CAST’s UDL LESSON BUILDER Lesson Overview Title: Solutions and Mixtures Author: Kristin Bryan Subject: Science Grade Level(s): 5th grade Duration: 3 – 4 class periods Subject Area: Physical Science Unit Description: The student will be able to identify, describe and explain the differences between mixtures and solutions. Lesson Description for Day: Engage: Student will begin the lesson with a drop and drag activity using the SMART board as a pre assessment of their knowledge of what is a mixture and what is not a mixture. Adapt for visual and tactile learners. eBook with audio can accommodate visually impaired students. Explore: Teacher demonstration will allow students to become familiar with concepts and skills needed for performing the lab. Student will conduct a lab investigation to learn about matter and what occurs when it is mixed with another substance. Adapt for visual and tactile learners. Explain: Students will create interactive vocabulary cards to learn and review key vocabulary for mixtures and solutions. Students can be paired for this activity to accommodate students with reading diabilities. CAST2006 Adapted from 1 Elaborate: Students search the provided internet resources for information on mixtures and solutions and the differences between them. They will then plan and implement and individualized presentation of their choice that fits their learning style. Evaluate: Students will play an interactive game that can be played individually or as a class to review mixtures and solution. Students can be groups to support and scaffold students with disabilities. State Standards: 5.5 Matter and energy. The student knows that matter has measurable physical properties and those properties determine how matter is classified, changes and used. The student is expected to: (C and D) The student is expected to demonstrate that some mixtures maintain physical properties of their ingredients such as iron filings and sand AND identify changes that can occur in the physical properties of the ingredients of solutions such as dissolving salt in water and adding lemon juice to water. Goals Unit Goals: Identify the differences between a mixture and a solution. Lesson Goals: The student will use a variety of media to make connections and to identify the main ideas of the lesson. The student will produce original work, collaborate with others and share through the class CAST2006 Adapted from 2 blog information that they have acquired through investigation. Methods Introduce and Model New Knowledge: Students will sort common items into categories of either mixtures or solution through SMART board drop and drag to introduce new concepts and assess prior knowledge. Recognition Network and Affective Network – engaging learners visually by tapping their prior knowledge of common real world examples of mixtures and solutions. Students will observe a demonstration of mixtures and solution presented by their teacher. Affective Network – engaging students with exciting demonstrations to make connections between concepts. Students will then conduct their own investigation of mixtures and solutions. Strategic Networks – allowing students to experience concepts through hands on investigation. Provide Guided Practice: Students will reinforce their knowledge of mixtures and solutions by creating interactive vocabulary cards to learn and review key terms and concepts. Strategic Networks – incorporating visual images and text with computer interaction. Provide Independent Practice: Students will research the provided internet sources for information on mixtures and solutions. Recognition CAST2006 Adapted from 3 Network – finding information about concepts and Strategic Networks – individual choose the product to display knowledge and Affective Network – engaging students with computer technology. Students will then collaborate with their classmates through the class blog to share information Strategic Network – collaborating with students to present projects. Assessment Formative/Ongoing Assessment: Drop and drag activity to assess prior knowledge. Lab investigation to create connections to real world examples. Online vocabulary cards to learn and review key terms. Class blog to collaborate knowledge. Summative/End Of Lesson Assessment: Students will play an interactive game to assess knowledge of mixtures and solutions. Students will also be tested through benchmark testing and District Common Assessments. CAST2006 Adapted from 4 Materials Websites SMART Board Notebook: nt/46/46f3b3e4-c0d0-4eb4-a1b83178831d8380/Science_Mixtures%20and%20Solutions%5B1%5D.notebook# Study Stack – interactive flash cards: Separating Mixtures Other Resources Sand, salt, water, filter paper, milk, vinegar, iron filings, lemon juice, pepper, cool-aid drink mix, beakers, and stirring rod, Student computers SMART board CAST2006 Adapted from 5