private sector) to undertake
greater responsibilities for sustainable environmental management;
-Improved capacity of Bangladesh environmental service sector;
-Improved awareness within business and political leadership including possible
national environmental recognition program;
-Enhanced application of sustainable environmental management practices;
-Improved environmental health in agreed upon areas/sub-sectors
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
for the
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project
Canadian Field Project Manager
Duties and responsibilities:
The Canadian Field Project Manager provides overall coordination of project activities within
Bangladesh and senior level technical, professional and managerial advice on project matters to
the Government of Bangladesh, DOE, the Aid Section of the Canadian High Commission, CIDA
HQ, and project personnel.
He/she is responsible for the overall management of the Project in Bangladesh including (inter
 Managing and/or supervising the management of Canadian and Bangladeshi
professional personnel;
 Managing the project office in Dhaka;
 Liaising with key National level decision/makers with respect to the policy level strategies
and the regulatory framework for environmental management;
 Coordinating and liaising with the DOE and the Aid Section of the Canadian High
 Participating in the preparation of the Project Implementation Plan and supervising and
leading the preparation of all Project Annual Workplans and Annual Reports
(performance and financial);
 Ensuring the effective monitoring of project progress and results;
 Provision of general support and advice to the DOE Project Director and Technical
 Coaching and developing local project staff
Desirable Qualifications and Experience
Academic qualifications and professional development related to environmental
management and project management;
10 years of experience in managing major complex projects including: multi-million dollar
budgets; project planning and management; project scheduling and meeting deadlines;
and multiple stakeholders;
Experience with project performance monitoring and assessment;\
5 years of Capacity building experience;
Experience in working while resident in developing countries;
Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Canadian Short-term Capacity Development Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
This is essentially an institutional strengthening and capacity building project for the DOE who,
in turn, will help build the capacity of civil society for environmental management. The
Canadian Capacity Development Specialist provides technical and professional advice to
Canadian project personnel, DOE personnel and the project’s local professional staff on all
matters pertaining to capacity development issues on the project.
In addition, he/she is responsible for:
On-going capacity assessment in relation to the DOE and civil society for the
identification of possible capacity building activities;
Understanding the relevant experience and activities of other organizations and
development programs and identifying potential areas for co-operation;
Assisting in the preparation of Project Annual Workplans and Annual Reports.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
Academic qualifications and professional development in a related field;
10 years of experience in capacity development preferably within developing countries;
5 years of experience in project planning and/or project management and/or
performance monitoring and assessment;
5 years of experience with the environmental sector;
Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset.
Canadian Short-term Operations and Service Delivery Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
A key aspect of the project deals with DOE operations and service delivery. In keeping with the
DOE strategy of working to improve its performance in all areas of its mandate, the Canadian
Operations and Service Delivery Specialist provides technical and professional advice to
Canadian project personnel, DOE personnel, and the project’s local professional staff on all
matters pertaining to operations and service delivery. This may include:
Reviewing DOE operations and recommending enhancements to improve efficiency;
Reviewing DOE operational manuals, guidelines and procedures and recommending
improvements to same;
Assisting with the development and enhancement of Annual Operational Workplans;
Reviewing HRD systems to build core competencies and appropriate training plans;
Reviewing operational procedures and interfaces with other government departments at
the national and regional levels to enhance intra-governmental cooperation;
Recommending new service delivery structures to improve services for, and to
strengthen partnerships with, key environmental management stakeholders including
non-government and community-based organizations and industrial associations;
Recommending general service delivery improvements relating to the transparency and
sustainability of DOE services; and,
Understanding the relevant experience and activities of other organizations and
development programs and identifying potential areas for co-operation.
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
Academic qualifications and professional development in a related field;
5 years of experience in operations and/or service delivery, preferably within developing
countries and preferably with government organizations;
5 years of experience in project planning and/or project management and/or
performance monitoring and assessment;
5 years of experience with the environmental sector;
Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset.
Canadian Short-term Environmental Enforcement Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
Enforcement is a crucial aspect of environmental management. The Canadian Environmental
Enforcement Specialist provides technical and professional advice to Canadian project
personnel, DOE personnel and the project’s local professional staff on all matters pertaining to
environmental enforcement on the project.
In addition, he/she is responsible for:
 On-going assessment of enforcement issues and opportunities:
 On-going assessment of opportunities for voluntary measures, including market-based
 Understanding the relevant experience and activities of other organizations and
development programs and identifying potential areas for co-operation.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
 Academic qualifications and professional development in a related field;
 10 years of experience in environmental enforcement preferably within developing
 5 years of experience in project planning and/or project management and/or
performance monitoring and assessment;
 Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset.
Canadian Short-term Environmental Law Specialist
Having appropriate environmental laws and recourse to legal action are an important aspect for
environmental management. The Canadian Environmental Law Specialist provides technical
and professional advice to Candian project personnel, DOE personnel and the project’s local
professional staff on all matters pertaining to environmental law and legal matters on the project.
In addition, he/she is responsible for:
 On-going assessment of environmental laws and regulations within Bangladesh;
 Reviewing legal issues and providing sound advice to DOE;
 Understanding the relevant experience and activities of other organizations and
development programs and identifying potential areas for co-operation.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
 Academic qualifications and professional development in environmental law;
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)
Call for CVs: Consultancy Services
Bangladesh Environmental Institutional Strengthening Project under CIDA RFP
No. 2006-A-032681-1
10 years of experience in environmental law preferably within developing countries;
Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset.
Canadian Short-term Gender Equality Specialist
Duties and responsibilities:
The Canadian Gender Equality Specialist provides expert advice to Canadian project personnel,
DOE personnel and the project’s local professional staff on all matters pertaining to Gender
Equality on the project. He/she is responsible for the preparation of the Project’s Gender
Equality Strategy as an integral part of the Project Implementation Plan for the approval of CIDA
and the Project Steering Committee and for liaising with and guiding the local gender equality
consultant retained by the project for on-going in-country advice.
In addition, he/she is responsible for:
 On-going gender analysis to identify possible gender equality activities and potential
gender equality resources or areas of cooperation with other organizations and
development programs;
 Assisting project staff in identifying methods to mainstream gender in the planning and
implementation of project activities;
 Reviewing Annual Workplans and Annual Reports from a Gender Equality perspective;
 On-going input into the collection and use of sex-disaggregated performance or
background data to track the gender implications and results of the Project, and report
on the same periodically.
Desirable Qualifications and Experience:
 Academic qualifications and professional development in a field related to Gender
 10 years of experience in Gender Equality preferably within developing countries;
 5 years of experience in project planning and/or project management and/or
performance monitoring and assessment;
 5 years of experience with the environmental sector;
 Experience in Asia, South Asia and preferably Bangladesh would be an asset.
Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC)
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Association des collèges communautaires du Canada (ACCC)