EDD 5229 Liberal Studies in Knowledge Society Lecture 5 Understanding the Curriculum Content of Liberal Studies I: Society and Culture in Informal-Global System A. Understanding Area II in NSS Liberal Studies 1. In search of a cognitive schema to make sense of Area II: Society and Culture a. The three modules of the Area i. Hong Kong Today ii. Modern China iii. Globalization b. The dialectic between globalization and local context of HK & China i. Globalization as a process of “annulment of temporal/spatial distances” (Bauman, 1998, p.18). ii. “Hong Kong today” and “modern China” as social entities of particular time and place. c. The dialectic between HKSAR and sovereign China i. Dialectic between “One Country and Two Systems” ii. Dialectics between two governmental systems iii. Dialectics between two legal civil systems iv. Dialectics between two economic systems v. Dialectics between two cultural systems 2. Dialectics in institutional perspective a. Globally mobile institutions vs. locally embedded institutions b. Institutional dialectics between the sovereignty of PRC and the autonomy of HKSAR c. Institutional dialectics between bureaucratic-authoritarian state and liberal and democratizing state d. Institutional dialectics between socialism with Chinese characteristics and liberal “Chinese” capitalism e. Institutional dialectics between civil society of bureaucratic-authoritarian traditionalism in mainland China and civil society of liberal-instrumental colonialism in HK 1 1 W.K. Tsang Liberal Studies in Knowledge Society Globalization As annulment of temporal/spatial distances Dialectic 1 As a social entity of specific time & space HK Today Two Systems W.K. Tsang Liberal Studies in Knowledge Society Post-nationalism Post-national economy Global emigrant society Post-sovereign state Hollowed government Post-traditional society Hybrid cultures Flexible family “Classless” society . . . Dialectic 3 One nationality One sovereign state Two governmental administrations Two civil-legal systems Two public spheres Two civil societies Two cultures/mass-media institutions . . Dialectic 2 As a social entity of specific time & space Modern China One Country 2 2 B. Understanding “Impact of Globalization and Related Response”: Formulation of the Issue 1. What is globalization? 2. On what does globalization impact? 3. Who or what will respond to globalization and how? C. Understanding Globalization 1. Debate on the origins of globalization a. A.G. Frank & Grill (1993) World History Perspective: Globalization originated 5000 year ago, i.e. in 3000, in Mesopotamia when supralocal exchange systems began to take shape. b. Braudel (1979) & Wallerstein (1974) World-system Approach: Originated from the 16th century, mercantile capitalism first emerged in coastal cities in the Mediterranean sea. c. J. W. Meyer (1979) World Polity Perspective: Originated from the late 18th & early 19th century and the constitution of inter-state competition world polity d. M. Castell (1996) & M. Carnoy (2000) Global IT Economy Perspective: Originated from 1970s as technological breakthrough in microelectronics, telecommunication, and micro-computer. 2. The advent of the Informational-Global paradigm The infrastructure of IT paradigm: It was a series of technological breakthroughs in the mid-1970s that had laid the technological foundation of IT paradigm in global scale. a. The development of microelectronics: Invention of the microprocessor in 1971. b. The development of computers: Construction of microcomputer around the microprocessor in 1976 c. The development of telecommunication: i 1970s, telecommunication turned from analog to digital transmissions ii 1970s, the development of optoelectronics (fiber optics and laser transmission iii. These two technological breakthroughs constituted the two building blocks of the so-called Information Superhighway in the 1990s 3. Definition of globalization: In connection to the advent of the informational-global paradigm, the globalization at the end of the twentieth century has outgrown its ancestors in bridging if not annulling the temporal and spatial distances between human societies and cultures i. David Harvey (1989) in The Condition of Postmodernity has simply defines globalization as “time-space compression”. It signifies “processes that so revolutionize the objective qualities of space and time that we are force to alter … how we represent the world to ourselves.” (p. 240) ii. Anthony Giddens (1994) in The Consequences of Modernity indicates that “globalization is really about the transformation of space and time. I would define it as action at distance, and relate its growth over recent years to the development of means of instantaneous global communication and mass transportation.” (1994, p. 22) iii. Zygmunt Bauman (1998): Globalization as “annulment of 33 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education temporal/spatial distances” (1998, p.18). iv. Manuel Castells (1996): Castells defines globalization as a process "to overcome limits of time and space." (Castells, 1996, p. 92-93) As a result, it enables