Exams Library Laws & Practices

Nov. 19, 2006
1. Is the study of the profession of librarianship
a. Library Science
c. librarianship
b. code of ethics
d. copyright
2. A set of standards governing the conduct and judgment of librarians, library, staff and other information
professionals in their work.
a. Library Science
b. Code of Ethics
c. Librarianship
d. Copyright
3. The exclusive legal right granted by a government to an author, editor, complier, composer, playwright,
publisher, or distributor to publish, produce, sell, or distribute copies of a literary, musical, dramatic,
artistic, or other work, within certain limitations(fair use and first sale).
a. Library Science
b. Code of Ethics
c. Librarianship d. copyright
4. Is the profession concerned with the application of the principles, theories, techniques and technologies of
recorded Knowledge, which contribute to the establishment, preservation, organization, dissemination and
utilization of collections library materials?
a. Library Science
b. Code of Ethics
c. Librarianship d. copyright
5. It is the accredited professional organization of Librarian in the Philippines.
b. copyright fee c. Philippines
d. copyright compliance
6. The place where the CONSAL assembly was held on April 2006.
a. Hong Kong
b. Singapore
c. Philippines
d. Vietnam
7. Effectivity date of RA 9246 fifteen (15) days following its publication in the Manila Times.
a. March 17, 2004
b. December 2, 2003 c. March 1, 2004
d. Dec. 16, 2003
8. The responsibility of the Library to ensure that its interlibrary loan requests, reserve materials, instruction
guides, Web pages, etc., conform to exist copyright law.
b. copyright fee c. Philippines
d. copyright compliance
9. The payment required by a national copyright depository to register copyright of a creative work, which
must be submitted with the completed application form and a deposit copy of the work.
b. copyright fee
c. Philippines
d. copyright compliance
10. The person(s) or corporate body possessing the exclusive legal rights granted by a government to publish,
produce, sell, or distribute copies of a literary, musical, dramatic, artistic or other work, within certain
limitations (fair use), usually the author, editor, complier, composer, playwright, publisher, or distributor.
a. intellectual property c. intellectual freedom b. copyright piracy d. copyright holder
11. The systematic unauthorized reproduction or use, without permission and recompense, of a work
protected by copyright law, usually for the purpose of profiting from such activity.
a. intellectual property c. intellectual freedom b. copyright piracy d. copyright holder
12. The right of any person to read or express views that may be un popular or offensive to some people,
within certain limitations (libel, slander, etc.)
a. intellectual property c. intellectual freedom b. copyright piracy d. copyright holder
13. Tangible products of the human mind and intelligence entitled to the legal status of personal property,
especially works protected by copyright, inventions that have been patented, and registered trademarks.
a. intellectual property c. intellectual freedom b. copyright piracy d. copyright holder
14. The House Bill number of the Act Modernizing the Practice of Librarian in the Philippines thereby
Repealing RA 6966 was passed by the Senate.
a. HB No. 5351
b. SB No. 2759 c. HB No. 5153
d. SB No. 2579
15. The number of the Senate Bill of the Act Modernizing the practice of Librarianship in the Philippines
thereby Repealing RA 6966 was passed by the senate.
a. HB No. 5351
b. SB No. 2759 c. HB No. 5153
d. SB No. 2579
16. The date that the house bill was passed in the congress.
a. March 17, 2004
b. December 2, 2003 c. March 1, 2004
d. Dec, 16, 2003
17. The date that the senate bill was passed in the senate.
a. March 17, 2004
b. December 2, 2003 c. March 1, 2004
d. Dec, 16, 2003
18. The date of Consolidation of the House Bill and Senate Bill entitled, an Act Modernizing the Practice of
Librarianship in the Philippines thereby Repealing Republic Act No. 6966, Appropriating Funds therefore
and for other purpose was signed and approved by Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as RA 9264.
