<PLAINTEXT> Page 1 ********************************************************** * * * N N RRRRRR CCCCC V V A X X * * NN N R R C C V V A A X X * * N N N R R C V V A A X X * * N N N RRRRRR C V V A A X * * N N N R R C V V AAAAAAA X X * * N NN R R C C V A A X X * * N N R R CCCCC V A A X X * * * ********************************************************** The NRCVAX Crystal Structure System ----------------------------------A.C.Larson, F.L.Lee, Y.Le Page, M.Webster, J.P.Charland & E.J.Gabe Chemistry Division, NRC, Ottawa, Canada, K1A 0R6. Table of Contents Introduction ............................................ System Data files ....................................... System Menus and Help Facilities ........................ System Free-format Terminal Input and Defaults .......... System Structure and Routines ........................... CREDUC SYSABS .......................................... CDFILE ABSORP DATRD2 .................................. PATVEC SOLVER MLTN80 FOURR .......................... UNIMOL CDEDIT DISPOW DISANG .......................... COFOUR PLTMOL PLUTO ORTEP .......................... PACKER LSTSQ MISSYM ERRANL .......................... TABLES UTILTY .......................................... BRANDX .................................................. IDCDRE PPLP .......................................... System Implementation ................................... System Parameters ....................................... Test Data ............................................... VAX System Implementation ............................... UNIX System Implementation .............................. System Specific Routines & Non-VAX Implementation ....... System Timing ........................................... System Reference ........................................ Appendix 1. Explanatory notes for ABSORB ............... Appendix 2. Explanatory notes for DATRD2 & IDATA ....... Appendix 3. Explanatory notes for MLTN80 with NRCVAX ... Appendix 4. Explanatory notes for CDEDIT ............... Appendix 5. Explanatory notes for LSTSQ with Batch ...... Appendix 6. Explanatory notes for LSTSQ with Rigid Groups Appendix 7. Explanatory notes for ORTEP with NRCVAX .... 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 22 23 26 27 27 28 34 38 40 47 48 63 Appendix 8. Explanatory notes for PPLP ................. Appendix 9. Sample Output Listings for Ruby ............ Appendix 10. CD File Contents ........................... Appendix 11. RE File Contents ........................... Appendix 12. NRCVAX TUTORIAL ............................ 65 68 83 90 91 Page 2 ********************************************************** * * * N N RRRRRR CCCCC V V A X X * * NN N R R C C V V A A X X * * N N N R R C V V A A X X * * N N N RRRRRR C V V A A X * * N N N R R C V V AAAAAAA X X * * N NN R R C C V A A X X * * N N R R CCCCC V A A X X * * * ********************************************************** Introduction -----------The routines of programs to and refinement the subsequent facilities are contained in this system comprise an integrated set perform all computations necessary for the solution of crystal structures from X-ray diffraction data and presentation of results. Comprehensive graphics included. The system is entirely compatible with Fortran 77 and has been written to run in a truly interactive fashion. Most routines are menu driven, with simple terminal input, which can usually be defaulted. Because of the high degree of interactivity, the best way to learn about the system is to use it. The tutorial at the end of this manual provides a painless way of doing this. The system is completely symmetry general, treating symmetry constraints automatically. The maximum number of atoms can be specified when the system is built and it can handle an essentially unlimited number of reflections. The system contains routines for graphics based on Tektronix, Printronix and Imagewriter equipment using its own plotting routine. It is also possible to produce HPGL and Postscript files. No guarantee can be given that there are no errors in the code, though it has been thoroughly checked and tested with many compilers and operating systems. In the event that bugs are discovered or difficulties experienced contact E.J.Gabe at the address above, by telephone at (613) 993-2527 or via Bitnet at the address gabe@nrchem. Versions are available for DEC VMS, Microport System V (UNIX), IBM VM/CMS and MVS/TSO operating systems. A full version is also available for PC/XT and AT microcomputers under MS-DOS. For more information and copies of this version contact Dr P.S.White, Chemistry Dept, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B., Canada. Work is well advanced on versions for Sun and Silicon Graphics (IRIS) systems. Page 3 System Data Files ----------------The use of files within NRCVAX is extremely simple. For any structure there are essentially only two direct-access binary files which contain all information about the structure. Direct-access was chosen because of convenience in manipulation and speed of input/output. These two files (Fig. 1) are usually referred to as the Crystal Data file (.CD), and the REflection file (.RE). Both files are generated and maintained by the system and for most purposes the user need not really be aware that they exist. Their names are automatically picked up by the system routines (see NAMES.ZZ in the CDFILE section below) which inform the user of which files are in use. It is very easy for the user to change the files being used, but this is not usually necessary. It is also very difficult to damage these files from within the system. It might be worth saving a copy of the .CD file from time to time during a structure solution, but this is more to save oneself potential trouble than because something catastrophic may occur. It is always safe, though not good practice, to use the system escape sequence (Ctrl/Y on the VAX) to exit from a routine in an emergency. The .CD file contains information about the space group, cell parameters, symmetry, scattering factors, general parameters and atoms. The .RE file, as its name implies, contains reflection specific information. Both files use 32-bit variables exclusively. Records in the .CD file are 100 variables long and data is stored as 8 general records, 1 record for each atom and 1 trailing record in which the atom name set to 0. Records in the .RE file are 32 variables long and data is stored 1 reflection/record. There is a trailing record with h=k=l=0. If necessary, information about h,k,l and -h,-k,-l reflections are stored in the same record. Intensity data is always processed from an IDATA file, which is also a direct-access binary file. A full description of this file and how to create it is given in Appendix 2. Several routines use scratch files and write line-printer output files. Lineprinter output files are always labelled PROGRAM_NAME.OUT, e.g. LSTSQ.OUT, TORSHN.OUT. They can be safely discarded after printing or examining. Two files which should be kept - at least temporarily are the peak file (PEAK.DA) from the Fourier routine, which may be used by CDEDIT, UNIMOL or DISANG, and the phase file, SOLFOU.DA from SOLVER, which will be needed to generate an E-map. These files can of course be deleted when they have no further use. Page 4 Peak files are formatted and can be used to input atomic parameters into the system from other sources. The file contains the atom name, x, y, z and the peak height in the format (1X,A6,3F9.5,F7.1). The x, y, z values can be free-form and the peak height can be ommitted. There are other, more convenient ways, for incorporating 'foreign' data into the system however. A detailed description of the contents of the .CD and .RE files is given in Appendices 1 and 2. System Menus and Help Facilities -------------------------------The routines ABSORP, DATRD2, CDEDIT, PLTMOL, PACKER, UTILTY, BRANDX and IDCDRE have command menus which will be printed if a wrong command is given or if <CR> is typed. Other routines interrogate the user for a small amount of terminal input, most of which may be safely defaulted. Because of the frequency with which they are run the routines FOURR and LSTSQ behave somewhat differently. FOURR shows its default settings automatically and they may then be changed, if necessary. LSTSQ does not automatically show its defaults, because that would become tedious as the program is run so often. The defaults may be seen and changed on request however. PLUTO runs with normal Pluto-like commands and also has extensive help facilities as well as a program description in the file PLUTO.DOC. Page 5 System Free-Format Terminal Input and Defaults ---------------------------------------------All numeric terminal input is read through the routine FREEFM which allows the user to input numeric data in a very free form. All such input is filtered for non-numeric characters and invalid sequences, such as multiple decimal points or incorrectly placed minus signs. Commas or spaces can be used as field delimiters and leading spaces are ignored, as are plus signs. The routine does not distinguish between real and integer numbers and therefore a real field does not necessarily have to have a decimal point. A comma will always delimit a field but only the first blank after a number will be used as a delimiter. E-format input is not allowed, but fractional values are acceptable. The routine returns the values of up to 20 real and integer values and zeroes are supplied for all fields not explicitly typed, which means that default numeric values can be given with no typing needed, i.e. routines use a 0 returned value in response to a request for numeric data to indicate that the programmed default must be taken. Examples of valid input strings are as follows. 1,2.4,,0 ,-3 ,604,,,,1.54,1/4 0 604 0 0 0 1.54 A blank line <CR> gives and gives gives gives 1.0 2.4 0.0 0.0 -3.0 as reals (plus 15*0.0) 1 2 0 0 -3 as integers (plus 15*0) 0 604 0 0 0 1.54 0.25. the same. 20 zero values. Invalid strings are 1.., 1.,2-4, 1,2,A,3 Multiple decimal points Wrongly placed minus sign Non-numeric character All alphanumeric terminal input is through the routines ALFNUM or YESNO. Both routines accept upper or lower-case input, but convert it to upper-case. If the string 'DONT DO IT' is passed to ALFNUM the lower-case to upper-case conversion is not done. The routine YESNO accepts only y,Y,n,N or <CR> and returns Y or N depending on the indicated default value in the call to the routine. NRCVAX makes extensive use of defaults as valid answers to questions posed at the terminal. These are always indicated at the end of the interrogative message, before the question mark, as a value in brackets e.g. (Y) or (Menu). This indicates the value or action which will be taken if the user responds by striking the Carriage Return <CR> key. It is not always possible to assign a sensible default answer to a question and in these cases no default is indicated and the user must make a valid response. Page 6 System Structure and Routines ----------------------------The interconnections between system routines and files is shown in Fig. 1. The 25 main routines are well integrated and communicate for the most part via the .CD and .RE files. The IDATA file is the binary intensity data file used by the system for diffractometer reflection input. The actual diffractometer program used will vary from one installation to another, and routines are provided (in BRANDX), which will convert most types of diffractometer output into IDATA form for processing by the data-reduction routine DATRD2. The structure of the intensity data file (IDATA.DA) is given in Appendix 2 to help in writing conversion routines for other diffractometer types. If this must be done it will help to study the existing conversion routines (see Appendix 2) before starting. Conversion routines are available for Nonius (standard and NRCCAD), Nicolet, Rigaku, Stoe and Philips diffractometers, Picker instruments controlled by Larry Finger's automation package and Galen Lenhert's control software. A more general routine (BRANDX REFIN, see Appendix 2) is available for converting non-standard reflection data into IDATA form. Another routine (BRANDX IUCIN) will convert standard I.U.Cr. reflection data to IDATA form. Figure 1 shows the interaction of the system routines with the main system files. Routines are outlined as | NAME | and files as ( Name ). The direction of data flow is shown by the characters < and >. Page 7 Figure 1. Overall System Structure -------| CREDUC | -------| SYSABS |-<------------(:::) -------( I ) (:::)-<-------------| CDFILE | ( d ) ( ) -------( a ) ( ) (Face )-<->-| ABSORP |-<---------->-( t ) ( ) -------( a ) ( C )-<----------->-| DATRD2 |-<---------->-(:::) ( ) | |------------>-(:::) ( r ) -------( ) ( )------------->-| PATVEC | ( ) ( y ) -------( ) ( )------------->-| SOLVER |-<------------( R ) ( s ) (:::::)-<---| MLTN80 | ( ) ( ) (Phase) -------( e ) ( t ) (:::::)--->-| FOURR |--->-(:::) ( ) ( )-<----------->-| | ( ) ( f ) ( a ) -------( P ) ( ) ( )-<----------->-| UNIMOL |-<---( e ) ( l ) ( l ) -------( a ) ( ) ( )-<----------->-| CDEDIT |-<---( k ) ( e ) ( ) -------( ) ( ) ( )------------->-| DISPOW |-<---(:::) ( c ) ( ) | DISANG | ( ) ( D ) -------( t ) ( )------------->-| COFOUR |-<------------( ) ( a ) -------( i ) ( )-<----------->-| PLTMOL | ( ) ( t ) -------( o ) ( ) | PLUTO | ( ) ( a )------------->-| ORTEP | ( n ) ( ) | PACKER | ( ) ( ) -------( ) ( )-<----------->-| LSTSQ |-<---------->-( ) ( ) -------( ) ( F )------------->-| MISSYM | ( F ) ( ) -------( ) ( i )------------->-| ERRANL |-<------------( i ) ( ) -------( ) ( l )------------->-| TABLES |-<------------( l ) ( ) -------( ) ( e )-<----------->-| UTILTY |-<---------->-( e ) ( ) -------( ) ( )-<----------->-| BRANDX |-<---------->-( ) ( ) -------( ) (:::)-<----------->-| IDCDRE |-<---------->-(:::) | -------PPLP | -------- Page 8 The 25 main routines are listed in the table below, followed by a short description of each. Main Routines 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. CREDUC SYSABS CDFILE ABSORP DATRD2 PATVEC SOLVER MLTN80 FOURR UNIMOL CDEDIT DISPOW DISANG COFOUR PLTMOL PLUTO ORTEP PACKER LSTSQ MISSYM ERRANL TABLES UTILTY BRANDX IDCDRE PPLP (CR) (SY) (CD) (AB) (DA) (PV) (SO) (ML) (FO) (UN) (ED) (DS) (DI) (CO) (PL) (PU) (OR) (PA) (LS) (MI) (ER) (TA) (UT) (BR) (ID) (PP) Cell reduction Systematic absence and space group determination Generate the initial .CD file Gaussian and Empiric absorption correction Intensity data reduction Patterson vector and simulation Structure solution routine similar to Multan The 1980 version of MULTAN Fourier calculation Unique molecule builder Edit the .CD file Distance, angle and powder pattern Distance and angles only Best plane Fourier calculation and plotting Molecular plotting routine PLUTO plotting package (Interactive version) ORTEP plotting package (Interactive version) Packing diagram routine Structure factors and least squares Detect missing symmetry in structures Error analysis routine Atomic coords and structure factor tables Set of crystallographic utility routines Set of conversion routines for other systems Set of internal binary/ASCII conversion routines Powder pattern indexing (XX) refers to the routine subdirectory name. 1. CREDUC This routine performs a cell reduction on cell data which may be typed or from a file. The algorithm is based on the detection of possible 2-fold axes in directions with low indices (J. Appl. Cryst., 1982, 15, 255.). It has successfully processed hundreds of examples - including all standard tests - and is believed to be error free. We highly recommend that users run this routine on new cell data before processing a structure and preferably before collecting any intensity data. 2. SYSABS This routine examines an IDATA file for all types of systematic absences. Statistics are kept and a summary is printed, with possible systematic absences indicated. Full details of particular reflection classes with Inet, sigma(Inet) and the ratio of the two may then be printed for verification. Finally the routine attempts to determine the space-group from the results. The answers should be treated with CAUTION. The routine is still experimental and we have not been able to test it for all space-groups, because of the difficulty of obtaining the necessary IDATA files. Page 9 3. CDFILE This is the routine that produces the initial version of the crystal data file (.CD) for a structure. It interprets the space group symbol and generates symmetry information from it. Unit cell and scattering factor data are also processed and written to the 8 file-header blocks. The space group code is an upgraded version of the SPGP code from Allen Larson's LASL system, which processes the short form of the International symbol, with each discrete operator separated by a blank, e.g. P 21 21 21 for P212121. (Int. Tab. Vol. 1, p. 44), P 63/m c m for P63/mcm (Int. Tab. Vol. 1, p. 302), I a 3 d for Ia3d (Int. Tab. Vol. 1, p. 345). CDFILE also works out the assymetric unit for all types of Fourier maps, using the symmetry matrices produced by the space-group code. The routine also produces a file called NAMES.ZZ, which contains the names of the .CD and .RE files for the structure under investigation. The name of the .CD file is given as part of the terminal input to CDFILE, e.g. STRUC, in which case STRUC.CD and STRUC.RE are written to NAMES.ZZ. The .CD and .RE files are used by most routines and the NAMES.ZZ file provides a means of access to both of them, without having to continually retype the names. 4. ABSORP This routine calculates absorption corrections using a Gaussian integration or an empirical psi-scan method. For the Gaussian method the input file is a file with data describing the crystal faces and an IDATA file from the Picker or Nonius diffractometers. A full description of the input is given in Appendix 1. It is possible to plot the crystal shape, in stereo, for checking and then edit the input if wanted. (See System Implementation for details of system graphics) Trial calculations can be performed before starting the main run. The calculation can be quite lengthy and there is a command-file given in Appendix 1 for running ABSORP as a BATCH job. For the empirical route a file of psi-scan data is needed from which a correction curve is calculated and then used to derive corrections. Results from both methods are written to the IDATA file and applied by DATRD2. There is a more complete description of the input to ABSORP in Appendix 1, together with some examples. These should help users with the input requirements and also how to adapt the input to local diffractometer conditions. 5. DATRD2 The data reduction routine accepts intensity data in IDATA form and processes this data to produce a reflection file (.RE). The input data can be from the NRC diffractometer routine in standard Picker FACS-1 or profile analysis form. Data from many other sources can be converted to IDATA form by routines in BRANDX (see below) These sources can be Nonius CAD-4 or NRCCAD data, Larry Finger's or Galen Lenhert's Picker control system, Philips or Nicolet diffractometers, data in standard I.U.Cr form or data from other sources which can be specified in a general flexible manner. Page 10 The routine can process and average multiple data sets and will automatically distinguish between F(hkl) and F(-h-k-l) where necessary. Reflections may be scaled in several ways and weights are calculated from counting statistics or internal consistency for multiple data sets. Checks are made from symmetry, to ensure that a complete data set has been collected. Values of Fobs, least-squares weight and up to 12 scattering factors are written to the .RE file. Internal agreement factors are calculated between symmetry related measurements and statistics are accumulated for the K(s) curve, from which E and epsilon values are derived and written to the .RE file. A more complete description of DATRD2 is given in Appendix 2. 6. PATVEC Calculate the Patterson vectors in symbolic form for any space group, and the actual vectors in numeric form for an input positions x,y,z. 7. SOLVER This is a highly modified form of an early version of the well-known routine Multan. It accepts input from the .CD and .RE files and can accomodate up to 1000 E-values with up to 100 sigma2 relationships per reflection for up to 1024 phase sets. Reflections in the starting set are automatically selected, but the user can include extra reflections in order to develop more phase sets. Psi0 reflections may be used and phases from a partial structure. The routine operates entirely in-core and as a result is quite fast. It has proved to be very successful. The phase sets are written to a file (usually SOLFOU.DA) for input to the Fourier routine. 8. MLTN80 NORM80 and MLTN80 are available with all the features of that later version of MULTAN. Only the first 2 routines of the full Multan package have been implemented i.e. EXFFT and SEARCH, are not included. The routines M8XIN and M8XOUT are provided in BRANDX to allow NORM80 and MLTN80 to be used easily with the remaining NRCVAX routines. A command procedure M80RUN.COM is provided to run the complete MLTN80 sequence automatically. (See Appendix 3 for more details.) If this routine is used, the normal reference should be made to it in any publication. 