KARNATAKA STATE BEVERAGES CORPORATION LIMITED No.78, Seethalakshmi Towers, Mission Road, Bangalore-560 027 Right to Information Act 2005 Chapter –II, Sec 4(1)(a) : Maintenance of Important Records etc. : Maintained all the records pertaining to issue of OFS of IML and Spirit. Also, maintained the files relating to purchase of IT Infrastructure. Documents relating to license renewal, Inspection reports etc. 4 (1) b (i) The particulars of its organization, functions and duties. Karnataka State Beverages Corporation Limited (KSBCL) is a Government of Karnataka undertaking registered under the Companies Act, 1956 in the year 2003. Pursuant to Government of Karnataka notification No.FD 16 PES 2033 (viii) dated 30.06.2003, the Corporation is a distributor Licensee under Karnataka Excise (Sale of Indian & Foreign Liquor) Rules, 1968 in the State of Karnataka. The core activities of the Corporation are to procure liquor / spirit from manufactures/suppliers and sell the same to Retailers/Licensees. The scope of activities extends to cover all initiatives, steps and activities that are incidental and ancillary to carryout the core activities. The Registered Office of the Corporation is situated at No.78, Seethalakshmi Towers, Missions Road, Bangalore-560027. (ii) The powers and duties of its Officers and employees; The Organization Chart is enclosed in Annexure-I The powers and duties of Officers and employees are detailed below: Managing Director The Managing Director is the Head of the Organization and shall control all the affairs of the Corporations. The Managing Director implements the polices of the Government of Karnataka issued from time to time and the decision of the Board of Directors. 1 Company Secretary The Company Secretary looks after the work relating to the Board Meetings, Annual General Meetings, Committee Meetings consisting of convening the Meeting, preparation of Agenda Notes, Finalisation of Minutes, Correspondence with the Board of Directors and the members. Filing of Statutory returns such as Annual Return, Filing of Balance sheet and Profit and Loss Account, Form No. 32 with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. Obtaining (a) Directors Identification number for the Board of Directors and (b) Digital Signature wherever required. Executive Director (Administration & Infrastructure) The Executive Director (A &I) is over all in charge of Administration and Infrastructure of the Corporation. He is assisted by Manager (HR), Manager (Admin), Manager (D I &I), Executive Engineer, Assistant Executive Engineer, Joint Managers and other subordinate staff. Manager (HR) The Manager (HR) reports to ED (A&I) and looks after the overall functions of the H R Section. He looks after all the service matters in respect of deputed, contract and outsourced employees of KSBCL and any other works assigned by the higher ups from time to time. Joint Manager (HR) The Joint Manager (HR) reports to Manager (HR) and shall assist in processing of all service matters relating to deputed, contract and outsourced employees of KSBCL and any other works assigned by the Competent Authority from time to time. Manager (Admin) Manager (Admin) reports to ED (A&I) and looks after the overall functions of the Administration Section with regard to purchases of Office equipments maintenance of office vehicles, telephones and any other works assigned by higher ups from time to time. 2 Joint Manager (Admin) The Joint Manager (Admin) reports to Manager (Admin) and shall assist in processing of all purchases of Office equipments maintenance of office vehicles, telephones and any other works assigned by higher ups from time to time. Executive Engineer The Executive Engineer reports to E D (A&I) and looks after the over all functions relating to purchase of land for the Depots, safeguard the properties, preparation of estimates, supervise all the civil works, handle procurement of all goods and services through tender process and any other works assigned by the higher ups from time to time. Assistant Executive Engineer The Assistant Executive Engineer will report to the Executive Engineer and process all matters relating to purchase of land, preparation of estimates, constructions of civil works, procurements of all goods and services through tender and any other works assigned by the senior Officers from time to time. Executive Director (Operation) Over-all in charge of operations of Liquor business segments, Spirit segment, Inspection and Management Information System. General Manager (Operation) : In charge of sourcing and supply of Liquor & Spirit and assists the Executive Director (Operations) in discharging over-all Liquor/Spirit operations. Deputy General Manager (Liquor) Attending the work such as Sourcing of liquor from various Suppliers, Scrutinizing the Online indents received from the suppliers for issue of Order for Supply (OFS), Monitoring the Stock inventory at the depot, Co-ordinate with the Suppliers and depot regarding stock inventory and other operational matters. Verification of the correctness of the documents with regard to labels forwarded by the Joint managers. Follow up with Excise Department regarding clearance of Excise Variation Reports (EVRs). 