biographical sketch - Department of Nutrition

Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
Provide the following information for the key personnel and other significant contributors in the order listed on Form Page 2.
Follow this format for each person. DO NOT EXCEED FOUR PAGES.
Hollie A. Raynor
Associate Professor
EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing, and include postdoctoral training.)
(if applicable)
San Diego State University
1992 Food and Nutrition
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
1995 Public Health Nutrition
State University of New York at Buffalo
2003 Clinical Psychology
Brown University School of Medicine, The
2004 Behavioral Medicine
Miriam Hospital
A. Positions and Honors
Positions and Employment
1994-1996 Teaching Assistant; Public Health; The University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Knoxville, TN
1995-1996 Instructor; Human Ecology–Nutrition; The University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Knoxville, TN
1995-1996 Clinical Nutrition Specialist; Children’s Hospital; Knoxville, TN
1996-2001 Graduate Research Assistant; Clinical Psychology/Behavioral Medicine; State University of
New York at Buffalo; Buffalo, NY
2001-2002 Project Coordinator; Pediatrics/Behavioral Medicine; State University of New York at
Buffalo; Buffalo, NY
2002-2003 Psychology Intern – Weight Control Research Placement; Brown University; Providence, RI
2003-2004 Post-doctoral Fellow; Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior; The Miriam Hospital
and Brown University School of Medicine; Providence, RI
2004-2007 Adjunct Faculty; Rhode Island College; Providence, RI
Assistant Professor (Research); Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior; The
Miriam Hospital and Brown University School of Medicine; Providence, RI
2007-Present Adjunct Assistant Professor (Research); Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior;
The Miriam Hospital and Brown University School of Medicine; Providence, RI
2007-2009 Assistant Professor; Department of Nutrition; University of Tennessee at Knoxville;
Knoxville, TN.
2009-Present Associate Professor; Department of Nutrition; University of Tennessee at Knoxville;
Knoxville, TN.
Director, Public Health Nutrition Program; University of Tennessee at Knoxville;
Knoxville, TN.
Citation Paper at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Conference, San Diego
Recognized Intern Poster at the 7th Annual Research Symposium on Mental Health
Sciences at Brown University
Citation Paper and Most Scientific Poster at the Society of Behavioral Medicine
Conference, Salt Lake City
Loan Repayment Program, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Finalist for the Ethan Sims Young Investigator Award, North American Association for the
Study of Obesity (NAASO), for October Conference
Dannon Leadership Institute
2009-2010 NIDDK Special Emphasis Panel ZDK1-GRB-1; Translational Research
NCMHD Special Emphasis Panel ZMD1 PA; Advances in Health Disparities Research on Social
Determinants of Health
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
Biographical Sketch Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
CIDO NIH study section
University Award: Professional Promise in Research and Creative Achievement
College Award: Mary Helen Byers Award
Alvin & Sally Beaman Professorship
Excellence in Weight Management Outcomes Research Award: WM DPG American Dietetic
Association (Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)
College Award: Jacky DeJonge Award
NIH Special Emphasis Panel: Risk, Prevention, and Health Behavior
NCMHD Special Emphasis Panel ZMD1 MLS; Social, Behavioral, Health Services, and Policy
Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities
American Psychological Association, Obesity Guideline Panel
NIDDK Special Emphasis Panel ZDK1GRB-1; Time-sensitive Obesity Applications
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Adult Weight Management Certification Program, Faculty
NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 RPHB-N; Obesity
NIH Special Emphasis Panel EMNR K 80; Diabetes, Obesity, and Endocrine Disorders
NIH ZRG1 RPHB-S 02 M; Member Conflict: Behavioral Interventions, Obesity, and Health
NIH EMNR K 80: Translational Research in Diabetes, Obesity and Endocrine Disorders
NIH Small Grants for New Investigators to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (R03)
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics appointed representative for the AACE/ACE Consensus
Conference on Obesity
SEC 2014 Symposium Advisory Board member
NIDDK Special Emphasis Panel; Time-Sensitive Obesity Policy and Program Evaluation
NIH Special Emphasis Panel ZRG1 RPHB-S; Behavioral Interventions, Obesity and Chronic
B. Selected Peer-reviewed Publications (in chronological order).
Epstein LH, Myers MD, Raynor HA, Saelens BE. (1998). Treatment of pediatric obesity.
