
High Point Home Educators LIFE Classes – Fall 2015
PreK Class ($90 for one 2-hr. block)
Advisor: Theresa Turmenne
This is a year-long class, but new students are welcome to sign up. This is a two-hour class for the basics in
PreK . We will work on writing our letters, learning sounds, writing numbers, and learning beginning math
concepts (clocks, patterns, money, etc.). We will do half the alphabet fall semester and the other half in the
spring. We will have a story time and a craft each week as well.
The structure of the class will vary week by week depending on what we are doing and learning about. We will
play outside when the weather permits.
There are 2 options: 1st/2nd hour block (11-12:55) or 3rd/4th hour block (1-2:55). Please choose which
block you would like when you sign up. Both blocks will be the same material offered each week.
Children must be 3 when the class starts and completely potty trained.
Feel free to email Theresa with any questions:
Materials Fee: $10
K-2 Stories & Art – NEW- ($45)
Advisor: Tori Shaw
Your child will discover how much fun reading can be! We will read a story each week followed by exciting
activities to encourage learning readiness and a love for reading. We will do a hands -on craft each week to go
along with the story. The crafts will help develop your child's drawing, tracing, coloring, cutting, and pasting
skills. This class will also encourage your student to be as creative as possible! Your child will need crayons or
colored pencils, scissors and glue sticks for each class.
Materials Fee: $15
K-2 Handwriting ($45)
Advisor: Tori Shaw
Whether your child is just learning to write or needs some help making their writing readable, this is the perfect
class. Students will learn to correctly hold a pencil, participate in readiness activities that allow them to practice
drawing the shapes of the letters, trace drawings that develop hand-eye coordination, learn how to correctly
write both capital and lowercase letters, and practice writing letters and words horizontally on lined paper. We
may even learn to write a silly sentence or two, just to make handwriting fun!
Materials Fee: $10
K-2 Felt Bible Stories & Verse Memorization ($45)
Advisor: Kara Dawson
God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). Help your children know and
love Scripture through with the use of Betty Lukens Felt, drawing and memorization of God’s word. It really
makes such a difference to children to have a visual to help make the story come alive!
Students will move beyond reading and hide God's Word in their hearts with a weekly memory passage.
Discover Jesus' love and the wonder of God's word through colorful Bible stories. Connect these stories with
the overarching theme God shares in the Bible: that He cares about us personally and sent His Son Jesus to be
our Savior.
We will learn exciting Bible stories, enjoy related crafts and challenge their minds with scripture memory.
Designed for fun, development of godly character and spiritual inspiration.
Contact Kara Dawson with any questions at
Materials Fee: $10
K-2 Soaring into Latin ($45)
Advisor: Jewell Landreth
The adventure of learning about Latin begins. Activities such as games, creative thinking, drawing, stories, and
speaking will be used to bring Latin to life. Children will learn Latin phrases and vocabulary by learning to
retell stories. Instruction will include lessons from the advisor as well as audio stories to catch interest of the
student. Numbers, rhymes, stories, and games all make it easy to spark an interest in Latin.
Materials Fee: $10 – Covers take home materials for review including several lap books created in class.
K-2 Super Fab Lab ($45)
Advisor: Tori Shaw
Every child loves to do science experiments, don't they? Well, The Super Fab Lab will be an entire class of
Science Experiments! In our Fabulous Laboratory we will learn the Scientific Method, make hypotheses, collect
and organize data, and write in our Science journals during each class. We will do age appropriate physics,
biology, chemistry and weather experiments. This class will be so much fun for your little Scientist!
Material Fee: $15 (for the supplies need for all of our experiments)
K-2 Useful Projects ($45)
Advisor: Rachel Biagioli
Each week we will work on a hands-on project that teaches a practical skill and will produce something useful
your child can keep or give as a gift. We will work on projects such as weaving, mosaics, card-making,
birdfeeder, corn husk doll, decorative pots and plants, food prep, soap, and pillow making.
Material fees: $30. (I will offer an option for parents to provide materials in lieu of some of the material fee.)
K-2 Discovering Music in God’s World ($45)
Advisor: Donna Wilson
Students will explore the elements of music through singing, playing rhythm instruments, games, listening to
music examples, and study a few composers. They will learn to read simple melodic and rhythmic patterns and
create a simple percussion compositions. Music lessons are always integrated with other subject areas when
appropriate and include, visual, aural, kinesthetic activities. Themes will be based around the holidays and
seasons of the year. Students will be required to keep their work, flash cards, games, etc inside an 1-inch 3 ring
binder and bring it to every class. STUDENTS MUST BRING A PENCIL TO EVERY CLASS. Please view
Materials Fee: $15
K-2 Drawing, Inking, Shading and Color ($45)
Advisor: Bonnie Toney
An introduction to a number of basic drawing techniques and concepts. We will do some sketching, some line
art, some drawing with pens and markers, and some color mixing and theory. Some of our work will be
representational (drawing real objects, or things meant to look real), and some abstract. We will take a first look
at figure drawing (clothed!), and how the position of the spine is key. We will begin to understand how shading
works, and how its correct use gives our drawings depth. We will do some work with art pens, and learn ways
to add details to drawings and sketches. If the class is mature enough to handle it, we will create and swap
Artist’s Trading Cards during some of our sessions.
Materials fee: $25
K-2 Five In A Row ($45)
Advisor: Erin Segers
Using Five in a Row‘s lessons and activities, students will participate in a variety of activities based on
children’s literature. Books will be advisor read-aloud with differing activities to correspond with the
book. Contact Erin Segers with questions
Materials fee: $10
K-2 Scientists ($45)-NEW
Advisor: Lora Cornwall
We will have fun exploring God's world of science by conducting many awesome, new experiments. Each
student will be a scientist in this class. We will use the scientific method each week as we perform different
experiments. Our different units will be 1)Light and Shadows, 2) Forces, including magnetic, 3) States of
Matter and 4) Living and Nonliving. Come prepared to have a fantastic time learning by conducting
experiments each week. Please bring a 3-ring binder, pencils, scissors and crayons/colored pencils to class each
week. If you have more than one class with me, you can use a 3-ring binder with dividers.
Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials to conduct different experiments.
This will also cover any books purchased with experiments and copies.)
K-2 Physical Education ($45) Co-ed
Advisor: Blanca Erickson
The K-2 PE class will concentrate on developing the basic locomotor movements; (walk, run, jump, hop,
gallop, skip, slide, leap) and space awareness. Fun games such as, Octopus, Freeze tag, Tunnel tag and Line tag
will be played to enhance these skills. After a short warmup, the class will do a routine focusing on balance,
strength, flexibility & coordination. Stations will often be set up to further develop these elements in each
student at their own pace.
Many different types of equipment will be used such as; different sized balls, jump ropes, hoola hoops,
scooters, ring toss, putt putt, bowling, scoops, paddles, tunnels & beanbags.
If weather permits, the class will go outside and learn other skills including; parachute, relay races (in the grass)
& different ways to use the playground equipment for increased upper body & core strength.
The students will be expected to practice the routine, they will learn in class, at home with their families.
As always, safe FUN will be the main focus of the class! :)
A $5 materials fee is required to help purchase new and replace broken & old equipment. The fee will also be
used toward purchasing award stickers & candy.
K-2 Early Elementary Sports FUNdamentals ($45)
Advisor: Jimmy Lyman
Students will participate in an assortment of age-appropriate games and drills in order to develop a variety of
skills for the sport focus of the month. Students will also be challenging themselves to outperform their prior
benchmarks in an array of challenges. This is a great, low-stress way to introduce kids to key sports.
Materials Fee: $8
K-2 Sign Language Fun ($45)
Advisor: Christie Henson
Sign Language is a beautiful and fun language to learn. I'll help your children learn the alphabet, numbers 1-20,
and basic words. Through games and songs, we'll have fun while learning!
