request for proposals

RFP No: 4000000955
RFP Title: SAP Staff Augmentation
Issue Date: November 2, 2012
Proposals Due: December 5, 2012
Not Later Than 4:00 PM
Refer Questions to:
Kathi Braeme-Burr
Phone: (503) 988-5111 Ext 22596
Submit Proposals to:
Multnomah County Purchasing
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 400
Portland, OR 97214
Pre-Proposal Conference:
There will be a pre-proposal conference for this Solicitation
on November 15, 2012 at 10:30 a.m., at 501 SE Hawthorne
Blvd., Portland, OR 97214 on the 4th Floor, Oak Conference
Attendance is: Optional but highly recommended
This RFP is issued under the provisions of the Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 279A and 279B
and Multnomah County PCRB public contracting rules. All proposers are charged with presumptive
knowledge of the cited authorities. Submission of a valid executed proposal by any proposer shall
constitute admission of such knowledge on the part of such proposer.
Electronic copies of this RFP and attachments, if any, can be obtained from the Multnomah
County Purchasing Website at:
All Proposal documents shall be submitted in hard copy. Electronic or facsimile submissions
shall be rejected.
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Procedural Information
Section 1.0
RFP Organization
Section 1.1
Procurement Timetable
Section 1.2
Pre-proposal Conference
Section 1.3
Section 1.4
Realistic Proposals
Section 1.5
Clarification of Responses
Section 1.6
Rejection of Proposals
Section 1.7
Cost of Preparation of Response
Section 1.8
Section 1.9
Section 1.10
Section 1.11
Section 1.12
Section 1.13
Section 1.14
Local Purchasing Preference
Section 1.15
Sustainable Purchasing
Section 1.16
EEO Certification Requirement
Section 1.17
Section 1.18
Service Description, Funding and Contracting Information
Section 2.0
Purpose and Overview
Section 2.1
Introduction and Program History
Section 2.2
Goals, Values and Other Important Considerations
Section 2.3
Target Population Served
Section 2.4
Geographic Borders/Limitations & Service Areas
Section 2.5
Section 2.6
Match Requirements
Section 2.7
Scope of Services
Section 2.8
Fiscal Requirements and Reporting
Section 2.9
Performance Measures/Performance Contracting
Section 2.10
Contract Negotiation
Section 2.11
Contract Award
Section 2.12
Contract Term
Section 2.13
Compensation and Method of Payment
Section 2.14
Cooperative Purchasing
Section 2.15
Insurance Requirements
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Proposal Evaluation, Questions and Instructions
Section 3.0
Proposal Evaluation Criteria and Scoring
Section 3.1
Proposal Questions Instructions
Section 3.2
Proposal Questions
Proposal Submission Instructions
Section 4.0
Joint Proposals
Section 4.1
Multiple or Alternate Proposals
Section 4.2
Proposal Instructions and Content
Section 4.3
Maximum Page Limit
Section 4.4
Proposal Content
Section 4.5
Proposal Binding
Section 4.6
Proposal Packaging
Section 4.7
Proposal Copies and Submission
Section 4.8
Minimum Requirements
Attachments and Electronic References
Attachment 1
Offeror Representations and Certifications
Attachment 2
Sample County Contract
Exhibit 1
Attachment 3
Statement of Work, Compensation, Payment and Renewal
Information Technology Terms and Conditions and Example
Work Order
Not Used
Attachment 4
Job Descriptions
Attachment 5
Example Request
Exhibit 1A
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This RFP is organized into five parts:
Part 1, Procedural Information: Provides an overview of the procurement process and conditions.
Part 2, Service Description, Funding, and Contracting Information: Provides a general
description of the services to be performed, delineates responsibilities, defines deliverables (as
applicable), funding and contracting terms.
Part 3, Proposal Questions and Evaluation Criteria: Describes questions to be answered and how
proposals will be evaluated by the County.
Part 4, Proposal Submission Instructions: Describes the required format, instructions for
submitting proposals, and minimum requirements.
Part 5, Attachments and Electronic References:
necessary to complete the proposal submission.
Provides additional information and forms
Date Issued
Pre-proposal conference
Questions or protests of
specifications due to Purchasing in
Purchasing response to written
Proposal submittal deadline
Proposal evaluation period
Notice of Award
Contract start date
Scheduled Date/Time
Cover page November 2, 2012
November 15, 2012 at 10:30 a.m.
November 21, 2012
November 30, 2012
Cover page
December 5, 2012 by 4 p.m.
December 6 2012 – January 3, 2013
January 4, 2013
Approximately January 31, 2013
Multnomah County reserves the right to deviate from this schedule.
An optional pre-proposal conference will be held as directed on the cover page. This meeting is
designed to clarify the information that is contained in this solicitation and provide an opportunity for
questions and answers. Attendance at the pre-proposal conference is strongly recommended.
1.3.1 Protest of Specifications
Any Proposer requiring clarification of the provisions of this RFP must submit specific questions in
writing to the County Procurement Analyst listed on the cover page of this RFP. Any Proposer
protesting any provision in this RFP must submit protest(s) in writing to the County’s assigned
Procurement Analyst listed on the cover page of this RFP. Any protest must address the requirement,
provision or feature of this RFP or its attachments, including but not limited to the contract, that the
potential Proposer believes is ambiguous, unclear, unfair, contrary to law or likely to limit competition.
The purpose of this deadline is to allow the County time to correct any term or condition in this RFP
and/or contract that may be unlawful, improvident, unduly restrictive of competition, or otherwise
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inappropriate. By allowing corrections before opening Proposals, the County intends to avoid or
minimize much of the waste inherent in protests and in the possible rejection of all Proposals. Failure
of a Proposer to protest in accordance with this section shall be deemed acceptance of the terms of
this RFP and contract, and a waiver of Proposer’s rights to later contend that either the RFP or
contract is ambiguous, unclear, unfair, contrary to law or likely to limit competition.
The deadline for submitting questions or protests is 4:00 P.M. on the date listed in the timeline. If
Multnomah County determines that additional information or clarification is necessary, such
information or clarification will be supplied in addenda that will be sent by e-mail or mail to all persons
or firms that have received the Notice of Open Solicitation from Purchasing, registered on the
Purchasing website for this solicitation, or who signed-in at the pre-proposal conference (if held).
Available addenda may also be downloaded from the Purchasing website All
such addenda shall have the same binding effect as though contained in the main body of the
Request for Proposals. Oral instructions or oral information concerning the specifications from County
managers, employees or agents to prospective Proposers shall not bind Multnomah County.
Purchasing shall issue all Addenda not less than five (5) calendar days prior to the proposal deadline.
After closing, Multnomah County reserves the right to issue Addenda to all Proposers who submitted
proposals, or to those Proposers determined to be in the Competitive Range, if applicable, in order to
communicate program requirements and arrangements and other information as determined
necessary by the County.
Protests of Intent to Award
The following procedure applies to Proposers who wish to protest a disqualification of proposal or
award of contract:
1. All protests must be in writing and physically received by the Purchasing Manager no later
than 4:00 P.M. on the fifth (5th) working day after the postmarked notice of intent to award or
Address protests to:
ATTN: Purchasing Manager
Multnomah County Purchasing
501 SE Hawthorne Blvd Suite 400
Portland OR 97214
2. Proposers may protest only deviations from laws, rules, regulations, or procedures. Protests
must specify the grounds for the protest including the specific citation of law, rule, regulation,
or procedure upon which the protest is based. The judgment used in scoring by individual
evaluators is not grounds for protest. Disagreement with the scoring by evaluators may
not be protested.
Protests not filed within the time specified in paragraph 1, above, or which fail to cite the
specific law, rule, regulation, or procedure upon which the protest is based shall be dismissed.
It is the expectation of the County that proposers can fully satisfy the obligations of the proposal in the
manner and timeframe defined within the proposal. Proposals must be realistic and must represent
the best estimate of time, materials and other costs including the impact of inflation and any economic
or other factors that are reasonably predictable.
Multnomah County shall bear no responsibility or increase obligation for a Proposer’s failure to
accurately estimate the costs or resources required to meet the obligations defined in the proposal.
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Multnomah County reserves the right to request clarification of any item in a Proposer's proposal or to
request additional information prior to evaluation necessary to properly evaluate a particular proposal.
All requests for clarification and responses shall be in writing and issued through the assigned
Procurement Analyst from Purchasing. Except for requests and responses related to a clarification
necessary to evaluate whether a proposal has met minimum requirements, all requests for
clarification and responses shall be provided to each evaluator.
Multnomah County reserves all rights regarding this solicitation, including but not limited to the right
Cancel this solicitation at any time and not award a contract;
Award a contract in part;
Reject any and all proposals in whole or in part; and
To waive technical defects, minor irregularities and omissions if, in its judgment, the best
interests of the County will be served.
Costs incurred by any Proposer in preparation of a response to this Request for Proposal shall be the
responsibility of the Proposer.
Multnomah County is required to disclose non-exempt public documents pursuant to ORS 192.410192.505). ORS 192.502(4) exempts the County from disclosing information submitted in response to a
solicitation where the information is such that it “should reasonably be considered confidential.”
A Proposer who determines that information within a proposal meets the statutory requirement and
desires that such information remain confidential shall mark the bottom of the pages containing such
information with the word “CONFIDENTIAL.”
If a Proposer marks every page of a proposal as “CONFIDENTIAL”, the statutory requirement is not
met; any proposal so marked will not be deemed to have been submitted in confidence, and upon
request, the entire proposal will be disclosed.
The County will keep properly marked information confidential unless ordered to release the
information and materials by the District Attorney pursuant to ORS 192.460.
After award, the contract executed by the County and the successful Proposer will be a public
document subject to disclosure. No part of the contract can be designated as confidential.
The County reserves the right to investigate references including customers other than those listed in
the Proposer’s submission. Investigation may include past performance of any Proposer with respect
to its successful performance of similar projects, compliance with specifications and contractual
obligations, its completion or delivery of a project on schedule, and its lawful payment to employees
and workers or any other criteria as determined by Multnomah County.
Any publicity giving reference to this project, whether in the form of press releases, brochures,
photographic coverage, or verbal announcement, shall be done only after prior written approval of
Multnomah County Purchasing and the Public Affairs Office.
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Multnomah County reserves the right to cancel this solicitation any time before execution of a
resulting contract by both parties if cancellation is deemed to be in Multnomah County's best interest.
In no event shall Multnomah County have any liability for the cancellation of this solicitation.
In case of any doubt or differences of opinions regarding the items or service to be furnished
hereunder, or the interpretation of the provisions of the RFP, the decision of Multnomah County shall
be final and binding upon all parties.
A Proposer, submitting a proposal hereby certifies that no officer, agent, or employee of Multnomah
County has a financial interest in this proposal; that the proposal is made in good faith without fraud,
collusion, or connection of any kind with any other Proposer and that the Proposer is competing solely
on its own behalf without connection or obligation to any undisclosed person or firm.
Multnomah County desires to employ local businesses in the purchase or lease of any personal
property, public improvements or services to support the local economy in the State of Oregon so that
residents benefit from local employment opportunities that are generated. Therefore, Multnomah
County shall prefer goods or services that have been manufactured or produced by an Oregon
business if price, fitness, availability, and quality are otherwise identical.
In 2010, Multnomah County initiated a new Sustainable Purchasing and Social Equity Policy that
demonstrates support for our sustainability goals by integrating environmental stewardship and social
equity, as well as fiscal responsibility, into the procurement process. The County seeks to partner with
suppliers who demonstrate a commitment to these considerations. Examples of such practices
include but are not limited to: resource conservation, waste reduction, minimized paper use, and use
of alternative transportation methods among other sustainable best practices.
The County recognizes that suppliers can take multiple paths, ranging from simple to complex, to help
support these goals. The list below is meant to guide vendors as they describe their sustainable
practices within their RFP responses.
1. Comprehensive energy conservation measures;
2. Renewable energy use;
3. Water conservation measures;
4. Waste management and reduction plans;
5. Alternative fuels and transportation plans;
6. Sustainable purchasing;
7. Supplier diversity;
8. Fair trade and labor policies; and
9. Community engagement and support for underserved populations.
Contracts in excess of $75,000 which originate from this RFP are subject to the County’s Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) requirements, as outlined in PCRB 60-0040 and the sample
Multnomah County contract attached to this RFP. Contractors must be certified before a contract is
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All invoices shall be prepared on contractor's letterhead or standard invoice form and shall include:
Contractor's name and address and a phone number for questions about the invoice;
Contractor's invoice number;
Invoice date;
Multnomah County contract number; and,
Any additional information required in Exhibit 1 of the finalized contract.
It is the County’s Policy to make recurrent contract payments to contractors via electronic payment.
The contractor(s) selected under this solicitation will have the option to receive payments through
Automated Clearing House.
County shall pay invoices within 30 calendar days unless otherwise provided in Exhibit 1 of the
finalized contract.
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Multnomah County’s Department of County Assets, Information Technology is seeking Proposers
from whom it may purchase SAP Staff Augmentation services on a requirements basis under
Multnomah County PCRB rules. This RFP solicits SAP Augmentation service providers to submit a
proposal for evaluation for award of this contract.
Multnomah County has many open employee positions as well as SAP Project work. To have no
disruption in service to our customers, from time to time, we will have requirements for experienced
staff (SAP Staff augmentation) to provide coverage throughout the term of this procurement.
Multnomah County Information Technology seeks to bring in the highest scoring staff to cover the
work as these openings occur.
For this RFP, the County will evaluate by methods described below and will award contracts to the
selected vendors. This group of awarded vendors will be contacted via the process described in
section “2.7 SCOPE OF SERVICES” when needs arise. Please see Attachment 2 for Sample
Contract and sample work order.
The staff augmentation resources will provide support until the new staff members are hired or until
the SAP Project work is completed. This RFP will cover the SAP Team, SAP Basis Team, and SAP
Security Team positions including all of the new job descriptions that arise during the resulting
Following are examples of types of jobs that we typically need to fill:
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– FI/CO/FM
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– SRM PPS, MM
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– Payroll and HCM
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– Benefits and HCM
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– HCM
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– Plant Maintenance
Experienced SAP Development Analyst Senior - ABAP
Experienced SAP NetWeaver Application Developer Senior
Experienced SAP BI/Data Warehouse Solution Engineer Senior
Experienced SAP Center Of Excellence (COE) Senior Solution Architecture Administrator
Experienced SAP Basis Administrator
Experienced SAP Identity & Access Management Administrator
See Attachment 4 for the current Multnomah County job descriptions.
The duration of each work order assignment will be described in the request (Attachment 5 is a
sample) and is usually the time from candidate selection until a permanent Employee is hired or the
Project is completed.
Business customers of Multnomah County’s Information Technology department require seamless
SAP Support as Multnomah County employees retire or leave the County. Additionally, there are
times when the SAP support employees do not have sufficient time to address new project work, or
our positions remain open longer than anticipated before we are able to fill the position. To provide a
stable and dependable SAP support base when there is a requirement, the County will contact
vendors awarded under this RFP.
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The SAP Team’s Vision is: Accurate information, accessible anytime, anywhere.
The SAP Team’s Goals:
 Transparency and collaboration are foundational.
 Leverage tools to be as automated as possible such as Employee Self Service (ESS) and
Manager Self Service (MSS).
 Minimize maintenance and maximize strategic projects.
 Improve user productivity and information visibility by providing flexible and effective access to
SAP data (user interfaces). This can be accomplished by increasing our use of SAP
NetWeaver, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Services, etc. This will improve
efficiency and flexibility.
 Reduce shadow systems.
 Accelerate the access to critical business information and improve decision making by
providing timely and accurate reporting. Explore SAP NetWeaver and SAP Business Objects
to enable our ability to provide business information to the right a candidate at the right time.
 Maximize the use of effective reporting tools such as Business Intelligence/Business
Warehouse management reports.
 Enable the SAP team to scale to project demand while maintaining quality and consistency
governed by the Center of Excellence (COE). This will also strengthen SAP governance,
accountability and leadership.
 Explore mobile device opportunities and event-based notification.
The focus of these services is to ensure continuous SAP functionality and support to Multnomah
County departments and stakeholders.