Pediatrics, 101, 554-570. PMID12224662.
Myers MD, Raynor HA, Epstein LH. (1998). Predictors of child psychological changes during family-based
treatment for obesity. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, 152, 855-861. PMID9743030.
Coleman KJ, Raynor HA, Mueller DM, Cerny FJ, Dorn JM, Epstein LH. (1999). Providing sedentary
adults with choices for meeting their walking goals. Prev Med, 28, 510-519. PMID10329342.
Raynor HA, Epstein LH. (2000). Effects of sensory stimulation and post-ingestive consequences
on satiation. Physiol Behav, 70, 465-470. PMID11110999.
Epstein LH, Gordy CC, Raynor HA, Beddome M, Kilanowski CK, Paluch R. (2001). Increasing fruit and
vegetable and decreasing fat and sugar intake in families at risk for childhood obesity. Obes Res, 9,
171-178. PMID11323442.
Epstein LH, Roemmich JN, Raynor HA. (2001). Behavioral therapy in the treatment of pediatric obesity.
Pediatr Clin North Am, 48, 981-993. PMID11494647.
Raynor HA, Epstein LH. (2001). Dietary variety, energy regulation and obesity. Psychol Bull, 127, 325-341.
Epstein LH, Paluch RA, Raynor HA. (2001). Sex differences in obese children and siblings
in family-based obesity treatment. Obes Res, 9, 746-753. PMID11743058.
Raynor HA, Kilanowski CK, Esterlis I, Epstein LH. (2002). A cost-analysis of adopting a
healthy diet in a family-based obesity treatment program. J Am Diet Assoc, 102, 645-650.
Epstein LH, Truesdale R, Wojcik A, Paluch RA, Raynor HA. (2003). Effects of deprivation on hedonics
and reinforcing value of food. Physiol Behav, 78, 221-227. PMID12576119.
Raynor HA, Epstein LH. (2003). The relative-reinforcing value of food under differing levels
of food deprivation and restriction. Appetite, 40, 15-24. PMID12631501.
Raynor HA, Jeffery RW, Tate DF, Wing RR. (2004). The relationship between changes in food group
variety, dietary intake, and weight during obesity treatment. Int J Obes, 28, 813-820. PMID15037882.
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
Raynor HA, Polley BA, Wing RR, Jeffery RW. (2004). Is dietary fat intake related to liking for or household
availability of high- and low-fat foods? Obes Res, 12, 816-823. PMID15166302.
Epstein LH, Paluch RA, Kilanowski CK, Raynor HA. (2004).The effect of reinforcement or stimulus
control to reduce sedentary behavior in the treatment of pediatric obesity. Health Psychol, 23, 371-380.
Epstein LH, Roemmich JN, Paluch RA, Raynor HA. (2005). Influence of changes in
sedentary behavior on energy and macronutrient intake in youth. Am J Clin Nutr, 81, 361-366.
Raynor HA, Wing RR, Jeffery RW, Phelan S, Hill JO. (2005). Amount of food group variety consumed in
the diet and long-term weight loss maintenance. Obes Res, 13, 883-890. PMID15919842.
Epstein LH, Roemmich JN, Paluch RA, Raynor HA. (2005). Physical activity as a substitute for sedentary
behavior in youth. Ann Behav Med, 29, 200-209. PMID15946114.
Stein RI, Epstein LH, Raynor HA, Kilanowski CK, Paluch RA. (2005). The influence of parenting change
on pediatric weight control. Obes Res, 13, 1749-1755. PMID16286522.
Raynor HA, Niemeier HN, Wing RR. (2006). Effect of limiting snack food variety on longterm sensory-specific satiety and monotony during obesity treatment. Eating Behav, 7, 1-14.
Raynor HA, Wing RR. (2006). Limiting variety in snacks across days on hedonics and consumption.
Appetite, 46, 168-176. PMID 16488056
Raynor HA, Maier D. (2006). The childhood obesity epidemic: Key eating and activity behaviors
to address in treatment. Med Health/Rhode Island, 89, 241-243, 246. PMID16925185.
Wing RR, Tate DF, Gorin AA, Raynor HA, Fava JL. (2006). A self-regulation program for
maintenance of weight loss. New Engl J Med, 355,1563-1571. PMID17035649.
