Community Building Plan 2014-16

Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
August 2015
The priority areas of the Community Building Direction Report (2014-16) and objectives are identified in this report.
The 'traffic light' system is used to highlight the status of each action towards the planned strategy with commentary included.
On Going
Not Yet Started / Year 2 Priority
Community Building Directions Report (2014 - 16) Strategy
Access to the Built Environment
Planned Strategies
Instigate educational
opportunities for
businesses, service
providers and individuals
in the City of Boroondara
that result in increased
accessibility opportunities
for people with disabilities.
Council Services
Disability Support
GA=GB working
Collaborate with local
services, media and
people with a disability to
increase community
awareness of people with
disabilities and
accessibility principles
Council Services
Regional LGA
 Facilitate the BA4A network to undertake a collaborative project
aimed at increasing and improving access to the built environment in
response to community needs.
 Continue to advocate for the availability and location of disabled
parking spots in and around educational institutions, public transport
services, health services and allied health services.
 Continue to promote Council’s Access Guide to local businesses to
provide information around the Good access = Good Business
 Utilising media articles and events create greater awareness of the
issues that people with disabilities have when accessibility is not a
community priority.
 Encourage local traders, business, services and residents to adhere
to Council’s street numbering policy.
 Ensure that accessibility and mobility requirements of people with
disabilities (particularly sensory impairments) are taken into account
when developing major projects and/or upgrades to existing Council
facilities and activity centres.
 Engage the SWAT/ BA4A to film accessible features of the
municipality and promote via YouTube and social media.
 BA4A and other Council Services
undertaking “Open 4 Business’ project
 Realignment of parking at Pacific
Towers already completed.
Discussions with Swinburne re
increased DAPB parking bays
 Access guide and related resources
continue to be utilised by local traders
 RECHARGE scheme will be part of
'Open 4 Business’ project
 Continued communication with group
homes and service providers around
disability issues and community
inclusion opportunities via BA4A
 Planned Year 2 action
 MA continues to have input into local
projects and strategies when building
upgrades are required to meet DDA
and BCA compliance
 Planned year 2 action
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **
Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
August 2015
Community Building Directions Report (2014 - 16) Strategy
Planned Strategies
Promote the use of
existing community
transport services and
make recommendations
in respect to their
Council Services
Victorian Taxi
Disability Service
Collaborate with Council
services and local
stakeholders to create
awareness about people
with mobility issues
Vic Roads
Council Services
Rotary Clubs
Kew Traffic School
Local Traders
Scooters Australia
Linds Rehab
The Mobility Store
 Explore opportunities to address access to taxi services and other  Scheduled year 2 action with BA4A
transport services.
 VCT criteria will be promoted via
 Explore the feasibility to use volunteer community transport by
B44A paper
people with disabilities.
 In discussion with cluster Manager at
 Advocate for the use of idle group home vehicles to be used to
group homes and with regulatory
transport people with disabilities to appointments, activities and
 Conduct try before you buy events at Kew Traffic school for potential
users to test new scooters and become familiar with their operation
 Deliver two 'Safer Scooter Wiser Wheelchair' programs each year in
 Continue to build upon community engagement initiatives such as
the RECHARGE scheme that enables people with a disability to build
social connections and utilise services in their local areas.
 Further develop and promote community education programs for
people with mobility issues such as 'Be Alert and Don’t Get Hurt"
 Support SWAT to continue to provide demonstrations with public
transport providers around safe usage of community transport
 Identify mobility map information on Council’s website and supporting
social media platforms
 Engage SWAT and retailers to advocate with mobility device
manufactures, local emergency services and Neighbourhood Watch
to decrease the speed limit of mobility devices to 8kph in response to
residents’ concerns.
 Work with regulatory bodies and health care professionals to no
longer refer to motorised mobility device as a means of transport.
