acadmic standards and academic integrity

The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business – MBAA 601
Loyola Marymount University
College of Business Administration
Fall 2006
The Legal and Ethical Environment of Business – MBAA 601
7:15 - 10:00pm Wednesdays – Three (3) credit hours
Room 109 Hilton
Blackboard Website: MBAA-601-01 Business Law 200630
Rev. Mark R. Bandsuch, S.J., J.D.
Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing and Business Law
Mondays 11:00am-12:30pm & 4:00-5:30 pm
Wednesdays 4:00-5:30 pm, 6:30 – 7:00 pm and 10:00-11:00
(MBA students prioritized Wednesday evening)
Other times by Appointment
Office Room: 228 Hilton Center
Phone: 310-338-2962
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century, 5th Ed., by Bagley
and Savage [Bagley, Constance E., Savage Diane W., Managers and the Legal
Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century, 5th Ed (Mason, Ohio: Thomson-West,
2006).] Other readings will be provided in class.
A practical course that focuses on the nature, formation and application of the law in
relation to business. The class introduces the different dimensions of the legal and ethical
environment and their influence on business in order to facilitate business management and
decision-making. Please note that this course is reading intensive (in both amount and
1. To facilitate an understanding of the U.S. legal environment (its systems, sources and
structures of law) and its relationship with and influence on business.
2. To gain insight into certain legal principles and policies that impact business (e.g.,
agency, contract, tort, antitrust, labor, and property law).
3. To develop the skills of stakeholder management, analysis, application, research and
communication of the legal and ethical environment in order to assist business decisionmaking.
4. To investigate prominent legal and ethical issues as manifested in business and in its
relationship with stakeholders.
The method of instruction will include lectures, case studies, group
projects, class dialogue, guest speakers, exams, papers, homework, research, reading,
service-learning and audio-visual aids.
See LMU Bulletin for Last day to withdraw or apply for Credit/No Credit.
(See academic calendar for refund schedules)
Assignments include the designated reading (i.e., the text, cases, internet, handouts, etc.)
class participation, two exams (one midterm and one final exam), a group project
(presentation and paper), a service-learning project and one five-page research paper.
Written homework and quizzes will be part of almost every class. Late assignments
receive point reductions (the number of points deducted may vary within the instructor’s
discretion depending on the student’s reason for the tardiness). Please consult instructor
about any problems (he is here to help).
Percentage values of assignments toward Final Course Grades are:
10% = Class Participation (is important).
10% = Weekly Homework
15% = Weekly Quizzes
15% = Group Project (presentation and short memo/paper).
15% = Exam #1/Midterm
15% = Individual Research Memorandum/Paper
20% = Final Exam (which is cumulative, but emphasis on later material)
[Extra Credit exists in the form of community service and other activities per instructor’s approval]
The breakdown of grades (by percentage) shall be:
A = 93 and above
A- = 90 - 92
B+ = 87 - 89
B = 83 - 86
(Very Good)
B- = 80 - 82
C+ = 77 - 79
C = 73 - 76
C- = 70 - 72
D = 60 - 69
F = 59 and below
[Also, Credit, No Credit, Non-graded, Audit, Incomplete, Withdrawal]
Regular and punctual attendance is expected in all classes. Excused
absences are given at the discretion of the instructor for reasons that include serious illness,
accidents, emergencies and other acceptable reasons that are confirmed.
Excused absences still result in point reductions for missed or late assignments, but
the number of points deducted may vary depending on the reason for the absence. Missed
tests, quizzes and assignments may NOT be made-up if a student's absence is not excused.
Furthermore, every absence (whether excused or not) reduces the student's final grade for
the course by two percentage points (e.g., 4 absences reduces a final course grade of 89%
to 81%). Students should request an excused absence from the instructor before the
missed class (or if not possible, then as soon after as possible). Lateness to class will
reduce your class participation grade and if frequent be treated as an absence.
Students are expected to know and adhere to the LMU’s Honor Code (pp.59-61 of the
Undergraduate Bulletin). Please realize that violations of these policies may result in a
grade of “0” for the particular assignment, failure for the course, and/or dismissal from the
MISCELLANEOUS: The student is responsible for the knowledge of and adherence to the
regulations and policies contained in the LMU Bulletin and Student
Handbook. The professor reserves the right to alter the policies and the
schedule of this syllabus as the semester progresses.
Week 1
8/30 W
Chapters 1 (p. 1-49)
Syllabus, Case Briefing, Memorandum
Intro to Legal and Ethical Environment of Business
Stakeholder Management
Week 2
9/6 W
[Quiz #1, Homework#1]
Chapter 3 and 4 (p.93-164)
Courts and ADR
Week 3
9/13 W
[Quiz#2, Homework#2– Personal and Professional Goals Paper]
Chapter 14 (p.503-552)
Criminal Law
[Group #?]
[Group Projects information explained]
Week 4
9/20 W
[Quiz#3, Homework#3]
Chapter 2 (p.51-92)
[Group #?]
Week 5
9/27 W
[Quiz#4, Homework#4]
Chapter 12 and 13 (p.415-502)
Reading Intensive
[Group #1]
Week 6
10/4 W
[Quiz#5, Homework#5]
Chapter 9 and 10 (p.295-365)
[Group #2]
Constitutional Law
(Equal Protection, Due Process)
Employment Law
Discrimination/Diversity Issues
Tort Liability, Intentional Torts, Negligence
Commercial Torts, Products Liability
Week 7
10/11 W
[Quiz#6, Homework#6]
Chapter 6 &17 (p.189-210; 633-674) Administrative Agencies
[Group #3]
FTC Consumer Protection Laws
Week 8
10/18 W
[Exam #1] (all material to this point including today’s Agency Law)
Chapter 5 (p.165-187)
[Research memorandum/Paper assignment distributed]
[Group Projects information explained]
Week 9
10/25 W
Week 10
11/1 W
[Quiz#7, Homework#7]
Chapter 7 and 8 (p.212-293)
Reading Intensive
[Group #4]
[Quiz#8, Homework#8]
Chapter 11 (p.367-412)
Chapters 18 (p.675-706)
[Group #5]
Contracts and Sales
Intellectual Property
Real Property
Week 11
11/8 W
[Quiz#9, Homework#9 - Paper Topic/Outline Due]
Chapter 15 (p.553-584)
Environmental Law
[Group #6]
Week 12
11/15 W
[Quiz#10, Homework#10]
Chapters 19, 20 and 21 (p.707-815) Business Organizations
Reading Intensive (excerpts)
Executive Compensation
[Group #7]
11/22 W
No Class. MBA Policy.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Week 13
11/29 W
Chapters 16 (p.585-631)
Research Papers Due
Antitrust Law
Week 14
12/6 W
Chapter 22 and 23 (p.817-906)
Reading Intensive (Excerpts)
[Group #?]
Securities Regulation
[Also Chapter 21, p.783-815 if skipped above]
12/13 W
Final Exam (Cumulative)
7:15-10:00 p.m. in same room