Gorin A, Raynor H, Chula-Maquire K, Wing R. (2006). Decreasing household television time: A pilot study
of a combined behavioral and environmental intervention. Behav Intervent, 21, 273-280.
Niemeier HN, Raynor HA, Lloyd-Richardson EE, Rogers ML, Wing RR. (2006). Fast food consumption
and breakfast skipping: Predictors of weight gain from adolescence to adulthood in a nationally
representative sample. J Adolesc Health, 39, 842-849. PMID17116514.
Wing RR, Tate DF, Gorin AA, Raynor HA, Fava JL, Machan J. (2007). STOP regain: Are there negative
effects of daily weighing? J Consult Clin Psychol, 75, 652-656. PMID17663619.
Raynor HA, Wing RR. (2007). Package unit size and amount of food: Do both influence intake? Obesity,
15, 2311-2319 .PMID17890500.
Gorin AA, Pinto AM, Raynor HA, Fava J, Tate DF, Wing RR. (2007). Failing to meet weight loss
expectations does not impact maintenance in successful weight losers. Obesity, 15, 3086-3090.
Gorin, AA, Raynor HA, Niemeier HM, Wing RR. (2007). Home grocery delivery improves the household
food environments of behavioral weight loss participants: Results of an 8-week pilot study. Int J Behav
Nutr Phys Act, 4, 58. PMID18001469. PMCID2204035.
Williams DM, Raynor HA, Ciccolo JT. (2008). A review of TV viewing and its association with health
outcomes in adults. Am J Lifestyle Med, 2, 250-259.
Raynor HA, Jeffery RW, Ruggeiro A, Clark J, Delahanty L. (2008). Weight loss strategies associated with
body mass index in overweight adults with type 2 diabetes at entry into the Look AHEAD Trial.
Diabetes Care, 31, 1-6. PMID18375417. PMCID2453652.
Phelan S, Wing R, Raynor H, Dibello J, Thalmann K, Wanfeng P. (2008). Holiday weight management by
successful weight losers and normal weight individuals. J Consult Clin Psychol, 26, 442-448.
Pinto AM, Gorin AA, Raynor HA, Wing RR, Tate DF. (2008). Successful weight loss maintenance in
relation to method of weight loss. Obesity, 16, 2456-2461. PMID18719680. PMCID2666007.
Raynor HA, Osterholt KM, Hart CN, Jelalian E, Vivier P, Wing RR. (2009). Evaluation of active and
passive recruitment methods used in randomized controlled trials targeting pediatric obesity. Int J
Pediatr Obes, 4, 224-232. PMID19922036.
Raynor HA, Jelalian E, Vivier P, Hart C, Wing RR. (2009). Parent-reported eating and leisure-time activity
selection patterns related to energy balance in preschool- and school-aged children. J Nutr Educ
Behav, 41, 19-26. PMID19161916. PMCID2654320.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
Continuation Format Page
Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
Vitolins MZ, Anderson AM, Delahanty L, Raynor H, Miller GD, Mobley C, Reeves R, Yamamoto M,
Champagne C, Wing RR, Mayer-Davis E. (2009). Action for Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) Trial :
Baseline evaluation of selected nutrients and food group intake. J Am Diet Assoc, 109, 1367-1375.
PMID19631042. PMCID2804253.
Bond DS, Raynor HA, Vithiananthan S, Sax HC, Pohl D, Roye DG, Ryder BA, Wing RR. (2009).
Differences in salivary habituation to a taste stimulus in bariatric surgery candidates and normal-weight
controls. Obes Surg, 19, 873-878. PMID19455371.
Raynor HA, Van Walleghen E, Niemeier H, Butryn M, Wing RR. (2009). Do food provisions packaged in
single-servings reduce energy intake at breakfast during a brief behavioral weight-loss intervention? J
Am Diet Assoc, 109, 1922-1925. PMID19857636. PMID2792041.
McCaffery JM, Haley AP, Sweet LH, Phelan S, Raynor HA, Del Parigi A, Cohen R, Wing RR. (2009).
Differential fMRI response to food pictures among successful weight loss maintainers relative to normal
weight and obese controls. Am J Clin Nutr, 90, 928-934. PMID19675107. PMCID2744621.
