Instrument Information

Tom Cox Intermediate
2009 – 2010
Ms. Moore
Orchestra Director
Welcome to Orchestra
I am enjoying getting to know all of you and I am looking forward to a wonderful year!
This handbook will serve as a guide to what it means to be in the Tom Cox Orchestra. It contains
information about expectations, grading, concerts, uniforms, and more. Please understand that
some of the specific information such as times, dates, and locations may be subject to change. I'll
notify orchestra members of any changes or additions as they occur.
Please take the time to read through the handbook and sign and return the agreement at the back
by Friday, September 11th.
If you ever have any questions, concerns, or praises about the orchestra program, do not hesitate
to call or e-mail me. Parents are welcome at any time to visit their child’s orchestra class to
observe them learning the art of music. If a parent would like to visit, be sure to stop by the
front office and get a visitor’s badge from our school secretary. I hope this handbook answers any
questions you might have so that your 2009 – 2010 orchestra experience is a successful one!
Thank you, parents, for sharing your children with me. Learning to play string instruments takes
commitment, hard work, and dedication. The rewards will be worth it! I look forward to meeting
you and to having a great year!
Hillary Moore
Tom Cox Orchestra Director
(281) 465-3200 school
Student Expectations
As an orchestra member you are part of a team. Without you the team is not
complete. As a team member you are expected to do the following:
Respect: Students, teachers, equipment and our school.
Protect: Our reputation (both as individuals and as a performing group),
instruments, class time, our school, and each other.
Uplift: Yourself and others. Use positive comments and encouraging words only.
Focus and think positively when practicing in class and at home.
Parent Expectations
Here are some things you can do to help ensure your child's success:
Help your child stay organized. Put important orchestra and school dates on the family
calendar. Check the website for updates.
Arrange for your child to be on time to rehearsals and performances.
Help your child find a quiet place to practice every day.
Help your child care for his or her instrument.
Encourage your child! Learning to play a string instrument is hard work! Show your
appreciation by applauding practice, attending concerts, and getting involved. Ask for a
lesson- let your child teach you.
Orchestra Supplies
Instrument and bow in good working order
5th Grade and Beginners: Essential Elements 2000 Book 1
6th Grade: Essential Elements 2000 Book 2
Kun shoulder rest for violins and violas
Rock stop for cellos and basses
1" black binder
5 or 6 tabbed dividers
2 sharpened pencils with erasers
1 highlighter
3-ring pencil pouch
Cleaning Cloth
Folding stand for at home practice and String Fling
Metronome / Tuner combination – highly recommended, but not required
Instrument Information
Each student must have an instrument. Instruments are not provided by the school.
Beginning students, as well as students who are not playing a full-sized instrument are
recommended to rent an instrument. Most reputable companies will have a rental plan
that will offer benefits such as free string replacement, reasonable insurance to provide
free repair, upgrades in quality and size, and application of rental money toward purchase.
Several companies also handle service and supply needs through representatives who visit
the schools regularly. If you do decide to buy, a reputable store should allow you to take
instruments on approval to be compared and evaluated.
Use of School Owned Instruments
A $65.00 per year maintenance fee is required of orchestra students using CISD owned
equipment at home or at school. A check out form will be sent home for those students
who use school equipment. Students using school instruments must purchase required
accessories for use with the instrument.
Private Lessons
The school orchestra program has numerous musical benefits and positive aspects;
however, individual attention is often limited due to the large number of students involved.
Students who seek and attend private lessons regularly are more likely to develop to their
highest level of ability. Private lessons are highly recommended. A
list of some area teachers is available by request and on the website.
Instrument Care and Maintenance
Musical instruments need proper care to maintain the best possible playing
1. Always know where your instrument is!
2. Instruments should be stored in a cool, dry area away from direct sunlight.
Instruments should NOT under ANY circumstances be left in a vehicle. Heat and
cold will destroy an instrument.
3. Ask friends and family members not to play with, try to fix, or tune your
Keep instruments clean. Wipe your instrument and strings clean of rosin after
each use. Use of polish is not necessary. If the rosin is not removed after
playing, the finish of the instrument could be ruined and the instrument’s value is
greatly diminished.
5. Keep your hands and fingers off of the bow hair so that it stays clean and works
6. Loosen bow hair carefully each and every time you finish practicing. When the bow
is kept tight it warps the stick and breaks the hairs.
7. The bridge should be straight, and in the correct position.
8. Fine tuners should move freely and not touch the top of the instrument.
9. Pegs should turn easily and not slip. Beginners should never touch the pegs for
10. If anything breaks on your instrument, bring it to me immediately. DO NOT let
dad fix it!
11. Carry and handle your instrument (in or out of the case) the way you have been
taught in class.
Each student is responsible for all equipment checked out to him/her for their personal
and in-class use. This includes school instruments. Equipment is to be used, not abused.
Damages caused by fire, theft or abuse will be charged to the parent.
If an instrument breaks, please check with the director before taking it to the storeoften I can fix it at school. Always request a “loaner” instrument if your instrument must
be kept at a store for repair.
You will keep your music, supplies and assignments in your orchestra binder. It is your
responsibility to bring your binder to class with you every day. Any photocopies are to
be returned to your director following each performance.