3 Joint Manager (IML-Sourcing/OFS) Process for enlistment and procurement of stocks and registration of labels and declaration of declared price / Maximum Retail Price (DP/MRP) as approved by the Excise Commissioner (EC). Receive indents from various Suppliers, scrutinize and forward the indent to DGM/GM for approval for issue of OFS, scrutinize letters received from Suppliers for Inter Depot Stock Transfer and effect the same. Liaisoning with Depots in respect of matters related to operations, o-ordinate with system groups with regard to price updation and other data relating to operations. Liaisoning with Suppliers regarding dispatch of stocks and inventory levels at the depot. Procurement and supply of Excise Adhesive Labels (EAL). Deputy General Manager (Spirit) Attending the works pertaining to Sourcing and sale of spirit from various suppliers within the state and outside the state as per the requirement of distilleries/ manufacturers and approving the indents and providing with escort for moving the stock. Monitoring and co-ordinating with the depot. Monitoring the stock and usage statement at depot and monitoring procurement and supply of One Time Locks (OTLs). Joint Manager (Spirit) The officer is Scrutinizing and processing of initial documents pertaining to Ethanol buyers, raising of OFS for supply of Ethanol to the Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs’), Follow up for weekly payments as per the OFS issued, liaison with OMCs’ for regularising Ethanol payments within the stipulated credit period. Compilation and furnishing the information regarding Ethanol allocation, supplies. General Manager (Management Information) : General Manager, MI is the in-charge officer for overall management of IT infrastructure and delivery of IT Services for the Corporation. The officer has to attend to maintenance of IT Assets including connectivity, Computerization of new IML and RS Depots, Co-ordinating with NIC and Karnataka State Excise Department for issue of online Order for Supply (OFS), Procurement of Hardware and Software, Development of In-house softwares, maintenance and updatation web portal content management and reports 4 Deputy General Manager (Inspection) : Conducting inspection and Surprise Inspections of all IML and Spirit depots of Corporation. Review the physical stock verification report submitted by the Internal Auditors, follow up with depots regarding deviation in physical stock verification and inspection compliance report. Manager (Infrastructure & Inspection) : Inspection of IML depots and spirit depots of the Corporation. Liaison for providing infrastructure facility and additional infrastructure facility to the depot, identification of new premises for the IML depot as required. Follow up of inspection compliance report of IML / RS Depots. Joint Manager (Inspection) : Inspection of all the IML depots and Spirit depot of the Corporation as instructed by the competent authority in all the areas of the operation of the depots and submit the detailed report. He has to make surprise inspections as and when instructed by the competent authority, follow up of compliance on the observations of inspection reports, periodical analysis of transit / depot damages. Depot Manager (IML): Depot Manager is over all in-charge of the depot. He has to verify the inward of stocks as per OFS, verify required documents and EAL Nos’, check the data included in P5rm, Monitoring & verifying Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) and serial wise billing & issuing the stocks to the retailers as per First in and first out (FIFO), verify all relevant documents before issuing the inter depot stock transfers, To publish stock of top 10 brands in the notice board, & filing of EVRs and follow up with the Excise Department for stock variation. Depot Manager (Spirit): Depot Manager is overall in charge of operation. Such