Gokee-LaRose J, Gorin AA, Raynor HA, Nelson MC, Jeffery RW, Wing RR. (2009). Are standard
behavioral weight loss programs effective for young adults? Int J Obes, 33, 1374-1380.
PMID19786967. PMCID2996044.
Bond DS, Raynor HA, McCaffery JM, Wing RR. (2010). Salivary habituation to food stimuli in successful
weight loss maintainers, obese and normal-weight adults. Int J Obes, 34, 593-596. PMID20010900.
Hart CN, Raynor HA, Jelalian E, Drotar D. (2010). The association of maternal food intake and infants’
and toddlers’ food intake. Child: Care, Health, and Development, 36, 396-401. PMID20337642.
Hart CN, Jelalian E, Raynor HA, Mehlenbeck R, Lloyd-Richardson EE, Kaplan J, Flynn-O’Brien K, Wing,
RR. (2010). Early patterns of food intake in an adolescent weight loss trial as predictors of BMI
change. Eating Behav, 11, 217-222. PMID20850055. PMCID2943148.
Phalen S, Hassenstab J, McCaffery JM, Sweet L, Raynor HA, Cohen RA, Wing RR. (2011). Attentional
processing of food cues in weight loss maintainers, normal weight, and obese individuals. Obesity, 19,
69-73. PMID20539296. PMCID3568684.
Looney SM, Spence ML, Raynor HA. (2011). Use of body mass index and body mass index growth charts
for assessment of childhood weight status in the United States: A systematic review. Clin Pedia, 50, 9199. PMID20837615.
Looney SM, Raynor HA. (2011). Impact of portion size and energy density on snack intake in preschool
children. J Am Diet Assoc, 111, 414-418. PMID21338741.
Raynor HA, Van Walleghen E, Osterholt K, Hart CN, Jelalian E, Wing RR, Goldfield G. (2011). The
relationship between child and parent food hedonics and parent and child food group intake in
overweight/obese children. J Am Diet Assoc, 111, 425-430. PMID21338743. PMCID3058875.
Gorin AA, Phelan S, Raynor HA, Wing RR. (2011). Home food and exercise environments of normal
weight and overweight adults. Am J Health Behav, 35, 618-626. PMID22040622.
Raynor HA, Van Walleghen EL, Bachman JL, Looney SM, Phelan S, Wing RR. (2011). Dietary energy
density and successful weight loss maintenance. Eating Behav, 12, 119-125. PMID21385641.
John D, Thompson DL, Raynor H, Bielak K, Rider B, Basset DR. (2011). Treadmill workstations: A
worksite physical activity intervention in overweight and obese office workers. J Phys Act Health, 8,
1034-1043. PMID22039122.
Bachman J, Phelan S, Wing RR, Raynor HA. (2011). Eating frequency is higher in weight loss maintainers
and normal weight individuals as compared to overweight individuals. J Am Diet Assoc, 111, 17301734. PMID22027056. PMCID3202697.
Hart CN, Raynor HA, Osterholt KM, Jelalian E, Wing RR. (2011). Eating and activity habits of overweight
children on weekdays and weekends. Int J Pediatric Obes, 6, 467-472. PMID21774578.
Leahey TM, Bond DS, Raynor HA, Roye D, Vithiananthan S, Ryder BA, Sax HC, Wing RR. (2012). The
effects of bariatric surgery on food cravings: Do food cravings and consumption of craved foods
“normalize” following surgery? Surg Obes Relat Dis, 8, 84-91. PMID21925967.
Raynor HA, Osterholt KO, Hart CN, Jelalian E, Vivier P, Wing RR. (2012). Efficacy of U.S. paediatric
obesity primary care guidelines: Two randomized trials. Pediatric Obes, 7, 28-38. PMID22434737.
Schoch AH, Raynor HA. (2012). Social desirability, not dietary restraint, was related to accuracy of
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
reported dietary intake of a laboratory meal in females during a 24-hour recall. Eating Behav, 13, 7881. PMID22177404.
Jokisch E, Coletta A, Raynor HA. (2012). Acute energy compensation and macronutrient intake following
exercise in active and sedentary males who are normal weight. Appetite, 58, 722-729. PMID22142508.