a. March 17, 2004
b. February 19, 2004
c. March 1, 2004
d. Dec. 16, 2003
19. The date that RA 9246 was published in the Manila Times, a National newspaper of general circulation.
a. March 17, 2004
b. December 2, 2003 c. March 1, 2004
d. Dec. 16, 2003
20. The current chairperson of the Board for Librarians.
a. Dr. Irene D. Amores b. Ms Perla T. Garcia c. Ms. Suzima Gonzales d. none of the above
21. The first chairperson of the BFL in the early 1990’s.
a. Dr. Irene D. Amores b. Ms. Perla T. Garcia c. Ms. Suzima Gonzales d. none of the above
22. The second chairman of the Board for Librarians.
a. Dr. Irene D. Amores b. Ms. Perla T. Garcia c. Ms. Suzima Gonzales d. none of the above
23. The first member of the Board for Librarians.
a. Corazon M. Nera and Belen M. Angeles
b. Ms. Suzima Gonzales and Dr. Irene D. Amores
c. Ms. Eliabeth R. Peralejo and Corazon M. Nera
d. Ms Suzima L. Gonzales and Belen M. Nera
24. The current member of the Board for Librarians.
a. Corazon M. Nera and Belen M. Angeles
b. Ms. Suzima Gonzales and Dr. Irene D/ Amores
c. Ms. Eliabeth R. Peralejo and Corazon M. Nera
d. Ms. Suzima Gonzales and Belen M. Angeles
25. A Library Established, supported, and administered by a business firm, private corporation, association,
government agency, or other special interest group or agency to meet the information needs of its members or
staff in pursuing the goals of the organization.
a. Special Library
b. Public Library
c. Academic Library
d. School Library
26. The controversial practice of affixing a warning mark or label to Library materials considered unsuitable for
young children or that contain language or images that some readers or viewers might find offensive or
distressing. a. copyright
b. labeling
c. plagiarism d. piracy
27. The local gateway to knowledge provides a basic condition for lifelong learning, independent decisionmaking and cultural development of the individual and social groups and is good for all people living in the
a. Special Library
b. Public Library
c. Academic Library
d. School Library
28. The accrediting agencies for private schools and universities except one.
29. The law that regulates the Act Modernizing the Practice of Librarianship in the Philippines thereby
Repealing RA 6966.
a. RA 7743
b. RA 9246
c. RA 6966
d. all of the above
30. Is a busy service-oriented activity, with a deeply-rooted emphasis reflected in the professional literature on
practical and technical matters.
a. Library Services
b. Librarianship
c. Library Science
d. none of the above
31. Library in College or Universities
a. Special Library
b. Public Library
c. Academic Library
d. School Library
32. In looking for the best location of the school library media center, which part of the school should be the
best? a. Near the canteen b. near the basketball court c. Near the office d. at the center of the school
33. What makes a public Library a free library?
a. The fund comes from the government c. The fund comes from the mayor or governor
b. The funds come from donation
d The fund comes from the taxes of the people
34. To whom does a city librarian report to?
a. The city administration
c. The city mayor
b. The city budget officer
d. none of these
35. Who makes recommendation to the President for a person to become the directory of the National
a. Secretary of the Department of Education
b. Secretary of Finance
c. Speaker of the House of Representative
d. Speaker of the House of Senate
36. Who heads the city libraries of Manila and Quezon City?
a. City Librarian
c. Division Supervisor
b. Director of City Libraries
d. Superintendent of City Libraries
37. Why is ethics in the Library critical TQM?
a. Trust is a critical element in ethics, which is the cornerstone of total quality.
b. It provides a standard of conduct for professional Librarians
c. It provides a legal basis of managers and rank and file employees
d. All of the above
38. When may negotiated procurement be restored to in public agencies?
a. There is failure of bidding and goods are for an activity that cannot be delayed.
b. There is imminent danger to life or property.
c. Three quotations from independent suppliers has been drawn.
