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Greek word – BIOS------life
Logous – Study of
Aristotle—Father of Biology
Father of Zoology (Study of Animals)
Theophrastus---Father of Botany (plants)
Lamarck &Treviranus--- gave the term Biology
I) Microbiology—Study of Micro-organisms. (Eg- Bacteria, Virus)
Note1) Louis Pasteur--- Father of Microbiology
2) Pasteurization is the technique used to kill micro-organism.
3) Pasteur developed Anti rabiesvaccine
4) Rabies is caused by virus which is transmitted by a dog bite
Q) Rabies is caused by
(a) Mosquito bite
(b) Dog bite
(c) Bacteria
(d) Virus
5) Virus is a connecting link b/w living & non-living.
6) Euglena is a connecting link b/w plants & animals.
II) Taxonomy--- study of nomenclature & classification
Note1) Linnaeus - Father of Taxonomy
2) He gave binomial system of nomenclature
3) Species is basic unit of classification
III) Genetics--- study of heredity & variation
Q) Genetics is the study of
1) Gene
2) DNA
(a) Only 1
(b) only 3
3) Heredity
(c) 1, 2 & 3
4) Variation
(d) 3 & 4
Note1) Mendel - Father of Genetics
2) He performs his experiment on Garden Pea also called as PisumSativum
3) Atavism or Reversion is reappearance of ancestral character.
4) Gene is the basic unit of Heredity
Study of
Molecular biology
DNA, RNA & Gene
Fossil plants
Pollen Grains
Hay fever is caused due to allergy by pollen grains
Garden plants
Bamboo is the longest grass & it is Monocarpic
Q) Which of the following has the maximum protein content?
a) Egg
b) Soya bean
c) Milk
d) Spirulina
e) chlorella
Phycology/ Algology is the study of algae
Mycology is the study of Fungi
Q) Plant depends on soil for
a) Nutrients
b) Water
c) Mechanical support
d) All
29 Subhash Road, Behind Lord Venkateshwar Wedding Point, Dehradun, Ph.:0135-2712477, 9358102781 /
Q) Which of the following is not a micro-nutrient?
a) Ca
b) Mg
c) P
Q) Which of the following is a micro-nutrient?
a) Zn
b) Mn
c) Mo
d) All
d) All
Genetic Engineering-is a sub component of biotech in which genetic manipulation i.e. construction, reconstruction, &
designing of genetic material is done i.e. DNA & RNA
Flavrsavr is genetically modified tomato
Triticale is the 1st man made grain obtained by crossing wheat with rye( wheat × rye)
Bromato =Brinjal × Tomato
Pomato = Potato × Tomato
Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy, normally from the Sun, into chemical
energy that can be later released to fuel the organisms' activities.
Q) less than _______ % of solar energy is used in photosynthesis
a) 1
b) 5
c) 10
d) 20
Q) Photosynthesis occurs in
a) Natural Light
b) Artificial Light
Q) Photosynthesis occurs in
a) Ultraviolet Light
b) Infrared
c) Both
c) Visible
Q) Maximum rate of Photosynthesis is in
a) Blue Light
b) Green Light
Q) Minimum rate of Photosynthesis is in
a) Blue Light
b) Green Light
c) Red Light
c) Red Light
d) All
d) Yellow Light
d) Yellow Light
Q) During Photosynthesis oxygen released comes from
a) Carbon dioxide
b) Water
c) Both
Q) Green plant behaves as
a) Carbon Sink
b) Carbon Source
c) Both
Q) Maximum productivity is found in
a) Tropical Rain Forest
b) Temperate Grass land
c) Taiga
d) Tundra
Sex –linked disease
Sex-linked genetic disorders are any diseases or abnormal conditions that are caused by a defective gene on the X
chromosome, one of the sex chromosomes. These disorders may also involve a deviation in the number of X or Y
a) Y- linked disease
Eg: Baldness, hairy ears
b) X-linked disease
Eg: Colour blindness, Haemophilia
Q) Father is normal & mother is carrier
Total Child
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
Q) Father is colour blind & mother is normal
Total Child
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
29 Subhash Road, Behind Lord Venkateshwar Wedding Point, Dehradun, Ph.:0135-2712477, 9358102781 /
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
_______% Normal, _______% Carrier, _______% Colour Blind
Q) If father is normal & mother is haemophilic. Find out % of male child that are normal & female
child that are haemophilic?
