Pizza Hut Card sales are under way!!! I am sure you all have seen the forms come home with your child but just in case, here is a brief summary: $10 Pizza Hut Card Good through 9/2012 Each Card has 12 peel-off stickers; each sticker is valid for a free medium pizza with up to 3 different toppings, with any purchase of $15 or more. The card can be used for dine-in, carryout or delivery orders, and is valid at all NPC International owned Pizza Huts (all Northport and Tuscaloosa locations are included.) Sales from Sept 26th thru Oct 14th. Fall Festival Things are really beginning to fall into place with the Fall Festival. We have our tickets out already for PRESALE as well as the list on everyone’s class booths and baskets. We are in the process of recruiting all of the volunteers that we can to help with this event. We still need some volunteers to get INSIDE the dunking booth. We are trying to line up a stage area and some performances for that stage so ANY ideas are welcome. Please see a PTO officer or Mrs. Wilson with any ideas for this. Any ideas to make the Fall Festival BIGGER AND BETTER are welcome!!!! Thanks in advance for all of the help and hard work. Vendors We are lining up vendors this year to be part of the Fall Festival. There is a $25.00 vendor fee. A 6’ table will be provided to set up displays. No electrical outlets will be available. If you know someone that would like to participate as a vendor, please pick up a vendor application near the front office or download a copy from the Flatwoods website under PTO. Drink Donations Needed The PTO is asking parents to donate cases of canned drinks. We would also be happy to have donations of prewrapped candy, small prizes or store bought baked goods. Bring your donations to the next PTO meeting. 1 case (12 pack of canned drinks) = 1 FREE MEAL TICKET 1 case (24 pack of canned drinks) = 2 FREE MEAL TICKETS If you have questions or suggestions, contact Greta Fife at 792-8460 or email Flatwoods Awarded $750 Spruce Grant! KaBOOM! and Dr Pepper Snapple Group granted our school a $750 Spruce Grant through the Let’s Play Improvement Grant program. Together, through Let's Play, Dr Pepper Snapple and KaBOOM! will help build or fix up 2,000 playgrounds by the end of 2013, benefiting an estimated 5 million children across North America. Cleanup Saturday is October 15th! We need parent volunteers to clean up the school grounds before our Fall Festival. Cleanup starts at 8:00 a.m. Bring lawn mowers, rakes, leaf blowers, etc. We also need a few people to bring ant killer & a small tiller. Parents will join the Tuscaloosa Master Gardeners in the construction of a butterfly garden and habitat cleanup. Donations of lantana, purple coneflowers, shasta daisies, asters, yarrow, parsley and 1-3 butterfly bushes would be appreciated. Booth Builders Needed Help is needed constructing a few booths either at home or at school. Supplies will be provided. Classroom booths will be judged at 4:00 p.m. the day of the Fall Festival. The winning class will receive a gift card and an ice cream party. Thank You for Mulch Donations Thank you so much for all of the bags and truckloads of mulch donated so far to our school. We still need more, so please continue to send at least one bag per family and ask local companies to donate more loads. PTO Meeting The next PTO Meeting is Tuesday, October 25th. The 3rd grade classes will perform. A Spaghetti Supper with green beans, roll, drink and cookie will be served at 5:30. Plates will be $4.00 each. Finished gift baskets will be on display. Congratulations! Heather McElroy Mrs. Shelton’s Class $50 Gas Card Winner September 26, 2011 Best PTO Meeting Attendance September 26, 2011 Remaining dates for Popcorn Fridays are: October 14, 21; November 4, 18; and December 2, 9, 16. THE PIT CREW NEEDS YOU! The PIT Crew is the Parent Involvement Team at Flatwoods We welcome every parent or caring adult involved in a child’s education at Flatwoods to be a part of the PIT Crew. Our