39. Government financed libraries may purchased books without public bidding provided that price
quotations are secured from at least three responsible local suppliers of needed commodities. What is this
alternative process called?
a. Accreditation of Suppliers
b. Prequalification
c. Negotiated Library
d. Canvass
40. The government office that has jurisdiction as to copyright
a. Bureau of Legal Affairs
c. The National Library
b. Department of Justice
d. University of The Philippines
41. Which intellectual property right of an author or creator cannot be alienated or waived?
a. Economic right
c. Moral rights
b. Right of assign copyright
d. Right to transfer copy
42. Which executive department is tasked to coordinate with the National Library to establish additional
public libraries and reading centers at district, city, municipal and barangay levels?
a. Philippine Information Agency
d. DEPEd
43. Government Librarians are personally liable for lost materials. This liable has been cited as deterrent to
dynamic library services.
a. accountability b. property accountability
c. Book accountability d. fiscal accountability
44. The symbol in the internet that signifies that a work may be copied without permission. This is a sign of
an anti-copyright movement by alternative publishers.
a. KLF
b. Noco
c. No c
d. @ c
45. Fair use of a copyright work does not constitute infringement of a copyright. Which of these constitutes
fair use?
a. Compilation of an independently created computer program.
b. Reproduction of one volume in a multi-volume work is not out of stock.
c. Reproduction in multi copies of come pages for teaching purposes.
d. Translating a work and publishing the work without permission.
46. Which of these rights is also referred to as economic rights?
a. Computer software
c. right to proceeds in subsequent transfer
b. moral rights
d. software right
47. The librarian’s license issued by the BFL is good for how long?
a. 3 years
b. 5 years
c. until retirement
d. for life
48. Which of the following is protected by copyright?
a. News of the day
c. a procedure and method of operation
b. translation of an official text of a legal nature d. a personal letter
49. Modern intellectual property laws are based on rights laid down by international conventions. What is the
main copyright convention?
a. National copyright Laws the Philippines
b. International copyright laws on Products if Human Intelligence
c. Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works
d. All of the above choices
50. The date that the original agreement was drawn and there been many revision which increase the scope of
the protection. a. 1952
b. 1988 c. 1886
d. 1889
51. It is not a function of PRC
a. Administer licensure examination
b. Implement education standard
c. Supervise accredited professional organization
d. Approves technical and ethical standards of practice
52. DECS Bulletin that prescribed the recommendation minimum library standards for Elementary,
Secondary and Tertiary level,
a. DECS Bul. No. 1, S 1988
c. DESC Bul. No. 1, S 1989
b. DECS Bul. No. 2, S 1988
d. DECS Bul. No. 2, S 1999
53. Devised the Library of Congress System
a. T.J Jefferson b. John Snow Billings c. Warner Bishop
d. Melvil Dewey
54. The law on the Code of Ethics for Registered Librarians,
a. Res. No. 2, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL
c. Res. No. 5, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL
b. Res. No. 1, S. 1992 of the PRC – BFL
d. Res. No. 7, S. 1999
55. The PRC is a three-person commission under the:
a. Office of the CHED commissioner
b. Office of the President
c. Office of the Committee of Education of the Senate
d. Office of DECS Secretary
56. According to the R.A. 9246 the composition of the Board for Librarians.
a. A chairman and two (2) member’s
c. Chairman, secretary and a member
b. A chairman and two (2) coordinators d. A chairman and four (4) members
57. It is the Decree on Legal and Cultural Deposit
a. PD 223
b. PD 812
c. PD 1203
d. 1445
58. It is not legal depository for the Philippine publications
a. Cultural Center of the Phils. Lib
c. MSU Library
b. National Library
d. Philippine Normal University Lib.
59. Included in the coverage of Intellectual Property Code.
a. Industrial
b. Design
c. Trademarks
d. Copyright
e. all of the above
60. The first Licensure examination held in Manila.
a. Dec. 3 and 4, 1992
b. Dec. 3 and 4, 1990 c. Dec. 3 and 4, 1991 d. Dec. 3 and 4, 1993
61. Enforces the Decree of legal and cultural deposit
a. U.P. library
b. National Library
c. U.S.T. Lib.
d. (PRC) BFL
62. The means by which BFL embody their decisions and actions in the exercise of its powers and functions.
a. Board Circular
b. Board Order c. Board Resolutions d. Board Regulations
63. Is not included in the functions and duties of Board of the New republic act.
a. Accredit Library Associations
b. Administer Oath in Connection with the Administration of the law
c. Adopt an Official seal of the Board
d. Set ethical and professional standards for the practice of Librarianship
64. It is the first library established in U.S.
a. Library of Congress c. California Public Library
b. Boston Public Library
d. New Jersey Public Library
65. P.D. 49 is all about.
a. Decree on Legal and Cultural Deposit
b. Decree on the Protection of Intellectual Property
c. Decree Authorizing the Reprinting of Cultural, Scientific and Literary Materials
d. Decree on the Government Auditing Code of the Phils.