human institutions, such as the economy, and organization, such as the firm, "to work as a unit in real time on a planetary scale." (Castells, 1996, p. 92) v. Ulrich Beck (2000): "Globalization…denotes the process through which sovereign national states are criss-cross and undermined by transnational actors with varying prospects of power, orientations, identities and networks." (Beck, 2000, p. 11) D. Impacts of Globalization on Social Institutions 1. Castells underlines two essential consequences of globalization. They are a. Space of flow: Manuel Castells (1996) underlines that one of the profound features brought about by the global-informational infrastructure is the separation of simultaneous social practices from physical contiguity, that is time-sharing social practices are no long embedded in locality of close proximity and/or within finite boundary. As a result, the traditional notion of space of places has been transformed into space of flows. In informational network, such as the internet, "no place exists by itself, since the positions are defined by flows." There is practically no boundary, no concepts of center or periphery, no beginning or end. It is all but flows. b. Timeless time: Castells also underlines that the global-Informational infrastructure has also transform the conception of time in human society. Time is no longer comprehended in terms of localities around the globe according to the international time-zones. Human activities around the global can be coordinated "simultaneously" in disregard of conception of local time, such as morning, evening, late at night, etc. Furthermore, with the aid of IT, the conventional linear, sequential, diachronic concepts of time has been disturbed. "Timing becoming synchronic inflate horizon, with no beginning, no end, no sequence." (Castells, 1996, p. 74) 2. Economic consequences of globalization a. The advent of informational-global economy “A new economy has emerged in the last two decades on a worldwide scale. I call it information and global to identify its fundamental distinctive features and to emphasize their intertwining. i. It is informational because the productivity and competitiveness of units or agents in this economy (its firms, regions, or nations) fundamentally depend upon their capacity to generate, process, and apply efficiently knowledge-based information. ii. It is global because the core activities of production, consumption, and circulation, as well as their components (capital, labor, raw materials management, information, technology, market) are organized on a global scale. Either directly or through a network of linkages between economic agents.” (Castell, 1996, p. 66) b. The growing influences of international organizations, such as WTO (World Trade Organization), IMF (International Monetary Fund), World Bank, etc; and multinational corporations in global economic affairs. c. The retreat of the economic nationalism: Economic nationalism, a common label for economic policies implemented by national governments since the 44 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education WWII, is shrinking rapidly. Economic policies such as tariff protectionism, subsidizing national industrial and agricultural sectors, exchange-rate of national currency, etc. have lost its leveraging power in face of global competitions and the interventions from international control over international organizations and multi-national corporations. d. The constitution of flexibility and compatibility in economic processes: Confronted by global competitions and intervention, economic units and agents (nations, regions, firms and even individual workers) must transform themselves in two fundamental ways. i. Flexibility: By flexibility, it refers to the state of affairs in which “not only processes are reversible, but organizations and institutions can be modified, and even fundamentally altered, by rearranging their components. What is distinctive to the configuration of the new technological paradigm is its ability to reconfigure, a decisive feature in a society characterized by constant change and organizational fluidity. Turning the rules upside down without destroying the organization has become a possibility, because the material basis of the organization can be reprogrammed and uprooted.” (Castells, 1996, p. 62) In production, traditional rigid gigantic assembly lines have given way to “easy-to program production units that can be sensitive to variations in the market (product flexibility) and in the changes of technological output (process flexibility). (p. 155) ii. Compatibility: It refers to another feature in informational-global economy that agents can no longer operating in “self-contained and self-sufficient” units. They must find ways to integrate into the global-informational systems. To do that, the unit itself must re-engineer to become more compatible and convertible, more specifically turn itself to be a global hub to fit all shape and size. 3. Social consequences of globalization: a. Concept of virtual community: i. Dissolve of the temporal-spatial