Material Safety Data Sheet Index MSDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. BGA Wetting Solution No–Clean Rework Flux Paste No–Clean Solder Paste Pad Prep Pen Organic Kit Organic Cleaning Solution Kit Page# 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-16 17-21 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Product Code: Manufacturer: Address: Telephone: Fax: BGA Wetting Solution 8200-1330, 8200-1331 & 8200-1335 A. P. E. South 106240 Overseas Hwy Key Largo, FL 33037, USA (305) 451-4722 (Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 PM EST) (305) 451-3374 CAS Registry Number: Not applicable since product is a mixture SECTION 2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous Components CAS # Exposure Limits Isopropyl Alcohol 67-63-0 400 PPM ACGIH Proprietary Solvent Trade Secret Not established Adipic 124-04-9 Not established (1). TVL is very unlikely to be reached since material is in the paste form; hence no airborne particles. Provide adequate ventilation in the firing room to remove any evolved fumes. (2). Supplementary data on lead attached if applicable. (3). Per 29 CFR 1910 the mixture has not been tested as a whole. All hazardous components which comprise >= 1% of the mixture (0.1% if carcinogenic) are listed. Percentages of individual components are not listed as this information is considered a Trade Secret; it is not required that it be disclosed. SECTION 3. PHYSICAL DATA Appearance: Physical State Odor: Initial Boiling point (of Organic Mixture): Specific gravity: Vapor pressure (Estimated for Mixture, 35C): Vapor density(Air = 1): Evaporation rate (Estimated for mixture, n-butyl acetate = 1, 20C): Solubility in water: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Clear Liquid Mild 180F <1 96 mm Hg >1 <.1 Mostly Page 5 of 18 SECTION 4. FIRE, REACTIVITY, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash point (Most flammable solvents): (53F) Auto ignition Temperature (Most Flammable Solvents): N/AV Flammable Limits in Air (Most Flammable Solvents): N/AV Extinguishing Media: Water Fog, Alcohol Foam, and Dry Chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Cool exposed containers with water. When fighting use NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full face piece operated in positive pressure mode, as evolved fumes are toxic and cause respiratory irritation. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Store at ambient conditions. Stability: The material is stable. Incompatibility: Will not react with water. Avoid mixing with strong oxidizing agents, acids, and caustics. Hazardous Decomposition Product: Nothing Unusual Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. 5. HEALTH HAZARDS OF COMPONENTS OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT: Not Established For Mixture COMPONENT LISTED AS CARCINOGENIC BY NTP, IARC, OR OSHA: PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: ORGANIC COMPONENTS: Inhalation, Skin Absorption INORGANIC COMPONENTS: Ingestion None ACUTE & CHRONIC SYSTEM MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED. Inhalation Irritant negligible at ambient temperature Unknown Remove to fresh air. If breathing difficult give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. Skin Contact Irritant Unknown Remove contaminated clothes and launder before reuse. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Eye Contact Irritant will injure tissue if not removed promptly Ingestion Irritation of the GI System Unknown ROUTE EXPOSURE EMERGENCY FIRST AID Flush with running water for 15 minutes lifting upper and lower lids. See Physician. Drink large quantities of water. If necessary, copies of toxicology study provided to HICD by manufacturers of the above hazardous components can be supplied. Synergistic or additive effects of the above chemicals are unknown, as are the effects of exposure of these chemicals in addition to others present in the workplace. In all cases keep individuals warm, quiet, and get medical attention. A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 6 of 18 SECTION 6: PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS PERSONAL PROTECTION: RESPIRATORY: EYE: SKIN: ENGINEERING CONTROLS: HYGIENIC PRACTICES: SECTION 7: Avoid prolonged skin contact. Not required if local exhaust is satisfactory. If overexposure occurs, use NIOSH-OSHA approved air supply respirator suitable for organic vapors. Administrative or engineering controls should be implemented to reduce exposure. Chemical splash goggles or OSHA approved glasses. Solvent resistant gloves. Recommend ventilation provides sufficient mechanical (general or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain concentration below TLV. Prevent eye contact with glasses or goggles, minimize skin contact, use with adequate ventilation to minimize inhalation of vapors. Do not smoke or eat in work areas. Wash hands thoroughly prior to smoking or eating. STORAGE, SPILL AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL STORAGE CONDITIONS: Keep containers closed and sealed when not in use and at ambient temperatures. