POST REF NO: P/HC/67A - NHS Scotland Recruitment

Important Job Application Information
Thank you for your interest in NHS Tayside vacancies
Please see below Job Description/Person Specification and General Conditions of Service
Your Application Form must be completed in full. Please note copies of Curriculum Vitae,
Qualifications and Course Certificates will not be accepted at this stage.
Please return your completed Application Form to (quoting the vacancy
reference number in the subject box) or to the postal address given on the General Conditions of
All completed applications are held in Human Resources until the closing date. After the
closing date a panel will meet to prepare an interview shortlist. Once this decision has been
made, all shortlisted applicants will be emailed to invite them to attend for interview. It is
important that you check your emails regularly.
This process takes approximately 6 weeks. Therefore, if you have not been contacted regarding
interview within 6 weeks of the closing date, your application has been unsuccessful and you will
receive no further correspondence from Human Resources.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Find out more about living and working in Tayside at:
1710CP- Cancer Audit Facilitator
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Job Title
Tayside Cancer Audit Facilitator
Department(s)/Location Cancer Audit
Number of Job Holders
The Cancer Audit Facilitator will will work with Cancer clinicians and other NHS staff in the
Tayside and North East Fife Region to: Develop, implement and sustain timely mechanisms for
audit of all newly diagnosed cases of Cancer – integrating methods into routine clinical practice
where possible.
 Collect, Extract, Collate and Report complete and accurate data to meet timescales and
 Provide expertise to services using the results of audit to improve patient care and outcomes
 Analyse, present and report data to measure services against national, regional and local
The Cancer Audit Team provides audit services and expertise to tumour-specific groups, within
hospitals across Tayside to ensure the implementation of routine and sustainable methods of
cancer audit, the collection of complete datasets, and the analysis and reporting of routine
datasets on complex and sensitive data.
 Prospective audit aims to ensure that data is available for quality assurance monitoring of
cancer services and that it is complete, nationally comparable and timely
 Participation in prospective audit is an essential requirement of the national standards
disseminated by the NHS Quality in Scotland
With good quality data NHS Boards and Hospitals can review cancer services and their practices
against guidelines, and make changes where necessary. It allows for monitoring of core clinical
indicators and outcomes. It provides data on waiting times, it can identify bottlenecks, support
service redesign and development. It also provides data for assessing capacity and demand and
enable planning for future requirements
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Cancer Information Manager
Cancer Audit Team Leader
Cancer Patient
Cancer Audit
Cancer services within NHS Scotland are obligated to ensure the availability within tight deadlines of
complete and accurate data for analysis and reporting of the measurement of National clinical
effectiveness targets and standards,for monitoring and improving patient care
This requires the ongoing recording, analyzing and reporting to tight timescales of high-quality
accurate and complete datasets for all newly diagnosed cancer patients.
It is essential that the data on individual patients be handled fully within the requirements of data
protection and confidentiality. The results of data analysis are sensitive and may prove contentious,
with issues about appropriate dissemination
Cancer care is provided for a population of 516,000 across Tayside/North East Fife. As a part of the
Access Directorate Business Unit the Cancer Audit department has specific responsibility for
auditing all cancers diagnosed within this area.
A detailed knowledge and understanding of the complete patient pathway for Cancer includes:
 Complex and variable pathways of referral, medicine, surgery, oncology, pathology etc.; this
requires tracking data between hospitals and other care sites in the region
 Data fields are collected for Cancers including patient details, investigations, diagnosis,
treatment, surgery, pathology, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and follow-up and recurrence
 Detailed nationally published definitions for each individual data field, these require
knowledgeable non clinical interpretation
 The Audit databases and IT systems used link within the organization, and across the region,
aiming to ensure efficiency and accuracy of data capture
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The Tayside Cancer Audit Team combines provision of direct cancer audit support and the coordination, collection, collation and reporting of complex and sensitive audit data across Tayside.
They provide audit support, and expertise, to tumour-specific groups to ensure the implementation of
routine and sustainable methods of cancer audit, and the analysis of routine and ad hoc reports.
The Cancer Audit team is managed within the Access Directorate.
SIGN and Quality Performance Indicators (QPI) provide the framework for data collection. Subject
to suitable provisions the data forms the basis for population-based clinical research, providing a
complete, quality assured database for all patients diagnosed with specific types of cancer.