as dispatches, security personnel, issuing authorisation letters, checking all the OTL points, Taking stocks from the production and verify with Form-1, Uploading of stock in the system, Download OFS from the system and hand over the OFS to distilleries for arranging loading, Proper arrangement of escorts. Checking the tankers with all the documents 5 and outlets and arrange for loading of stock, Load the spirit to the tanks and all the outlets of tanker are properly locked with OTL, despatch after getting excise permit with proper escorts. Monitor the movement of tankers by telephone to the escorts and ensure proper unloading at the destination point, Maintain all the records connected with the depot, Close the depot with proper OTL to storage tanks after getting the stock position, Maintain the account of the OTL. Executive Director (Finance): The Executive Director (Finance) is overall in-charge of Finance & Accounts of the Corporation. Apart from realisation of receipts from the retailers and payment to the Manufacturers/Suppliers of liquor, the Finance Wing is also dealing with investment of surplus funds of the Corporation. General Manager (Finance): The General Manger (Finance) is coordinating the work of all the sections under the Finance wing of the Corporation. He is also responsible for the work relating to Cashflow, Investment of surplus funds, and Reconciliation of Bank Accounts of the Corporation, Rectified Spirit Accounts & payment to Rectified Spirit Suppliers, Compilation of accounts, C& AGs Audit Reports, Taxation matters Consultant (Audit): The Consultant (Audit) is in-charge of the Internal Audit work. The Physical and Financial Audit Reports received are reviewed regularly for appraisal to the Management. The Internal Audit section undertakes Post Audit of Distillery Payments and Pre-audit of other payments. Manager (Finance & Accounts): The Manager (Finance & Accounts) is in-charge of IML Pricing, distillery Payments, and the retailers’ accounts information, other payments, Cash section and Cheque Section 6 Joint Manager (Establishment): In-charge of processing and disbursement of salary, payment of advances to staff, ELEncashment. Remittance of statutory payments like, Income Tax, Provident Fund, ESI and Professional Tax in respect of salary payments, Issue of TDS certificates to employees Reimbursement of Fuel, Medical, Travelling, and Telephone bills of employees are also handled by the officer. Joint Manager (Bills): The officer deals with verification and payment of bills for services and purchases (other than liquor), Recovery and payment of TDS to GOI on quarterly basis and issue of TDS certificates Joint Manager (Payments – Pricing) The officer deals with processing and verification of payments to distilleries- Weekly Payments, Advances(Ad-hoc & ED/AED advance), Processing and verification of pricing proposals, Ensuring differential duty to be collected from the suppliers on account of price revision by distilleries/duty revision by Government and its remittance to Government Joint Manager (Tax Collected at Source (TCS) & Cash): The officer deals with compilation And remittance of TCS to Government, E-filing and issue of Quarterly TCS returns to the retailers, issue of statement of accounts, “No Due Certificates” in respect of retailers to the Excise Department, facilitating fund transfer for payments and investments based on the approval and also petty cash reimbursement of the depots. Joint Manager (Bank Reconciliation): Reconciliation of collection and payment of Bank accounts of the Corporation, Ensuring swiping of funds from Depot accounts to main collection accounts of the respective Banks, Liaison with the banks. Transferring the credit balance of the licensees in the event of transfer of license/shifting of range and processing of refund requests of cash deposits by retailers 7 Joint Manager (Investments): The officer deals with preparation of daily cash flows, status report on investments and performance report on Mutual funds on a daily basis and quotations from Banks for periodical Fixed Deposits for decision of the investment committee, implementing the decision of the Investment Committee. Monitoring and accounting of interest received/accrued on Fixed Deposits Accounting for investment / maturity / redemption of Fixed Deposits and Mutual Funds in the Books. Attend to audit of investments Joint Manager (Spirit Accounts): The officer deals with receipts of amount received from the Spirit buyers (distilleries) Computation and processing of weekly