County customers may include:
County Chair & Board of Commissioners
Auditor’s Office
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office
District Attorney’s Office
County Attorney’s Office
Non-departmental Agencies
Department of County Assets
Department of Community Services
Department of Community Justice
Department of County Human Services
Department of County Management
Health Department
Funding of the work described in this RFP is not guaranteed. Fluctuations in funding year to year
should be expected. The County cannot assure that any particular level of work will be assigned and
the contract will permit the County to add or remove work as necessary depending on availability of
funding. In Fiscal Year 2012, spending for this category of work was approximately, $680,000.
This RFP will result in the selection of staff augmentation firms that will be considered when fulfilling
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the SAP staff augmentation needs with SAP experienced candidates.
The SAP team provides Multnomah County with the following SAP functionality:
If a staff augmentation firm currently has staff working at Multnomah County under a prior
procurement authority, and the professional service firm qualifies under this RFP, this procurement
authority shall supersede the prior procurement authority such that the staff augmentation firm’s staff
already working at Multnomah County may be retained under this RFP without further consultant
request and selection process.
When there is a need for staff augmentation resources related to this RFP, Multnomah County will
send via email a request with the position and requirements to the designated email address(s) (see
Section 2.8). See Attachment 4 for the current Multnomah County job descriptions and Attachment 5
for an example request.
After a request is sent out, staff augmentation firms are to submit resumes of their qualified
candidate(s) (if they have any) for the position requested. The submitted resumes will be reviewed
and candidates may be chosen for interviews. Based on successful interview, one or more candidates
may be selected for immediate placement. There may be multiple rounds of interviews if a satisfactory
candidate is not identified from a previous round. Any candidate submitted by more than one staff
augmentation firm, either in consideration of this RFP qualification or after award, shall be rejected.
Submitted resumes must have a Consultant authorization form that allows the proposer the sole right
to represent the candidate. The County will not accept the same candidate from several different staff
augmentation firms.
Once a candidate is selected as staff, the County will write a work order against the contract
associated with the staff augmentation firm representing the person.
All staff is expected to follow Multnomah County policies, procedures, processes and standards.
All staff is required to be on site unless otherwise specified in the request or work order. Staff will
work as directed by IT management to complete the work identified. Staff will work alongside the
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County’s IT Project Managers and the SAP Team members to provide staff augmentation and
knowledge transfer to new staff members as they are brought in. At the County’s request, additional
staff augmentation persons may be engaged to complete the work defined under this procurement.
Once a candidate is selected, s(he) will be required to:
Complete the Background check form
Pass the Background check
Obtain CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) clearance
Provide fingerprints (performed by Multnomah County)
Multnomah County will specify a work schedule at the time of the requirement submission. Please see
Attachment 5 for the currently approved schedules. Any candidate or staff that agrees to one of the
schedules and then requests to change to a schedule not listed, or otherwise demonstrates noncompliance to the terms of the work order may be terminated immediately at the County’s sole
discretion. If this results in the person being terminated, the staff augmentation firm may be assessed
a retainage for non-performance. Please see section 2.9 Performance Measures/Performance
Contracting for more information on types of non-performance measures.
Travel during the work hours of the agreed upon work schedule is not permitted.
Any candidate or staff that agrees to these travel restrictions and then fails to comply after selection
may be terminated immediately at the County’s sole discretion. If termination results, the staff
augmentation firm may be assessed a retainage for non-performance. Please see section 2.9
Performance Measures/Performance Contracting for more information on types of non-performance
Multnomah County will determine if a replacement person from the same staff augmentation firm is
considered or required for the assignment or if another request will be sent out to some or all staff
augmentation firms. It is the County’s expectation that staff augmentation firms will supervise and
manage their staff so to ensure their candidate’s compliance.
Tier Levels
There is no guarantee of being contacted when the County has a need for staff augmentation under
this RFP.
Staff augmentation firms will be evaluated over time and be assigned to a Tier level:
 Tier 1 – Preferred Providers
 Tier 2 – Secondary Providers
 Tier 3 – Poor Performing Providers
Initially, all staff augmentation firms under this RFP will be considered Tier 1 – Preferred Providers.
When Multnomah County needs staff augmentation, the determination of which staff augmentation
firm(s) is contacted is based on the Firm’s Tier Level and Multnomah County’s requirements.
Example: Multnomah County has a requirement for ‘contract to hire’ SAP positions, only firms
awarded under this RFP that indicated under this RFP that they have the ‘contract to hire’ capability
will be contacted.
In order to have a manageable number of staff augmentation firms to send the requirement out to,
Multnomah County may decide to limit the number of staff augmentation firms contacted. Examples:
1. Multnomah County sends the requirement to all Tier 1 firms only
2. Multnomah County sends the requirement to all Tier 1 and all Tier 2 firms only
3. Multnomah County sends the requirement to a subset of Tier 1 firms only. In this case, the
staff augmentation firms contacted will be randomly selected by lot.
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This RFP establishes a process for evaluating staff augmentation firms. The information gathered
during this RFP evaluation phase and post award can be used for information in any/all future RFPs
as evidence of past performance and quality.
Staff augmentation firms will be evaluated on their own performance and their candidate’s
 Filling the County’s requirements
 Providing a quality candidate in response to new staff requests
 Ensuring the quality of staff when they are on site and working
 Ease of interaction between the County and the staff augmentation firm
 Rates
 Quality of candidate interviews
 Measurement of failure to meet schedule
 Measurement of failure to meet term completion
 Measurement of failure to perform
 Measurement of failure to start
 Number of sales calls
 Other quality measures
Over time, staff augmentation firms could move to a lower tier. Also, staff augmentation firms could be
moved directly from Tier 1 to Tier 3 or not renewed during the annual renewal process.
Staff augmentation requests for the positions described will be sent to those firms awarded under this
RFP. No sales calls are needed to Multnomah County since this RFP contains a list of staff
augmentation firms we have contracted with. The requirements are sent out according to the process
described here. Staff augmentation firms that choose to perform sales calls anyway may move to a
less preferred status (lower tier).
During the RFP process, communication with Multnomah County is only with the Procurement Analyst
listed on the cover page. After the contracts have been awarded, questions are to be sent to SAP
manager or designate. Multnomah County contacts will be identified during the contracting process.
Tier 1 – Preferred Providers
Tier 1 consists of preferred firms.
Initially, all staff augmentation firms under this RFP will be considered Tier 1 - Preferred Providers.
Staff augmentation firms that are in Tier 1 may or may not be contacted when a requirement arises.
Note: At the County’s sole discretion, Tier 1 companies may be moved to Tier 2, Tier 3 or not be
renewed during the annual renewal process.
Tier 2 – Secondary Providers
Tier 2 contains staff augmentation firms that have lower quality of their engagement with the County
or staff issues as measured above. Staff augmentation firms that are in Tier 2 may or may not be
contacted when there is a requirement.
Examples include but are not limited to Staff augmentation firms that:
 Present a candidate that doesn’t match the County’s requirements
 Present a candidate with a poor quality resume and is not selected for interview.
 Present a candidate scoring lower than other firms’ candidates during interviews.
 Have poor performing staff that has worked at the County.
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Do not address issues and concerns raised by the County in a mutually agreeable
Rates for candidates submitted are higher than industry norms.
Non-performance as described in Section 2.9.
A firm that has not performed satisfactorily or has retainage assessed (Section 2.9) will be sent a
written notification either via mail or email from the County’s SAP Manager or designate regarding the
change of Tier level. The firm will have one week from post mark or sent date to respond in writing to
the SAP Manager or designate regarding the issues noted.
Example: Company Ajax is a Tier 1 staff augmentation firm that has been contacted a number of
times. The candidates submitted for interviews during this time are a lower quality than other staff
augmentation firms. Company Ajax is moved to be a Tier 2 provider. A requirement comes up for a
SAP Business Analyst Senior in the Finance area. They are not contacted for this requirement.
Note: At the County’s sole discretion, Tier 2 companies may be moved to Tier 3 or not be renewed
during the annual renewal process.
Tier 3– Poor Performing Providers
Tier 3 contains staff augmentation firms that have poor quality of their engagement with the County or
staff issues as measured above. Staff augmentation firms that are in Tier 3 are not contacted when
there is a requirement.
Examples include, but are not limited to, Staff augmentation firms that:
 Continue to perform sales calls.
 Present a candidate that doesn’t match the County’s requirements
 Present a candidate with a poor quality resume and is not selected for interview.
 Present a candidate with poor quality interviews.
 Present poor performing staff when working at the County.
 Do not perform quality assurance processes prior to presenting a candidate to the
 Lie on resume (Example: Lists experience that a candidate does not have).
 Do not address issues and concerns raised by the County in a mutually agreeable
 Present candidates with rates that are higher than industry norms.
 Present candidates with rates inconsistent with RFP responses.
 Present candidates that they do not have sole right to represent to the County.
 Non-performance as described in Section 2.9.
 Other quality measures.
A firm that has not performed satisfactorily or has retainage assessed (Section 2.9) will be sent a
written notification either via mail or email from the County’s SAP Manager or designate regarding the
change of Tier level. The firm will have one week from post mark or sent date to respond in writing to
the SAP Manager or designate regarding the issues noted.
Example: Company XYZ presents a candidate as having experience per the County’s request. The
resume lists SRM PPS experience for the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior role. During the
interview process, it is determined that the person being interviewed does not have SRM PPS
experience. The resume is inconsistent with the interview. Company XYZ is moved to be a Tier 3
provider. A requirement comes up for a SAP Business Analyst Senior in the Finance area and they
are not contacted for this requirement.
Note: Tier 3 companies are not renewed during the annual renewal process.
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The County’s SAP office will negotiate specific email addresses with awarded vendors during contract
negotiations. These email addresses will be used to communicate to vendors which Proposers the
County has selected,
Performance measures and reporting metrics will be required by all qualified firms. The specific
reporting requirements will be defined during the contracting activities.
It is Multnomah County’s intent to establish the specific retainage structure at the time of contracting
for all awarded vendors.
Failure to start: If designated staff is not on site and available for work on the agreed upon start date,
Multnomah County will determine if other qualified candidates exist from the panel of candidates
interviewed for that job requirement. If there are other qualified candidates, Multnomah County will
select the remaining highest scoring candidate. If the highest scoring candidate is from the same staff
augmentation firm, the staff augmentation firm will commit to a discount for the newly selected
candidate. If no other qualified candidates exist in the interview panel for that job requirement,
Multnomah County will send out a new request to the remaining staff augmentation firms. The staff
augmentation firm that submitted the staff that failed to start will not be included in this process.
Failure to meet schedule: If staff does not adhere to the schedule requirements, the following
retainage may be assessed against the staff augmentation firm:
For staff that has travel expenses included in their rate, Multnomah County will not pay
the loaded hourly rate for that week of travel. The travel expenses are subtracted out
for that week of travel.
For staff that does not have travel expenses included in their rate, Multnomah County
will not pay 25% of staff’s invoice for that week.
Failure to meet term completion: There will be a retainage of 22% of the total fees for a period of
time (to be determined at the time of contracting or work order creation) to cover consultants that do
not work until term completion. When the consultant works to term completion, supplier may invoice
for the 22% retainage. If the consultant does not work to term completion, Multnomah County is not
obligated to pay this 22% retainage held.
Failure to perform: If Multnomah County determines that the staff is not performing adequately and
needs to be replaced, this person will be terminated as defined by Multnomah County. The 22%
retainage equivalent to the time the staff worked will be forfeited to Multnomah County. There will be
a new retainage of 22% of the total fees for the period of time specified in the contract to cover the
new staff. When staff works to term completion, supplier may invoice for the 22% retainage for the
new staff only. When staff does not work to term completion, Multnomah County is not obligated to
pay the 22% retainage held.
A firm that has retainage assessed will be sent a notification either in writing or via email from the
County’s SAP Manager or designate regarding the assessment. The firm will have one week from
post mark or sent date to respond in writing to issues noted.
The County will initiate contract negotiations with the highest scoring responders that scored 70% or
higher on the total points and reserves the right to award from the Competitive Range up to a
maximum 15 contracts based on top score rankings. The County may, at its option, elect to negotiate
general contract terms and conditions, services, pricing, implementation schedules, and such other
terms as the County determines are in its best interest. If negotiations fail to result in a contract, the
County reserves the right to terminate the negotiations and initiate contract negotiations with the next
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highest scoring responsive and responsible Proposer. This process may continue until a contract
agreement is reached.
Multnomah County strongly encourages the participation of Minority-Owned, Women-Owned, and
Emerging Small Businesses and Organizations in providing these services.
Fixed term with automatic renewal unless notice of non-renewal is given by the County. The
initial contract term shall be 1 year. Thereafter, the contract shall automatically renew on the contract
anniversary date each year for a total of up to 5 years unless the County or the Contractor gives 30
day written notice that the Contract will not be renewed.
It is the County’s Policy to make recurrent contract payments to contractors via electronic payment.
The contractor(s) selected under this solicitation will have the option to receive payments through
Automated Clearing House.
All invoices shall be prepared on contractor's letterhead or standard invoice form and shall include:
Supplier’s name and address and a phone number for questions about the invoice
Contractor's name
Contractor’s dates of service
Suppliers’ invoice number
Invoice date
Multnomah County contract number, and
Any additional information required in Exhibit 1.
County shall pay the invoice by one of several payment methods, including but not limited to
electronic payment (aka ACH-Automated Clearing House) within 30 calendar days unless otherwise
provided in Exhibit 1 of the final contract.
Other public agencies may establish contracts or price agreements directly with the awarded
contractor under the terms, conditions and prices of the original contract Pursuant to ORS 279A.215
and agreement by the selected Contractor to extend the terms, conditions and prices of the original
The table below states the minimum insurance required of a Contractor to provide this service.
Additional insurance coverage may be required depending on the key features of service delivery
chosen by the Contractor. Final insurance requirements will be subject to negotiation between, and
mutual agreement of, the parties prior to contract execution and recorded in Exhibit 2 of the contract.
The minimum insurance coverage stated below supersedes requirements listed in Exhibit 2 of the
Sample Contract where they are different.
Minimum insurance requirements:
Type of Insurance
Per Occurrence
Professional Liability
Commercial Gen
Commercial Auto
Not applicable
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Statutory Workers
Indemnity: Contractor shall defend, save, hold harmless, and indemnify County and its officers,
employees and agents from and against all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs
and expenses of any nature whatsoever, including attorneys fees, resulting from, arising out of, or
relating to the activities of Contractor or its officers, employees, subcontractors, or agents under this
Contract, including any malicious or criminal misconduct by its employees and agents. Contractor
shall have control of the defense and settlement of any claim that is subject to this
paragraph. However, neither Contractor nor any attorney engaged by Contractor shall defend the
claim in the name of County or any department of County, nor purport to act as legal representative of
County or any of its departments, without first receiving from the Multnomah County Attorney’s Office,
authority to act as legal counsel for County, nor shall Contractor settle any claim on behalf of County
without the approval of the Multnomah County Attorney’s Office. County may, at its election and
expense, assume its own defense and settlement.
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Evaluation of proposals received in response to the RFP will be conducted comprehensively, fairly
and impartially. Structured quantitative scoring methods will be used to maximize the objectivity of the
evaluation. The evaluation committee of designated reviewers shall review and evaluate proposals.
The committee will be composed of individuals with experience in, knowledge of, and program
responsibility for program service and financing.
Each evaluator shall independently assign a score to each evaluation criterion. Then the evaluators
shall meet at a Proposal Evaluation Session and share their key findings from the proposals. After
sharing their findings, each evaluator shall be given an independent opportunity to revise their draft
scores and to finalize them.
Evaluators may enlist technical advisors to provide input however scoring will be determined solely by
Final scoring by each evaluator will then be summed. The award will be made to the highest scoring
staff augmentation firms that scored 70% or higher on the total points based on the written proposals
and reserves the right to award from the Competitive Range up to a maximum 15 contracts based on
top score rankings.
Proposers will respond to questions and requested information found in Section 3.2. Proposals should
clearly indicate the Section and questions being responded to. Proposers must complete all
questions found in each Section. Limit your responses as instructed for each question. These
questions have been created to determine whether the Proposers have the qualifications to provide
the required services.
Be sure to limit the total number of pages submitted to the County. See Section 4.3 Maximum Page
Limit for more information.
Questions have variable points possible, and are weighted for importance. Answers should be as
specific to the requirements requested as possible for best scoring.