 3 session held in past year
 2 workshops held in Boroondara, 1 in
 RECHARGE scheme and related
projects continue to be promoted via
all communication platforms. 5 new
Council locations available.
 ‘Be Alert and don’t get hurt’ now into
third print run, provides a means of
introduction to new relationships
within the municipality.
 SWAT and Metro Trains held a
community safety demonstration for
people of all abilities in June 2014.
 Key stakeholders and partner
identified. Further planning required.
 Strategic planning discussions with
local partners and stakeholders held
to discuss speed limits and
regulations around pedestrian safety
and local laws and future directions
of initiatives.
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **
Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
August 2015
Community Building Directions Report (2014 - 16) Strategy
Disability Support System
Planned Strategies
Develop the capacity of
individuals, families and
community organisations
to advocate effectively for
issues that are important
to them.
Raise awareness of and
support for family and
carers within Council and
the community
Disability Support
Recreation and
Leisure Centres
Council Services
Day Service
Resource Centre
Council Services
Carers Vic
 Publicise information about service user and advocacy groups in  Information being collated for website
Boroondara on Council’s website and to local and regional networks.
had been distributed to relevant
networks. Potential Advocacy
 Invite people with disabilities to become active members of the
workshop planned in 2015.
 Support local people with disabilities to further develop leadership  New members have joined BA4A in
and advocacy skills.
 Empower people with disabilities to be their own voice and improve  Continue to promote advocacy
programs for PWD to complete.
community’s awareness of the contribution people with disabilities
Minimal interest shown.
 Interviews and positive stories of
PWD in community life regularly
featured in Boroondara Bulletin and
local Leader
 Make contact with carer support groups in Boroondara and promote  Peer Support Networks promoted via
their contact details on Council’s website and to organisational
Council social media resources and
 Submit a feature article on caring issues and/or respite options for  Scheduled for 2015
inclusion in the Boroondara Bulletin.
 Year 2 action. To be confirmed
 Promote available counselling services provided by Camcare to  PWD, Carer’s an community member
families, in the City of Boroondara who have children with disabilities.
linked into various lifestyle,
 Link carers into recreational and health services to improve and
recreational, arts, sport and inclusive
increase health and wellbeing outcomes.
socialisation opportunities via funding
provider such as RECLINK
 Provide ongoing information and capacity building opportunities for
community agencies, service providers, parents and people with  Provide webinar and information
disabilities regarding the roll out of Disability Care Australia.
bulletins to Council officers and
Disability Services when available
 Develop a resource that identifies alternative respite options for local
community members within the EMR including facility based respite,  Information gathered regarding respite
holiday programs, recreation respite and overnight supported
options in EMR, working on Promotes
under Accessible Recreation on
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **
Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
August 2015
Community Building Directions Report (2014 - 16) Strategy
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
Planned Strategies
Continue to work with
community centres,
Neighbourhood Houses
and libraries to be
inclusive to people with
disabilities in
Council Services
Vision Australia
Resource Centre
Work with Council
stakeholders and
community members to
develop Communication
and Information Sharing
strategies that better
inform the community so
people with disabilities
feel included in their
Vision Australia
Day Service
Service Providers
members and
Parents and
Apply world's best
practice guidelines to
Council Services
Day Services
 MA and Library services have been
Help promote Library services and facilities that empower and
working on promoting libraries as an
people with a disability to utilise the libraries for
accessible and inclusive environment
educational and inclusion purposes
for PWD. Venue being utilised by
Promote adaptive technologies such as SARA - a scanning and
people with mobility issues in increasing
reading appliance for vision impaired people on Council websites
and to local networks.
 Library websites are updated with all
Continue to collaborate with Neighbourhood Houses and Libraries
technologies and aides to support PWD
in developing a disability action plan that supports their vision of
utilise the venues.
building an inclusive community.
