Revised: Jan 2010 POLICY AND GUIDELINES Research Grants Research Fellows and Postgraduate Students FACULTY GRANTS AND LEAVE COMMITTEE This policy applies only to Fellows and Students of the Faculty of Education. University‑wide policies are accessible through: Contents I. Eligibility 2 II. Enrolment 2 III. FRC Grants are contestable 2 IV. Application Checklist 3 V. Oracle GMS 3 VI. Human Ethics Committee Approval 4 VII. Field Trips, Travel, Accommodation, Vehicle Costs 4 VIII. Conference Grants 5 IX. Financial Responsibility 6 X. Grant Approval 7 XI. Performance Report 7 XII. Acknowledgement of FRC Support 7 XIII. Further Information 7 Post Graduate Faulty Research Grants application process chart 8 Page | 1 Revised: Jan 2010 I. Eligibility: PhD Candidates: Limited to a maximum of $2,000 in any one calendar year and limited to $6,000 for the entire duration of the PhD programme. The same yearly and overall limitations apply to part‑time students, regardless of the number of years they are enrolled in the PHD Programme. Research Fellows (on less than two years’ contract): Limited to a maximum of $2,000 per calendar annum and limited to a maximum of $6,000 for the total period of the fellowship. Master’s by Thesis: Limited to a maximum of $2,000 for the total period of the Master’s by Thesis enrolment (for 120 pts thesis and pro rata fro 90 pts thesis). All applicants can make several applications throughout the year as long as the annual and research period maxima not exceeded Students that are classed as PhD, Research Fellows and Master’s students are eligible to apply for a grant (if all other criteria are met). However, all grants are contestable and limited by budget, and are therefore NOT an entitlement. II. Enrolment: Applications will not be considered unless the student is fully enrolled (proposal has been fully approved), whether on a full‑time or part‑time basis. The student must be fully enrolled for the entire duration of the grant. The student must state on the application the date which the proposal was approved. III. FGLC Grants are contestable: The FGLC will consider applications for: Purchase of materials, such as audio and video tapes, printer cartridges, computer disks, paper etc.; Transcription costs; Resource provision – photocopying, internet costs (if remote use is required), inter-loans and expenses; Research related travel in New Zealand and overseas; Attending conferences in the appropriate discipline (see section. VIII). Funding for research related expenses (e.g. field trips, library costs, internet costs, photocopying, transcription, consumables etc) will get priority over conference funding. Please note that all expenses will need receipts for reimbursement. If it will not be possible to get receipts for expenses please discuss this with the Committee Administrator when Page | 2 Revised: Jan 2010 submitting an application. All costs budgeted for in the application need quotation, or justification and explanation. The FGLC will not consider applications for: Thesis production costs (e.g. binding); Assets or equipment purchase; including data, voice or video recorders or anything which can be leased or borrowed from the University; Software or any other computer related costs; The provision of a Research Assistant; A grant to a staff member, the effect of which is to provide income to a postgraduate researcher for the research, which is the subject of that researcher’s personal postgraduate research project; Professional editing services for Theses. Students should be aware that the sole purpose of the research grants allocated to them is to help them complete their research thesis in due time. Their applications will be assessed in relation to this objective. Students are required to complete a performance report after each grant. This report and the outcomes described in it will be used in future decisions on funding for that student. IV. Application Checklist: These grants are contestable and the process of selection is competitive, and therefore, the quality of the application is important. Please note that incomplete applications will not be accepted. So please ensure you: 1) Give a title and a full description of your project. The ‘Project overview’ box in Oracle GMS allows 150 words, the ‘Description’ box allows 500 words and the ‘Other information’ box allows 250 words. Applicants should take full advantage of these word limits to give the FGLC an adequate view of the project and funding requirements; 2) Provide a realistic budget (you should be able to spend the money within 12 months); 3) Upload your letter of approval from the Human Ethics Committee if appropriate; 4) Upload your VUW travel provider quote if appropriate; 5) Upload your letter of acceptance for your conference paper and copy of abstract, if appropriate; 6) Upload a written statement of support from your supervisor, if appropriate; 7) Upload any itinerary of your activity to be paid for with the grant if appropriate; 8) Upload any document which supports your application with information which has not been covered adequately on the form or on other uploaded documents. V. Oracle GMS: All applications for FGLC grants are required to be submitted online in a software programme called Oracle GMS (Grant Management System). An Oracle Access Form can be downloaded from the Education website: research grants.aspx Page | 3 Revised: Jan 2010 This form needs to be first completed (select RT -Web Forms ‑ Grants Applications and Inquiry) and submitted to Oracle Help, Central Finance, RS 303 by faxing to 463 5251 (as stated on the form). Any queries about this form or Oracle access can be directed to Oracle‑ Once Oracle Help have received your completed Oracle Access Form they will contact you in approximately one week with your Oracle username and password and they will also organise an Oracle GMS training session for you if require one. The training session will take approx 45 minutes and it will be organised to take place during a time that suits you. Please note that Oracle GMS can only be accessed on campus. In special circumstances, (e.g. if there is any particular problem with computer access, or if the student is a distance student), the Supervisor or Head of School may use their own Oracle GMS username and password to submit the Faculty Research Grant application on behalf of their student. Please see sample form for guidance of form details required. VI. Human Ethics Committee Approval: All applicants who are planning to work with human subjects must obtain approval from the Faculty Human Ethics Committee before the research grant can be drawn upon. Human Ethics Committee guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from the Research Office website If an Ethics application has been submitted to the Human Ethics Committee and initially assessed but full approval has not been granted yet, applicants may enter ‘pending’ on the ethics status field of the application form. The grant will be conditional on Ethics approval notification. VII. Field Trips, Travel, Accommodation, Vehicle Costs: Grants for travel will only be approved for research related travel and to conferences. Field Trips: Allowance for field trips where accommodation costs are not involved is up to $30 per day. Travel: All applicants applying for a grant for travel must read, understand, and comply with the Travel Policy available through research grants.aspx Air travel must be booked by using the University’s preferred travel provider. Please note: if you have a quote from the VUW travel provider and you feel this is not the best price, please go back to the travel consultant and ask them to improve it by allowing them a little flexibility on the brief. If they cannot do this please contact the Faculty Committee Administrator first, then Jonathan Winkworth –Procurement Advisor on 04 463 5904 immediately. Do not get alternative quotes or place holdings on other reservations. Page | 4 Revised: Jan 2010 The Travel Policy also states: “Domestic and trans‑Tasman airfares may be booked directly with airlines [by your School Administrator] using their web based booking systems on the strict condition that the travel is paid for using a University Purchase‑Card. It is expected that the traveller and/or travel co‑ordinator: (i) is aware of any special conditions pertaining to the purchase of such tickets and minimises the potential risk with “use it or lose it” airfares; and (ii) have obtained permission from the Approving Manager.” Please note: that School Administrators are not obliged to do this for students and may decline due to workload constraints etc. Accommodation: Where accommodation costs are involved, applicants are asked to make arrangements that are as economical as is reasonable in the circumstances. The FGLC can grant an appropriate per diem allowance per night for NZ and for overseas (please check website for allowances page or see Committee Administrator for amounts). Vehicle Costs: Applicants are strongly encouraged, whenever it’s possible, to travel by plane (or train) and rent a car at their research location in NZ rather than using their own car. In any case, the most economical way of transportation should be used when spending the Faculty’s money. If applicants intend to use their own car anyway, they will be requested to provide an alternative quote for an airfare + a car rental, and the money awarded to them will be based on this quote if it is a cheaper option. Mileage is paid at: (as per IRD rate) 1 to 3000 km ‑ 70 cents per kilometre (as Jan 2010) 3001 and over – 19 cents per kilometre for each kilometre over 3000 VIII. Conference Grants: Students presenting papers at conferences will get priority over students simply attending conferences. However, research‑related grants still hold a higher priority than any conference grant. ‘Workshops’ or ‘forums’ are considered lower priority for funding than presenting at a research based conference or symposium. Applications for a grant to present a paper at a conference must be accompanied by an acceptance letter or a date of when notification of acceptance is expected. Any approved grant will be conditional on an acceptance letter being provided to Faculty Committee administrator. A copy of the abstract for the paper to be presented must also be submitted with the application. Students must comply with conference funding limits the same as staff. Check the Website for allowances or with the Committee Administrator for the limits when budgeting. IX. Financial Responsibility: Page | 5 Revised: Jan 2010 Responsibility for operating within the amount granted lies with the grant holder. Payments will be limited to the amount granted. All original receipts should be kept, as payment is generally dependent on production of receipts: you should submit these to claim reimbursement after the grant is approved. Print outs of internet transactions or photocopies