9. FOURR FOURR calculates all types of Fourier maps. It has many options which may be selected from the terminal. These include origin removal and sharpening for Patterson maps; Sim weighting for Fourier maps; correction for anomalous dispersion effects; a variety of print suppression and format control options if the map is to be printed; a peak picking section with 27-point fitting which eliminates symmetry-repeated peaks and writes a PEAK file, and a contouring facility. Almost all data manipulation is performed in memory and the routine is quite fast. Page 11 10. UNIMOL UNIMOL takes positional data from a .CD file and/or a PEAK file and makes a reasonable attempt to make a connected unique molecule. Interatomic distances are calculated, printed and stored in the .CD file for subsequent use by PLTMOL. UNIMOL provides a convenient way of picking up a large number of atomic positions in a PEAK file and inserting them into the .CD file at the beginning of a structure. Positions so selected will be called PEAKxx and if positions are taken from several PEAK files it is possible that several of them will have the same name. It is advisable to use the Peak name change facility in CDEDIT to avoid this difficulty. 11. CDEDIT As its name implies this routine allows the user to edit the direct access .CD file. It is highly interactive and menu-driven. Atomic information can be entered manually on an individual atom basis or, more conveniently, read from a PEAK file or a general text file. Symmetry constraints are generated for input atoms and stored in the .CD file and the routine automatically fixes appropriate parameters in polar space groups. Hydrogen atom positions can be generated for a variety of geometries as long as UNIMOL has been run previously. The .GRP file for rigid group refinement is also set up by CDEDIT. Appendix 4 contains an extensive description of CDEDIT. 12. DISPOW (DISANG) This routine is an amalgam of a distance and angle routine and a comprehensive powder pattern calculator. Distances can be computed with or without angles and e.s.ds. Distance and angle limits may be set on individual atoms though this is not normally necessary. Powder patterns may be calculated with d-spacings and intensities in several different standard forms. Input can be from a CD file,or typed or from a Metal Data File (see the subroutine DSMDRD.FOR). DISANG is a simplified version of DISPOW which only calculates distances and angles from a .CD file and/or a peak file PEAK.DA. If disk space is at a premium this routine should be used because it is much shorter than DISPOW. There are two output modes for DISANG. The normal (N) mode produces standard bond/angle output, and the publication (P) mode produces tabular output in a form suitable for publication in Acta Cryst. and other journals. In both these routines and in UNIMOL distances are selected on the basis of whether the calculated value is less than the sum of the covalent radii of the two atoms times a multiplier. This multiplier is normally 1.0 but can be changed during input. Different values are allowed for distances and angles. Page 12 13. COFOUR This routine calculates and plots best-plane Fourier maps for arbitrary plane orientation. Planes may be defined in several ways using atom names, atom numbers or general x,y,z positions. Unsmoothed contours may be drawn quickly on the screen prior to plotting smoothed contours on any of the hard-copy devices available. 14. PLTMOL This routine uses data from a .CD file to draw stereo pictures of inorganic or organic structures on any of the graphics devices available to the system. The routine is extremely fast and has proved to be very useful in the solution of structures and in the interactive preparation of drawings for publication. Atoms in the file may be deleted from the screen and a new .CD file written. UNIMOL must be used in order to make a unique molecule the first time PLTMOL is used. Once the molecule is assembled however PLTMOL can generate its own connections. * Users are strongly urged to try to use this routine either with Tektronix hardware or one of the many compatible devices now available. It is wise to configure the system with the three commands identified in NRCLOGIN.COM for the plotting routines to run successfully.* 15. PLUTO This is a version of the well-known plotting routine PLUTO, which has been adapted for use with NRCVAX. It is set up to run with any of the plotting devices and all plot calls are isolated to routines which are listed at the head of the main routine. This version of PLUTO is highly interactive and there are extensive 'HELP' files. 16. ORTEP This is an implementation of the well known routine ORTEP-II. It reads all atom and symmetry information from a .CD file and accepts normal ORTEP and symbolic commands in an interactive way to generate drawings. Several commands have been added to facilitate this interaction. 1104(RF) accepts and saves a series of ORTEP commands from a named file, and 1200(ST) turns on the stereo facility for plotting complete stereo drawings. The stereo option can be disabled with a second ST command. Once an instruction sequence has been saved, the commands MA and ZM magnify and zoom the picture, RO rotates the picture and DM redraws it. It is the users responsibility to supply a file of normal ORTEP commands to generate the picture. The terminal is the default plotting device. The command 201(P4) sends the picture to the plotter and automatically generates the command 203 to re-enable the terminal. The command PT generates a file for plotting on any of the hard-copy devices available. Some of the more sophisticated labelling with perspective and print rotation have not been implemented. If this routine is used to produce drawings, reference should be made to it in any publication. See Appendix 7 for a more complete description and examples. Page 13 17. PACKER This routine prepares packing diagrams for any of the standard plotting devices. The routine can deal with all types of molecular symmetry for up to 12 molecular fragments in a structure. It is very easy to draw complex diagrams to illustrate packing details and H-bond schemes. Unit cell box limits can be set and molecules are included in the plot if the molecular centroid falls within the limits of the specified unit cell box. A second type of plot allows molecular fragments which fall within a packing shell to be plotted aruond a central molecule. Pictures can be further editted by the deletion of specific molecules and specific bonds may be inserted to emphasize particular points. 18. LSTSQ This is the general structure factor and least squares calculation routine. The system in general and LSTSQ in particular can handle up to NATSIZ atoms. As supplied, NATSIZ is set to 300. LSTSQ will allow refinement of up to 2*NATSIZ parameters by the full matrix method or 9*NATSIZ parameters in the block diagonal mode. In the blocked mode, atoms are not linked and up to 10 parameters/atom may be refined occupancy, x,y,z and 6 uijs. The chirality parameter, eta (Rogers D. Acta Cryst., 734, A37, 1981), can be refined for non-centrosymmetric structures, but this should not be done until the end of conventional refinement. See Appendix 4 for details. The precise path of the calculation, refinement on Fo or Fo**2, number of refinement cycles and type of output can be controlled from the initial dialogue. The progress of refinement can be checked by a judicious use of the printout control parameters for 'bad' reflections. Many sequences of refinement cycles may be undertaken in the same program run. For larger refinements, with the full matrix method, the cpu time and elapsed time required may become very lengthy and a file is shown in Appendix 5 to allow the routine to be run as a batch job. Appendix 6 contains details on the use of constraints with LSTSQ. There is also a version of LSTSQ for the Analogic AP500 Array Processor, which is approximately 10 times faster than the VAX 11/780 FPA version. During a run the current reflection and agreement indices are reported every 20 reflections at the top of the screen. The first 20 reflections are always printed on the first cycle of any run, for checking purposes. 19. MISSYM This routine can detect possible missing symmetry in structural data which may have been described in the wrong space group. Unit cell and atomic parameters are taken from a .CD file and an exhaustive search for potential symmetry elements is conducted on the full unit cell of atoms. It is well worth running this routine on a structure in which problems of this type are suspected or even as a general rule. 20. ERRANL This routine calculates weighting and agreement analyses as functions of Fo, Fo**2, sin theta/lambda, h,k & l. It should be possible to use this analysis, in conjunction with the kFo**2 weighting scheme option in LSTSQ, to obtain a uniform distribution of residuals. Page 14 21. TABLES Tables of parameter values and structure factor listings for publication are prepared by this routine. Two types of parameter table are allowed, a) where the routine suggests the number of decimal places to use, which the user may wish to modify, and b) where the routine prints the table according to the esds in the .CD file in order to preserve reasonable significance - this is the preferred option. 22. UTILTY This is a collection of smaller routines for crystallographic calculations. It is our current practice to add useful small routines to this package in order that they may become generally available. The original large UTILTY has been broken into several logical subprograms (UTILTY, BRANDX and IDCDRE) in this release of NRCVAX. A REPORT B BIVOET C TORSHN D BESPLN E EQUIVS F ORTHOG G EQXYZ H EQHKL I MINUS J TRANSF K NEWCEL L P1GEN M SCATFS N NUNAME O ESDS Write a report of the structure determination details from data written to the CD file by ABSORP, LSTSQ and FOURR. Select reflns with the most significant Bijvoet differences. Calculate all torsion angles for the atoms in a .CD file. Calculate least squares best planes through sets of atoms by Ito's method. Sigmas are calculated. Compute short contacts between specified atoms or types of atoms and optionally move groups of atoms with the equivalent position transformations detected. Derive orthogonal coordinates from the fractional coordinates on a .CD file. Generate equivalent positions for a set of x,y,z values from the terminal or a .CD file. Symmetry is obtained from the .CD file. Generate equivalent reflections for a given h,k,l input. Symmetry is obtained from a Laue group number or .CD file. Convert x,y,z on the CD file to -x,-y,-z. Transform the coordinates on a CD file and the h,k,l values in an RE file with a reflection index transformation matrix. New CD and RE files may be written. Transform cell data and atomic coordinates according to a direct-cell transformation matrix. Generate P 1 .CD and/or .RE files from existing .CD and .RE files of higher symmetry. Make up composite scattering factors from 2 normal scattering factors, and insert the values into a specified place in a .RE file. Rename atoms in a .CD file. This is a much more convenient way of renaming many atoms than the method in CDEDIT. Insert esds into a CD file from published data. Page 15 23. BRANDX This is a collection of routines for converting data to and from NRCVAX form for several diffractometers and other program systems. A NONIUS B FINGER C NICLAY D PHILPS E LENHRT F RIGAKU G M8XIN Convert a Nonius CAD-4 intensity data file to an IDATA file for processing by DATRD2. Convert an intensity data file from Larry Finger's system to Idata form for processing by DATRD2. Convert an intensity data file from a Nicolet diffractometer to IDATA form for processing by DATRD2. Convert an intensity data file from a Philips diffractometer to IDATA form for processing by DATRD2. Convert an intensity data file from Galen Lenhert's system to IDATA form for processing by DATRD2. Convert an intensity data file from a Rigaku diffractometer to IDATA form for processing by DTARD2. Write the input files, MULTAN.CDR and MULTAN.RFL for MULTAN80 OR MULTAN84, from the information on .CD & .RE files. H M8XOUT I CRYIN J CRYOUT K SHXIN L SHXOUT M REFIN N REFOUT O IUCIN MULTAN.CDR may need to be edited to establish the complete running parameters before running either version of MULTAN. The routine MULTAN84 is not supplied with this package and should be obtained direct from the Univ. of York, U.K. Convert the binary phase file from MLTN80 into a form compatible with FOURR. The file written by this routine is usually called SOLFOU.DA. This is the complement to CRYOUT. \LIST 5 output from CRYSTALS (atomic parameters etc) are converted back to CDFILE form. It is anticipated that .RE files will already exist Use data from .CD and .RE files to create the control file input to the CRYSTALS structure package. This package has an extremely powerful least-squares routine in which all forms of geometric and physical restaint and constraint can be included. CRYSTALS is not distibuted with NRCVAX but must be obtained from :-Dr D.J.Watkin Chemical Crystallography Laboratory University of Oxford 9 Parks Road Oxford OX1 3PD U.K. Insert SHELX Atom Parameter File data into a .CD file. Write a SHELX Atom Parameter File from .CD file information. Convert non-standard intensity data to IDATA file form for processing by DATRD2. (See Appendix 2) Output reflection data (h,k,l,Fo,Sigma(Fo)) to a file, in a variety of forms and formats, for use with other systems. Converts standard I.U.Cr. data to .CD and IDATA form. Only atomic parameter data is converted from the I.U.Cr. file, because it is so easy to create a basic .CD file with CDFILE. Reflection data is converted to IDATA form and P IUCOUT further processed by DATRD2 to produce the .RE file. Converts .CD and .RE file data to standard I.U.Cr. form as described in SCFS-87. Page 16 24. IDCDRE This is a set of routines for examining and manipulating internal NRCVAX binary files. A B C D E CDLIST RELIST CDMOD REMOD EFLMOD F FLCOPY G CDREFM H CDREBN I DIFFM J K L M DIFBN LITLFM LITLBN SHORTN N GPADDR List the contents of a .CD file labelling each item. List specified reflections in an .RE file. Modify the contents of a .CD file. (Refer to Appendix 10.) Modify the contents of an .RE file. (Refer to Appendix 11.) Examine and/or modify specified variables in any direct access file. Copy specified blocks of one direct access file to another. This is convenient for constructing .CD files from fragments of 2 or 3 other .CD files. Convert .CD and/or .RE direct access files to ASCII format, to facilitate transfer between computers. Convert ASCII .CD and/or .RE files back to direct access files. Convert an IDATA file to ASCII format for transmission between computers. Convert an ASCII IDATA file back to direct access form. Convert a .RE file to a compressed ASCII form for storage. Convert a compressed ASCII .RE file back to binary. Shorten an .RE file to save processing time. There are several options for deletion of reflections. Add new rigid groups to the GROUPS.DAT file. 25. PPLP PPLP is a powder pattern lattice parameter refinement routine, which allows the user to interact with the indexing process to derive improved lattice parameters from a starting set. Input can be typed, from a file of film measurements or from a file of Qobs or Dobs values. (See Appendix 8.) Page 17 System Implementation --------------------The underlying structure of the system is quite simple and has shown itself to be easily adaptable to any computer. The sources of the 25 main routines are kept in 25 seperate sub-directories, which are referred to by two unambiguous letters from the routine name (e.g. LS, ED, PU etc). The source code in these sub-directories is common to ALL versions of the system. These sub-directories also contain the command files for compiling, linking and generally manipulating the particular routine. There are 2 other sub-directories which are used for other purposes. The GEN sub-directory contains source and object code which is common to more than one of the system routines, plus its own associated command files and again the code is common to all versions. This code could have been put in a general library, but this introduces complexity and there is no real advantage to doing so. The SPC sub-directory contains 'machine sensitive' code which varies from one version to another. There are 10 files in this sub-directory, 9 of which are routines which isolate the system from differences between Fortran implemenatations and it is these routines which may need changing in adapting the system to other computers. The code is heavily commented and the should be studied before attempting any adaptation. The 9 routines are :--SETIOU - which assigns logical unit numbers to I/O units and the length, in bytes, of variables in direct-access files. IBMFIL - which performs all file OPEN and CLOSE operations. EDRAW - which performs all graphics and SEND which is a subroutine of EDRAW. LENFIL - which finds the length of direct-access files. NIDATE - which gets the date from the operating system DATE routine. NIOR - which isolate all calls to the operating system Boolean NIEOR algebra routines, because the form of these functions is NIAND not defined in the F77 standard. As for the GEN sub-directory, the SPC sub-directory should contain the source and object files of these routines. The remaining file is an INCLUDE file to set the system parameters. IATSIZ - which sets the size of system wide PARAMETERs and DIMENSIONs. The machine-type code and the sizes of all large arrays are set in this file and it is INCLUDEd in most routines. (See System Parameters below) Page 18 Strictly speaking the INCLUDE statement is not part of F77, but all compilers so far encountered have this facility in some form. The actual INCLUDE statements in the code always refer to the file to be INCLUDEd as a string of alphabetic characters, e.g. INCLUDE 'IATSIZ' and the symbol IATSIZ is made to refer to the correct file in the particular operating system. The form of the INCLUDE statement varies from one compiler to another, viz :-INCLUDE 'IATSIZ' VAX VMS and SUN INCLUDE (IATSIZ) VM/CMS and MVS/TSO $ INCLUDE:'IATSIZ' MS-DOS #include "IATSIZ" IRIS. There is a routine DOLLAR which can change this syntax, if necessary, through the whole system, and it is a relatively simple matter to modify this routine to produce the correct syntax for other operating systems. DOLLAR can also modify all occurences of the non-standard string ,$) at the end of FORMAT statements. In VAX F77, and many other compilers, this string suppresses the carriage return at the end of terminal output statements and thus allows the answer to a question to appear on the same line as the question itself. All plotting is now implemented in a standard way through the routine EDRAW. Routines which use graphics are ABSORP, FOURR, COFOUR, ORTEP, PACKER, PLTMOL and PLUTO and all routines can produce graphics for any of the available devices. Screen graphics is oriented towards Tektronix 4000 series (or look-alike) devices and output files are produced for hard-copy devices. At the moment the following plot files can be produced :TK4010.PLT TK4663.PLT HPGL.PLT TKLN03.PLT TKQMS.PLT EPSON.PLT PROPRT.PLT IMAGWT.PLT PRNTRX.PLT POSTSC.PLT TEK 4000 series graphics commands; Tektronix 4663 plotter commands; HP-GL commands; TEK 4000 commands for LN03 laser-printers with Tektronix emulation; TEK 4000 commands for QMS laser-printers with Tektronix emulation; EPSON 1050 dot-matrix printer commands; Proprinter dot-matrix printer commands; Imagewriter dot-matrix printer commands; Printronix dot-matrix printer commands; Postscript commands. Page 19 System Parameters ----------------The [-.SPC] file IATSIZ.FOR contains PARAMETER statements which indicate the machine type and control the size of all the large arrays in the system. These are as follows :--MNCODE NATSIZ NUMPFL NCOEFF NCOSIZ NCONTR NGPADD NGPFIL 0 All Routines (0 VAX, 1 UNIX, 2 PC, 3/4 IBM TSO/CMS, 5 IRIS) 300 All Routines The maximum number of atoms allowed. 600 LSTSQ The maximum number of parameters which can be refined by the full-matrix method. This is set to a specific value rather than n*NATSIZ in LSTSQ to give greater flexibility. If this number is changed remember that the matrix requires 2*NUMPFL*(NUMPFL + 1) bytes. 204000 FOURR COFOUR The maximum number of Fourier coefficients and points allowed. This rather odd number accomodates a wide range of the n/240 cell divisions which commonly occur. 200 COFOUR The maximum number of points along the side of a best-plane Fourier section. 40000 COFOUR The maximum number of map points for contouring. 50000 DATRD2 The maximum number of unique reflections. 200000 DATRD2 The array size to hold NGPADD unique reflections. NRETAB 50000 TABLES The maximum number of reflections which can be processed in one pass by TABLES. NUMREF 1000 SOLVER The maximum number of E-values allowed. 100 SOLVER The maximum number of Sigma2 values per E-value. An array 16*NUMREF*NOSIGS bytes is required by SOLVER, so again care is required if these values are increased. 