the FAQ's and an application!

Outreach Info and Question Packet
Greeting from YWAM Mendoza! Find out about us and we
look forward to teaming together to work and serve God.
The following form has a team application, information about YWAM
Mendoza, frequently asked questions for outreach teams, a packing list,
listings of our special needs (if any), and guidelines for incoming groups.
I. Team Application
We are looking forward to setting up your outreach. In order for us to
do that more effectively, we need the following information. Please
complete this form and return it to us.
1. Name of YWAM base or church including full mailing address:
2. Name of base director, pastor, other:
3. Name of person/people leading the Outreach:
4. Name of School (if currently studying):
5. Number of people in group:
6. Number of married couples:
7. Number of children:
8. Number of single women:
9. Number of single men:
10. Please list the names, ages, nationality and (Female) or (Male)
next to each person on your team (including children):
11. Dates of intended stay in Argentina:
12. Intended length of stay:
13. Please give your flight information, (including airline, flight number and
most important your arrival time here in Mendoza.)
*PLEASE NOTE* Do not wait to send in your application form until you have
this information. It is more important that we get your application back as
quick as possible. Just send us your flight
information when you have it available.
1. What areas of ministry are you interested in being involved in while in
Argentina (i.e. evangelism, serving and practical work, mercy ministries in the
desert, open-air meetings, etc.) Please explain.
2. What practical skills do you have? (i.e. medical, carpentry, teaching, etc.)
3. Are you bringing all the equipment you need for your ministry?
4. Does anyone on the speak Spanish; how many; at what level?
5. Are you able to play an instrument, do dramas, lead times of
worship, lead children hours, and play other instruments? Please explain.
(Churches, orphanages and others always ask for dramas, skits, etc. It is
important to come well-prepared to present something for them.)
6. How many leaders on the team are there and what previous experience
have they had leading?
6. Is there anything else that we should know about your ministry?
7. How did you become interested in doing an outreach with YWAM Mendoza
Please return your application to us via e-mail at (preferred method)
Mendoza Office
Snail Mail address:
JuCUM Mendoza
Casilla de Correo
Correo Central
Box 22
5500 Mendoza
Visit our website at
III. Information about Argentina, Mendoza and YWAM Mendoza
Argentina is a diverse country in many ways. Since it was colonized by Europe it has
influences from both Europe and indigenous societies.
It’s a large country that incorporates physical diversity. Argentina has deserts, glaciers,
rainforests, mountains, coasts and prairie land. Argentina also has a lot of natural
resources such as oil, mineral and agriculture.
The official language is Spanish but there also parts where Italian, English, French and
native languages are spoken. The currency is the Argentine peso, one peso is about 0.35
USD$ or 0.25 Euros (see for conversion rates). The population in the
country is around 36 million and in the capital, Buenos Aires, the population is 12
The main religion is Roman Catholicism but the Evangelical Church is growing.
Mendoza is the capital of the Mendoza province and it has 880 000 inhabitants. The city
is situated in a desert close to the Andes and the border of Chile. It has an altitude of 810
meters over sea level.
Mendoza is a very old town; it was discovered in 1561 and then named Mendoza. It
started flourishing after the building of channels that led water down from the mountains.
to improve irrigation for agriculture. In 1861 there was an earthquate that completely
destroyed Mendoza. The city was then rebuild and is a centre for toursim, vineyards and
outdoor adventure sports.
Mendoza is well-known for it’s variety of vineyards and for adventure activities.
People come to Mendoza to climb, trek, hike, horse-back ride, ski, board, raft, bike and
paraglide. It’s a city that offers a lot in adventure sports! From Mendoza there’s also a lot
of tourism to the Andes and especially to Aconcagua, the highest peak in the American
continent, which has a height of 6.962 meters.
Even though it can be hot and dry, Mendoza is a very green city because of its parks and
planted trees.
YWAM Mendoza
Two years ago a long-time vision in Argentina became a reality. A farm was bought in
Mendoza, Argentina, a city close to the Andes and a YWAM ministry began. It was time
for YWAM Argentina to extend to the west and for God to open doors into churches, an
unreached people group in the desert and into the heart of the city for YWAM. In the last
few years there has been incredible work done at the base. Teams and individuals have
worked long and hard to make this base a home and a real working center. Now, we have
over 25 full-time staff and we are seeing houses being put up and lives changing. Our
staff loves the Lord and they are still committed to working hard and building the vision
to take Jesus into the nations, into the 10/40 window, sports arenas, India and the desert.
These are our focuses but they expand and change with time and God's nudging. We love
our community and we love what God is doing.
There's a pioneering spirit in our base. New ministries are being started and continued
due to God's faithness and creativity. One of those is a Sports ministry project. It reaches
out to youth, adults and athletes through sports. God is using soccer, skiing, kyaking,
hiking and other high adventure activities to show people His love and acceptance. There
are new Kings Kids programs starting, new outreach projects happening, and new
families beginning. We're a base that functions and flourishes because God is good and
because there were others before us, praying, trusting and believing that God would do a
good work in Mendoza. It's the church that's seeing this happen in Mendoza and we're
thankful to be a part of it.