66. The decree about the creation of Professional Regulation Commission.
a. P.D. 223
b. P.D. 812
c. P.D. 1203
d. P.D. 1445
67. It is a list, which contains the names and address of certified librarians, date of registration, and or
issuance of certificate.
a. Directory of Librarians b. List of Librarians c. Roster of Librarians d. Registration List
68. Philippines Librarianship Act states that the law covers the teaching of subjects in the library and Info.
a. One cannot teach library science if he is not a graduate of education.
b. One cannot teach library science if he is not a Master’s degree in LIS.
c. One cannot teach library science if he is not a graduate o Lib. Science
d. One cannot teach library science if he is not a registered Librarian .
69. It is an International association of documentlists and documentation centers,
d. FID
70. Is not an exclusive rights envisioned under PD 49,
a. Printing, reprinting, publishing, copying, distributing, multiplying, selling, making photographs
photoengraving, and pictorial illustration.
b. translating, arranging, adapting or otherwise producing other versions or exacts of the work.
c. Making other use or disposition of the work consistent with the laws of the land.
d. all of the above
71. The owner of the copyright.
a. the publisher c. the creator and or his heirs and assigns
b. National Library
d. the government
72. The first regulates the practice of librarianship.
a. R. A. 7160
b. R. A. 6966
c. R. A. 7743
d. R. A. 7356
73. The age qualification of the BFL members of the R. A. 6966.
a. at least 35 years old
c. at least 45 years old
b. at least 40 years old
d. at least 50 years old
74. The approval of R. A. 6966
a. Sept. 19, 1990
b. Sept. 29, 1990
c. Sept. 19, 1991
d. Dec. 5, 1990
75. The effectivity of R. A. 6966
a. Sept. 19, 1990
b. Dec. 5, 1990 c. Sept. 9, 1990 d. Dec. 4, 1990
76. Considered a librarian according to R. A. 6966
a. A graduate of Bachelor of Library Science
b. A bonafide holder of a certificate of registration
c. a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Information Science.
d. a graduate of master in Library Information Science
77. Disqualified to serve as member of the BFL,
a. a faculty member of a school
c. a former PLAI Pres.
b. a reviewer for librarians review classes
d. a former PLAI Board of Directors
78. Not included as one of the grounds for the removal of the BFL members,
a. unprofessional and unethical conduct c. incompetence
b. neglect of duty
d. absenteeism
79. A proclamation which declares 1996 as “Phil. Technology Year”,
a. Proclamation No. 665, S. 1995
c. Proclamation No. 837, S. 1995
b. Proclamation No. 118, S. 1995
d. Proclamation No. 546, S. 1994
80. The rating required that an examinee must obtain in any subject in order to pass the examinations
according to R. A. 9246.
a. 60%
b. 70%
c. 75%
d. 50%
81. The Library Profession belongs in this association of Accredited Professional Organization.
a. Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.
c. Business Management and Related Group
b. Engineering and Technology Group d. Maritime and Seafarers Group
82. R. A. no. 7743 mandates to be established in all barangay.
a. Info. Center
b. Book Mobile
c. Reading Centers
d. Public Libraries
83. A law that regulates the ethical practices of Librarians.
a. Philippine Librarianship Act
c. Implementing Guidelines of R. A. 6966
b. Code of Ethics for Registered Librarians
d. Copyright law
84. Not included in the preamble regarding the service to people by librarians through books,
a. their best way to serve the humanity c. attainment of self - actualization
b. enrich people’s life
d. educate the readers
85. It is the first library school in the Philippines,
a. PNU b. U. P.