Bond DS, Raynor HA, Phelan S, Steeves J, Daneillo J, Wing RR (2012). The relationship between
physical activity variety and objectively-measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity levels in
weight loss maintainers and normal-weight individuals. J Obesity. doi:10.1155/2012/812414.
PMID22506103. PMCID3306916.
Raynor HA, Steeves EA, Hecht J, Fava J, Wing RR. (2012). Limiting variety in snack foods during a
lifestyle intervention: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 95,1305-1314. PMID22552025.
Looney SM, Raynor HA. (2012). Are changes in consumption of “healthy” foods related to changes in
consumption of “unhealthy” foods during pediatric obesity treatment? Int J Environmental Res Public
Health,9,1368-1378. PMID2269019. PMCID3366617.
Raynor HA. (2012). Can limiting dietary variety assist with reducing energy intake and weight loss?
Physiol Behav,106, 356-361.PMID22450259. PMCID3723458.
Epstein LH, Jankowiak N, Nederkoorn C, Raynor HA, French SA, Finkelstein E. (2012). Experimental
research on the relationship between food price changes and food purchasing patterns: A targeted
review. Am J Clin Nutr, 95, 789-809.PMID22378726. PMCID3302358.
Bachman JL, Raynor HA. (2012). Effects of manipulating eating frequency during a behavioral weight loss
intervention: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Obesity, 20, 985-992. PMID22173575.
McCaffery JM, Papandonatos GD, Peter I, Huggins GS, Raynor HA, Delahanty LM, Cheskin LJ,
Balasubramanyam A, Wagenknecht LE, Wing RR, The Genetic Subgroup of Look AHEAD & The
Look AHEAD Research Group. (2012). Obesity susceptibility loci and dietary intake in the Look
AHEAD Trial. Am J Clin Nutr, 95, 1477-1486. PMID22513296.
Steeves J, Thompson DL, Bassett D, Fitzhugh EC, Raynor HA. (2012). A review of different behavior
modification strategies designed to reduce sedentary screen behaviors in children. J Obesity, doi:
10.1155/2012/379215.PMID21811678. PMCID314327.
Raynor HA, Looney SM, Steeves EA, Spence ML, Gorin AA. (2012). The effects of an energy density
prescription on diet quality and weight loss: A pilot randomized controlled trial. J Acad Nutr Diet, 112,
1397-1402. PMID22575072.
Sweet LH, Hassenstab JJ, McCaffery JM, Raynor HA, Bond DS, Demos KE, Haley AP, Cohen RA, Del
Parigi A, Wing RR. (2012). Brain response to food stimulation in obese, normal weight, and successful
weight loss maintainers. Obesity, 20, 2220-2225. PMID22569002. PMCID3483466.
Steeves JA, Bassett DR, Fitzhugh EC, Raynor HA, Thompson DL. (2012). Can sedentary behavior be
made more active? A randomized pilot study of TV commercial stepping versus walking. Int J Behav
Nutr Phys Act, 9, 95. PMID22866941. PMCID3487755.
Raynor HA, Osterholt K. (2012). Greater variety of fruit served in a four-course snack increases fruit
consumption. Appetite, 59, 662-667. PMID22885982.
Epstein LH, Fletcher KD, O’Neill J, Roemmich JN, Raynor H, Bouton M. (2013). Food characteristics,
habituation and energy intake: Laboratory and field studies. Appetite, 60, 40-50. PMID23085682.
Bond DS, Thomas JG, Unick JL, Raynor HA, Vithiananthan S, Wing RR. (2013). Self-reported and
objectively-measured sedentary behavior in bariatric surgery candidates. Surg Obes Relat Dis, 9, 123128. PMID23265767. PMCID3558551.
Coletta A, Bachman J Tepper BJ, Raynor HA. (2013). Greater energy reduction in 6-n-propylthiouracil
(PROP) super-tasters as compared to non-tasters during a lifestyle intervention. Eating Behav, 14, 180183. PMID23557816.
Coletta A, Thompson DL, Raynor HA. (2013). The influence of commercially-available carbohydrate and
carbohydrate-protein supplements on endurance running performance in recreational athletes during a
field trial. J Int Society Sports Nutrition, 10, 17. PMID23537142. PMCID3614480.