Everyday we see new things happening, find new strength to continue with projects, and
God's love. Our story is about young people, children, and adults living together and
reaching out to others in hopes of finding out who God is and sharing Him with others.
Our office: our centre of communications and building and home to receive teams. It’s in the
centre of Mendoza.
Our Sports Ministry is alive with vision, adventure and lives! We reach out to non-Christians
and disciple Christians.
Our heart for DTS schools is that people that God call come to Mendoza and grow in their
personal relationships with God and in character.
Mountain biking in the Andes with the Sports DTS!
Martin and Nayda Peregrina are the directors of our base. Romina is 7 and Martina is a year
and a half-old. We love their family.
“Footsteps of Life” is our ministry which reaches out to desert people. We go in there and
share time and friendships. We also have regular building projects. As you can see, the
house on the right is being built. We showed them how Jesus loves by looking at their needs
(they had a very small house that wasn’t sufficient for a large family.)
We have a heart for mercy ministries. Jose and Marcela have a God-given gift to reach out to
hearts and hurts through God’s mercy. They are also leading an HIV-AIDS support ministry.
We have beautiful sunsets and sunrises. This is one of them taken next to our football fields.
A picture of the Sports DTS students enjoying a birthday party!
This is a picture of our farm entrance! It’s our main training center.
Average temperatures (ºC) and rainfall (mm) in Mendoza.
Av. High
Av. Low
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
26 22
15 14
20 25
16 11
27 12
13 21
IV. Frequently Asked Questions about Outreaches:
What are some of your expectations for teams?
We ask that all individuals and teams come with hearts of service, generosity and flexibility.
YWAM Mendoza is a pioneer base that’s in a Latin culture: you will experience quick changes
and we need people to quickly adapt to them with positive attitudes. Be prepared for
changes and to be flexible. Please ask God to give you a heart to serve. You will find that
there will be many ways you will serve. Some of the ways may be as small as washing your
friend’s dishes while others might include buildling and painting a new house in the desert.
Whatever you do, do it as for the Lord and serve! It will be noticed!
What kinds of things can our group/team/outreach do in your base and in Mendoza?
Outreach activities often depend on what you want your focus to be.
Footsteps of Life ministry and go into the desert where we share Jesus with an
unreached people group.
Evangelism in plazas
Share testimonies, messages for youth groups and dramas in churches,
Serve schools, churches and in the community i.e. painting, building, etc., teams
Visit orphanages, retired-living homes, sometimes prisons to interact with the
people, share dramas, songs, and to serve,
Serve on the YWAM Mendoza farm in our kitchen, doing manual work, etc.,
Serve churches in their needs.
What’s the minimum and recommended time we should stay?
The minimum time would be 5 days and the recommended time would be 3-4 weeks!
Would you tell me a bit more about going to the desert and all that I’d need to know.
“Footsteps of Life” is a ministry that’s heart is the desert people. We go into the desert
with teams and groups. Once we get there, we walk to people’s houses, sit down and listen
to them. We do friendship evangelism. We drink a lot of mate and show them that we don’t
want to change them or convert them, but rather, love them. We often build houses, dig
holes for toilets or survey future projects when we are there. Life in the desert is very
primitive, unlike anything you most likely would have experienced. They do not have running
water or electricity. Serving in the desert changes a person’s life and helps them see
outside of one’s own perspective.
Travel into the desert takes about 3 hours. It costs $200 pesos for a round-trip journey.
Teams spend between 4-7 days in the desert. Since it is a long trip and one that takes
extensive planning, we do not take teams out there for less than 4 days.
How much does it cost to do an outreach at your base and what’s included?
It costs 12 USD$ per day per person, which includes accomodation and food.
What is the best way to pay?
Cash. Use Debit cards, bring cash or use western union. You can pay in dollars or pesos.
What do we need to know about transportation?
Generally, you be escorted in the YWAM Mendoza van, which holds 16 passengers. Prices
are based on kilometers. For a short-journey we charge $30 pesos. A longer journey costs
about $60-70 pesos. You will find that your daily activities will be varied between short and
long journeys. Taxis are used as well. They hold 4 people. A 15 minute journey, costs about
$10 pesos.
What do we need to bring if we go to the desert?
Tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, wet-wipes, chocolate, anything that you may want to
have (there are NO stores), personal higiene articiles, work clothes and walking shoes –
these things will get dirty!, waterbottles, flashlight, instant hand soap, a small backpack,
pictures of your family, and a humble attitude.
In the winter, it is extremly cold at nigth and in the early morning and mild, warm or hot in
the afternoon. Be prepared. In the summer, it will be very hot in the day and cool in the
evening. Think about this when you pack.
Can we have a free day as team?
