Getting the Most from a Writing Center Session

Getting the Most from a Writing Center Session
One of the most important services that the Writing Center provides is one-on-one help. Because writing is
such a personal process, it is sometimes difficult to fully understand concepts the instructor has gone over in
the classroom and see how those concepts apply specifically to an essay. Here are some simple guidelines
that will help students most effectively utilize our tutoring services.
How can I make an appointment?
There are three ways: call Pendleton campus 646-1367 (260-6717 Anderson Campus) to schedule an appointment; email us at; or come by the Writing Center in Oconee 202 or by the main office at the Anderson Campus. We have
notebooks with specific dates and times both in Oconee 202 on the Pendleton campus and at the main office of the Anderson Campus,
so students can sign up at their convenience. Making appointments in advance is a good idea. While we do accept students on a walkin basis, students with appointments take priority. If a student with an appointment comes early, we cannot guarantee that he/she will
be seen earlier. There may be a wait for students who come to the Writing Center without appointments. Students with appointments
should always notify the Writing Center consultant(s) that they are present for appointments.
How long do sessions last?
Each session will last 30 minutes. Depending on the length of the paper, we may not be able to finish in one tutoring session, and the
student may have to come back for another appointment. Students should always schedule appointments ahead of the assignment due
Can I make consecutive appointments?
A student cannot sign up for consecutive appointments for the same paper. He/she can have more than one appointment for that paper
that day, but the appointments need to be spread out so the student can make revisions. The student can, however, make consecutive
appointments for two papers for two different classes. If the student plans to have more than one appointment for a paper, Writing
Center tutors expect the student to make revisions between appointments.
What are my problem areas?
If an instructor has returned graded assignments to a student, the student should look over the comments and try to analyze what
he/she is doing well and what the problem areas are. The student should ask the instructor to clarify any comments that he/she
doesn’t understand, or bring the graded assignment to a tutoring session. Writing problems can be corrected, but the first step is
figuring out what the student is doing wrong. Writing well is a job skill that may just make the difference in one’s standard of living.
Knowing that “I just don’t understand commas” is a good indication that the student needs to spend some time with the comma rules
and examples.
What should I bring to a session?
When the student arrives for the tutoring session, he/she should have the assignment guidelines, a copy of what has been completed
prior to the session (word processed and double spaced), a computer disk (floppy or flash drive), a pen or pencil and specific questions
for the tutor. Students who are coming for help on revising a paper should bring the graded assignment to us. We can usually help the
student understand the instructor’s comments.
What will the Writing Center consultant do during the session?
A Writing Center session should not be a passive activity on the part of the student. The student needs to have specific questions in
mind about problems with the assignment. We want to help students learn how to be good writers; we are NOT here to do the work
for them. Consultants know grammar rules, the conventions of research papers, and strategies for composing and editing.
Will the consultant proofread my work?
Students often ask consultants to proofread work just before the assignment is due. The Writing Center is NOT a proofreading or
error correction service. Our emphasis is on helping the students become better writers, and this means learning to do one’s own
work. Furthermore, students are discouraged from bringing in assignments right before class; students should allow at least one full
day to revise and edit the work after a Writing Center session.
Students must be present for Writing Center appointments. Neither students nor parents may drop
papers off in the Writing Center to be read and corrected by tutors.
The Writing Center/Oconee 202/646-1367
Anderson Campus/Room 117/260-6717
The Writing Center/Oconee 202/646-1367
Anderson Campus/Room 117/260-6717