Class fee: $0
K-2 Exploring Creation with Plants & Animals
Advisor: Jewell Landreth
This elementary science class will cover a broad range of scientific topics including how to classify animals,
how plant and animal cells differ and are the same, as well as an introduction to scientific journaling. Every
week will include a science experiment where we will learn the scientific method. Our class will include
Scripture about creation along with scientific vocabulary. The goal of this class will be to provide a lifelong
love of science in students as they learn that God is not only the creator of the world but the Creator of science
as well.
Materials Fee: $10 – includes weekly experiment supplies and a scientific journal for each student.
1-3 Healthy Eating Habits ($45)
Advisor: Jennifer Needham
You’re never too young to learn how to eat healthy! We’ll classify foods into food groups and learn how to
balance them to make a healthy meal. We’ll also talk about organic foods and the differences between nutrientdense foods and those full of empty calories. This course is a broad overview of nutrition for children, and will
include lots of fun, hands-on activities.
View the instructor’s website at
Materials Fee: $8 per student for supplies and snacks.
1-3 Creative Writing ($45)
Advisor: Tori Shaw
Students will fall in love with the art of writing as this class will help them tap into their creativity while
learning the essentials for good writing. We will go on a thrilling adventure each week using songs, games,
make-n-take manipulatives, recipes, poems, and books to help encourage our creativity. Students will take part
in group lessons, vocabulary activities, and independent writing times. We will end each class with a time of
sharing. Your child will need a folder for their writing, crayons or colored pencils, and pencils for each class.
Material Fee: $10
1-3 US “Road” Trip Part I ($45)
Advisor: Lora Cornwall
We will take a fun "road" trip through 25 of the US states this semester and the other 25 states in the spring
semester. We will work on making a giant poster map of the states we study. If your child takes both semesters
of this class, he/she will be able to make a huge poster map of the entire United States. We will learn
interesting facts about each state. Students will make different cool crafts and play exciting games to learn about
each state. Students better "buckle up" because this is going to be one "fast" and exhilarating ride! Please bring
a 3-ring binder, pencils, scissors and crayons/colored pencils to class each week. If you have more than one
class with me, you can use a 3-ring binder with dividers.
Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials for the crafts and games. This
will also covered any books purchased).
1-4 American Girls Club ($45)
Advisor: Kara Dawson
Do you have girls who are in love with the American Girl dolls and stories? Well this class is for her! We will
learn about history, geography, reading, and cooking. Each class will do arts, crafts, and cooking that go along
with each doll studied. Every 3 weeks will have a theme with a certain doll, book, a lesson plan, map, craft, and
food from the specific era. Contact Kara Dawson with any questions at
Materials Fee: $20 (you may also be asked to bring things from home)
2-4 Galloping the Globe ($45)
Advisor: Denise Gallimore
In Galloping the Globe, 2nd – 4th grade students will be introduced to the seven continents and some of the
countries within each continent. Along with studying geography, the students will be introduced to various
historical figures, missionaries, and animals of these countries. Students will not only learn facts about
countries around the globe, but they will experience some of those countries through hands-on crafts and fun,
yummy foods. Throughout the semester as students progress on their virtual global journey, they will make a
cumulative notebook recording all the fun facts they learn.
Supplies: Colored pencils and/or crayons (their preference), scissors, and glue stick
Materials Fee: $10 (to pay for copies, notebooks, craft supplies and recipe ingredients.)
2-6 Choir- Gate City Young Singers- ($45)
Advisor: Tami Fields
"Growing together in Song!"
The Mission of the Gate City Young Singers is to provide quality music instruction
attaining the highest level of artistic excellence through choral music performance.
Singers will have the opportunity to learn music from many different genres: classical, sacred, and broadway
and sing in foreign languages.
This is a performance based group. The students will have performance opportunities.
If you are interested in more performance opportunities PLEASE check our website for more GCYS details and
info: fb: gatecityyoungsingers 336.674.6994
$25 materials fee (includes choir t-shirt)
3-5 Latin Comes Alive ($45)
Advisor: Jewell Landreth
Designed for older elementary students this course will demonstrate the usefulness and prevalence of Latin in
our modern day world. A variety of methods including stories and games will draw the student into learning
Latin vocabulary and phrases. Time will be spend with worksheets and flashcards to reinforce the new concepts
learned. The students will be introduced to looking for Latin, often referred to as a dead language, to find it
alive and well all round us.
Materials Fee: $10 – covers take home materials for review including a Latin journal for each student.
3-5 Exploring Creation with Plants & Animals ($45)
Advisor: Jewell Landreth
This elementary science class will cover a broad range of scientific topics including how to classify animals,
how plant and animal cells differ and are the same, as well as an introduction to scientific journaling. Every
week will include a science experiment where we will learn the scientific method. Our class will include
Scripture about creation along with scientific vocabulary. The goal of this class will be to provide a lifelong
love of science in students as they learn that God is not only the creator of the world but the Creator of science
as well.
Materials Fee: $10 – includes weekly experiment supplies and a scientific journal for each student.
3-5 All the World’s a Stage - Elementary ($45)
Advisor: Tara Raczenski
Do you have a budding “ham” in the family? Does your child LOVE to be in front of people? This
introduction to theater class will be a great fit for them. Through a combination of basic stage instruction,
fundamental public speaking skills, theater games and individual instruction, your child will gain
confidence for their next presentation, recitation, or even an audition. Contact Tara at
3-5 Tangles and Trading Cards: the Art of the Line ($45)
Bonnie Toney
An exciting, challenging and exhilarating introduction to the world of fine art pens and markers! In this class
we will work with fine-line Micron pens and Copic artist’s markers to create Zentangle-based art. In the
process, students will learn not only the techniques necessary to work with these artist’s materials, but also
concepts like light sources and consistent shading, negative space, and giving two-dimensional artwork the
appearance of three dimensions. We will use the techniques we learn to create (among other things) Artist’s
Trading Cards (ATCs), and we will have a “swap session” each week in class. Expect to practice your week’s
techniques as homework, creating at least three ATCs between each class session, which will give you a trading
supply and help refine your control and technique. It takes approximately half an hour to create most ATCs, so
please be willing to commit the time if you sign up for this class. Students will receive their own basic kit of
fine art pens and sketchbook; blank ATCs (in a variety of fine art papers) and other project materials will be
supplied throughout the semester. We will enhance some of our work with other materials including acrylics,
watercolors, and colored pencils.
Materials fee: $30
3-5 Beginning Piano Class ($45)
Advisor: Donna Wilson
Students will learn to read notes in the treble and bass clef. We will play simple melodies on a keyboard that
the family must furnish, and bring to class each week. The small portable keyboard (with an electric plug),
should be have 56-72 keys about (1 yard wide) with full size piano keys. These can often be found at Walmart,
on Craig's List, the Goodwill Store, etc. I will provide all the sheet music, flash cards, games, etc that will be
used in class. The student must be able to recite their ABC’s forward and backward from A-G, and understand
the concepts of above/below, and forward/backwards. There will be homework, and students are expected to
practice regularly to pass off at least one song per week. A class recital will be held during the last class of
the year. STUDENTS MUST BRING A PENCIL TO EVERY CLASS. The students that qualify will be asked
to study private lessons at my studio. Please view
Materials Fee: $15
3-5 It's a Geo-World Part 1- NEW!! ($45)
Advisor: Lora Cornwall
We are going to have an amazing time conducting hands-on activities that integrate mathematics, science,
language arts and social studies. Some examples of projects students will do will be 1) to build a paper tube,
at least 3 cm tall, that will support a person 2) find ways to make polygons stable
3) construct with
straws to make a cube and tetrahedron stable 4) build the tallest structure with 30 straws 5) build a straw bridge
that spans a 30-cm gap and supports a designated amount of grams and 6) compare the capacity of different
containers. These are just a few of the fun projects we will work on during this semester. Students should come
prepared to jump in and understand by doing!! Please bring a 3-ring binder, pencils, scissors and
crayons/colored pencils to class each week. If you have more than one class with me, you can use a 3-ring
binder with dividers.
Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials to conduct different activities
and copies.
3-5 Scientists-NEW ($45)
Advisor: Lora Cornwall
We will have fun exploring God's world of science by conducting many awesome, new experiments. Each
student will be a scientist in this class. We will use the scientific method each week as we perform different
experiments. Our different units will be 1) Space, including a big unit on Earth, 2) Human Body and 3)
Physics/Motion. With our physics/motion unit, students will make containers to cushion an egg in our egg
drop. Come prepared to have a fantastic time learning by conducting experiments each week. Please bring a 3ring binder, pencils, scissors and crayons/colored pencils to class each week. If you have more than one class
with me, you can use a 3-ring binder with dividers.
Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials to conduct different experiments.
This will also cover any books purchased for the units and copies.
3-5 Handbells ($45)
Advisor: Shekinah Walsh
Handbells present an excellent opportunity to explore singing, ear training, dictation, music reading, pitch,
notation on the staff, rhythms, harmony and chords, and composition- all using kid-friendly, colorful handbells!
Music is a great way to promote good math and reading skills as children use some of the same mental
processes to read and compute mathematically. This class will help your child's musical aptitude, give them
more confidence, and help them learn to perform alone and with others as we explore many different genres of
music. Class maximum is 10.
Materials Fee: $8. Contact Shekinah Walsh for more info:
3-5 Lego Physics I ($45)
Advisor: Jason Donath
Basic Lego Physics I will introduce elementary students to physical concepts while building teamwork and
communication skills. The class will focus on hands-on building activities and teamwork, with exposure to
physical concepts behind the operation of various mechanisms. These will include gears, pulleys, levers,
wheels, screws, wedges, cams, and ratchets. The scientific method will be introduced, encouraging students to
learn through inquiry, reasoning, prediction, experimentation, observation, data collection, and critical
thinking. A team based approach will pair students and allow them to work together to complete a project. The
Lego kits will be provided and reused each week.
Materials Fee = $10 (Student Binder - Color)
3-5 Lego Physics II ($45)
Advisor: Jason Donath
Basic Lego Physics II will build on the concepts introduced in Basic Lego Physics I as they tackle more
difficult models, including the use of motors. Students will expand on physical concepts while building
teamwork and communication skills. The class will focus on hands-on building activities, with a more detailed
look at the physical concepts behind the operation of various mechanisms. These will include gears, pulleys,
levers, wheels, screws, wedges, cams, and ratchets. The scientific method will continue to be used, encouraging
students to learn through inquiry, reasoning, prediction, experimentation, observation, data collection, and
critical thinking. A team based approach will pair students and allow them to work together to complete a
project. The Lego kits will be provided and reused each week.
Note: Homework may be assigned to contemplate and draw possible design changes to improve performance,
or to expand on the student’s observations during the experiments.
Materials Fee = $10 (Student Binder - Color)
3-5 Physical Education ($45) Co-ed
Advisor: Blanca Erickson
The class will concentrate on continuing to develop the basic locomotor movements; (walk, run, jump, hop,
gallop, skip, slide, leap) and space awareness. Fun tag games including Octopus, Freeze tag & Line tag will be
played to further develop these skills.
After a short warmup, the class will do a routine to enhance balance, strength, flexibility & coordination.
Stations will often be set up to allow the students to work at their own pace and to further develop these
Noodle hockey will also be introduced to teach good sportsmanship and develop team spirit.
Many different types of equipment will be used including; different sized balls, tunnels, jump ropes, scooters,
ring toss, hoola hoops, bowling, scoops, paddles, balance rope, weight balls & beanbags.
If weather permits, the class will be outside enjoying activities in the grass such as, parachute, relay races &
cross country running. The playground will also be used to develop upper body and core strength.
The students will be expected to practice the routine, learned in class, at home with their families.
As always, safe FUN will be the main focus of the class! :)
A $5 materials/supplies fee is required to help purchase new and replace old or broken equipment. The fee will
also go towards purchasing award stickers & candy.
3-5 IEW Student Writing Intensive Level A ($45)
Advisor: Erin Segers
Recorded live with Mr. Andrew Pudewa, this four-DVD writing course for elementary students new to IEW
lays a solid foundation of writing skills. Over the course of 15–30 weeks, students will learn how to effectively
use a wide range of structural models and stylistic techniques in their compositions, as they write on a variety of
enjoyable fiction and non-fiction topics. Each student will need a copy of the student notebook
( Materials fee: $10
3-5 Elementary Spanish ($45)
Advisor: Lia Farnham
First semester of year-long class. Emphasis is placed on vocabulary, correct use of gender and plurals,
prepositions and correct pronunciation. Through hands-on activities, students will learn such things as the
alphabet, transportation, telling time, community, food, occupations, common expressions, feelings and
emotions. Students will be able to read & write short sentences in Spanish at the end of the course.
Text: Spanish Elementary Level 2 by Elisa Bragg, Venecia Lizarzarburu, and Christina McCoy. ISBN 10:07647-0142-8. Carson-Dellosa.
Supplies: pencil, color pencils, pocket folder, glue stick and scissors.
3-5 Elementary Sports FUNdamentals ($45)
Advisor: Jimmy Lyman
Students will participate in an assortment of age-appropriate games and drills in order to develop a variety of
skills for the sport focus of the month. Students will also be challenging themselves to outperform their prior
benchmarks in an array of challenges. This is a great, low-stress way to introduce kids to key sports.
Materials Fee: $8
3-5 Recorder – ($45)
Advisor: Tami Fields
Each student needs: 1 recorder (student purchase) and 1 Recorder Karate Book (provided)
Yamaha-20-Series-3-Piece-C-Soprano-Recorder (any color is fine)
Students will learn how to read music and perform on the recorder
Minimum: 5 Maximum: 15 students
Materials fee: $25
3-5 Ancient Science ($45)
Advisor: Jeanette White
Combining history with a whole lot of scientific fun, we’re going to dig into the science of ancient times and
unearth amazing discoveries! From Greek lighthouses and Roman bridges to Chinese kites and Mesopotamian
soap, we’ll investigate some of the greatest scientific discoveries and the people who introduced them to the
world. So come join us as we step back in time and take an amazing journey with Ancient Science! ! I believe
science should be hands-on and fun, so class periods will be filled with experiments, visuals and many
opportunities for students to interact and explore that day’s topic in depth.
Texts: None
Materials Fees: $15 for weekly activity materials
3-5 Using Words Wisely ($45)
Advisor: Kimberly Schimmel
Students who already have basic paragraph writing skills will expand their knowledge of sentences and
paragraphs, parts of speech, and punctuation through a variety of writing assignments. Work will include
copying and analyzing paragraphs from excellent literature, writing a how-to article, composing and reciting
poems, writing stories, writing friendly and business letters, and writing a product or book review. Vocabularybuilding games and fun recitations will also be included.
No Materials Fee.
Students will need a bound composition book every week, to be replenished as they fill them up (we will do lots
of writing!) Students must bring pencils or pens to every class.
3-5 Beginner Crochet ($45)
Advisor: Kimberly Schimmel
Students will learn crochet basics: chain stitch, single crochet, half double crochet. Projects will include a
dishcloth and a scarf. Hooks and yarn will be provided for class projects and practice. For success in crochet,
please be sure your student has fine motor skills equivalent to writing somewhat neatly with a regular-sized
pencil and tying shoelaces. Boys are welcome--some of my favorite crochet patterns come from designer Drew
Emborsky, aka “The Crochet Dude!” Minimum of 4 students, maximum of 8.