c. U.S.T
d. P. W. U
86. It is mean by which licensed librarians raise and enhance their technical skills and professional education
a. Continuing Professional Education (CPE)
c. Appointment to the Board of Libraries
b. Membership to Accredited Association
d. Affiliation to Phil. Federation of Professional
87. On what basis that a foreigner can take an examination or be given a certificate of registration
a, Diplomacy
b. Goodwill
c. Reciprocity
d. For a free
88. Republic Act No. 7743 mandates to be established in all cities and municipalities.
a. Special Library
b. Public Library
c. Info. Centers d. Academic Libraries
89. A professional licensure renewed
a. Once every three years
b. Once a year
c. no renewal at all
d. every two years
90. That part of the code that gives the entire philosophy of the Library Profession?
a. Preamble
b. Sections
c. Provisions
d. Chapters
91. Is the international organization for library profession.
a. FID
b. Consal
92. The largest and greatest academic library of the world.
a. Harvard University Library
c. Ohio State University Library
b. Drexel University Library
d. Library of Congress
93. It is not a characteristic of a profession.
a. A systematic theory b. Community sanction c. a level of authority d. career system
94. An organization of information scientists in U.S.A.
a. ALA b. ASIS
95. The first special library established by the Royal Decree of August 27, 1780 in the Philippines.
a. Biblioteca Militar
c. Royal Audencia
b. Real Sociedad de Amigos del Pais
d. Biblioteca de Sciencia y Medicina
96. The Director of Libraries delegates authority and responsibility, this is a manifestation of his relation to,
a. agency
b. profession and colleagues c. oneself
d. state and society
97. The first newspaper published in the Philippines,
a. “Ang Kalayaan”
c. “Diaryong Tagalog”
b. “Diaryo de Manila”
d. “Del Superior Goveierno”
98. Referred to as the doyen of Filipino libraries
a. Isidro Saniel b. I.V. Mallari
c. Buemrostro, Juan
d. Gabriel Bernardo
99. The founder of Special libraries in U.S.
a. Federick Poole
b. Jhon Cotton Dana
c. T.J. Jefferson
100. A first book printed in the Philippines.
a. Semana Christina
b. Doctrina Filipina
c. Doctrina Christiana
d. Melvil Dewey
d. Doctrina Espanyol
101. The professional journal in library science being published by U.P
a. Philippine Library Journal
c. Philippine Journal of Librarianship
b. Bulletin UPILS
d. Journal of the Philippines Librarianship
102. The first Library periodical in U. S
a. ALA Bulletin
b. American Libraries
c. Library Journal
d. Library Trends
103. It prescribes standards for elementary school library facilities and resources.
a. PASL Minimum Standards for School
b. DECS Manual of Rules and regulations
c. Bureau of Public School Bulletin No. 27, S. 1960
d. Proclamation No. 237
104. Librarian should not discriminate against any library user. From which R.A. 9246 article is this?
a. Effectivity of the Code
c. Relation with Clients
b. Relation with Profession and Colleagues
d. Relation with agency
105. A law which provides for the establishment of additional public libraries to serve all congressional
districts, cities and municipalities, and reading centers in every barangay by the National Library in
cooperation with the DLG.
a. RA 7433
b. RA 7743
c. RA 7743
d. RA 7473
106. The number of article found in Code Ethics that might lead to unfair practice.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
107. The Library and Information Services Month as provide in Proclamation no. 837, dated Nov. 19, 1991.
a. October
b. September
c. December
d. November
108. It was through the collection of this library during American Period, which became the nucleus of the
National Library of the Philippines.
a. Bibliotecaa Militar
c. Spanish Circulating Library
b. American Circulating Library
d. Philippine Museum
109. The first school library established in the Philippines
a. Pampanga High School Library
c. Arellano High School Library
b. Manila High School Library
d. Pangasinan High School Library
110. The librarian of the first Philippine library
a. Mary Polk
b. Louis Osborn
111. The greatest Library of Antiquity
a. Borsippa Library
b. Alexandrian Library
c. J. A. Robertson
d. John Shaw Billings
c. Pergamum Library
d. Spartan Library
112. An organization of Filipino Librarians that promotes the welfare of professional librarians in the country,
a. Philippine Library Association
c. Philippine Association of School Libraries
b. Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.