Score Summary:
3.2.1 Staff Augmentation Firm Information
3.2.2 Candidate Resume Information
3.2.3 Rate Information
3.2.4 Responsible Business Practices
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All Proposers must complete the questions of the scoring (sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3, and 3.2.4).
Proposers failing to achieve a minimum 70% of total points in these sections will not be considered
further for an award under this procurement.
Example: Proposer A submits a proposal and receives the following scores from the three evaluators:
Rater A:
Rater B:
Rater C:
Total Points:
650 Points
720 Points
735 Points
2105 Points
The minimum necessary score is calculated by: 1000 possible points x 3 evaluators x 70% = 2100 points.
As a result, Proposer A has met the minimum requirements since their total point score of 2105 exceeds
the minimum number of points required to qualify, 2100.
If the total points earned with the scoring (section 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.3, 3.2.4) had been less than 2100
points, then Proposer A would not have been considered further for an award under this RFP.
Failure to comply with these instructions may result in the rejection of the proposal.
Staff Augmentation Firm Information
3.2.1 Staff Augmentation Firm Information
Contract to Hire Option
Company Background
Professional Conduct
Vendor Support and Service Delivery Model
Company Experience
Contract to Hire Option: Please indicate if Multnomah County will have the option to hire.
a. � ( ) Yes
� ( ) No
b. Describe how the process would work and what the fees, if any are.
Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information is complete and relevant.
Process described is easy to follow and provides a workable method to select “Contract to
Hire” staff.
Company Background: Please provide and describe the following Vendor Profile information.
a. Date Founded
b. Organization structure
� ( ) Sole Proprietorship
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� ( ) Partnership
� ( ) Corporation
Ownership status
� ( ) Independent
� ( ) Subsidiary (Name of Parent Organization: ________________________
Office locations and size
History providing experienced SAP consultants including years of experience providing
these services, background and track record in providing these type of staff.
Experience with SAP products.
List all the SAP modules that you supply staff for.
If you provide project work to clients, what is the number of projects that were a full life
cycle implementation?
Describe relevant partnerships with other companies including company names and
the nature of relationship
Future vision of your staff augmentation firm’s offerings
For the past 5 years, list the annual revenue related to SAP staff augmentation. What
percentage of total company revenue does the SAP staff augmentation make up?
If you have a website, what types of information can be accessed through it? Provide
examples (screenshots) as samples of your firm’s site.
What percentage of your company focuses on SAP Project work versus SAP Staff
Describe in detail your experience with Government and Public Utilities providing these
types of staff (include length of time you have worked with these entities). Please
provide a description of the project or assignment.
Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information is complete and relevant.
Proposer provides detailed experience and thorough knowledge of supplying SAP
consultants in the areas that we identified.
Proposer shows a solid understanding of SAP products and SAP related business
Proposer shows a solid understanding of what the County is asking for and the ability to
ensure that candidates presented to Multnomah County meet our needs and are qualified
for the work.
Professional Conduct:
a. Describe any situation where a client has notified you of a serious performance issue
with a consultant during the contract or with project work. Describe how you handled
this situation. How did you remedy this situation with your client? If you have provided
staff or project work to Multnomah County previously and Multnomah County has
notified you of a performance issue, your answer here must address that situation.
b. Describe a situation where a client raised an issue with the contract, the delivered
product, or the performance of the consultant after the contract was completed.
Describe how you handled this situation. How did you remedy this situation with your
client? If you had a contract with Multnomah County previously and Multnomah County
has notified you of a contract issue or performance issue, your answer here must
address that situation.
Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information is complete and relevant.
Contracting firm has experience with dealing with performance issues with successful
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Contracting firm’s approach to issue resolution shows they took the situation seriously and
provided a quality solution with project management throughout the process.
Contracting firm resolved this situation successfully to the satisfaction of the client.
Vendor Support and Service Delivery Model:
a. Describe your business process for fulfilling requests for consultants. Include number
of your company contacts Multnomah County is required to talk with to fulfill a request
for staff. Also include the total number of company staff that is involved with working on
these requests (job description/role).
b. Describe in detail the number of conversations with these company contacts with
Multnomah County that are required in order to initiate the search for staff to meet our
c. Describe in detail your screening process for ensuring that you propose qualified
d. How does a client report issues with staff? Describe in detail how you handle poor
performers. What is your company’s policy with dealing with poor performers?
e. Do you use employees, contractors, or subcontractors? If a mix of these, what % of
f. Identify the number of employees at your firm in each of the categories identified in this
RFP (SAP Business Analyst Senior, SAP Developer Senior, Solution Architect/Data
Architect, Basis Administrator, and Security Administrator).
g. If using subcontractors, name all of the companies you have as subcontractors.
h. Are you a registered Partner with SAP? If so, please describe this partnership.
i. What support do you provide to your staff for resume writing, interviewing, networking
infrastructure, etc.
j. For the last 12 months, please provide the following statistics (matching our
Classifications and Job Descriptions only):
o Average headcount (client engaged and administrative)
o Number of Starts
o Number of Roll offs
o Number of jobs released
o Number of jobs responded to
o Number of total submissions made across all jobs
o Total Offers made
o Successful starts
o Failure to start
o Attrition – candidate leaves early (reason: other employment/contract
job/illness/vacation, etc)
o Termination – candidate let go early (budget/performance)
o Number of days from job release to resume submittal
o Average rate per classification and job description. Travel expenses must be
declared as a percentage of rate or fixed amount of rate for each.
o Number with right to represent
o Number with insurance and benefits
Additional Info
o Name of client companies where these placements took place
o Number of placements of consultants at Multnomah County
o Number of consultants presented to Multnomah County that did not get selected.
k. What statistics do you keep on placements and submittals? Please provide examples.
l. What processes do you use to ensure quality of consultants that you place?
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Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information appears complete and relevant.
The number of conversations needed to initiate the search for staff is low and reasonable.
Company’s process to screen and match consultants to client business requirements is
clearly defined, in-depth, and appears effective.
Company has a clearly defined process to address consultant performance. The process is
consistent with the example(s) described in the earlier sections.
Company provides employment service support for consultants. The services address
quality assurance in resume writing and interviewing techniques.
Company provides networking support for SAP consultants, which allows them access to
information to improve their responsiveness to the client’s requirements.
Company has history of SAP placements for projects and staff support relative to our
Classifications and Job Descriptions.
Company’s placement history suggests client satisfaction with consultants - long term
placements, minimal turnover for same placement.
Company’s recruitment and placement process to fill client solicitations is streamlined,
responsive to the client, and efficient. There are minimal layers to go through to solicit
consultants and receive responses.
Company has a process in place to monitor quality of staff working at clients.
Company clearly indicates the placement and submission information for the past 12
months. This includes accurate information on Multnomah County placements and
Company Experience:
Please provide and describe the following information for three of your customers that you feel most
closely match Multnomah County’s requirements.
Please include SAP Modules and Job
Classifications/Job Titles you supplied staff for in the scope of work section. For the SAP Version
section, please indicate the customer’s SAP Version and Support Pack Level (if known) for the most
recent work done for that customer (ECC, SRM, NetWeaver, etc). Example #1: Your firm provided
staff for an ECC project. The Customer’s Version was ECC 6 Enh 4 SP 40. Example #2: Your firm
provided staff for a SRM PPS Project. The Customer’s Version was SRM PPS 7.0 SP 8.
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Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information is complete and relevant.
Information indicates experience with County’s type of requirements (SAP team support,
SAP projects).
Customer information is current.
Information includes Public Sector contacts.
Customer’s version information shows experience with recent versions of SAP.
Candidate Resume Information (350 Points Possible)
3.2.2 Candidate Resumes
This section is to see the quality of staff you have in each of our categories. The purpose is not to
select these candidates to work at Multnomah County.
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Resumes that are submitted for this RFP represent:
 A candidate that best meets our requirements as outlined in job descriptions in Attachment 4.
 A candidate that is currently placed with clients by your firm or are currently available for
 A candidate that has signed a Consultant Authorization Form to allow the proposer the sole
right to represent the candidate for this RFP. A copy of this form must be included with
resume. Failure to provide this documentation will result in the candidate not being included in
the evaluation.
These positions are divided into the following five categories:
Category 1
SAP Business
Analyst Senior
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
SAP Developer
Category 1 SAP Business Analyst Senior
SAP Business Analyst Senior– FI/CO/FM
SAP Business Analyst Senior– SRM PPS, MM
SAP Business Analyst Senior– Payroll and HCM
SAP Business Analyst Senior– Benefits and HCM
SAP Business Analyst Senior– HCM
SAP Business Analyst Senior– Plant Maintenance
Category 2 SAP Developer Senior
1. Experienced SAP Development Analyst Senior - ABAP
2. Experienced SAP NetWeaver Application Developer Senior
Category 3 Solution Architect/Data Architect
1. BI/Data Warehouse Solution Engineer Senior
2. SAP Center Of Excellence (COE) Senior Solution Architecture Administrator
Category 4 Basis Administrator
1. SAP Basis Administrator
Category 5 Security Administrator
1. SAP Identity & Access Management Administrator
The following chart shows this relationship:
Category 1
SAP Business
Analyst Senior
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
SAP Developer
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1.1 SAP
Analyst Senior
2.1 SAP
Analyst Senior ABAP
3.1 BI/Data
Engineer Senior
1.2 SAP
Analyst Senior
2.2 SAP
Developer Senior
3.2 SAP Center
of Excellence
(COE) Senior
4.1 SAP Basis
5.1 SAP Identity
& Access
1.3 SAP
Analyst Senior
– Payroll and
1.4 SAP
Analyst Senior
– Benefits and
1.5 SAP
Analyst Senior
1.6 SAP
Analyst Senior
– Plant
Each contracting firm will be scored based on their ability to supply staff from all of these categories.
Resume submissions: For each of the five categories, select only one job in that category and submit
one resume of a person that works for your firm that best meets our job description. The total number
of resumes submitted is five (one per Category). If less than five resumes are submitted or if only
some of the Categories are covered, the firm has improperly responded to this RFP. See the “Invalid
Response Process” section below for more information.
The purpose of this section is to be able to score based on your ability to supply staff in our categories
and job descriptions. All resumes must be a real candidate that has agreed to work solely with your
company. If resumes are not provided, this could result in a lower score in this section.
Scoring well in this section of the proposal does not guarantee that these candidates, evaluated
through this RFP process, will be working at Multnomah County. Multnomah County reserves the
right to be able to retain the evaluated candidate if it meets the needs of Multnomah County.
Include the following information per candidate:
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Category identifier – Example: Category 1 SAP Business Analyst Senior
Job identifier – Example: 1.2 SAP Business Analyst Senior - SRM PPS, MM. The 1.2 corresponds
to the chart above.
Resume - Resume needs to contain the description of the project, their role in the project, and the
start and end dates with the year and month.
All inclusive rate – Travel expenses are to be declared as a percentage of rate or fixed amount of
If the candidate is currently working with one of your customers, please provide the customer
company name and length of time the consultant has been working for your customer.
Indicate if candidate is an employee of your firm, a consultant direct to your firm, or via a third
party supplier. Note, if via a third party, you should disclose the/all contracting firm name(s).
Written authorization to allow proposer sole right to represent candidate for this RFP. Failure to
provide this documentation will result in a lower score for the proposer or not being included in the
Proficiency is defined as follows:
o Training – less than 10% of work time spent
o Light – 10 to 25% of work time spent
o Medium – 25 to 75% of work time spent
o Heavy – 75% or more work time spent
The top of the resume must contain this Technical Skills chart. Failure to supply this chart will result
in a lower score. The rows in this table should match the job description requirements. You will be
scored on your ability to translate the job description requirements into the rows that show in this
Technical Skills: Category # and
description and sub area
Years and months
(Training, Light,
Medium, Heavy)
Last used year
and month
(additional lines if needed )
Technical Skills: Category 2 SAP
Developer Senior - NetWeaver
Years and months
ABAP Web Dynpro
Java Web Dynpro
SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Portal
ABAP Object development
SOA service development
5 years 2 months
2 years 0 months
6 years 6 months
5 years 2 months
1 year 3 months
1 year 3 months
(Training, Light,
Medium, Heavy)
Last used year and
August 2012
August 2012
January 2012
August 2012
June 2011
September 2010
(additional lines if needed )
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Invalid Response Process
If contracting firm does not provide documentation from the candidate authorizing for sole
representation, the candidate will not be included in this evaluation. This results in a zero score for
that job category.
If two contracting firms submit the same candidate and both provide documentation from the
candidate authorizing for sole representation, the candidate will not be included in this evaluation for
either contracting firm. This results in a zero score for that job category for both firms.
If a contracting firm submits more than one resume per Category, the resume with the highest rate will
be included in this evaluation. The others will not be considered. If a contracting firm submits more
than one resume per Category and the rates are the same, one resume will be randomly selected.
The others will not be considered.
Example: Company D submits a resume in:
 Category 1 “SAP Business Analyst Senior” Job “1.1 SAP Business Analyst Senior - FI/CO/FM”
 Category 1 “SAP Business Analyst Senior” Job “1.2 SAP Business Analyst Senior - SRM PPS,
Company D will be scored only on the resume with the higher rate. If the resumes have the same
rate, only one will be considered for evaluation, randomly chosen.
If a contracting firm does not submit one resume per Category (five resumes), the firm will be scored
with a zero in the Category that is left out.
Example: Company E submits a resume in:
 Category 1 “SAP Business Analyst Senior” Job “1.2 SAP Business Analyst Senior - SRM PPS,
 Category 2 “SAP Developer Senior” Job “2.1 SAP Development Analyst Senior - ABAP”,
 Category 3 “Solution Architect/Data Architect” Job “3.2 SAP Center of Excellence (COE)
Senior Solution Architecture Administrator”,
 Category 5 “Security Administrator” Job “5.1 SAP Identity & Access Management
Company E has improperly responded for scoring under this RFP by not providing resumes in
Category 4 “Basis Administrator”, and receives zero points in the Basis Administrator Job category.
Example: Company C submits a resume in:
 Category 1 “SAP Business Analyst Senior” Job “1.2 SAP Business Analyst Senior - SRM PPS,
 Category 2 “SAP Developer Senior” Job “2.1 SAP Development Analyst Senior - ABAP”,
 Category 3 “Solution Architect/Data Architect” Job “3.2 SAP Center of Excellence (COE)
Senior Solution Architecture Administrator”,
 Category 4 “Basis Administrator” Job “4.1 SAP Basis Administrator”,
 Category 5 “Security Administrator” Job “5.1 SAP Identity & Access Management
Company C has properly responded for scoring under this RFP and all resumes will be evaluated and
scored in each category.
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Scoring is 350 points divided over 5 categories:
Category 1
SAP Business
Analyst Senior
70 Points
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
SAP Developer
70 Points
70 Points
70 Points
70 Points
For each staff augmentation firm, the resumes in each of the categories will be used to determine the
resume quality score.
Evaluation Criteria:
Contracting firm information is complete and relevant.
Resume matches job description outlined in Attachment 4,
Resume shows longevity in some of the assignments.
Resume contains the description of the project, the candidate’s role in the project, and the
date and month from/to.
Resume is neat, organized, and grammatical.
All resumes from the company follow the same format.
The resume contents are internally consistent; they support the years of experience and
type of skills identified.
The years of experience chart is accurate, complete, and reflects the job expectations.
3.2.3 Rate Information (150 Points Possible)
3.2.3 Rate Information
For each staff augmentation firm, the resume scored in each of the five categories will be used to
determine the rate score.
Staff augmentation firms are encouraged to submit reasonable and customary rates as part of this
process. A formula will be used to score staff augmentation firms on the rates submitted. Lower rates
result in more points. Rates that are higher than the calculated average could result in a zero score for
this category or section.
All the categories are added together to determine the total points for this section.
Scoring is 150 points divided over 5 categories:
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Category 1
SAP Business
Analyst Senior
30 Points
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5
SAP Developer
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
30 Points
Multnomah County will utilize a modified Difference in Price method to determine the actual pricing
points earned by each Proposer.
To calculate the average rate, the highest Proposer’s rate and the lowest Proposer’s rate received for
the category will be removed from the equation. The remaining rates will be used to establish an
average rate. This average rate is used in the formula below for determining points for the category. If
only one Proposer’s rate is evaluated in a category, that proposer will receive the full 30 points.