Materials Fee: $12 covers hooks, yarn needle, and yarn for practice, a dishcloth, and a scarf
Optional Textbook (recommended for its excellent illustrations of techniques): How to Crochet by Sara
Delaney, ISBN-13: 978-1612123929, also available in Kindle version
4-5 NC State History from a Christian Perspective ($45)
Advisor: Connie Keith
Year Long class
This is the first semester of a year-long class using State History from a Christian Perspective by Joy Dean, as
well as completing a student notebook. The class involves reading together, discussion, doing student hands-on
activities in class, games, etc. as they study interesting facts, geographic features, history, industry, people and
places. The work is done in class with the only homework being 1-2 short reports for Spring Semester.
Minimum 4 students; maximum of 10. Advisor contact: or 813-0744.
Required Books by first day of class: State History from a Christian Perspective grades
3-12 Student book and My State Notebook.
Materials Fee: $6 (for food relevant to subject, puzzle pages, prizes for games, field trip, etc.)
Other supplies: Colored pencils/markers, scissors, glue stick, and pencil
4-6 Advanced Crochet ($50)
Advisor: Kimberly Schimmel
Students who can already chain and work rows in single, half-double, or double crochet will continue with
crochet basics and learn to increase decrease, and work in the round. Projects will include a round dishcloth or
doily, a hat, and a pillow cover or baby blanket. Hooks and yarn will be provided for class projects and practice.
Minimum of 4 students, maximum of 8.
Materials Fee: $ 20 for hooks and yarn for class projects
Required Textbook: How to Crochet by Sara Delaney, ISBN-13: 978-1612123929, also available for Kindle
4-6 American Girls Club ($50)
Advisor: Kara Dawson
Do you have girls who are in love with the American Girl dolls and stories? Well this class is for her! We will
learn about history, geography, reading, and cooking. Each class will do arts, crafts, and cooking that go along
with each doll studied. Every 3 weeks will have a theme with a certain doll, book, a lesson plan, map, craft, and
food from the specific era. The students will need to do reading before each class. I will ask discussion
questions about the books we are reading. I recommend they own the books, but they can borrow them or use
the library. Contact Kara Dawson with any questions at
Materials Fee: $20 (you may also be asked to bring things from home)
4-6 Musical Theatre ($50)
Advisor: Donna Wilson
Students will memorize a” mini-version” of a Broadway musical like, "Joseph's Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat" or “Godspell”. A five minute audition will qualify them for entrance to the class. They will need to
sing a song they know like “Happy Birthday” or “Jesus Loves Me”, and match pitches/rhythms that I will sing
or play on the piano. We will memorize songs, script, and perform movement in a very short period of time! I
will provide the lyrics, script, props, and costumes. A CD of the music will be given to each student to
memorize at least one song per week. Auditions for the solo/acting parts will be held during class. Students
must quickly memorize their solo/script to participate in the final production at HPHE Showcase. Students will
learn professional performance etiquette. If you are shy or unmotivated, this is not the class for you. We will
work hard and fast, but we will have a blast! Please view
Materials Fee $15
4-6 Heroes Of The Faith ($50)
Advisor: Connie Keith
Using the book series Hero Tales by Dave and Neta Jackson and resources from YWAM, we will read and learn
about many missionaries through the semester. We'll read about their lives, experiences, and places they served.
Using discussion, activities such as puzzles on character qualities, native food on some occasions, etc., I hope to
help students see them in a personal way as everyday people God called to serve.
Please have pencil and markers available for class.
Materials Fee: $6. Will let parents know during the semester should the students need other things. No text
book is required.
Purchasing your own copy of Hero Tales is completely optional.
4-6 Classroom Rhythm and Blues Band ($50)
Advisor: Shekinah Walsh
Your child will be singing the blues while keeping the joy of the Lord as they learn about the blues and its
history, blues musical form, and chords. We will use classroom instruments to cover basic blues chord
progressions and compose blues tunes of our own. We will cover music notes and rhythmic notation, and apply
that knowledge in our music. Each student will be expected to complete homework assignments weekly, and
will perform simple to more complex music lines (depending on ability level) on several instruments. Class
maximum is 10. Contact Shekinah Walsh for more info:
Materials fee is $12.
4-7 Cake Decorating ($50)
Advisor: Shanya Wesselink
This class will be an introduction to cake decorating and here are some of the things we will cover. Icing
basics – different types and when to use them as well as a demonstration on how to make frosting. How to use
and fill decorating bags, couplers and decorating tips. We will also cover how to prepare, level, crumb coat,
store and serve cakes! Most of time will be spent learning how to create different patterns, designs and flowers
out of frosting and some fondant.
I will provide all the frosting and the cakes, cupcakes and or cookies we will be using in class. Each student will
be asked to provide a final class project of decorated cupcakes that we will handed out on the last day of classes
to students as they leave. You will need to provide the cupcakes for that day but I will provide the frosting and
such. More details on that towards the end of the semester.
The supply fee will be used to provide an icing bag and coupler for your student and will be for them to keep. I
will also provide all the frosting, cakes and other supplies that I mentioned above that we will use in class.
Please note that we will NOT have cake every week:)
Also, t hey will want to have a pencil and paper each week just in case. Minimum 4 students; maximum of
If you have any questions please contact me or 899-0028 (text is fine)
Materials Fee: $25
6-8 All the World’s a Stage - Middle School ($60)
Advisor: Tara Raczenski
Middle school can be a time of “drama” - this class will help direct all of those emotions, expressions, and
creativity into something fun and instructional. Through a combination of basic stage instruction, movement
exercises, presentation skills, and improvisation, your student will leave this class better prepared to perform,
present, and communicate. Contact Tara at
6-8 Book Club ($60)
Advisor: Erin Segers
This class will seek to engage its participants in literature through reading at a leisurely level. We will enjoy
reading together and discussing the books. Some reading at home may be required. Students will need a copy
of each book; books can be either a purchased copy, a kindle edition, or borrowed from the library.
This semester we will be reading our way through Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Book 1: The Lightning
Thief (ISBN 0786838655) and Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Book 2: The Sea of Monsters (ISBN
1423103343). We will compare and contrast each book with its respective movie as the culminating activity of
each novel. Movie reviews can be found here: and here:
Materials fee: $0
6-8 Musical Theatre ($60)
Advisor: Donna Wilson
Students will memorize a” mini-version” of a Broadway musical like, "Joseph's Amazing Technicolor
Dreamcoat" or “Godspell”. A five- minute audition will qualify them for entrance to the class. They will need to
sing a song they know like “Happy Birthday” or “Jesus Love Me”, and match pitches/rhythms that I will sing or
play on the piano. We will memorize songs, script, and perform movement in a very short period of time! I will
provide the lyrics, script, props, and costumes. A CD of the music will be given to each student to memorize at
least one song per week. Auditions for the solo/acting parts will be held during class. Students must quickly
memorize their solo/script to participate in the final production. Students will learn professional performance
etiquette. If you are shy or unmotivated, this is not the class for you. We will work hard and fast, but we will
have a blast! Please view
Materials Fees $15
6-8 Inventors & Inventions ($60)
Advisor: Jeanette White
From antiquity to modern day, ordinary and extraordinary people have altered the course of history through
their ideas, discoveries and inventions. Some inventions were made by purely “by accident” and others took a
lifetime! We will study some of these early and modern day inventors and take a close-up, hands-on look at the
inventions that actually changed the world both then and now! I believe science should be hands-on and fun,
so class periods will be filled with experiments, visuals and many opportunities for students to interact and
explore that day’s topic in depth. Texts: None
Materials Fees: $15 for weekly activity materials
6-8 IEW Student Writing Intensive Level B ($60)
Advisor: Erin Segers
Recorded live with Mr. Andrew Pudewa, this four-DVD writing course for middle school students new to IEW
lays a solid foundation of writing skills. Over the course of 15–30 weeks, students will learn how to effectively
use a wide range of structural models and stylistic techniques in their compositions, as they write on a variety of
enjoyable fiction and non-fiction topics.
