Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 1 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A. GENERAL OUTLINE 1. Module 4: Francesca Gobbo, University of Turin 2. Session Title and Order (in case of more than one sessions, please specify eg. 1st, 2nd): 3. Duration of session: 4. Goals (please outline the general goals of the session): (3) CULTURES OF THE SCHOOLS (4) THE ARTS AND CULTURAL DIVERSITY (3) the theory of cultures of schools (4) imagining Roma cultural diversity (3) 2hours (4) 2 hours (3) to understand that schools and classrooms are a cultural environment organised and regulated by cultural ways, beliefs and values that are both specific of the contexts and connected to the wider society and culture. To analyze the continuity or discontinuity among the micro/meso/macro socio-cultural levels. (4) to reflect on how WE have at different times imagined and constructed (or reified) the cultures of others in music, literature, visual arts and movies, with particular regard to Roma people. 5. Teaching arrangements for place (eg. Circle, Seats in Line, Groups etc.) 6. Reading materials (such as book chapters, journal articles, newspaper articles etc. for reading prior or during the session) (3) circle; (3a) group work (4) circle; (4a) group work (3) paragraphs or chapters from books on anthropology of education presenting and discussing (i) the concepts of education and schooling in their dialectical relation to enculturation; (ii) the schools & classrooms as cultural & organisational contexts. Chapters on ethnographic research about the theory of cultural discontinuity and its critique, and on the cultural-ecological theory (i.e., classrooms attended by Roma pupils and/or migrant pupils). Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 2 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (4) novel, short stories, poems, movies (videos or dvds), music (cds), paintings relative to Roma people. 7. Structure of session (please specify Major activities and time in parenthesis eg. Introduction (10 minutes)) (3) introduction; (3a) collective & individual reflective work; (3b) group work; (3c) wrap up session (4) introduction; (4a) collective & individual reflective work; (4b) group work; (4c) wrap up session Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 3 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.ANALYTIC DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (OUTLINED IN A6 ABOVE) SESSION 1 Objectives: Teaching process: (3) CULTURES OF THE (3) to understand that schools SCHOOLS and classrooms are cultural environments organised and regulated by cultural ways, beliefs and values that are both specific of the contexts and connected to the wider society and culture. To analyse the continuity or discontinuity among the micro/meso/macro socio-cultural levels. Introduction (3) presentation of schools and classrooms as cultural environments organised and regulated by cultural ways, beliefs and values that are both specific of the contexts and connected to the wider society and culture. To analyse the continuity or discontinuity among the micro/meso/macro socio-cultural levels. Trainer’s presentation (of her/himself and module) and expectations Participants’ presentation and expectations Teaching material: (eg. Leaflets, Worksheets, Photos, etc) Evaluation: (if appropriate) Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 4 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Activity 1 Closing-Evaluation Group work on “Classroom Culture and Social Organisation”. Members are invited to look at their classroom as a “cultural environment” and describe how the classroom activity is organised, what expectations they have, what rules and roles are enacted, what differences are there (if any), how all the above may have changed following changes in school population. Group work: group members will describe the knowledge and social interactions that are enacted in schools and classrooms and attempt to interpret how they are related to the macro social dimension. Members’ own experiences and reflections. Members’ discussion and evaluation of Florio-Ruane’s article “Classroom Culture and Social Organization”. Wilson, Corbett, Webb’s article “School Climate and Culture” Gumperz’s article “Language in Education, Changing Views of: anthropological Perspectives”. SEE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Participants’ feedback and reflections on how to extend this activity to classroom Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 5 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B.ANALYTIC DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES (OUTLINED IN A6 ABOVE) SESSION 2 Objectives: Teaching process: (4) THE ARTS AND (4) to reflect on how we have CULTURAL DIVERSITY at different times imagined and constructed (or reified) the cultures of others in music, literature, visual arts and movies, with particular regard to Roma people. Introduction (4) presentation of how we have at different times imagined and constructed (or reified) the cultures of others in music, literature, visual arts and movies, with particular regard to Roma people. Activity 1 According to the medium chosen (novel, music, movie, etc.) the group work will be organised so that members discuss and interpret the various representations of others. Closing-Evaluation Trainer’s presentation (of her/himself and module) and expectations Participants’ expectations Participants’ feedback and reflections on how to extend this activity to classroom Teaching material: (eg. Leaflets, Worksheets, Photos, etc) Trainer’s proposal of novel, short stories, poems, movies (videos or dvds), music (cds), paintings relative to Roma people. Participants’ alternative proposals. Country specific material Evaluation: (if appropriate) Comenius-Project 134018-LLP-1-2007-1-CY-COMENIUS-CMP 6 Teacher In-Service Training for Roma Inclusion (INSETRom) Curriculum -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Florio Ruane S. (1994), “Classroom Culture and Social Organization: Anthropological Study of”, in International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 2, pp. 796-807. Ogbu J. U. (1994), “Social Stratification and Education: Anthropological Perspectives”, in International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 9, pp. 5567-72. Gumperz J.J. (1994), “Language in Education, Changing Views of: Anthropological Perspectives”, in International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 6, pp. 3235-38. Wilson B. L., Corbett H. D., Webb J. (1994), “School Culture and Climate”, in International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 9, pp. 5206-52. Emihovich C. (1994), “Cultural Continuities and Discontinuities in Education”, in International Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 3, pp. 1227-1233.