goal is for each parent to volunteer 2 HOURS! Volunteer opportunities are posted at the front office counter and emailed when help is needed. Whatever your time schedule and interests are, we could use your help. We have tasks that can be performed in the evenings, during the day, or leisurely at home. Talk to your child’s teacher about ways you can help or contact PIT Crew Coordinator, Rosetta Wilson,, 342-2648 ext. 6, Tuesday and Thursday (8am-12 noon). Please sign-in at the front desk when you are scheduled to volunteer. Record both your sign-in and sign-out times. Once you have reached your 2 hours of volunteering, your name will be placed on the “PIT CREW Wall of Fame”. At the end of the school year, a parent recognition luncheon is held for our volunteers. Make a difference in your child’s education. Get involved! Greetings from the Librarian The Alabama and Auburn "Be a Champion and Read" Contest will end Wednesday, October 26. The "What in the world are you reading? Challenge will begin Oct. 12 for 2nd-5th grades. Ask your child what he or she should be reading. All Boxtop Collection Sheets are due by Friday, October 28. Save the Date! Grandparents Week is November 7-10. Students will be preparing invitations to send out soon. Grandparents will be able to visit classrooms, tour the school and visit our Scholastic Book Fair in the library during this week. This is an exciting time for the students! United Way Campaign We are proud to announce that approximately $600 was raised during the United Way campaign. Thanks to the red, white and blue teams for all of their contributions. _____________________________________________ Copies of the 2011-2012 schedule, newsletters, fundraising information and PTO Meeting minutes can be found on the Flatwoods website: under organizations- PTO From the Counselor’s Desk This month at Flatwoods, the guidance lessons have been about “diversity”. Each of the students should now know that diversity means being different. The students and I have discussed all the many ways that each of us is different and, also, the many ways that we are similar. The students have learned about children from different countries, and some have even done research on different countries. We, here at Flatwoods, are a very unique and diverse group. We are proud of and celebrate our differences, realizing that being different is what makes the world go round. *October 28th will be “Creepy Crawly Day”. Students from the University of Alabama Herpetology Department will be here to show our students all sorts of creepy, crawly reptiles and amphibians. Please remind your children to be respectful, responsible, and resourceful so that they can continue to earn starbucks that will allow them to attend this fun activity For the month of October, the students and I will be discussing health and safety. For the month of November, we will be discussing manners. “Nightmare on Acronym Street” AMSTI AR ARMT DIBELS ELL ESL FES PBS PST PTO RRW SAT SLI SPE TCSS STAR Computer Alabama Math/Science Technology Initiative Accelerated Reader Alabama Reading and Math Test Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills English Language Learners English as a Second Language Flatwoods Elementary School Positive Behavior Supports (Starbucks) Problem Solving Team Parent Teacher Organization Red Ribbon Week (Being drug free) Stanford Achievement Test Speech and Language Impaired Special Education Tuscaloosa County School System Independent Reading Test Taken on the every Nine weeks October 2011 Flatwoods Elementary School PARENT INVOLVEMENT CALENDAR Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 LIBRARY CHALLENGE 16 10 17 7 OUTDOOR CLASSROOM PLANNING MEETING BOXTOPS 9 6 11 12 FALL BREAK FALL BREAK NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL 18 PRE-K PARENT WORKSHOP 6 PM 13 24 26 PTO MEETING 6 PM DINNER 5:30 PM 14 15 20 27 “BE A CHAMPION & READ CONTEST” ENDS 21 22 POPCORN FRIDAY #7 RAFFLE TICKETS DUE 28 FALL FESTIVAL 4-7 