SECOND SUNDAY OF ORDINARY TIME January 20, 2008 Masses for Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 12:30PM (Spanish) Monday 9:00AM Tuesday 9:00AM January 19 John H. Melious r/o Children January 20 Second Sunday of Ordinary Time People of the Parish Sophie Reedy r/o Altar Rosary Society Edward Foy r/o Alice Naticzak Jerome Vogel, Jr. r/o Family of Jerome Vogel, Jr. January 21 St. Agnes Nicholas Livera r/o Deacon Ed & Marie Hartmann January 22 St. Vincent Sally Giorlando r/o John & Maureen Fitzsimmons Wednesday 9:00AM January 23 In Memory of the 15th Anniversary of Michael J. Kovacs r/o Ron & Mary Lou Kovacs Thursday January 24 St. Francis de Sales Marquerite & Wilma Alexovits r/o Alice Naticzak 9:00AM Friday 9:00AM Saturday 5:00PM Sunday 7:30AM 9:00AM 11:00AM 12:30PM (Spanish) January 25 Conversion of St. Paul Veronica Gneiding r/o The Parish Community January 26 St. Timothy & St. Titus Sally Giorlando r/o Marge Mc Laughlin January 27 Third Sunday of Ordinary Time People of the Parish Blessings for Our Siblings Kathy, Linda, Peter & Elizabeth r/o Karole & Terry Bradunas James Salvero r/o Sophie Reedy Ernesto Pascual, Sr. & Bebiana Pascual r/o Del Rosario & Yangco Families Please remember all the sick in our parish, especially Mary Winchurch, Stanley T. Szymanski, Bill Melious, Rita Murphy, Elizabeth Fama, Mary Re, Frank Monticello, Marty Stasyshan, Douglas Ort, Maureen Fitzsimmons, Irene Kapral, Carol Rusche, Angela Livera The Sanctuary Candle burning before our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament In Memory of Michelina “Mickey” Cortese at the request of The De Luca Family News around the Diocese…….. Disciples of Christ…Stewards of His Gifts So many wonderful programs and ministries are at work each and every day across Hunterdon, Middlesex, Somerset and Warren coutnies – will you support these ministries and programs? You can do that by making a gift to the 2007 Bishop’s Annual Appeal – Diocese of Metuchen for 2007 if you have yet to do so. We thank those families for their heartfelt generosity because your gift wiill help to serve God’s People in need. We also thank those families yet to make a commitment for their prayerful consideration of a gift. FIRST MASS FOR JOURNALISTS will be held on Sunday, February 3rd at 10:00AM at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Chapel, 146 Metlars Lane in Piscataway. Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski will be the principal celebrant at the Mass which honors journalists of all faiths who work in the media fields of print and broadcast media. Father Joseph G. Celano, Pastor of St. Bernard Clairvaux in Bridgewater will deliver the homily. A light brunch will follow the Mass. RSVP by January 28 by calling 732-562-2461 or email: jward@diometuchen CATHOLIC CHARITIES is in need of a Volunteer Coordinator to manage recruiting, evaluating, training, placing and scheduling of volunteers at Catholic Charities located in Phillipsburg. Responsibilities include operational function of the food pantry and thrift store and providing case management services to low-income families either through volunteeer assignment or direct contact with clients. BA/BS or BSW, flexibility, 1-2 years experience in the social work field or related areas. If interested, please contact Sr. M. Michaelita Popovice, Program Director at 908859-5447 PARISH CENSUS… all registered households have been mailed a parish registration form. If you have not yet completed this form, kindly take a moment to complete and return to the Parish Office. Thank You! CONTRIBUTION STATEMENTS….will be mailed weekly by request only. Please call the Parish Office 908-689-0058 if you would like to receive your 2007 Contribution Statement. OUR WEEKLY OFFERING WEEKLY COSTS: (July – December average) Church Expenses (including mortgage) $8,289.00 Catholic School Subsidies 682.00 Diocesan PAF Loan 1,116.00 TOTAL $10,087.00 WEEKLY INCOME January 5 / 6 Bingo Income Other Income Solemnity of Mary – January 1 TOTAL Weekly Surplus / Deficit $8,249.00 934.85 230.25 1,381.00 $10,795.00 $708.00 Diocesan Together in Charity Collection $1,287.00 WEEKLY INCOME January 12 / 13 Bingo Income Other Income Winter Fuel Collection TOTAL Weekly Surplus / Deficit $6,947.00 $1,671.75 $1,058.15 $1,530.00 $11,206.90 $1,119.90 THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Sunday, January 20 7:00PM – Bingo / Auditorium Monday, January 21 Parish Office will be Closed in Observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Tuesday, January 22 4:30PM – Religious Education (Grades 1a, 2a, 3a) 6:00PM – Religious Education (Grades 1b, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5a) 7:30PM – Religious Education (Grades 6a, 7a, 8a) 7:30PM – Knights of Columbus Meeting / Knights Rm Wednesday, January 23 5:30PM – Religious Education (Grades 1c, 2c, 3c, 4b) 7:00PM – Religious Education (Grades 4c, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8b) 7:00PM – Baptism Preparation Class / Meeting Rm 7:00PM – Bingo / Auditorium 7:00PM – Spanish Ministry Children’s Choir / Chapel Thursday, January 24 7:30PM – Adult Choir Practice / Church Saturday, January 26 