Materials Needed: Each student will need a copy of the student notebook
Materials fee: $10
6-8 Advanced Lego Physics- Pneumatics & Energy ($60)
Advisors: Jason Donath
Advanced Lego Physics focusing on Pneumatics and Energy will introduce middle school students to
mathematical models behind physical concepts while building teamwork and communication skills. The class
will focus on team-based problem solving, model design, and building activities, with an emphasis on the
physical concepts behind the operation of pneumatic systems and renewable energy. During the pneumatic
portion of the class, mechanisms will be used in design, and will include air tanks, pistons, pumps, valves,
manometers, and tubes. During the renewable energy portion of the class, students will be introduced to
concepts such as potential and kinetic energy, as well as renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and
water. The scientific method will be utilized, encouraging students to learn through reasoning, prediction,
experimentation, observation, data collection, and critical thinking. The Lego kits will be provided and reused
each week.
Students should expect physics lessons which will focus on the mathematical concepts behind pneumatic
systems and energy generation.
Quizzes may be given to assess the students’ grasp of presented material, and to allow the instructor to revisit
concepts that were not understood.
A moderate amount of writing is required to document experiment results, and it is expected that documentation
be completed in complete thoughts/sentences. Homework may be assigned to contemplate and draw possible
design changes to improve performance, or to expand on the student’s observations during the experiments.
Materials Fee = $10 (Student Binder - Color)
6-8 Tangles and Trading Cards: the Art of the Line ($60)
Advisor: Bonnie Toney
An exciting, challenging and exhilarating introduction to the world of fine art pens and markers! In this class
we will work with fine-line Micron pens and Copic artist’s markers to create Zentangle-based art. In the
process, students will learn not only the techniques necessary to work with these artist’s materials, but also
concepts like light sources and consistent shading, negative space, and giving two-dimensional artwork the
appearance of three dimensions. We will use the techniques we learn to create (among other things) Artist’s
Trading Cards (ATCs), and we will have a “swap session” each week in class. Expect to practice your week’s
techniques as homework, creating at least four ATCs between each class session, which will give you a trading
supply and help refine your control and technique. It takes approximately half an hour to create most ATCs, so
please be willing to commit the time if you sign up for this class. Students will receive their own basic kit of
fine art pens and sketchbook; blank ATCs (in a variety of fine art papers) and other project materials will be
supplied throughout the semester. We will enhance some of our work with other materials including acrylics,
watercolors, and colored pencils.
Materials fee: $30
6-8 4-Stroke Engines ($60)
Advisor: Mandie Rose
This course is mostly hands-on, and covers the disassembly and reassembly of a Briggs and Stratton
lawnmower engine. Students will be paired with a classmate and an engine, to learn the four-stroke cycle, parts
and tool identification and functionality, mechanical concepts, advanced mathematical applications, and more
diagnostics. Take home work will include vocabulary and parts review and alternative applications for
introduced concepts. Material fees cover gaskets, oil, rags, gloves, protective eyewear, and miscellaneous
classroom tools.
Materials Fee: $20
6-8 Advanced Lego Physics – Machines ($60)
Advisor: Jason Donath
Advanced Lego Physics focusing on Machines will introduce middle school students to mathematical models
behind physical concepts while building teamwork and communication skills. The class will focus on teambased problem solving, model design, and building activities, with an emphasis on the physical concepts behind
the operation of various mechanisms. Mechanisms will be used in design, and will include gears, pulleys,
levers, wheels, screws, wedges, cams, and ratchets. The scientific method will be utilized for the first half of the
semester, encouraging students to learn through reasoning, prediction, experimentation, observation, data
collection, and critical thinking. The second half of the semester will focus on designing a solution to a
problem using physical mechanisms and creativity. A team based approach will pair students and allow them to
work together to complete a project. The Lego kits will be provided and reused each week.
Students should expect physics lessons which will focus on the mathematical concepts behind simple machines
during the first half of the semester. The second half of the semester will focus on problem solving and
application of mechanical concepts. The entire semester will include model building and testing.
Quizzes will be given to assess the students’ grasp of presented material, and to allow the instructor to revisit
concepts that were not understood.
A moderate amount of writing is required to document experiment results, and it is expected that documentation
be completed in complete thoughts/sentences. Homework may be assigned to contemplate and draw possible
design changes to improve performance, or to expand on the student’s observations during the experiments.
Materials Fee = $10 (Student Binder - Color)
6-8 Mini Weapons of War ($60)
Advisor: Christine Henson
What do a crossbow, a catapult, nunchucks, darts, a Boomarang, and a katana have in common? In some
capacity or another, all of these have been used as weapons. We'll create mini versions of these and others using
household items. PLEASE NOTE: This class requires lots of fine motor skill - holding two objects together
while taping, wrapping rubber bands around objects to hold them together, intricate cutting, and more. If your
child does not enjoy crafts or crafty projects, this class may not be enjoyable for him or her. Although the end
results are fun, getting there requires lots of "engineering" work and following multistep directions.
Materials Fee: $10 for supplies (I will keep a list of supply costs.)
Class limit: 7
6-8 Middle School Science Lab ($90)
Advisor: Nora Hall
This will be an all-lab class with discussion. There will be some terminology each week to go with the labs.
The goal is to cover basic physical science and some chemistry. We will do two to three labs weekly and
discuss the results and vocabulary. This is an all-hands-on class with minimal written work and no tests. No
textbook needed.
Materials Fee: $35 for lab supplies
6-8 Middle School Grammar Fundamentals & Literature ($90)
Advisor: Suzy Vaile
For the first half of class, we will be studying grammar. We will have an in-depth study on the eight parts of
speech. Additionally, we will study the writing process, making an outline, the paragraph, book
reports, and
improving writing style.
Required Text: Abeka Grammar and Composition II Code Number 138258
Do you want to foster a love for reading and literature in your middle school student? Let the adventure begin!
We will be using Total Language Plus for our Middle School students.
We will select two classic novels for each semester, and it will cover reading, comprehension, spelling,
grammar, vocabulary, writing, listening, and analytical and critical thinking with a Christian perspective. The
wonderful aspect of these literature guides is that the spelling and grammar are related to what the students are
reading in the book, so they are relevant to the student. Year-long class.
Texts: Total Language Plus Student Workbooks (teacher provided). Students are required to have 2 novels
they can get from library or may buy them for around $10 combined.
Material Fee: $12 (to cover complete copies of both literature guides for the semester)
6-8 Around the World Geography ($60)
Advisor: Christina Griffith
Year-long Class We’re off on a round-the-world trip at the most affordable rate possible. We’ll explore the
environments, cultures, people, and famous landmarks of some of the most interesting countries on the globe.
Students will create notebooks of their research, map diagrams, drawings and art projects. We’ll even try some
delicacies from various lands along the way. This is a year-long course. Fall semester will cover countries in
North America, South America, and Europe. Spring semester will cover countries in Africa, Asia, Australia,
and Antarctica.
Answer Atlas, Rand McNally
Uncle Josh’s Outline Map Book or CD-ROM, 2008 Ed.
Materials Fee: $5
6-9 Investigating Electricity ($60)
Advisor: Lia Farnham
This class is designed to introduce students to the knowledge of electricity and develop their science
investigative skills through hands-on activities. Emphasis is placed on applying the scientific method, learning
the history of electrical exploration, what is electricity, build simple circuits, snap circuits, parallel and series of
circuits, differentiate conductors/insulators, build an electroscope, magnets, electromagnetism, electric motors,
make batteries using different materials, watts, understanding Ohm’s Law, make a compass, draw diagrams of
electric circuits, breadboards, and more!
Material Fee: $10
Supplies: Safety goggles, binder, pencil, colored pencils, ruler, and scissors.
6-9 Pre-Algebra AT YOUR PACE, Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY! ($60)
Advisor: Marybeth Lovette
This is a year-long course. This course is designed to move through Pre-Algebra at a comfortable speed, with
extra tutoring provided. Teaching Textbooks is a curriculum written for homeschoolers to use independently.
This curriculum prepares students for high school math courses. If your child has ever shed tears over math,
then this is just the class for them.