PM CREEPY CRAWLY STARBUCK SURPRISE 30 CLEANUP SATURDAY CARD FUNDRAISER ENDS 19 25 NO SCHOOL POPCORN FRIDAY #6 CHIK-FIL-A SPIRIT NIGHT 5-8 PM 23 8 PARENT CONFERENCES 31 COMING SOON! GRANDPARENT’S WEEK - NOVEMBER 7-10, 2011 29 FLATWOODS FALL FESTIVAL & GIFT BASKET RAFFLE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2011, 4–7 PM Dear Parents/Guardians: All classes will be responsible for collecting items for a themed gift basket and for running a booth at the Fall Festival. We are asking each family to sign-up to work one 30 minute shift at their class booth. A sign-up sheet will be placed in the classroom or you may contact your room parent or the teacher on times you are willing to work. Items needed for each gift basket are listed below for each grade. Any items you can donate would be greatly appreciated. Please bring any donations to your classroom by Friday, Oct. 21st. Finished baskets will be on display at the Oct. 25th PTO meeting and you will be able to purchase raffle tickets at $1.00 each. Students who sell 25 or more tickets will receive a free armband for the Fall Festival. Thank you for your support! Your Flatwoods PTO PreK & Kindergarten: Jenifer Farley (Moore), Chanda Burrell (Boozer), Greta Fife (Plyler), Melanie Barclay (Tullis) “Love-4-Learning”and “Family Game Night” Baskets: Items for the baskets may include: books, educational games, flash cards, workbooks, board games, playing cards, etc. 1st Grade: Heather Leavell/Courtney Poling (Pate), Angie Taylor (Sherrill), Jill Hunt (Boyd) “Girl Toy Chest” and “Boy Toy Chest”: Toys for all ages, board games, racetracks & cars, trucks, trains, stuffed animal, dolls, children's pans, dishes, & appliances, pretend food, Lincoln Logs, Tinker Toys, Legos, toy store gift certificate. Girls are to bring toys for girls and boys are to bring toys for boys. 2nd Grade: Karen Harless (Daggert), Christy Hathcock (James), Irene Espino (Morris), La’Chera Church (Williams) “Office Supplies” Basket: Pencils, pens, paper, calculator, ruler, dry erase markers, notebooks, binders, stapler, stationery, paper clips, envelopes, printer paper, stamps, clock, calendar, stacking trays, etc. 3rd Grade: Rosa Cosas (Barbier), Jenn Wood (Cameron), Shenna Kelly (Logan) “Cooking Mama” Basket: Baking pans, apron, oven mitt, dishes, mixer, toaster, blender, serving spoons, measuring cups, spatula, whisk, pie cutter, cutting board, dish towel, recipes, recipe cards, recipe box, rolling pin, cookie cutters, cookie sheet, muffin pan, etc. 4th Grade: Shannon McNaughten (Rice), Najla Washington (Hedrick) “All Sports” Basket: Baseball glove, bat, baseball bases, basketball net, volleyball net, fishing pole, skate board, tennis racket, baton, field hockey stick, lacrosse stick, balls for baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, tennis, and hockey. Gift certificates to sporting events (professional, college, and high school), batting cages, and race track, swim lessons, etc. 5th Grade: Errica Walker (Shelton), Brian Cunningham (Stripling) “Ultimate Tailgate & Picnic” Basket: BBQ tools, skewers, sauces, meat subs, marinades, spices, apron, grill brush, oven mitt, plastic dishes or tray snacks, forks, paper plates, napkins, table cloths, cooler, chip & dip platter, radio, gift certificate to a grocery store, etc. Flatwoods Resource Personnel: Sediedras Williams and Rosetta Wilson (342-2648) “Party Time” Baskets: Two sets of party supplies - one for a girl's Disney Princess birthday and the other for a boy's Super Mario birthday. Items needed to throw a themed party for 15 children: themed decorations and paper goods (plates, cups, napkins), invitations, favors, tablecloths, wrapping paper, gift tags, bakery gift certificate, etc. Flatwoods PTO: Greta Fife and Leah Brown “Bath & Beauty (Pampered Mom)” Basket: Lotions, soaps, shampoo & conditioner, candles, plush bathrobe and bath towels, books or a gift certificate to a book store, gift certificate to a local spa (massage, facial, nails, hair).