and advance payment to suppliers, Facilitating petty cash requirement of spirit depots, Reconciliation Spirit Bank accounts and Compilation of spirit accounts. Joint Manager (Compilation): The officer deals with preparation of Annual Budget of the Corporation in coordination with the other sections, Compilation of accounts and also preparing all the statistical statements / data. Attends to Statutory & Govt Auditors and also preparing draft replies to Audit enquiries, and Income Tax related matters of the Corporation. Joint Manager (Internal Audit): The Officer deals with the Post Audit of Spirit Suppliers payments and pre – Audit of other payments. Assistant Manager: They will carry out all the works assigned by their Superiors from time to time. Supervisor: They will carry out all the works assigned by their Superiors from time to time. Senior Assistant: They will carry out all the works assigned by their Superiors from time to time. Assistant: They will carry out all the works assigned by their Superiors from time to time. 8 Junior Assistant: They will carry out all the works assigned by their Superiors from time to time. (iii)The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability; The Corporation functions according to the mandates given by the Government of Karnataka. All major decisions are taken by the Board. The Board has vested the Managing Director of the Corporation with substantial delegation of powers of Management, for the smooth functioning of the Organisation. The Managing Director has delegated certain powers to the Senior Executives through a policy of “Delegation of Powers”. The Corporation has Officers at different levels to monitor the functions as per the set parameters / benchmarks. These Officers are responsible for the smooth functioning of the activities of the Corporation and they will be regularly reporting to the Senior Officers. (iv) The norms set by it for the discharge of its functions; Each Officer / Official has a clear role to play in the organization. It depends on the level / position the employee holds in the Corporation with well defined reporting pattern. (v) The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions; The Corporation has issued various policies on sourcing and sale of liquor and spirit in the form of circulars, from time to time, to guide the employees dealing with the Corporation. - Memorandum of Association Article of Association Sourcing and Sales policy Human Resource Manual Administration Manual Operations Manual 9 (vi) A statement of the categories of documents that are held by it or under its control: - Board/AGM/Committee proceedings - Administration files - Personnel files - Purchase files - Correspondence files - Proposal files connected with Operations - Balance sheet - Audit Reports - Payment files - Correspondence files connected with concerned Sections - Attendance Register - Movement Register (vii) The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof; The policies of the Corporation are fine tuned to iron out any difficulties noticed in consultation with all stakeholders. (viii) A statement of the boards, councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, minutes of such meetings are accessible for public; The management and the affairs of the Corporation are managed by the Board of Directors consisting of the following: 1. Chairman: Sri.L.V.Nagarajan, IAS, Principal Secretary to Govt., Finance Department 2. Director: Sri.Ajay Seth, IAS, Secretary to Govt., Finance Department (B & R) 3. Director: Sri.Aravind Jannu, IAS, Excise Commissioner 4. Director: Sri.M.E.Shivalingamurthy, IAS, Managing Director, KSBCL The Board of the Corporation meets at periodical intervals as required under the provisions of the Companies Act and the minutes of the meetings are prepared and kept at the Corporate Office. In addition to the above, as required under the Companies act., 1956, the Annual General Meetings of the share holders is held once in a year. The minutes of these are also recorded and kept at the Corporate Office. 