d. Philippine Public Librarians
113. The financial liability of government librarians under the Revised Administration Code and Auditing and
Accounting regulations for the books and other equipment.
a. Custodial responsibility
c. Professional Hazards
b. Equipment Outlay
d. Property Accountability
114. The formal organization of the Board for Librarians
a. Sept. 19, 1990
b. Dec. 5, 1990
c. Nov. 8, 1991
d. none of the above
115. The executive officer of the Board for Librarians
a. The Board Chairman
c. PLAI President
b. A PRC Commission
d. President of the Philippines
116. P.D. 1203 is known as :
a. Legal and Cultural Deposit
b. Reprinting Law
c. Government Auditing Code of the Philippines
d. Copyright Law
117. Are certified without taking the licensure examination.
a. one who has earned a bachelors degree in Library Science
b. a bachelor’s degree graduate without supervising librarian eligibility
c. a holder of a Master’s degree in Information Science with first grade eligibility
d. one who fails the licensure examination for three successive years provided she has taken a
refresher course as determined by the Board for Librarians.
118. The Philippine law on Intellectual Property Code,
a. RA6966
b. RA 8293
c. PD 812
d. RA 7743
119. The Library tasked to produce the national bibliography and national union catalogue.
a. U.P. Library
b. National Library c. Legislative Reference Library d. PNU Library
120. The Congress of Southeast Asian Libraries held last April carried out its _________General Conference
a. 12th
b. 13th
c. 14th
d. 15th
Laws On Librarianship
1. A
38. A
2. B
39. D
3. D
40. C
4. C
41. C
5. A
42. C
6. C
43. C
7. A
44. C
8. D
45. C
9. B
46. C
10. D
47. A
11. B
48. D
12. C
49. C
13. A
50. C
14. A
51. B
15. D
52. A
16. B
53. A
17. D
54. A
18. B
55. B
19. C
56. A
20. B
57. B
21. A
58. D
22. C
59. E
23. D
60. A
24. C
61. B
25. A
62. C
26. B
63. A
27. B
64. B
28. D
65. B
29. B
66. A
30. A
67. C
31. C
68. B
32. D
69. D
33. D
70. D
34. A
71. C
35. A
72. B
36. D
73. B
37. A
74. A
75. B
76. B
77. B
78. D
79. A
80. D
81. A
82. C
83. B
84. B
85. B
86. A
87. C
88. B
89. A
90. A
91. C
92. A
93. D
94. B
95. B
96. B
97. C
98. D
99. B
100. C
101. D
102. C
103. C
104. C
105. B
106. B
107. D
108. B
109. A
110. A
111. B
112. B
113. D
114. C
115. B
116. B
117. C
118. B
119. B
120. B
Answer Key to Laws on Librarianship by Em-em Cansancio
1. a
26. b
51. b
75. b
2. b
27. b
52. a
76. b
3. d
28. d
53. a
77. b
4. c
29. b
54. a
78. d
5. a
30. a
55. b
79. a
6. c
31. c
56. a
80. d
7. a
32. d
57. b
81. a
8. d
33. d
58. d
82. c
9. b
34. a
59. e
83. b
10. d
35. a
60. a
84. b
11. b
36. d
61. b
85. b
12. c
37. a
62. c
86. a
13. a
38. a
63. a
87. c
14. a
39. d
64. b
88. b
15. d
40. c
65. b
89. a
16. b
41. c
66. a
90. a
17. d
42. c
67. c
91. c
18. b
43. c
68. b
92. a
19. c
44. c
69. d
93. d
20. b
45. c
70. d
94. b
21. a
46. c
71. c
95. b
22. c
47. a
72. b
96. b
23. d
48. d
73. b
97. c
24. c
49. c
74. a
98. d
25. a
50. c
99. b