Case Study Elite Furniture workbook - TIMBERtech

Scone High School
TAS Department
Stage 6
Industrial Technology
Timber Products and Furniture
Preliminary Year
Industry Study
Industry Study (Preliminary)
Students will study an individual business related to the focus area industry.
Students learn about:
Structural factors
 organisation and management
 marketing and sales
 production and efficiency
 technology and restructuring
 quality control
Technical factors
 mechanisation, specialisation
 mass production and automation
 emerging technologies
Environmental and sociological factors
 resources, alternatives, limitations
 recycling
 pollution
 government legislation
 Environmental Impact Studies (EIS)
 sustainable development
Students learn to:
investigate the overall organisation
and structure of the business
identify the range of equipment and
processes used by the business
identify how the resources and
processes used in the business
impact on environmental and
sociological factors
appreciate the impact of government
legislation on the decision-making
identify the problems of pollution and
any recycling of materials associated
with the business
be aware of the concept of EIS and
sustainable development to industry
Personnel issues
 industrial relations
 entry level training requirements
 retraining and multiskilling
 unions
 roles of industry personnel
 equity/EEO
Occupational health and safety
 government legislation
 industry requirements (standards)
 first aid
 safety training and human factors
 materials handling
 workplace culture
 workplace communication
describe the various roles and
requirements of key personnel within
a business
identify career opportunities and
working conditions, including gender
issues within the focus area industry
identify relevant OH&S factors in the
workplace that ensure a safe working
Case Study: Elite
Reference: www.industrialtechnology
Stage 6 Preliminary Course > Industry Study > Case Study: Elite Furniture
Structural Factors
Organisation and management
What type of business is Elite Furniture
a) Sole Trader
b) Partnership
c) Public Company
d) Private Company
Explain four advantages of forming a company.
The Elite Furniture manufacturing operation involves the labour of some fifty skilled
workers, about 30 unskilled workers and15 apprentices all organised by an efficient
managerial staff of five people.
Use this information to draw a flow chart showing a possible management structure
for Elite Furniture.
Marketing and sales
1. Define the term "Market Research"
2. Discuss how Elite Furniture carries out its market research.
Explain why companies advertise their products.
c) Production
1. Complete the flow chart below illustrating the production process at Elite Furniture
Raw Materials
d) Quality Control
To maintain high standards in their products Elite furniture practices the total quality
control method.
Briefly explain the concept of total quality control.
Quality control is carried out in three stages of production.
Complete the table below stating what is checked at each stage.
Production stage
Inspection of incoming
Inspection during
Final inspection
Checks carried out
Technical Factors
1. Define the following terms:
I. Mechanisation
Mass production
III. Automation
2. In most cases the use of the machines at Elite Furniture is to reduce labour. What
work are the workers required to do?
3. For each of the processes carried out at Elite Furniture list the machinery that may
be used to carry out the process.
Cutting timber to size
Cutting panels to size
Edge banding
Turning timber
Preparing timber to size
Drilling hinge holes
Electronic panel saw
Computer beam saw
Edge bander
CNC Wood turning lathe
4 headed planer/moulder
Wide belt sander
Copy lathe
Long belt sander
Mortising machine
Tenoning machine
Multi-head borer
Spindle moulder
Drop saw
Environmental and sociological factors
a) Resources
List the resources used at Elite Furniture and sate who supplies them
b) Recycling
a) Explain reasons why it became important for Elite Furniture to begin a recycling
b) Describe how Elite Furniture deals with recycling of their waste.
c) Pollution
Identify the forms of pollution at Elite Furniture and describe how the company
controls these.
Form of Pollution
d) Government Legislation
1. Environmental Impact Studies (EIS)
Explain what an EIS is and state the issues it covers.
2. Sustainability
a) Define sustainability with regards to the timber industry.
b) Explain three ways that Elite Furniture support sustainability of the timber industry.
