WAF.M1.S02.1 LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT FORMAT LEARNING AREA : INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY Name of Candidate IC No Index No Construct : S02 Impact of ICT on Society Aspect : S02.1 Locate and present information on impact of ICT on society Type of Instrument : Written Assignment and Verbal Presentation Instruction: Work in groups of two to four, 1. conduct a study on any of the following topics: a. Copyright and piracy from moral and legal standpoints b. Lack of security and its effects on industry/economy/government c. Malaysian cyber law, electronic government law d. Phishing e. Virus (Trojan Horse, Salami Attack) f. Hacking g. Security Measures (Biometrics, Authentication) (Your group should locate information from various sources for example the Internet, library, magazines or any other sources.) 2. discuss your findings and compile the information that you have obtained. On your own, 1. summarise your findings and prepare a presentation of 5 to 10 slides on the chosen topic. (Your presentation should include the topic, content, conclusion and source of reference.) 2. present your findings in 5 to 10 minutes. 3. submit a soft or hard copy of the presentation. WAF.M2.S05.1 LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT FORMAT LEARNING AREA : COMPUTER SYSTEM Name of Candidate IC No Index No Construct : Aspect : Type of Instrument : S05 S05.1 Current and Future Development of Open Source Software and Latest Development in ICT Explain the latest open source software available and the latest development in ICT Written Assignment Instruction: Write a report on the latest open source software available and the latest development in ICT. You are given two weeks to complete this report. Your report should include the following format. 1. Introduction 2. Content 2.1. The Latest Open Source OS. Meaning of open source OS Examples of open source OS 2.2. The Latest Open Source Application Software Meaning of open source application software Examples of open source application software 2.3. The Latest ICT Hardware. Examples of hardware Function of each hardware 2.4. Pervasive Computing. Meaning of pervasive computing Examples of pervasive computing 3. Conclusion 4. Reference WAF.M3.S07.1 LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA KEMENTERIAN PELAJARAN MALAYSIA WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT FORMAT LEARNING AREA : COMPUTER NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS Name of Candidate IC No Index No Construct : Aspect : Type of Instrument : S07 S07.1 Current and Future Development in Networks and Communications Explain the Latest Development in Networks and Communications Written Assignment Instruction: Write a report on the latest development in Networks and Communications. You are given two weeks to complete this assignment. Your report should include the following format. 1. Introduction 2. Content 2.1 Mobile Computing. Specification of Mobile Computing Services of Mobile Computing Frequencies of Mobile Computing 2.2 Internet Technology and Explain VOIP Explain BLOG Services 2.3 Types of network. Explain PAN, VPN, PAN, VPN, WLAN, and WIMAX 3. Conclusion 4. Reference