foundations of social community: “The so-called 'closely knit communities' of yore were … brought into being and kept alive by the gap between the nearly instantaneous communication inside the small-scale community and the enormity of time and expense needed to pass information between locality. On the other hand, the present-day and short life-span of communities appears primarily to be the result of the gap shrinking or altogether disappearing: inner-community communication has no advantage over inter-communal exchange, if both are instantaneous.” (Bauman, 1998, p.5) ii. The advent of the virtual community: The new form of community emerges in the cyberspace of the Internet. Howard Rheingold has called it the virtual community. “Virtual communities are social aggregations that emerge from the Net when enough people carry on those public discussions long enough, with sufficient human feeling, to form webs of personal relationship in cyberspace.” (Rheingold, 1989, p.3) b. Concept of flexible work and flexible family i. The concept of flexible work: “With increased competition in the 55 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education globalized economy and the rapidly rising capacity to use ‘world time’ to enhance productivity, the very best workers are now those who never sleep, never consume, never have children, and never spend time socializing outside of work.” (Carnoy, 2000, p.143) They are required to be - Flexible in work schedule as well as work duration - Flexible in work locations as well as positions - Flexible in work conditions, flexibility has replaced fixed-term contract and long-term commitment between employers and employees ii. The concept of flexible family: The post-WWII stable family structure, which based on stable employment of the male head, has fundamentally changed in response to the advent of flexible work condition in informational-global economy. The very structure of one of the fundamental primary group in human society has to go flexible. That is working couple working in flexible schedules, in flexible locations, and on flexible work conditions. As a result, the very social functions of family institution, i.e. provision of emotional and knowledge-formation supports, are under serious threats. 4. Cultural consequences of globalization a. Legitimation crisis of cultural maintenance: One of the most profound impacts of globalization on culture is that it brings cultures, which are supposed to be self-legitimized, self-explained, and self-justified systems of meanings, in close contact. Each culture can no longer constitute and maintain its legitimation in isolation by cognitively explaining and normative justifying itself within its particular local contexts. They are force to rebuild its legitimation basis in global-informational context. b. The concept of post-traditional society: i. The concept of tradition can be defined as collective memories and rituals passed on through passage of time within a culture. (Giddens, 1994a, p. 63-64) ii. “A post-tradition social order…is not one in which tradition disappears far from it. It is one in which tradition changes its status. Traditions have to explain themselves, to become open to interrogation or discourse. … In a globalizing, culturally cosmopolitan society, traditions become forced into open view: reasons or justifications have to be offered for them.” (Giddens, 1994b, p.23) c. The rise of fundamentalism in global-informational age: "The rise of fundamentalism has to be seen against the backdrop of the emergence of the post-traditional society. … What is fundamentalism? It is, so I shall argue, nothing other than tradition defended in the tradition way but where that mode of defence has become widely called into question. … In a globally cosmopolitan order … such a defence become dangerous, because essentially it is a refusal of dialogue." (Giddens, 1994, p.23) d. The advent of global consumer culture: i. The proliferation of mass consumption, mass communication and mass media in global scale has spawned the global culture of consumerism. As a result, the global convergence of cultures based globalized commodity items, international brand names, world-wide life styles, etc. ii. As a result, a global-common way of life for globally mobile psyche 66 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education begins to emerge - Hoilday-Inn-ization - Starbucks-ization - MacDonold-ization - Nike-ization - Hollywood-ization - Disneyland-ization 5. Effects of Globalization on cultural and social identity a. Impact on cultural-temporal identity: Modern cultural identity, which refers to the sense of belonging accumulated through life-time of individual members of a culture and through historical-time of a national and societal culture, has given way to a new form of identity in global culture of consumerism. Individual’s self-image, self-representation, self-esteem as well as sense of belonging are no longer derived from one’s nationality, ethnicity, cultural heritage, but are based on commodity items one possess, the life style one