APUSH Test 1

APUSH Spring 2013
Test on assigned Reading
January 22, 2013
Mr. Murphy
1. The first known human settlers of North America were primarily from....
A. Spain
B. England
C. Asia
D. Africa
E. Scandinavia
2. Which of the following best describes the impact European colonization had on the Western
Hemisphere’s native population?
A. The native population was highly respected in terms of territorial possession and religious
B. The Europeans did not interact with native populations
C. Spain was the only European nation to create a successful alliance with native
D. England worked in conjunction with the Aztecs and Incas to defeat the Spanish influence
in the new world.
E. Native populations were often killed off or driven away by the Europeans.
3. Which of the following European powers originally settled in the Hudson River Valley
(Present Day New York)
A. Holland
B. England
C. France
D. Sweden
E. Portugal
4. One of the most important factors that first stimulated European interest in trade and discovery
A. The desire for a government based on Enlightened principles
B. The influence of Arab slave traders on the western coast of Africa
C. The permanent settlements established by the Vikings and Irish monks in the New World
D. The desire for wealth introduced by Christian crusaders who brought silks and spices
from Asia.
E. The division of Spain into small city-state, each competing for wealth and power.
5. Quetzcoatl was significant because
A. She was the assistant for Montezuma who betrayed the Aztecs to the Spanish
B. It was a ship designed in Africa and proves that Africans arrived in South America before
the Spanish.
C. It was the myth of Aztec Sun God, used by the Spanish to influence the Aztecs
D. It was the labor requirement of all Indian villages to give up a percentage of their
population to work in the Spanish mines and plantations.
E. He was the Pope of the Catholic Church who divided all the land of the New World
between the Spanish and Portuguese.
6. A primary difference between Spanish and English Colonization ventures was that
A. Spanish eventually intermarried with the Indian Peoples they conquered, while the
English generally did not
B. the Spanish colonies succeeded primarily through agriculture, while the English
became rich by seizing treasures of conquered Native American tribes
C. the Spanish struggled through many failures before finally gaining stability, while the
English were immediately successful
D. the Spanish colonies were unable to develop institutions such as churches and schools
in their colonies, while the English established a rich cultural life in the New World.
7 . After the Act of Toleration in 1649, Maryland provided religious freedom for
A. Anglicans
B. Calvinists
C. Anabaptists
D. Catholics
E. Jews
8. The House of Burgesses was the governing body in
A. Connecticut
B. New England
C. Virginia
D. Georgia
9. An important leader and long-time governor of the Puritan Colony in Mass Bay was....
A. Roger Williams
B. Thomas Hooker
C. John Smith
D. John Winthrop
E. George Fox
10. This religious dissenter came up with the concept of ANTINOMIANISM to debate against
the religious leaders of MASS Bay Colony
A.Mary Dyer
B.Roger Williams
C.Ann Hutchinson
D.Thomas Hooker
E.John Winthrop
11. A major difference between slavery and indentured servitude was that indentured servants
A. received salaries
B. Served their masters for limited periods of time
C. were free to marry at any time
D. lived only in the Northern Colonies
12. Which of the following was true of a married women in the colonial era?
A. She would be sentenced to debtors prison for debts incurred by her husband
B. She could vote as her husbands proxy (substitute) in elections where her husband was out
of town.
C. She generally lost control of her property when she married
D. She was the prime beneficiary by law of her husbands estate
E. Her legal rights over her children were the same as those of her husband.
13. The North American Colonies took advantage of the British policy of salutory neglect to
A. establish religious freedom as a fundamental right
B. work out trade agreements to acquire needed products from other countries
C. introduce the practice of slavery in the new world
D. make favorable territorial settlements with the French.
E. Abolish the institution of slavery in the English colonies
14. Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement in the New World, was founded by
A. three aristocratic proprietors seeking private gain
B. a joint stock company anxious to return a profit to investors
C Sir Walter Raleigh, wishing to gain favor with Elizabeth I
D. King James I, eager to gain a base of expeditions against Spanish shipping
E. John Smith., who was eager to spread Christianity
15. Which of the following was characteristic of colonial Pennsylvania?
A. There were no established churches
B. Founder William Penn endorsed a policy of removing American Indians to the western region
of the colony.