1024 SOLVER The maximum number of phase sets. NOSIGS NOSETS Any of these parameters can be changed and the appropriate routines rebuilt with the XXMAKE.COM files, or the whole system rebuilt with the REBUILD.COM procedure. Page 20 Test Data --------For a particular structure determination it is convenient to set up a sub-directory and then all files associated with that structure are kept together. It is the user's responsibility to clean up these subdirectories by deleting files like PEAK.DA and *.OUT which will be created during the work. The system maintains the .CD and .RE files automatically and most routines that use these files can read the names from a files called NAMES.ZZ, which is written by CDFILE or can be created with the editor. This is a two line file which contains the .CD and .RE filenames e.g. STRUC.CD STRUC.RE This prevents the annoyance of having to retype these names endlessly. If intensity data is not collected from the NRC diffractometer routine, it will be necessary to prepare a file in the format of the IDATA.DA file. (Appendix 2) A typical sequence for a structure might be as follows :-1. Get the reflection data into IDATA form 2. Run CREDUC to check the unit cell. This should have been done before any data were collected. 3. Run SYSABS to determine (hopefully) the space-group from its systematic absences. 4. Run CDFILE. 5. Run DATRD2 (S, R and N stages). 6. Run SOLVER using all defaults. This will probably solve the structure 7. Run FOURR with the SOLFOU.DA phases to PEAK.DA from the E-map. 8. Run UNIMOL on PEAK.DA to get a unique molecule. 9. Run PLTMOL and write out a reasonably cleaned up molecule to .CD. . Run CDEDIT to clean up the names etc on the .CD file. 10. Run LSTSQ for structure factors or least squares. 11. Run FOURR D-map to get more atoms if necessary. 12. Run CDEDIT to put in a few more peaks. 13. Recycle to 6. This is by no means a hard and fast sequence and it might be useful to try out a few routines, eg. CDFILE, CDEDIT and UNIMOL to become more acquainted, before beginning any real structure work. For this purpose several sets of test data are provided. ******* COPY the test files before use in case of troubles. ******* Page 21 The first of these is the file TEST.DAT, which can be used with the tutorial demonstration described in Appendix 12. By running the system in conjunction with the text in the appendix a new user can carry out a complete structure determination and refinement and in the process learn about the system. The second set consists of three files which are primarliy intended to demonstrate the graphics routines PLTMOL, PACKER, PLUTO or ORTEP. The files are 1. STRUC.CD 2. STRUC.OR1 3. STRUC.OR2 Cystal Data File. The first of 2 Ortep drawing files. The second Ortep file. The third set is from one of the ruby crystals distributed at IUCr XII in Ottawa 1981. Three files are included 1. RUBY.ID 2. RUBY.CD 3. RUBY.RE Diffractometer intensity data file. Crystal Data file (with atoms). Reflection Data file. Refer to Appendix 9 which contains sample output listings from CDFILE, DATRD2, CDEDIT and LSTSQ for the ruby structure. To run DATRD2 on the copy of RUBY.ID to create a reflection file, use the following steps :1. Run CDFILE to create a .CD file using the crystal data for ruby. 2. Run DATRD2 using that .CD file and the copy of RUBY.ID. Questions asked during this run should mostly be answered with the defaults, i.e. by typing <carriage return (CR)>. The information needed for the remainder is given below. a. b. c. d. The first option is 'S' to scale the data, using the NRC Picker route with profile analysis. The .CD file is 'RUBY.CD'. The intensity file is 'RUBY.ID'. Use all intensity records. The standard numbers to be used are 1,26. The next option is 'A' to calculate spherical absorption corrections. This option has already been run on the ID file, but it can be rerun with no harm. The crystal diameter is 152 microns. a. b. The next option is 'R' to reduce the data. Two-theta(max) is 100. Use the NRC Diffractometer Control option (#1), with profile analysis. The next option is 'N' for normalization and E-values. (Note that the B-value produced is slightly negative. Ignore it.) The next option is 'Q' to quit and finish data reduction. Page 22 VAX System Implementation ------------------------The system is supplied on 2400 ft, 1600 bpi magtape, written by the VMS COPY command and labelled NRCVAX. The tape contains all the source files, a set of command procedures to build the entire system, documentation files, test data and a complete set of *.EXE modules. These executable files are supplied in case of difficulties, but it is strongly recommended that the system be totally rebuilt as explained below. Problems have been reported in trying to run *.EXE modules created on a 780, on other VAX machines. There is one large procedure which uses many other procedures in the building process, and which leaves the system in a convenient form for use and further manipulation. There are 7 command procedures for each main routine as follows:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. XXCOM.COM XXLOAD.COM XXMAKE.COM XXLIST.COM XXBACK.COM XXCOPY.COM XXCOPB.COM Compile all the required subroutines Link the subroutines Combination of 1. and 2. above As 1. but listings are produced & deleted Backup all .COM and .FOR files to magnetic tape Restore files from magnetic tape Used by NRCBUILD.COM (see below). These can be used to build and maintain the system. They are used by the initial building procedure NRCBUILD.COM and also by REBUILD.COM if the system is rebuilt after IATSIZ.FOR has been changed. Building the system is extremely simple. 1. Create an account, e.g. XRAY, with a disk quota of at least 20000 blocks (5000 if only the *.EXE modules are to be copied, see 4.). 2. Log on to this account and mount the magtape using the label NRCVAX. 3. Assuming MTA0 to be the name of the magtape unit, issue the command COPY MTA0:NRCBUILD.COM *.* This will copy the command procedure to build NRCVAX into the main directory. 4. When the copy is complete the command @NRCBUILD will copy and run the configuration routine NRCCFG and then, at the users discretion, either, a. copy the test files and executable modules, which takes about 10 minutes, or b. build the complete system, creating neccesary sub-directories and deleting unneccesary files as it goes. This takes about an hour even on a lightly loaded 780. When this is finished the system is ready for use in either case. 5. Before using the system however, use the VMS editor to create a LOGIN.COM file, from the file NRCLOGIN.COM which is in the main directory. All routines are run directly from the operating system prompt and the LOGIN file will simplify running each routine to a command of 2 or 3 letters and also set up the terminal for plotting. Page 23 UNIX System Implementation -------------------------The files on the diskettes -------------------------All the files on the 4 diskettes enclosed are ASCII files which can be printed or examined with the editor. Their functions can be distinguished by their extensions. Extension Note Kind of file .f Fortran .i (Changed to .FOR COMMON file for inclusion during installation) .c Command file pertaining to a subdirectory none 2 or 3 characters Command to execute programs name starts with 'nrc' Command relating to the whole system .man Manual or notes for your info Copying the diskettes to the hard disk -------------------------------------The diskettes are 1.2MB, written in DOS format and they can to the hard disk in several ways. With MS-DOS or DOS-merge: COPY a:*.* c: With Unix: doscp A:* . [Notice the They can also be read on an IBM PC or a clone with the COPY above, then moved to your Unix machine using KERMIT in about 2 9600 baud. be moved dot] command hours at These files will build a working NRCVAX system on an 80386 machine equipped with an 80387 coprocessor and running under Microport Unix Version V with a MicroWay NDP Fortran compiler. There are two possible cases detailed below. Case I: Your Unix machine is as described above --------------------------------------1. Create a user with name nrcvax. It can in fact be called anything, but it has to be an empty account. 2. Copy all the files from the diskettes to the main directory of the nrcvax account. 3. Type: chmod 777 nrcbld<CR> ( <CR> represents carriage return ) nrcbld<CR> This will build the whole system, ready to run, in about 2 hours. The build procedure creates directories, one for each of the 21 programs in the system, for example $HOME/ab for the absorption program, plus four other sub directories of $HOME: /gen, /spc, /build and /command, and copies files to appropriate directories. The directory ab contains the Fortran files and the command files required by the absorption program only. The directory gen contains Fortran files required by more than one program. All the above Fortran files are identical to those of the VAX implementation while the directory spc contains Fortran files that differ, usually in a trivial way from either the VAX or the IBM version. Page 24 The build directory contains command files to build the whole system and the command directory contains files to run the programs from the nrcvax account. To run them from any other account, add the statement PATH=$PATH:/usr/nrcvax/command to the local .profile file . Upper case two-letter commands will work provided that the account is called nrcvax. If the account has a different name, modify each of these command files with the editor. The path is now modified in your .profile file. For this modification to become effective, you must exit then log in again. Lower case commands are also available. They are two-letter commands except for cdf, cde, lst and tab which would duplicate Unix commands if the corresponding two letter commands CD, ED, LS or TA were used in lower case. Case II: Your Unix machine is not as described above ------------------------------------------As long as you have a FORTRAN 77 compiler, the installation should require few modifications. 1. Print the command file nrcbld which normally builds nrcvax automatically. 2. Type in the commands until their execution produces errors. 3. Edit the command files called into execution by the typed command, in order to find out what was wrong and correct it. The following may be helpful. mf77 calls the MicroWay Fortran77 compiler to compile all routines with an extension .f, and produces objects with an extension .o, then calls the /bin/ld standard Unix linker/loader. -v is the verbose switch to keep you informed. -n2 and -n3 tell the compiler about the 80387 coprocessor. The equivalent for the Wietek coprocessor is -n4 -n5. -I indicates the directory for INCLUDE files which are not in the default directory. a.out is the executable module produced by the linker/loader. $HOME is the login directory, probably, but not necessarily nrcvax. The command chmod 777 filename removes all protections, in particular execution is allowed. Compilation problems are unlikely to occur because this code compiles without error with five unrelated compilers under five different operating systems, one of them being VAX-VMS, and the execution appears to be identical. Routines which differ between machines are grouped in the directory $HOME/spc. These differences all have to do with imprecision in the Fortran 77 standard giving rise to slightly different interpretations of the code on different machines. In case of problems, look there first. Page 25 <CNTRL-M> characters: Conversion of files to DOS format produces control characters at the end-of-line, which normally disappear when files are copied back under Unix control. To delete these control characters globally with the vi editor, type: :%s/\<CNTRL V><CNTRL M>$//<CR> in the command mode. <CNTRL V> means the character generated by keeping the CNTRL key depressed while the V key is depressed once. <CR> means the carriage return or enter key. Running NRCVAX -------------For details, print the file nrcvax.man which contains the manual. Due to conflict between some nrcvax commands and Unix commands, it is preferable to type the two-letter commands calling programs into execution in upper case. Names of files generated by nrcvax are usually in upper case, but the ones you specify from input can be in either upper or lower case. With Unix, an upper case file name and a lower case file name point at two different files. The manual of the VAX version applies to the Unix version because the code is the same. Graphic programs ---------------Graphic strings for Tektronix devices are output by the Fortran programs. They will produce pictures on Tektronix-compatible terminals, but not on the console monitor with EGA type graphics. If you want to do the latter, for example if you only have a console terminal, you can install the DOS version of graphic programs and generate pictures on the console monitor under DOS-merge. The data files can be exchanged freely between the DOS and Unix versions because the programs are identical apart from array sizes. To get the DOS version of NRCVAX, send $100Can to: Dr P.S. White, Chemistry Dept., University of New Brunswick, NB, Canada specifying whether you prefer 360KB, 1.2MB 5"1/4 floppies or 720kB 3"1/2 diskettes. Other distribution media -----------------------The Unix version of NRCVAX can also be supplied on 1600bpi magnetic tape written by a VAX. The tape can be read on other machines as well, and then moved with KERMIT to the target machine. Distribution of executables --------------------------Executable modules are hardware-dependent and are not a flexible means of software dissemination. However, if you have the configuration of case I above, we could send executable modules on either 1.2MB floppies or 1.4MB 3 1/2 inch diskettes. Page 26 System Specific Routines and Non-VAX Implementation -----------------------------------------------There are a few system specific features in the system. As described above under System Implementation, all such features are confined to the 10 routines in the [-.SPC] subdirectory, and they have all been modified for the UNIX, MS-DOS, VM/CMS and MVS/TSO versions. Further detail is given below together with an indication of how to deal with them on non-VAX machines. The plotting routine EDRAW calls the subroutine TCROSS where there are several system calls which return the position of the pen carriage of a Tektronix 4663 plotter. These have now been commented out as the facility is very rarely used. If the function is needed (for VAX only) edit the TCROSS subroutine, which is part of EDRAW. All other features which are likely to give trouble are connected with input/output in some way. The assignment of I/O unit numbers is by no means standard on different machines and the routine SETIOU deals with this problem. On VAX computers, the standard device numbers for terminal input and output are 5 and 6, and units 1, 2 and 3 have been arbitrarily assigned in NRCVAX to the .CD file, the .RE file and the lineprinter output file respectively. For non-VAX systems SETIOU.FOR may need to be editted in order to reflect local unit numbering. SETIOU also allows a value to be set which controls the RECL parameter in direct-access OPEN statements. The length is specified for VAX F77 in 4-byte units and the value of the symbol IBYLEN should be 1; if the length is specified in bytes, IBYLEN should be 4. Again, SETIOU should be editted before the system is built. All interactive terminal I/O is written so that the answers to questions are given on the same line as the question. This is acheived using the character $ at the end of a FORMAT statement. This will always occur as the 3 character string ,$) . Some compilers will object to this character and in this case they will have to be substituted. This is a formidable editing task and the routine DOLLAR is supplied to help in doing this. It runs by processing each source file in turn, from the list of file-names contained in each file XXCOM.COM. The source code is in the file DOLLAR.FTN, and there is a description of how to run the routine at the head of the file. As described above DOLLAR can also change INCLUDE statements to the syntax required by a particular compiler. Page 27 System Timing ------------Some typical times for different routines are as follows. Space-group P-1, 62 atoms, 5200 reflections, 460 parameters. VAX 11/780 with Floating Point Accelerator. a). SOLVER 480 E-values, 37000 Sigma2 relationships. Parts 1 & 2 6 mins Part 3 15 secs per solution. b). FOURR 100,000 points (Incl. peak search) c). LSTSQ Full matrix method VAX Full matrix method AP500 Blocked matrix method 2 mins 60 mins per cycle 4 mins per cycle 12 mins per cycle Speeds relative to the VAX (1.0) for other machines are :-UNIX, 20MHz 80386/80387/Weitek 3167 4.0 Microway NDP Fortran 386 UNIX, 20MHz 80386/80387, Microway NDP Fortran 386 2.0 MS-DOS Same 80386 0.5 MS-DOS 8MHz 80286/80287 0.17 VM/CMS 3090/200S 20.0+ System Reference ---------------It would be appreciated if reference is made to the system in any publications involving its use. The correct reference, at present, is to the I.U.Cr.Computing School held in Mulheim F.R.G. during the summer of 1984 as follows: NRCVAX - An Interactive Program System for Structure Analysis E.J.Gabe, Y.Le Page, J-P.Charland and F.L.Lee J. Appl. Cryst. 22, 384, 1989. Page 28 Appendix 1. Explanatory Notes for ABSORP An absorption correction program will always require the crystal orientation as part of its input, and for integration routines a description of the geometry of the crystal faces. The form of this information can vary widely with different types of diffractometer and different methods of measuring the crystal. ABSORP is set up to accept orientation and face information from the NRC Picker and standard CAD-4 diffractometers. The input data needed for the empirical method are relatively simple and will be described first, while that required for the Gaussian method are more complex and are described in somewhat more detail. Hopefully, the description below will enable users to adapt local methods and conventions to the requirements of ABSORP. Empirical Method ---------------This method only requires the orientation matrix and wavelength values and then sets of psi-scan data (36 per reflection) for several reflections in a data file which is usually called FCURVES.DAT. An average correction curve is worked out and then transmission factors and pathlength values are written to an IDATA file. The mu value is needed in order to work out the pathlength and this is read from a .CD file. The FCURVES.DAT file can be in one of two forms. 1. For a CAD-4 diffractometer this file can be in the normal intensity data file format and either the standard E-N or NRCCAD form is acceptable. 