Text Required: Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY
Materials Fee: $0
7-12 Choir- Gate City Young Singers- GIRLS ONLY ($60)
Advisor: Tami Fields
"Growing together in Song!"
The Mission of the Gate City Young Singers is to provide quality music instruction
attaining the highest level of artistic excellence through choral music performance.
Singers will have the opportunity to learn music from many different genres: classical, sacred, and broadway
and sing in foreign languages.
This is a performance based group. The students will have performance opportunities.
If you are interested in more performance opportunities PLEASE check our website for more GCYS details and
info: fb: gatecityyoungsingers 336.674.6994
$25 Materials Fee (includes choir t-shirt).
6-12 Girls Physical Education ($60)
Advisor: Blanca Erickson
Lifetime physical fitness will be the class focus. This will include balance, strength, flexibility, endurance, &
After a jump rope or active warmup, the girls will go through a stretching/strengthening routine which will
include the legs, arms, & core. Fun games such as, line tag, noodle hockey & dodgeball will enhance their
locomotor skills, endurance, and space awareness.
Stations will often be set up to allow the girls to develop their individual skills at their own pace.
Many different types of equipment will be used such as; different sized balls, jump ropes, scooters, ring toss,
hoola hoops, bowling, scoops, paddles, badminton, balance rope, weight balls & juggling beanbags.
If weather permits, the girls will walk/jog around the church, learn parachute activities, play volleyball, have
relay races & work on arm & core strength using the playground equipment.
Each girl will be expected to keep a fitness log showing her daily fitness activities.
They will share their logs with the class.
Material Fee; $5 is required to help purchase new and replace old or broken equipment. The fee will also cover
the purchasing of fun awards & candy.
6-12 Performing Literature-Oral Interpretation ($60)
Advisor: Kimberly Schimmel
This one-semester course teaches the art of storytelling, poetry recitation, and group performance of literature.
The course may be repeated once, as different performance projects will be chosen each semester.
No Materials Fee.
Students will need a notebook and a pocket folder dedicated to this class.
Required Textbook: Performing Literature Student Text, BJU Press ISBN-13: 978-1-60682-235-7
6-12 Sewing Levels I & II 10:30-11:55 ($90)
Advisor: Sibylline Davis
This class gives the basics to those who are just starting an interest in sewing and have never sewn before and
those who would like to improve what they already know. This class is designed to work with each student
according to their experience.
Maybe your interest is not sewing from patterns and fabric. You may want to reconstruct an old garment or up
cycle an old pair of jeans into a skirt, handbag or shorts. Turn an old t-shirt into a dress or pillow, a pillow case
into a pillow or a shopping bag. There is so much more to sewing than just making a garment to wear. You can
make crafts, simple pieces for your home, kitchen, or bathroom, there are endless possibilities. Enjoy giving
something old new life. Whatever your choice is, we can make it happen. A sewing machine is required for all
students. The first class project supplies will be furnished. Students are expected to do a secondary project after
completing their class project. This can be a garment or craft of their choice. The student will bring fabric and
pattern for these projects, and notions specific to that project. If the student chooses to up cycle, this item must
come from home also.
Materials Fee: $15 (will include a starter kit with a tote and will cover materials used for small class projects)
6-12 Healthy Eating Habits ($60)
Advisor: Jennifer Needham
This class will cover basic nutrition concepts and will develop critical-thinking skills to help kids make healthy
food choices. We’ll be reading The Omnivore's Dilemma: The Secrets Behind What You Eat, Young Readers
Edition by Michael Pollan. (ISBN-10: 0803735006) There will be assigned reading each week, classroom
discussion and activities, and some written assignments as well.
“What’s for dinner?” seemed like a simple question—until journalist and supermarket detective Michael Pollan
delved behind the scenes. From fast food and big organic to small farms and old-fashioned hunting
and gathering, this young readers’ adaptation of Pollan’s famous food-chain exploration encourages
kids to consider the personal and global health implications of their food choices. The Omnivore’s
Dilemma serves up a bold message to the generation that needs it most: It’s time to take charge of our
national eating habits—and it starts with you.
View the instructor’s website at
Materials Fee: $5. Students will also need to bring a copy of the book we’re reading to the first class.
6-12 Middle & High School Sports FUNdamentals ($60)
Advisor: Jimmy Lyman
Students will participate in an assortment of age-appropriate games and drills in order to develop a variety of
skills for the sport focus of the month. Students will also be challenging themselves to outperform their prior
benchmarks in an array of challenges. This is a great, low-stress way to introduce kids to key sports.
Materials Fee: $8
6-12 Spanish I ($60)
Advisor: Lia Farnham
First semester of year-long class. This class is designed to introduce students to the Spanish Language.
Emphasis is placed on basic vocabulary, verb conjugations, greetings, grammatical structures, correct
pronunciation, reading and developing conversational ability. Students will be exposed to the Latin American
culture, as well as the history and geography of Spanish speaking countries.
Projects for this semester: Research on a Spanish speaking country of your choice.
Texts: Spanish I- BJU Press (1st or 2nd edition) and Activities Manual Spanish I - BJU Press (1st or 2nd
Supplies: pen, pencil, notebook paper
Pre Requirements: Understanding basic English grammar and the ability to identify parts of speech.
7-10 Leave the Drama with your Mama ($60)
Advisor: Suzy Vaile
Have you ever wanted to learn the art of speaking and performing in front of an audience? The objectives of
this class are to discover the fundamentals of improvisational speaking, improve your storytelling skills, learn
techniques to think quickly on your feet, and to be more creative. This lively, fun course is designed for the
student who wants to learn the essentials of good scenic improvisation or anyone who wants to improve their
teamwork or communication skills. Through a variety of exercises,and basic short-form scene work, you will
learn how to be more spontaneous, confident, and how to listen in a fun, creative atmosphere. The students will
not only perform together in class, they will help write short skits to complete in a group as well.
Materials Fee: $0
7-12 Spanish II ($60)
Advisor: Lia Farnham
First semester of year-long class. Students will continue building on previous concepts. Emphasis on grammar,
present tense, noun-adjective agreement, forms of past tenses, possession and present participles, prepositions
of place, comparisons and negative compound tenses, etc. Students will have an opportunity to communicate in
everyday situations like ordering at restaurants, shopping, etc. Students will learn more about Latin American
countries not covered in Spanish 1.
Project for this semester: Write a simple Spanish kids storybook and illustrate it.
Text: Spanish 2-BJU Press (2nd edition)
Supplies: pen, pencil, writing paper
Pre Requirements: Have successfully completed Spanish 1 course.
7-12 Hand Embroidery ($60)
Advisor: Lori Reiffer
This class will consist of learning basic embroidery stitches and progressing to learn new stitches each week.
We will put these new techniques into use by working on a project than each student can take home. If there is
time permitting we will also do a small cross stitch pattern. We will also talk about the history of this craft.
All supplies will be provided in class. After completing our project the student may want to purchase and
work on something of their own choosing.
Materials Fee: $10
7-12 grades Ukulele ($60)
Advisor: Tami Fields
Each student needs: 1 Ukulele (student purchase) and 1 Ukulele Book (student purchase)
Students will learn how to read music and perform proficiently on the ukulele.
Required Materials
1. One soprano (smallest ukulele), or one concert (medium-sized), or one tenor (largest size) NO TOY
ukuleles can be used!
2. The tuning should be G, C, E, A.
3. One Clip-on tuner. Snark Tuners work well. Any of the Snarks work with ukulele, Yes, any of the
various models, so get the one you want.
4. Ukulele in the Classroom Book 1 C6 Tuning - Student Edition
*Can be obtained online at Amazon.
Materials Fee: $25
8-12 Algebra 1 ($60)
Advisor: Jacquelyn Trost
First semester of a full year class. This class covers beginning algebra and geometry concepts, including
graphing, radicals, polynomials, and solving algebraic equations.