C. Poor farmland in the backcountry aggravated the colonies economic woes
D. All citizens could vote
E. Liberal political policies that allowed landowners the option of choosing governors
16. The Stono Rebellion of 1739 revealed which of the following?
A. Increasing resistance to taxation
B. The inability of newcomers to acquire fertile farmland
C. Overpopulation in urban areas
D. Sectional divisions between northern and southern colonies
E. Resistance to slavery
17. In the Colonial period, Quakers were known for all of the following EXCEPT their
A. acceptance of a greater role for women in public worship
B. opposition to the institution of slavery
C. advocacy of freedom of worship
D. refusal to pay taxes
E. refusal to bear arms
18. The document here depicts
The Salem Witch Hunts
The Great Awakening
Bacon’s Rebellion
The Zenger Case
The Albany Congress
19. A Separatist in 17th century New England can best be defined as one
A. who wants complete separation from the church of England
B. to sever all political connections with the old world
C. to renounce English citizenship
D. to establish separation of church and state
E. to live alone
20. The Primary reason that no new British colonies were founded between 1634-1670 was
A. the severe economic conditions in VA and MD discouraged other colonists
B. the civil wars in England prevented new colonzation
C. the continuous naval conflicts between Spain and England
D. the English King’s increasing hostility towards colonial ventures
E. The Naval wars with the Dutch prevented any new colonization
21. The Virginia Statues of 1662 were significant because
A. They extended the borders of Virginia to Wisconsin
B. The allowed indentured servants to retain land from the FFV’s
C. The created slave codes that forced slaves and their children into bondage
D. They created the House of Burgesses
E. The cut off all ties to England and established an independent colony
22. The “Half-Way” Covenant was created to
A. allow intermarriage between slave-owners and their slaves
B. allowed for a compromise in the Puritan church weakening the divide between elect and
C. Provide a constitution for the Connecticut colony
D. Offer religious leaders full power for the persecution of witches
E. Bring about peace treaties between peaceful Quakers and their Native American
23. The best description
for this document is…
A. The Colombian
B. The Navigation
C. British
D. The Triangle
Trade Rout
E. The causes for
24. Which of the following was forced upon the colonies by England?
A. The New England Confederation
B. The Dominion of New England
C. The Great Awakening
D. The Albany Plan
E. The Ringshout Congress
25. The “meeting house” was the government institution for the settlers in this region
A. Virginia
B. Georgia
C. Mass.
D. South Carolina
E. Georgia
26. Compared to the Plymouth Colony, the Mass Bay colony was
A. dedicated to the complete separation from the Church of England
B. afflicted with corrupt and incompetent leaders
C. less focused on the religious questions
D. larger and more economically prosperous
E. more religiously tolerant to Catholics and Jews
27. The main purpose of the Confederation of New England was to
A. regulate trade with England
B. print paper money
C. evade the stamp act
D. insure religious uniformity
E. maintain a common defense against Indian attack
28. A central objective of John Rolfe was:
(A) to encourage centralization and cooperation.
(B) to increase the wealth of the mother country.
(C) to keep the colonies friendly.
(D) to develop the fur trade.
(E) to encourage the Virginia tobacco crop.
29. During colonial times, the Congregationalists settled in:
(A) Pennsylvania.
(B) New York.
(C) New Jersey.
(D) New England.
(E) Maryland.
30. A central objective of the early New England Puritan leadership was to:
(A) establish religious liberty for all.
(B) eliminate the use of alcohol and tobacco.
(C) eliminate any distinction between church and state.
(D) reproduce the ecclesiastical structure of the Church of England.
(E) establish the moral authority of the community over individual self-interest..
31. Which of the following is a correct statement about the use of slave labor in colonial
(A) It was forced on reluctant white Virginians by profit-minded English merchants and
the mercantilist officials of the Crown.
(B) It was the first case in which Europeans enslaved Blacks.
(C) It fulfilled the original plans of the Virginia Company.
(D) It first occurred after the invention of Eli Whitney's cotton gin, which greatly
stimulated the demand for low-cost labor.
(E) It spread rapidly in the late seventeenth century, as blacks displaced white indentured
servants in the tobacco fields.
32.The tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy were distinctive in that they:
(A) were less militant than other Native American (Indian) tribes.
(B) all allied themselves with the American colonists against Great Britain during the
Revolutionary War.
(C) successfully resisted incorporation into the English fur-trading system.
(D) were converted to Anglicanism.
(E) formed the most important and influential Native American political organization to
confront the colonists.
33. In the creation of which of the following colonies was commercial profit the first and
foremost motive?
(A) Connecticut
(B) Maryland
(C) Virginia
(D) Pennsylvania
(E) Rhode Island
34. Which of the following documents provided the foundation for Colonial government
in Connecticut?
Mayflower Compact
Fundamental Orders
Rights of Englishmen
Salutory neglect
Dominion of New England
35. The European economic policy born in the 17th century and centered around
the idea of gaining colonies, exporting more than importing, building a strong navy and collecting
a large gold reserve was known as
A. Mercantilism
B. Salutory Neglect
C. Manorialism
D. Imperialism
E. Laissez-Faire Capitalism
36. The colonial court case against John Peter Zenger is considered a landmark decision in the
development of the freedom of
A. speech
B. religion
C. the press
D. right to bear arms
E. right to assemble
37. As a result of Bacon’s Rebellion
A. The number of indentured servants increased
B. Slavery of Africans was seen as a more favorable labor force
C. Bacon was elected to lead the Virginia militia
D. Gov. Berkeley was dismissed from office.
E.France attacked colonial outposts in New England.
38. Which colony was founded to primarily by English “debtors”
A. South Carolina
B. North Carolina
C. Georgia
D. Rhode Island
E. New Jersey
39. Compared with the English colonies, New France was
A. wealthy and successful
B. able to maintain friendly relations with Native Americans
C. more heavily populated
D. more autocratically governed
E. much smaller in terms of land ownership
40. This was the policy which granted land to endentured servants once they fulfilled their
A. Encomienda
B. Requriemiento
C. Half-Way Covenant
D. Headright System
E. Primogeniture