2. For a Picker or any other diffractometer data it can be an ASCII file similar to the CAD-4 file as follows :-1st line - Type 31 with 7 values 31 R(1,1) R(1,2) R(1,3) R(2,1) R(2,2) R(2,3) 2nd line - Type 32 with 4 values 32 R(3,1) R(3,2) R(3,3) Wavelength Remaining lines - Type 1 with 10 values 1 h k l Psi Frac IBlow IPeak IBhigh IAtten where Frac is half the ratio of the total background time to the peak time, i.e. 0.5*(Tblow + Tbhigh)/Tpeak. IAtten is the index of any attenuators (0 to 5). Gaussian Integration Method --------------------------Crystal Orientation ------------------The crystal orientation is described in terms of an orientation matrix or the angles required to bring three reflections to the diffracting position. Unfortunately, there is no agreement among diffractometer manufacturers on a convention for the description of the orienting angles and apart from this, there are of course the two different orienter geometries in common use. ABSORP is set up to accept orientation input as a matrix or Euler angles from the NRC Picker and Page 29 CAD-4 diffractometers. In order for this to be of use to other users the angle convention of the NRC Picker machine is described. CAD-4 users can use data direct from the CAD-4 or NRCCAD control routines. On the NRC Picker machine, viewing the chi-circle from the X-ray tube, with all angles set to zero, chi=0 is at the bottom and chi=90 is to the right; i.e. from this viewpoint, when the chi angle increases it does so by moving clockwise. The phi-circle is at the bottom of the chi-circle when chi=0, and phi=0 points towards the viewer, with phi=90 to the right. This means that viewing vertically downwards from the crystal position, phi also increases in a clockwise sense. The two Picker face data files shown below contain the matrix and angle description of the same crystal orientation on the NRC Picker machine. With all angles at zero, as above, the goniometer head, locating pin on the phi-circle base is at phi=160. (See Delta below) When using a CAD-4 machine we have found it useful, though not essential, to know the conversion of the CAD-4 matrix or angles to NRC Picker form. Assuming the angles on all CAD-4 diffractometers are defined in the same way (this was not true for Picker machines !), the relevant conversions are as follows. Phi(NRC-Picker) = Phi(CAD-4) + 180.0 + Delta Chi(NRC-Picker) = -Chi(CAD-4) On our CAD-4, with all angles set to zero the locating pin points directly at the x-ray tube. This means that the phi transformation is Phi(NRC-Picker) = i.e. delta = -20.0. Phi(CAD-4) + 180.0 - 20.0 The CAD-4 routines store their orientation matrix in a different row order to the NRC routines, and this coupled with the angle definitions above means that if Rp(3,3) is the orientation matrix for the NRC-Picker machine (with the zero position of phi set to read 20 degrees), the CAD-4 matrix Rn(3,3) is Rn(3,3) = Rp(2,1) -Rp(1,1) -Rp(3,1) Rp(2,2) -Rp(1,2) -Rp(3,2) Rp(2,3) -Rp(1,3) -Rp(3,3) The two CAD-4 face data files below, contain the description of the same crystal as above, but in CAD-4 terms. Note that theta is given in place of 2theta, and chi and phi are interchanged, to match CAD-4 output. Note also the 20 degree shift of phi. Face Description ---------------The orientation of faces is described to ABSORP in terms of the Euler angles required to put each face in the diffracting position or its reverse, for bisecting geometry on a 4-circle instrument. On the Picker machine this means that the face normal is in the horizontal plane, pointing at the chi-ring and the standard Picker microscope is viewing the trace of the face. In fact, it is very convenient to use a Picker diffractometer to measure crystals in this way, because of the ability Page 30 to unlock the drive mechanisms and spin the circles by hand. The same operation can be done on a CAD-4 with the commands MICROS, MICROR and HE, but it is tedious. It helps considerably if the faces can be indexed and there is provision for face input in the form h,k,l,d. The measurements can be made quite conveniently on a 2-circle optical goniometer and the results transformed to Picker values for input. If face data is specified as h,k,l,d, it is permissible, though perhaps not advisable, to mix h,k,l and angle input for different faces. It is also advisable to use the B setting in this case to avoid confusion. In addition to the angles required to orient the face in this way, the distance from the face to the centre of the crystal (which should be the centre of rotation), along the face normal, is required. For symmetric crystals this is not difficult to measure, but for irregular crystals it requires some practice. If the faces can be indexed, then the angles can be easily calculated, but as the faces of many crystals cannot be easily indexed, it is more comprehensive to give the face data in angular form. In any case, it is still necessary to measure the perpendicular distance. --------------------------Crystal orientation and face data for ABSORP must be in a consistent form. The values given can be for a Picker or Nonius diffractometer, but they must be consistent. --------------------------A final word of explanation is required to describe the orientation of the crystal drawings produced by ABSORP. The graphics axial system is fixed in space with y along the x-ray beam pointing to the right of the screen, z vertically upwards and x outwards towards the viewer. The initial view of the crystal, is at it would appear on the Picker machine, looking down the x-axis, i.e. the diffraction vector, towards the origin with all diffractometer angles set to zero. Rotations are clockwise when looking from a positive axial direction towards the origin. The face data in the examples is for a tetrahedral crystal mounted with its base vertical. For the data in example 1 this means that the initial view is that which would be obtained by looking through the metal of the chi-circle at the base of the crystal (face 1), with face 2 downwards, face 3 to the left and face 4 to the right. In this orientation the crystal would be mounted on face 2. As the Picker microscope is mounted at right angles to the chi-circle and away from the x-ray tube, the view in the microscope can be obtained byrotating the crystal image 90 degrees about z. ---------------------------ABSORP Face Data File Examples The four files shown below contain examples of orientation and face information, which can be used as input to ABSORP. The same data can be given at the terminal in response to prompts and the program will then write the face data file automatically. The contents of these files is Page 31 as follows. Line 1 Wave,Idiff,Imat,Iface (F10.0,3A1) Wave Wavelength used (in Angstroms), Idiff Diffractometer flag; P=NRC Picker, N=Nonius CAD4 Imat Matrix input flag; M=Matrix input, A=Angle input Iface Face data flag; B=Bisecting, R=Reverse of B Lines 2,3,4 If If Line 5 a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma. (For checking purposes only) Line 6 Mu,Igx,Igy,Igz,Nface. Mu is the absorption factor in cm-1, Igx,Igy,Igz are the no. of integration pts along x,y,z, Nface is the number of crystal faces. Line 7 If If Imat=M Imat=A Idiff=P Idiff=N Orientation matrix from diffractometer h,k,l,angles for 3 reflections If Idiff=P angles are 2theta,chi,phi If Idiff=N " " theta,phi,chi chi, phi, d(in cms) for each face. phi, chi, d(in cms) for each face. If Iface=B The chi and phi values needed are those which will put the face in the normal position for reflection in the bisecting mode. If Iface=R The chi and phi values are the reverse of those above. thus if phi and chi are the normal angles used for Iface=B, then these angles are phi' = phi + 180 and chi' = 360 - chi Example 1. ABSORP Input File for the Picker machine, with orientation specified as reflection Angles and faces specified for the Bisecting position. 0.709320PAB 6 0 0 31.500 318.080 256.850 0 6 0 31.500 3.120 300.450 0 0 12 37.490 323.120 27.790 9.06000 9.06000 13.24400 90.000 90.000 50.0000 20 20 20 4 0.000 0.000 0.020000 60.000 180.000 0.020000 -30.000 120.000 0.020000 -30.000 240.000 0.020000 Example 2. 120.000 ABSORP Input File for the Picker machine, with orientation specified as reflection Matrix and faces specified for the Bisecting position. 0.709320PMB -0.021660 0.064440 -0.092680 -0.109600 0.053460 0.028220 Page 32 -0.085220 9.06000 50.0000 0.000 60.000 -30.000 -30.000 Example 3. 0.007100 -0.045230 9.06000 13.24400 20 20 20 4 0.000 0.020000 180.000 0.020000 120.000 0.020000 240.000 0.020000 90.000 90.000 ABSORP Input File for the Nonius CAD-4 machine, with orientation specified as reflection Angles and faces specified for the Bisecting position. 0.709320NAB 6 0 0 15.720 96.890 41.510 0 6 0 15.720 140.430 -3.620 0 0 12 18.740 -132.250 36.480 9.06000 9.06000 13.24400 90.000 90.000 50.0000 20 20 20 4 200.000 0.000 0.020000 20.000 -60.000 0.020000 320.000 30.000 0.020000 80.000 30.000 0.020000 Example 4. 120.000 120.000 ABSORP Input File for the Nonius CAD-4 machine, with orientation specified as reflection Matrix and faces specified for the Bisecting position. 0.709320NMB -0.094655 -0.080945 0.044930 -0.011438 -0.097950 -0.040811 0.084383 -0.008039 0.044881 9.06000 9.06000 13.24400 50.0000 20 20 20 4 200.000 0.000 0.020000 20.000 -60.000 0.020000 320.000 30.000 0.020000 80.000 30.000 0.020000 90.000 90.000 120.000 ------------------------------------------------------ Because the Gaussian calculations for ABSORP can take an appreciable length of time to run, it is often preferable to run it as a batch job. The file below is a simple VAX DCL command procedure to do this, which should be run from the main directory. $ ! File to run ABSORP as a batch job (ABATCH.COM) $ $ $ $ $ ! ! Force the LOG file to be kept on ABATCH.LOG DEFINE SYS$PRINT DUMMY ! ! The next few lines describe the terminal input to ABSORP, which must Page 33 $ ! be included in the file for the batch job. ! ! Let the ABSORP routine know its a BATCH job $ TESTBATCH := "YES" ! ! The next few lines are a description of the terminal input ! ! 1. 'G' to use the Gaussian method ! 2. 'Y' to run as a BATCH job ! 3. 'T' for output to terminal ! 4. Name of the FACE DATA file ! 5. 'Y' to use an INTENSITY DATA file ! 6. Name of the INTENSITY DATA file ! 7. Either ! 'Y' to use all data blocks, or ! Up to 10 ranges of data block numbers (End with 0) ! $ R ['TOPDIR']ABSORP g y t [GABE.ab]face.da y [GABE.em]test.id n 20,100 0 $ EXIT Page 34 Appendix 2. Explanatory Notes for DATRD2 The data reduction routine, DATRD2, processes intensity data in standard NRCVAX IDATA form to produce a reflection (.RE) file. Intensity data from the NRC Picker diffractometer, a standard Picker diffractometer, a standard CAD4 diffractometer, the NRCCAD control program or from any of the foreign data conversion routines in UTILTY, can be processed. The form of the input intensity data is as produced from the NRC Picker program and is described later in this Appendix. The routine NONIUS in UTILTY will convert CAD4 intensity files into the required form. The routines NICLAY (Nicolet), PHILPS (Philips), RIGAKU (Rigaku), FINGER (Finger), LENHRT (Lenhert), IUCIN (I.U.Cr.) and REFIN (General), all of which are in UTILTY, will perform the necessary conversion for various other forms of nonstandard data. The program needs two input files and produces two output files. The two input files are a .CD file and an IDATA file. The main output file is the .RE reflection file and there is also a lineprinter output file, DATRD2.OUT, which gives summaries of the results of the various program steps. DATRD2 performs 5 data reduction steps, which are accessed via key letters from within the program. 1. E Examine and edit the raw intensity data on the IDATA file. Data blocks or individual reflections can be examined and changed prior to the calculation steps of the program. This stage is menu-driven from the terminal and should be easy to run. 2. S Scale the measurements according to one of several options, from the standard reflection measurements on the IDATA file. The user must supply the routine with the type of data being processed and the range of blocks to be considered. The routine then searches these blocks for standard reflection measurements and plots the values of each on the screen. It then asks which standards should be used and whether any data should be omitted. The mean standard value is then plotted and the scaling option is asked for. There are 4 such options :-1. Use the scale value of the last set of standards measured. 2. Apply an average constant scale to specified sections of data. 3. Apply interpolated least squares straight line fits to the standard measurements in sections of the data. 4. Apply the running 5-point smoothed value of the scale to sections of the data. The derived scale values are again plotted and, if acceptable, scale values are written in each data block. 3. A Apply spherical absorption corrections. Values of the spherical transmission correction and average pathlength through the crystal are written in each reflection record if this option is Page 35 selected, using the calculated absorption coefficient and stored correction tables. (Weber, Acta Cryst., B25, 1174,1969; Larson, Crystallographic Computing, p.293, 1969) 4. R This step is performed in two stages. a. Equivalent reflections are grouped together. b. The grouped data is reduced to Fobs values. a. Group equivalent measurements together for subsequent averaging This step must be run even if there is only one unique measurement of each reflection. The algorithm for this step is based on the use of Dh segments as defined in Le Page and Gabe, J. Appl. Cryst., 12, 464, 1979. The program works out a unique reflection address in the array GPFILE, based on the symmetry of the problem at hand and the number of equivalent measurements. The address of each reflection record in this array is worked out from stored segment data for each symmetry and enough space is reserved for each reflection to hold data for all equivalents (including Friedel) in each unique reflection record. At the end of this step the GPFILE array holds all the intensity data sorted according to unique reflection indices. b. Reduce the raw data to Fo and weight values and write the .RE reflection file. Once the GPFILE array has been created it is a relatively simple process to apply the necessary geometric and physical corections to produce a unique set of averaged values of Fo and weights based on counting statistics or interset agreement statistics, if there are several equivalent sets. The reflection file can be written in any required order. Agreement statistics are kept during this process and output to the lineprinter file. Measurements are screened for consistency during this stage if there are 4 or more equivalents. A reflection whose intensity differs from the mean by more than 4 times the mean counting statistics sigma is dropped and the mean recalculated. The process is repeated as long as not more than 1 measurement in 4 has been rejected. A secondary extinction correction is calculated according to Zachariasen, Acta Cryst., 23, 558, 1967 and Larson as above. 5. N Normalize the scattering data to produce E and Epsilon values. Statistics are accumulated from the .RE file, a scale value and average temperature factor are calculated and E-values written to the .RE file. A summary is output to the lineprinter file. All reflection data, from whatever source, is input to DATRD2 as unprocessed intensity data in an IDATA file, where it is processed to yield a .RE file. The IDATA file is a direct-access binary file in which each record is 340 bytes long, i.e. 85 4-byte variables. Intensity data storage starts at record 20. Eight quantities are stored for up to 10 reflections as follows:-10 values of 1000(h + 500) + k + 500 10 " " 1000(l + 500) + ia (attenuator index, 0 to 5) Page 36 10 10 10 10 10 10 " " " " " " " " " " " " the integrated peak count " low angle background count " high " " " " background time fraction " reflection sequence number psi, the azimuthal angle The first (h,k) and second (l,ia) sets of values are integers and the remainder are floating point. The time spent on background counting at each end of the scan is expressed as a fraction of the time spent on the peak, ie. a value of 0.236 means that each background was measured for 0.236 of the peak time. This is to accomodate the variable background times produced by he profile analysis routine. For reference reflections the values of psi are set to 999.0. Records which do not contain 10 reflections are filled with h=k=l=99 ie. 599599 and 599000. The routine ABSORP writes the transmission factors in the sequence number array and beta values in the high angle background array. The two backgrounds are added prior to this of course, and ABSORP adds 10000 to psi to prevent this happening again if ABSORP is run a second time. Data from all sources must be converted into this format by the appropriate routine in UTILTY. The NONIUS routine processes intensity data from the regular CAD-4 program and the NRCCAD program, which may use profile analysis. Data from Nicolet and Philips diffractometers and Lenhert's and Finger's systems can be transformed by special routines in UTILTY and the routine IUCIN will convert reflection data in I.U.Cr. standard form. Data from other instruments must also be converted in this way and the routine REFIN in UTILTY will do this for many non-standard reflection data types. This routine has 3 running modes. In all modes the reflection data must be on file as 1 reflection per line, but the individual items, h,k,l,Fobs or Inet or Peak etc may be in any field position on the line, which must be indicated during the initial terminal dialogue. The data is read by a free-format routine in which extraneous alphanumeric characters are rejected. Field delimiters can be blanks or commas. 1. Fobs Mode In this mode reflection data is in the form of h,k,l,Fobs and optionally a sigma(Fobs) quantity. In this mode a .CD file must be prepared before the run, in order to supply the values needed for the Lp-1 calculation to reconstruct the measured intensity. The Lp-1 expression used is for monochromatized radiation of the selected wavelength, with the reflecting planes of the monochromator perpendicular to those of the sample crystal (Picker and CAD-4 geometry). The sigma quantity may be 1 of 8 forms which are indicated in the routine. 2. Inet Mode In this mode the data is in the form h,k,l,Inet, an optional sigma(Inet) and an optional reference reflection indicator flag. The reference reflection indicator can be any selected non-numeric character (usually *), which can occur anywhere on the line. Usually this will be at the beginning or the end and it does not require its own field, i.e. it can occur alone, it does not need delimiters. The same general rules apply and sigma may be 1 of 4 different Page 37 expressions. 3. Peak/Background Mode This is the most general mode of the program. Data is in the form of h,k,l, a peak measurement, one or two background measurements, some value to indicate the peak/background time ratio (see below), an optional attenuator index and an optional reference reflection indicator as above. The time ratio information may be given in several ways. a) As a constant backgound time from the terminal, in which case there must be a variable peak-time for each reflection on file. b) As a fixed backgound-to-peak time ratio at the terminal. c) As a variable background-to-peak time ratio on file. The attenuator index information is given as a number in the range 0 to 5. If you are in doubt about any of this consult the program listings. The relevant routines are REFIN, REFOBS, REINET and REBPKB in [*.UT]. If a local absorption routine is to be used, it may be preferable to modify it so that intensity data (with transmission factors) are written out as in ABSORP. The file is essentially an IDATA file as above, i.e. direct-access, 85-variables/record, and records 1 to 19 are ignored. The quantities written out from ABSORP are KH 10 values of 1000(h + 500) + k + 500 LA 10 " " 1000(l + 500) + ia (attenuator index, 0 to 5) PK 10 " " the integrated peak count BKG 10 " " " total background count (b1 + b2) BETA 10 " " " average reflection pathlength T 10 " " " background time fraction (as above) ABC 10 " " " transmission factor PS 10 " " 10000 + the azimuthal angle psi (usually 0 or 999). If the absorption routine does not calculate BETA, substitute a reasonable value (50-150), as a number of microns. When an IDATA file is prepared in either of these formats the questions in DATRD2 should be answered as if the NRC diffractometer routine was used to collect the data, and profile analysis was used. For data from the regular CAD4 or NRCCAD programs answer the DATRD2 questions appropriately for those forms. Page 38 Appendix 3. Explanatory Notes for Multan80 with NRCVAX The complete Multan-80 package of programs contains 4 routines -NORMAL, MULTAN, EXFFT and SEARCH. The package has been implemented for the NRCVAX package with no change to the code, and because of this the routines are not as interactive as others in the system. Only NORMAL and MULTAN are included and links into and out of these two routines are provided. The subroutine M8XIN in UTILTY takes data from a pair of files, .CD and .RE, and writes an input file, NORM80.CDR, as input for NORM80'. NORM80 and MLTN80 may then be run, followed by the routine M8XOUT in UTILTY which writes the phase information into a file called SOLFOU.DA in a form suitable for input to FOURR. From that point the normal NRCVAX sequence can be resumed. The procedure M80RUN.COM (listed below) will perform this sequence of operations automatically on a VAX. $ ! M80RUN.COM Command file to run Norm80 and Mltn80 8-May-89 $ ! $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Procedure to run NORM80 and MLTN80" $ ! Norm80 and Mltn80 are in their original condition and can be run with $ ! this procedure as one continuous run. The input file to Norm80 is $ ! prepared from a .CD and a .RE file, whose names must be in NAMES.ZZ. $ ! A title file MLTN80.TTL is prepared by this procedure and $ ! contains a title line followed by one blank line. $ ! $ INQUIRE TITLE " Type a title " $ OPEN/WRITE UNIT MLTN80.TTL $ WRITE UNIT TITLE $ WRITE UNIT " " $ CLOSE UNIT $ ! $ ! All terminal input is contained in this procedure $ ! *** DO NOT ATTEMPT TO TYPE ANYTHING MORE DURING EXECUTION *** $ ! $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " *** Do NOT type anything more during execution ***" $ ! $ ! The procedure executes the following steps $ ! 1. Runs M8XIN to make the file NORM80.CDR from .CD and .RE files. $ ! 2. Runs NORM80 $ ! 3. Runs MLTN80 $ ! 