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Sociological Factors
Stage 6 Preliminary Course > Industry Study > Sociological Factors
a) Issues Relating to a Business
b) Workplace Cultures
1. Define the term workplace safety culture
2. List the specific actions which can be taken to improve the occupational health
and safety in a workplace
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The active involvement of each individual in the workplace is essential for the
success of any WHS management program, and helps to develop a ‘safety culture’
in the workplace.
Open communication between management and employees assists in encouraging
support for and involvement in WHS activities.
Employees are an important source of WHS information as they are often working
with, or in the immediate area of, identified hazards. They can provide valuable
advice about risks and possible solutions.
3. List four examples of how employees can assist in providing advice about WHS
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4. List the benefits of having employees being involved in the WHS management
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Personnel Issues
a) Industrial Relations
Industrial Award
An industrial award is an agreement between ............................................................
on the rights and obligations for all those involved in a specific type of work.
It is most commonly negotiated by employer representatives and organisations
representing the employees (unions). These organisations either apply to the
Commission to have an award prepared or develop an award through the resolution
of an industrial dispute.
When an industrial award is made it usually deals with conditions of employment
such as:
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Enterprise Agreement
Describe what an enterprise agreement is.
b) Entry Level Training Requirements
1. Describe what a Production Employee, Level 1 is?
2. The new employee will undertake induction training. List what will be included
in the training.
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3. Duties of a production employee level 1 are limited to routine production
and/or and labouring to the level of training. List these duties.
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4. What responsibilities does a production employee level 1 have?
5. Responsibilities: The employee at this level is required to work competently
under direct supervision while using minimal discretion in the performance of the
allocated tasks.
6. What type of skill training will be provided for the new employee?
c) Roles of Industry Personnel
Define the role of the management of a business.
Identify the position of each of the job descriptions.
……………………………………… are responsible for planning and development work,
estimating quantities and costs, testing new designs and initiating new processes,
calculating material strength or suitability, and for originating plans to a preliminary
………………………………………… draw up the projected work to accepted standards,
making sub-assembly drawings, compiling material lists and specifying work standards.
……………………………………… coordinate production with sales, and, with planning
staff, aim at maximum efficiency of the workshop labour and equipment.
………………………………………. allocate machine space and labour to ensure
continuity of work and supply. They act as liaison between management and the
……………………………………….. carry out detailed work from drawings on machine
or handwork, set up machinery for process workers and mark out. They are also used
for maintenance.
……………………………………….. assist tradespersons in all branches of their trade,
and in so doing learn the skills associated with various aspects of the work.
……………………………………….. carry out many machining operations, repetitive
work and assembly line work.
……………………………………….. are responsible for the general cleanliness of the
shop, the movement of materials and general operations where no specialist skills are
………………………………………… are responsible for the receipt and dispatch of
finished work or incoming components, and their handling and safe storage.
…………………………………………. catalogue materials in and out of the warehouse
have a ready knowledge of stock. They also allocate areas within the store for stacking
of material.
…………………………………………. crate or pack the work so that it can be stored or
transported conveniently and without damage. Many operate forklifts or loading
………………………………………… check and verify accountant's statements, and are
directly responsible to the management.
………………………………………… are responsible for keeping all books of account,
calculating profits, payment of wages, taxation, and calculating costs of work and
material from time cards.
…………………………………………. make entries in the books of account to indicate
the position of debtors, creditors, etc.
…………………………………………… are responsible for correspondence, mailing
statements of account and invoices, issuing receipts.
…………………………………………… are responsible to management for coordinating
sales and demand with production. They make personal representation to distributors or
retailers to present new products.
………………………………………….. act as liaison between management and
customer. They usually travelling considerably to maintain contact or follow up enquiries
or complaints.
………………………………………… are employed by the company for
interdepartmental carrying or moving packed goods to retail outlets. Private contractors
or government carriers may also be used.
………………………………………… sell the manufactured goods to the public and are
usually not connected with the manufacturers except in this way. They try to stimulate
sales and demand for the profit made on handling the goods.