10 (ix) A directory of its officers and employees; Furnished in Annexure-II (x) The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations; Furnished at Annexure –III. Apart from the above remuneration in Annexure-III, among other things, the Officers and the employees are eligible for the following benefits as per the existing provisions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Employer contribution towards provident fund Gratuity Medical reimbursement as per the medical rules of the corporation Group Insurance Scheme of Medi-assist. Leave salary/encashment/ pension contribution to eligible employees Reimbursement of telephone bills. Conveyance allowance Ex- gratia/ Performance Incentive (xi) The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made; The Corporation is preparing Annual Budget for the Activities of the Corporation and the same is approved by the Board. Annual Budget of the Corporation for the year 2011-12 is given in the Annexure-IV. (xii) The manner of execution of subsidy programmers, including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes; Subsidy programmes are not being implemented by the Corporation. (xiii) Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorizations granted by it; No concessions, permits are granted by the Corporation. (xiv) Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form; Information in respect of Manufacturers, Suppliers with regard to Supply of liquor to the Corporation, Payments to the distilleries is available on the Website of the Corporation and the same provided to those who subscribe for the information on payment of requisite charge. 11 (xv) The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use; The Corporate Office of the corporation is situated at Bangalore with depots spread over the State. Officers of the Corporation have been nominated as required under the Right to Information Act., 2005 pertaining to the respective locations are at xvi (2). There is a reading room in the Corporate Office for the use of public / employees of the Corporation. The working hours of KSBCL, Corporate Office is as follows: i. Monday to Friday ii. Saturday 10. 00 A M to 6.00 P M 10.00 A M to 2.00 P M The working hours of IML /Spirit Depots of KSBCL is as follows: i. Monday to Saturday ii. Second Saturday 10. 00 A M to 6.00 P M Holiday (xvi) The names, designations and other particulars of the Public Information Officers; 1. Appellate Authority for KSBCL Sri.Shankar V : Executive Director (A&I) 2. Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers for KSBCL: SL. Name Designation P I O/ A P I O No Smt/Shriyuths: In respect of Head Office, No. 78, Seethalaskhmi Towers, Mission Road, Bangalore-27 1 Biradar B B Company Secretary PIO 2 Thejaswi A M P Deputy General Manager (L) APIO In respect of IML Depots 1. Bagalkot, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown No.1,2, & 3, Old APMC Yard, Badami Road, Bagalkot-587 101. Gururaj V Malagi Depot Manager PIO Mandlekar B F 2. Assistant Manager APIO Bagalkunte, KSBCL Liquor depot, C/o CWC Godown, # 2A & B, Manjunathnagar, Behind WIDIA Factory, Nagasandra Post, Tumkur Road, Bangalore -560 073. Talwar B Y Depot Manager 12 PIO Vijayakumar P B 3. 9. APIO Assistant Manager APIO Assistant Manager APIO Kalyan V B Depot Manager PIO Parameshwa Junior Assistant APIO Bijapur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Unit No.1, Godown No.4 & 5, APMC Yard, Bijapur- 586 101. Patil G S Depot Manager PIO Joint Manager APIO Chamarajnagar, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o Sridevi Textiles Pvt Ltd., Survey N0. 38/1, and 40/3 Sathyamangala Road, Chamarajanagar-571313. Mahadevaswamy G Depot Manager PIO Lingappa C 11. Joint Manager Bidar, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown No.1A, Mailoor, Bidar-585 403. Mallappa H Chini 10. APIO Bellary, KSBCL LIQUOR Depot, KSWC Godown No.4, Bangalore Road Bellary- 583 101. Nagabhushan H M Depot Manager PIO Basavaraju H K 8. Joint Manager Belgaum, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Central Warehouse Corporation Godown, APMC Market Yard, Belgaum-570 010. Jadhav P R Depot Manager PIO Thippanna V Ghodke 7. APIO Bannimantap-Myosre, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Opp: Railway Good shed Bannimantap Layout, Mysore - 570 021. Chandrashekhar A Thadi Depot Manager PIO Ramesh M C 6. Assistant Manager Bannerghatta Road, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Adjacent to Radiant Retreat, Near Country Club, C K Palya Road, Basavanapura, Bangalore. Nagaraj K Depot Manager PIO Siddalingaswamy N 5. APIO Bangarpet, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o. KSWC Yard, KSWC Godown, APMC Yard, Jyothinagar Post, Bangarpet-563 114. Venkataramareddy M Depot Manager PIO Padmanabhan R 4. Joint Manager Joint Manager APIO Channaptna, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o KSWC Godown, APMC Yard , Bangalore Dist Rural. Paramashivaiah M Depot Manager PIO Natesh Babu S G Joint Manager 13 APIO 12. Chinthamani, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o