The main duties of the post will be to contribute to the aims of NHS Tayside to ensure availability of
complete, accurate and timely data on the care of cancer patients on an ongoing basis. This is to
enable quality assurance of the care given to cancer patients and the outcomes of care and to
enable improvements in care to be identified and implemented.
Establish and maintain good relationships with lead cancer clinicians and other clinical and nonclinical NHS staff, at all levels across the Tayside region, to encourage clinicians and other NHS
staff to participate in, and have confidence in, ongoing collection, analysis and reporting of high
quality data in accordance with nationally agreed datasets
Using database skills and electronic sources to capture data, to be responsible for developing,
implementing and sustaining data capture processes, aiming to integrate these into routine
clinical practice
Responsible for ensuring data collected across Tayside and North East Fife is complete and
accurate in line with nationally agreed data definitions
Prepare and present audit reports in a variety of formats (e.g written reports, tables, charts,
formal presentations) to enable the service to assess their performance against national,
regional and local standards and targets, ensuring that reports are available according to agreed
Participate in external national Quality Assurance Programme in accordance with published
timetables to maintain confidence in the quality and reliability of data provided.
Develop detailed knowledge and understanding of the Cancer patient pathway, as well as
national datasets and field definitions to be able to:
extract and analyse patient data, and use judgment to accurately record data relating
to complex patient pathways where interpretation is not straightforward
provide advice and expertise to clinical and non-clinical staff on national datasets and
definitions to ensure recording of good quality data
Responsible for developing and implementing methods of comprehensive case ascertainment to
ensure the quality of data, utilising databases and electronic systems as far as possible
Responsible for negotiating with clinicians on cancer groups to ensure agreement on
appropriate clinical effectiveness measures, these include national standards and targets
Responsible for detailed and high quality analysis of data in accordance with agreed clinical
effectiveness measures, providing accurate and readily comparable results across the region
Responsible for analysing data and reporting results according to agreed deadlines and in the
formats required by the Scottish Government, ISD Scotland , NOSCAN, Cancer Groups, NHS
Boards and local services, ensuring that clinicians are confident in and have ownership of the
reports provided, and that reporting is in line with policies and legal requirements for publication
Provide expertise to services who use the results of audit to decide on steps to be taken, to
improve patient care and outcomes. To work with clinicians in researching/investigating variation
in practice and performance between different parts of the cancer network. To contribute to
analysis of patterns of care for purposes of redesigning services
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Attend and contribute expertise to formal and informal meetings at a variety of levels i.e. local,
national and regional
Use high standards of care in ensuring that data is handled at all times within the legal
requirements of data protection and confidentiality
Cover for other members of the Cancer Audit Team, when required, during periods of absence
or sickness.
Undertake any other appropriate tasks as designated by the line managers.
Induction Standards & Code of Conduct
Your performance must comply with the national “Mandatory Induction Standards for
Healthcare Support Workers in Scotland” 2009; and with the Code of Conduct for Healthcare
Support Workers.
The Cancer Audit Facilitator works collaboratively across the Tayside region to implement
prospective audit. It is crucial to communicate and work with a wide range of clinical and non-clinical
staff at all levels across the Tayside region involved, and in other agencies listed below
Communication may relate to choices in methods of data capture, methods of analysis, methods of
reporting, utilization of data and quality of data. Expectations are high and clinical and other staff
may feel that data capture is an unwelcome burden or that the analysis shows unwelcome results.
The Audit Facilitator must establish good relations without compromising the demands of accurate
and complete data capture and analysis
The postholder is in regular communication with clinical and non-clinical colleagues in order to
ensure data capture, quality and validity. This is via e-mail, telephone, individual and group
meetings. Participation is also required at local, regional and national meetings where cancer audit
data is discussed. The postholder must acknowledge the sensitive and confidential nature of the
topics discussed and the skills of tact, diplomacy and persuasion. Information ranges from details of
individual patient’s medical conditions through to compilation and presenting of anonymised reports.
