Syllabus Latin I Honors, 1st Quarter, 2006-07

Syllabus for Latin I Honors, 2009-10
Instructor: James DuSel
Text: Wheelock’s Latin
Classroom: Wheeler 204
(This syllabus is posted in Documents)
Nota Bene (N.B) – note well
All homework assignments are due on the day specified
Fill in the dates in the blanks before the days as we go along – if we miss (or add) a day:, the Syllabus is still valid
N&B = “nuts and bolts” – vocabulary, endings, forms, etc.
Vocabulary will be quizzed English → Latin
A&T = analyze and translate
Analysis procedures:
Noun - declension, gender, case, #, use
Adjective - case, #, gender, noun modified, noun’s use
Pronoun – case, #, gender, use
Participles – tense, voice, participle, case, #, gender, noun modified
Verb - (mood) tense, voice, person, number (use); NS PN/PA DO IO
Infinitives – tense, voice, “infinitive” DO IO
Preposition, adverb, or conjunction - identify as such.
Regardless of whether it’s an N&B/A&T quiz, test, or examination – English word derivatives will be the extra
credit, unless otherwise noted.
Quarter Grade = 80% quizzes/test (1 test = 4 quizzes), 20% Homework completion/Class Participation.
Lowest quiz grade of quarter will be dropped at end of quarter if the student has not missed more than three
assignments in that quarter. HW/Class participation grade starts off at 100 at the beginning of the quarter; every
incomplete assignment drops that score 4 points. Exam is worth 20% of semester grade
1st Quarter (35 days)
Objectives: Inflected syntax – cases, case uses.
______ 1st day: None
______ 2nd day: assigned sentences
______ 3rd day: assigned sentences
______ 4th day: assigned sentences
______ 5th day: Quiz on cases and case uses
Chapter 1 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Present Infinitive, Indicative, and Imperative Active
______ 6th day: Workbook Ch. 1 Grammatica, 1-19; 21-23
______ 7th day: Workbook Ch 1 Grammatica, 24-29
______ 8th day: Workbook Ch 1 Grammatica, 30-35; Exertationes A-C
______ 9th day: Workbook Ch 1 Vis Verborum A,B
______ 10th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 1
Chapter 2 objectives: Nouns and Cases: 1st Declension: Agreement of Adjectives; Syntax
______ 11th day: Workbook Ch. 2 Grammatica 1-6
______ 12th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 358): 9-15 A&T (nihil)
______ 13th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 358): 16-21 A&T
______ 14th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 2
Chapter 3 objectives: 2nd Declension: Masc. Nouns and Adjectives; Apposition; Word Order (PTW, PW, PFW)
______ 15th day: Workbook Ch. 3 Grammatica 1-9
______ 16th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p.359) 8, 9, 11, 12. 13 (A&T)
p. 1, Latin I Honors Syllabus (DuSel) 2009-10
______ 17th day: P&R 1, 2, 4, 6 A&T
______ 18th day: Text P&R 8-11 (A&T)
______ 19th day: Text SA 1-5 (A&T)
______ 20th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 3
Chapter 4 objectives: 2nd Declension Neuters: Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nominatives and
Adjectives; Substantive Adjectives, (Objective Genitive)
______ 21st day: Workbook Ch. 4 Grammatica 1-6,7,10-15
______ 22nd day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 360): 9-15 (A&T)
______ 23rd day: Text P&R 9-12 (A&T)
______ 24th day: Text SA 1-7 (A&T)
______ 25th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 4
Review Chapters 1-4
______ 26th day: Workbook Ch. 4 Lectiones 1,2,3,5,6
______ 27th day: Workbook Ch. 4 Lectiones 7-11
______ 28th day: Prepare for PH
______ 29th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-4
Chapter 5 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Future and Imperfect; Adjectives in -er
______ 30th day: Workbook Ch. 5 Grammatica 1-9
______ 31st day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 361): 9-14 (A&T)
______ 32nd day: Text, P&R 12-15 (A&T)
______ 33rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 5
Chapter 6 objectives: Sum: Future and Imperfect Indicative; Possum: Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicative;
Complementary Infinitive
______ 34th day: Workbook Ch. 6 Grammatica 1-10
______ 35th day (9th grade retreat): Text, Tutorials 6-13 A&T
______ 36th day
______ 37th day
______ 38th day: TBA
______ 39th day:
2nd Quarter (41 days)
______ 1st day: Text, P&R 11-14 (A&T)
______ 2nd day: Text SA 1-5 (A&T)
______ 3rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 6
Chapter 7 objectives: 3rd Declension Nouns
______ 4th day: Workbook, Ch 7, Grammatica 1-6
______ 5th day: Tutorials 10-14
______ 6th day: P&R 1-4
______ 7th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 7
Chapter 8 objectives: 3rd Conjugation : Present Infinitive, Present,Future, and Imperfect Indicative, Imperative
______ 8th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 9th day: Tutorials 11-15
______ 10th day: P&R 5-8
______ 11th day: SA 1,4,5,6
______ 12th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 8
p. 2, Latin I Honors Syllabus (DuSel) 2009-10
Review Chapters 1-8
______ 13th day: Ch 8 SA 13-16
______ 14th day: Ch 8 P&R 9-12
______ 15th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-8
Chapter 9 objectives: Demonstrative Pronouns: Hic, Ille, Iste, Special –ius Adjectives
______ 16th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 17th day: Tutorials 2, give case, #, gender(s) for each
______ 18th day: Tutorials 5-9
______ 19th day: SA 1-5
______ 20th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 9
Chapter 10 objectives: 4th Conjugation and –io Verbs of the 3rd