lead, the “look” one present. b. Impact on social-spatial identity: Modern social identity, which refers to the sense of belonging nurtured by frequent and intensive contacts with socio-spatial groupings, has rapid lost its footing in informational-global context. As space of place turn into space of flow, individuals are free to select their social affiliations in global scale through the internet or even physically migrate to any locality of their choice if their can afford it. c. The concept of network individualism: Manuel Castells indicates in his work The Internet Galaxy that identity is the information age can be characterized as network individualism. “Networked individualism is a social pattern, not a collection of isolated individuals. Rather, individuals build their networks, on-line and off-line, on the basis of their interests, values, affinities, and projects.” (Castells, 2001, p. 131) It is basically a virtual identity in the virtual community of the Internet in self discretion. d. The concept of pure relationship (please refers to notes of Lecture 6). E. Impact of Globalization on Political Institutions: The Nation-State 1. Conception of the Industrial Welfare State (IWS) a. The essence of economic nationalism i. National tariff policy and trade protectionism ii. National exchange policy iii. The developmental state thesis for Asian later comers - National development as dominant objectives of economic policy - State policies and mechanisms intervening industrial development - Export-led industrialization b. The essence of corporatist and welfare state i. Development of welfare services as forms of social wages, public housing, public health and public education ii. Corporatist state mediating negotiations between big corporations and labor unions iii. Public and unemployment assistances as compensation for market failures 2. Bob Jessop’s thesis of the Keynesian Welfare National State (KWNS) a. Keynesian: It signifies the orientation of economic policies of the state, 77 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education which aims “to secure full employment in a relatively closed national economy and to do so mainly through demand-side management” (Jessop, 1999, p. 350) such as increase in government expenditure. b. Welfare: It signifies the orientation of social policies of the state, which aims to facilitate the process of reproduction of labor power for capitalistic economy. They mainly take the forms of provision of social wages, such as education and training, housing, medical services, other forms of social welfare. c. National: It indicates the scale of provision of economic and social policies is confined “within the historically specific (and social constructed) matrix of a national economy, a national state, and a society seen as comprising national citizens.” (ibid) d. State: It signifies that statist orientation, which assumes the efficiency of state institutions in supplementing, facilitating, and coordinating economic and social policies within the state boundary. 3. The erosion of economic nationalism and the the advent of the competition state a. The dominance of international institutions, e.g. WTO, MIF, World Bank, etc. b. Philip Cerny’s conception of competition state: i. “Globalization as a political phenomenon basically means that the shaping of the playing field of politics is increasing determined not within insulated units, i.e. relatively autonomous and hierarchically organized structures called states; rather, it derives from a complex congeries of multilevel games played on multi-layered institutional playing field, above and across, as well as within, state boundaries.” (Cerny, 1997, p.253) ii. “Rather than attempt to take certain economic activities out of the market, to ‘decommodifiy’ them as the welfare state in particular was organized to do, the competition state has pursued increased marketization in order to make economic activities located within the national territory, or which otherwise contribute to national wealth, more competitive in international and transnational terms.” (2000, p. 122-23) c. Policy features of competition state i. Erosion of economic nationalism ii. Retreat of the welfare state iii. Collapse of societal corporatism between labor and capital iv. The advent of fragmented state and the process of hallowing out the state by means of privatization, corporationization and marketization iv. Compliance to the imperatives of global competitions, multinational corporations and transnational agencies of governance 4. Bob Jessop’s conception of Schumpeterian Workfare Postnational Regime (SWPR) a. Schumpeterian: It signifies the replacement of Keynesian orientation in economic policy by the Schumpeterian orientation, which aims “to promote permanent innovation and flexibility in relative open economies by intervening on the supply-side and to strengthen as far as possible their structural and/or systemic competitiveness.” (Jessop, 1999, 355) In other words, the goal of securing full employment in economic policy has been 88 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education