Intermediate II year(2013) CHEMISTRY QUESTION BANK For IPE BLUE-PRINT Name of the chapter Weightage marks S.No. 1. Solutions 04 2. Solid state 04 3. Electrochemistry 04 4. Chemical kinetics, Equilibrium and Acids and bases 12 5. Surface chemistry 04 6. Thermodynamics 04 7. General principles of metallurgy 04 8. Group-15 elements 04 9. Group-16 elements 04 10. Group-17 elements 04 11. Transition elements and inner transition elements 06 12. Polymers 02 13. Bio-molecules 04 14. Chemistry in everyday life 04 15. Organic chemistry 12 LONG ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. State Lechatlier’s principle and apply it for i) N2(g) +3H2g →2NH3 (Haber’s process) ii) 2SO2g +O2g →2SO3 (Contact process) 2. Define rate of chemical reaction and explain the factors that effect the rate of a reaction. 3. Discuss molecular collision theory of reaction rates. Draw diagram also. 4. Describe any two methods for the determination of order of a reaction 5. Derive the rate equation for a first order reaction. Also derive the expression for half life of first order reaction. 6. Explain the term “Hydrolysis of salts” with suitable examples. Give the relation between hydrolysis constant ( Kh ), ionization constant ( Ka )and ionic product of water (Kw) for sodium acetate solution. 7. Discuss the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions SN1 and SN2 8. How is chloroform obtained from i) Ethyl alcohol ii) Acetone iii) Chloral hydrate?What happens when chloroform reacts with i) HNO3 vapours ii) Metallic silver iii) Hot aqueous KOH iv) Acetone in the presence of KOH. 9. Explain the identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols. 10. Write the preparation of ethyl alcohol from i) Molasses ii) starch. What happens when ethyl alcohol reacts with i) Metallic Sodium ii) acetic acid iii) Methyl Magnesium bromide and iv) conc. H2SO4, 170°C. 11. Write the equations for the action of i ) Cl2, sunlight ii) Conc. H2SO4 at low temperature and high temperature iii) PCl5 on diethyl ether. Give two uses of ether. 12. Write the preparation of nitrobenzene and explain its reduction properties. 13. Write any two methods of preparation, four properties and two uses of aniline 14. Explain i) Clemmensen’s reduction ii) Wolf Kishner reduction iii)iodoform reaction iv) Williamson’s synthesis V) Riemer Tiemann reation 15. How is ozone prepared in the laboratory? Give any three oxidation and reduction reactions of ozone. 16. Give the reactions of ozone with the following and give equations: Hg, SO2, H2O2 17. How is bleaching powder prepared industrially? Give any four chemical properties with proper equations. 18. How do you prepare hypo in laboratory? Give any four properties of hypo with proper equations. 19. Describe Whytlaw-Grey method for preparation of fluorine? Also write the chemical properties of fluorine with relevant equations. 20. What is the principle of preparing Cl2 in the laboratory? Describe Nelson’s method for its manufacture. Give any four chemical properties of chlorine with equations. 21. A) How is acetic acid obtained from a) ethanol b) methyl cyanide B) What happens when acetic acid is treated with i) Cl2, red P (HVZ) ii) NH3 iii) C2H5OH Short Answer questions 1. What are colligative properties? Explain them with examples 2. Define Osmosis, Osmotic pressure, molarity, molality, normality. 3. Describe Berkily-Hartley method of determining osmotic pressure. 4. State and explain Raoult’s law. How it is useful in determining the molecular weight of a non volatile solute. 5. What is Vant Hoff factor and derive αdissociation = 1-i/1-1/n 6. Derive Bragg’s equation for X-rays of wavelength λ and a diffraction angle θ for an nth order reflection. 7. Explain Frenkel defect and Schottky defect. 8. How many types of semiconductors are known? Explain the influence of doping on the conductivity of crystalline solids. 9. What are specific, equivalent and molar conductances? Write their formulae. 10. What is Kohlrausch law and give its applications 11. State Faraday’s laws of electrolysis. 12. What is Nernst equation? How it is used to calculate the EMF? 13. What are fuel cells? Explain the working of H2-O2 fuel cells. 14. Explain the concept of i) Bronsted acid and base ii) Lewis acid and base iii) conjugate acid and base 15. What is i) ionic product of water ii) Solubility product iii) common ion effect and their significance in qualitative chemical analysis. 16. Explain the terms order and molecularity of a reaction. 17. What is buffer solution. Explain the working of acid buffer. 18. Explain Lewis acid base theory with suitable examples. 19. State Law of mass action. 20. What is common ion effect? 21. Define pH. Find the pH of 10-8 M HCl solution. 22. Explain the Bronsted –Lowry acid-base theory with examples. 