………………………………………… put the product before the public through
newspapers, television, radio, etc. in the best possible light to stimulate sales.
Market Research
…………………………………………… study market and consumer trends and advise
management on production and marketing techniques. They study and report on
industry's stability, likely economic changes and consequent effects on the company.
Industrial Research
……………………………………………… are responsible for the technical control of
research and development activities within a firm. They should become familiar with,
and test, new techniques under the factory's particular conditions. They should follow
trade journals, papers and developments to attempt to improve existing products and
Workplace Health and Safety
Reference: www.industrialtechnology
Stage 6 Preliminary Course > Industry Study > Occupational Health and Safety >
1. WHS Principles and Requirements
The OH&S acts states that employers "must ensure the health, safety and welfare at
work of all the employees"
To meet their responsibilities under the OHS act what must Elite Furniture provide?
The workers at Elite have the right to work in a safe and healthy workplace but what
must they do in return?
2. Signage
Signage plays an important role of accident prevention and at Elite Furniture signs are
placed strategically around the work place.
Placement of signs
Signs should be located where they are clearly visible to all concerned so as to
attract attention and be read or interpreted easily.
The height of a sign should be at the normal line of sight for a standing adult.
Signs should not be placed on movable objects such as a sliding door.
Regulation and hazard type signs should be positioned in relation to the hazard to
allow a person plenty of time to view the sign and take notice of the warning.
Below is a sample of some of the signs on display at Elite Furniture.
For each of the signs below state the meaning of the sign, what category they come
under and where they would be positioned.
Preliminary > Industry Study > Occupational Health and Safety > Signage > Signage.
3. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
a) Complete the table below by listing examples of the various types of PPE for
each of the categories.
Respiratory protection
Eye protection
Hearing protection
Hand protection
Foot protection
b) The management at Elite Furniture is responsible for the PPE in their factory.
State four issues that the management are responsible for regarding PPE.
i. ..................................................................................................................................
ii. ..................................................................................................................................
iii. ..................................................................................................................................
iv. ..................................................................................................................................
c) State three issues that the employees are responsible for regarding PPE.
4. Safe Working Practices
a) Briefly explain what a Code of Practice is.
b) List four Codes of Practices that may be applicable to Elite Furniture
c) Safe Operating Procedure
Safe operating procedures are written guidelines for procedures and tasks involving
recognised hazards. They provide the tools for teaching how to work consistently
with a maximum degree of efficiency and safety.
Why you need a safe operating procedure
Provides checks to see if employees are working safely.
Reminds a plant operator not to take short cuts (that can lead to incidents).
Informs employees that the employer is serious about safety.
Go to: www.timbertech.wikispaces
Workplace Health and Safety (left menu under Home) > Safe Operating
Procedures > Disc Sander
List the PPE that should be worn when using a disc sander
II.List the safety hazards or risks involved when using a disc sander
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What is the error in this safe operating procedure for the disc sander? (hint
point 12)
5. First Aid
Reference: www.timbertech.wikispaces > Preliminary > Industry Study > OHS >
First Aid requirements summary
Answer true or false
Elite Furniture has the responsibility of providing first aid
facilities to assist with immediate treatment that may arise at a
place of work.
Elite Furniture need not supply provide personnel trained in a
Work Cover approved first aid course.
Eilte Furniture must supply a first aid room
It is essential that Elite Furniture that a properly stocked and
maintained first aid kit is conveniently located in the workplace.
The first aid kit at Elite Furniture can be kept in a secured
The first aid kit should be clearly identifiable, with a white cross
on a green background prominently displayed adjacent to
where the first aid kit is stored.
6. Materials Handling
Preliminary > Industry Study > Workplace Health and Safety > Materials Handling
a) Materials Handling
Briefly define the term ‘materials handling’.
List three causes of back injury in the workplace.
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List four things that a business may do to help prevent injury.
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b) Materials Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
What is a material safety data sheet?
List the main information contained in a MSDS
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III. What can a MSDS be used for?
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