Attachment B Collaborative Testing of Turbulence Models Names and addresses of Collaborators as of 19 March 1990. Additions after distribution of first newsletter are at end. "%m" denotes Modeller, "%e" denotes Experimenter or Discusser only. Preceding name in capitals is consortium leader. The HIGHEST order of model used by each Modeller (some use more than one) is given by: "f" = full simulation, "l" = large eddy sim., "t" = transport equation, "a" = ASM, "k" = eddy-viscosity transport (k, epsilon etc), "n" = algebraic eddy viscosity, "u" unknown. After the comma, a "b" denotes "description of current research received", "i" denotes "incompressible entry case (flat plate) reported", "c" denotes "compressible entry case reported", "e" denotes "excuse offered for late entry". Dr. R. Abid, MS 156 NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665 GATSKI%mt,b Dr. Ryoichi S. Amano Dept. of Mechanical Engg. P.O. Box 784 Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI 53201 %mt* Dr. M.S. Anand Allison Gas Turbine Division General Motors Corporation P. O. Box 420 Indianapolis, IN 46206-0420 %mt,b* Dr. Chuichi Arakawa Mechanical Engineering University of Tokyo 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku Tokyo 113 JAPAN %mt,b Dr. P.R. Bandyopadhyay Mail Stop 163 NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665-5225 %e Dr. P. Bansod, MS 21AC1 Pratt and Whitney Canada 6375 Dixie Rd Mississauga, Ont. L5T 2E7 Canada %mu* Dr. Claude Beguier Institut de Mecanique Statistique de %e la Turbulence 12, Avenue General Leclerc 13003 Marseille FRANCE Dr. B. v.d. Berg P.O Box 153 8300 AD Emmeloord The Netherlands %mn,b Prof. P. S. Bernard Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Maryland College Park, MD 20742 %mt,b* (vort transpt) Dr. Stanley F. Birch Boeing Aerospace and Electronics P.O. Box 3999, M/S 82-23 Seattle, WA 98124-2499 %mk* Prof. T.K. Bose Dept. of Aeronautical Eng. Indian Institute of Technology Madras-600 036 INDIA %mn Dr. K. Bremhorst Department of Mechanical Engg. The University of Queensland St. Lucia Qld 4067 Australia %mk,b Dr. Guenter Brune Boeing Commercial Airplanes P.O. Box 3707, M/S 7K-01 Seattle, WA 98124-2207 %e Dr. Ismail Celik Mech. and Aero. Engg. Dept. West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 26506-6101 %m- Dr. J.-Y. Chen Sandia National Lab. CRF, Division 8351 P. O. Box 969 Livermore, CA 94551-0096 %mt Dr. R.E. Childs Nielsen Engineering and Research 510 Clyde Avenue Mountain View, CA 94043 %mk,b(c) Prof. Myung Kyoon Chung Dept. of Mechanical Engineering %mk,b* Korea Adv. Inst. of Science and Tech. P.O. Box 150 Cheongryang, SEOUL, KOREA Prof. M. Coantic Institut de Mecanique Statistique de la Turbulence 12, Avenue General Leclerc 13003 Marseille FRANCE %e Prof. G. Comte-Bellot Ecole Centrale De Lyon 36, avenue Guy de Collongue BP 163, 69131 ECULLY Cedex FRANCE %e,b Dr. J. Cousteix ONERA-CERT-DERAT 2, Avenue E. Belin F-31055 Toulouse Cedex FRANCE %mt,c Dr. K. Dang ONERA 29 Ave. Div. Leclerc, BP 72 92322 Chatillon CEDEX FRANCE %mf,b Dr. D.M. Driver, MS 229-1 NASA Ames Research Center M/S 229-1 Moffett Field CA 94035-1000 %e Prof. J.K. Eaton Mech. Engg Dept Stanford University Stanford CA 94305-3030 %e Dr. Ivar S. Ertesvag Norwegian Inst. of Tech. Div. of Thermodynamics N-7034 Trondheim, Norway %mt,b* Prof. Dr. H. Fernholz Hermann-Fottinger-Inst. Strasse des 17 Juni 135 1000 Berlin 12 W. Germany %e Prof. R. Friedrich Munchen Tech. Univ. Lehrstuhl fur Stromungsmechanik Arcisstr. 