IE 450

IE 431
Production Planning II
Inventory Theory II.
Dynamic Lot Sizing Models
1. Lot: The amount of a (by)product which is produced/purchased in one shot.
2. Silver-Meal Method (SM). It generalizes many simple rules as Fixed Period
Demand (incl. Lot for Lot (L4L))
The demand is at the beginning of the period.
The inventory is at the end of the period.
The demand is known for n coming period: D1, D2,…, Dn,
Holding cost and order cost are constants.
Method: The average cost K(m) is determined if the order is made for m
periods, where 1  m  n. The smallest m* is selected such that the average
cost is higher for m*+1 than for m*.
K(1)=A, K(2)=(A+hD2)/2, K(3)=(A+ hD2+2hD3)/3
K(m)=( A+ hD2+2hD3+…+(m-1)Dm)/m
m*=min { m  K(m) < K(m+1) }
Q= D1+D2+…+Dm
Example: A=50, h=0.5, D=(100,100,50,50,210)
3. Least Unit Cost (LUC). It has the same assumptions as the Silver-Meal heuristics
but the decision is made on the average cost per unit.
K(1)=A/D1, K(2)=(A+hD2)/(D1+D2), K(3)=(A+ hD2+2hD3)/ (D1+D2+D3)
K(m)=( A+ hD2+2hD3+…+(m-1)Dm)/(D1+D2+…+Dm)
m*=min { m  K(m) < K(m+1) }
Q= D1+D2+…+Dm
Example: A=50, h=0.5, D=(100,100,50,50,210)
4. Part Period Balancing (PPB).
Observation: At EOQ, i.e. at the Harris formula, the order cost equals to the
inventory holding cost (above the safety stock).
Assumptions. As before.
A new unit of storing. 1 part period = the storing of 1 unit in 1 time period.
PPm=the number of part periods if the order is made for the next m periods.
PPm= D2+2D3+…+ (m-1)Dm
Method: Select the time period such that the inventory holding cost is
approximately equal to the order cost, i.e.
A  h PPm.
Example: A=50, h=0.5, D=(100,100,50,50,210).
5. Wagner-Whitin Model.
It determines optimal order policy for finite many time periods.
Key observation: In an optimal solution a time period is either inherits a
positive inventory or has production/order but not both.
No formulas are given.
6. Peterson-Silver Rule. When shall the EOQ formula be applied?
Generally: When the demand is uniform.
The measure of uniformness:
Variability coefficient = V = (variance of demand per period)/
(square of average demand per period)
The rule. If V<0.25 the apply EOQ, otherwise something else.