Texts: Algebra 1, 3rd edition (Saxon)
Algebra 1 Test Forms (Saxon)
Note: Rainbow Resources sells a Home School Study Kit, which includes the textbook, test forms, and
an answer key.
Materials Fee: none
Pre-requisite: Pre-algebra. This could be either Saxon Algebra 1/2 or pre-algebra using another math
Supply List: texts listed above, notebook or 3-ring binder with paper, scientific calculator
8-12 Critical Thinking ($60)
Advisor: Suzy Vaile
Has your student ever said, “I just don’t get it,” or give you answers like, “whatever” or “I don’t care”, or “fine”
(my personal favorite) when you ask them a specific question? It may not be because they just aren’t interested;
it could be they need a little brain training. Like any of the muscles in the body, the brain needs to be trained to
maximize its potential. In this class we will be learning skills to help the student analyze and think critically, as
well as process information and retain it. These exercises will help not only with many areas of school, but also
with making decisions and completing day to day tasks. We will be doing fun exercises that will strengthen the
brain, and will be challenging, yet fun!
8-12 Cake Decorating ($60)
This class will be an introduction to cake decorating and here are some of the things we will cover. Icing
basics – different types and when to use them as well as a demonstration on how to make frosting. How to use
and fill decorating bags, couplers and decorating tips. We will also cover how to prepare, level, crumb coat,
store and serve cakes! Most of time will be spent learning how to create different patterns, designs and flowers
out of frosting and some fondant.
I will provide all the frosting and the cakes, cupcakes and or cookies we will be using in class. Each student will
be asked to provide a final class project of decorated cupcakes that we will handed out on the last day of classes
to students as they leave. You will need to provide the cupcakes for that day but I will provide the frosting and
such. More details on that towards the end of the semester.
The supply fee will be used to provide an icing bag and coupler for your student and will be for them to keep. I
will also provide all the frosting, cakes and other supplies that I mentioned above that we will use in class.
Please note that we will NOT have cake every week:)
Also, they will want to have a pencil and paper each week just in case. Minimum 4 students; maximum of 10.
If you have any questions please contact me or 899-0028 (text is fine)
Materials Fee: $25
9-12 Prepping for College ($60)
Advisor: Denise Gallimore
If your student is in high school, college is just around the corner. This class is designed to offer high schoolers
some hints, hacks, and advice that will help them prepare for the transition to college. Students will explore
some scholarship options, scoop up some study tips to help on those college entrance exams, think through how
to prioritize and organize a schedule for better time management, and practice some skills that college
professors expect to see in college writing assignments.
Materials fee: $5(to cover the cost of copies)
9-12 All the World’s a Stage - High School ($60)
Advisor: Tara Raczenski
This high school level class will encompass areas of individual speaking, stage presence and purposeful
movement as well as focus on the skills required to do ensemble work, short skits and scene analysis.
Comedic timing and dramatic interpretation will also be highlighted. No theater experience is required, but
budding thespians are always welcome! ContaTara at
9-12 4-Stroke Engines ($60)
Advisor: Mandie Rose
This course is mostly hands-on, and covers the disassembly and reassembly of a Briggs and Stratton
lawnmower engine. Students will be paired with a classmate and an engine, to learn the four-stroke cycle, parts
and tool identification and functionality, mechanical concepts, advanced mathematical applications, and more
diagnostics. Take home work will include vocabulary and parts review and alternative applications for
introduced concepts. Material fees cover gaskets, oil, rags, gloves, protective eyewear, and miscellaneous
classroom tools.
Materials Fee: $20
9-12 Writing for 100 Days and Beyond
Advisor: Christina Griffith
This course will help students develop elements of composition for writing fiction, poetry, everyday types of
writing, and essays. We will start by working on various paragraph elements from basic grammar to strong
sentence construction. Elements of fiction writing will include character creation, setting, plot, dialogue, and
point of view. Poetry and poetry forms we will work on include haiku, limericks, sonnets, and free verse. We
will practice everyday types of writing such as letters, editorials, advertisements, and several others. We will
conclude the semester with constructing various forms of essays to communicate with thoughtful, fluid
Texts: Writing for 100 Days (first semester)
Materials Fee: $5 for worksheets
9-12 On The Scene: From Literature To Film
Advisor: Christina Griffith
Both written stories and film can enhance our lives and change our culture. We will view 3 quality, enriching
films in class, followed by the reading of the books to discover the similarities and differences between the
elements of the written stories versus the film versions. This course will give students the tools to appreciate
good books more fully, while also equipping them with the ability to discern underlying messages in both books
and movies. Student participation in class discussion will be important. Movies/books we will analyze are
Animal Farm, The Book Thief, and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Students will need to have copies of each
book. Written assignments will include reviews, comparisons and contrasts, identification of literary devices
used, and short essays.
Materials Fee: $5 for worksheets
9-12 Great American Short Stories ($60)
Advisor: Christina Griffith
Telling and understanding stories has been important for enriching cultures through the centuries. Processing
the elements of these stories with others is important for enriching our lives and the lives of those around us. In
this class, we will explore the various literary devices in a selection of short stories. Student participation in
class discussion will be important. Assignments will include brief essays, book reviews, poems, character
sketches, and reader’s theatre in the classroom. Students will become acquainted with some of the most
talented writers of short stories, including de Maupassant, Fitzgerald, Hawthorne, London, Melville, O. Henry,
Poe, and Thurber.
Materials Fee: $10 for worksheets and reader’s theatre scripts
9-12 Life Science /Biology w Lab ($60)
Advisor: Starsha Baynes
This is a year long class. Join the fun as we explore LIFE. This class covers basic Biology concepts. Each
student will build their science notebook with lab journals, homework, and discussion handouts. Test will be
given periodically. This class will count towards a high school Biology credit. Included in this class will be
some Human Anatomy and Physiology. Labs will include: a cows eye, a frog, fetal pig, etc.
No textbook is required.- Access to the internet will be needed at home, to complete required homework
Material Fee: $25
9-12 Tangles and Trading Cards: the Art of the Line ($60)
Advisor: Bonnie Toney
An exciting, challenging and exhilarating introduction to the world of fine art pens and markers! In this class
we will work with fine-line Micron pens and Copic artist’s markers to create Zentangle-based art. In the
process, students will learn not only the techniques necessary to work with these artist’s materials, but also
concepts like light sources and consistent shading, negative space, and giving two-dimensional artwork the
appearance of three dimensions. We will use the techniques we learn to create (among other things) Artist’s
Trading Cards (ATCs), and we will have a “swap session” each week in class. Expect to practice your week’s
techniques as homework, creating at least five ATCs between each class session, which will give you a trading
supply and help refine your control and technique. It takes approximately half an hour to create most ATCs, so
please be willing to commit the time if you sign up for this class. Students will receive their own basic kit of
fine art pens and sketchbook; blank ATCs (in a variety of fine art papers) and other project materials will be
supplied throughout the semester. We will enhance some of our work with other materials including acrylics,
watercolors, and colored pencils.
Materials fee: $30
9-12 Total Health ($60)
One semester course
Advisor: Starsha Baynes
Physical Health+ Mental Health+ Social Health+ Spiritual Health= TOTAL HEALTH
Join us as we study the exciting aspects of health. No textbook is required but access to a Bible and the internet
will be needed for homework requirements. Through our research we will create a health notebook. Unit 1Physical health we will study about the human body and the different systems involved. We will talk about
nutrition, fitness, and diseases. Unit 2- Mental health we will study about stress, managing lifestyles, and
friendships. Unit 3- Social Health we will study hygiene, first aid, attitude, and family and friend relationships.
Unit 4- Spiritual health we will study building our spiritual muscles and reaching our full potential.