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Eliminate source of ignition, implement clean up procedures. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. EPA WASTE CLASS: Ignitable Liquid SECTION 8 TRANSPORTATION DOT ID No: DOT Hazard Class: SECTION 9 1219 Flammable Liquid REFERENCES The MSDS is compilation of information supplied by the manufacturers of the chemicals present in this product. Also, 29 CFR. 1210 was consulted for TLV information. *** This information is for guidance and furnished without warranty of any kind. It is a compilation of data believed to be reliable, but A.P.E. South, assumes no obligation or liability for its completeness or accuracy. A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 7 of 18 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Product Code: Manufacturer: Address: Telephone: Fax: No Clean Rework Flux Paste 8200-1310, 8200-1325, 8200-1327 & 8200-1329 A. P. E. South 106240 Overseas Hwy Key Largo, FL 33037, USA (305) 451-4722 (Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm EST) (305) 451-3374 CAS Registry Number : Not applicable since product is a mixture SECTION 2. COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous Components Driproplyene glycol Terpineol Armeen D % CAS # Exposure Limits 25-35 8-12 5-10 25265-71-8 8000-41-7 61788-95-2 Not established Not established Not established Hydrogenated rosin 45-55 65997-06-0 Not established DSL: All ingredients listed in Environment Canada’s DOMESTIC SUBSTANCE LIST. (4). TVL is very unlikely to be reached since material is in the paste form; hence no airborne particles. Provide adequate ventilation in the firing room to remove any evolved fumes. (5). Supplementary data on lead attached if applicable. (6). Per 29 CFR 1910 the mixture has not been tested as a whole. All hazardous components which comprise >= 1% of the mixture (0.1% if carcinogenic) are listed. Percentages of individual components are not listed as this information is considered a Trade Secret; it is not required that it be disclosed. SECTION 3. PHYSICAL DATA Appearance: Physical State Odor: Initial Boiling point (of organic material): Specific gravity: Vapor pressure (Estimated for Mixture, 20 C): Vapor density(Air = 1): Evaporation rate (Estimated for mixture, n-butyl acetate = 1, 20C): Solubility in water: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Clear/light Amber Liquid Mild 417F >1 <1mm Hg >1 <1 Partly Page 8 of 18 SECTION 4. FIRE, REACTIVITY, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash point (Most flammable solvents): (190F) Auto ignition Temperature (Most Flammable Solvents): N/AV Flammable Limits in Air (Most Flammable Solvents): lower: 2.9 upper 12.6 Extinguishing Media: Water Fog, Alcohol Foam, and Dry Chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Cool exposed containers with water. When fighting use NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full face piece operated in positive pressure mode, as evolved fumes are toxic and cause respiratory irritation. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Store below flash point away from open flame or sparks Stability: The material is stable. Incompatibility: Will not react with water. Avoid mixing with strong oxidizing agents, acids, and caustics. Hazardous Decomposition Product: Combustion produces carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and various hydrocarbons. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. 5. HEALTH HAZARDS OF COMPONENTS OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT: Not Established For Mixture COMPONENT LISTED AS CARCINOGENIC BY NTP, IARC, OR OSHA: PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: ORGANIC COMPONENTS: Inhalation, Skin Absorption INORGANIC COMPONENTS: Ingestion None ROUTE EXPOSURE ACUTE & CHRONIC SYSTEM MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED. Inhalation Irritant Unknown Remove to fresh air. If breathing difficult give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. Skin Contact Irritant Unknown Remove contaminated clothes and launder before reuse. