Header Instructions in Header Header Background color Information fields Connect & Exit buttons Go Viewport Section 1: Queue Name: (Queue name is provided by OCLC and used as the directory name as well as file name /queue/queue.html and /queue/queue_OUT.html) Section 2: Patron form data language rules Intake form section Options Default Library selection Page language Any ASCII based language English Default. Is it acceptable to display both languages on the same page NA Yes. Display both Traditional Chinese & English. Do the Connect and Exit buttons need to be translated? NA No. Do alerts or error messages need to also appear in this language? Alerts and Error messages appear in English Default Example: nom/name? Section 3: Patron Intake form Intake form section Header Graphic Header background color Instructions in header Text on the form Anonymous session Exit Button Viewport Options 224x24 pixels Gif or jpg on a transparent background Note that file size will impact the load time of the form Any color that can be expressed in HEX notation Text is displayed as a graphic and cannot be copied and pasted Default Optional. Sometimes contains rules for service use. Yes or No If Yes: Insert desired text label. None If Yes: Insert text for the hyperlink to the explanation of anonymity Any URL Any non frame-busting* URL Library selection Please see the attachment named “umask.gif”. 7EA778 Please enter the following and click the “Connect” button To use the real-time chat reference service, please enter the required information below and then click the “Connect” button. 若要使用實時參考 服務,請輸入以下所需資 訊,然後按“Connect” 鍵。 Default Yes Check this box to make this session anonymous. Please click here for explanation. No http://www.lii.org QP default http://library.umac.mo http://library.umac.mo/serv ices/reference/reference.ht ml * Frame busting is a technique used by HTML designers to prevent a given page from being loaded within a framed HTML page. It is also known as Reload page outside the frame Section 4: Patron Intake Form data fields. Total of 13 fields. a) Default Fields (3) You may change the Default Text Label and/or the “required” option. You may also choose not to use any or all of these fields. Indicate whether or not you wish to OMIT the particular field in its corresponding Library selection column. Intake form section Name field Email field Question field Options Text Label Required Yes or No Text label Required Yes or No Do you want this field confirmed by requiring the email to be reentered? If email confirmation is required. Text label Required Yes or No Default First Name No Email Address No Yes Library selection Your Name 姓名: Yes Your Email Address 電郵: Yes No Confirm Email Address Your Question: No Your Question 問題: Yes b) Optional Fields (Maximum of 10) This page displays the 5 optional fields currently used by the default template. The library may change ANY FIELD THEY WISH. Please use the blank field template on the next page for any changes to the first 5 fields, and indicate which fields you are changing by checking the box in the corresponding field on this page. Intake form sections Field 1 Options Text Label If you wish to change this field, check here: _____ and enter the desired change on next page Field 2 If you wish to change this field, check here: _____ and enter the desired change on next page Field 3 If you wish to change this field, check here: _____ and enter the desired change on next page Field 4 If you wish to change this field, check here: _____ and enter the desired change on next page Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Default To have a phone conversation with your rep during this session, enter your phone # Text box No Phone Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Name of Your School (required) Text box Yes School Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Zip Code Text box No Zip code Text Label Field format What is your Internet Connection? Drop down with the following options: Select one Hi-Speed Dialup Don’t Know No Connection Field 5 If you wish to change this field, check here: _____ and enter the desired change on next page Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Are you using a software firewall? (ex: Norton Internet Security Drop down with the following options: Yes No I don’t know No Firewall Optional Fields (1-5 changes.) Use this page to change default Optional data fields from previous page Intake form sections Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Options Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value for librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Library selection Your Phone Number 電話: Text box No Phone Your User Type 讀者類別: Drop down with the following options: Academic Staff 教學人員 Administrative Staff 行政人員 CPU Student 預科生 Postgraduate Student 研究生 Undergraduate Student 本科生 Not Affiliated With UM 校外人士 Yes User Type Your Faculty/Centre 所屬學院/中心: Drop down with the following options: CCE 持續進修中心 CMS 澳門研究中心 CPU 預科中心 ELC 英語中心 FBA 工商管理學院 FED 教育學院 FLL 法學院 FSH 社會科學及人文學院 FST 科技學院 ICMS 中華醫藥研究所 ISCG 博彩研究所 Others 其他 Yes Faulty/Centre Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Optional Fields continued. (Blank field template for fields 6 to 10) Use this page to add any additionally desired fields to your form Field 6 Field 7 Field 8 Field 9 Field 10 Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Text Label Field format Required Yes or No Field value used in the librarian monitor, transcripts and reports Section 5: OUT PAGE This is the page patrons see when no librarian is monitoring chat Header Instructions in Header Header Background color Text on Page Exit button go Intake form section Header Graphic Header background color Instructions in header Text on the page Exit Button Options 224x24 pixels Gif or jpg Note that file size will impact the load time of the form Any color that can be expressed in HEX notation Default (Same as patron intake form) Please see the attachment named “umask.gif”. (Same as patron intake form) 7EA778 Text is displayed as a graphic and cannot be copied and pasted Sorry no librarians are available at this time. Often includes hours of service and other options for the patron to consider such as links to web form or other web pages The QuestionPoint online reference service is not available at this time. Please try again in a few minutes. Any URL Library selection http://www.lii.org Real-time Reference Service Hours: 15:00 - 17:00 (Monday to Friday). The service will be suspended during public holidays. 實時參考服務時間: 15:00 – 17:00 (星期一至星期五)。公眾 假期將暫停服務。 Sorry! The librarian is not available at this moment. You can send us your question via the Email Form or contact a reference librarian at 3978170 during the following Reference Desk Hours: Monday - Friday: 9:00 20:30 Saturday: 9:30 - 17:30 Sunday: 10:30 - 18:30 對不起!圖書館員現時未能為您 提供服務,您可以透過電郵表格 將您的問題寄給我們或在以下參 考諮詢台服務時間內致電 3978170 與參考館員聯絡。 星期一至星期五:9:00 20:30 星期六:9:30 - 17:30 星期日:10:30 - 18:30 。 http://library.umac.mo