Each proposer’s rate for the category will then be compared to the average rate and a point
adjustment factor will be developed. The further the Proposer’s rate is over from the average rate, the
larger the adjustment factor and the fewer number of points will be earned for that category. The
County is using this methodology to reward realistic pricing and to penalize pricing that is
unreasonably high. The formula to calculate the point adjustment factor will be as follows:
Formula: Category Points maximum 30 points - (Proposer's Rate - Average Rate) = Point
Adjustment Factor. The Point Adjustment Factor for each category can not be greater than 30 nor less
than zero.
Example: Company A submits the following rates:
 Category 1 - SAP Business Analyst Senior: Company A's rate is $5 higher than the average
rate in that Category. The Category Points = 30 - (5) which results in 25 points assigned
for Category 1.
 Category 2 - SAP Developer Senior: Company A's rate is $5 lower than the average rate in
that Category. The Category Points = 30 - (-5) which equals 35. Company A gets 30
points for Category 2 since the Point Adjustment Factor (35) more than the 30 points.
 Category 3 - Solution Architect/Data Architect. Company A's rate is $30 higher than the
average rate in that Category. The Category Points: 30 - (30) which results
in 0 points assigned for Category 3.
 Category 4 - Basis Administrator. Company A's rate is $40 higher than the average rate in that
Category. The Category Points: 30 - (40) = -10. Since the Point Adjustment Factor (-10) is
less than zero, zero points are assigned for Category 4.
 Category 5 - Security Administrator. Company A's rate is the same as the average rate in that
Category. The Category Points: 30 – 0 =30 which equals 30 points assigned for Category
A proposer’s total Section 3.2.3 score is the sum of the points received in Categories 1 through 5.
Therefore, Company A's points are: 25 points + 30 points + 0 points + 0 points + 30 points = 85 points
for this section.
Evaluation Criteria
The company’s rate includes travel and other expenses clearly broken out (if applicable),
The rates are reasonable and competitive,
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Our vendors are an integral part of the societies and communities in which they operate. Their
influence extends to the employees they depend upon, the environment from which they draw their
resources and the marketplace in which they participate. Multnomah County seeks to conduct
business with vendors who demonstrate responsible business practices through sustainability and
social equity innovations.
Proposals will be scored based on the responses to the following:
3.2.4 Responsible Business Practices Sustainability Goods & Services/Environmental Impact
20 Industry/Environmental Impact
20 Sustainable Business Practices
20 Integration of Candidate Selection
20 Cultural Competency
20 Social Equity (Section A OR Section B)
Total Points Possible This Section
250 Sustainability (100 Points Possible).
The County has an interest in measures used by its vendors to ensure sustainable operations with
minimal adverse impact on the environment. The County seeks to do business with vendors who
demonstrate community and environmental stewardship
1. Please demonstrate how your business or organization will provide the goods or services
identified in the scope of services in a sustainable manner. What measures will you take to
minimize impacts to the environment in the delivery of your goods or services? Please provide
specific examples, metrics, details of efforts, practices, and/or processes. (20 Points)
Evaluation Criteria: The proposer provides specific examples, metrics, details of practices,
and/or processes to deliver goods or services in a sustainable manner.
2. Discuss the big environmental impacts in your industry. How will you mitigate these impacts in
the delivery of your goods or services? Describe how your organization handles transportation
issues with your clients. (20 Points)
Evaluation Criteria: The proposer provides details of how they will mitigate industry
environmental impacts in the delivery of goods or services.
3. Please demonstrate your business’s or organization’s sustainable business practices, which
could include, but are not limited to a formal sustainability program and/or policies covering
recycling measures; energy conservation plans; water conservation policies; and a green
cleaning policy. Please provide specific examples, metrics, and details of practices and include
copies of reports, policies or plans if available. (20 Points)
Evaluation Criteria: Proposer provides specific examples, metrics, and details of practices,
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and copies of reports, policies, or plans related to their sustainable business practices.
4. How does your business/agency integrate sustainability practices with the selection of
candidates? In the process of providing candidates requested by the County, what can your
business/agency do to reduce environmental impacts and promote social equity? Please
provide details of practices which reduce environmental impacts and promote social equity.
(20 Points)
Evaluation Criteria: Proposer provides specific examples, metrics, and details of practices,
and copies of reports, policies, or plans related to their client selection sustainable business
5. Describe in detail your firm’s cultural competency and diversity training, and the expectations
that both your firm’s staff and recruited staff will be working with diverse populations to
ensure program values and goals are met. Explain how you might use cooperative or other
techniques to engage diverse employees. (20 Points)
Evaluation Criteria: The proposer describes in detail their cultural competency and diversity
training for staff that will not be working with diverse populations, and the cultural competency
and diversity training for staff that will be working with diverse populations. Social Equity (150 Points Possible)
The Social Equity is broken into two sets of questions. Proposers should fill out one section
of questions – either A or B.
If proposer has one or more employees, fill out questions in section Section A. Questions for
Firms and Organizations with One or More Employees. Do not fill out questions in section
Section B. Questions for Firms and Organizations with no Employees.
If proposer has no employees, fill out questions in section Section B. Questions for Firms
and Organizations with no Employees. Do not fill out questions in section Section A.
Questions for Firms and Organizations with no Employees.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
(If you do not have employees, skip Section A and go on to Section B)
SECTION A (One or More Employees)
100 Social Equity Workforce Diversity
33 Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business
Contracting Business Practices
34 Employee Healthcare and Other Benefits Employee Healthcare
20 Other Benefits
Sick Leave
Vacation Benefits
Retirement Benefits
Total Score This Section
Social Equity (100 Points Possible)
The County is committed to extending contracting opportunities to businesses that demonstrate social
equity in the areas of workforce diversity, utilization of State of Oregon certified Minority, Women and
Emerging Small Businesses (MWESBs), business practices, and health insurance and other benefits
for employees. In order to promote economic growth, the County seeks to maximize the participation
of diverse consultants, partners, contractors, and suppliers throughout the duration of the project. Ten
percent (10%) of the total possible points to be awarded in this solicitation have been assigned to the
Social Equity criteria below.
Workforce Diversity (33 Points Possible)
A. Describe in detail how your business or organization develops your own internal diverse
workforce. How do you approach internal on-the-job training, mentoring, technical training
and/or professional development opportunities addressing diversity? Describe the
process(es) used to recruit women and minorities. What types of projects or initiatives have
been implemented?
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposer describes efforts used to develop an internal diverse workforce.
Proposer describes approach to internal diversity mentoring, training, and/or professional
development opportunities.
Proposer describes process(es) used to recruit women and minorities into the
organization or agency.
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Proposer describes projects and initiatives implemented.
B. Describe in detail how your business or organization supports workforce diversity within your
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes community involvement that supports workforce
diversity such as volunteering, donations, internships, community organization participation
and other workforce capacity building activities.
Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (MWESB) Contracting (33 Points Possible)
A. MWESB Contracting and Past Performance
Within the past 24 months, have you subcontracted or partnered with State of Oregon
certified MWESB businesses on any project? If yes:
List the State of Oregon MWESB businesses that your organization or business has had
contractual relationships with during the past 24 months.
Identify the total volume and total overall percentage of contracts awarded to MWESB
businesses during the past 24 months.
Describe any innovative or successful measures that your organization or business has
undertaken to work with MWESB businesses on previous projects.
Describe any mentoring, technical or other business development services your
organization or business has provided to previous or current MWESB sub-consultants or
partners, or will provide in relation to the goods or services in this solicitation.
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposer lists the State of Oregon MWESB businesses they have had contractual
relationships with during the past 24 months.
Proposer identifies the total volume and overall total percentage of all contracts awarded
to MWESB businesses.
Proposer describes any innovative or successful measures undertaken to work with
MWESB businesses on previous projects.
Proposer describes any mentoring, technical or other business development services
provided to previous or current MWESB businesses, sub-consultants or partners, or will
provide in relation to the good and services in this solicitation.
B. Sub-contracting
Will you be subcontracting any element of the services under this Proposal? If yes, answer
the questions below; if not, proceed to question 3.
Describe your business’ or organization’s plan for obtaining maximum utilization of State
of Oregon certified MWESB firms on this project.
List the subcontracting opportunities your firm has identified within the scope of goods or
services in this solicitation.
Describe the outreach and recruitment efforts you intend to make or have already made
to certified MWESB businesses including the actual results of your efforts, if applicable.
Describe the mentoring, technical or other business development services your business
or organization will provide to MWESB businesses.
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If your organization or business will be utilizing MWESB businesses to provide the goods
or services described in this document, please list those MWESB businesses and detail
their role within your proposal.
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposer describes plan for obtaining maximum utilization of State of Oregon certified
MWESB businesses on this project.
Proposer lists the subcontracting opportunities the firm has identified within the scope of
goods or services described in this solicitation.
Proposer describes outreach and recruitment efforts to be made or already made to
certified State of Oregon MWESB businesses including the actual results of efforts, if
Proposer describes mentoring, technical or other business development services that
are/will be provided to MWESB businesses.
Proposer lists MWESB businesses to provide the good or services and details their role
within proposal.
Business Practices (34 Points Possible)
A. Describe in detail how your business or organization includes diverse suppliers, vendors and
subcontractors in the conduct of your business. Please provide specific examples.
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes efforts, practices and/or processes to include a
diverse vendor pool that reflects the diversity of Multnomah County
B. Describe in detail the efforts and activities under taken by your business or organization to
create economic and social benefits for this or future generations. Please provide specific
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes efforts or activities such as volunteering,
donations, sponsorships, economic and social development participation, youth and
community organization participation or other community capacity building activities.
3. Employee Healthcare and Other Benefits (50 Points Possible)
The County values access to healthcare and other benefits as an important aspect of social
equity. We recognize contracting with vendors who offer Healthcare and Other Benefits to their
employees demonstrates responsible community stewardship. The County has assigned 5% of
the total points available on this solicitation to Healthcare and Other Benefits criteria.
A. Employee Healthcare
Please check the one statement below that applies to your firm:
Proposer offers health insurance to employees that meets or exceeds each of the minimum
coverages specified below as determined by the Multnomah County Benchmark for Employee
Health Insurance Plans. (20 points)
Proposer does not offer health insurance that meets all of the coverage as defined by the
Multnomah County Benchmark for Employee Health Insurance Plans (0 points)
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Multnomah County Benchmark for Employee Health Insurance Plans
Medical Cost Sharing
Annual Deductible
Member Coinsurance
Out of Pocket Maximum
$1000 individual
30 percent
$4000 per individual
Prescription Medicine Cost Sharing
Member Coinsurance level for generic Rx
$15 or 50 percent for 30 day supply
Out of Pocket Maximum
Other Required Services
Doctor Visits
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Routine Well Checks
Covered Benefit
Women’s Health Care Services
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Diagnostic X-Ray/Lab
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Emergency Room
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Inpatient
Covered Benefit
Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Outpatient
Covered Benefit
Skilled Nursing Care
Covered Benefit
Durable Medical Equipment
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Covered Benefit
Home Health
Covered Benefit
Please select the statements that apply to your firm:
Sick Leave
Proposer offers sick leave to all full time employees (10 points)
Proposer does not offer sick leave to all full time employees (0 points)
Vacation Benefits
Proposer offers vacation benefits to all full time employees (10 points)
Proposer does not offer vacation benefits to all full time employees (0 points)
Retirement Benefits
Proposer offers retirement benefits to all full time employees (10 points)
Proposer does not offer retirement benefits to all full time employees (0 points)
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
(Do not answer if you completed Section A. above)
SECTION B (No Employees)
150 Social Equity Workforce Diversity
50 Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business
50 Business Practices
Social Equity (150 Points Possible)
The County is committed to extending contracting opportunities to businesses that support social
equity in the areas of workforce diversity, utilization of State of Oregon certified Minority, Women and
Emerging Small Businesses (MWESBs) and business practices. In order to promote economic
growth, the County seeks to maximize the participation of diverse consultants, partners, contractors,
and suppliers throughout the duration of the project. Fifteen percent (15%) of the total possible points
to be awarded in this solicitation have been assigned to the Social Equity criteria below.
1. Workforce Diversity (50 Points Possible)
Describe in detail how your business or organization supports workforce diversity within your
community. Please provide specific examples.
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes community involvement that supports workforce
diversity such as volunteering, donations, internships, community organization participation or
other workforce capacity building activities.
2. Minority, Women and Emerging Small Business (MWESB) Contracting (50 Points Possible)
A. MWESB Contracting and Past Performance
Within the past 24 months, have you subcontracted or partnered with State of Oregon
certified MWESB businesses on any project?
List the State of Oregon MWESB businesses that your organization or business has had
contractual relationships with during the past 24 months.
Identify the total volume and total overall percentage of all contracts awarded to
MWESB businesses during the past 24 months.
Describe any innovative or successful measures that your organization or business has
undertaken to work with MWESB businesses on previous projects.
Describe any mentoring, technical or other business development services your
organization or business has provided to previous or current MWESB sub-consultants
or partners, or will provide in relation to the goods or services described in this
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Evaluation Criteria:
Proposer lists the MWESB businesses they have had contractual relationships with
during the past 24 months.
Proposer identifies the total volume and overall total percentage of all contracts
awarded to MWESB businesses.
Proposer describes any innovative or successful measures undertaken to work with
MWESB businesses on previous projects.
Proposer describes any mentoring, technical or other business development services
provided to previous or current MWESB businesses, sub-consultants or partners, or will
provide in relation to the good and services described in this solicitation.
B. Sub-contracting
Will you be subcontracting any element of the services under this Proposal? If yes, answer
the questions below; if not, proceed to question 3.
Describe your businesses or organization’s plan for obtaining maximum utilization of
State of Oregon certified MWESB firms on this project.
List the subcontracting opportunities your business or organization has identified within
the scope of the services in this solicitation.
Describe the outreach and recruitment efforts you intend to make or have already made
to certified MWESB businesses including the actual results of your efforts, if applicable.
Describe the mentoring, technical or other business development services your
business or organization will provide to MWESB businesses.
If your organization or business will be utilizing MWESB businesses to provide the
goods or services described in this solicitation, please list those MWESB businesses
and detail their role within your proposal.
Evaluation Criteria:
Proposer describes plan for obtaining maximum utilization of State of Oregon certified
MWESB businesses on this project.
Proposer lists the subcontracting opportunities the business or organization has
identified within the scope of the good or services described in this solicitation.
Proposer describes the outreach and recruitment efforts to be made or already made to
certified MWESB businesses including the actual results of efforts, if applicable.
Proposer describes the mentoring, technical or other business development services
that are/will be provided to MWESB businesses.
Proposer lists MWESB businesses to provide the goods or services described in this
solicitation and detail their role within proposal.
3. Business Practices (50 Points Possible)
A. Describe in detail how your business or organization includes diverse suppliers, vendors and
subcontractors in the conduct of your business. Please provide specific examples.
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes efforts, practices and/or processes to include a
diverse vendor pool that reflects the diversity of Multnomah County.
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B. Describe in detail the efforts and activities under taken by your business or organization to
create economic and social benefits for this or future generations. Please provide specific
Evaluation Criteria: The Proposer describes efforts or activities such as volunteering, donations,
sponsorships, economic and social development participation, youth and community organization
participation or other community capacity building activities.
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Proposals must be printed, computer generated or typewritten, single spaced, space-and-a-half or
double-spaced, on 8.5” x 11” paper. All pages should be numbered. Margins should be at least ½ inch
on all sides. Font size can be no smaller than 10. Proposals using smaller font sizes or smaller
margins may be rejected.
In support of the County’s sustainability goals regarding environmental impact and the disposal of
paper, it is the County’s preference that proposals be printed on both sides of the paper, rather than
on one side only. When proposal format instructions limit the number of pages to be submitted, the
page count is based on the quantity of numbered pages. Example: The RFP proposal response to
the program question is limited to a page count of not more than 20 pages. This equates to not more
than 10 sheets of paper that are printed on each side, or 20 pages printed on only one side.
The total number of pages, excluding requested attachments, must not exceed 20 pages. Note:
Resumes are not to exceed 5 pages per resume and are not counted towards total page count.
Attachments and supporting documents not specifically required by the RFP will not be evaluated.
Supporting materials submitted with the proposal, if any, will not be returned. Pages in excess of the
page limitation will not be evaluated. Unless otherwise specified, pages exceeding the standard page
size of 8.5” x 11” will be counted as two or more pages, depending on the actual size of the page.