Material fee: $15
9-12 Algebra I At Your Pace (Teaching Textbooks) FIRST EDITION ONLY! ($90)
Advisor: Marybeth Lovette
This is a year-long course. This course is designed to move through Algebra 1 at a comfortable speed with extra
tutoring provided. Teaching Textbooks is a curriculum written for homeschoolers to use independently. TT
includes a high school level math course with ACT/SAT questions built into each lesson. Focus will be given to
assist each and every student to have success at their level. If your child has ever shed tears over math or used
the expression, “I hate Math!” then this might be just the class for you and your child.
Text Required: Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY
Material Fee: $0
9-12 Geometry AT YOUR PACE Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY! ($60)
Advisor: Marybeth Lovette
This is a year-long course. This course is for students who have struggled with math in the past. We move at a
comfortable pace and include extra tutoring as needed during the semester. We engage in classroom activities,
as well as work many practice lessons together. If your child has ever shed tears over math, then is just the class
for them.
Test Required: Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY
Materials Fee: $0
9-12 Algebra II AT YOUR PACE, Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY! ($90)
Advisor: Marybeth Lovette
This is a year-long course. This course is designed to move through Algebra II at a comfortable speed, with
extra tutoring provided. Teaching Textbooks is a curriculum written for homeschoolers to use independently.
TT includes a high school-level math course with ACT/SAT questions built into each lesson. Focus will be
given to assist each and every student to have success at their level. If you have been struggling with math over
the years and need something that works with your level of ability, then you may find Teaching Textbooks to be
an answer to your math dilemma!
Text Required: Teaching Textbooks FIRST EDITION ONLY
Material Fee: $0
9-12 Chemistry with Lab 10:30-11:55 ($90)
Advisor: Rachel Biagioli
This year long, one and one-half hour class covers basic chemistry concepts and lab work with an emphasis on
preparing the student for college level chemistry. Daily reading assignments, questions, and tests will be given
for homework while the weekly class time will be used for lab work, a concise teaching of all the important
concepts in the chapter with an emphasis on the difficult concepts, and test review as needed.
Prerequisite: Algebra I
Text: Apologia Exploring Creation with Chemistry (2nd edition) Textbook and Solutions and Test Manual
Materials Fee: $30 for the year (includes all needed equipment and supplies for lab work)
9-12 U.S. History Survey I ($60)
Advisor: Nora Hall
This is a full year high school US History Course to be followed by Survey of US History II. It is a year-long
high school level course covering the history of the United States from exploration to pre civil war. The
curriculum is set up specifically for a homeschool co-op type program. This is an hour long lecture class with at
home questions and essays for each unit.
Textbooks needed: All American History Vol I Student Reader. Books can be purchased at
or Barnes & Noble. Used copies are also acceptable
Materials Fee: none
9-12 Survey of US History II ($60)
Advisor: Nora Hall
This is a full year high school US History course to follow US History Survey I (or previous US History
class that was offered by Nora Hall at HPHE) This course covers the history of the United States from Civil
War to present. The curriculum is set up specifically for a homeschool co-op type program. This is an hour
long lecture class with home questions and essays for each unit.
Text: All American History Volume II Student Reader. Can be purchased on or Barnes & Noble.
Materials Fee: $0
9-12 Physical Science 2:00-3:30 ($90)
Advisor: Nora Hall
This is a full-year high school physical science course. We will be using the Apologia curriculum. Class time
will include lecture, hands on lab time, and time to work on weekly assignments. Students will be expected to
do assignments at home, and parents will need solutions manual to grade assignments before coming to class.
Textbooks: Apologia Physical Science textbook, solutions manual and tests.
Material/Lab fees: Fall semester $40, spring semester $20
9-12 Algebra 2 ($60)
Advisor: Jacquelyn Trost
First semester of a full year class. This class covers advanced algebra and geometry concepts, including the
quadratic formula, simultaneous equations, non-linear equations, beginning trigonometry, polar coordinates,
vectors, and complex numbers.
Texts: Algebra 2, 3rd edition (Saxon)
Algebra 2 Test Forms (Saxon)
Note: Rainbow Resources sells a Home School Study Kit, which includes the textbook, test forms, and
an answer key.
Materials Fee: none
Pre-requisite: Algebra 1
Supply List: texts listed above, notebook or 3-ring binder with paper, scientific calculator
9-12 U.S. Government/Economics ($60)
Advisor: Suzy Vaile
Exploring Government is a one-semester high school course that provides a half-year credit in government.
Lessons cover Federal, state, and local government and also contemporary issues in government. Special
emphasis is placed on the Biblical basis for government and on the U.S. Constitution. Each of the fifteen units is
intended to be studied for one week.What the student is to do each day and each week is clearly outlined. The
Unit Introduction page gives a brief overview of the unit, the lessons in that unit, and a suggestion for an
activity that is relevant to that unit. Most of these activities are writing ideas, but some take a different form.
The activities are designed to help the student think about and interact with the ideas that he or she is studying.
Materials Fee: A $5 copy fee to copy the tests and study guides for each semester.
Texts for Fall:
Exploring Government
We Hold These Truths
9-12 Auto Upkeep ($60)
Advisor: Mandie Rose
This course is intended to provide you with the knowledge to make economical decisions and take preventative
measures to enhance the overall satisfaction of being an automotive consumer.
The class discussions and lab activities provide the fundamental knowledge and experience in owning and
maintaining an automobile.
This course is designed to provide you with the necessary environment and interactions to advance your
knowledge and understanding in owning, maintaining, and repairing the automobile.
This course includes in-class activities and lab/shop activities. In-class activities include lectures, discussions,
student presentations, and research. Lab/shop activities include completing designated procedures that involve
inspection, replacement, and identification of automotive components. During lab/shop activities you will apply
knowledge obtained from in-class discussions and readings to further advance your understanding of the
From the Advisor:
The material fee covers the purchase of the Auto Upkeep take-home workbook and instructional materials.
Optionally, you may purchase the textbook for yourself for $24 from the website at You may also download a sample copy of the first lesson text,
workbook, power points, and tests at that link. We will be consolidating some lessons, and spending more time
on important lessons. This course counts for ½ to 1 credit, depending on how much homework is completed by
the student. Tools and safety equipment will be provided.
Material Fee $25
9-12 Christian Worldviews ($60)
Advisor:Dustin Segers
This class provides a critical examination of the major worldviews with a discussion of their relationship to the
Christian worldview. It is specifically designed to prepare students to respectfully engage people from nonChristian backgrounds.
Materials fee: $0
10-12 Advanced Mathematics 2:00-3:30 ($90)
Advisor: Jacquelyn Trost
First semester of a full year class. This class covers advanced algebra and geometry concepts, including
trigonometry, conic sections, matrices and determinants, and Euclidean geometry. After completing Algebra 1,
Algebra 2, and Advanced Mathematics, students will have also completed the equivalent of one year of
Texts: Advanced Mathematics, 2nd edition (Saxon)
Advanced Mathematics Test Forms (Saxon)
Note: Rainbow Resources sells a Home School Study Kit, which includes the textbook, test forms, and
an answer key.
Materials Fee: none
Pre-requisite: Algebra 2
Supply List: texts listed above, notebook or 3-ring binder with paper, scientific
calculator, compass
11-12 Calculus 10:30-11:55 ($90)
Advisor: Jacquelyn Trost
First semester of a full year class. This class covers calculus, trigonometry, and analytic geometry, with
emphasis on application to physics, chemistry, engineering, and business. The text covers all topics normally
found in Advanced Placement AB-level calculus program, as well as many topics from a BC-level program.
Problem sets contain multiple-choice and conceptually oriented problems similar to those in Advanced
Placement exams.
Texts: Calculus, 2nd edition (Saxon)
Calculus Test Forms (Saxon)
Note: Rainbow Resources sells a Home School Study Kit, which includes the textbook, test forms, and
an answer key.
Materials Fee: none
Pre-requisite: Advanced Mathematics or equivalent
Supply List: texts listed above and a notebook or 3-ring binder with paper. Also, students will need
either a graphing calculator (TI-83 or
equivalent) or both a scientific calculator and daily access to
the internet.