21 %mt,be 8000 Munchen 2, FRG Prof. H. Fujita Dept. of Mech. Engg. Nagoya University/Furocho Chikusa-ku Nagoya 464-01 JAPAN %e,b Dr. Thomas B. Gatski NASA LANGLEY Mail Stop 156 Hampton, VA 23665 %mt,bc Prof. F.B. Gessner Dept of Mech Engg Univ of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 %e Dr. U. Goldberg Rockwell International Corporation 1049 Camino Dos Rios P.O. Box 1085, M/S 435 Thousand Oaks, CA 91360 %mk,bc Dr. Johan Groth Royal Inst. Tech. Dept. of Mechanics S-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden %mt,b* Dr. Hieu HaMinh IMFT Av. du Prof. Camille Soula 31400 Toulouse FRANCE %mt,b* Dr. P.E. Hancock Dept. of Mechanical Engg. University of Surrey, Guildford Surrey, GU2 5XH, UK %mu* Prof. K. Hanjalic %mt,bi Masinski fakultet univerziteta u Sarajevu Omladinsko setaliste bb 71000 Sarajevo Yugoslavia Dr. D.A. Humphreys FFA P.O. Box 11021 S-161 11 Bromma Sweden %mn,i Prof. N. Kasagi %mk,bi Dept. of Mech .Engg. The University of Tokyo Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113 JAPAN Prof. Hiroshi Kawamura Dept. of Mechanical Engg. Science University of Tokyo Noda-Shi, Yamazaki Chiba-Ken 278 JAPAN KASAGI%mk,b Dr. J. Kim M/C 202A-1 NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 %e Prof. Masaru Kiya Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Hokkaido University Sapporo, 060 JAPAN %e Prof. Yang-Moon Koh Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Ulsan P.O. Box 18, Ulsan 680-749 KOREA %mu* Dr. W. Kollmann Department of Mechanical Eng. University of California Davis, CA 95616 %mt,b* (pdf) Dr. B. A. Kolovandin Heat and Mass Transfer Inst., Byelorussian Academy of Sciences 15, P. Brovka St., 220728 Minsk USSR %mt,b Dr. L.M. Kral McDonnell Douglas Research Labs. P.O. Box 516, Mail Code 1111041 St. Louis, MO 63166 %mk,be Dr. J. Kux Univ. of Hamburg Inst. fur Schiffbau Lammersieth 90 2000 Hamburg 60, F.R. Germany %e,b Prof B. Lakshminarayana 153 Hammond Bldg University Park PA 16802 %ma,b* Prof B.E. Launder Dept of Mech Engg UMIST P.O. Box 88 Manchester M60 1QD, England %mt,be Prof. G.M. Lilley Dept. of Aero. and Astro. The University Southampton SO95NH ENGLAND %m- Dr. D.M. McEligot P.O. Box 4008 MIDDLETOWN, RI 02840 %e Dr. M.R. Malin CHAM Limited, Bakery House 40 High Street Wimbledon LONDON SW19 5AU, U.K. YOUNIS%mt,bi Dr. S. Majumdar CTFD Division National Aeronautical Lab. Bangalore 560 017 INDIA %mu,* Mansour, N.N. NASA Ames Res. Ctr, MS202A-1 Moffett Field CA 94035 %mu Prof. Barsam Marasli Dept. of Mechanical Engg. Univ. of Maryland at College Park College Park, MD 20742 %e Dr. Joseph G. Marvin Experimental Fluid Dynamics NASA Ames Research Center Moffett Field, CA 94035 %mt,bc Dr. H.U. Meier DNW P.O. Box 175 8300 AD EMMELOORD The Netherlands %e,b Dr. Y. Miyake Mechanical Engg. Dept. Osaka University 2-1 Yamada-Oka Suita OSAKA 565 JAPAN %mf Dr. U.R. Mueller Messerschmitt-Bolkow-Blohm GmbH Dept. for Aeroelastics, TE 234 Hunefeldstr. 1-5, D-2800 Bremen F.R. GERMANY Prof. Yasutaka Nagano Nagoya Inst.of Tech. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Gokiso-Cho, Showa-Ku Nagoya 466 JAPAN %mu,bc KASAGI%mk,bi Prof. Koichi Nakabayashi Dept. of Mech. Engineering Nagoya Inst. of Tech. Gokiso-Cho, Showa-Ku, Nagoya 466 JAPAN %e Dr. A. Nakayama 212-20 Douglas Aircraft Co. Long Beach, CA 90846 %e Prof. F.T.M. Nieuwstadt Lab. Aero. and Hydrodynamics Rotterdamseweg 145 2628 AL Delft THE NETHERLANDS %ml,b Dr. A.Y. Odabasi BMT International Inc 10480 Little Patuxent Way #640 Columbia, MD 21044 %mu,b* Prof. Dr.