23. What is conjugate acid-base pair? 24. What is Langmuir adsorption isotherm 25. What are protective colloids? Define and explain gold number. 26. What is coagulation and explain Hardy-Schulze rule. 27. What are emulsions and how are they classified? 28. What are lyophilic and lyophobic colloids? Give examples 29. What is Tyndall effect and Brownian movement? 30. State and explain Hess’s law of constant heat summation with a suitable example. 31. State and explain first, second and third law of Thermodynamics. 32. What are Cp and Cv ? 33. Write the important postulates of Werner’s theory of complex compounds. 34. Define EAN. Calculate EAN of following metals in their respective complexes. a) [Cu (NH3)4](OH)2 b) [Co(H2O)6](NO3)3 c) K4[Fe(CN)6] 35. Give the sources and deficiency diseases of Vitamins A, C, D, E and K. 36. Mention the type of polymerization involved in a) Bakelite b) PVC c) Polythene d) Teflon 37. Mention structures and names of monomers used for preparing following polymers A) Nylon B) Terylene C) Neoprene 38. Write differences between physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. 39. Give the characteristics of chemical equilibrium. 40. What is catalysis? How is catalysis classified? Give two examples for each. 41. Describe Nelson’s method for manufacture of Cl2. 42. Explain how superphosphate of lime is manufactured. 43. Draw a neat diagram of blast furnace and label it. 44. Write a short note on froth floatation process 45. What do you mean by lanthanide contraction and what are its consequences? 46. Derive the equation Π=CRT 47. Write short notes on a) Roasting b) calcinations c) Smelting 48. Describe Down’s method. 49. Draw the structures of P4O5 and P4O10 50. Explain the preparation of NH3 by cyanamide process. 51. Write the structures of SO2 , SO3, SF4, SF6. 52. What is ‘available Chlorine’? Give the equations which determine the same. 53. Explain the structure of the following examples in terms of Werner’s theory: i) CoCl36NH3 ii) CoCl3.5NH3 iii) CoCl34NH3 VERY SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. What is vapour pressure? How does it vary with temperature? 2. What are isotonic solutions? Give example. 3. What are octahedral holes and tetrahedral holes and how are they formed? 4. Define coordination number in a solid and what is the coordination number in BCC and FCC? 5. What are primary and secondary cells? 6. What are fuel cells? Give examples. 7. What is corrosion and how it is prevented? 8. What is Passivity? 9. What is order and Molecularity? 10. What is a zero order reaction? Give example 11. What is a buffer solution give example for acid buffer and a basic buffer. 12. What is hydrolysis of a salt? 13. What is i) adsorption ii ) absorption iii)physical adsorption iv)chemisorption. 14. What is autocatalysis? Give example 15. What is micelle? Give example. 16. What are Analgesics? Give two examples. 17. Define antipyretics. Give two examples. 18. What are Artificial Sweetening Agents? Give examples. 19. How is Paracetamol prepared? Give equation. 20. What is Wurtz reaction? 21. What is Carbylamine test? 22. What is chloropicrin? How is it formed from chloroform? 23. What are lipids? Give one example. 24. Write the structure of any two oxyacids of chlorine. 25. Give the composition of Nichrome? 26. Give any two examples of semi synthetic polymers. 27. What is PHBV. How is it useful to man? 28. What are biodegradable polymers? Give an example. 29. What are essential and non essential amino acids. 30. What is the criteria for spontaneity of a chemical reaction at all temperatures in terms of entropy change and Gibb’s free energy change. 31. What is roasting and calcination. 32. Find PH of 0.05M Ba(OH)2 solution. 33. What is Heat capacity. Explain. 34. What are hormones. Give two examples. 35. Mention the dispersed phase and dispersion medium of the following colloids. a) Milk b) Cloud 36. Write the monomers of Nylon 6, 6 and PVC. 37. Write any two equations for the preparation of ethanol 38. Complete the following reactions (a) C2H5-O-C2H5 +PCl5→ (b) C2H5-O-C2H5 + Hot conc. H2SO4→ 39. Explain Gibb’s energy, enthalpy and entropy. 40. Give the sources and deficiency diseases of vitamins : A, D, E, K 41. What are hormones? How are they classified? Give two functions of any four hormones. 42. Define Boiling point of liquid in terms of vapor pressure. 43. What is the pH of a solution containing 0.63gm of HNO3 in 100 ml of solution? 44. What is tetrahedral hole? 45. Calculate the number of particles present in a fcc crystal system. 46. What is the general difference between soap and detergent chemically? 47. What is emulsifying agent? 48. What is nitrolim? How is it formed? 49. Write the equation for hydrolysis of NCl3 , How does it differ from hydrolysis of PCl3 ? 50. Which oxides of nitrogen are neutral oxides?