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Eye Contact Moderate Unknown Flush with running water for 15 minutes lifting upper and lower lids. See Physician. Ingestion Irritation of the GI System Unknown Drink large quantities of water. EMERGENCY FIRST AID If necessary, copies of toxicology study provided to HICD by manufacturers of the above hazardous components can be supplied. Synergistic or additive effects of the above chemicals are unknown, as are the effects of exposure of these chemicals in addition to others present in the workplace. In all cases keep individuals warm, quiet, and get medical attention. A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 9 of 18 SECTION 6: PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS PERSONAL PROTECTION: RESPIRATORY: EYE: SKIN: ENGINEERING CONTROLS: HYGIENIC PRACTICES: SECTION 7 : Avoid prolonged skin contact. Not required if local exhaust is satisfactory. If overexposure occurs, use NIOSH-OSHA approved air supply respirator suitable for organic vapors. Administrative or engineering controls should be implemented to reduce exposure. Chemical splash goggles or OSHA approved glasses. Solvent resistant gloves. Recommend ventilation provides sufficient mechanical (general or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain concentration below TLV. Prevent eye contact with glasses or goggles, minimize skin contact, use with adequate ventilation to minimize inhalation of vapors. Do not smoke or eat in work areas. Wash hands thoroughly prior to smoking or eating. STORAGE, SPILL AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL STORAGE CONDITIONS: Keep containers closed and sealed when not in use. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Clean spill with disposable paper towels (wear rubber gloves) and wash area with soap and water. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. SECTION 8 : TRANSPORTATION DOT ID No. SECTION 9 : REFERENCES The MSDS is compilation of information supplied by the manufacturers of the chemicals present in this product. Also, 29 CFR. 1210 was consulted for TLV information. *** This information is for guidance and furnished without warranty of any kind. It is a compilation of data believed to be reliable, but A.P.E. South, assumes no obligation or liability for its completeness or accuracy. SECTION 10 : GENERAL INFORMATION--A.P.E. NO CLEAN REWORK FLUX PASTE Proper Shipping Name: DOT Hazard Name: DOT ID No.: DOT Hazard Class: DOT Spill Reporting Information: RCRA Class (If Discarded): EPA Priority Pollutant: NFPA: Health: Flammability: Reactivity: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS None None None None None None None 1 1 0 Page 10 of 18 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Product Code: Manufacturer: Address: Telephone: Fax: No Clean Solder Paste 8200-1320, 8200-1322 & 8200-1323 A. P. E. South 106240 Overseas Hwy Key Largo, FL 33037, USA (305) 451-4722 (Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 pm EST) (305) 451-3374 CAS Registry Number : Not applicable since product is a mixture SECTION 2: COMPOSITION, INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Hazardous Components CAS # Exposure Limits Tin Lead 7440-31-5 7439-93-1 2 mg/M3 ACGIH (1) 0.05 mg/M3 OSHA (1)(2) Terpineol Armeen D 8000-41-7 61788-95-2 Not established Not established (1). TVL is very unlikely to be reached since material is in the paste form; hence no airborne particles. Provide adequate ventilation in the firing room to remove any evolved fumes. (2). Supplementary data on lead attached if applicable. (3). Per 29 CFR 1910 the mixture has not been tested as a whole. All hazardous components which comprise >= 1% of the mixture (0.1% if carcinogenic) are listed. Percentages of individual components are not listed as this information is considered a Trade Secret; it is not required that it be disclosed. SECTION 3: PHYSICAL DATA Appearance: Physical State Odor: Initial Boiling point (of Organic Mixture): Specific gravity: Vapor pressure (Estimated for Mixture, 20C): Vapor density(Air = 1): Evaporation rate (Estimated for mixture, n-butyl acetate = 1, 20C): Solubility in water: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Gray/Black Paste Mild 417F >1 <1 mm Hg >1 <1 Negligible Page 11 of 18 SECTION 4: FIRE, REACTIVITY, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA Flash point (Most flammable solvents): (190F) Auto ignition Temperature (Most Flammable Solvents): N/AV Flammable Limits in Air (Most Flammable Solvents): N/AV Extinguishing Media: Water Fog, Alcohol Foam, and Dry Chemical Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Cool exposed containers with water. When fighting use NIOSH approved self-contained breathing apparatus with full face piece operated in positive pressure mode, as evolved fumes are toxic and cause respiratory irritation. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Store below flash point and away from open flames or sparks. Stability: The material is stable. Incompatibility: Will not react with water. Avoid mixing with strong oxidizing agents, acids, and caustics. Hazardous Decomposition Product: Combustion produces Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and various hydrocarbons. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. SECTION 5: HEALTH HAZARDS OF COMPONENTS OSHA PERMISSIBLE EXPOSURE LIMIT: Not Established For Mixture COMPONENT LISTED AS CARCINOGENIC BY NTP, IARC, OR OSHA: PRIMARY ROUTES OF ENTRY: ORGANIC COMPONENTS: Inhalation, Skin Absorption INORGANIC COMPONENTS: Ingestion None ROUTE EXPOSURE ACUTE & CHRONIC SYSTEM MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED. Inhalation Irritant Unknown Remove to fresh air. If breathing difficult give oxygen. If breathing has stopped, start artificial respiration. Skin Contact Irritant Unknown Remove contaminated clothes and launder before reuse. Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Eye Contact Moderate Unknown Flush with running water for 15 minutes lifting upper and lower lids. See Physician. Ingestion Irritation of the GI System Unknown Drink large quantities of water. EMERGENCY FIRST AID If necessary, copies of toxicology study provided to HICD by manufacturers of the above Hazardous components can be supplied. Synergistic or additive effects of the above chemicals are unknown, as are the effects of exposure of these chemicals in addition to others present in the workplace. In all cases keep individuals warm, quiet, and get medical attention. A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 12 of 18 SECTION 6: PERSONAL PROTECTION AND CONTROLS PERSONAL PROTECTION: RESPIRATORY: EYE: SKIN: ENGINEERING CONTROLS: HYGIENIC PRACTICES: SECTION 7: Avoid prolonged skin contact. Not required if local exhaust is satisfactory. If overexposure occurs, use NIOSH-OSHA approved air supply respirator suitable for organic vapors. Administrative or engineering controls should be implemented to reduce exposure. Chemical splash goggles or OSHA approved glasses. Solvent resistant gloves. Recommend ventilation provides sufficient mechanical (general or local exhaust) ventilation to maintain concentration below TLV. Prevent eye contact with glasses or goggles, minimize skin contact, use with adequate ventilation to minimize inhalation of vapors. Do not smoke or eat in work areas. Wash hands thoroughly prior to smoking or eating. STORAGE, SPILL AND DISPOSAL SPECIAL STORAGE CONDITIONS: Keep containers closed and sealed when not in use. STEPS TO BE TAKEN IN CASE MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Clean spill with disposable paper towels (wear rubber gloves) and wash area with soap and water. WASTE DISPOSAL METHOD: Dispose in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations. EPA WASTE CLASS: N/AV SECTION 8 : TRANSPORTATION DOT ID No: SECTION 9 : REFERENCES The MSDS is compilation of information supplied by the manufacturers of the chemicals present in this product. Also, 29 CFR. 1210 was consulted for TLV information. *** This information is for guidance and is furnished without warranty of any kind. It is a compilation of data believed to be reliable, but A.P.E. South, assumes no obligation or liability for it’s completeness or accuracy. SECTION 10: GENERAL INFORMATION---A.P.E. NO CLEAN SOLDER PASTE Proper Shipping Name: None DOT Hazard Name: None DOT ID No.: None DOT Hazard Class: None DOT Spill Reporting Information: None RCRA Class (If Discarded): Toxic D008 EPA Priority Pollutant: None NFPA: Health: Flammability: Reactivity: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS 1 1 0 Page 13 of 18 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET SECTION 1. Product Name: Product Code: Manufacturer: Address: CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION: Pad Prep Pen (Organic) Kit Telephone: Fax: 8200-1350 A. P. E. South 106240 Overseas Hwy Key Largo, FL 33037, USA (305) 451-4722 (Mon-Fri, 9 am - 5 PM EST) (305) 451-3374 Chemical Family: A Terpene Hydrocarbon solvent SECTION 2. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS: Hazardous mixture of Liquids, Solids, or Gases. Materials Percent by Weight CAS # TLV Units 100.00 5989-27-5 Not Assigned Terpene Hydrocarbon All of the components of the Pad Prep Pen are listed in the TSCA Inventory SECTION 3. PHYSICAL DATA: Appearance: Physical State Odor: Boiling Point: Vapor Pressure (70F, 20C): Vapor Density (Air = 1): Solubility in H2O: Specific Gravity (H2O = 1): Percent Volatile by Volume: Evaporation Rate (Ether = 1): SECTION 4. Clear Free Flowing Liquid Citrus Odor 340372F 169—187C 1.6 mm Hg 4.6 Insoluble .85 100% <1.0 FIRE, REACTIVITY, AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA: Flash point: Flammable Limits: Extinguishing Media: Special Fire Fighting Procedure: Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: 145F, 62C C.O.C.; 120F, 48C T.C.C. @302F, 148C 0.7% LEL / 6.0% UEL Water, Foam, Dry Chemical, Carbon Dioxide Cool exposed