-Ing. H. Oertel Institut fur Stromungsmechanik Tech. Univ. Braunschweig Bienroder Weg 3 3300 Braunschweig GERMANY %ml,b Dr. S. Parameswaran Mech. Engg Dept Texas Technological University LUBBOCK, TX 79409-1021 %mk,bi Dr. B. Patel creare.x. Inc. P.O. Box 71 Hanover, NH 03755 %mk,b* Prof. V.C. Patel Iowa Inst. of Hydraulic Research The University of Iowa Iowa City, IO 52242 %mu Prof R.H. Pletcher Mech Engg Dept Iowa State University Ames, IO 50011 %mu,* Dr. Andrew Pollard Queen's University Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Kingston, Ontario K7L-3N6 CANADA %mu,be Dr. S. B. Pope Cornell University Upson Hall Ithaca, NY 14853 %e Prof. W. Rodi Institut fur Hydromechanik Universitat Karlsruhe Kaiserstrabe 12-Postfach 6380 D-7500 Karlsruhe 1 W. GERMANY %mk,bc Dr. Morris Rubesin, MS 229-1 NASA Ames Moffett Field, CA 94035 Dr. A. M. Savill Engineering Department University of Cambridge Trumpington St. Cambridge CB2 1PZ UK MARVIN%mt %mt,bi Dr. Georg Scheuerer RODI%mt,b Gesellschaft f. Reaktorsicherheit MBH Forschungsgelaende Garching D-8046 FR GERMANY Dr. R. Schiestel Institute de Mec. des Fluides 1 Rue Honnorat 13003 Marseille FRANCE %mt,b* Dr. J. Shang, WRDC/FIMM %mu* Wright Research and Development Center Wright-Patterson AFB OH 45433 Dr. Nobuyuki Shima Shizuoka University College of Engineering Hamamatsu 432 JAPAN %mt,bi Prof. R.L. Simpson Aerospace and Ocean Engg Dept Virginia Polytechnic Institute Blacksburg, VA 24061 %e Dr. A.K. Singhal CFD Research Corp. 3325-D Triana Blvd HUNTSVILLE, AL 35805 %mk,bc Dr. P.D. Smith AE5 Division, Aerodynamics Dept. Royal Aerospace Establishment Farnborough Hants GU14 6TD England %mt,b* Dr. Charles Speziale ICASE, Mail Stop 132C NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665-5255 GATSKI%mt,b Dr. L.C. Squire Engineering Dept Trumpington St. Cambridge CB2 1PZ England %mu Prof. K.R. Sreenivasan Dept. of Eng. and Applied Science Mason Laboratory Yale University New Haven, CT 06520-2159 %e Dr. P. Stow Rolls Royce Plc. P.O. Box 31 Derby DE3 8BJ ENGLAND %mu* Dr. Roland Stull Dept. of Meteorology University of Wisconsin 1225 W. Dayton St. Madison, WI 53706 %ml,b* (transilient) Dr. B.M. Sumer and Dr. J. Fredsoe Inst. of Hydrodynamics Technical University of Denmark DK-2800 LYNGBY Denmark Dr. R. T. Szczepura CEGB %e,b %e Berkeley Nuclear Labs Gloucestershire GL 13 9RB UK Prof. Dale Taulbee Dept. of Mechanical Eng. 315 Jarvis Hall University at Buffalo, SUNY Buffalo, NY 14260 %mt,b Dr. S. Tavoularis Dept. of Mechanical Engineering University of Ottawa 770 King Edward Ave. Ottawa, Ont. K1N 6N5, CANADA %e,b Dr. E. G. Tulapurkara Dept. of Aeronautical Eng. Indian Institute of Technology Madras-600 036 INDIA %mk,bi Dr. V.I. Vasanta Ram Inst. Fur Thermo-und Fluiddynamik Ruhr-Universitat Bochum Postfach 10 21 48 D-4630 Bochum 1 WEST GERMANY %e,b Prof. J.D.A. Walker Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Lehigh University Packard Lab #19 Bethlehem, PA 18015 %mt* Dr. J. Weinstock Aeronomy Lab., NOAA 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 %mt,b* ***********Additions to list in Newsletter no. 1************ Professor M. Akiyama Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Utsunomiya University Utsunomiya Ishii-Cho 321 JAPAN % Dr. S. Ahmed WRDC/POPT, Advanced Prop. Divn. Wright Patterson AFB OH 45433 %e Dr. G.J. Brereton Dept of Mech Engg and Appl. Mech. University of Michigan %e ANN ARBOR, MI 48109-2121 Dr. Alfred Buckingham M/S L 16 Lawrence Livermore Labs. Livermore, CA 94550 %mk,be Dr. W.L. Chow College of Engineering Florida Atlantic University BOCA RATON FL 33431 %mt* Dr. A.O. Demuren, MS 5-3 NASA Lewis Research Center CLEVELAND, OH 44135 %mt,bi Dr S. Deutsch/Dr W.C. Zierke Applied Research Laboratory Pennsylvania State University P.O. Box 30 STATE COLLEGE, PA 16804 %e Prof. A. Goulas School of Mechanical Engineering Aristotle University Thessaloniki 54006 Thessaloniki Greece %mk,e Dr V. Haroutunian Chrysler Corp., CMIS 414-07-19 12000 Chrysler Drive HIGHLAND PARK, MI 48288 %mk? Dr B.C. Hwang, code 272R David Taylor Research Center ANNAPOLIS, MD 21402 %mt,bi Professor T. Kajishima Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Osaka University Suitashi Yamadaika 2-1 Osaka 565 JAPAN %ml,b* Dr. S.W. Kim, MS 5-3 NASA Lewis Research Center 21000 Brookpark Road CLEVELAND, OH 44135 %mt,bc mult. timesc. Dr. A. Lin Dept of Mathematics Temple University Philadelphia, PA 19122 %mt,be So: sep. mail Dr. M.-S. Liou, MS 5-11 NASA Lewis Research Center CLEVELAND, OH 44135 %* Dr. W. Meecham California Research and Technology 20943 Devonshire St CHATSWORTH CA 91311-2376 %mt,i Prof. M. Nagashima Dept. of Mechanical Engineering Kogakuin University Shinjuku Nishishinjuku 1-24-2 Tokyo 160 JAPAN Prof. S. Nishijima Institute of Production Engg. Tokyo University Minato-ku Roppongi 7-22-1 Tokyo 106 JAPAN Prof. K.D. Papailiou Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines Technical University of Athens P.O. Box 64069 15710 ATHENS, Greece %mk,be Dr. J. Piquet CFD Group, LHN URA 1217 CNRS ENSM, 1 rue del la Noe 44072 Nantes Cedex, FRANCE %mk,be Dr. S.K. Saxena Aerodynamics Division Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre Trivandrum 695 022 INDIA %mk,b Dr A.N. Secundov Central Institute of Aviation Motors Aviamotornaya Str. 2 Moscow 111250 USSR %mke Dr. George R. Sell Director, AHPCRC 200 Union St. S.E., Rm 6-196 EE/CS Minneapolis, MN 55455-0154 %me Dr T.-H. Shih Inst. for Computational Mech. %mt,e in Propulsion NASA Lewis Research Center CLEVELAND, OH 44135 Prof. T. Shizawa Mech. Engg Dept Science University of Tokyo 1-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo, 162 Japan %e,b Dr. B.R. Smith General Dynamics, MZ 2677 PO Box 748 Fort Worth, TX 76101 %mk,be Dr. R.M.C. So Dept. of Mech. and Aero. Engg. Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287-6106 %mt,bi Prof. T. Takami Faculty of Engineering Hiroshima University Higashihiroshima Nishijoshitami 724 JAPAN Dr. D.C. Wilcox DCW Industries, Inc. 5354 Palm Drive La Canada, CA 91011 %ma,c Dr. D.H. Wood Mech Engg Dept University of Newcastle Newcastle, NSW 2308 Australia %e ******************Agency Representatives******************** Dr. D. Bushnell Fluid Mech. Div., Mail Stop 197 NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, VA 23665 %e Dr. F.X. Caradonna MS 215-1 NASA Ames Research Center MOFFETT FIELD CA 94035 %e Dr. T. Doligalski Army Research Office P.O. Box 112211 %e 4300 S. Miami Blvd. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Dr. S. Lekoudis, code 1132 Office of Naval Research 800 N. Quincy Street Arlington, VA 22217 %e Dr. L. Sakell AFOSR/NA, Bldg 410 Bolling Air Force Base Washington DC 20332 %e