Rehearsal (60%): Each student is responsible for having an instrument, appropriate
accessories, and music each day in class. Students should come to class prepared and with
any assignments completed. Students will cooperate in class and not play or talk unless
given permission to do so. Students who arrive unprepared or who disrupt class will sign a
behavior log, which will lower their rehearsal grade. Students receive a weekly
participation grade of 100 (20 pts./day) when all these conditions are met.
Daily Practice (10%): Practice record sheets will be sent home starting by
mid-September. Students are expected to practice daily. Learning to play a string
instrument requires daily repetition to develop muscle memory and to help students retain
new information. Practice reports will be graded weekly, and will be due on Tuesday each
week. “Emergency” replacement practice cards may be printed off of the website.
Practice cards will not be accepted without a parent signature, or more than 3 days late.
Ten points (-10) will be deducted for each day late.
Tests (30%): Performance tests and written tests will be given to assess skill level,
technique, understanding of musical notation, and music theory. Students will receive a
grading rubric for performance tests that will identify the specific skills being tested.
Concerts are three test grades.
Practice Information
The only guarantee of success in music is regular, quality practice. Therefore, you
must have an instrument at home for practice.
Orchestra classes are not practice sessions, but time to learn new skills. These
skills must be reinforced during home practice.
3 The secret to success in any skill is regular and systematic practice.
Instruments are to go home EVERY DAY.
Practice records are due each Tuesday.
Keep the nails of your left hand short. You can not play in tune with long
Practice Routine
Clap and count the rhythm
Clap and say the note names
Pizzicato (pluck the string) and say the note names
Shadow bow and say note names
Arco (using the bow)
Practice Hints
(Practice does not make perfect; Perfect practice makes perfect)
Work on difficult spots first
Practice small sections; don't just run through the piece
Listen…Intonation is important.
Always practice with correct hand position, posture, etc.
Practice slowly, then step by step increase the speed
Concerts and Events
Concerts are 3 major grades: One grade for participation/presence with
instrument, one for arriving on time, and one for dressing in the required uniform.
Attendance is mandatory! Please review these dates now and discuss any potential
conflicts with your director.
Below are the preliminary dates for our concerts for the 2009 – 2010 school year.
Other dates may be added throughout the school year. I will always let you know
as soon as a date is added.
Veteran’s Day
Winter Concert
CISD Solo and
Ensemble Contest
Spring Concert
Spring HS Music
String Fling
Houston Symphony
String Fling
Advanced 6th
5th and 6th Grade
6th Grade
Nov. 11, 2009 During Cox Cafeteria
December 17, 2009 Cox Cafeteria
April 10,, 2010
Vogel Intermediate
5th and 6th
6th Grade
May 4, 2010
May 14, 2010
Cox Cafeteria
Spring High School
5th and 6th
May 17, 2010
ORHS Cafeteria
6th Grade
May 18, 2010
Woodlands Pavilion
5th and 6th
May 18, 2010
ORHS Gymnasium
Winter and Spring Concerts
Students will perform two formal evening concerts during the year. The orchestras will
also play a winter and spring concert for their classmates. It is through performance and
preparation for performance that a great deal of learning occurs. Students are expected
to attend all performances. The whole team is affected when any one musician is missing!
CISD 6th Grade Solo and Ensemble Contest
This 6th grade event allows students to perform on an individual basis and/or in a small
group setting. Solo performance offers an opportunity for students to excel and develop
as individual performers. Ensemble performance helps develop listening skills, teamwork,
dedication, and commitment. All students will be learning solo and ensemble music in the
spring regardless of whether they participate in Solo and Ensemble contest.
String Fling
Each year, we will perform at the Oak Ridge String Fling concert with all of the schools
that feed into Oak Ridge High School. It is exciting and inspiring to hear orchestra
students from 5th grade to 12th grade perform. The concert ends with a piece
performed by the combined orchestras.
Concert Dress
All students must be in uniform for our concerts so that we can look our best.
The orchestra uniform consists of a Tom Cox Orchesra polo shirt, black pants (or long
black skirt for girls), black socks/hose, black belt if necessary, and black dress shoes.
Tennis shoes are not appropriate!
Before School Orchestra Practice
Opportunites will arise throughout the school year for morning practice. Please watch for
announcements about morning orchestra!
Classroom Expectations
Follow directions.
Speak and play your instrument only with permission.
Stay in your seat.
Handle instruments with care.
Touch only what belongs to you.
Arrive prepared with all equipment and materials.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Sign Behavior Log / Phone Call Home after 3 times signing book
3. Referral / Parent Conference
Parent and Student Letter of Commitment
(Student and Parent/Guardian Signature Required)
Student’s Name (print) ___________________________Orchestra Class ____________
We have read and understand the Tom Cox Orchestra Handbook, and we agree to abide by its
expectations and policies. We commit to weekly practice. We agree to be present in uniform at
all orchestra perfomances.
Student’s Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Parent Name(s)
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Work Phone
Additional Cell Phone (Optional)
Additional Work Phone (Optional)
Parent/Guardian Email
E-mail is the easiest way for me to contact you. It is often more
convenient to relay information to you with e-mail without having to interrupt your activities at
home or work.
Additional Parent/Guardian Email (optional)