4. Runs M8XOUT to make the file SOLFOU.DA for FOURR $ ! $ ! It is probably most useful to execute the procedure from the sub$ ! directory containing the .CD and .RE files of a particular structure. $ ! The procedure itself can be stored in the main directory. The symbol $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! TOPDIR must be defined as in NRCLOGIN.COM to be the directory which contains the executable program modules. If the procedure ends abnormally give the following two commands to reassign terminal I/O correctly ASSIGN SYS$INPUT FOR005 ASSIGN SYS$OUTPUT FOR006 Run M8XIN from UTILTY to produce NORM80.CDR Page 39 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Starting M8XIN" $ R ['TOPDIR']UTILTY 3A 80 Y Y $ ! Run NORM80 $ ! The file NORM80.CDR is read by NORM80 on unit 5 (FOR005) $ ! Any optional input to NORM80 may be editted into NORM80.CDR $ ! Lineprinter output from NORM80 is produced on unit 6 (FOR006) $ ! The transfer file from NORM80 to MLTN80 is on unit 9 $ ASSIGN NORM80.CDR FOR005 $ ASSIGN NORM80.OUT FOR006 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Finished M8XIN; starting NORM80" $ R ['TOPDIR']NORM80 $ ! Activate the next statement to print NORM80.OUT $ ! PRINT/DEL NORM80.OUT $ ! $ ! Run MLTN80 $ ! The title file MLTN80.TTL is read by MLTN80 on unit 5 (FOR005) $ ! Any optional input to MLTN80 can be included in MLTN80.TTL $ ! Lineprinter output from MLTN80 is produced on unit 6 (FOR006) $ ! Binary phase information is output from MLTN80 on unit 10 $ ASSIGN MLTN80.TTL FOR005 $ ASSIGN MLTN80.OUT FOR006 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Finished NORM80; starting MLTN80" $ R ['TOPDIR']MLTN80 $ ! Activate the next statement to print the results in MLTN80.OUT $ ! PRINT/DEL MLTN80.OUT $ ! $ ! Run M8XOUT from UTILTY to produce SOLFOU.DA for FOURR $ ! Assign Fortran units 5 and 6 back to their normal values $ ASSIGN SYS$INPUT FOR005 $ ASSIGN SYS$OUTPUT FOR006 $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Finished MLTN80; starting M8XOUT" $ R ['TOPDIR']UTILTY 3B $ ! $ ! The file SOLFOU.DA now contains the phase information for FOURR $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " " $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " *** Normal Completion ofM80RUN ***" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " NORM80 results are in NORM80.OUT" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " MLTN80 results are in MLTN80.OUT" $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT " Phase Information for FOURR is in SOLFOU.DA" $ ! Clean up the scratch files $ DEL FOR0*.DAT;* $ EXIT Page 40 Appendix 4. Explanatory Notes for CDEDIT This program is designed to modify the preliminary data parameters and flags for such things as the extinction and reflection scale factors and to insert, delete and modify atom records in a .CD file, or examine .CD files without change. All data on the file is stored in memory until the last step of the run when it is written to the output file after requesting the name of this file. If an existing file is used its contents are overwritten by the new data. The program is highly interactive and it is hoped that the prompt questions asked are sufficiently self-explanatory that it can be run easily by all users. Wherever possible answers to questions are defaulted, so that merely typing CR (Carriage Return) will cause the required action. The default answer is always indicated by (Y) or (N) before the question mark. the program is menu driven and the current menu can be displayed at all times merely by typing CR in response to the command prompting question. All numerical data used in this program is read as an 18A4 array and then decoded by the subroutine CDFLOT which can interpret rational fractions. It will catch illegal characters in the data string and the program then repeats its request for data. In general all number fields are 15 characters long unless terminated with a comma or a space. Leading spaces are counted as part of the number field, but a trailing blank terminates the number. The following is an explanation of the program and its prompting questions. The questions are shown in capital letters and the explanatory text is in small letters. 1) PRINT OUTPUT ON TERMINAL OR LINEPRINTER (T) ? Select the output device to be the lineprinter file or the terminal. If the lineprinter is selected output will be to the file CDEDIT.OUT. 2) The name of the .CD file to be used is then printed (if there is a NAMES.ZZ file). This file may be used or another. Preliminary Data Editting ------------------------The preliminary information on the .CD file is then printed, followed by the question 4) DO THESE DATA NEED EDITTING (N) ? If the answer is N go to Q. 20 If the answer is Y the following options are available :-(F) New Fobs-scale (X) New Extinction Q. 5 Q. 6 Page 41 (R) Change refinement flags on scale & extinction (C) Change the chirality parameter eta and its refinement flag. (L) List current preliminary parameters (I) Change the instrumental error factor (W) Change the weighting scheme flag (A) Change the sign of anomalous dispersion terms (E) Exit to next step QS 7 & 8 Q. 8a Q. 9 QS 10-13 Q. 20 If the character typed is not in the above list the full menu of permissible values is listed with a repeat of Q. 4. This is true of all menus in the program. 5) 6) 7) 8) 8a) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) NEW FOBS-SCALE ? NEW EXTINCTION COEFFICIENT ? REFINE FOBS-SCALE (Y) ? REFINE EXTINCTION (N) ? THE PRESENT ETA VALUE IS X.XXX. TYPE THE NEW VALUE REFINE THE CHIRALITY PARAMETER ETA (N) These questions will not appear if the space is centrosymmetric and refinement of eta is not allowed in this case. Refined values close to + or -1 are to be expected. If a value of -1 is found, use the UTILTY routine MINUS to reverse x,y,z and set eta to +1. THE INSTRUMENTAL ERROR FACTOR IS X.XX... TYPE THE NEW VALUE This is the value of k in the weight expression wt 1.0/(sigma(Fobs)**2 + k*Fobs**2) (C) COUNTING STATS, (U) UNIT,(H) HUGHES WTS ? If H answer questions 11-13 HUGHES WEIGHTS CUTOFF ? A & B FOR DATA > CUTOFF A & B FOR DATA < CUTOFF Overall Atoms Editting Options -----------------------------The program then prints XX ATOMS HAVE BEEN READ IN followed by the question 20) OVERALL ATOMS EDITTING OPTION (MENU) ? (E) Edit an atom record. (D) Delete an atom (I) Insert an atom (L) List a range of atoms (R or P) Read atom positions from a PEAK file (A or T) Read atom positions from a TEXT file QS. 21-31 Q. 21 QS 35-40 QS 45-47 QS 45-46 (H) (N) (G) (0) (F) Generate hydrogen positions from .CD file data Normalize X....H-atom bond lengths Edit atom parameters globally by type or atom# Order the atom entries in the file Finish and write the atom records to the .CD file QS QS QS Q. QS 51-56 57-59 60-69 70 75-78 Page 42 (C) Calculate symmetry constraints for all atoms. (Q) Quit. End the job without rewriting the .CD file. (C) Generate CONSTRAINED Groups and Atoms QS 80-88 21) ATOM NAME ? The routine allows 3 tries before returning to Q. 20 22) INDIVIDUAL ATOM EDIT OPTION (MENU) ? (P or L) Print(List) atom data (X) Change x, y, z, occupancy (A) Convert iso to aniso (U) Change thermal parameters (M) Modify the refinement flags (I) Change the atom identity (name) (T) Change the atom type flag (D) Change the anomalous dispersion flag (O) Change the site occupancy (N) Select the next atom to process (E) Exit from the atom edit mode to Q. 20 Q. 23 QS Q. Q. Q. 24-26 27 28 29 Q. 30 Q. 31 Individual Atom Editting Options -------------------------------23) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) NEW X, Y, Z, OCCPY (1.0) ? If the occupancy is 1.0 it need not be typed. All quantities may be typed as rational fractions if desired. ISOTROPIC OR ANISOTROPIC (I) ? ISOTROPIC U (0.04) ? ANISOTROPIC UIJS CURRENTLY REFINABLE PARAMETERS ARE ..... WHICH PARAMETER REFINEMENT FLAGS DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE ? Refinement flags are O,X,Y,Z and U. The presence of the letter means the associated parameter will be refined and the sense of the flag will be reversed by typing the letter, e.g. after O-Y-U appears, typing OXYZU will give -X-Z-. G may be substituted for O if desired. NEW ATOM I.D. The new name cannot be same as one currently in the file. If many of the atoms on the file are to be renamed it is preferable to use 29) 30) 31) the routine NUNAME in the program UTILTY. NEW ATOM TYPE ? NEW SITE OCCUPANCY ? ATOM NAME (Q. 21) Insert a New Atom Record at the End of the List ----------------------------------------------- 35) 36) 37) 38) 39) ATOM NAME ? Cannot duplicate a name already in the file. ATOM TYPE ? X, Y, Z, OCCPY (1.0) ? ISOTROPIC OR ANISOTROPIC (I) ? ISOTROPIC U (0.04) ? (as Q. 23) (as Q. 24) (as Q. 25) Page 43 40) ANISOTROPIC UIJS (as Q. 26) Select Peak Positions from a Fourier Peak File. ----------------------------------------------If many peaks are to be taken from the peak file it is simpler to use the program UNUMOL to read them into the .CD file. 45) 46) 47) READ ATOM PARAMETERS FROM AN EXTERNAL FILE TYPE THE NAME OF THE FILE (PEAK.DA) The Fourier program produces a PEAK.DA file or a similar file can be prepared by hand, or, files similar to those produced by TABLES can be read. The atom name must be in the first 10 places followed by x,y,z and Biso. Esds in brackets after each quantity are interpreted, but may be omitted. SPECIFY THE RANGE OF ATOM NUMBERS TO BE READ AS N1,N2 If N1 = 0 Return to the OVERALL atoms edit menu If N2 = 0 N2 = N1 These are the atom numbers on the external file. ENTER THE DEFAULT ATOM TYPE (C) Give the scattering factor type for all atoms taken from a PEAK file, i.e. if this option is selected with R or P. If it is selected with A or T, the atom type is derived from the first 1 or 2 letters of the atom name, which must therefore be a valid atom symbol for an atom type which is in the .CD file. If the derived symbol cannot be found the correct symbol is requested. Hydrogen Atom Position Generation --------------------------------- 51) 52) 53) 54) 55) THERE ARE FOUR TYPES OF H-ATOM GENERATION 2 H-ATOMS AB---X--H2 METHYLENE (M) 1 H-ATOM AB---X--H PLANAR (P) 1 H-ATOM ABC---X--H TETRAHEDRAL (T) 1 H-ATOM A(BC)---Y---X--H ORIENTED (O) For the O option X--H is parallel to A( or B or C)---Y. WARNING *** RUN UNIMOL BEFORE THIS OPTION TYPE THE ATOM--H DISTANCE (1.08) The default value is 1.08A TYPE AN ATOM NAME Type the name of the atom to which H-atom(s) are to be attached. Typing a blank causes a return to Q. 20 ENTER TYPE OF H POSITION(S) WANTED (M,P,T OR O) At this point a hydrogen position is printed TYPE A NAME FOR THIS HYDROGEN (Made up name) The name for the generated H-atom is made up from the atom name and it will be used as the default. 56) At this point the second H position is printed (M) or Q. 53 or for the O option, GENERATE FURTHER H-ATOMS WITH THE M OR P OTIONS (Y) A judicious use of this command, coupled with UNIMOL, should be able Page 44 to generate H-atom positions for almost any geometry. For example, for the pi-allyl group H2C---CH---CH2, which is planar with all angles 120 degrees, can be dealt with as follows. Run UNIMOL with a low specific radius limit on any atoms bonded to the central C except the 2 other C-atoms in the group, which should yield only 2 bonds to the central C atom. Position the central H-atom with the P option, then 2 of the terminal H-atoms (one on each C) with the O option using the central C--H as the orienting bond, then position the remaining 2 terminal H-atoms with P options. Hydrogen Atom Bond Normalization -------------------------------This option allows the user to normalize bond lengths involving H-atoms which often become unreasonable during refinement. 57) 58) 59) As 52) and then 53). If the atom specified has only 1 H-atom attached the bond length is normalized to the distance given in 52). If the atom has more than 1 h-atom attached, the bond length of the H-atom specified is normalized. This may be repeated until all lengths have been normalized. Global Edit Options ------------------- Atom records can be edited globally by atom type or by ranges of atom numbers in the list. Specified changes are then made to all selected atoms. 60) EDIT BY ATOM NO. RANGES (Y) ? (Q. 62 IF 61) 62) 63) ENTER UP TO 10 RANGES EXIT WITH CR ATOM TYPE FOR EDITING ? GLOBAL ATOMS EDIT OPTIONS (MENU) ? A Convert iso to aniso I Set iso U U Convert aniso to iso M Modify the refinement flags O Shift the origin S Select another atom type or atom# to process N Change atom name from peak# to xxxx# T Set atom type D Change the anom. dispersion flag G Global atom delete B Add a character at the 5th place of an atom name C Change the atom occupancy factors E Exit to atoms editting option at Q. 20 ISOTROPIC U (0.04) ? THE REFINABLE PARAMETERS ARE OXYZU (to Q. 63) N) 64) 65) (Q. 64) (Q. (Q. (Q. (Q. (Q. 65) 66) 60) 67) 62) (Q. 68) (Q. 69) 66) 67) 68) 69) WHICH PARAMETER REFINEMENT FLAGS DO YOU WISH TO CHANGE ? (As for Q. 27. The specified changes apply to all selected atoms) X,Y,Z OF NEW ORIGIN, Xnew Xold - Xorigin ? NAME WANTED INSTEAD OF PEAK TYPE THE CHARACTER YOU WANT TO ADD ATOMS OCCUPANCY FACTOR Page 45 Reordering Atoms on a .Cdfile ----------------------------70) THE ATOM WHOSE NAME IS GIVEN FIRST WILL BE PUT AHEAD OF THE ATOM WHOSE NAME IS GIVEN SECOND. <CR> FOR THE 1ST NAME EXITS FROM THE LOOP <CR> FOR THE 2ND NAME PUTS THE 1ST ATOM AT THE END. This is the simplest way to reorder a whole file. Normal Exit from the Program. ----------------------------- 75) OUTPUT FILE NAME (INPUT FILE) CR means that the old .CD file will be overwritten with the new information and is the usual exit route. 76) ALL ATOMS SHOULD BE MADE ANOMALOUS FOR VALID CHIRALITY REFINEMENT DO YOU WANT THIS (N) ? If chirality refinement is requested and there are atoms with the anomalous dispersion flag turned off, the routine checks that this is really what you want. This can only appear in non-centrosymmetric cases when eta is set to refine. DATA WERE WRITTEN TO XXXXXXX.CD The program writes all the new data to the .CD file and exits. 80) ** GROUP ** Options All the questions of this option are not shown, because of the many paths that might be taken. Appendix 6 contains a more detailed description of the Rigid Group facility and also an example of a CDEDIT run using the GROUP option. (I) (L) (G) (D) (T) (M) (C) (F) (Q) 81) Create IDEALIZED rigid group LINK idealized rigid groups GROUP atoms for coupled U or x,y,z parameter refinement DUAL scattering factors (atoms) on a single site Link TWO general (non-rigid) atom groups MAKE new atoms using rigid group definitions CHECK current groups : LIST/DELETE/(RE)CALCULATE FINISH calculate groups & return to main menu QUIT return to main menu without saving run Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Set up an Idealized Group (Chemical or Geometric), using data from the GROUPS.DAT file and atoms from the .CD file. (See Appendix 6) 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 82) Set up LINKed groups for the LNKREO or LNKRCO group types. 83) Set up an NATMGP type group 84) Set up a SCATF2 type group Page 46 85) Set up LINKed groups for the LNKGEO or LNKGCO group types. 86) Generate new atoms from group fragments on the .CD file and group definitions on the GROUPS.DAT file. In order to do this there must be at least 3 atoms in the group fragment on the .CD file in order for the program to successfully fit the whole group. 87) List, check and edit the current groups on the .GRP file. 88) Finish the GROUP editting option, write the .GRP file and reorder the atoms on the .CD file to reflect the current status of the group specifications. Page 47 Appendix 5. Explanatory Notes for LSTSQ with BATCH. $ ! LSBATCH.COM to run LSTSQ as a Batch job 11-Jan-90 $ ! $ ! Any interactive program can be run in batch-mode by making a file $ ! which contains the instructions to run the program plus the $ ! interactive responses the program requires. Use the system editor $ ! to do this. There are also a few preparatory steps. The example $ ! below illustrates a simple least-squares batch run. $ ! $ ! Copy the NAMES.ZZ file to the main directory before starting and $ ! put the full names of the .CD and .RE files, i.e. with $ ! sub-directories, in this file, e.g. $ ! [gabe.ls]ruby.cd $ ! [gabe.ls]ruby.re $ ! $ ! Force the log to be kept as LSBATCH.LOG in the main directory $ ! $ ! Run LSTSQ from the appropriate directory $ ! $ ! Accept the .CD and .RE files on NAMES.ZZ $ ! $ ! Do 2 cycles of least-squares $ ! $ ! Dont take defaults and tell the routine it's a batch job with $ ! option 10. This does NOT appear in the interactive options $ ! list because it MUST not be selected interactively. The blank $ ! line is the options terminator $ ! $ ! Select full-matrix leas-squares $ ! $ ! No more calculations $ ! $ define sys$print dummy $ R [gabe]lstsq y y 2 n 10 f n $ exit The Batch-mode is then invoked by submitting this file from the terminal with SUBMIT LSBATCH the job number is reported to the terminal and it can be checked, to see if it is running, with SHOW SYS Page 48 Appendix 6. Explanatory Notes for LSTSQ with Rigid Groups It is now possible to refine a variety of constrained systems with the NRCVAX least-squares routine, LSTSQ. Most of the more useful types of constraint are available. The facility needs two files in order to run. Firstly, the file GROUPS.DAT which is a library of idealized group types must be available. Secondly, a .GRP file is set up with new commands in CDEDIT, by fitting idealized groups from the GROUPS.DAT file to specified groups of atoms from the .CD file. The .GRP file contains the group refinement flags and the group origin (Xg,Yg,Zg) and orientation angles (Phi,Theta,Rho) for each group to be used. The .GRP file is read by LSTSQ to determine the constraints to be applied and it is updated after each cycle of least-squares. It can also be further editted with CDEDIT. The .GRP file is an ASCII file and it can be modified with a standard editor. However, the refinement flags on the .GRP file must match those on the .CD file and unless the user is very familiar with the internal .CD file structure it is not advisable to edit the .GRP file in this way. CDEDIT ensures that all flags on the .GRP and .CD files are set so that no conflicts are created and is therefore a much safer way to change the .GRP file. It is also necessary that all group atoms be at the end of the atom list on the .CD file in consecutive group order and CDEDIT ensures that this is so. This means that if atoms are added to or subtracted from the .CD file, the group option of CDEDIT should be run again to ensure that the .GRP file is correct. It may be a good idea to make a backup copy of the .CD file before attempting to use groups. In order for a group of atoms to be treated as an idealized rigid group there must be an entry in the group library file, GROUPS.DAT, which describes the group to LSTSQ. This is also an ASCII file and can be editted, but again in order to make changes it is preferable to use the program GPADDR in UTILTY which is specifically for this purpose (see below). The GROUPS.DAT file contains two classes of groups which are functionally the same. Firstly, there are common CHEMICAL groups, e.g. phenyl, perchlorate etc. Atoms in chemical groups are defined in terms of orthogonal Angstrom coordinates for the lengths and angles of the particular group. Other such groups can be added to the file quite easily with the routine GPADDR. Page 49 Secondly, there are GEOMETRIC groups which describe commonly occurring geometric shapes (tetrahedra, bipyramids etc) in terms of up to two bond lengths and an interbond angle which must be supplied by the user in CDEDIT. These groups are provided to allow users to define a rigid group in a flexible way with the minimum number of parameters. For geometric groups the atoms are described in such a way that the orthogonal Angstrom coordinates can be generated for the bond-lengths and angle given in the appropriate record on the .GRP file. The bond lengths are always specified in the order equatorial then axial, followed by the inter-bond angle, if needed. Because there are specific calculations involved for each such group, it is NOT possible to add new GEOMETRIC groups to the GROUPS.DAT file. It is ESSENTIAL that the sequence of group atoms from the .CD file be specified in a SPATIALLY IDENTICAL manner to the sequence for the group on the GROUPS.DAT file. Group Refinement Options -----------------------1. Refinement of Idealized Rigid-groups This option (and 2. below) uses a library of idealized groups, CHEMICAL or GEOMETRIC, from the file GROUPS.DAT which are fitted to one or more atoms on the .CD file, initially by CDEDIT and then by LSTSQ itself. Parameters are divided into four categories occupancy, positional, rotational and thermal. Each of these categories, except rotation, can be refined as group or individual parameters. The rotation angles can only be refined as group parameters. Occupancy and/or thermal parameters which are refined as a group can have DIFFERENT values for different atoms in the group, but the SAME shift will be applied to all. When the rigid-group option is selected at least ONE of the four parameter categories MUST be selected for group refinement and the refinement flags on the .GRP file MUST agree with those on the .CD file, though the .GRP flags take precedence over the .CD file individual atom flags. It is not possible to refine group positional or rotational parameters if any of the group atoms are in special positions and CDEDIT will check for this. 2. Refinement of Two Linked Idealized Rigid-groups (LNKREO, LNKRCO) This option allows two ideal groups, CHEMICAL or GEOMETRIC, to be refined so that occupancy, positional and thermal parameters are linked, but the two sets of rotation parameters can be different. The two group occupancies can be constrained to be equal (LNKREO, Occ2 = Occ1) or complementary (LNKRCO, Occ2 = 1 - Occ1). The total occupancy of corresponding pairs of atoms in the two groups can be specified (default 1.0). In addition it is possible to exclude a specified number of atoms from the first group from the occupancy refinement. This is useful for occupancy refinement of disordered groups, where a central atom is surrounded by two possible orientations of disordered substituents. Page 50 3. Refinement of a Group of n Atoms (NATMGP) This option allows parameters of a group of n atoms to be refined as group values, without imposing the geometric constraints of an ideal rigid group. Thus the initial geometry is preserved if group positional parameters are refined and group shifts may be applied to any or all of the occupancy, positional and thermal parameters of the group. This could for example, be used to give the same thermal shift to a group of hydrogen atoms. 