a) 0,50
b) 50,0
c) 0,0
d) 50,50
Blood group Genetics
 Karl land Steiner & Weiner firstly discovered A,B,O system of Blood group
 4th rare group AB is discovered by decastello
 Rh factor was discovered by Weiner
 Rh factor was firstly reported Rhesus Monkey. Those people have Rh factor are called Rh+ & those do not have are
called RhGroup A – has only the A antigen on red cells (and B antibody in the plasma)
Group B – has only the B antigen on red cells (and A antibody in the plasma)
Group AB – has both A and B antigens on red cells (but neither A nor B antibody in the plasma)
Group O – has neither A nor B antigens on red cells (but both A and B antibody are in the plasma)
Q) If father is Homozygous A & mother is Heterozygous B. Find out the possible blood group in children?
a) A
b) B
c) AB & A
d) AB
Q) If father is Homozygous A & mother is Homozygous B. Find out the possible blood group in children?
a) A
b) B
c) AB & A
d) AB
Q) If father is Heterozygous A & mother is Heterozygous B. Find out the possible blood group in children?
a) A
b) B
c) A, B, AB & O
d) AB
Q) If father is AB & mother is O. Find out the possible blood group in children?
a) A & B
b) B
c) AB & A
d) AB
Plant Kingdom
 Pollination is transfer of pollen grains from anther to stigma.
 If process occurs within same flower, it is called self pollination. It always occurs in bisexual flower
 If pollination occurs b/w two different flowers it is called cross- pollination.
 Cross pollination mostly occurs in unisexual flower & sometimes in bisexual flowers.
Note- Cross pollination occurs in bisexual flower during dichogamy i.e. when male & female mature at different
time. If male matures 1st it is protandry & if female matures 1st it is protogyny
Ovary is modified into fruit (ripen ovary, mature ovary)- True Fruit
Thalamus is modified into fruit like structure- False Fruit
Eg: of false fruit - Apple, Pear & Cashew nut.
Q) Which of the following is a false fruit?
a) Apple
b) Mango
c) Guava
d) Grapes
Modified Stem– Ginger, Turmeric, Lotus, Onion, Garlic, Potato, Amor phallus colocassia
Modified Leaf—Begonia, pea, cactus, Ber&Babool
Modified Roots--- Radish, Carrot, Sugar beet, Turnip, Sweet potato
29 Subhash Road, Behind Lord Venkateshwar Wedding Point, Dehradun, Ph.:0135-2712477, 9358102781 /
Mangroves are Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees which are found in Littoral Zone & can survive under
physically harsh conditions like high temp, high salinity, anaerobic, Tidal extremes & currents because they have high value
of ecological amplitude. i.e range of tolerance.
As mangroves act as a shelter belt helps in in-situ conservation of biodiversity because of lots of marine organism like
oysters, crabs can breed under this condition.
 Mangroves used as biofuel are jatropa, pongamia, sonneratia
 Non mangrove but called petroleum plant known as Euphorbia
 Two Endemic Mangrove of India
a) Rhizophora annamalyanam (Pichavaram, Tamil Nadu)
b) Heritiera Kanikensis (Bhitarkanika, Orrisa)
 Sunderban is single largest stretch ogf mangroves. It is dominated by Rhizophora species locally called Sundari
 Sunderban is native place for endangered species
a) Royal Bengal Tiger b) Fishing Cats c) King Crab d) Gangetic Dolphin
 Mangroves are mainly found in tropical & subtropical region.
Corals are called rainforest of oceans & these are plant + animal super organism found in Neritic Zone (30 degree North--- 30 degree South)(Tropical & Sub tropical ocean).
Coral bleaching is yellowing or whitening of coral due to death of Algal component.
After death of Algal component, coral reefs are formed which is due to cementing together of millions of coral skeletons.
For eg: India has Lakshadweep (Coral Island called as Attol) & Andaman & Nicobar Island (Fringing Reef)
Condition required for Hotspot
1) High Biodiversity
2) High Endemic Species
3) High degree of threat i.e. Habitat loss of fragmentation
Q) Which of the following have coral reefs?
1) Andaman & Nicobar Islands
2) Gulf o Kutch
3) Gulf of Mannar
4) Sunderbans
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
a) 1,2 and 3 only
b) 2 and 4 only
3) 1 and 3 only
4) 1,2,3,and 4
29 Subhash Road, Behind Lord Venkateshwar Wedding Point, Dehradun, Ph.:0135-2712477, 9358102781 /