containers with water spray. Wear selfcontained breathing apparatus NIOSH approved Containers may possibly generate pressure when heated causing violent bursting of container. Keep liquid away from open flame. Forms toxic decomposition products. Rags soaked with cleaner from Pad Prep Pen can be ignited through spontaneous combustion. Store / dispose of rags only in approved fire NFPA RATING: HEALTH: FLAMMABILITY: REACTIVITY: A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS 1 2 0 Page 14 of 18 SECTION 5A. HEALTH HAZARDS DATA: THRESHOLD LIMIT VALUE: Ingredients of Pad Prep Pen are listed on FDA’s Gras (Generally Recognized as Safe) as an approved substance for use as an indirect food additive and for use in the manufacture of metal food containers as described in Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Part 178, Section 3400 or Section 3910. None of the ingredients of Pad Prep Pen are listed in the Threshold Limit Values and Biological Exposure Induces compiled by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). EFFECTS OF OVER EXPOSURE: ROUTE EXPOSURE EFFECTS: Although not reported, vapors might cause lipoid pheumonitis if high concentrations are aspired into the lungs. Inhalation: Skin: Low oral toxicity. Although not reported, irritation of nasal and pharyngeal mucus might follow direct exposure to Pad Prep Pen. Prolonged or repeated skin contact can cause irritation, defatting of skin and dermatitis. Eyes: Liquid can cause slight temporary irritation with slight transient cornea injury. Vapors can irritate the eyes. Oral: SECTION 5B. EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID PROCEDURES: ROUTE EXPOSURE: FIRST AID PROCEDURES: Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Do not give Epinephrine. Give artificial respiration if necessary. Call Physician. Eye & Skin Contact: Flush Eye for 15 minutes, if irritation persists call physician. Ingestion: Do not induce vomitting. Contact physician immediately. Systematic & Other Effects: Based on available data, repeated exposures are not anticipated to cause significant adverse effects. Carcinogenicity: Components of Pad Prep Pen are not listed as carcinogens by NTP, IARC, or OSHA A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 15 of 18 SECTION 6. REACTIVIY DATA: CHARACTERISTICS INFORMATION ON REACTIVITY STABILITY: Material is stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Open Flame, which can cause IGNITION. INCOMPATABILITY: Strong alkalides, strong oxidizers and other reactive metals. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Carbon Dioxide(CO2) and Carbon Monoxide(CO) POLYMERIZATION: Will not occur SECTION 7. SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES: SPILL, LEAK, OR RELEASE: WASTE DISPOSAL : SECTION 8. Although a spill or large release is unlikely to occur in a marker type container, in the event of such an occurrence, evacuate area absorb spilled liquid with commercial nonflammable absorbent i.e. sand, vermiculite. Remove unprotected personnel. Protected personnel should remove ignition sources and shut off fire sources. Provide ventilation. Using a spark-proof shovel, place absorbent material into drums and close. If cleanup delayed, dilute with water first to reduce fire hazard and absorb. Comply with Federal, State, and Local regulations. Consult appropriate regulatory agency prior to disposal or discharge of waste material. SPECIAL PROTECTION INFORMATION: RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: VENTILATION: LOCAL EXHAUST: MECHANICAL: PROTECTIVE GLOVES: EYE PROTECTION: OTHER PROTECTIVE DEVICES: SECTION 9. None Required in Ventilated work areas. Adequate. For small work areas. Adequate for storage. For short intermittent contact, use disposable vinyl gloves, for long repeated contact, use heavyweight green vinyl or commercial viton gloves. Although unlikely with marker-type containers, if danger of splashing exist, use chemical safety glasses. Protective clothing for repeated contact. PVA or Neoprene preferred. SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: Precautions for handling and storage: Prolonged contact with skin will cause skin irritation and possibly dermatitis. Remove clothing and rinse clean with water if becomes soaked with solvent. Do Not Allow prolonged direct solvent contact with skin. Avoid breathing vapors. Avoid lighting cigarettes, flame, welding or hot spots which could promote combustion and may generate toxic decomposition products. Store containers in a cool dry place. Section 313 Supplier Information: This product contains the following toxic chemicals subject to reporting requirements Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act of 1986 and of 40 CFR 372: CAS # Chemical Name % by Weight NONE A.P.E. SOUTH–MSDS Page 16 of 18