Proposers must respond to all the questions listed under Part 3, Proposal Evaluation, Questions and
Instructions. For each item, restate the question and use the same numbering and letter sequence as
found in the RFP and then provide your response. Responses must be on the forms provided for by
Multnomah County where applicable.
Proposals must be stapled in the left upper corner. Do not use spiral bindings, glue, place in
notebooks or use other methods of binding the proposal. If the document is too thick to be held with a
single staple, secure the document with a metal clip which can be easily removed for storage and
copying purposes.
Proposals shall be submitted in a sealed envelope appropriately marked with the Proposal title, RFP
number, and the name and address of the Proposer. If the requested copies do not fit into an
envelope, enclose all copies in a box, seal it and attach a sheet of paper with the following information
to the top of the box: (1) Proposal title, (2) RFP number, and (3) the name and address of the
Proposer. Please use the minimum amount of tape necessary to seal the box.
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In the interest of sustainable practices, Proposers must submit one (1) original of the proposal to:
Multnomah County Purchasing, 501 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Suite 400, Portland, OR 97214, no later
than 4:00 p.m. on the proposal due date. PROPOSALS MUST BE TIME STAMPED AT THE
4.8.1 Offeror Representations and Certifications
All Proposers are to submit a SIGNED Offeror Representations and Certifications [Attachment 1], and
it will not count against the total page limitation. Failure to sign a completed Offeror Representations
and Certifications form may result in rejection of the proposal.
4.8.2 At the time of proposal submission
Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required
documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in rejection of the proposal.
1. The Proposal response must be received by Multnomah County Purchasing no later than
4:00 P.M. local Portland time on the proposal submission deadline.
4.8.3 At the time of Contracting
Proposers must meet the following minimum requirements. Failure to provide any of the required
documents or meet any of the below requirements shall result in cancellation of the contract.
Proposers must be legal entities, currently registered to do business in the State of
Oregon (per ORS 60.701).
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PART 5 - Attachments and Electronic References
The undersigned, having full knowledge of the specifications for the goods or services specified herein, offers to furnish any and/or all
goods or services as described herein at the prices offered and within the time specified and agrees that this offer shall be irrevocable
for 30 calendar days after the date offers are due or for such longer period as may be specified in this solicitation.
 Corporation
 Sole Proprietor
 Partnership
 S Corporation
 Non-Profit
 Government
 Other
 Minority Owned  Woman Owned
 Emerging, Small  N/A
ASSURANCES - The Offeror attests that:
The person signing this offer has the authority to submit an offer and to represent Offeror in all phases of this procurement process;
The information provided herein is true and accurate;
The Offeror is a resident bidder, as described in ORS 279A.120, of the State of ______________, [insert State] and has not discriminated against
any minority, women, or emerging small business enterprises in obtaining any required subcontracts, in accordance with ORS 279A.110;
"Resident bidder" means a bidder that has paid unemployment taxes or income taxes in this state during the 12 calendar months immediately
preceding submission of the bid, has a business address in this state and has stated in the bid whether the bidder is a "resident bidder". ORS
279A.120 (1) (]b);
Any false statement may disqualify this offer from further consideration or be cause of contract termination; and
The Offeror will notify the Purchasing Procurement Analyst immediately of any change in the information provided on this form.
certifies to the best of its knowledge and belief that neither it nor any of its principals:
Are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from submitting bids or proposals by any
federal, state or local entity, department or agency;
Have within a five-year period preceding the date of this certification been convicted of fraud or any other criminal offense in connection with
obtaining, attempting to obtain, or performing a public (federal, state, or local) contract, embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or
destruction of records, making false statements, or receiving stolen property;
Are presently indicted for or otherwise criminally charged with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in paragraph 2. of this certification;
Have, within a five-year period preceding the date of this certification had a judgment entered against contractor or its principals arising out of the
performance of a public or private contract;
Have pending in any state or federal court any litigation in which there is a claim against contractor or any of its principals arising out of the
performance of a public or private contract; and
Have within a five-year period preceding the date of this certification had one or more public contracts (federal, state, or local) terminated for any
reason related to contract performance.
Where Offeror is unable to certify to any of the statements in this certification, Offeror shall attach an explanation to its offer.
The inability to certify to all of the statements may not necessarily preclude Offeror from award of a contract under this
Print Name & Title
Contact Person for this procurement:
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CONTRACT NO. [Insert Contract Number]
This Contract is between MULTNOMAH COUNTY (“County”) and [Insert Contractor's Name] (“Contractor”).
The parties agree as follows:
Effective Date and Termination Date. The effective date of this Contract shall be [Insert Date] or the date on
which each party has signed this Contract, whichever is later. Unless earlier terminated as provided below, the
termination date shall be [Insert Date].
Statement of Work. Contractor shall perform the work described in Exhibit 1.
Payment for Work. County agrees to pay Contractor in accordance with Exhibit 1.
Contract Documents. This Contract includes the Standard Terms and Conditions and Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and
[Insert Additional References or Exhibits. If applicable, indicate "Exhibit __ is intentionally omitted."].
NOTE: Contractor must also complete and sign Exhibit 3 and (if attached) Exhibits 4 and 5.
I have read this Contract including the attached Exhibits. I understand the Contract and
agree to be bound by its terms.
Name (print):
Contractor Name:
Contractor Address:
This contract is not binding on the County until signed by the Chair or the Chair’s designee.
County Chair or Designee*:
*Department Director signs here for Class 1 Contracts (unless retroactive). For all other contracts, Chair or Chair’s designee signs here.
County Attorney Review
Assistant County Attorney
Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Contract.
Subcontracts and Assignment. Contractor shall not subcontract any of the work required by this Contract or
assign or transfer any of its interest in this Contract, without the prior written consent of County.
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No Third Party Beneficiaries. County and Contractor are the only parties to this Contract and are the only parties
entitled to enforce its terms. Nothing in this Contract gives or provides any benefit or right, whether directly,
indirectly, or otherwise, to third persons unless such third persons are individually identified by name in this
Contract and expressly described as intended beneficiaries of this Contract.
Successors in Interest. The provisions of this Contract shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the
parties and their successors and approved assigns, if any.
Early Termination. This Contract may be terminated as follows:
Payment on Early Termination. Upon termination pursuant to paragraph 5, payment shall be made as follows:
County and Contractor, by mutual written agreement, may terminate this Contract at any time.
County in its sole discretion may terminate this Contract for any reason on 30 days written notice to
Either County or Contractor may terminate this Contract in the event of a breach of the Contract by the
other. Prior to such termination the party seeking termination shall give to the other party written notice of
the breach and intent to terminate. If the party committing the breach has not entirely cured the breach
within 15 days of the date of the notice, then the party giving the notice may terminate the Contract at any
time thereafter by giving a written notice of termination.
Notwithstanding paragraph 5(c), County may terminate this Contract immediately by written notice to
Contractor upon denial, suspension, revocation or non-renewal of any license, permit or certificate that
Contractor must hold to provide services under this Contract.
If terminated under 5(a) or 5(b) for the convenience of the County, the County shall pay Contractor for
work performed prior to the termination date if such work was performed in accordance with the Contract.
County shall not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages. Termination shall not result in a
waiver of any other claim County may have against Contractor.
If terminated under 5(c) by the Contractor due to a breach by the County, then the County shall pay the
Contractor for work performed prior to the termination date if such work was performed in accordance with
the Contract.
If terminated under 5(c) or 5(d) by the County due to a breach by the Contractor, then the County shall pay
the Contractor for work performed prior to the termination date provided such work was performed in
accordance with the Contract less any setoff to which the County is entitled.
Remedies. In the event of breach of this Contract the parties shall have the following remedies:
If terminated under 5(c) by the County due to a breach by the Contractor, the County may complete the
work either itself, by agreement with another Contractor, or by a combination thereof. If the cost of
completing the work exceeds the remaining unpaid balance of the total compensation provided under this
Contract, then the Contractor shall pay to the County the amount of the reasonable excess.
In addition to the remedies in paragraphs 5 and 7 for a breach by the Contractor, the County also shall be
entitled to any other equitable and legal remedies that are available.
If the County breaches this Contract, Contractor’s remedy shall be limited to termination of the Contract
and receipt of Contract payments to which Contractor is entitled.
Access to Records. Contractor shall retain, maintain and keep accessible all records relevant to this Contract
(“Records”) for a minimum of six (6) years, following Contract termination or full performance or any longer period
as may be required by applicable law, or until the conclusion of any audit, controversy or litigation arising out of or
related to this Contract, whichever is later. Contractor shall maintain all financial Records in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles. All other Records shall be maintained to the extent necessary to clearly
reflect actions taken. During this record retention period, Contractor shall permit the County’s authorized
representatives access to the Records at reasonable times and places for purposes of examination and copying.
Ownership of Work. For purposes of this Contract, “Work Product” means all services Contractor delivers or is
required to deliver to County pursuant to this Contract. “Contractor Intellectual Property” means any intellectual
property owned by Contractor and developed independently from services.
County shall have no rights in any pre-existing Contractor Intellectual Property of Contractor provided to County by
Contractor in the performance of this contract except to copy, use and re-use any such Contractor Intellectual
Property for County use only. However, all Work Product created by the Contractor as part of Contractor’s
performance of this Contract shall be the exclusive property of the County. All Work Product authored by
Contractor under this Contract shall be deemed “works made for hire” to the extent permitted by the United States
Copyright Act. To the extent County is not the owner of the intellectual property rights in such Work Product,
Contractor hereby irrevocably assigns to County any and all of its rights, title and interest in such Work Product.
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Upon County’s reasonable request, Contractor shall execute such further documents and instruments reasonably
necessary to fully vest such rights in County. Contractor forever waives any and all rights relating to such Work
Product created under this Contract, including without limitation, any and all rights arising under 17 USC § 106A or
any other rights of identification of authorship or rights of approval, restriction or limitation on use or subsequent
If intellectual property rights in the Work Product are Contractor Intellectual Property, Contractor hereby grants to
County an irrevocable, non-exclusive, perpetual, royalty-free license to use, make, reproduce, prepare derivative
works based upon, distribute copies of, perform and display the Contractor Intellectual Property, and to authorize
others to do the same on County’s behalf. If this Contract is terminated prior to completion, and the County is not in
default, County, in addition to any other rights provided by this Contract, may require the Contractor to transfer and
deliver all partially completed Work Product, reports or documentation that the Contractor has specifically
developed or specifically acquired for the performance of this Contract.
Compliance with Applicable Law. Contractor shall comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable to the
work under this Contract, and all regulations and administrative rules established pursuant to those laws, including,
without limitation ORS 279B.020, 279B.220, 279B.230, and 279B.235.
Indemnity. Contractor shall defend, save, hold harmless, and indemnify County and its officers, employees and
agents from and against all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses of any nature
whatsoever, including attorneys fees, resulting from, arising out of, or relating to the activities of Contractor or its
officers, employees, subcontractors, or agents under this Contract. Contractor shall have control of the defense
and settlement of any claim that is subject to this paragraph. However, neither Contractor nor any attorney
engaged by Contractor shall defend the claim in the name of County or any department of County, nor purport to
act as legal representative of County or any of its departments, without first receiving from the Multnomah County
Attorney’s Office, authority to act as legal counsel for County, nor shall Contractor settle any claim on behalf of
County without the approval of the Multnomah County Attorney’s Office. County may, at its election and expense,
assume its own defense and settlement.
Insurance. Contractor shall provide insurance in accordance with Exhibit 2.
Waiver. The failure of the County to enforce any provision of this Contract shall not constitute a waiver by the
County of that or any other provision. Waiver of any default under this Contract by County shall not be deemed to
be a waiver of any subsequent default or a modification of the provisions of this Contract.
Governing Law/Venue. The provisions of this Contract shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the
State of Oregon and ordinances of Multnomah County, Oregon. Any legal action involving any question arising
under this Contract must be brought in Multnomah County, Oregon. If the claim must be brought in a federal forum,
then it shall be brought and conducted in the United States District Court for the District of Oregon.
Severability. If any term or provision of this Contract is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal or
in conflict with any law, the validity of the remaining terms and provisions shall not be affected, and the rights and
obligations of the parties shall be construed and enforced as if the Contract did not contain the particular term or
provision held invalid.
Merger Clause. This Contract and the attached exhibits constitute the entire agreement between the parties. All
understandings and agreements between the parties and representations by either party concerning this Contract
are contained in this Contract. No waiver, consent, modification or change in the terms of this Contract shall bind
either party unless in writing signed by both parties. Any written waiver, consent, modification or change shall be
effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given.
Anti-discrimination Clause. Contractor shall not discriminate based on race, religion, color, sex, marital status,
familial status, national origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, source of
income, or political affiliation in programs, activities, services, benefits or employment. Contractor shall not
discriminate against minority-owned, women-owned or emerging small businesses. Contractor shall include a
provision in each sub-contract requiring subcontractors to comply with the requirements of this clause.
Non-appropriation Clause. If payment for work under this Contract extends into the County's next fiscal year,
County’s obligation to pay for such work is subject to approval of future appropriations to fund this Contract by the
Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County, Oregon.
Warranties. Contractor represents and warrants to County that: (a) Contractor has the power and authority to
enter into and perform the Contract; (b) the Contract, when executed and delivered, shall be a valid and binding
obligation of Contractor enforceable in accordance with its terms; and (c) Contractor’s performance under the
Contract shall be in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with professional standards applicable to
the work.
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Contract No:
1. Contractor shall perform the following work:
Include the description of work to be preformed here. It the descriptions are too
extensive, include in a Statement of Work as EXHIBIT 1 and move these 7 terms to
the SOW and delete this section of the Contract.
For Work Order based contracts:
Contractor shall provide resources for ___________________________
_______________________________________________ as directed by
County Information Technology Management. The specific services to be
provided shall be described in “Work Orders” as is defined in Exhibit 1A
2. The maximum payment under this Contract, including expenses, is $X,XXX.XX
For Work Orders:
The aggregate amount paid for all Work Orders under this Contract shall not exceed the
maximum payment amount of $XXX,XXX, including expenses, if any.
For Milestone Based - Fixed Price Payment:
The _______________ represents the maximum amounts to be invoiced by Contractor for the
respective deliverable, milestone and in total.
3. Contractor shall be paid for the work on the following basis:
For Work Orders:
County shall pay Contractor for the Work Product in accordance with the work
description, deliverables and acceptance criteria contained in each Work Order
For Time and Materials:
Unless the controlling Work Order specifies otherwise, Contractor shall be paid on
a time and materials basis, for materials purchased in the County’s behalf and
actual time spent in the delivering services to the County.
For Milestone Based - Fixed Price Payment:
County shall pay Contractor for the Work Product completed in accordance with the
work description and deliverables as follows:
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County shall pay Contractor at an hourly rate for the time spent, by each Job
Classification, delivering Work Product, as indicated in the table below:
Job Classification
Pay Rate
Contractor agrees to adhere to the rates listed herein for the duration of this
4. Contractor shall submit invoices for the work as follows:**
The County shall pay all complete, undisputed invoices within 30 days of the due date indicated
on the invoice, or lacking a due date, within 45 days of the invoice date provided that the work
described in the invoice has been completed in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
******* CHOOSE ONE or DELETE ALL *******************
Time and Materials:
Unless the controlling Work Order specifies otherwise, for each Work Order,
Contractor shall submit to County a bi-weekly billing statement itemizing the time and
materials provided to County during the billing period.
Milestone Based Payment:
Following completion and acceptance of each deliverable or achievement of each
milestone, Contractor shall submit an invoice to the County itemizing the services
provided and date(s) thereof, as well as the amounts owed.
Not to Exceed Payment:
Contractor shall invoice County only for actual hours worked by Contractor, not to
exceed maximum amount as defined in ____________.
5. In addition to the payment provided for in paragraph 3, County will pay expenses on the
following terms and conditions:
******* CHOOSE ONE or DELETE ALL *******************
Time and Materials payment:
Contractor’s reasonable expenses for meals, lodging, transportation and other
expenditures directly incurred in providing the Work Product shall be reimbursed in
accordance with County’s administrative procedure for reimbursement of County
employees as amended from time to time, a copy of which is available to
Contractor on request. Contractor shall attach receipts evidencing such expenses
to monthly billing invoice for reimbursement by County. The total fees and
expenses invoiced shall not exceed the maximum as defined in ___________.