Pinto AM, Fava JL, Raynor HA, Gokee LaRose J, Wing RR. (2013). Development and validation of the
Weight Control Strategies Scale. Obesity, 21, 2429-2436. PMID23512914. PMCID3778038.
Raynor HA, Steeves EA, Bassett Jr. DR, Thompson DL, Gorin AA, Bond DS. (2013). Reducing TV
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
watching during adult obesity treatment: Two pilot randomized controlled trials. Behavior Therapy, 44,
674-685. PMID24094792.
Hart, C, Carskadon M, Considine R, Fava J, Lawton J, Raynor HA, Jelalian E, Owens J, Wing R. (2013).
Changes in children’s sleep duration on food intake, weight, and leptin. Pediatrics, 132, e1473-e1480.
Gorin AA, Raynor HA, Fava J, Maguire K, Robichaud E, Trautvetter J, Crane M, Wing RR. (2013).
Randomized controlled trial of a comprehensive home environment-focused weight loss program for
adults. Health Psychol, 32, 128-137. PMID22309885. PMCID3393797.
Looney SM, Raynor HA. (2013). Behavioral lifestyle intervention in the treatment of obesity. Health
Services Insights, 5, 15-31.PMID25114557
Raynor HA, Bond DS, Steeves J, Thompson DL. (2014). Physical activity variety, energy expenditure, and
body mass index. Am J Health Behav, 38, 624-630. PMID24636125.
Gorin AA, Powers TA, Koestner R, Wing RR, Raynor HA. (2014). Autonomy support, self-regulation, and
weight loss. Health Psychol, 33, 332-339. PMID23730718.
Baugh ME, Savla J, Akers JD, Raynor HA, Davy KP, Davy BM. (2014). Predictors of successful weight
loss maintenance: A qualitative comparative analysis. Open J Prev Med, 4, 257-269.
Gokee LaRose J, Fava JL, Steeves E, Hecht J, Wing RR, Raynor HA. (2014). Daily self-weighing within a
lifestyle intervention: Impact on disordered eating symptoms. Health Psychol, 33, 297-300.
Rider BC, Bassett DR, Thompson DL, Steeves EA, Raynor H. (2014). Monitoring capabilities of the Omron
HJ-720ITC pedometer. Physician Sportsmed, 42, 24-29. PMID24565818.
Epstein LH, Jankowiak N, Fletcher KD, Carr KA, Nederkoorn C, Raynor H, Finkelstein E. (2014). Women
who are motivated to eat and discount the future are more obese. Obesity, 22, 1394-1399.
Haire CL, Raynor HA. (2014). The effects of weight and dietary restraint status on the relationship
between package size and food intake. J Acad Nutr Diet, 114, 1251-1256. PMID24556428.
Benson K, Raynor HA. (2014). Occurrence of habituation during repeated food exposure via the olfactory
and gustatory systems. Eating Behav, 15, 331-333. PMID24854829.
Katzmarzyk PT, Barlow S, Bouchard C, Catalano PM, Hsia DS, Inge TH, Lovelady C, Raynor H, Redman
LM, Staiano AE, Spruijt-Metz D, Symonds ME, Vickers M, Wilfley, D, Yanovski JA. (2014). An
evolving scientific basis for the prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity. Int J Obesity, 38, 887905.PMID24662696.
Raynor HA. (2014). What to do about portion sizes? Roundtable discussion at the forefronts in portion size
conference. Int J Obesity, 38 Suppl 1, S34-S36.PMID25033962.
Bond DS, Thomas JG, Raynor HA, Moon J, Sieling J, Trautvetter J, Leblond T, Wing RR. (2014). BMOBILE - A smartphone-based intervention to reduce sedentary time in overweight/obese individuals:
A within-subjects experimental trial. PLoS One, 9, e100821.PMID24964010.
Williams DM, Raynor HA. (In press). Disentagling the effects of choice and intensity on affective
response to and preference for self-paced versus imposed moderate intensity exercise. Psychol Sport
& Exercise. PMC Journal – In Process.
