psyc 2301 general psychology - Texas State Technical College

Texas State Technical College
A. Class name: General Psychology, PSYC 2301
B. Classroom: Internet
C. Last day to drop: Check with the TSTC registrar’s office for details.
D. Days and hours of class meetings: Internet
E. Last day to withdraw: Check with the TSTC registrar’s office for details.
F. Any required or recommended prerequisites for enrollment: Students must be “TSI met” in reading and
writing. This means they have passed the reading and writing sections of the THEA, or other
college entrance exams, or be exempt.
G. Credit hours: 3
H. Breadth and major requirements the course fulfills: Fulfills major requirements for the social science
elective for most majors. Check with the college counselor or advisor to confirm this class is
needed for your program.
A. Instructor’s name. Mr. Dan Osborn
B. Office location: Western Texas College
C. E-mail address:
D. Office hours: By email
E. Message phone number: 830.634.7402
F. Relevant professional information:
a. Bachelor degree from the University of Texas at Austin, Psychology major
b. Masters degree from the University of North Texas, Counseling major
c. National Board Certified Counselor
d. Prior work includes social work, rehabilitation counseling, and children’s home case worker
e. 23 years at WTC as a counselor and instructor
A. Required textbook: Psychology: Themes & Variations (Briefer Edition), Wayne Weiten,
7th edition.
A. Grading system: Grades are based on the basic formula of 90-100 is an A, 80-89 is a B, 70-79 is a C,
60-69 is a D, and below 60 is an F.
B. Graded will be based equally on the following two areas:
1. 11-12 chapter worksheets will comprise 50% of the final grade.
2. 4 quizzes will comprise 50% of the final grade.
C. Chapter worksheets are due on Sundays of most weeks. Worksheets are graded for length and quality of
answers, grammar and spelling, and use of complete sentences. Most worksheets have a discussion
component which will also be a part of the grade. Assignments turned in late will be deducted 20 points. If
turned in after the related quiz, 50 points will be deducted.
D. Quizzes are composed of 50 multiple-choice questions. Quizzes are offered online and may be taken
from a home or school computer within a one-week period. Quiz 4 will be considered the final exam and
will only cover the last chapters.
E. Any extra credit options: Students will be given the opportunity to earn extra points on worksheets and
major exams.
A. Course description: Psychology 2301 is an introduction to the field of psychology. The course
will include a survey of the different fields of psychology including research, neurobiology,
human development, intelligence, personality, stress, psychological disorders, and therapy.
This course is reading and writing intensive and presumes college level abilities.
B. Campus support services: tutoring for students with learning disabilities may be available
through the Counseling office.
A. Policies on missed and late exams and assignments: Makeup exams will be given only
during the week before finals. It is to your advantage to take exams on time. Makeup exams do
not provide bonus points or the benefit of a curve. The average grade for makeup exams has
been “55”.
Worksheets turned in after the due date but before the relevant quiz will be deducted 20%.
Assignments turned in after the quiz period will be deducted 50%.
B. Policies on class participation and classroom decorum/civility: The discussion topics
provide a forum for students to participate and interact with other students. Offensive language
or angry disputes will result in students being barred from the discussions and, consequently, a
lower grade.
C. Policies on academic integrity, including collaborative work: Collaborative work for study
sessions and assignments is encouraged. However, final worksheet answers should be the
student’s own work and not simply copied from someone else, including the textbook author.
Worksheets that appear to be the same will both receive “no credit”. Any collaboration during
tests is considered cheating, and the tests will receive a zero score.
A. ADA STATEMENT: TSTC does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission or access
to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. The college counselors have been
designated to coordinate compliance with the nondiscrimination requirements contained in
section 35.107 of the Department of Justice regulations. Information concerning the provisions
of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the rights provided there under, are available from
the college counselors.
B. SPECIAL ASSISTANCE: If, as a result of a disability, a student needs special assistance to participate
in a class, the counselor is to be notified immediately so that the prescribed process can be initiated.
C. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: TSTC is an equal opportunity institution and is in compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act.
A. Course organization: Tentative Schedule (subject to change)
Week 1 Chapter 1
Week 2 Chapter 2
Week 3 Chapter 3
Week 4 Quiz 1
Week 5 Chapter 5
Week 6 Chapter 6
Week 7 Chapter 8
Week 8 Quiz 2
Week 9 Chapter 9
Week 10 Chapter 10
Week 11 Chapter 11
Week 12 Quiz 3
Week 13 Chapter 12
Week 14 Chapter 13
Week 15 Chapter 14 & Make-up quizzes
Week 16 Quiz 4
B. Disclaimer: “The above schedule, policies, procedures, and assignments in this course are
subject to change.