Deliverable/Milestone based payment:
Contractor’s reasonable expenses for meals, lodging, transportation and other
expenditures directly incurred in providing the Work Product shall be reimbursed in
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accordance with County’s administrative procedure for reimbursement of County
employees as amended from time to time, a copy of which is available to
Contractor on request. Contractor shall attach receipts evidencing such expenses
to milestone billing invoice for reimbursement together with payment for the Work
Product. The total fees and expenses invoiced shall not exceed the maximum as
defined in _____________.
All Inclusive Rate (Fixed Cost and Not to Exceed):
All travel related expenses are included in the daily rate for resources provided.
No travel expense reimbursements are authorized. Unless otherwise agreed, no
additional travel expenses shall be invoiced by Contractor or paid by County.
6. This Contract may be renewed on the following basis:
[Enter information]
7. If funding for this Contract includes federal funds that could impose A-133
Audit requirements, the Catalogue of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number(s) and
titles are shown below. If there is any change to funding for this Contract to add
additional federal funds, Contractor will be notified via letter.
[Enter Number]
Program Title
[Enter Title]
**County shall have the right to withhold from payments due Contractor such sums as are necessary in
County’s sole opinion to protect County from any loss, damage, or claim which may result from Contractor’s
failure to perform in accordance with the terms of the Contract or failure to make proper payment to suppliers
or subcontractors. County shall not be obligated to pay Contractor until it has inspected and affirmatively
accepted Contractor’s work.
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MASTER TEMPLATE with Variable/Optional
In addition to the terms and conditions set forth in the Contract, County and Contractor agree to the
Services. Contractor shall provide Work Product to County upon request and as further
outlined in Exhibit 1 to the Contract. The specifications, duration, and costs of such services
are to be set forth in reasonable detail in separate and/or subsequent written instruments in the
form of a Work Order (“WO”) or Statement of Work (“SOW”), which, upon execution, shall
amend Exhibit 1 to the Contract.
Order of Precedence. In the event of any inconsistency between any exhibits, attachments,
purchase orders, order forms, and any other documents that make up the Contract, the following
order of precedence shall apply:
(i) the terms outlined in the most recent WO, SOW, or amendment to the Contract signed
by both parties
(ii) the terms of any purchase order issued by County
(iii) the terms outlined in the Contract or any exhibits or attachment thereto, or any County
No additional or conflicting terms outlined in any order form, invoice, packing slip or similar
documentation, Contractor website, or Contractor published or provided materials shall apply
unless expressly agreed to in writing.
Change Control. Work to be performed pursuant to any WO or SOW may be amended from
time to time, as mutually agreed by the parties, to revise or redefine the scope, schedule for
completion, compensation, responsibilities, and other specifications related to the Work. Any
such amendment of a WO or SOW shall utilize the change control procedures defined in the
specific WO or SOW, or, in the event no change control procedure is specified, the change
control procedure outlined below.
(i) When either party desires a change to the requirements of any WO or SOW, that
party will prepare a written document (a “Change Order”) describing in reasonable detail
any changes to the WO or SOW, to include, at a minimum, any changes in cost,
schedule, and impact, if any, to the project, and shall submit the proposed Change
Order to the other party for approval.
(ii) A Change Order shall only become effective, thereby amending the applicable WO
or SOW, when signed by both parties.
Project Management
Contractor will:
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Provide reasonably detailed status reports to County in accordance with the
frequency described in the WO or SOW, or in the absence of any specification in
the WO or SOW, as reasonably necessary to keep County updated as to the
status of the project; and
Manage any changes to the Work, including without limitation changes to the
specifications, in accordance with the applicable Change Control procedure.
Acceptance of Deliverables
Upon completion, all deliverables will be subject to reasonable examination and testing
by County to determine if the deliverables are complete and meet the agreed
acceptance criteria, as outlined in the applicable WO, SOW, or product or service
specifications. A deliverable that is determined to meet its acceptance criteria will be
deemed to be delivered on the date of such determination. If a deliverable does not
meet its acceptance criteria, the deliverable will be reworked by Contractor at its sole
expense until (i) the deliverable meets the acceptance criteria, (ii) County determines, in
its sole discretion, to amend the acceptance criteria, or (iii) County terminates the
applicable WO or SOW, as provided herein.
If County and Contractor are unable to reach agreement on the acceptance criteria for a
deliverable, County may terminate the applicable WO or SOW and/or the Contract on
fifteen (15) days written notice to Contractor, provided County will be responsible for
that portion of the fees attributable to usable Work Product delivered to and accepted by
County up to the time of termination.
Fees for accepted deliverables must be invoiced to County within ninety (90) days
following acceptance. Any fees, costs, or expenses of any kind not invoiced within such
90-day period shall be rejected by County without penalty.
Facilities and Work Hours. Unless specified otherwise in the applicable WO or SOW, and
subject to meeting any deadlines agreed to by the parties, Contractor may perform its
obligations under the Contract at such times and places as Contractor determines. If
Contractor requests, County will, in its sole discretion, designate workspaces for Contractor’s
use. Professional services provided by Contractor on County’s premises will be during its
normal office hours of 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Service hours on
County’s premises other than during normal office hours must be agreed upon by County and
Termination of a WO or SOW. Unless specified otherwise therein, a WO or SOW may be
terminated as follows:
In the event of a material breach, by either party as set forth in Section 5 of the
Contract. If County terminates the Contract or a WO or SOW under subsection 5(c) of
the Contract, County will have no further obligation to Contractor. If Contractor
terminates the Contract or a WO or SOW under subsection 5(c) of the Contract, County
will be obligated to pay Contractor for any usable Work Product created by Contractor
and delivered to County, or any personnel acting on its behalf, through the date of
By County under Section 13 of this Exhibit. If County terminates the Contract under
Section 13 of this Exhibit, County will have no further obligation to Contractor.
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By County without cause at any time upon ten (10) calendar day’s notice to Contractor,
provided County will pay Contractor for any usable Work Product created by Contractor
and delivered to and accepted by County through the date of termination.
Any obligations or duties that by their nature extend beyond the termination of a WO or
SOW shall survive termination for any reason.
Assignment of Personnel
Contractor will assign to County only personnel who are authorized to obtain
employment in the United States and who, in Contractor’s judgment, have the training,
competence, and interpersonal skills necessary to perform the services required by
In the event County is dissatisfied with any assigned personnel, it may request other
personnel and Contractor will assign new personnel to County within three (3) business
days from its request. In such event, Contractor will not invoice County for any costs in
connection with the time worked by the nonqualified personnel whose removal has been
In the event the time worked by Contractor’s nonqualified personnel is two (2) weeks or
greater, and Contractor is able to assign a suitably qualified replacement in the time
allotted herein, Contractor will not invoice County for the first two (2) weeks of the
qualified replacement personnel’s service to offset County’s cost of training another
Contractor employee.
If Contractor is unable to assign another competent and appropriate person to County
within the allotted time, County may, by written notice, immediately terminate the WO or
SOW under which the services were being provided without further obligation by either
Nonexclusive Contract and Ability to Perform
The Contract is nonexclusive. County is not Contractor’s only client and Contractor will
continue to provide services to other clients. Contractor is not County’s only provider for
the services contracted for herein and County will continue to use other providers for the
same or similar services.
Contractor represents to County that Contractor’s other contractual commitments do not
prevent or restrict it from fully performing the Work Product to be provided under this
Quality of Services. In addition to the Warranties and representations contained in the
Contract, Contractor also warrants that the Work Product it creates pursuant to the
Contract will be completed according to the specifications set forth in the applicable WO
or SOW and any applicable product or service specifications. Contractor warrants that
all Work will be completed in a good and workmanlike manner, consistent with all
applicable industry standards. Contractor also warrants that it will maintain equipment
and a staff of qualified personnel sufficient to perform its obligations under the Contract
in accordance with the schedule(s) set forth in any WO or SOW.
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Quality of Products. In addition to the warranties and representations outlined in the
product documentation, Contractor warrants and represents that all products (i) are of
the quality, quantity, and description outlined in the applicable WO, SOW, or purchase
order, (ii) shall comply with all manufacturer’s specifications, (iii) shall be new and free
from defects, and (iv) shall comply in all material respects with all applicable laws and
Non-Infringement Warranty. Contractor warrants that the Work Product and any
deliverables, in whole or in part, will not infringe any copyrights, patents, trade secrets,
or any other proprietary or ownership rights of any third parties. Contractor warrants that
it has received no claims or charges of such infringement by the Work Product or
deliverables, or any portion thereof, and Contractor warrants that it has no reason to
believe that the Work Product or deliverables, or any part thereof, may infringe the
copyrights, patents, trade secrets, or any other proprietary or ownership rights of any
third parties.
No Grant of Rights. Contractor warrants that it has not granted any rights or licenses to
any third parties in the Work Product or deliverables, or any portion thereof.
In the event of a breach of any of Contractor’s warranties, Contractor shall promptly
cure such breach at no cost to County.
“Confidential Information” means any information about the parties and/or their affiliates
and subsidiaries that derives actual or potential economic value from not being
generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, third
parties. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Confidential Information includes
all non-public information about the parties and their employees, parents, affiliates, and
subsidiaries, their business activities and plans, their business relationships, and
exclusively to County, information concerning criminal records, medical treatment, and
claims, or any other information deemed “personally identifiable information” or
“personal data” under applicable law, and any information regarding County’s internal
business processes, technology, software usage, or any other non-public County
information derived by or made accessible to Contractor’s employees as part of the
services performed for County.
The parties acknowledge and agree that all Confidential Information disclosed by them
pursuant to the Contract, or made accessible as part of the Work, is confidential and
proprietary. The parties will not use any Confidential Information during the term of the
Contract or thereafter for any purpose other than as permitted or required for the
performance of their obligations under the Contract. The parties will not disclose or
provide any Confidential Information to any third party, except as expressly authorized
in writing. Further, the parties will not remove or destroy any proprietary markings on the
Confidential Information. On the expiration or termination of the Contract for any
reason, Contractor will, within a reasonable time, return or destroy, at County’s request,
all of the Confidential Information, in any form whatsoever, in Contractor’s possession or
otherwise under its control.
The foregoing obligations and restrictions do not require the parties to protect any
information that (i) was known or readily ascertainable by proper means before being
disclosed; (ii) is or becomes available to the general public without fault or action of
either party; (iii) is lawfully disclosed to either party by a third party who is under no
obligation of confidentiality to either party with respect to such information; (iv) is
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developed independently by either party without reference to or use of the Confidential
Information; or (v) is required to be disclosed by law or to a government authority.
Disclosure by either party of Confidential Information to its employees, agents, affiliates,
subsidiaries, sub-contractors, and consultants is authorized only to the extent such
disclosure is necessary to enable the performance of its obligations under the Contract.
The parties will exercise a high standard of care necessary to ensure that such persons
will protect the confidential and proprietary nature of the Confidential Information. If
requested, a Party will demonstrate to the other Party that their employees, agents,
affiliates, subsidiaries, sub-contractors, and consultants are obligated to protect third
party confidential information from unauthorized disclosure.
The parties will instruct their personnel to maintain the confidentiality of any Confidential
Information and shall require that its personnel agree in writing substantially as set forth
above in this Section 11.
The confidential obligations outlined in this Section 11 shall remain in effect throughout
the term of the Contract and shall continue for two (2) years following the termination or
expiration of the Contract, or such longer period as required by applicable law.
Business Associates. The parties agree that should the Contractor responsibilities set forth in
an agreed upon WO or SOW cause Contractor to create, receive, or have access to personal
health information from County, as defined herein, that in doing so Contractor shall become a
business associate (as the terms “personal health information” and “business associate” are
defined in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and in subsequent
implementing regulations). The parties shall accordingly enter into a Business Associate
Addendum, which will be attached and incorporated into the Contract as Exhibit A so as to
comply with applicable laws and regulations.
Disbarment. Contractor represents that Contractor, its employees, agents, and subcontractors,
are not, as of the effective date of the Contract, (i) excluded in any fashion for any reason from
participation in federally-funded programs or any other type of programs or awards relating to
public entities, nor (ii) controlled by a person or entity that is so excluded. Contractor shall
notify County within twenty-four (24) hours if it receives written notice from a federal or other
agency with proper authority, or otherwise becomes aware, that it or a controlling person or
entity is so excluded, regardless of whether such a determination is subject to appeal by
Contractor or such controlling person or entity. Any such exclusion shall be grounds for
termination of the Contract by County in a manner and in a timeframe deemed appropriate by
County in its sole discretion.
Code of Business Conduct. County has adopted and enforces administrative procedures,
personnel rules, and executive rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Code”) to
govern the conduct of its employees, officers, and agents. The Code requires compliance with
laws, avoidance of conflicts of interest, and performance of duties according to the highest
ethical standards of honesty, fair dealing, and integrity. Some of the areas addressed by the
Code are prohibitions against personal gain, misuse of assets, sexual harassment,
discrimination against protected classes of persons, and use or possession of drugs, alcohol,
or firearms on County premises or while on duty or representing County.
While on County premises, Contractor agrees to act, at all times, in compliance with the Code.
At all other times, except as the Code is specifically limited to job performance of County
employees on behalf of County, Contractor agrees to perform, and to require its personnel to
perform, its duties under the Contract in compliance with the Code, a copy of which is available
to Contractor on request.
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Relationship to Other Public Entities. Contractor hereby expressly acknowledges its
understanding that the Contract constitutes a contract between Contractor and County, and
that County, as defined herein, is a political subdivision of the State of Oregon. Other federal,
state and local government, agencies, municipalities, and programs (hereinafter known as
“Other Entities”) may establish contracts or price contracts directly with Contractor under the
terms, conditions, and prices of the Contract pursuant to ORS 279A.215. Contractor further
acknowledges and agrees that it has not entered into the Contract based upon representations
by any person other than County and that no person, entity, or organization other than County
will be held accountable or liable to Contractor for any of County’s obligations to Contractor
created under the Contract. This Section will not create any additional obligations whatsoever
on the part of County other than those obligations created under other provisions of the
No Solicitation or Hiring of Personnel. During the term of the Contract, and for a period of six
(6) months thereafter, neither party hereto, without the prior, written consent of the other, shall
individually or on behalf of, or through any third party, solicit, entice, persuade, or attempt to
solicit, entice, or persuade, any employee or contractor of the other party to leave their
employment for any reason to work for the other party, or hire or attempt to hire any such
employee or contractor, whether or not their employment relationship has been terminated.
Information Security. Contractor acknowledges that County has implemented an information
security program (the Multnomah County Information Security Program, as the same may be
amended from time to time, hereinafter known as the “Security Program”) to protect County's
information assets. Such information assets are defined and classified in the Security Program
and will collectively be known as "Protected Data.'' Where Contractor and Contractor’s
employees, agents, third party processors, or permitted subcontractors have access to
County’s Protected Data, Contractor acknowledges and agrees to the following.
Undertaking by Contractor. Without limiting Contractor's obligation of confidentiality, as
further described herein, Contractor shall be responsible for establishing and
maintaining an information security program that is designed to (i) ensure the security
and confidentiality of Protected Data; (ii) protect against any anticipated threats or
hazards to the security or integrity of Protected Data; (iii) protect against unauthorized
access, modification, or use of Protected Data; (iv) ensure the proper disposal of
Protected Data; and, (v) ensure that all employees, agents, permitted subcontractors of
Contractor, and third party processors, if any, comply with all of the foregoing.
Right of Audit by County. County shall have the right to review Contractor's information
security program prior to the commencement of services and from time to time during
the term of the Contract. During the performance of the services, on an ongoing basis
from time to time and with reasonable notice, County, at its own expense, shall be
entitled to perform, or to have performed, an on-site audit of Contractor's information
security program. In lieu of an on-site audit, Contractor may, as its sole option,
complete, within forty-five (45 days) of receipt, an audit questionnaire provided by
County regarding Contractor's information security program. In the event of a suspected
data breach by Contractor, County may, at Contractor’s expense, perform or cause to
have performed a complete audit of Contractor’s information security program.
Access Control Obligations of Contractor. Contractor shall take all necessary and
reasonable precautions to appropriately limit access by its employees to County’s
premises and Protected Data. Such precautions include immediately notifying County in
the event an employee assigned to County has been terminated, and assisting County
with the recovery of any data, access credentials, or technology in a Contractor
employee’s possession following termination or completion of the services.