Raynor HA, Saporito J, Khatri P. (In press). Changes for life: A primary care based multidisciplinary
program for obesity in children and families. J Health Care Poor Underserved. PMC Journal – In
Buscemi, J, Murphy JG, Berlin KS, Raynor HA. (In press). A behavioral economic analysis of changes in
food-related and food-free reinforcement during weight loss treatment. J Consult Clin
Casazza K, Brown A, Astrup A, Bertz F, Baum C, Brown MN, Dawson J, Durant N, Dutton G, Fields DA,
Fontaine K R, Levitsky D, Mehta T, Menachemi N, Newby PK, Pate R, Raynor H, Rolls B J, Sen B,
Smith D L, Thomas D, Wansink B, Allison DN. (In press). Weighing the evidence of common beliefs in
obesity research. Critical Rev Food Sci Nutr.PMID24950157.
Looney SM, Raynor HA. (In press). Examining the effect of three low-intensity pediatric obesity
interventions: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Clin Pediatrics.PMID25006118.
MacArthur B, Coe D, Sweet A, Raynor H. (In press). Active video gaming compared to unstructured,
outdoor play in young children: percent time in moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity and
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
estimated energy expenditure. Games for Health.
Desendorf J, Bassett Jr DR, Raynor HA, Coe DP. (In press). Validity of the bite counter device in a
controlled laboratory setting. Eat Behav.PMID25064306.
Hart CN, Carskadon MA, Demos KE, Van Reen E Sharkey KM, Raynor HA, Considine RV, Jones RN,
Wing RR. (In press). Acute changes in sleep duration on eating behaviors and appetite-regulating
hormones in overweight/obese adults. Behavioral Sleep Med.PMID25105727.
C. Research Support
Research Support: Current
Translating Habituation Research to Interventions for Pediatric Obesity
NIH (U01 DK088380-01)
Principal Investigator of a subcontract of the study. The goal of the study is to translate basic
habituation eating research into pediatric intervention trials.
Increasing Sleep Duration: A Novel Approach for Weight Loss
NIH (U01 CA150387-01)
9/28/2009 – 8/31/2015
Principal Investigator of a subcontract of the study. The goal of the study is to translate basic sleep
research into adult behavioral weight control trials.
Experimental Analysis of Price Changes and Food Purchases in Lean and Obese Mothers
NIH (R01 HD057975)
7/1/2010 – 6/30/2015
Consultant. This study examines how changes in food prices impacts on food purchasing.
Enhancing Sleep Duration: Effects on Children’s Eating and Activity Behaviors
NIH (R01 HL092910)
7/1/2011 - 6/30/2015
Principal Investigator of a subcontract of the study. The goal of this study is to examine changes in
sleep on energy balance behaviors in children.
Clinic and Home Family Based Behavioral Treatment for Obese Preschoolers: LAUNCH
NIH (R01 DK091251)
12/1/2011 – 11/30/2015
Consultant. This study examines a home based intervention for pediatric obesity treatment in
LIVE SMART: Smartphone Intervention for Weight Control
NIH (R01DK095779)
7/1/2012 – 6/30/2016
Principal Investigator of a subcontract of the study. The goal of this study is to examine a behavioral
intervention using a smartphone application for weight management in adults.
Bitter Taste Phenotype as an Adjunct to Behavioral Weight-loss intervention in Women
AHA (Founders Affiliate Grant-in-Aid)
Consultant. This study is examining the moderating effect of taster-status on dietary adherence during
a behavioral weight loss intervention.
Weight Watchers Online
Weight Watchers International
7/1/2013 – 12/31/2015
Principal Investigator. This study is investigating two online Weight Watchers programs on weight loss
in adults.
Maternal and Child Health Nutrition Leadership Education and Training Program
HRSA, Maternal & Child Health Bureau
7/1/2013 – 6/30/2018
Co-Investigator. This is a training grant for students in public health nutrition.
Recovery-Based Interprofessional Distance Education (RIDE) Program
7/1/2013 – 6/30/2016
Co-Investigator. This is a training grant for students in nursing, nutrition, and exercise physiology.
Using Novel Behavioral Approaches to Improve Long-term Weight Loss Outcomes
NIH ( K23 DK097143)
9/1/2013 - 7/31/2018
Mentor for Jason Lillis.
A Mentored Weight Management Outcome Study for Registered Dietitians
Weight Management Dietetic Practice Group
11/1/2013 – 10/31/2014
Co- Principal Investigator. This is a grant to mentor RDNs in collecting outcome data in the area of
adult weight management.