4. Refinement of Two Linked Groups of n Atoms (LNKGEO, LNKGCO) This option allows two groups of n atoms (option 3) to be refined together, without imposing the geometric constraints of ideal rigid groups of option 2. This is useful for linking occupancy and thermal parameters of similar groups, without forcing them to have identical geometry. The group occupancies can be treated in the same way as 2. above. Thus, a group of atoms disordered over two sites could be refined as two groups with complementary occupancies. 5. Refinement of Atomic Species (SCATF2) This option allows the refinement of the proportion of two atomic species or scattering factors, a and b, on a single site so that Occb = 1 - Occa, under the constraint that the total site occupancy is Tot = Frac*(Occa + Occb). Frac is a fixed input value (usually 1.0). All other parameters are free to vary in the normal way. An example could be refinement of a mixture of Fe and Mn on one site in a mineral structure. Desription of the GROUPS.DAT File --------------------------------CHEMICAL Groups Available 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Phenyl Phenyl Perchlorate Perchlorate Benzyl Tolyl PF6 PHEN01 PHEN02 PERCLO PEROXY BZYL01 TOYL01 PF6OH1 C6 C6 Cl O4 O4 C6 H5 C7 P F6 (Dec. 89) Origin on first atom Origin at centre of ring Origin on Cl Perchlorate oxygens only p-tolyl. Origin on first ring atom Octahedral P F6 GEOMETRIC Groups Available 1. Refinement of a Constrained Bond (GCBOND) This is really a specialized version of a regular idealized rigid group. The 2 atoms are treated as a group and the bond distance is constrained to an input value. 2. Refinement of a Constrained angle (GCANGL) Again this is a specialized ideal rigid group. The 3 atoms are constrained so that the two bond distances and then inter-bond angle are held constant while the whole group is free to move. Page 51 3. Refinement of a Triangular Planar Group (GCTPL4 or GNTPL3) An equilateral triangle of atoms, specified by one bond distance from the centre. GCTPL4 has a central atom in the triangle, whereas GNTPL3 does not. 4. Refinement of a Square Planar Group (GCSPL5 or GNSPL4) As 3. but for a square. GCSPL5 has a central atom. 5. Refinement of a Tetrahedral Group (GCTHD5 or GNTHD4) An ideal regular tetrahedron, with or without a central atom, can be constrained so that the 4 distances to the centre and regular geometry are held constant. The 1 axial and 3 equatorial substituents can have different bond lengths. 6. Refinement of a Tetragonal Pyramidal Group (GCTPY5 or GNTPY6) As for 5., but with 1 axial and 4 equatorial distances plus an inter-bond angle. 7. Refinement of a Trigonal Bipyramid (GCTRB6 or GNTRB5) As for the TPY groups, the geometry of a group of 5 or 6 atoms is held constant. The axial and equatorial substituents can have different bond lengths and the interbond angle is 90.0. 8. Refinement of a Tetragonal Bipyramid (GCTEB7 or GNTEB6) As for the TRB groups, the geometry of the group of 6 or 7 atoms is held constant. The axial and equatorial substituents can have different bond lengths. Adding New CHEMICAL Groups to the GROUPS.DAT File ------------------------------------------------This information is intended to help users understand the contents of the GROUPS.DAT file and to facilitate the addition of further CHEMICAL groups. Such groups can be added by editting the ASCII file, but it is recommended that the program GPADDR be used for this purpose. GROUP Requirements 1. Unique GROUP name of up to 6 characters Any characters are allowed though it is helpful to make the name a meaningful acronym, PHEN01 etc. The name MUST NOT start with the letter G, because this identifies the GEOMETRIC groups. 2. Number of Atoms in the Group Must be greater than 2. 3. Group Origin Information The group origin can be located on a group atom, in which case the origin number is the number of the group atom. Alternatively, the origin coordinates can be generated in CDEDIT for the .GRP file, in which case the origin number should be 0. Page 52 4. Orientation Data 2 vectors defining the X and Y group axes in terms of group atom numbers. Atomic positions for the group are supplied as orthogonal Angstrom x,y,z values so that :-a. the group X axis, can be defined by a pair of group atoms with identical y and z coordinates. e.g. 1 and 2 in the PHEN01 example below; 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 and 1.395, 0.0, 0.0 b. a second vector V2 (not collinear with X), can be defined by a pair of group atoms with identical z coordinates. e.g. 1 and 5 below, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 and 0.0, 2.4162, 0.0. The Y axis is then calculated by crossing X and V2 to give the group Z axis and then crossing X and Z to give Y. 5. Descriptive Information for the Group Each group entry should contain records describing the group and the order of the atoms therein. Up to 60 characters after a colon (:) on the header record should be used for essential identification information. This is used for the brief listing of groups in CDEDIT and so must uniquely identify the group. Up to ten additional 80-character lines, each starting with an exclamation mark (!), may contain further details and should describe the order of the atoms in the group. 6. Orthogonal x,y,z coordinates in Angstroms for each group atom. ************************************************************** * * * If you intend to use the program GPADDR to add groups to * * GROUPS.DAT and CDEDIT to set up the .GRP file it is not * * essential to read the following more detailed information. * * * ************************************************************** Page 53 Examples for Adding Groups to GROUPS.DAT ---------------------------------------Example 1. Phenyl group, origin on atom 1 PHEN01 6 112140: PHENYL GROUP (C6) C-C 1.395A Origin on atom 1 ! The Phenyl group carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 6 around the ring, ! with atom 1 connected to 2, 6 and another atom in the molecule. 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.395 0.0 0.0 2.0925 1.2081 0.0 1.395 2.4162 0.0 0.0 2.4162 0.0 -0.6975 1.2081 0.0 This breaks down as follows : Record 1 PHEN01 6 112140: PHENYL GROUP (C6) C-C 1.395A Origin on atom 1 FORMAT (1X,A6,2I3,5I1,': ',A60) Group Name PHEN01 Number of Atoms in Group 6 Number of the Origin Atom 1 Definition of vectors 1 and 2 12140 (The last 0 must be present) --- Group X vector 1-->2 --- Group Y vector 1-->4 Essential Group Description : PHENYL GROUP (C6) C-C 1.395A Origin on atom 1 Records 2 and 3 ! The Phenyl group carbon atoms are numbered 1 to 6 around the ring, ! with atom 1 connected to 2, 6 and another atom in the molecule. FORMAT (1X,'!',A78) Remainder of group description (Up to 10 lines permitted) Records 4 to 9 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.395 0.0 0.0 2.0925 1.2081 0.0 1.395 2.4162 0.0 0.0 2.4162 0.0 -0.6975 1.2081 0.0 FORMAT (3F10.4) Orthogonal Angstrom group coordinates for 6 atoms in this case. Page 54 Example 2. Perchlorate oyxgen atoms ; no group atom on origin (on CL) . PEROXY 4 001030: PERCHLORATE OXYGENS ONLY (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ..CL !The PERCHLORATE OXYGEN-only (PEROXY) group atoms are numbered from 1 to 4. 1.414 0. 0.0 -0.47124 -0.6666 -1.1545 -0.47124 1.3332 0.0 -0.47124 -0.6666 1.1545 This breaks down as follows : Record 1 PEROXY 4 001030: PERCHLORATE OXYGENS ONLY (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ..CL FORMAT (1X,A6,2I3,5I1,': ',A60) Group Name PEROXY Number of Atoms in Group 4 Number of the Origin Atom 0 (i.e. no group atom on origin) Definition of vectors 1 and 2 01030 (The last 0 must be present) --- Group X vector 0-->1 (origin to 1) --- Group Y vector 0-->3 (origin to 3) Essential Group Description : PERCHLORATE OXYGENS ONLY (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ..CL Record 2 !The PERCHLORATE OXYGEN-only (PEROXY) group atoms are numbered from 1 to 4. FORMAT (1X,'!',A78) Remainder of group description (Up to 10 lines permitted) Records 3 to 6 1.414 0. 0.0 -0.47124 -0.6666 -1.1545 -0.47124 1.3332 0.0 -0.47124 -0.6666 1.1545 FORMAT (3F10.4) Orthogonal Angstrom group coordinates for 4 atoms in this case. Page 55 Detailed Description of the .GRP File ------------------------------------Groups and parameters to be refined as group variables are described by group records in the .GRP file written by CDEDIT. These records require the group-name, the group-type, no. of atoms, up to 3 refinement flags and 6 numeric entries, as Name, Type, Nag, Isoc, Igp, Miss, Xg, Yg, Zg, Phi, Theta, Rho where the fields are :-Name = the 4-character name of the group e.g. GP01, Type = the 6-character group type as on GROUPS.DAT (e.g. PHEN01 or GCTHD5) or one of the specific group-type codes, LNKREO, SCATF2 etc. Nag = the number of atoms in the group. Note: All group atoms on the .CD file must come AFTER the non-group atoms and each successive Nag atoms on the .CD file must correspond to the Nag atoms of the next idealized group on the GROUPS.DAT file. The next 3 fields are group refinement flags, which override the individual atom parameter refinement flags on the .CD file. If the group refinement flag is turned on (1) then the flags in the .CD file corresponding to the parameter must also be turned on. If the group flag is turned off, the individual flags are used. Isoc = flag for group U/Occ refinement as 10*Uflag + Occflag Uflag = 0/1/2 for dont refine/refine iso/refine aniso Occflag = 0/1 " " " / " Occ Igp = flag for group origin (Xg,Yg,Zg) and orientation angle (Phi,Theta,Rho) refinement as 10*Angle + origin Angle flag = 0/1 for dont refine angles/refine angles Origin flag = 0/1 " " " origin / " origin Miss = the number of atoms in the first group which should not be included in group occupancy refinement for linked groups. Xg coords of the group origin from CDEDIT. For some groups Yg = the Xg field is used for the total occupancy and for GEOMETRIC Zg groups Xg = Deq, Yg = Dax, Zg = angle Alpha (see below). Phi Theta = group rotation angles Rho Page 56 1. Idealized Rigid Group The parameters are as described above, except that Miss = 0. 2. Two Linked Idealized Rigid Groups A header record is required with Type LNKREO or LNKRCO Nag number of atoms in the first group Frac total occupancy for pairs of corresponding atoms The 2 group records are as 1. above, except that for the first group the Miss field specifies the number of atoms whose occupancies are not linked with those in the second. e.g. 2 disordered ClO4 groups on the same site, Cl occupancy 1 and O occupancies Occ and 1 - Occ. Then the two groups are 5 atoms (1 Cl and 4 O) for the first and 4 atoms (4 O) for the second. The Cl atom occupancy is not linked to an atom in the second, i.e. MISS = 1 on the first record. 3. A Rigid-group of Nag Atoms Type NATMGP this signifies that the group is made up of the next Nag atoms on the .CD file Isoc as above Igp only xyz may be refined, i.e only 0 or 1. The remaining values may be omitted. 4. Two Linked Groups of Nag Atoms Type LNKGEO or LNKGCO Nag, Isoc, Igp, Miss and Frac are as defined above. There is only one record for this type of linked group. 5. A Group for Atom Species Refinement Type SCATF2 Nag the number of the second atomic species for this site on the .CD file. Xg total site occupancy (FRAC) as 2. above. The GEOMETRIC groups require normal refinement flags, but the contents of the Xg, Yg, Zg fields can be any or all of, an equatorial bond length Deq, an axial bond length Dax and an angle Alpha describing the group. The group coding always starts with the letters GC or GN. GC groups have a central atom in the group and the Xg, Yg, Zg coordinates of the group are the coordinates of the first group atom on the .CD file. GN groups do not have a central atom and the Xg, Yg, Zg coordinates are the mean of the group atom coordinates on the .CD file. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bond Length Bond Angle Triangular Plane Square Plane Tetrahedron GCBOND GCANGL GNTPL3/GCTPL4 GNSPL4/GCSPL5 GNTHD4/GNTHD5 Xg Xg Xg Xg Xg = = = = = Deq Deq, Yg = Dax, Zg = Alpha Deq Deq Deq, Yg = Dax, Zg = Alpha (109.4712) 6. Tetragonal Pyramid GNTPY5/GCTPY6 7. Trigonal Bipyramid GNTRB5/GCTRB6 8. Tetragonal Bipyramid GNTEB5/GCTEB6 Xg = Deq, Yg = Dax, Zg = Alpha Xg = Deq, Yg = Dax Xg = Deq, Yg = Dax Page 57 The following table summarizes the .GRP file requirements. ( # = value needed; 0 = 0 must be entered; - = may be omitted ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Description | Name Type | Nag Isoc Igp Miss | Xg,Yg,Zg Angles | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Ideal Rigid | # # | # # # 0 | # # # # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Ideal Linked | # LNKREO | # 0 0 0 | Frac - - - - | | Rigid. Equal | # # | # # # # | # # # # # # | | Occupancy | # # | # # # 0 | # # # # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Ideal Linked | # LNKRCO | # 0 0 0 | Frac - - - - | | Rigid Comp. | # # | # # # # | # # # # # # | | Occupancy | # # | # # # 0 | # # # # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| N atoms | # NATMGP | # # # | - - - - - | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Linked Equal | # LNKGEO | # # # # | Frac - - - - | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Linked Comp. | # LNKGCO | # # # # | Frac - - - - | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Scat.Factor | # SCATF2 | # Nf2 0 0 | Frac - - - - | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Bond Length | # GCBOND | # # # 0 | Deq 0 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Bond Angle | # GCANGL | # # # 0 | Deq Dax Alp # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Triang Plane | # GNTPL3 | # # # 0 | Deq 0 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Triang Plane | # GCTPL4 | # # # 0 | Deq 0 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Square Plane | # GNSPL4 | # # # 0 | Deq 0 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Square Plane | # GCSPL5 | # # # 0 | Deq 0 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetrahedron | # GNTHD4 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax Alp # # # | | Alp = 109.4712 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetrahedron | # GCTHD5 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax Alp # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetrag Pyrmd | # GNTPY5 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax Alp # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetrag Pyrmd | # GCTPY6 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax Alp # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Trig. Bipyr. | # GNTRB5 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Trig. Bipyr. | # GCTRB6 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetr. Bipyr. | # GNTEB6 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------| Tetr. Bipyr. | # GCTEB7 | # # # 0 | Deq Dax 0 # # # | ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 58 Example of a CDEDIT Group Options Run ------------------------------------The following example of a typical Group option run in CDEDIT, shows how groups are selected with CDEDIT and written to the .GRP file. ** GROUP ** Options (I) (L) (G) (D) (T) (M) (C) (F) (Q) Create IDEALIZED rigid group LINK idealized rigid groups GROUP atoms for coupled U or x,y,z parameter refinement DUAL scattering factors (atoms) on a single site Link TWO general (non-rigid) atom groups MAKE new atoms using rigid group definitions CHECK current groups : LIST/DELETE/(RE)CALCULATE FINISH calculate groups & return to main menu QUIT return to main menu without saving run GROUP atom edit option (menu) : L RETAIN previously defined groups (on NI163.GRP) (Y) ? N Linked idealized groups : Complementary OCCUPANCIES (Y) ? Total occupancy of each two atom site (1.0) Enter number of atoms in the first (largest) group 5 Skip any of the 5 atoms of the first group to align with second (N) Y Enter the number of skipped atoms (1) : Want the available GROUPS list ? (Y) No. Label #atoms ...... Description ...... --- ----- ---------------1 PHEN01 6 PHENYL GROUP (C6) C-C 1.395 A Origin on 1st group atom 2 PHEN02 6 PHENYL GROUP (C6) C-C 1.395 A Origin at centre of RING 3 PERCLO 5 PERCHLORATE (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ON CL 4 PEROXY 4 PERCHLORATE OXYGENS ONLY (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ..CL 5 BZYL01 11 PHENYL WITH ALL H (C6H5) C-C 1.395 C-H 1.08 (C6 THEN H5) 6 TOYL01 7 TOLUENE GROUP (C7) C-C 1.395 C-CH3 1.50 A Origin on atom 1 7 PF6OH1 7 PF6 OCTAHEDRAL ALL P-F 1.58 A ; Origin on P 8 GCBOND 2 BOND (special): constrained bond length between two atoms 9 GCANGL 3 ANGL (special) : 3 ATOMS defined by 2 DISTANCES + 1 ANGLE 10 GNTPL3 3 Regular triangle, no central atom 11 GCTPL4 4 Regular triangle, with central atom 12 GNSPL4 4 Regular square, no central atom 13 GCSPL4 5 Regular square, with central atom 14 GNTHD4 4 Tetrahedron, with no central atom 15 GCTHD5 5 Tetrahedron, with central atom 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 0 GNTRB5 5 GCTRB6 6 GNTPY5 5 GCTPY6 6 GNTEB6 6 GCTEB7 7 ACETAT 4 WCO5 11 to quit Regular trigonal bipyramid, no central atom Regular trigonal bipyramid, with central atom Regular Tetragonal Pyramid, no central atom Regular Tetragonal Pyramid, with central atom Regular tetragonal bipyramid, no central atom Regular tetragonal bipyramid, with central atom ACETATO C-C 1.50, C=O 1.25 ; Central atom on origin. W(CO)5 W-C 1.7 C-O 1.2 SQ. PYRAMID Page 59 Enter your choice (0) : 3 Enter an identifying number [1-99] (1) Are coordinates for the 5 group atoms on the CD file (Y) ? PERCLO : PERCHLORATE (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ON CL The PERCHLORATE group atoms are numbered from the Chlorine as 1 followed by 4 oxygens in any order. Please enter atoms in the order 1,2 ... etc Enter Group using atom number ranges (N - labels) ? Y Enter up to 10 ranges. End with CR 24 24 25 28 Refine group origin coordinates (Y) ? Refine group orientation angles (Y) ? Refine Temperature factor(s) as a group (N) ? Y Refine Group ISOTROPIC temperature factor (Y) ? ** WARNING : CL3 will be set Isotropic Do you want to reset the Isotropic factors to one value (N) ? Y The current U value is 0.365 Enter new U value ( 0.365) : .10 *** Please enter the SECOND linked Rigid group *** (group temperature , angle & origin options will be set to first group values) Want the available GROUPS list ? (Y) N 0 to quit enter your choice (0) : 4 Enter an identifying number [1-99] (2) Are coordinates for the 4 group atoms on the CD file (Y) ? PEROXY : PERCHLORATE OXYGENS ONLY (CLO4) CL-O 1.414 A ; ORIGIN ..CL The PERCHLORATE OXYGEN-only (PEROXY) group atoms are numbered from 1 to 4. Please enter atoms in the order 1,2 ... etc Enter Group using atom number ranges (N - labels) ? N.B. Separate each atom LABEL with a comma : e.g. C 1,C3,C7,C9999,C8,UNKNOWN Group atom labels : O36,O34,O31,O33 Group PEROXY does not have origin definition coded Get origin coordinates by averaging the group input coordinates (Y) ? N Does the origin lie on an atom position (Y) Enter origin atom name : CL3 Do you want to reset the Isotropic factors to one value (N) ? Y The current U value is 0.266 Enter new U value ( 0.266) : .10 Page 60 ** GROUP ** Options (I) (L) (G) (D) (T) (M) (C) (F) (Q) Create IDEALIZED rigid group LINK idealized rigid groups GROUP atoms for coupled U or x,y,z parameter refinement DUAL scattering factors (atoms) on a single site Link TWO general (non-rigid) atom groups MAKE new atoms using rigid group definitions CHECK current groups : LIST/DELETE/(RE)CALCULATE FINISH calculate groups & return to main menu QUIT return to main menu without saving run GROUP atom edit option (menu) : G Enter an identifying number [1-99] (3) How many different atoms in this GROUP ((0 re-enter) ? 