Earth Science Class Expectations

Mr. Hollow’s Earth
Science Class
Welcome to Earth Science! Students will be engaged in five branches of Earth Science including
meteorology, hydrology, geology, oceanography and astronomy. Students will be posing
questions; developing models; experimenting, analyzing and interpreting data; applying
mathematics; solving problems; engaging in argument from evidence; and obtaining, evaluating
and communicating information.
Bengal Expectations
Be a graduate!
Grading will be based on total points from quizzes, tests, daily classwork, homework, and
projects. Grading scale is 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, and below 60%=F.
Semester Grade = 40% Semester 1 + 40% Semester 2 + 20% Semester Test. Obtain 21 credits in
High School to earn you diploma and to open the door for great adventures.
Be Involved!
Be an active participant in class and work well with others. Join a club and/or activity at Helena
High. Volunteer in your community. There is an opportunity during Period 6 called “Team
Assist” for support from Team Teachers in my room which may be requested by teacher, parent,
or student.
Be respectful!
Be a positive person in class by being enthusiastic, curious, and kind, remember to smile. Be in
your seat when the bell rings. Three tardies result in lunch detention. Cheating and/or
plagiarism will not be tolerated on any assignment. Food is not to be eaten during class time,
only water and nutritional drinks are allowed. Hats and over-revealing apparel are not
acceptable. Use electronic devices appropriately!!!!
Be responsible!
Each day bring paper, class material, and a writing utensil (preferably a pencil). Keep all of your
work for the semester. You will be given three Earth Science Passes (which may be used for
extra credit at the end of the semester). Assignments that are not turned in on the due date will
be considered late and deducted 30% for first three days past due and may be deducted 50% for
more than three days past due (unless an Earth Science Pass is attached). If you are absent it is
your responsibility to make-up the work. Email Mr. Hollow or ask in person to find out what you
missed. Lab and other activities must be accomplished with safety and focus.
●If you need to reach me, please call my HHS school phone at 324-2281 or email me at Mr. Hollow’s web page and other resources can be found by going
to the Helena High School Homepage and linking on Mr. Hollow’s teacher page.
Remember, as a student, you are here to learn; you are not here to fail!
Please sign here and return to teacher.
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________ Signature ________________________
Student Name ____________________________ Signature ___________________________
Earth Science Course Outline
Semester 1
I. Nature of Science
● Scientific Thinking
● Measuring
● Metrics
● Experimental Design
II. Oceanography
● Density
● Ocean Currents
● Climate Influence
● El Nino
III. Meteorology
● Atmosphere
● Climate Change
● Weather
● Climate
● Storms
IV. Geology
● Earth’s Interior
● Plate Tectonics
Semester 2
Geology continued
● Earthquakes
● Volcanoes
● Rock Cycle
● Minerals
● Geologic Time
● Weathering and Erosion
V. Hydrology
● Glaciers
● Surface water
● Ground water
● Watersheds
VI. Astronomy
● Rocket Science
● Earth-Moon-Sun Relationship
● Solar System
● Universe