______ 21st day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-9
______ 22nd day: Tutorials 5, A&T all verbs
______ 23rd day: Tutorials 16-20
______ 24th day: SA 1-6
______ 25th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 10
Chapter 11 objectives: Personal Pronouns Ego and Tu; Demonstratives Is and Idem
______ 26th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 27th day: Tutorials 5-13
______ 28th day: Tutorials 14-20
______ 29th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 11
______ 30th day: TBA
Chapter 12
Objectives: Perfect Active System of All Verbs
______ 31st day: No HW
______ 32nd day: Tutorials 6 (1)-(36) Analyze and translate each verb
______ 33rd day: Tutorials 7-11
______ 34th day: Tutorials 12-15
______ 35th day: SA 1-4
______ 36th day: SA 5-7
______ 37th day: TBA
______ 38th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 12
______ 39th day: TBA
______ 40th day: TBA
______ 41st day: TBA
3rd Quarter (39 days)
Chapter 13 objectives: Reflexive Pronouns and Possessives; Intensive Pronoun; Indirect Statement
______ 1st day: No HW
______ 2nd day: Tutorials 8-19
______ 3rd day: PR 5-8
______ 4th day: PR 14-17
______ 5th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 13
Chapter 14 objectives: I-Stem Nouns of the 3rd Declension; Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, and Manner
______ 6th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6, 8,9
______ 7th day: Tutorials 8-15
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______ 8th day: PR 5-8
______ 9th day: PR 11-13
______ 10th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 14
Chapter 15 objectives: Numerals; Partitive Genitive, Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals; Ablative of
Time When and Time Within Which
______ 11th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 12th day: Tutorials 11-17
______ 13th day: PR 5-8
______ 14th day: PR 11-13
______ 15th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 15
Chapter 16 objectives: 3rd Declension Adjectives
______ 16th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-11
______ 17th day: Tutorials 7-13
______ 18th day: PR 5-8
______ 19th day: PR 13-15
______ 20th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 16
Review Chapters 1-16
______ 21st day: p. 109 Juvenal selection, sentences 1-4
______ 22nd day: TBA
______ 23rd day: TEST Lessons 1-16
Chapter 17 objectives: The Relative Pronoun
______ 24th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 25th day: Tutorials 6-11
______ 26th day: PR 13, 14; SA 1
______ 27th day: SA 2, 3, 4, 7
______ 28th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 17
National Latin Exam)
______ 29th day: Exam preparation – complete 2005 National Latin Exam
______ 30th day: Exam preparation – complete 2007 National Latin Exam
______ 31stth day: Exam preparation
______ 32nd day: Exam preparation
______ 33rd day: Exam preparation
______ 34th day: National Latin Exam
Chapter 18 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System; Ablative of Personal Agent
______ 35th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-5, 7-9
______ 36th day: Tutorials 7-12
______ 37th day: PR 13-15
______ 38th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 18
Classical Culture and History
______ 39th day: Reread A Brief survey of Latin Literature, The Golden Age and The Augustan Period, pp. xxxviixxxvi; Learn the authors’ names, dates, and works
4th Quarter (39 days)
Chapter 19 objectives: Perfect Passive System of All Verbs; Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives
p. 4, Latin I Honors Syllabus (DuSel) 2009-10
1st day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
2nd day: PR 2, 7, 8, 13
3rd day: PR 14; SA 2, 4, 7
4th day: p. 127, Sophocles selection, 1st paragraph
5th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 19
Chapter 20 objectives: 4th Declension; Ablatives of Place from Which and Separation
______ 6th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-9 (ignore English translations)
______ 7th day: PR 1-3, 5
______ 8th day: PR 10-12
______ 9th day N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 20
Review Chapters 1-20
______ 10th day: p. 133, “Cicero….” through educes Brief A&T
______ 11th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-20
Chapter 21 objectives: 3rd and 4th Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System
______ 12th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 13th day: PR 1-5
______ 14th day: PR 6-8
______ 15th day: PR 12-14
______ 16th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 21
Chapter 22 objectives: 5th Declension; Ablative of Place Where; Summary of Ablative Uses
______ 17th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-11
______ 18th day: PR 1-5
______ 19th day: SA 1-5
______ 20th day: SA 6-9
______ 21st day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 22
Chapter 23 objectives: Participles
______ 22nd day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-17
______ 23rd day: PR 2-5
______ 24th day: PR 11-14
______ 25th day: SA 1-5
______ 26th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 23
Chapter 24 objectives: Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; Dative of Agent
______ 27th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 28th day: PR 1,8,15,16
______ 29th day: PR 13,14,17
______ 30th day: SA 1,4,7,8
______ 31st day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 24
Review Chapters 1-24
______ 32nd day: Vocabulary Review
______ 33rd day: Verb Review
______ 34th day: Declension Review
______ 35th day: Pronoun and Adjective Review
______ 36th day: Syntax Review
______ 37th day: Sight translations
______ 38th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-24
______ 39th day: TBA
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p. 6, Latin I Honors Syllabus (DuSel) 2009-10