Yes, teams take a free day each week.
Would you be able to organize any fun days for us?
We can organize rafting (about $10 USD per person not including transportation),
paintballing ($80 pesos for about 200 balls per person), rock-climbing, (about $10 per
person) or other things for your team. Please let us know what you’d like and we’ll make the
We don’t speak Spanish. Will we have translators?
Yes, we’ll send translators with your group.
Who should we communicate with?
Write to our base at and we will put you into communication
with Christina or someone else who will help you with organization and details.
How much pocket money do I need?
How much you’ll need is very relative on your budget and life-style. For example eating out
costs about 15 pesos and a movie at the cinema is 7-9 pesos.
What will our accommodation be like?
In the office you’ll live in rooms that you’ll share with 3-5 persons normally. If you’re a
married couple/family, there will be private housing.
What will my general living location be like in relation to the center?
From the office, there’s just a short walk to anything you might need. To go to churches,
orphanges, the desert or elsewhere, teams will need to be driven in either our van or use
What do I need to bring, clothes etc.?
See: Packing list.
What ministries and activities does YWAM Mendoza have and do?
King’s Kids, Sports, Discipleship and Training Schools, Frontier Missions, Mercy Ministries,
El Projimo (HIV&AIDS), Men and Women's soccer games, Sports Camps, Niko Camps,
Church Ministries, Creative Arts, Street Evangelism, Community Development, Construction,
Farming, the Unreached Desert Group, Pioneering projects, Communications Hospitality,
Translation, Teaching English as second language, Hosting Teams, Maintenance, Kitchen
work, Construction,
What’s the goal for the work YWAM Mendoza does?
The goal of YWAM is to know God and to make God known.
Who is working within YWAM Mendoza (age, education, work.)?
There’s a lot of people working in YWAM Mendoza and it changes since we have short time
volunteers working here as well. But there are people living here from small children to
seniors, everyone has different educations and responsibilities here. See photos of our
staff on the web
Do you have any common activities/outings?
We don’t really have any common activities but Mendoza offers a lot of outings so you can
book one in town at a tourist office.
How can I contact my family? Do you have Internet and phones I can use?
There are phones you can use if you buy a phone card. We ask if the office phone is used,
to please limit calls to 15 minutes each. Otherwise, there are locutorios where you can phone
directly or with a phone card. Teams will be able to go to Internet Cafes to use the
What the weather will be like when we come.
See: Average temperatures at the bottom of this page.
Are there any special laws in Argentina that I need to be aware of?
Check with the Argentinean embassy in your country.
Could my family/friend come and visit me and live at the base?
As long as there are open accommodations, people are welcome to come and stay here. We
do ask that people pay $12 a day for food and accomodation. Please check to see what your
activities will be and if there are any timing considerations
Are there animals on the base?
On the farm we have dogs, horses and pigs. In the office we have a dog called Dolly. But on
both the farm and in the office the animals are outside.
What shots do we need?
Hepatitis A (Recommended for all travelers)
Typhoid (For travelers who may eat or drink outside major restaurants and hotels), Yellow
fever (Recommended for the north and the northeastern forest areas, near the border with
Brazil and Paraguay)
Rabies (For travelers who may have direct contact with animals and may not have access to
medical care.)
Routine immunizations (All travelers should be up-to-date on tetanus-diphtheria, measlesmumps-rubella, polio and varicella immunizations )
We do still recommend that you contact your hospital and check with them.
Emergency contact information?
The phone number to the office is +54-261-425 1032
The phone number to the farm is +54-261-448 5228
What’s the voltage and do I need adapters?
The voltage is 220 and if you need adapters they are supposed to look like this:
Is it safe to drink the water in Argentina?
The water in Argentina is drinkable.
Does YWAM have a headquarter?
YWAM does not have an international headquarter.
Are there other YWAM bases in the world?
Yes. YWAM has bases all over the world. Search the web for other bases.
Packing list
Clothes: casual, formal and work clothes
Shoes: casual, formal and work shoes
Bathing clothes (if you’re a girl, a full body bathing suit)
Sleeping bag
Pillow cases
Bible, notebook and pencils
Alarm clock
Small backpack
Photos of your family and friends
Candy and special clothes from your country
Other stuff you might need to make your stay here more pleasant!
VI. Guidelines for teams:
Be flexible
Don’t be picky
Be ready to take out face piercings when you will be in churches
Bring semi-formal clothes for church (nice pants or skirts for gilrs with close-toed
shoes and dress pants, shirts dress-shoes for boys.)
Put an effort into what you wear when you go out to serve i.e. iron your clothes,
don’t show cleavage or your mid-drift and please don’t wear clothes with holes in
Have dramas and skits ready and rehearsed
Your testimonies are to give glory to God. Talk more about who God is and how He’s
changed you rather than focusing on the past. It’s not always helpful for people
here to hear extensively about your life in drugs, etc.
You come to serve YWAM Mendoza. Please remember this.