Food Choices in Overweight & Normal Weight Adolescents: Sleep & Circadian Rhythm
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
NIDDK (1R01DK101046-01)
1/16/2014 – 12/31/2018
Consultant. This study examines how changes in sleep impact circadian rhythm and appetite
regulation in adolescents.
d13C Added Sugar Intake Biomarker: Determining Validity in Children
NIH (1R21HD078636-01A1)
7/14/2014 – 6/30/2016
Consultant. This study is developing an assessment tool to measure added sugar intake in children.
Research Support: Completed
Changes in Food Reinforcement During Obesity Treatment
NIDDK (U01 DK067861-02S1)
7/01/2004 – 6/30/2006
Co-Investigator of the study. This study investigated changes in food reinforcement during weight loss.
Behavioral Economic MANET to Shape Weight Loss and Maintenance Behaviors
NIDDK (R43 DK075268)
9/9/2006 – 8/31/2007
Co-Investigator of the study: This study tested feasibility of wireless technology in self-weighing.
Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance: Functional Imaging
NIDDK (R01-DK-66787-2W1)
10/01/2005 – 9/30/2007
Co-Investigator of the study. This study used fMRI to compare responses of obese, normal weight, and
reduced obese to food cues.
Long-term Weight Loss Maintenance
NIDDK (R01 DK066787)
Co-Investigator of the study. This study examined dietary and activity behaviors in the NWCR.
Modifying Obesogenic Homes: Impact on Weight Maintenance
NHLBI (R01 HL077082)
5/01/2004 – 4/30/2008
Co-Investigator of the study. This study investigated modifying the home environment on weight loss.
Changing Eating Behaviors in Young Children: Should Healthy Foods be Increased or
Unhealthy Foods Decreased?
American Diabetes Association (7-05-HFC-27)
Principal Investigator of the study. This study investigated a pediatric obesity intervention targeting
increasing healthy foods or decreasing unhealthy foods in the diet of 4- to 8-year-old children.
The Effects of Two Different Leisure-time Activity Prescriptions on Eating and Activity
Behaviors During Behavioral Weight Loss Treatment
University of Tennessee Obesity Research Center
2/1/2008 – 1/31/2009
Principal Investigator of the study. This study piloted a leisure-time activity prescription of reducing TV
watching during a brief behavioral weight loss intervention in adults.
Childhood Obesity Treatment Targeting Specific Behaviors
NIDDK (R21 DK074919)
Principal Investigator of the study. This study developed an intervention for overweight young children
that could be implemented in a primary care setting.
Reducing Snack Food Variety During Obesity Treatment
NIDDK (R01 DK074721)
Principal Investigator of the study. This study is examining the effect of reducing snack food variety
during obesity treatment on weight loss and weight loss maintenance in adults.
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research - Reducing Snack
Food Variety During Obesity Treatment
NIDDK (R01 DK074721-04S1)
Principal Investigator of the study. The supplement provides support for training for Lusi Martin.
Acceptance-based Behavior Treatment: An Innovative Weight Control Intervention
NIDDK (R21 DK080430)
Consultant. This study is examining adding an ACT component to a behavioral weight loss
Eating Frequency Prescription for a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention
AHA Greater Southeast Affiliate (09PRE2020150)
Sponsor of the study – Predoctoral Fellowship.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
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Principal Investigator/Program Director (Last, First, Middle):
Raynor, Hollie, A.
Sleep Duration and Pediatric Overweight: The Role of Eating Behaviors
American Diabetes Association (1-09-JF-22)
Consultant. This study examines how increasing sleep duration in children influences eating behavior.
Metabolic Translational Research Initiative
University of Tennessee (2012 Organized Research Unit)7/1/2012 – 6/30/2013
Co-Principal Investigator. The goal of this project is to develop Phase 1 translational research within
the area of eating frequency.
A Pilot Study to Examine Three Dietary Messages within a Family-based Pediatric Obesity
Prevention Intervention
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation
12/1/2012 – 11/30/2013
(Lifestyle Interventions for Childhood Overweight and Obesity Prevention Grant)
Principal Investigator. This study is examining the effect of three different dietary messages during a
pediatric obesity prevention intervention.
PHS 398/2590 (Rev. 09/04)
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