KSWC Godown # 4 & 5, Oolawadi Road, Behind APMC Yard, Chinthamani-563 125, Kolar Dist. Kenchappa Depot Manager PIO Sathish M R 13. APIO Assistant Manager APIO Joint Manager APIO Joint Manager APIO Gokak, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o KSWC, APMC Yard, Gokak – 591 307. Sangolli I M Depot Manager PIO Jawarhar M Hubballi 20. Assistant Manager Gulbarga, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Central Warehousing Corporation, Godown-C, Humnabad Road, Nehru Gunj, Gulbarga- 585 104. Udaykumar Depot Manager PIO Prabhakar Rao A 19. APIO Gadag, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o Central Warehousing Corporation, No.2A, Sambhapur Road, Gadag-582 101. Kushal Singh D Depot Manager PIO Suresh C Javali 18. Assistant Manager Devanahalli, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o KSWC Godown, Vijaya pura Road, Bangalore Dist Rural. Srinath S Depot Manager PIO Sudhakar B K 17. APIO Davanagere, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Central Ware House Corporation, No.B1 Block, P.B.Road, Davanagere- 577 003. Belawadi H D Depot Manager PIO Parashuramappa R 16. Deputy Manager Chitradurga, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o.KSWC Godown, APMC Yard, NH4, Poona Bangalore Highwa, Chitradurga-577 501. Pranesh P A Depot Manager PIO Khadar Bhasha 15. APIO Chikkamgalur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o. KSWC Godown, APMC Yard, Jyothinagar Post, Chikkamagalur- 577 102. Puttananjappa B Depot Manager PIO Mahesh V 14. Assistant Manager Assistant Manager APIO Hassan, KSBCL Liquor Depot, SY. No. 54 & 55, Doddamanadigana halli, B.M. Road, Hassan-573 201. Diwakar Hegde K Depot Manager PIO Jagadish N D Assistant Manager 14 APIO 21. Haveri, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown No.3 & 4, APMC Yard, Guttal Road, HAveri -581 110. Chandrashekhar Bul Buli Depot Manager PIO Sriram Bagade 22. 24. Depot Manager PIO Hulagi R P Assistant Manager APIO Cheemasandra, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Survey No 70/5, Cheluvappa Industrial Estate, Cheemasandra, Virgonagar, Bangalore – 560 049. Suresh Kumar K P Depot Manager PIO 28. APIO Assistant Manager APIO Hunsur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown, APMC Yard, Hunsur – 571 105. Venkatesh D K Depot Manager PIO Assistant Manager APIO Honnavar, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Sy No 45/1, Honnavara Railway station Road, Post : Karki Village, Honnavar-581334, Uttar Kannada Dist. Chidananda Naik M Depot Manager PIO Keshavaram Patagar Assistant APIO Hongasandra, KSBCL KSWC Godown,Surevy No.120, Hosapalya Main Road, Off Hosur Road, Hongasandra Hobli, Bangalore-560 068. Srinivasamurthy H R Depot Manager PIO Prabhakar 29. Deputy Manager Hubli, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Central Warehousing Corporation, Godown No.3, Old Hebbal Road, Srinagar Cross, HubliI-580 031. Dadibhavi K R Depot Manager PIO Srinivasa L 27. APIO Krishna Naik V Ashok N Irakal 26. Joint Manager Hospet, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown, Bellary Bypass Road, M P Prakash Nagar, Venkateshaiah V 25. APIO Hebbal-Mysore, KSBCL-Mysore Hebbal, KSWC Godown, Unit-III, Mahalakshmi Layout, HPC Road, Hebbal Industrial Area, Mysore-570 016. Vishwanath Kamath A Depot Manager PIO Lokeshappa 23. Assistant Manager Joint Manager APIO Jamakhandi, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/ o KSWC Godown, # 4,APMC yard, Girish Nagar, Jamakhandi- 587 302. Ranganath S P Depot Manager PIO Kumar B Patil Assistant Manager 15 APIO 30. Koppal, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Central Warehouse Corporation, F&G Blocks, Jain Mahaveer, Goshala Foundations, Katarki Road, Koppal- 583 231. Pinnapathi S J Depot Manager PIO Rangiladas J Savakar 31. APIO Assistant Manager APIO Joint Manager APIO Assistant Manager APIO Plat Form Road, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o. Mysore Vegetable Oil Products Ltd.,.17, Bangalore- 560 020. Ponnanna A A Depot Manager PIO Dinesh T S 38. Joint Manager Peenya, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Plot No.6-D, Phase-I, Peenay Industrial Area, Ingersoll Rand Road, Bangalore- 560 058. Chandra H S Depot Manager PIO Siddaraju L N 37. APIO Mandya, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown, Honnappa Building, Induvalu, Village, Mysore Mandya Road, Mandya- 571 401. Basavaraju R B Depot Manager PIO Ramesh T 36. Assistant Mangalore, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o. Canara Work Shops Ltd., Godown