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In the event the services to be performed by Contractor include hosting of County data:
Audit by Contractor. No more than annually, Contractor, at its own expense, shall
conduct a SAS-70 or equivalent audit of Contractor’s information security program and
provide such audit findings to County upon formal written request.
Audit Findings. Contractor shall implement any required safeguards as identified by
County or any information security program audits.
Access to County Data. Contractor shall log access to all County data by County and
non-County staff. Access reports shall be made available to County upon request.
Admin Console Event Logging. Contractor shall log all Admin Console events. Admin
Console event reports shall be made available to County upon request.
Security Breach. In the event of an actual or suspected security breach, Contractor shall
immediately notify County of the breach or potential breach and shall comply with all
applicable breach notification laws. Contractor agrees to cooperate with County in the
investigation and remedy of any such breach, including, without limitation, complying
with any law concerning unauthorized access or disclosure, as may be reasonably
requested by County. Contractor shall promptly reimburse County for the costs of any
breach notifications, expenses, or other fees, including any state or federal fines,
associated with a breach of “personally identifiable information,” “personal data,” or
“personal health information,” as those terms may be defined under applicable law,
while in Contractor’s possession or control.
Contractor shall send any applicable notifications regarding a security breach to the
following notification email address:
Harmful Code. Contractor shall be fully liable to County for any costs or expenses, including,
but not limited to, any County staff time, that results from harmful code (“Malicious Code”)
introduced into County’s system as a direct or indirect result of any use of or access to
County’s system by Contractor’s employees, agents, and permitted subcontractors. In the
event of such an introduction into the system, Contractor shall fully cooperate, at its sole
expense, with County’s subsequent efforts to mitigate the effect of any such introduction
Contractor warrants that any software it provides to County does not and will not contain any
computer viruses, worms, Trojan horses, time bombs, time locks, trap door devices, or any
other similar harmful, malicious, or hidden procedures, routines, or mechanisms (“Malicious
Code”). The foregoing warranty does not include, and Contractor shall not be liable for, any
Malicious Code (i) uploaded or sent by County to Contractor, (ii) contained within any County
Data or residing on County’s network, or (iii) otherwise originating with County.
In the event Contractor’s computers or systems become infected with harmful code that are
introduced into Contractor’s systems as a result of any use of County’s system by Contractor’s
employees, agents, or permitted subcontractors for Internet access, County shall have no
liability whatsoever, except in the event of intentional malicious action by a County employee
to cause such an introduction.
Additional General Provisions.
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Captions. The captions in the Contract are for convenience only and are not intended
to have any legal effect.
Notices. Any notice or other communication required or permitted in the Contract shall
be in writing and shall be deemed to have been duly given on the day of service if
served personally, by electronic mail, or facsimile transmission with confirmation, or
three (3) days after mailing if mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, and
addressed to the respective parties at their respective addresses as specified in the
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Effective _________, 2012 (“WO Effective Date”), Multnomah County (“County”) and Contractor
hereby attach and incorporate this Work Order (“WO”) pursuant to the Multnomah County Services
Contract (the “Contract”) bearing the Contract number listed above and entered into by the parties
effective on the Effective Date set forth therein. Capitalized terms used but not defined in this WO
shall have the meanings given to them in the Contract.
The purpose of this WO is to:
Scope and Objectives
The scope of this WO includes:
Activities and Key deliverables
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The following table depicts the schedule of major activities and deliverables to be completed and
provided by Contractor hereunder. This schedule assumes a start date of ___________ and will be
amended upon Contract execution.
Pricing and Rates
The following table represents the estimated cost of each phase and major activity under this WO.
Should this total, estimated cost, a “not to exceed cap,” become unreasonable, the parties will
convene to understand the causes of the variance.
Job Title
Total Estimated Cost
Hourly Rate
XX Days
Estimated Duration
Total Estimated Cost
xx Days
Estimated Cost
1. The maximum payment under this WO, including expenses, is $X,XXX.XX
For Work Orders:
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The aggregate amount paid for all Work Orders under the Contract shall not exceed the
maximum payment amount of $XXX,XXX, including expenses, if any.
For Milestone Based - Fixed Price Payment:
The _______________ represents the maximum amounts to be invoiced by Contractor
for the respective deliverable or milestone and in total.
2. Contractor shall be paid for the work on the following basis:
For Work Orders:
County shall pay Contractor for the Work Product in accordance with the work
description, deliverables, and acceptance criteria contained in each Work Order (“WO”).
For Time and Materials:
Unless the controlling WO specifies otherwise, Contractor shall be paid on a time and
materials basis, for materials purchased on the County’s behalf and actual time spent in
the delivering services to the County.
For Milestone Based - Fixed Price Payment:
County shall pay Contractor for the Work Product completed in accordance with the
work description and deliverables as follows:
County shall pay Contractor at an hourly rate for the time spent, by each Job
Classification, delivering Work Product, as indicated in the table below:
Job Classification
Pay Rate
Contractor agrees to adhere to the rates listed herein for the duration of the Contract.
All administrative expenses (including, but not limited to, any fees associated with office
or administrative support or resources, labor costs, insurance, certifications and permits
required by Contractor in its normal course of business, any tools or equipment used by
Contractor in its normal course of business, and any expenses associated with
processing County’s payments) shall be included in Contractor’s hourly rates.
3. Contractor shall submit invoices for the work as follows:**
The County shall pay all complete, undisputed invoices within 30 days of the due date
indicated on the invoice, or lacking a due date, within 45 days of the invoice date,
provided the work described on the invoice has been completed in accordance with the
terms of the Contract.
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******* CHOOSE ONE or DELETE ALL******************
Time and Materials:
Unless the controlling WO specifies otherwise, for each WO Contractor shall submit to
County a bi-weekly billing statement itemizing the time and materials provided to County
during the billing period.
Milestone Based Payment:
Following completion and acceptance of each deliverable or achievement of each
milestone, Contractor shall submit an invoice to the County itemizing the services
provided and date(s) thereof, as well as the amounts owed.
Not to Exceed Payment:
Contractor shall invoice County only for actual hours worked by Contractor, not to
exceed maximum amount as defined in ____________.
4. In addition to the payment provided for in paragraph 3, County will pay expenses on
the following terms and conditions:
******* CHOOSE ONE or DELETE ALL *******************
Time and Materials payment:
Contractor’s reasonable expenses for meals, lodging, transportation, and other
expenditures directly incurred in providing the Work Product shall be reimbursed in
accordance with County’s administrative procedure for reimbursement of County
employees, as amended from time to time, a copy of which is available to Contractor
upon request. Contractor shall attach receipts evidencing such expenses to monthly
invoices for reimbursement by County. The total fees and expenses invoiced shall not
exceed the maximum as defined in ___________.
Deliverable/Milestone based payment:
Contractor’s reasonable expenses for meals, lodging, transportation, and other
expenditures directly incurred in providing the Work Product shall be reimbursed in
accordance with County’s administrative procedure for reimbursement of County
employees, as amended from time to time, a copy of which is available to Contractor
upon request. Contractor shall attach receipts evidencing such expenses to milestone
invoices for reimbursement, together with payment for the Work Product. The total fees
and expenses invoiced shall not exceed the maximum as defined in _____________.
All Inclusive Rate (Fixed Cost and Not to Exceed):
All travel related expenses are included in the daily rate for resources provided. No
travel expense reimbursements are authorized. Unless otherwise agreed, no additional
travel expenses shall be invoiced by Contractor or paid by County.
Effective as of the WO Effective Date set forth above.
Multnomah County
Contractor Name
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By: _____________________________
By: ____________________________
Print Name:______________________
Print Name:______________________
Title: ___________________________
Title: __________________________
Date: ___________________________
Date: __________________________
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Contract No. [Insert Contract Number]
Contractor shall at all times maintain in force at Contractor’s expense, each insurance noted
below: **
Workers Compensation insurance in compliance with ORS 656.017, which requires subject employers to provide workers’
compensation coverage in accordance with ORS Chapter 656 or CCB (Construction Contractors Board) for all subject
workers. Contractor and all subcontractors of Contractor with one or more employees must have this insurance unless
exempt under ORS 656.027 (See Exhibit 4). Employer’s Liability Insurance with coverage limits of not less than
$500,000 must be included.
THIS COVERAGE IS REQUIRED. Attach Certificate of Insurance. If Contractor does not have coverage and claims to be
exempt, attach Exhibit 4 in lieu of Certificate.
Professional Liability insurance with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000 each claim, incident, or
occurrence, with an annual aggregate limit of $2,000,000. This is to cover damages caused by error, omission, or
negligent acts related to professional services provided under this Contract. The policy must provide extended reporting
period coverage for claims made within two years after this Contract is completed.
Required by County
Not required by County (Needs Risk Manager’s Approval)
Commercial General Liability insurance, on an occurrence basis, with a combined single limit of not less than $1,000,000
each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, with an annual aggregate limit of $2,000,000. This insurance must
include contractual liability coverage.
Required by County
Not required by County (Needs Risk Manager’s Approval)
Commercial Automobile Liability insurance with a combined single limit, or the equivalent of not less than $1,000,000
each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage, including coverage for owned, hired or non-owned vehicles.
Required by County
Not required by County (Required if vendor is transporting and/or driving as part of
performing the duties specified in the contract)
Additional Requirements. Coverage must be provided by an insurance company authorized to do business in Oregon or
rated A- or better by Best’s Insurance Rating. Contractor shall pay all deductibles and retentions. A cross-liability clause or
separation of insureds condition must be included in all commercial general liability policies required by this Contract.
Contractor’s coverage will be primary in the event of loss.
The County must be listed as an Additional Insured by
Endorsement on to any General Liability Policy on a primary and non-contributory basis. Such coverage will
specifically include products and completed operations coverage.
Certificate of Insurance Required. Contractor shall furnish a current Certificate of Insurance to the County. The Contractor
shall immediately notify the County of any change in insurance coverage. The Certificate shall also state the deductible or
retention level. For general liability the Certificate shall also state the following: “Additional Insured Form (include form number)
attached. This form is subject to policy terms, conditions and exclusions.” A copy of the additional insured endorsement shall be
attached to the certificate of insurance required by this contract. If requested, complete copies of insurance policies shall be
provided to the County.
Where in the County to send your Certificate of Insurance. Risk Management has an email address that all
insurance certificates should be sent to: Additional originals, hard copies, or faxes are
not necessary.
Completed by:___________________
Contract Originator
**Note to Contract Originator: For certain types of contracts additional insurance may be required. Refer to the Contract
Insurance and Indemnification Manual or contact Risk Management/ Property & Liability Programs.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Contract No.
Certification Statement for Corporation or Independent Contractor
Note: Contractor Must Complete A or B below:
I certify under penalty of perjury that Contractor is a (check one):
Limited Liability Company
Non-Profit Corporation authorized
to do business in the State of
Contractor certifies under penalty of perjury, that the following statements are true:
If CONTRACTOR is providing services under this Contract for which registration is required under
ORS Chapter 671 (architects and landscape contractors) or 701 (construction contractors),
CONTRACTOR has registered as required by law.
CONTRACTOR is free to determine and exercise control over the means and manner of providing
the service, subject to the right of the County to specify the desired results.
CONTRACTOR is responsible for obtaining all licenses or certifications necessary to provide the
CONTRACTOR is customarily engaged in providing services as an independent business.
CONTRACTOR is customarily engaged as an independent contractor if at least three of the
following statements are true.
NOTE: Check all that apply. You must check at least three (3) to establish that you are an
independent contractor.
CONTRACTOR’s services are primarily carried out at a location that is separate from
CONTRACTOR’s residence or primarily carried out in a specific portion of the
residence which is set aside as the location of the business.
CONTRACTOR bears the risk of loss related to the services provided under this
CONTRACTOR provides services to two or more persons within a 12-month period or
Contractor routinely engages in business advertising solicitation or other marketing
efforts reasonably calculated to obtain new contracts for similar services.
CONTRACTOR makes a significant financial investment in the business.
CONTRACTOR has authority to hire additional persons to provide the services and has
authority to fire such persons.
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Contract No. [Insert Contract Number]
Workers’ Compensation Exemption Certificate
(To be used only when Contractor claims to be exempt from Workers’ Compensation coverage requirements)
Contractor is exempt from the requirement to obtain workers’ compensation insurance under ORS Chapter 656 for the
following reason (check the appropriate box):
Contractor is a sole proprietor, and
Contractor has no employees, and
Contractor will not hire employees to perform this Contract.
Contractor’s business is incorporated, and
All employees of the corporation are officers and directors and have a substantial ownership interest* in the
corporation, and
All work will be performed by the officers and directors; Contractor will not hire other employees to perform this
Contractor’s business is incorporated as a nonprofit corporation, and
Contractor has no employees; all work is performed by volunteers, and
Contractors will not hire employees to perform this Contract.
Contractor is a partnership, and
Contractor has no employees, and
All work will be performed by the partners; Contractor will not hire employees to perform this Contract, and
Contractor is not engaged in work performed in direct connection with the construction, alteration, repair,
improvement, moving or demolition of an improvement to real property or appurtenances thereto.**
Contractor is a limited liability company, and
Contractor has no employees, and
All work will be performed by the members; Contractor will not hire employees to perform this Contract, and
If Contractor has more than one member, Contractor is not engaged in work performed in direct connection with
the construction, alteration, repair, improvement, moving or demolition of an improvement to real property or
appurtenances thereto.**
*NOTE: Under OAR436-50-050 a shareholder has a “substantial ownership” interest if the shareholder owns 10% of the
corporation, or if less than 10% is owned, the shareholder has ownership that is at least equal to or greater than the average
percentage of ownership of all shareholders.
**NOTE: Under certain circumstances partnerships and limited liability companies can claim an exemption even when
performing construction work. The requirements for this exemption are complicated. Consult with County Counsel before an
exemption request is accepted from a Contractor who will perform construction work.
Printed Name:
Contractor Title:
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Contract No.
Every Contractor executing a contract for more than $75,000 must complete this Exhibit.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) means eliminating barriers to ensure that all employees are considered for the
employment of their choice and have the chance to perform to their maximum potential. EEO practices include, but
are not limited to, fairness at work, hiring based on merit and promotion based on talent. It concerns all aspects of
employment including recruitment, pay and other rewards, career development and work conditions.
All County Contractors signing new contracts with the County must complete this form. A Contractor who signs Part 1
and later adds employees during the period of performance of any County Contract must immediately notify the
County of the change in status and submit an updated form with Part 2 signed. Failure to submit an updated form
may result in termination of all existing contracts.
I certify under penalty of perjury that [check Part 1 or Part 2]:
Part 1: Contractor has no employees. Should Contractor hire employees at a later date during the term of
the Contract, Contractor will immediately notify the Department that issued the Contract and submit an updated
Certification with Part 2 completed.
Part 2: Contractor has employees. Contractor, as an Equal Opportunity Contractor, does not:
Discriminate against employees or applicants based on race, color, religion, sex, familial status, national
origin, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or source of income;
Solicit or consider employment recommendations based on factors other than personal knowledge or records
of job-related abilities or characteristics;
Coerce the political activity of any person;
Deceive or willfully obstruct anyone from competing for employment;
Influence anyone to withdraw from competition for any position so as to improve or injure the employment
prospects of any other person;
Give improper preference or advantage to anyone so as to improve or injure the employment prospects of
that person or any other employee or applicant.
Contractors Signature:
Company Name:
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– FI/CO/FM
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
This Senior business Analyst position is pmarily to provide configuration support for the SAP Financial
and Controlling modules including Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Special
Purpose Ledger, Fixed Assets and Public Sector Collections & Disbursements (PSCD). This position
provides support for the Finance and 1099 reporting. This position supports and adminsters third party
software tools: TX Shuttle, UPerform, BSA Tax Factory, 3rd Party Budgeting Software, etc. This position
provides back up support for contracts, purchasing, 3-Way match receipt and payment processes,
inventory management, plant maintenance (work order), and project systems.
The purpose of the Senior Business Analyst is to provide staff augmentation, project management skills,
and perform advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
maintenance, and enhancement of the production system of SAP in a functional area; to assist system
users in the analysis and timely resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP; to
exercise judgment within broadly defined limits; and to perform a variety of complex analytical duties
relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with customers to
design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties as required.