3 Enter Group using atom number ranges (N - labels) ? Y Enter up to 10 ranges. End with CR 35 37 Refine the occupancies with equal shifts (N) ? Refine coordinates in equal-shift mode (N) ? Refine U's as an ISOTROPIC group (Y) ? Do you want to reset the Isotropic factors to one value (N) ? Y The current U value is 0.065 Enter new U value ( 0.065) : ** GROUP ** Options (I) (L) (G) (D) (T) (M) (C) (F) (Q) Create IDEALIZED rigid group LINK idealized rigid groups GROUP atoms for coupled U or x,y,z parameter refinement DUAL scattering factors (atoms) on a single site Link TWO general (non-rigid) atom groups MAKE new atoms using rigid group definitions CHECK current groups : LIST/DELETE/(RE)CALCULATE FINISH calculate groups & return to main menu QUIT return to main menu without saving run GROUP atom edit option (menu) : T Linked ATOM groups : Complementary OCCUPANCIES (Y) ? Total occupancy of each two atom site (1.0) Enter number of atoms in the first (largest) group 1 Enter an identifying number [1-99] (4) The atom input order is 1,2,3 ... (to 1) of the first group followed by 1,2 ... ( to 1) of the second *** Enter 2 atoms in all *** Enter Group using atom number ranges (N - labels) ? N.B. Separate each atom LABEL with a comma : e.g. C 1,C3,C7,C9999,C8,UNKNOWN Group atom labels : C7A,C7B Refine coordinates in equal-shift mode (N) ? Refine Temperature factor(s) as a group (N) ? Y Page 61 Refine Group ISOTROPIC temperature factor (Y) ? Do you want to reset the Isotropic factors to one value (N) ? ** GROUP ** Options (I) (L) (G) (D) (T) (M) (C) (F) (Q) Create IDEALIZED rigid group LINK idealized rigid groups GROUP atoms for coupled U or x,y,z parameter refinement DUAL scattering factors (atoms) on a single site Link TWO general (non-rigid) atom groups MAKE new atoms using rigid group definitions CHECK current groups : LIST/DELETE/(RE)CALCULATE FINISH calculate groups & return to main menu QUIT return to main menu without saving run GROUP atom edit option (menu) : F GROUP ATOMS must follow NON-GROUP atoms on the .CD file Do you want the file so arranged ? (Y) Order of Groups : 1 2 3 4 NEW ORDER OF ATOMS : 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 NI1 N3 C4 C11 C18 O24 O35 O13 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 CL1 N4 C5 C12 A2 CL3 O36 O14 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 CL2 C1 C6 C13 O12 O32 O34 O15 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 N1 C2 C8 C16 O22 O38 O31 C7A 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 N2 C3 C9 C17 O23 O39 O33 C7B GROUP Definitions to be written to NI163.GRP *** LINK Rigid GROUP number 1 Type LNKRCO linking groups Complementary occupancy with two group total 1.000 1 & 2 GROUP 1 (LR01) Type PERCLO U(grp) 0.103 GROUP params refined : Uiso ; Origin X Y Z ; Orientation . Skipped atoms in first GROUP : CL3 GROUP 2 (LR02) Type PEROXY U(grp) All other options as for the group 1 0.252 LINKed Atoms_____Numbers____GroupX____GroupY____GroupZ__Occupancy__U(1,1) O32 O36 28 32 1.4140 0.0000 0.0000 0.4915 0.100 O38 O34 29 33 -0.4712 -0.6666 -1.1545 0.4915 0.100 O39 O31 30 34 -0.4712 1.3332 0.0000 0.4915 0.100 O35 O33 31 35 -0.4712 -0.6666 1.1545 0.4915 0.100 ---------------------------------------------------------------------GROUP 3 (GN03) Type NATMGP with the 3 following atoms in the group : O13 O14 O15 GROUP params refined : Uiso . INDIVIDUAL params refined (if coded) : Occupancy ; X Y Z . ---------------------------------------------------------------------LINK non-rigid GROUP 4 (LR04) Type LNKGCO with the 2 following atoms in two groups : Page 62 LINKed Atoms Numbers C7A C7B 39 40 GROUP params refined : Uiso ; Complem. OCC. . Complementary occupancy total 1.000 INDIVIDUAL params refined (if coded) : X Y Z. ---------------------------------------------------------------------OK (Y) ? At the end of the run the file NI163.GRP will contain the following lines which are basically instructions to LSTSQ for group refinement and the group atoms will have been moved to the end of the .CD file. No. of Groups LINK LNKRCO 5 LR01 PERCLO 5 11.385 LR02 PEROXY 4 67.760 GN03 NATMGP 3 LR04 LNKGCO 1 5 No. of Non-GP Atoms 26 No. of GP atoms 14 00 00 0 1.00000 11 11 1 0.85890 0.36453 0.24890 142.473 -185.578 - 11 11 0 0.85890 - 10 00 11 00 0 1.00000 0.36453 0.24890 156.465 194.148 Page 63 Appendix 7. Explanatory Notes for ORTEP with NRCVAX NRCVAX is an interactive system of programs, whereas ORTEP is oriented towards batch processing. Because ORTEP is extremely flexible, its instruction set is rather complex and it would not be easy to make it totally interactive. The basic instruction format has been kept, but in order to acheive some degree of interactivity the following changes have been made. All cell, symmetry and atomic parameters are read from a .CD file. Terminal input has been made free-format, with input fields seperated by commas. A new instruction, 1104, has been added which allows a sequence of ORTEP instructions to be read from a specified file so that they form a saved sequence inside the program. Another new instruction, 1200, sets the stereo switch in the program, to allow stereo images to be viewed directly on the screen from a single set of picture drawing commands. The 1200 instruction functions as a flip-flop and it need only be given once in any run, unless mono views are to be drawn. The complementary pair of instructions 201 and 203, respectively enable and disable the plotter when it is connected as described under System Implementation. A small number of the most frequently used PLTMOL-type commands have been added to make picture manipulation easier. Normal ORTEP instructions are available at all times. The PLTMOL commands are :-WF Write File. Fragt die notwendigen ORTEP-Parameter interaktiv ab und erzeugt ein File mit den entsprechenden ORTEPInstruktionen. Bei erstmaligem Aufruf immer zuerst ausf&uuml;hren! RO Rotate the picture about the x,y or z axes. The PLTMOL definition of axes has been used, i.e. x out of the screen, y to the right and z upwards. Rotations are clockwise for a positive angle when viewing from a positive axial direction and looking towards the origin. The picture ia automatically redrawn after a rotation. If normal ORTEP 502 or 503 instructions are used the axial definition and sense of rotation is as for ORTEP, i.e. x to the right, y upwards and z out of the screen. The sense of rotation is opposite to that for the RO command. MA Magnify the picture preserving the stereo seperation (if stereo). ZM Zoom the picture changing the stereo seperation. The picture is automatically redrawn after RO, MA and ZM. DM Redraw the picture after changes. P4 Draw the picture on the plotter and return to screen mode. PT Write the plot file PRINTRX.OUT for subsequent plotting on a Printronix P300 dot-matrix printer. CL Clear the screen. ST Change the sense of the stereo flip-flop switch, then use DM. RF Read (and save) an ORTEP instruction file (see 1104 above). Q Quit the program and return to alpha mode. A convenient way to manipulate a molecule is to prepare two files of instructions before running the program. The first should contain all the instructions necessary to prepare the program for drawing (PREP). The second should contain just the sequence to draw the picture (DRAW). It is best to give any 1200(ST) instructions directly from the terminal in order to maintain better control. Page 64 An instruction sequence to draw and manipulate a molecule would then be as follows :-1. Read the structure data from the .CD file. 2. Read the PREP file with RF (i.e. ,1104). 3. Issue ST (i.e. ,1200) from the terminal, if stereo is wanted. 4. Read the appropriate DRAW file with RF. 5. At this point the DRAW sequence is saved and the picture can be rotated and redrawn with RO(,502) and DM(,1103) instructions, or magnified MA or zoomed ZM. P4 and PT can also be given. 6. If it is necessary to switch from mono to stereo, or vice versa, issue the ST command and resume at 5. Examples of simple PREP and DRAW files are shown below for a 28 atom molecule PREP File --------,101,155501,28,1,28,1.7 ,301,15,11,30,1.5 ,401,155501,-2855501 list ,501,155501,155501,165501,155501,156501 ,1102 Calculate the bonds Setup the picture scaling Put all atoms in the ATOMS Set up the axes DRAW File --------,604,,,,1.54 2,511 ,1,28,1,28,4,.8,1.7,.04 ,702 2,812 ,1,28,1,28,4,.8,1.7,.04 ,1102 Scale the drawing to fit Eliminate overlap Draw the atoms Draw the bonds The picture scale established by the 604 instruction is decreased by a factor of 0.95 if the stereo option is in use. This is because it is possible for the image to overflow the boundaries when the 503 rotation, implicit in stereo drawing, is applied. A DRAW file, such as the one above will be automatically called twice when stereo is selected, but the rescaling implied by the 604 is correct in both cases, because it is applied to the same coordinate data. The stereo image is acheived by the plotting routines alone. The files STRUC.CD, STRUC.OR1 and STRUC.OR2, which are on the magtape, can be used to draw ORTEP pictures as described above. STRUC.CD can also be used with PLTMOL, PACKER and PLUTO. To adapt the PT command to other dot-matrix devices, modify the values of the 3 symbols IPLOT, ZOYPTX and IPY in the routine CPLPPR.FOR, which is in the .GEN subdirectory. There are notes in the routine explaining what these symbols are. Page 65 Appendix 8. Explanatory Notes for PPLP This program allows users to index a powder pattern from a trial cell or a trial set of indexed lines. There are 3 modes of input. 1. All input from the terminal If this route is chosen, the users should answer the questions the program asks. It is probably preferable to use the system editor to prepare an input file for mode 2 or 3 (see below), rather than trying to type in a whole set of observed data. The quantities needed are as follows. a) The radiation wavelength, b) The assumed Laue group as a number from the following table. Laue Code Group -1 1 4/m 4 m3m 7 -3 10 -3 12 Laue Code Laue Code Group Group 2/m 2 mmm 3 4/mmm 5 m3 6 6/m 8 6/mmm 9 -3m 11 (not R space-groups) -3m 13 (R space-groups, rhombohedral axes) -3 14 -3m 15 (R space-groups, hexagonal axes) c) If the Laue Group is 2/m then the unique axis must be specified as 1 for a, 2 for b and 3 for c. d) 0 or 1 for Qobs or Dobs output. e) The assumed cell as a,b,c,alpha,beta,gamma. A blank line is acceptable if some observed lines are indexed. f) A file name for the Qobs/Dobs output file. g) Whether the data contains lines from a standard material. If the answer is Y, then it is assumed that Si isthe standard material. If not, the cell dimensions of the standard material must be given. h) A correction for the specimen being off the rotation axis may be applied, in which case the off-axis distance should be given in mms. i) Observations are entered as a quantity related to theta, usually a film measurement in mms and a weight which may be 0 in which case unit weights will be used. If the observation is for a standard line the h,k,l values must be given. j) During the indexing 2theta min. and max. will be required and also any systematic absence conditions.These conditions are given in the form A*h + B*k + C*l = D + E*n for each type of systematic absence. The equation expresses the condition to be present and each condition is associated with a code for the type of reflection it is to be applied to. The reflection types are 1 00l, 2 0k0, 3 h00, 4 0kl, 5 h0l, 6 hk0, 7 hkl, 8 hhl and 9 h-hl. As an example an n-glide condition on h0l would be 5,1,0,1,0,2. 2. Input from a Measurement File This mode is very similar to mode 1. The values for a), b), c) and Page 66 d) are read from the first line of the file. Values for e) (or zeroes) are given on the second line and then lines as for i).The other answers must be supplied via the terminal in response to prompting questions. 3. Input from a Qobs/Dobs file Modes 1 and 2 both generate a Qobs/Dobs output file which may be used for subsequent input. The file may also be prepared with the editor and its format is identical to the input for mode 2, except that Qobs or Dobs is given in place of the measurement quantity and no standard measurements are allowed. The best way to become familiar with the program is to run it on the test data given below. This data is for input via mode 1 or 3 and can be used to create a Qobs/Dobs file for mode 2. 1.54065,3,0,1 5.923,10.44,7.65,90,90,90 Comments only 23.96 (Indices 1,1,0) 28.71 0,2,1 28.99 1,1,1 32.42 0,0,2 35.72 0,2,2 39.73,0,1,1,1 Standard line for Si 40.39 40.58 41.57 42.11 45.65 46.87 47.97 48.61 50.7 51.43 53.22 53.69 54.97 55.11 58.31 59.11 61.51 62.48 64.38 65.36 66.18,0,2,2,0 Standard 67.67 69.49 70.39 71.12 72.89 73.41 74.5 75.51 75.88 Page 67 76.59 78.51,0,3,1,1 80.20 82.43 82.85 85.69 86.37 86.87 87.73 88.68 89.37 89.99 92.67 93.67 96.74,0,4,0,0 100.39 102.87 104.47 106.88,0,3,3,1 123.17,0,4,2,2 Standard Standard Standard Standard The 2theta min. and max. values are 0 and 110(if all lines are to be indexed) and there are 2 absence conditions h0l l = 2n 5,0,0,1,0,2 hk0 h + k = 2n 6,1,1,0,0,2 Page 68 Appendix 9. Sample Output Listings for the Ruby Structure CDFILE -- THE NRCVAX CRYSTAL DATA FILE PROGRAM TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 Output file RUBY.CD Space Group R -3 C The Space Group is Centric R-Centered Trigonal 3barm 1 Multiplicity of a General Site is 36 The Equivalent Positions are: x y-x y y z 1/2+z -y x Date x-y z x-y 1/2+z Laue Symmetry y-x -y Real Cell Lattice Constants are a 4.7609( 2) b 4.7609( 0) c Alpha 90.00( 0) Beta 90.00( 0) Gamma Volume 255.109 Reciprocal Cell Lattice Constants are a* 0.242538 b* 0.242538 c* 0.076946 Alpha* 90.00 Beta* 90.00 Gamma* 60.00 Volume* 0.3920E-02 The equivalent Rhombohedral cell has a = Radiation is MO Lambda = 871208 -x -x z 1/2+z 12.9962( 120.00( 5.1305 and alpha = 55.29 0.709300 Linear Absorption Coefficient = 12.78cm**(-1) Calculated density = 3.982 F000 = 299.91 Sigma2 = 1059.64 E000 = 3.071 Epsilon = The scattering factor data is AL Delta-f' = 0.056 Delta-f'' = 0.052 A1,B1,A2,B2 = 6.4202 3.0387 1.9002 0.7426 A3,B3,A4,B4,A5 = 1.5936 31.5472 1.9646 85.0887 1.1151 Atomic weight = 26.9815 Mass Abs coef = 5.043 N= 13 Atoms in the unit cell = 12.0 O 6) 0) Delta-f' = 0.008 Delta-f'' = 0.006 A1,B1,A2,B2 = 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 5.7011 A3,B3,A4,B4,A5 = 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 32.9089 0.2508 Atomic weight = 15.9994 Mass Abs coef = 1.147 N= 8 Atoms in the unit cell = 18.0 0.3437 Page 69 DATRD2 -- THE NRCVAX DATA-REDUCTION PROGRAM Scaling Step of Data Reduction TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 Cell Constants a 4.7609 b Alpha 90.000 Beta Volume 255.11 4.7609 c 90.000 Gamma 12.9962 120.000 Reciprocal Cell Constants a* 0.24254 b* 0.24254 c* Alpha* 90.000 Beta* 90.000 Gamma* Volume* 0.00392 Wavelength 0.07695 60.000 0.7093 AL # of Atoms in Cell 12. Scattering Factor 6.4202 3.0387 1.9002 1.5936 31.5472 1.9646 Dispersion Terms 0.0560 0.0520 O # of Atoms in Cell 18. Scattering Factor 3.0485 13.2771 2.2868 1.5463 0.3239 0.8670 Dispersion Terms 0.0080 0.0060 0.7426 85.0887 1.1151 5.7011 32.9089 0.2508 The Intensity File is RUBY.ID with recordsize 85 The intensities were measured with Profile-analysis Attenuation Coeffs. are: Att(0)= 1.00 Att(1)= 1.88 Att(2)= 3.54 Att(3)= 6.66 Att(4)= 12.52 Att(5)= 170.40 The records 20 to 167 are being analyzed Page 70 Indices 0 0 6 0 Times Meas 6 26 0 26 RMS Deviation from from Next Mean 155.3 130.1 192.8 139.5 <Int.> <Sig.> 13433.7 128.8 31356.2 204.6 % Expt. Instab. Short Long Term Term -0.501 -0.136 -0.487 -0.495 The CENTRAL line is the mean value of the standards. The DOTTED lines are +/- 2 Sigmas for all standards. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 2 . I 2 . 2I1 . I 2 1 . 12I . I1 2 . 1 2 . 2 1 . 2 I1 . 1 I2 . 2 1 . 1 2 . 2 I . 12 . 2 I . 1 I 2 . 21 I . 2 I 1 . 2 I 1. 2 1. 2 I1 . 1 2 I . 1 2 I . 2 1 . 1 I2 . 2 I . 1 Plot of the scale. The interval between the DOTTED lines is 1%. The standards used are: 1 2 Std Blk : : : : : : : : : : : : Refl : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 : : 2 30 : : 3 40 : : 4 41 : 1 : : : + 0 : 0 : 0 + 0 I : : : +I : : : +I : : : I : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 42 : 52 : 58 : 59 : 69 : 79 : 80 : 81 : 91 : 97 : : : : : : : : : : : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 + : : : + I : : : + I : : : + I : : : I+ : : : + : : : + I : : : + : : : I +: : : +I : : : Page 71 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 98 : 108 : 118 : 119 : 120 : 130 : 136 : 137 : 147 : 157 : 158 : 159 : : I + : : : 0 : : +I : : : : I +: : : : + I : : : : +I 0 :+ I 0 : + 0 : I+ 0 : I+ 0 : + 0 : + 0 : I+ 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 0 : 0 : 0 : : : : : : : : Plot of the OLD Scale "+" and the NEW Scale "*" : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 20 : 30 : 40 : 41 : 42 : 52 : 58 : 59 : 69 : + * I : : : *+I : : : *+I : : : * I : : : * + : : : * I : : : +*I : : : +*I : : : : : : 0 : : : : : : : : : 0 : 0 + 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 : 0 *I+ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 : 11 : 12 : 13 : 14 : 15 : 16 : 17 : 18 : 19 : 20 : 21 : 22 : 23 : 24 : 25 : 26 : 79 : 80 : 81 : 91 : 97 : 98 : 108 : 118 : 119 : 120 : 130 : 136 : 137 : 147 : 157 : 158 : 159 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : *+ : 0 : + I* : 0 : * : 0 : I* +: 0 : +I* : 0 : I*+ : 0 : +* : 0 : * +: 0 : +*I : 0 : +* : 0 :+ *I : 0 : * : 0 : *+ : 0 : *+ : 0 : +* : 0 : * : 0 : *+ : 0 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Page 72 Spherical Absorption Step of Data Reduction TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 The Crystal Data File is RUBY.CD With Recordsize 100 This data has already been treated for Absorption Mu*R = 0.10 The sample Diameter is 152. microns. Its Linear Absorption Coefficient is 12.78 cm**-1 The Absorption Coefficient in 10 degree steps of 2-theta is: 1.156 1.156 1.156 1.156 1.156 1.155 1.155 1.154 1.126 1.154 1.153 1.153 1.152 1.152 1.152 1.152 1.152 The 2-theta dependent pathlength correction (45 degree steps): 1.48 1.47 1.45 1.44 1.43 The records 1.155 1.152 20 to 167 are now corrected Reduction Step of the Data Reduction Program TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 4 sets of intensities have been measured up to 100.00 degrees The scale of the scaling step is applied. The blocks 20 to 167 have been grouped There are 369 reflections within the 2theta range. The Min. & Max. Transmission Factors are 0.864784 & 0.888166 TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 Reduced Reflection File RUBY.RE Length 369 Records Extinction Length for a reflection with a Structure Factor of 1 Electron is 0.1276E+04 microns Secondary Extinction according to Zachariasen (1967) is assumed. The refined Extinction parameter is the Average Pathlength in a Mosaic block (in microns) The Direct Beam Polarization is 0.970 The Intensities below 2.5 Counting Statistics Sigmas are considered to be Unobserved Valid Absences All Measurements Accepted 1158 235 1393 Measurements Rejected 5 5 10 Measurements Processed 1163 240 1403 Independent Reflections Measured 304 64 368 Independent Reflections not Meas. 0 0 0 Observed Refl. ( 2.5 Sigmas) 296 17 313 Unobserved Reflections 8 47 55 <Delta(I)>/<I> Page 73 Observed Accepted only 0.009( 1189) Observed Rejected only 0.098( 10) Observed Acc+Rej. Meas 0.010( 1199) 0.008( 1129) 0.593( 60) 0.093( 5) 0.956( 5) 0.010( 1134) 0.679( 65) Unobserved Accepted only 0.888( 204) Unobserved Rejected only 0.000( 0) Unobserved Acc+Rej. Meas 0.888( 204) 0.900( 29) 0.886( 175) 0.000( 0) 0.000( 0) 0.900( 29) 0.886( 175) ObS+Unobs Accepted only 0.009( 1393) Obs+Unobs Rejected only 0.098( 10) Obs+Unobs Acc+Rej. Meas 0.010( 1403) 0.008( 1158) 0.681( 235) 0.093( 5) 0.956( 5) 0.010( 1163) 0.730( 240) Constants written on the CD File: Maximum Values are :-h k l 8 8 27, 2theta 99.88, Fobs 414.10 Number of Entries in the RE File 368 Page 74 Normalization Step of the Data Reduction Program TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 The Reflection File is RUBY.RE With Recordsize 32 K(S)/S Curve K(S) ****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.*** *.****. -1.0 . * * * * * * * * * * -1.5 . * * * * * * * * * * * * -2.0 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -2.5 . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -3.0 .****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.****.** **.****. 