No.3, V.S.Kudva Road, Maroli, Mangalore- 575 005. Karunakar Shetty Depot Manager PIO Ramesh Rao B S 35. APIO K G Halli, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Sy No 76, 77 & 78, LIDKAR Premises, (Near Narendra Talkies), Kadugondanahalli, ARABIC College Post, Bangalore -560 045. Govindaraju K M Depot Manager PIO Puttaswamy T 34. Assistant Manager Kushalnagar, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o. Kodagu Estate & Developers Pvt. Ltd., B.M.Road, Kushalnagar -571 234. Nagesh H R Depot Manager PIO Seetharam V 33. APIO Kundapur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/O Kaveri Coconut Industries, Koni Cross Road, Koteshwara – 576 222, Udupi – Dist. Harish Shetty M Depot Manager PIO Mohammed M K 32. Supervisor Assistant Manager APIO Puttur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, TAPCMS Compound, Near Campo Chocolate Factory, Post Darbe, Puttur – 574 202. Shanthakumar B M Depot Manager PIO Irshad Ahammed Junior Assistant 16 APIO 39. Raichur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o.KSWC Godown, No.15, APMC Yard, Rajendra Gunj, Raichur-584 102. Umesh Poojar Depot Manager PIO Rajamani D R Supervisor APIO Sagar, KSBCL KSWC Godwon premises, APMC Yard, Bellur Road, Sagar- 577 401, Shimoga Dist. Shankar G S Depot Manager PIO Raikar C V 40. Assistant Joint Manager APIO Junior Assistant APIO Sakalawara –I, KSBCL Liquor Depot Bangalore, # 1, 94, SLV Industrial Estate, Sakalavara Village, Bannergatta Road, Bangalore-560083. Nataraj Shetty J P Depot Manager PIO Vidhyadhar T 46. APIO Shidlaghatta, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Near KSRTC Bus stand, Bangalore Road, Shidlaghatta -562 105, Kolar Dist. Keshav G Depot Manager PIO Bayyareddy S R 45. Assistant Shimoga, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o.KSWC Godown, APMC Yard, Sagar Road, Shimog- 577 201. Basavarajappa K S Depot Manager PIO Lokya Naik 44. APIO Sirsi, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown 1 & 2, APMC Yard, Sirsi-581 402. Shivanandappa S C Depot Manager PIO Suresh P Chandavar 43. APIO Sindhanur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/O KSWC Godown, # K2, Kustagi Road, Sindhanur - 584128. Murali V Depot Manager PIO Umakantha S Challagidad Supervisor 42. APIO Sira, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown, Near A P M C Yard, N H -04, Sira – 572 137, Tumkur District. Abdul Rizwan Depot Manager PIO Raju V M 41. Assistant Assistant Manager APIO Sakalawara-II, KSBCL Liquor Depot Bangalore, # 2, 94, SLV Industrial Estate, Sakalavara Village, Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore-560083. Venkatarama Reddy A V Depot Manager PIO Narayanagowda R Joint Manager 17 APIO 47. Tumkur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, KSWC Godown, No.2A, 2B & 2C, Gubbi Gate, B.H. Road, Tumkur-572 101. Visweswar B Depot Manager PIO Krishnappa M 48. Junior Assistant APIO Assistant Manager APIO Yadgir, KSBCL Liquor Depot, IML Depot, Mudnal Godown, Behind M/s Mudnal Bheemreddy Petrol Bunk, Shastri Circle, Dist: Gulbarga – 585202. Veerendra N Rao Depot Manager PIO Ramu Naik 52. APIO White Field, KSBCL Liquor Depot, C/o Mysore Tobacco Company compound, Central Warehouse Godown 1,2&3,Kadugodi, Bangalore - 560 066. Rame Gowda T Depot Manager PIO Bapu H Sangolli 51. Assistant Manager Virajpet, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Kamadhenu Towers,Site No 54, at Betoli Village, Meenpet Road, Virajpet-571 218, Madikeri Dist. Balamurugan K Depot Manager PIO Manjunath P S 50. APIO Udupi, KSBCL Liquor Depot, Plot No.16, C/o.Bakeson Biscuits Company, Shivalli Industrial Area, Manipal-76 104. Shankaranarayana K K Depot Manager PIO Santhosh Rao K 49. Joint Manager Assistant APIO Yeshwanthpur, KSBCL Liquor Depot, PB No.5531, Sandal City, Bangalore-Pune Highway, Bangalore – 560 055. Puttaswamy M P Depot Manager PIO Mahadevappa Joint Manager APIO In respect of Spirit Depots 1. M/s Anugraha Distilleries Ltd., Sy No 2:1, 2:2, 3:2, Baggadanala Village, Harihara, Davanagere District, Prakash R Depot Manager PIO 2. M/s Athani Farmers Sugars, Factory Limited, Vishnu Annanagar, P O Navalihal -591234, Taluk Athani, District Belgaum. Biradar B Depot Manager PIO 3. M/s Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd., P O No 27, Nanjangud, Mysore Dist Vrushabendra Swamy B Depot Manager PIO 18 4. M/s Chamundeshwari Sugars Ltd., Lessee: M/s John Distilleries Pvt Ltd., KM Doddi Village, Bharathinagar, Maddur, Mandya District. Chikkaraju S Depot Manager PIO 5. M/s Chamundi Distilleries (P) Ltd., Kempegowdana