overshadowed if not completely replaced by the objective of promoting competitiveness. b. Workfare: It indicates that the welfare orientation in social policy has been superseded by the policy orientation, which focuses on subordinating the logic of social policies to that of economic policies, submitting the demand of social welfare to the demands of labour market flexibility, the imperative of workplace, and the strive for structural or systemic competitiveness. c. Postnational: It signifies the withering of the sovereignty of nation-state over economic and social policies within its national territory. It also indicates the prominence of international agencies, such as the IMF, World Bank, OECD etc, in determining economic and social policies at national level. d. Regime: It indicates that phenomenon of “hollowing out” of the state, which has been undertaken in capitalist states in the past three decades. It also implies the proliferation of non-governmental or even private agencies in the sector of public-policy provisions. As a result, the cohesive and coercive capitalist states have given way to the governance of policy networks. F. Impact of Globalization on Political Institutions: Political Participation 1. Erosion of the basis of national democracy a. Democracy as unity of identity of the people has been threatened by mobile and virtual identity of global citizenship b. Democracy as representation of the people has been threatened by representations of international organizations c. Democracy as measure of democratic rule of the people has been threatened by rule of international laws and organizations 2. The politics of the Internet: a. Transformation of the nature of social movement: The emergence of network social movement i. Replacement of material-based or even class-based social movement of the Cold-War era by post-material social movement or movement mobilized by cultural values. Replacement of struggles of space of place, e.g. class struggle, “position war” by struggle of space of flow, e.g. struggle for cultural ideas ii. Replacement of vertically integrated organization, such as political parties, trade unions, by horizontally connected, loosely coalized, semi-spontaneously mobilized networks iii. Social movement are elevating from local political arena to global context by means of the technological infrastructure of the Internet and the symbolic superstructure of the global culture b. The Transformation of civil society i. Formation of citizen networks: New forms of civil associations have emerged in the Internet ii. The emergence of cyber public-sphere and check-and-balance mechanism operating through the Internet iii. Paradoxically, the Internet also brings about the “prevalence of ‘scandal politics’” (Castells, 2001, p. 157) and the degradation of the “public” from a group of rational and critical deliberators of public issues to a 99 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education bunch of spectators on public shows c. Changes in the political ecology through the Internet i. The constitutions of informational warfare and cyber-guerilla-warfare: “The more a government and a society depend on their advanced communications network, the more likely they become exposed to (informational) attacks. Furthermore, unlike conventional or nuclear warfare, these attacks could be launched by individual hackers, or by small, able groups, who could escape detection or retaliation.” (Castells, 2001, p. 158-9) ii. The rise of “noopolitik”: The concept of noopolitik generates from the Greek word noos for ‘the mind’ (Ronfeldt and Arquilla, , 1997). It “refers to the political issues and the political activities arising from the formation of a ‘noosphere’, or global information environment, which includes cyberspace and all other information systems. Noopolitik can be contrast with realpolitik (and its underlying military power). …In a world characterized by global interdependence and shaped by information and communication, the ability to act on information flows and on media messages, become an essential tool for fostering a political agenda.” (Castells, 2001, p. 160) As a result, public diplomacy has become a new department in international diplomacy. iii. Swarming operation and the flash mobs: “‘Swarming’ represents a sharp departure from military concepts based on massive build-ups of fire power, armored hardware, and large concentrations of troops. It calls for small, autonomous units, provided with high fire power, good training, and real-time information. These ‘pods’ would form ‘clusters’ able to concentrate on an enemy target for a small fraction of time, inflicting major damage, and dispersing.” (Castells, 2001, 161) Analogues to this ‘network-centric warfare’ at the grassroots level is the flash mob. G. Hong Kong Today H. Modern China 1010 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education Globalization Modern China Social Institutions Society Culture Social Institutions Hong Kong Today 1111 W.K. Tsang Foundations of Disciplinary Knowledge and General Education