Syllabus Latin I Honors, 1st Quarter, 2006-07

Preliminary Syllabus for Latin I Honors, 2012-13
Instructor: James DuSel
Text: Wheelock’s Latin (Lessons 1-24)
Classroom: Wheeler 207
The following syllabus, arranged by the number of days in each quarter, shows all of your homework
assignments, quizzes, and tests for the entire year. It is posted in “Shared Documents”. One hardcopy is
provided to you; you are expected to have it with you every class day. It is to be kept in the Latin section of your
loose leaf binder.
A spreadsheet containing all the two-year vocabulary of the book (lessons 1-40) is posted in
“Shared Documents”. The parts of speech and lesson number are provided but not the meanings. The
spreadsheet must be downloaded in order for you to be able to use sorting functions.
All homework assignments are due on the day specified Fill in the dates in the blanks as we go along – if we
miss a day:, the Syllabus is still in valid sequence. TBAs (To be Announced) accommodate snow days, etc.
TESTING: There will typically be one quiz per Lesson and one test every four lessons.
Quizzes and tests will generally consist of 50% N&B and 50% A&T.
N&B = “nuts and bolts” – vocabulary, endings, forms, etc.
Vocabulary will be quizzed English→ Latin; the student will provide the following:
Nouns: nominative singular, genitive singular, gender
Verbs: four principal parts
Adjectives: nominative singulars of all genders
Prepositions: Latin form, “Prep” and case used
Adverbs and conjunctions: Latin form and part-of-speech
A&T = analyze and translate
Analysis procedures:
Noun - declension, gender, case, #, use
Adjective - case, #, gender, noun modified, noun’s use
Pronoun – case, #, gender, use
Participles – tense, voice, participle, case, #, gender, noun modified
Verb - (mood) tense, voice, person, number (use); NS PN/PA DO IO
Infinitives – tense, voice, “infinitive” DO IO
Preposition, adverb, or conjunction - identify as such.
Regardless of whether it’s a quiz, test, or examination – English word derivatives will be the extra credit, unless
otherwise noted.
You will be expected to write out and sign an Honors pledge in Latin on every quiz, test and exam.
Quarter Grade = 80% quizzes/test (1 test = 4 quizzes), 20% Homework /Class Participation.
The lowest quiz grade of the quarter will be dropped at end of quarter if the student has not missed more than
three assignments in that quarter. HW/Class participation grade starts off at 100 at the beginning of the quarter;
every incomplete assignment drops that score 4 points. Exam is worth 20% of semester grade
You are expected to maintain an organized section of your binder and an up-to-date collection of flashcards; both
the notebooks and flashcards will be organized into five sections:
1 vocabulary
2 verb forms
3 case endings
4 pronoun forms
5 case uses
You will keep all homeworks for the quarter in the binder, which will be brought to class each day. Your
notebook and flashcards will contribute significantly to your Homework/Class Participation Grade
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FIRST Quarter (36 days)
Objectives: Inflected syntax – cases, case uses.
______ 1st day (our first day of class): None
______ 2nd day: assigned sentences
______ 3rd day: assigned sentences
______ 4th day: assigned sentences
______ 5th day: Quiz on cases and case uses
Chapter 1 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Present Infinitive, Indicative, and Imperative Active
______ 6th day: Workbook Ch. 1 Grammatica, 1-19; 21-23
______ 7th day: Workbook Ch 1 Grammatica, 24-29
______ 8th day: Workbook Ch 1 Grammatica, 30-35; Exertationes A-C
______ 9th day: Workbook Ch 1 Vis Verborum A,B
______ 10th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 1
Chapter 2 objectives: Nouns and Cases: 1st Declension: Agreement of Adjectives; Syntax
______ 11th day: Workbook Ch. 2 Grammatica 1-6
______ 12th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 358): 9-15 A&T (nihil)
______ 13th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 358): 16-21 A&T
______ 14th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 2
Chapter 3 objectives: 2nd Declension: Masc. Nouns and Adjectives; Apposition; Word Order (PTW, PW, PFW)
