Convention of 1835 Scavenger Hunt

Convention of 1835 Scavenger Hunt ANSWER KEY
Go to to read the proceedings of the
Convention of 1835 held in Raleigh beginning on June 4, 1835 for the purpose of revising the
state constitution. Answer the following questions as you read the document.
Look at the Title Page Image closely:
1. Who called for this Convention?
2. How long did the Convention last?
The Freemen of North Carolina
Until July 11—37 days
Skim over the names of the delegates and over the first day proceedings of the Convention
found on pages 3-5:
3. Who represented the following counties at the Convention?
a. Buncombe
David L. Swain, James Gudger
b. Craven
William Gaston, Richard D. Spaight
c. Guilford
John M. Moorehead, Jonathan Parker
d. Wake
Henry Seawell, Kimbrough Jones
e. Warren
Nathaniel Macon, Weldon N. Edwards
4. Who was unanimously appointed as Chairman pro tempore (for the time being)of the
David L. Swain
5. Who was unanimously chosen as President of the Convention?
Nathaniel Macon
Skim page 4, 8, and 10:
6. Where was the original meeting place of the Convention and to where did the Convention
A room in the Government House moved to the Presbyterian Church.
7. Which counties’ delegates arrived at the Convention on Monday, June 18?
Chowan, Washington, and New Hanover
8. According to the Rules of Order, what must a delegate do who wants “to speak in debate”?
“He must rise from his seat and respectfully address himself to the President and confine
himself to the question under debate and avoid personality.”
Read page 21:
9. How was the “Federal population” determined in order to establish the number of
representatives to the House of Commons a county or district would have? Each free person
(including those bound to service for a term of years—indentured servants—and excluding
Indians not taxed) equaled one whole number + three-fifths of all other persons.
10. How many members total made up the House of Commons?
11. How many members of the state Senate were there in 1835?
Skim pages 47-48:
12. How was the 32d article of the Constitution amended on Tuesday, June 30 and
Wednesday, July 1?
The section was amended to strike out the word “Protestant” and
to insert the word “Christian.”
Skim pages 53-61:
13. Based on the average amount of taxation over a five-year period, how many members to the
House of Commons would represent each of the following counties?
a. New Hanover
b. Halifax
c. Orange
d. Wake
14. How many counties total were entitled to one member to the House of Commons? 65
Read pages 62 & 63:
15. On Thursday, July 2, 1835, Richard D. Spaight of Craven County read a proposal on the 12th
Resolution,” prescribing the term for which [the Governor] may be elected.”
Under this proposal…
a. who would be able to elect the Governor?
The qualified voters for the members
of the House of Commons
b. how long would the Governor’s term of office be? two years
c. what limits would be placed on the number of years the Governor could hold office
within a six year period?
No more than four years in any term of six years
16. What was the Convention’s vote to this amendment?
Yeas _74__
Nays _44__
Skim pages 73 –75:
17. What was the topic of debate as a “second reading” covered on Monday, July 6, 1835?
“The Convention took up for its second reading the Article abrogating [abolishing] the
right of free negroes and mulattoes to vote for members of the Legislature.”
Skim pages 95-101:
18. What limitation is placed on the election of members of the Senate or House of Commons in
Article 1, Section 3.3?
“No free negro, free mulatto, or free person of mixed blood, descended from negro ancestors
to the fourth generation inclusive, (though one ancestor of each generation may have been a
white person,) shall vote for members of the Senate or House of Commons.”
19. In Article II, on what day shall the Governor begin his duties of the office after election?
The first day of January
20. What primary issue is discussed in Section 1 of Article III? Impeachment
General Questions/Bonus:
 How many days of the week did the Convention meet?
 Which days, if any, did the Convention not meet?
Did not meet on Sundays.
“Questions for Discussion” in expanded groups after Scavenger Hunt.
Using information from your textbook, from the completed scavenger hunt, and from the
following DocSouth link: (start with page 11
of Henry G. Connor’s account of the convention), develop a thorough response that shows the
depth of your understanding and analysis of the impact of the 1835 Constitutional Convention on
the people of North Carolina from 1835 till the next convention in1868.
1. How would expanding the number of members to the House of Commons benefit the people
living in the western counties of the state?
What would some of those benefits be? (Hint: think about the vision of Archibald Murphey)
2. How did the Convention address religious beliefs and the government? Which member of the
Convention would be most affected by any decision made? Debate some of the positives and
the negatives to the Convention’s decision.
3. What would be the benefits for a governor to have a two-year term of office instead of a
one-year term of office?
Review how governors had been elected prior to the 1835 amendment and then evaluate the
impact of a popular gubernatorial election.
4. Go to and read the bio on Richard D.
Spaight, Jr. Review your scavenger hunt and note Spaight’s influence in this amendment
proposal. How did the 1835 amendment for electing governors affect Spaight directly? Be
5. Consider possible intentions, benefits, and/or repercussions as a result of the Convention’s
decision to
 abolish the property qualification for voting for certain offices.
 connect the election of Senators to the amount of taxes paid to the State from a county.
 disenfranchise free blacks and acculturated Indians.
6. What would be the value of detailing specific guidelines for impeachment in the 1835
Constitution, which were not found in the 1776 Constitution?