 3 NH’s have DAP’s, in discussion with
Develop communication board resources (where people with
Libraries around producing an action
communication difficulties can point at images) that provide
customer service information and direction guidelines in Council
 Looking at implementing ‘Go Digi’ project
facilities which support people with disabilities to be included in
with InfoXchange into NH’s, Libraries
these environments.
and with local groups.
Collaborate with Council's Information Technology Department on  Have developed on line Newspaper (in
creating the use of accessible online resources based on
trial) for BA4A and amalgamated
community need.
networks to use as information and
communication resources. Available to
Further develop the online bulletin board established by the
anyone in the community to subscribe
Communication Working Group, to inform the community of events,
to for free.
activities and general information sharing.
Work with Neighbourhood Houses, Community Centres and  The online bulletin board (Wiki) will be
replaced with the full version of the on
Libraries to develop ongoing 'info casts' that promote the
line newspaper.
contribution of people with a disability.
Further develop Council mapping information on Council website  The ‘info casts’ are in development stage
including with Swinburne students
that indicates accessible municipal locations including 'Good
Access = Good Business' online project development.
 Corporate website and associated
resources being further developed to
include current projects and initiatives
such as ‘Open 4 Business’ project that
promote accessible, healthy and friendly
cafes and restaurants
Advocate for Council publications, information, websites,  Accessible Communication workshop and
communications and strategic planning information to adhere to
resource developed. Ecomms staff in
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **
Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
Council communication
strategies to enable
people with speech and
vision impairment to
communicate their needs
Disability Support
August 2015
accessible format guidelines.
Promote the hard copy resource guide that identifies disability  Council project, promotional material and
services, community services organisations, networks and other
plans are available in accessible
relevant information to the community.
Ensure Council's BA4A Network Wiki (webpage) is accessible to  Wiki page to be shutdown, online
people of all abilities
newspaper to be introduced in 2015.
Collaborate with community service organisations to follow best  The proposed merging of 3 Council
practice guidelines regarding communication and information
networks into 1 will be communicated to
sharing materials.
local services and community members
in (September) 2015.
Community Building Directions Report (2014 - 16) Strategy
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **
Metro Access CBP 2014-16 - Status
August 2015
Collaborate with
the local
community to
opportunities for
people with
disability in
Council Services
Local business
Retail Associations
Disability Employment
Australian Federation of
Disability Organisations
People with A Disability
National Disability
Recruitment Co
Boroondara Volunteer
Resource Centre
Peer and Support groups
Develop willing and Able (WAM) mentoring program with
Swinburne Institute that supports students with a disability with
job seeking, interview preparation,
self-marketing and transitioning into the workplace.
Instigate educational opportunities for businesses, service
providers and individuals in the City of Boroondara that result in
increased employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Include information about disability employment (and related
policies) in induction material and training for all council staff to be
more inclusive of people with a disability.
With the consent of employees with a disability promote positive
stories about their journey in gaining employment through internal
communications, for example profiles in staff newsletters or on
the intranet.
Seek feedback on the accessibility of employment policies and
processes from employees with a disability.
Help promote a breakfast networking event for business in the
EMR that advocates for employing people with a disability in
mainstream employment.
Partner with other levels of government, business, community
service organisations and the community to link people with a
disability into information channels including local disability
employment networks and services.
 WAM developed by external provider.
MA keen to promote the program to
more students within Swinburne to
further employment opportunities.
 Employ Outside the Box business
breakfast held in August 2014 in
collaboration and partnership with
 Working with local Social Enterprise to
consider employing PWD at a local
venue and paid employment.
 Continued discussion and planning with
Council Officers and Human
Resources around promoting disability
awareness at induction program.
 Ongoing action/s
 Ongoing action/s
 Event held and attended by 194 people
from business and community sector.
 Embracing Diversity in Professional
Employment workshop held for
students with disabilities to enhance
opportunities in gaining employment.
The MetroAccess Project is funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS) in conjunction with the Rural and Deaf Access Projects as part of the
Victorian State Disability Plan 2013- 2016 **