______ 15th day: Workbook Ch. 3 Grammatica 1-9
______ 16th day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p.359) 8, 9, 11, 12. 13 (A&T)
______ 17th day: P&R 1, 2, 4, 6 A&T
______ 18th day: Text P&R 8-11 (A&T)
______ 19th day: Text SA 1-5 (A&T)
______ 20th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 3
Chapter 4 objectives: 2nd Declension Neuters: Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nominatives and
Adjectives; Substantive Adjectives, (Objective Genitive)
______ 21st day: Workbook Ch. 4 Grammatica 1-6,7,10-15
______ 22nd day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 360): 9-15 (A&T)
______ 23rd day: Text P&R 9-12 (A&T)
______ 24th day: Text SA 1-7 (A&T)
______ 25th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 4
Review Chapters 1-4
______ 26th day: Workbook Ch. 4 Lectiones 1,2,3,5,6
______ 27th day: Workbook Ch. 4 Lectiones 7-11
______ 28th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-4
______ 29th day: Review of Test
Chapter 5 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Future and Imperfect; Adjectives in -er
______ 30th day: Workbook Ch. 5 Grammatica 1-9
______ 31st day: Text, Self-Tutorial Exercises (p. 361): 9-14 (A&T)
______ 32nd day: Text, P&R 12-15 (A&T)
______ 33rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 5
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Chapter 6 objectives: Sum: Future and Imperfect Indicative; Possum: Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicative;
Complementary Infinitive
______ 34th day: Workbook Ch. 6 Grammatica 1-10
______ 35th day Text, Tutorials 6-13 A&T
______ 36th day: TBA
SECOND Quarter (41 days)
______ 1st day: Text, P&R 11-14 (A&T)
______ 2nd day: Text SA 1-5 (A&T)
______ 3rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 6
Chapter 7 objectives: 3rd Declension Nouns
______ 4th day: Workbook, Ch 7, Grammatica 1-6
______ 5th day: Tutorials 10-14
______ 6th day: P&R 1-4
______ 7th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 7
Chapter 8 objectives: 3rd Conjugation : Present Infinitive, Present,Future, and Imperfect Indicative, Imperative
______ 8th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 9th day: Tutorials 11-15
______ 10th day: P&R 5-8
______ 11th day: SA 1,4,5,6
______ 12th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 8
Review Chapters 1-8
______ 13th day: Ch 8 SA 13-16
______ 14th day: Ch 8 P&R 9-12
______ 15th day: TBA
______ 16th day: A&T TEST Chapters 1-8
Chapter 9 objectives: Demonstrative Pronouns: Hic, Ille, Iste, Special –ius Adjectives
______ 17th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 18th day: Tutorials 2, give case, #, gender(s) for each
______ 19th day: Tutorials 5-9
______ 20th day: N&B Quiz Chapter 9
Chapter 10 objectives: 4th Conjugation and –io Verbs of the 3rd
______ 21st day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-9
______ 22nd day: Tutorials 5, A&T all verbs
______ 23rd day: Tutorials 16-20
______ 24th day: SA 1-6
______ 25th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 10
Chapter 11 objectives: Personal Pronouns Ego and Tu; Demonstratives Is and Idem
______ 26th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 27th day: Tutorials 5-13
______ 28th day: Tutorials 14-20
______ 29th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 11
______ 30th day: TBA
Chapter 12
Objectives: Perfect Active System of All Verbs
______ 31st day: No HW
______ 32nd day: Tutorials 6 (1)-(36) Analyze and translate each verb
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______ 33rd day: Tutorials 7-11
______ 34th day: Tutorials 12-15
______ 35th day: SA 1-4
______ 36th day: SA 5-7
______ 37th day: TBA
______ 38th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 12
______ 39th day: TBA
______ 40th day: TBA
______ 41st day: TBA
Mid Term Exam will consist of N&B – vocabulary, declining, verb formation - (50 points) and A&T (50 points).