of credit card statements are not acceptable. Invoices must state that it is a tax invoice and provide the GST number. For invoices to be paid by VUW they must be paid out to Victoria University of Wellington C/O the grant holder. Invoices should be signed that the goods have been received. The only time original receipts are not required is when the cost is charged directly to the grant and paid by VUW (such as the Library). Attach a copy of the Purchase Order Number where appropriate. If you have never made a claim before or have changed your bank account, attach a deposit slip or have the bank produce a print‑out of your bank account number. Keep a record of all claims and payments. All Finance documents can be downloaded on the Education website: research grants.aspx The Reimbursement of Expenses Request Form The Expenditure Types List can be found in the ‘Managing your Fund’ document And accompanying documentation must be submitted to: Tony Arnold, Education Finance Adviser, Room 308, Tennant Building, Tel: 463 9538 e: Or direct to: Finance Payments Team, Robert Stout, Rm 101 Kelburn Parade University of Victoria in Wellington VUW Purchase‑Card transactions pertaining to your grant need to be coded (by your School Administrator) for Central Finance, at least one month before your grant closes. If a grant is overspent, it will be the responsibility of the recipient of the grant to pay back the excess amount within a reasonable time. No new application will be considered if there is an unadjusted overspent grant in your name. All grants must be spent by the closing date of the grant and this should normally be within 12 months from the date of approval unless special arrangements have been made to the contrary. A fresh application will be required to replace a lapsed grant. Extensions up to three months will be approved only in exceptional situations and must be requested before the project end date is reached from the Faculty Committee Administrator. Page | 6 Revised: Jan 2010 X. Grant Approval: Once a grant application has been approved, the grant will be set up in Oracle GMS and an approval letter with information on how to claim the grant will be sent applicant by the GMS system. The Committee Administrator will also send a confirmation email. XI. Performance Report: Successful applicants are required to submit a Performance Report to the FGLC on the use of their grant by one month after the closure of their grant. Previous performance reports will be taken into account when deciding on new applications. Students need to demonstrate that the funding enabled constructive research work. Performance Reports are done in Oracle GMS. XII. Acknowledgment of FGLC Support: Where research work is completed with the support of a FGLC grant and is published, the publication should contain a reference to that support. XIII. Further Information: For more information, contact any of the following: Convener of FGLC: Faculty Committee Administrator: Liz Jones Associate Dean (Academic) Phone: 463 5939 Room GR 3-06, Gray Building, Karori Campus. Beth Smith Faculty Committee Administrator Phone: 463 9586 Room GR 3-14, Gray Building, Karori Campus. (Note: FCA does not work on Mondays) Page | 7 Revised: Jan 2010 Ethics application must be through initial assessment and approved, or doing amendments. Proposal approved (note approval date on application for grant) Talk to supervisor about grant requirements and application process Ethics form from http:// pages_current_pg/ethics.html Contact Committee Administrator with any questions or queries. Beth Smith Room: GR 3-14 Tel: 04 463 9586 Read grant policy document and all relevant information from website. education/studentadministration/postgraduate research grants.aspx Apply for Oracle Grant Management System access. First page of form only. Tick RTWeb forms applications and inquiry, Fax to 463 5251 PhD students $2000pa max with $6000 total across studies Meeting deadline for application to be adhered to see website for dates and deadlines (note it has to go to HOS as well before deadline) Masters by Thesis $2000 total across studies Masters Taught $250 total across studies Fill in Application form for Faculty Research Grant and submit Application is reviewed by Head of School and either approved for submission or returned for amendment. Committee Administrator review, details checked, shepherd assigned Grants declined or requiring resubmission returned to applicant Research Grants < $600 approved or declined by Convener - Put in supervisor’s name as Key member – Associate Investigator. - Upload travel quote for any travel - Upload a document of support for application from supervisor. - Detailed budget needed (see Research Grant policy for non priority spending areas). - Budget can only be for future spending not retrospective claims. - There are limits to budget elements for conference spending. - Once thesis is submitted eligibility ceases. - see example form for guidande Committee Meeting Key Information: Project (Grant) Number Award Number Budget Project End Date Fund created for APPROVED grants Applicant must check grant expenditure on GMS End Date reached and Grant closed off Submit Receipts and expense form GMS Performance Report required (this must be approved or accepted by committee before any more funding can be approved) Travel booking done using VUW travel provider see website Post graduate Faculty Research Grants application process Page | 8