Koppal, Maliyur Village, Bannur Hobli, T Narasipura Taluk, Mysore District. Lokesh N Depot Manager PIO 6. M/s Doodhganga HSSK Ltd ., Chikkodi Taluk, Belgaum District. Kulkarni R B Depot Manager PIO 7. M/s Gemini Distilleries Ltd., 3 rd K M , Chamarajanagar Road, Nanjangud, Nanjangud Taluk, Mysore District. Bhushankar A Depot Manager PIO 8. M/s Gauri Industries Ltd., P B No. 3, BH Road, Gowribidanur- 561208, Kolar District . Hanumantharayappa B N Depot Manager PIO 9. M/s Hiranyakeshi Sahakari Sakkare Kharkane Sankeshwar – 591 313, Belgaum District. Kurahatti C V Depot Manager PIO 10. M/s India Brewery & Distillery Ltd., Hallikhed SF P P, Ameerabad Taluk, Bidar District. Ashok Depot Manager PIO 11. M/s J P Distilleries Pvt Ltd., Heggadatha Halli, Modur Post – 572 130, Kunigal Taluk, Tumkur District. Venkatesh Murthy Depot Manager PIO 12. M/s Jay Jay Enterprises, (Lessee of Kap Chem Ltd., ) 99, Belagola Industrial Area, KRS Road, Metagalli, Mysore – 570 016. Moganna GowdaM Depot Manager PIO 13. M/s Khoday India Ltd., No.54, Kannayakana Agrahara, Anekal Taluk, Bangalore – 560 062. Harikrishnamurthy V Depot Manager PIO 14. M/s Malaprabha Sahakari Sakkare Kharkhane Niyamitha, MK Hubli – 591 153, Belgaum Dist. Nagaliga G Asthekar 15. Depot Manager M/s Mysore Sugars Co Ltd., Sugar Town, Mandya District – 571 402. Prasad M S S 16. PIO Depot Manager PIO M/s United Spirit Distilleries Ltd., (A unit Hospet), Pampasara Distilleries Ltd., Chitwadgi-583 211, Hospet Tq Bellary District. Chandradhar G Thatti Depot Manager PIO 19 17. M/s Ravindra & Co., Sy No 96, Mallik Mirzapur Taluk, District Bidar. Md.Shahebaz Khan Depot Manager PIO 18. M/s Renuka Sugars Ltd., Munoli, No 367/1, Village Munoli, Saudatti Taluk, Belgaum District. Kulkarni S V Depot Manager PIO 19. M/s Renuka Sugars Ltd., Kokatnur, Unit # IV, Burlatti Village, Kokatnur, Athani Taluk, Belgaum District. Krishnamurthy B Depot Manager PIO 20. M/s Renuka Sugars Limited/Havalaga, Havalaga Village, Afzalpur Talluk, Gulbarga Dist., Badarinarayana Rao T Depot Manager PIO 21. M/s Samson Distilleries Private Ltd., Duggavati, Harapanahalli Tq., Davanagere District. Patil S R Depot Manager PIO 22. M/s SLN Distilleries Garag , (Shri Lakshmi Narasimha Distilleries Pvt Ltd.,) Block No 459, Garaga Village – 581 105, Dharwar District. Patil M L Depot Manager PIO 23. M/s Sovereign Distillery, Singpura Village, Sindhanur Taluk, Raichur District. Shankar Dev V R Depot Manager PIO 24. M/s Godhavari Bio-Refineries Ltd. [Somiya Organo Chemicals], Mudhol Taluk, Bagalkot. Nagaraj V Kerakalmatii Depot Manager PIO 25. M/s Siddapura Distillereis, Siddapura Village, Jamakhandi Tq., Bagalkote District. Patil E S Depot Manager PIO 26. M/s NSL Sugars Ltd., [SCM Sugars], No.80,81,82,83 & 86, Hurugalawadi Village, Koppa Hobli, Maddur Taluk, Mandya Dist. Naganna M Depot Manager PIO 27. M/s Satish Sugars Ltd., Post Box No 1, Gokak, Sangankeri- yadwad Road, Hunshyal P G, Taluk Gokak, District Belgaum. Patil U G Depot Manager PIO 28. M/s Venkateshwara Distilleries, Sy No 112, 113 & 114, Malchapur Village, Bhalki Taluk, Bidar District. Bhaskar M S Depot Manager PIO 29. M/s Vishwanath Sugars, Belgaum District. Kagawad P R 30. Bellada Bagewadi-591 305, Hukkeri Taluk, Depot Manager PIO M/s Wilson Distilleries Pvt Ltd., PO Gende Hosahalli, Arakere- 571415, Srirangapatna Taluk, Mandya Dist. 20 Krishnamurthy C S Depot Manager PIO 31. M/s BT& FC Pvt. Ltd., [Lessee of Vanivilas Co-Op Sugar Factory Ltd.,] No.66 & 67, Challakere Road, Mykalura Village, Hiriyur Taluk, Chitradurga Dist., Kenchareddy S A Depot Manager PIO 32. M/s GMR Industries, Hullatti Village, Haliyal Taluk, Uttara Kannada Dist Iraddi A H Depot Manager PIO 33. M/s Karthik Agro Industries Pvt. Ltd., Hooligeri Village, Badami Taluk, Bagalkot. Kallinath Gaddi Depot Manager PIO 34. M/s Shamanur Shugars Ltd., Duggavathi – 583 137, Harapanahalli Taluk, Davanagere Dist. Somashekharappa K Depot Manager PIO 35. M/s Vijayanagar Sugars Pvt. Ltd., Gangapur Village, Mundaragi Tq, Gadag Dist.[New Depot]. Mallikarjuna P Depot Manager PIO 36. M/s The Ugar Sugar Works Ltd., Ugarkhurd – 591 316, Belgaum District. Nagesh N Depot Manager PIO (xvii) Such other information as may be prescribed; As required under the companies Act, 1956, the Corporation publishes its Annual Reports and submits the same to the Government. This Annual Report contains the details of Assets, Liabilities, Income, Expenditure and profit and loss made during the year. Any modifications in the information furnished above, will be updated from time to time. Managing Director 21