3:30PM – Children’s Choir Practice / Church 6:30PM – Adult Choir Practice / Church SAINT JOSEPH PARISH invites parishioners to become more involved in parish organizations. Please contact the following people for information. Adult Faith Formation Deacon Ed 908-689-0544 Maryellen Ridder 908-689-2361 Advertising Judy Stahl 908-454-7761 Altar Rosary Society Ann Krouse 908-689-1309 Arts & Environment Sharon Levin 908-689-7605 Bible Sharing Rev. Blaise R. Baran 908-689-0058 Bingo Steve Kesty 908-537-2318 Couples Club Bill Reed 908-689-7424 Evangelization Nancy Alpaugh 908-689-4952 Grounds Committee Ron Kovacs 908-689-1927 Hispanic Ministry Jose Santiago 908-752-7623 Hospitality Ministry Karole Bradunas 908-537-0834 Knights of Columbus Bill Wargin 908-689-6747 Ministry Schedule Laura Torres 908-689-0058 Music Ministry Therese Butler 908-303-9402 Nurses Ministry Florence Noctor 908-689-7755 Outreach Ministry MaryJane Lusardi 908-689-0257 Pre-Cana Barbara & Jim Mc Aloon 908-689-4560 Pro-Life Committee Mary Kovacs 908-689-0058 Religious Education Marta Jackson 908-689-0093 RCIA Sr. Kathy Mc Gonigle 908-835-1679 Separated/Divorced Catherine Papp 908-859-1462 Social Club Dottie & Frank Mc Laughlin 908-213-1116 Ushers Bob Oakley 908-689-1912 Vocations Rev. Blaise R. Baran 908-689-0058 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION R.C.I.A. – If you are interested in becoming a member of the Catholic faith or have questions regarding the Catholic faith, please contact Sister Kathy Mc Gonigle at 908-835-1679 BIBLE STUDY – The next series of Bible Study Sessions “The Passion and Resurrection Narratives of Jesus” will begin the week of February 3rd. If you have any questions, please call the parish Office 908-689-0058 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION is available 1st grade through 8th. One needs to come to Religious Education every year. Please call Mrs. Marta Jackson at the Religious Education Office 689-0093 for further information. EUCHARISTIC HOLY HOUR FOR VOCATIONS will be held on Wednesday, February 20th 9:00AM – 9:00PM in the Chapel. All are invited to spend some quite, reflective time in prayer. A Note from our Pastor…….. Dear Friends, “Ordinary time is anything but ordinary.” As we leave the Advent-Christmas Seasons, we move into the Season of Ordinary Time. This season is distinguished by the Scriptures chosen by the Church at our Masses as well as by the color vestments worn by the priests and deacons – green. Though the Season is referred to as ordinary, it is anything but…Through this season Jesus calls each of us by name and invites us, challenges us to walk in His footsteps. As we walk His path through His Word this Season, let us keep alive the Hope that the green vestments speak – Hope in His eternal promise. Each of us has been personally called! Each of us needs to make a personal response! -Father Blaise SAINT JOSEPH OUTREACH MINISTRIES OUTREACH MINISTRY: We are in desperate need of volunteers to work at the Washington Area Food Pantry. The hours are 9:00AM – 11:00AM on Tuesdays at the Presbyterian Church. Please contact MaryJane at 908-6890257 for more information. COMMUNITY LENTEN LUNCH: Saint Joseph Church will be hosting a free lunch at the Methodist Church on February 9th from 11:00AM – 1:00PM. Next weekend, January 26th / 27th, The Outreach Ministry will have sign-up sheets in the Narthex for volunteers to make soup, sandwiches, dessert and to work in the kitchen. All are welcome to attend this lunch as an important part of this event is to socialize with our guests. It is an opportunity to bring out the “Mary and Martha” in all of us. Please join us if you can. PARISH NURSES MINISTRY: Blood Pressure Screenings will take place after each Mass on the weekend of February 2nd / 3rd. Mark your calendars – the Health Fair will be offered on Saturday, May 17, 2008 starting at 10:00AM. BLOOD DRIVE for Miller-Keystone Blood Center will be sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council #5170 on Sunday, January 27th starting at 8:00AM – 12:45PM in the Parish Hall. Sign-ups are located in the Narthex. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Council #5170 will be sponsoring a Lenten Fish Fry on the following Friday evenings, February 8, February 22, & March 7th starting at 5:00PM in the Community Room. Details to follow. COUPLES CLUB will be sponsoring IRISH NITE VI on Saturday, March 8th starting at 6:00PM in the Parish Hall. Cost $20.00 Per Person. Tables may be reserved with a purchase of 8 – 10 tickets. For more information you may call Matt & Michelle Reid at 908-319-1393 or Bill & Sue Smith 908-689-4857. Tickets will also be available in the Parish Office. Mark your calendars and Save the Date! SOCIAL CLUB will be sponsoring a bus trip to Atlantic City. Mardi-Gras at Showboat Casino on Monday, February 4th Parades, Floats & More - Bonus $22.00 + $5.00 Food Cost of Trip $22.00 - please call Dottie 908-213-1116 Finance Committee – the next meeting will be held on Saturday, Febraury 9th at 9:00PM in the Meeting Room. Pastoral Committee – the next meeting will be held on Thursday, February 21st at 7:30PM in the Community Room.