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 S Page 75 Scale of Fobs 0.3360 Overall Temperature factor: B -0.05A**2, U-0.0006A**2 Number of E-values .GT. Emin 66 Experimental Av. Av. Av. /E/ /E/ /E/ /E*E/ /E*E-1/ /E/ >1,% >2,% >3,% Theoretical Values related to /E/s Centro Noncentro 1.054 1.092 0.771 22.826 8.696 0.000 1.000 0.968 0.798 32.000 5.000 0.300 1.000 0.736 0.886 36.800 1.800 0.010 Distribution of E by Sin(theta) .LE.Sin(theta) 1 # h 1 2 3 4 5 4 6 1 1 3 0.7654 0.7524 0.7390 0.7250 0.7105 0.6954 0.6796 0.6630 0.6456 0.6271 0.6075 0.5865 0.5639 0.5394 0.5124 0.4822 0.4476 0.4067 0.3553 0.2820 k l 3 3 3 1 4 10 0 10 24 20 E.GT.3 E # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 h 2.72 2.48 2.45 2.41 2.37 23 24 25 26 27 1 2 1 2 5 E.GT.2 E.GT.1 E.LE.1 3 1 1 2 0 1 2 1 2 3 1 0 2 3 1 0 5 2 1 1 4 5 3 4 3 2 3 5 3 2 6 7 5 3 5 3 7 4 6 4 E 1.73 1.73 1.69 1.69 1.69 k l E # h k 12 7 17 10 16 14 11 10 17 9 13 11 11 14 9 15 9 15 12 20 l 1 6 2 5 2 6 14 14 6 6 2.09 2.09 2.09 2.08 2.08 45 46 47 48 49 7 1 0 3 6 1 7 4 5 2 6 6 20 16 16 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 2 2 3 6 2 3 2 2 10 24 14 6 4 2.30 2.27 2.25 2.24 2.23 28 29 30 31 32 3 5 2 7 8 3 3 4 0 1 18 14 10 10 4 2.07 2.04 2.04 2.04 2.04 50 51 52 53 54 3 0 5 3 2 0 3 1 1 7 18 18 10 14 10 1.67 1.67 1.66 1.65 1.64 Page 76 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 6 4 1 3 3 5 1 3 1 4 6 2 2 1 4 5 3 1 5 1 4 1 0 1 4 6 6 4 0 4 14 20 24 24 0 10 2.19 2.19 2.18 2.16 2.15 2.15 2.14 2.14 2.12 2.12 2.11 2.10 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 3 4 5 2 2 4 1 4 3 3 5 4 0 0 4 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 5 1 0 10 4 4 4 14 20 6 16 10 6 0 1.98 1.90 1.90 1.86 1.86 1.84 1.79 1.79 1.77 1.76 1.75 1.74 Distribution of /E*E/ by Parity Group eee eeo eoe eoo oee oeo ooe 1.49 0.24 1.79 0.28 1.78 0.27 2.28 # 56 54 46 46 47 45 37 ooo 0.44 37 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 5 3 0 4 1 5 1 5 2 7 2 2 1 4 5 2 3 0 0 2 0 1 1 7 16 8 4 20 4 14 10 0 14 0 16 4 1.63 1.62 1.61 1.61 1.60 1.59 1.58 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.54 1.53 Page 77 CDEDIT -- THE NRCVAX CELL DATA EDITTING PROGRAM At# Atom Type Anom Site Mult Prams Ocpy x y z u22 u33 u12 u13 U u11 u23 1 AL 0.00380 AL Yes 3 2 O 0.00380 O Yes 2+ 12 ZU 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35227 u22=u11 2u12=u11u13=0 u23=0 18 X U 1.0000 0.30626 0.30626 0.25000 y=x u22=u11 u23=-u13 LSTSQ -- THE NRCVAX LEAST-SQUARES PROGRAM TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 Crystal Data File RUBY.CD File RUBY.RE Scale Factor 0.33595 Extinction Coefficient Atomic Parameters Name u13 u23 G Anom x y z Reflection 0.00E+00 u11 u22 u33 u12 (u values are printed x100) AL YES O YES 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35227 0.380 1.0000 0.30626 0.30626 0.25000 0.380 Agreement Details for Cycle 1 2 Atoms Included, 5 Variables. Full Matrix Method 296 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.2308E+04/0.8107E+04) 0.2847 R2 (0.4871E+03/0.1843E+04) 0.2643 Inc Unobs Data 0.2847 0.2643 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 28.5545 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Atom Param 0.33595 -0.05205 0.28390 0.00809 1 C/S -6.43 Dist AL O G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35227 -0.00006 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35221 U 0.00380 -0.00486 -0.00106 G x y z 1.00000 0.30626 0.30626 0.25000 U 0.00380 -0.00066 -0.00382 1.00000 0.30560 0.30560 0.25000 -0.00002 0.00040 -0.15 -0.001 Net Shift = 0.001 A 0.00097 -5.02 0.00196 -0.33 -0.003 Net Shift = 0.003 A 0.00121 -3.15 Page 78 Agreement Details for Cycle 2 2 Atoms Included, 5 Variables. Full Matrix Method 296 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.5128E+03/0.6851E+04) 0.0749 R2 (0.1641E+03/0.1843E+04) 0.0890 Inc Unobs Data 0.0749 0.0890 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 9.6199 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Atom AL O 0.28390 -0.00306 0.28085 2 C/S 0.00242 -1.26 Param Dist G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35221 0.00001 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 U -0.00106 0.00142 0.00036 G x y z 1.00000 0.30560 0.30560 0.25000 U -0.00002 0.00024 0.00110 1.00000 0.30585 0.30585 0.25000 0.00108 0.00009 0.10 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00022 6.60 0.00046 0.53 0.001 Net Shift = 0.001 A 0.00027 4.00 Agreement Details for Cycle 3 2 Atoms Included, 5 Variables. Full Matrix Method 296 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.3588E+03/0.6777E+04) 0.0529 R2 (0.1344E+03/0.1843E+04) 0.0729 Inc Unobs Data 0.0529 0.0729 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 7.8787 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Atom AL 0.28085 0.00016 0.28101 Param G x 0.00204 3 C/S 0.08 Dist 1.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 O y z 0.00000 0.35222 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 U 0.00036 0.00002 0.00038 0.00008 0.04 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00019 0.11 G x 1.00000 0.30585 -0.00001 1.00000 0.30584 0.00039 -0.02 0.000 Page 79 y z 0.30585 0.25000 U 0.00108 0.30584 0.25000 0.00001 0.00108 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00024 0.03 Agreement Details for Cycle 4 2 Atoms Included, 5 Variables. Full Matrix Method 296 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.3600E+03/0.6781E+04) 0.0531 R2 (0.1344E+03/0.1843E+04) 0.0729 Inc Unobs Data 0.0531 0.0729 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 7.8775 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Atom 0.28101 0.00001 0.28101 0.00204 4 C/S 0.00 Param AL O Dist G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 U 0.00038 0.00000 0.00038 G x y z 1.00000 0.30584 0.30584 0.25000 U 0.00108 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.30584 0.30584 0.25000 0.00108 0.00008 0.00 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00019 0.00 0.00039 0.00 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00024 0.00 CDEDIT -- THE NRCVAX CELL DATA EDITTING PROGRAM At# Atom Type Anom Site Mult Prams Ocpy x y z u22 u33 u12 u13 U u11 u23 1 AL AL Yes 3 12 ZU 1.0000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 0.00038 0.00038 0.00038 0.00019 0.00000 0.00000 u22=u11 2u12=u11u13=0 u23=0 2 O O Yes 2+ 18 X U 1.0000 0.30584 0.30584 0.25000 0.00108 0.00108 0.00108 0.00054 0.00000 0.00000 y=x u22=u11 u23=-u13 Page 80 LSTSQ -- THE NRCVAX LEAST-SQUARES PROGRAM TEST OF RUBY 8-DEC-87 Crystal Data File RUBY.CD File RUBY.RE Scale Factor 0.28101 Extinction Coefficient Atomic Parameters Name u13 u23 G Anom x y z Reflection 0.00E+00 u11 u22 u33 u12 (u values are printed x100) AL 0.000 O 0.000 1.0000 0.000 YES 1.0000 0.000 YES 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 0.038 0.038 0.038 0.019 0.30584 0.30584 0.25000 0.108 0.108 0.108 0.054 Agreement Details for Cycle 1 2 Atoms Included, 10 Variables. Full Matrix Method 294 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.3601E+03/0.6781E+04) 0.0531 R2 (0.3948E+03/0.5179E+04) 0.0762 Inc Unobs Data 0.0531 0.0762 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 23.4242 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Extinction Atom AL O 0.28101 -0.03876 0.24225 0.00E+00 4.47E-01 4.47E-01 1 C/S 0.00211 -18.38 3.51E-02 12.73 Param Dist G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35222 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00038 0.00038 0.00038 0.00019 0.00000 0.00000 G x 1.00000 0.30584 -0.00004 0.00249 0.00264 0.00039 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218 0.00286 0.00286 0.00302 0.00143 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.30623 0.00007 -0.66 -0.001 Net Shift = 0.001 A 0.00025 9.84 0.00031 8.50 0.00034 1.16 0.002 y z 0.30584 0.25000 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00108 0.00108 0.00108 0.00054 0.00000 0.00000 0.30623 0.25000 0.00223 0.00261 0.00104 0.00034 0.00331 0.00331 0.00369 0.00159 0.00034 -0.00034 Net Shift = 0.002 A 0.00038 5.84 0.00046 0.00042 0.00019 5.70 2.47 1.78 Page 81 Agreement Details for Cycle 2 2 Atoms Included, 10 Variables. Full Matrix Method 295 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.1191E+03/0.6009E+04) 0.0198 R2 (0.1973E+03/0.5179E+04) 0.0381 Inc Unobs Data 0.0198 0.0381 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 11.6850 k for Fo**2 in wt 0.0000 Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor Extinction Atom AL O 2 C/S 0.24225 -0.00630 0.23595 0.00099 -6.34 4.47E-01 3.10E-01 7.57E-01 2.44E-02 12.74 Param Dist G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00286 0.00286 0.00302 0.00143 0.00000 0.00000 G x y z 1.00000 0.30623 0.30623 0.25000 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00331 0.00331 0.00369 0.00159 0.00034 -0.00034 0.00000 0.00021 0.00021 -0.00004 0.00024 0.00023 0.00013 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218 0.00307 0.00307 0.00322 0.00154 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.30619 0.30619 0.25000 0.00356 0.00356 0.00392 0.00172 0.00034 -0.00034 0.00003 -0.12 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00011 1.91 0.00013 1.54 0.00014 -0.27 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00016 1.51 0.00020 0.00018 0.00008 1.16 0.74 0.01 Agreement Details for Cycle 3 2 Atoms Included, 10 Variables. Full Matrix Method 295 Reflections Included [Out of 304 Total Reflections] R1 (0.6882E+02/0.5941E+04) 0.0116 R2 (0.1572E+03/0.5179E+04) Inc Unobs Data 0.0116 0.0304 0.0304 Sqrt Sum[w(Fo-Fc)**2]/(No-Nv) = 0.0000 9.3121 k for Fo**2 in wt Summary of Parameter Shifts after Cycle Old Change New Sigma Scale Factor 0.23595 -0.00088 0.23507 0.00057 3 C/S -1.54 Page 82 Extinction Atom AL O 7.57E-01 7.42E-02 8.31E-01 1.81E-02 4.10 Param Dist G x y z 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00307 0.00307 0.00322 0.00154 0.00000 0.00000 G x y z 1.00000 0.30619 0.30619 0.25000 u11 u22 u33 u12 u13 u23 0.00356 0.00356 0.00392 0.00172 0.00034 -0.00034 0.00000 0.00003 0.00003 0.00000 0.00004 0.00003 0.00002 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.35218 0.00310 0.00310 0.00326 0.00155 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.30619 0.30619 0.25000 0.00360 0.00360 0.00395 0.00174 0.00034 -0.00034 0.00001 0.00 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00006 0.55 0.00007 0.47 0.00007 0.02 0.000 Net Shift = 0.000 A 0.00008 0.50 0.00010 0.00009 0.00004 0.31 0.25 -0.02 Page 83 Appendix 10. Contents of the .CD file (All variables are 4 bytes; records are 100 variables.) (F = Floating point; I = Integer) Record 1 Var. F/I 1-12 13-24 25-26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54-59 A4 A4 I F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 60-65 66-68 69 70 71 72 F I I F F I Content Problem title Job title Free Date as YYMMDD a Real cell constants b c Cos(Alpha) Cos(Beta) Cos(Gamma) Sin(Alpha) Sin(Beta) Sin(Gamma) Alpha Beta Gamma a* Reciprocal cell constants b* c* Cos(Alpha*) Cos(Beta*) Cos(Gamma*) Sin(Alpha*) Sin(Beta*) Sin(Gamma*) Alpha* Beta* Gamma* V volume of the unit cell in cubic angstroms V* = 1/V Components of the S-matrix for generation of (Sin(theta)/lambda)**2 = Sq Sq = h*h*S(1)+k*k*S(2)+l*l*S(3)+h*k*S(4)+ h*l*S(5)+k*l*S(6) Std. dev. of a,b,c,cos(Alpha,Beta,Gamma) Max. values of h, k and l (from DATRD2) Number of reflections in the .RE file Fo(max) Sin(theta)/lambda max. Number of scale factors used (usually 1) 73-80 F 81-83 A 84-86 F Average values of E for the parity groups (eee eeo eoe eoo oee oeo ooe ooo) Directions for maps, in the order down the page, across the page and then sections. Start of the 3 map ranges. Page 84 87-89 90-92 93 94 95 96 97 F F I I I F F End of the 3 ranges. Std. dev. of Alpha,Beta,Gamma No. of valid reflections measured. No. of unique reflections measured No. of significant reflections Sigma level Sum(delta(I)/sigma(I)) for equivalent sets Record 2 1-10 11 A1 I 12 I 13 14 I I 15 I 16 I 17-28 F 29-100 I Sgsymb Laue Space group symbol as in Int. Tab. V. 1 Laue group no. 1,2,3,4 -1, 2/m, mmm, 4/m 5,6,7,8 4/mmm, -3R, -3mR, -3 9,10,11 -3m1, -31m, 6/m 12,13,14 6/mmm, m3, m3m Latcen Lattice centering flag 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 for P/A/B/C/I/F/R Icen 0/1 for acentric/centric Nsym number of symmetry matrices given below ( Not including centre of symmetry ) Npolnx Polar axis and unique axis flag 0 for no axis unique, origin defined 1 for a-axis unique, origin defined 2 for b-axis unique, origin defined 3 for c-axis unique, origin defined 4 for no axis unique, origin undefined in-x 5 for a-axis unique, origin undefined in-x 8 for no axis unique, origin undefined in-y 10 for b-axis unique, origin undefined in-y 15 for c-axis unique, origin undefined in-x&y 16 for no axis unique, origin undefined in-z 19 for c-axis unique, origin undefined in-z 22 for b-axis unique, origin undefined in-x&z 25 for a-axis unique, origin undefined in-y&z 28 for no axis unique, origin undefined in-xyz 32 for no axis unique, origin undefined in-111 Ncv Number of lattice centering vectors ( up to 4 max) Cen The lattice centering vectors, such as 1/2,0,1/2 or 2/3,1/3,1/3 Rt Up to 6 Rt matrices as needed There are 12 values per set in the order s1 to s9 followed by t1,t2 and t3. The t values are in 1/12ths of the cell. Then h' = h*s1 + k*s2 + l*s3 k' = h*s4 + k*s5 + l*s6 l' = h*s7 + k*s8 + l*s9 Phi' = h*t1 + k*t2 l*t3 Where h,k,l are the original values, And phi' is the phase shift from hkl to h'k'l'. The equivalent positions are Page 85 x' = x*s1 + y*s4 + z*s7 + t1 y' = x*s2 + y*s5 + z*s8 + t2 z' = x*s3 + y*s6 + z*s9 + t3 Records 3 & 4 1-96 97-100 I - Rt Free Up to 8 Rt matrices if needed Record 5 1-24 25-40 41-56 57-72 73-88 89-100 I - Rt Atomic Atomic Atomic Atomic Free Up to 2 Rt information information information information matrices for atom for atom for atom for atom if needed type 9 (see Rec.6,Var.10-25) type 10 type 11 type 12 Record 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17-25 F I F F F F F F F A4 F I F F F F F 26-41 42-57 58-73 74-89 90-100 - Lambda Wavelength used in data collection Ntyps Number of scattering factors (up to 12) Sigma1 F000/Ncv Sigma2 Sum((scat.facs. at s=0)**2) Sigma3 Sum((scat.facs. at s=0)**3) E000 Sigma1/(Sigma2)**(1/2) Eps Sigma3/(Sigma2)**(3/2) Dcal Density calculated from input data Abslin Linear absorption coefficient in cm**-1 Atsymb Atomic symbol for atom type #1 Atcnt No. of this atom type in the unit cell Iatno Atomic number Atwt Atomic weight Absco Mu/Rho Dfp Delta-f' Dfdp Delta-f" Sctcof 9 scattering factor coefficients a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, b3, a4, b4, c such that f(s) = c + Sigma(ai*exp(-bi*s**2)) where s = sin(theta/lambda) Values of ai, bi and c are taken from Int. Tab. Vol. IV, Table 2.2.b. The same for atom type 2 The same for atom type 3 The same for atom type 4 The same for atom type 5 Free Record 7 1-16 17-32 33-48 The same for atom type 6 The same for atom type 7 The same for atom type 8 Page 86 49-56 F 57 I 58 59-67 68-70 71-72 73 74 75 76-79 80-100 I I F A I I I F - Atomic radii for atom type 1 - 8 Cn12 radii from Pearson(1972) "The Chemistry and Physics of Metals and Alloys", Wiley-Interscience Isym Used by PLTMOL to generate symmetry related atoms and molecules. Link Used by PLTMOL for the same purpose. Matrix for such symmetry generation. Vector for the same. Name of link atom in PLTMOL list. 0 if matrix above is to apply to all atoms; 1 if not. Start of reproduced atom range. End of range. Atomic radii for atom type 9 - 12 Free Record 8 1 2 3 4 F F F F 5 I 6 F 7 I 8 9 10 11 12-16 I F F I F 17-56 F 57 F Cut off for less-thans (unused) Wilson plot B Fo scale, initially from Wilson plot Extinction coefficient (Average block size in microns) Extinction is included as Fc' = k*Fc/(1 + g*Beta*Fc**2)**1/4 where Fc' is the ectinction corrected Fc g is the extinction coefficient Beta is derived from ABSORP. (See Larson A.C., Crystallographic Computing, Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1970, page 291.) If ABSORP is not run Beta = Lp-1. Scale, extinction and chirality (eta) refinement flags 0 refine all 3, 1 no scale, 2 no extinction, 3 no scale or extinction, 4 no eta, 5 no scale or eta, 6 no extinction or eta 7 none Prec The weighting scheme modifier such that wt = 1/(Sig(Fo)**2 + Prec*Fo**2) Weighting scheme flag 0 counting statistics wts; 1 unit wts Number of variables in last l.s. run Sigma(scale) Sigma(extinction coeff.) Number of special symmetry relations Hughes weight coefficients, FB,A1,B1,A2,B2 where wt = A1*Fobs**B1 for Fobs > FB or wt = A2*Fobs**B2 for Fobs < FB Special symmetry relations For an explanation of these relations see below. Unextinct fraction of the crystal. If the Rf value is less than 3%, the crystal can be described as a central core with extinction, surrounded 58 59 60 F F F by a skin as an unextinct fraction. This is a reasonable model for crystals which have been ground. RF with significant reflections only RW with significant reflections only RF with all reflections Page 87 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 F F I I I I I I I I F F F I F F F F F I I I I I F 86 87-100 F - RW with all reflections Goodness of fit No. of reflections included in LSTSQ No. of total reflections No. of atoms included No.of variables included Minimum electron density in the last map calculated Maximum " " " " " " " Type of map (F,D,E or P) Maximum shift/sigma ratio from the last L.S. cycle Minimum transmission factor used in DATRD2 Maximum " " " " " D-calc from DISANG No. of reflns used for diffractometer cell parameters Minimum 2-theta for cell parameters Maximum " " " " Crystal dimensions (mm) " " " " No. of chemical units in the cell Number of significant +,+,+ reflections " " insignificant +,+,+ " " " significant -,-," (Friedel) " " insignificant -,-," Eta, the chirality parameter for non-centric structures. The value should refine to +1 or -1 within statistics. Sigma(Eta) Free Records 9 thru N + 8 1-2 3-4 5 6 7-9 10 11-15 16-25 26 27 A4 A4,A2 I F F F F F I I Atom name Site symmetry Sym. opr. flags(see below for a description) Occpy Site occupancy x, y and z U or U11 Thermal parameter U22, U33, U12, U13 and U23 The U values are such that T = exp(-8Pi**2U(sin(theta/lambda)**2) (for isotropic) T = exp-2Pi**2(U11(a*)**2 + ...... + 2(U12a*b* +......)) (for anisotropic) Sigma(parameters) Iso Isotropic/anisotropic U's 0/-1 Scattering factor sequence number This is the index to which scattering factor (1 to 12) in each reflection record is to be used for this atom. 28 I Iref Refinement flags These flags are used to control parameter refinement. 13 bits are set as follows (bit 1 is the LSB) Page 88 Bit 13 " 12 " 11 - Do/Dont refine G Allow/Dont allow x refinement Do/Dont refine x. If bit 12 is set no x refinement is allowed ie. x is fixed " 10 y refinement (as bit 12 for x) " 9 y refinement (as bit 11 for x) " 8 z refinement (as bit 12 for x) " 7 z refinement (as bit 11 for x) " 6 0/1 Do/dont refine U (or U11) " 5 " " " U22 " 4 " " " U33 " 3 " " " U12 " 2 " " " U13 " 1 " " " U23 Ibx Location of spec. rel. data This code refers to the special relations data encoded in record 8 variables 17-56. The special relations for each atom are encoded by CDEDIT and the location of the applicable relations is stored in Ibx as 1024Nb + Ne where Nb = the no. of the 1st relation Ne = the no. of the last relation for this atom. The relations are stored consecutively. Ianom Include/dont include anom. dispersion (1/0) Multiplicity of this atom site Above data from before the last l.s. cycle x,y,z variance-covariance terms These terms are derived from the inverse least squares matrix. The order is xx, xy, xz, yy, yz, zz. Nbond No. of bonds from unimol Name of 1st bonded atom Bond distance Name of 2nd bonded atom Bond distance Same for bonded atoms 3 to 8 Free A4 - Record N+9 Atom name as blanks Free 29 I 30 31 32-62 63-68 I I 69 70-71 72 73-74 75 76-93 94-100 I A4 F A4 F 1-2 3-100 F 0/1 0/1 0/1 Site symmetry constraints are determined by detecting the operations of the group which cause the duplication of the site. Since we wish to hold this to a relatively small set, we force the atoms in certain types of sites to lie in particular places in the unit cell; i.e. atoms on a 4-fold axis in a cubic cell must lie on 4(001) and not on 4(100) or 4(010), and atoms on the cubic 3-fold axis must be on 3(111) and not on 3(1-1-1). Thus the code recognizes only 61 of the possible 134 orientationally unique sites. See Int. Tab. (1974) Vol.IV. Section 5.5., page 324. For this purpose we need to recognize only 15 of the 64 possible Page 89 unique rotation matrices. (There are 39 non-redundant matrices.) The operations chosen are given in the heading of the table below. a word containing bits to indicate the matrices which cause the duplication of the atomic site is generated by the code which determines the site symmetry. The table gives the matrix flags, any one of which if present requires the symmetry constraint given in the first column of the table. Thus we only need do a logical "and" of this bit configuration with that generated in defining the site symmetry to enable us to define the constraints upon the atomic site. The table includes the necessary flags for the positional and anisotropic thermal parameters. The extension of this table to other properties of the site are obvious. The data word containing these flags is included in the data written into the atom record on the crystal data file. 1 1 3 3 1 + 1 + -4 + 1 1 2+ m+ 2- m4 2 1 1 m 1 1 1 2 1 1 m 1 1 1 m 1 1 -1 2 Value octal deci. Constraint del-x = 0 del-y = 0 del-z = 0 del-y = del-x del-y =-del-x del-z = del-x 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 54063 54113 12525 22200 01400 20000 22579 22603 5461 9344 768 8192 U22 U33 U12 U12 U13 U13 U23 U23 U23 U23 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 77600 20000 14170 40000 54146 20000 54036 00600 03000 20000 32640 8192 6264 16384 22630 8192 22558 384 1536 8192 Operator = = U11 = U11 = 0 = U11 = 0 = U12 = 0 = U13 =-U13 = U12 Symmetry relations are of 2 types -a. Fixed parameters eg. x = 0 b. Related parameters eg. y = x The first type are easily dealt with by not refining (fixing) the parameter. The second type are dealt with by using special symmetry relations as follows. If F = f(x,y) and x and y are functions of another independent parameter v, then dF/dv = dF/dx.dx/dv + dF/dy.dy/dv. If y = nx and x = v, then dF/dv = dF/dx + n.dF/dy is the required derivative. The information needed to encode this type of relation is the number for each parameter and the value of n. This is then packed as 1000(n + 1) +10N(x) + N(y) into one word. the values of N are 1 for occupancy (G), 2,3,4 for x,y,z, 5 for U (or U11) and 6 to 10 for U22, U33, U12, U13, U23. Up to 40 such relations are allowed. Page 90 Appendix 11. Contents of the .RE File. All variables are 4 bytes ; records are 32 variables. (F = Floating point; I = Integer) Var. F/I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-20 21 22 23 F I I I F F F F F F F F F F F F I 24-27 28 29 30 31 32 F F F F F F Contents Beta value for extinction +h +k Miller indices +l 100*epsilon + E (becomes the f" part of Acalc) Fo(+h+k+l) Sqrt(Fo weight for +h+k+l) Ac(+h+k+l) Bc(+h+k+l) Ac(+h+k+l) (Dispersion part only) Bc(+h+k+l) (Dispersion part only) Sin(Theta/Lambda) f(1) scattering factor for atom type 1. f(2) - f(8) scattering factors for atom types 2-8 Fo(-h-k-l) Sqrt(Fo weight for -h-k-l) Obs/Unobs and exclusion flags. 0/1 for +h+k+l obs/unobs 0/2 for -h-k-l obs/unobs 16384 for +h+k+l excluded from LS 32768 for -h-k-l excluded from LS 7 for systematic absence f(9) - f(12) scattering factors for atom type 9-12 Fo**2(+h+k+l) (may be negative) Sqrt(Fo**2 weight for +h+k+l) Fo**2(-h-k-l) Sqrt(Fo**2 weight for -h-k-l) f" part of Bcalc