Use the appropriate sections of your notebook and accumulated flashcards to study vocabulary, endings, and case
uses. Use the vocabulary spreadsheet to augment vocabulary review. Use the appropriate sections of your
notebook and homeworks, quizzes and tests to practice A&T
THIRD Quarter (42 days)
Chapter 13 objectives: Reflexive Pronouns and Possessives; Intensive Pronoun; Indirect Statement
______ 1st day: No HW
______ 2nd day: Tutorials 8-19
______ 3rd day: PR 5-8
______ 4th day: PR 14-17
______ 5th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 13
Chapter 14 objectives: I-Stem Nouns of the 3rd Declension; Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, and Manner
______ 6th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6, 8,9
______ 7th day: Tutorials 8-15
______ 8th day: PR 5-8
______ 9th day: PR 11-13
______ 10th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 14
Chapter 15 objectives: Numerals; Partitive Genitive, Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals; Ablative of
Time When and Time Within Which
______ 11th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 12th day: Tutorials 11-17
______ 13th day: PR 5-8
______ 14th day: PR 11-13
______ 15th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 15
Chapter 16 objectives: 3rd Declension Adjectives
______ 16th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-11
______ 17th day: Tutorials 7-13
______ 18th day: PR 5-8
______ 19th day: PR 13-15
______ 20th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 16
Review Chapters 1-16
______ 21st day: p. 109 Juvenal selection, sentences 1-4
______ 22nd day: TEST Lessons 1-16
______ 23rd day: TBA
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Chapter 17 objectives: The Relative Pronoun
______ 24th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 25th day: Tutorials 6-11
______ 26th day: PR 13, 14; SA 1
______ 27th day: SA 2, 3, 4, 7
______ 28th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 17
National Latin Exam)
______ 29th day: Exam preparation – complete 2005 National Latin Exam
______ 30th day: Exam preparation – complete 2007 National Latin Exam
______ 31stth day: Exam preparation – complete 2008 National Latin Exam
______ 32nd day: Exam preparation – complete 2009 National Latin Exam
______ 33rd day: Exam preparation – exam practice
______ 34th day: National Latin Exam (date not known as of Aug. 2010)
Chapter 18 objectives: 1st and 2nd Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System; Ablative of Personal Agent
______ 35th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-5, 7-9
______ 36th day: Tutorials 7-12
______ 37th day: PR 13-15
______ 38th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 18
Classical Culture and History
______ 39th day: Reread A Brief survey of Latin Literature, The Golden Age and The Augustan Period, pp. xxxviixxxvi; Learn the authors’ names, dates, and works
______ 40th day: TBA
______ 41st day: TBA
FOURTH Quarter (37 days)
Chapter 19 objectives: Perfect Passive System of All Verbs; Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives
______ 1st day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 2nd day: PR 2, 7, 8, 13
______ 3rd day: PR 14; SA 2, 4, 7
______ 4th day: p. 127, Sophocles selection, 1st paragraph
______ 5th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 19
Chapter 20 objectives: 4th Declension; Ablatives of Place from Which and Separation
______ 6th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-9 (ignore English translations)
______ 7th day: PR 1-3, 5
______ 8th day: PR 10-12
______ 9th day N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 20
Review Chapters 1-20
______ 10th day: Vocabulary review
______ 11th day: Verb formation review
______ 12th day: Declining and Syntax review
______ 13th day: TEST Chapters 1-20
Chapter 21 objectives: 3rd and 4th Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System
______ 14th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-10
______ 15th day: PR 1-5
______ 16th day: PR 6-8
______ 17th day: PR 12-14
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______ 18th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 21
Chapter 22 objectives: 5th Declension; Ablative of Place Where; Summary of Ablative Uses
______ 19th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-11
______ 20th day: PR 1-5
______ 21st day: SA 1-5
______ 22nd day: SA 6-9
______ 23rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 22
Chapter 23 objectives: Participles
______ 24th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-17
______ 25th day: PR 2-5
______ 26th day: PR 11-14
______ 27th day: SA 1-5
______ 28th day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 23
Chapter 24 objectives: Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; Dative of Agent
______ 29th day: Workbook, Grammatica 1-6
______ 30th day: PR 1,8,15,16
______ 31st day: PR 13,14,17
______ 32nd day: SA 1,4,7,8
______ 33rd day: N&B/A&T Quiz Chapter 24
Review Chapters 1-24
______ 34th day: Vocabulary Quiz, Chapters 1-24
______ 35th day: Verb Review
______ 36th day: Declension Review
______ 37th day: Syntax Review
Final Exam will consist of N&B – vocab, declining, verb formation - (50 points) and A&T (50 points).
Use the appropriate sections of your notebook and accumulated flashcards to study vocabulary, endings, and case
uses. Use the vocabulary spreadsheet to augment vocabulary review. Use the appropriate sections of your
notebook and homeworks, quizzes and tests to practice A&T
p. 6, Latin I Honors Syllabus (DuSel) 2012-13