Local Level
 Site specific focus groups, especially Clinical Leads in relation to data capture and validity
 Clinical and nursing staff in relation to investigation and treatment details
 Clinical group/team managers and associated A&C staff
 Medical records staff
 Information departments
 IM&T
 Lead cancer clinicians
 NHS Staff at all levels
Regional Level
 Members of the NoSCAN Audit Team or the wider Cancer Audit group within the region
 Clinicians and other members of local and North Scotland managed clinical network groups
 Management staff within NOSCAN
Other agencies/national groups
 Personnel within ISD Scotland
 Audit and other staff from all parts of Scotland e.g. the membership of the National Prospective
Cancer Audit Working Group
 Personnel within other agencies e.g. NHS Quality improvement Scotland
 Personnel within the Scottish Government Cancer Group
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Degree-level qualification or evidence of equivalent experience of ability
HND or evidence of equivalent experience or ability
Positive and flexible
Ability to work as a team member
Confident and Assertive
Motivated and determined
Able to negotiate and persuade clinical staff
Able to work to tight deadlines and timescales
Excellent interpersonal skills
Excellent communication skills (written and oral)
Excellent computer skills (experience in use of databases for collection, analysis and
reporting of data)
Knowledge of Medical Terminology
Able to travel within N E Scotland
Experience of working within the NHS an advantage
Experience of health/research clinical audit/health information an advantage
Good communication skills, both written and oral
Excellent computer skills are essential for this post, especially demonstrated experience in use of l
databases for collection, analysis and reporting of data
Understanding of a variety of clinical systems would be advantageous but training will be given
Microsoft Packages:
Microsoft Access – update, maintain, analyse and report; including writing queries
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
ECASE – Database that contains all patient information
TOPAS – Outpatient Clinic Management System
WISDOM – Oncology database
INSITE – Tayside Surgical patient management system
CRIS – Radiology management system
Internet – NHS Intranet, NHSNet, Email
ERS – Electronic Referral System
UNISOFT – Gastroenterology reporting system
EFILM – Radiological imaging system
SWIFT – Scottish Cancer Waiting Times System
Teleconferencing Equipment – Multi-site, regional and national meetings
SCI Store, SCI Gateway
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All records created in the course of the business of NHS Tayside are corporate records and are
public records under the terms of the Public Records (Scotland) Act 1937. This includes email
messages and other electronic records. It is your responsibility to ensure that you keep appropriate
records of your work in NHS Tayside and manage those records in keeping with the NHS Tayside
Records Management Policy and with any guidance produced by NHS Tayside specific to your
 Advanced keyboard skills required; prolonged period using mouse and VDU
 Handling of heavy casenotes
 Requirement to move and work between departments in the hospital
 Travel requirement to attend meetings locally, regionally and nationally.
Long periods of intense concentration e.g. reading and interpreting case notes, checking data
against definitions, checking data quality, analysis of data against agreed measures, preparing
Problem-solving to ensure smooth-running of data co-ordination and MultiDisciplinary Team
Highly intellectual content – requires knowledge and expertise combined with intelligence to
manipulate and analyse data
Preparing reports in a variety of formats – English, creating tables and charts
Heavy workload – highly deadline driven, need to balance conflicting demands. May be disrupted
by urgent unexpected requests for ad-hoc data requests from senior sources or external
organizations, this typically entails them refocusing their immediate attention and re-scheduling
their workload to accommodate such demands
Requirement to balance output against ensuring quality of data and data analysis
Results may be unwelcome and challenged by senior clinical staff
 Difficult subject matter – exposure to sometimes distressing information, eg discussion of
treatment options at an MDT
 Resilience for dealing with challenge by senior staff, eg consultants disputing data being
presented and need to be confident and assured of own figures.
The Cancer Audit Facilitator prioritises their workload to meet local and national deadlines, and to
adjust priorities dependent on demand. Support can be sought from ISD, other members of the
Cancer Audit team, with appropriate expertise or experience.
After training, the postholder will demonstrate a high degree of initiative within the guidelines
agreed by the relevant Site Specific Focus Group and the Tayside Cancer Network.
They need to play a key role in development and maintenance of data capture and show
considerable self-motivation in ensuring the quality and integrity of the data held, in managing the
workflow, in carrying out accurate analysis and meaningful reporting, and in providing expertise in
use of the data to improve services.
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Development of effective working relationships with a wide range of clinicians and other staff is of
prime importance in implementing successful audit processes. Skills in persuasion, negotiation, and
motivation will all be required to ensure participation of key personnel. This will be coupled with a
willingness on occasion to stand your ground when challenged by senior staff.
A highly organised and responsible approach is required to ensure that capture of data becomes a
sustainable process, preferably integrated into routine clinical practice, so that data is complete,
accurate, and up-to-date despite large numbers of patients to be recorded.
Accurate and meaningful analysis within tight deadlines requires a highly intelligent approach to
manipulation of data
Reporting of data requires expertise in presenting data in a variety of formats, as well as an
excellent command of English.
High standards of care are required to ensure that data is handled and reported in ways which meet
legal requirements for data protection and confidentiality.
Expectations for availability of data at national, regional, health board, and service level are high
and pressures in terms of quality and timeliness of work are substantial.
Able to stay calm and work effectively under pressure
Meeting short timescales
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Person Specification
Cancer Audit Facilitator – Band 4
Cancer Audit Team, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
37.5 hours per week
Medical Terminology
Databases / data entry
NHS Clinical Systems
Patient’s casenotes
(Training; Research;
Numerical / Analytical
Excellent Keyboard skills
Good communicator – oral and
(eg travel across Tayside)
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Able to travel locally and nationally
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General Conditions of Service
Cancer Audit Facilitator – Band 4
Cancer Audit Team, Ninewells Hospital, Dundee
Conditions of Service
Hours of Duty
The terms and conditions of service for this post are those
determined by the NHS Staff Council.
The current salary scale for the post is £18,838 to £22,016 per
annum (pro rata for part-time staff). Placing on the scale on
appointment is normally at the minimum but may be higher
subject to verification of previous relevant service.
Salary is paid Monthly by Bank Credit Transfer.
The hours of the post are 37.5 per week.
Pay points under £21,000 will receive an additional nonconsolidated non-pensionable sum to raise basic pay by a total
of £250 pro rata for part-time staff. This addition will be divided
into 12 equal monthly payments, will cease on 31 March 2014
and will be noted separately on payslips
Start and finish times will be determined by the needs of the
Membership of the NHS Superannuation Scheme is not
compulsory but is open to all staff between the ages of 16 and
70 (65 in some instances).
The contributions paid are a percentage of superannuable pay,
which is essentially basic pay excluding, for example, overtime
or travelling expenses.
Contribution rates with effect from 01.04.13 are as follows:
Annual Pensionable Pay
(Full-time equivalent)
Up to £15,278
£15,279 to £21,175
£21,176 to £26,557
£26,558 to £48,982
£48,983 to £69,931
£69,932 to £110,273
£110,274 and over
Annual Leave
Contributions are subject to tax relief and reduced National
Insurance contributions. NHS Tayside also makes a substantial
contribution towards scheme benefits – currently around 14% of
basic pay.
On appointment = 27 days (pro rata for part-time Staff) or 5.4
weeks per year.
After 5 years aggregated service = 29 days (pro rata for part-time
staff) or 5.8 weeks per year
After 10 years aggregated service = 33 days (pro rata for parttime staff) or 6.6 weeks per year
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Occupational Health
Rehabilitation of
Offenders Act 1974
(Exclusions and
Exceptions) (Scotland)
Order 2003
Disclosure Scotland
Immigration, Asylum and
Nationality Act 2006
Public Holidays = 8 days (pro rata for part-time staff) or 1.6
weeks per year
All offers of appointment are subject to receipt of two satisfactory
All offers of appointment to new entrants to the National Health
Service are subject to a medical examination. Medical
examinations are arranged and undertaken by the Occupational
Health and Safety Advisory Service (OHSAS).
All current or spent criminal convictions, cautions, warnings or
any case pending must be disclosed prior to commencing in
employment as detailed on the application form.
Please note that having a conviction will not automatically debar
you from obtaining employment with NHS Tayside. Careful
consideration will be given to the relevance of the offence to the
particular post in question. However, if you are appointed, and it
is found that you did not reveal a previous conviction your
employment may be terminated.
Not required.
It is a criminal offence for an employer to employ anyone who
does not have permission to live or work in the UK.
Shortlisted applicants will be asked to produce specific original
documentation at interview e.g. Passport, or full birth certificate
together with an official document giving the applicants
permanent National Insurance Number and name issued by a
Government Agency or a previous employer, as well as
photocopies of these documents.
Professional Registration/ Internal candidates will be required to comply with the Code of
Induction Standards & CodeConduct for HCSWs.
of Conduct
Smoking Policy
Smoking is prohibited within NHS premises and grounds.
Completed forms should be returned to: quoting the job reference in the
subject line
or Human Resources, Management Offices, Perth Royal
Infirmary, Taymount Terrace, Perth PH1 1NX
By closing date of Tuesday, 3 September 2013
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