The Senior Business Analyst has primary support responsibility for a package of SAP modules and backup support for additional modules.
Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business area(s)
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Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Analyze existing reports and recommend new ones, design and write queries and other reports
using SAP technology.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team to design and test reports, interfaces, forms,
and conversions; perform validation and reconciliation of data conversions
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Participate in research, develop business cases, analyze business processes, complete complex
configuration, prepare and execute testing plans, coordinate user testing, identify and solve
problems, negotiate with SAP for fixes, and document processes and procedures
Identify need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify role conflicts, and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Implement Process Solutions, Process Improvements and Manage Projects
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff.
Design, plan and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Support and Provide End-User Training
Investigate and solve end-user problems; instruct users on correct processes or correct SAP
configuration to meet customer’s needs
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance
Advise and help end-users understand SAP data, determine best reports to use, set report
specifications, and analyze report data
Provide content for training and approve training materials
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– SRM PPS, MM
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP SRM PPS and MM modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP
modules. Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP
configuration, implementing busines process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the
assigned business area(s).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Perform business analysis and configuration for SAP SRM PPS, SRM Strategic Sourcing (RFX),
Document Builder, Records Management, Registry of Suppliers, Purchasing (SRM Purchase
Orders), Contract Management, SD, 3-way match (Goods receipt, invoice receipt).
Design workflow processes.
Perform business analysis and complex configuration of MM Module processes, data and
modules. Ability to do complex configuration. This includes Business Partner, Contracts,
Purchase Orders, and Requisitions.
Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
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Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze report
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Enhance SAP Business Intelligence and Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes.
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Work with SAP Team members to build management analytics and reporting systems to meet
business needs.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
System, Tools, and Methodologies
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule.
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
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Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents.
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups.
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Research and Data Analysis
Create custom data extracts for SAP Modules (MM, SD, and SRM PPS, etc).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
functionality. This includes facilitating analysis of federal and legislative mandates to determine
business impacts and determining needed system changes.
Support and Provide End-User Training
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate. Instruct users on correct processes or
correct SAP configuration to meet customer’s needs.
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations.
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Maintain SAP information on the Multco Commons site.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance.
Advise and help end-users understand SAP data.
Provide content for training and approve training materials.
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– Payroll and HCM
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP Payroll and HCM modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP
modules. Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP
configuration, implementing busines process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
Page 69 of 97
maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the
assigned business area(s).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Perform business analysis and configuration for SAP HCM and HR processes.
Design workflow processes.
Perform business analysis and complex configuration of SAP Payroll processes.
Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze report
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Enhance SAP Business Intelligence and Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Work with SAP Team members to build management analytics and reporting systems to meet
business needs.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
System, Tools, and Methodologies
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule.
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents.
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups.
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Research and Data Analysis
Create custom data extracts for SAP Modules.
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
functionality. This includes facilitating analysis of federal and legislative mandates to determine
business impacts and determining needed system changes.
Support and Provide End-User Training
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate. Instruct users on correct processes or
correct SAP configuration to meet customer’s needs.
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations.
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Maintain SAP information on the Multco Commons site.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance.
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Advise and help end-users understand SAP data.
Provide content for training and approve training materials.
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– Benefits and HCM
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP Benefits, HCM, and HR modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP
modules. Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP
configuration, implementing busines process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the
assigned business area(s).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Design workflow processes.
Perform business analysis and complex configuration of SAP Benefits, HCM, and HR processes.
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Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze report
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Enhance SAP Business Intelligence and Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes.
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Work with SAP Team members to build management analytics and reporting systems to meet
business needs.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
System, Tools, and Methodologies
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule.
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents.
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups.
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Research and Data Analysis
Create custom data extracts for SAP Modules.
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
functionality. This includes facilitating analysis of federal and legislative mandates to determine
business impacts and determining needed system changes.
Support and Provide End-User Training
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate. Instruct users on correct processes or
correct SAP configuration to meet customer’s needs.
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations.
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Maintain SAP information on the Multco Commons site.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance.
Advise and help end-users understand SAP data.
Provide content for training and approve training materials.
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– HCM
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP HCM and HR modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP modules.
Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP configuration,
implementing busines process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user training.
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the
assigned business area(s).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Design workflow processes.
Perform business analysis and complex configuration of SAP HCM and HR processes.
Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze report
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Enhance SAP Business Intelligence and Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Work with SAP Team members to build management analytics and reporting systems to meet
business needs.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
System, Tools, and Methodologies
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule.
Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents.
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups.
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Research and Data Analysis
Create custom data extracts for SAP Modules.
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
functionality. This includes facilitating analysis of federal and legislative mandates to determine
business impacts and determining needed system changes.
Support and Provide End-User Training
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate. Instruct users on correct processes or
correct SAP configuration to meet customer’s needs.
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations.
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Maintain SAP information on the Multco Commons site.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance.
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Advise and help end-users understand SAP data.
Provide content for training and approve training materials.
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Experienced SAP Business Analyst Senior– PLANT MAINTENANCE
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP Plant Maintenance modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP
modules. Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP
configuration, implementing busines process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the
assigned business area(s).
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Design workflow processes.
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Perform business analysis and complex configuration of SAP Plan Maintenance processes.
Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze report
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
Enhance SAP Business Intelligence and Business Process Consultation
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes.
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Work with SAP Team members to build management analytics and reporting systems to meet
business needs.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
System, Tools, and Methodologies
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage Projects
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools
Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Create business process documents, flow charts, and decision-making documents.
Coordinate activities and provide information to County Managers, Business Process Owners,
outside consultants, other SAP team members, and other technology groups.
Represent SAP in other County business process teams or information technology projects
Research and Data Analysis
Create custom data extracts for SAP Modules.
Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
functionality. This includes facilitating analysis of federal and legislative mandates to determine
business impacts and determining needed system changes.
Support and Provide End-User Training
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate. Instruct users on correct processes or
correct SAP configuration to meet customer’s needs.
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations.
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Maintain SAP information on the Multco Commons site.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance.
Advise and help end-users understand SAP data.
Provide content for training and approve training materials.
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Experienced SAP Development Analyst Senior - ABAP:
The Development Analyst Senior will perform moderate to complex software programming tasks within
defined areas of technical application and system development. This position is involved in software
development life-cycle processes including requirements, analysis, design, development, testing and
implementation of information systems for County customers. This position works directly with customers
and other technical staff to resolve problems and provide technical assistance on applications in
production and development. This position participates in moderately complex quality assurance and
quality control tasks, and performs research to remain informed of trends and changes in the industry and
in the County.
Development and Support of Applications
Architect and design moderate to complex application solutions in the SAP environment.
As Multnomah County advances SAP technology, keep up to speed with this changing
technology. This includes SAP ECC Portal, Web Dynpro, NetWeaver Development Architecture
Studio (NWDS) and Infrastructure (NWDI), HR ESS/MSS web scenario, Web Architectures (Web
Services, SOA).
As Multnomah County implements new SAP modules, be able to provide development support
for these new modules.
As Multnomah County advances SAP technology, keep up to speed with this changing
technology. This includes SAP ECC Portal, Web Dynpro, NetWeaver Development Architecture
Studio (NWDS) and Infrastructure (NWDI), HR ESS/MSS web scenario, Web Architectures (Web
Services, SOA).
Develop moderate to complex code using structured programming methods appropriate for the
toolset used.
Coordinate and ensure compliance to SAP processes including source code control and software
build environments.
Create and execute unit testing.
Enter detailed, step by step defect reports in the defect tracking system, where in use. Verify
resolution of defects. Track defect status from entry through resolution.
Coordinate, support and ensure compliance to all software testing, quality assurance, and quality
control requirements for a software development effort.
Design and develop batch, synchronous and asynchronous processes and interfaces.
Develop, review, and maintain system and data dictionary documentation.
Identify, propose and develop system improvements in functionality and performance
Collaborate with internal and external teams to identify alternatives and influence decisionmaking.
Perform upgrades, enhancements, maintenance and continuing support of existing SAP
Analyze and resolve complex technical assignments, and provide on-going post-implementation
technical support
Software and Development Lifecycle Processes
Lead and anticipate in requirements gathering, develop and review requirements documentation.
Lead a technical team in researching options, making decisions, and providing recommendations.
Develop, review and guide other staff members in the development of system and application
architectures, detailed technical design, and test processes that provide the necessary functions
of basic to moderately complex systems using both automated and manual methods.
Design and coordinate implementation and maintenance of system architectures and
environments that support the software development and maintenance methodologies in use.
Lead and coordinate the design and definition of processes, guidelines and methodologies for
application development, build and deploy, system interfaces, and system quality.
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Comply with the processes, procedures, standards, tools and activities of software development
and testing at Multnomah County.
Perform all levels of testing from system testing, load testing, regression testing through user
acceptance testing, as required.
Ensure compliance to promotion and deployment of applications to production environments
following established promotion and change control processes.
Ensure the proper management of software assets through support, maintenance, retirement,
and decommission processes.
Information Technology Concepts
Responsible for support tasks and overall incident management including bug tracking and
Troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to application operation, features or functions.
Coordinate with software developers and business analysts to provide input on software design,
behaviors, and defect repairs.
Identify, trouble-shoot, and resolve issues with computer systems and services that adversely
affect the applications.
Stay abreast of changes and trends in technology and recommending new technology additions
the County should consider.
Responsible for understanding and executing security models that meet privacy and regulatory
Participate in development and maintenance of work unit application development policies and
Project Management and Team Participation
Provide technical leadership and project management for moderate to complex enterprise level
Responsible for defining project assignment scope and the prioritizing tasks across the project
Provide training and mentoring to technical teams around the adoption and use of new SAP
Model behavior of adapting to change and progress within the County’s technical environment.
Lead, coordinate and participate in project development and quality assurance activities related to
software release cycles.
Document, communicate and track security, access, and quality risks and appropriate strategies
for mitigation.
Provide accurate estimates of work, track progress, adjust plans based on actuals, and provide
detailed status reporting.
Work effectively as a member of a development team.
Mentor, train and support staff regarding SAP application development, system integration, and
software quality management, as required.
Providing Customer and IT Services
Participate in the evaluation and testing of system upgrades or new product selections interfacing
with SAP.
Articulate technical concepts effectively through verbal or written communication.
Work with customers to translate business needs to technical solutions, and explain technical
concepts in business terms.
Provide leadership in promoting best practices, industry standards, and providing insight on
software trends and technologies
Effectively and professionally address inquiries, provide answers, perform follow-up while
adhering to work procedures.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Experienced SAP NetWeaver Application Developer Senior:
The SAP NetWeaver Application Developer Senior will perform moderate to complex software
programming tasks within defined areas of technical application and system development. This position
is involved in software development life-cycle processes including requirements, analysis, design,
development, testing and implementation of information systems for County customers. This position
works directly with customers and other technical staff to resolve problems and provide technical
assistance on applications in production and development. This position participates in moderately
complex quality assurance and quality control tasks, and performs research to remain informed of trends
and changes in the industry and in the County.
The SAP Netweaver Senior Application Developer will architect, design, and develop moderate to
complex application solutions in the SAP environment. This includes ABAP development as well as Web
Dynpro, Netweaver Development Architecture Studio (NWDS), Netweaver Infrastructure (NWDI), SAP
ECC Portal, HR ESS/MSS web scenario, and Web Architectures (Web Services, SOA). Be able to
configure the SAP Enterprise Portal and create Business Workflows to meet process needs.
The SAP Netweaver Application Developer Senior performs tasks across the entire spectrum of technical
application and system development using Agile scrum development methods. This position works
directly with customers and other technical staff to resolve problems and provide technical assistance on
applications in production and development. The majority of assignments involve custom software
development. Duties include participating in the development of software products at all steps in the lifecycle, leading and completing moderately complex quality assurance and quality control tasks, and
performing research to remain informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
Multnomah County’s Information Technology Division is a dynamic organization aligning itself with
emerging industry trends such as Google for email/calendaring and cloud computing.
This position is responsible for providing analysis and development support for the SAP modules used at
Multnomah County. This position also supports the Business Analysts and Key clients in the
performances of their duties.
Development and Support of Applications
Architect and design moderate to complex application solutions in the SAP environment.
As Multnomah County advances SAP technology, keep up to speed with this changing
technology. This includes SAP ECC Portal, Web Dynpro, NetWeaver Development Architecture
Studio (NWDS) and Infrastructure (NWDI), HR ESS/MSS web scenario, Web Architectures (Web
Services, SOA).
As Multnomah County implements new SAP modules, be able to provide development support
for these new modules.
As Multnomah County advances SAP technology, keep up to speed with this changing
technology. This includes SAP ECC Portal, Web Dynpro, NetWeaver Development Architecture
Studio (NWDS) and Infrastructure (NWDI), HR ESS/MSS web scenario, Web Architectures (Web
Services, SOA).
Develop moderate to complex code using structured programming methods appropriate for the
toolset used.
Coordinate and ensure compliance to SAP processes including source code control and software
build environments.
Create and execute unit testing.
Enter detailed, step by step defect reports in the defect tracking system, where in use. Verify
resolution of defects. Track defect status from entry through resolution.
Coordinate, support and ensure compliance to all software testing, quality assurance, and quality
control requirements for a software development effort.
Design and develop batch, synchronous and asynchronous processes and interfaces.
Develop, review, and maintain system and data dictionary documentation.
Identify, propose and develop system improvements in functionality and performance
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Collaborate with internal and external teams to identify alternatives and influence decisionmaking.
Perform upgrades, enhancements, maintenance and continuing support of existing SAP
Analyze and resolve complex technical assignments, and provide on-going post-implementation
technical support
Software and Development Lifecycle Processes
Lead and anticipate in requirements gathering, develop and review requirements documentation.
Lead a technical team in researching options, making decisions, and providing recommendations.
Develop, review and guide other staff members in the development of system and application
architectures, detailed technical design, and test processes that provide the necessary functions
of basic to moderately complex systems using both automated and manual methods.
Design and coordinate implementation and maintenance of system architectures and
environments that support the software development and maintenance methodologies in use.
Lead and coordinate the design and definition of processes, guidelines and methodologies for
application development, build and deploy, system interfaces, and system quality.
Comply with the processes, procedures, standards, tools and activities of software development
and testing at Multnomah County.
Perform all levels of testing from system testing, load testing, regression testing through user
acceptance testing, as required.
Ensure compliance to promotion and deployment of applications to production environments
following established promotion and change control processes.
Ensure the proper management of software assets through support, maintenance, retirement,
and decommission processes.
Information Technology Concepts
Responsible for support tasks and overall incident management including bug tracking and
Troubleshoot and resolve any issues related to application operation, features or functions.
Coordinate with software developers and business analysts to provide input on software design,
behaviors, and defect repairs.
Identify, trouble-shoot, and resolve issues with computer systems and services that adversely
affect the applications.
Stay abreast of changes and trends in technology and recommending new technology additions
the County should consider.
Responsible for understanding and executing security models that meet privacy and regulatory
Participate in development and maintenance of work unit application development policies and
Project Management and Team Participation
Provide technical leadership and project management for moderate to complex enterprise level
Responsible for defining project assignment scope and the prioritizing tasks across the project
Provide training and mentoring to technical teams around the adoption and use of new SAP
Model behavior of adapting to change and progress within the County’s technical environment.
Lead, coordinate and participate in project development and quality assurance activities related to
software release cycles.
Document, communicate and track security, access, and quality risks and appropriate strategies
for mitigation.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Provide accurate estimates of work, track progress, adjust plans based on actuals, and provide
detailed status reporting.
Work effectively as a member of a development team.
Mentor, train and support staff regarding SAP application development, system integration, and
software quality management, as required.
Providing Customer and IT Services
Participate in the evaluation and testing of system upgrades or new product selections interfacing
with SAP.
Articulate technical concepts effectively through verbal or written communication.
Work with customers to translate business needs to technical solutions, and explain technical
concepts in business terms.
Provide leadership in promoting best practices, industry standards, and providing insight on
software trends and technologies
Effectively and professionally address inquiries, provide answers, perform follow-up while
adhering to work procedures.
SAP Staff Augmentation RFP
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Experienced SAP BI/Data Warehouse Solution Engineer Senior:
The purpose of the SAP BI/Data Warehouse Administrator Senior is to drive the adoption and
implementation of SAP’s Enterprise Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse reporting solutions for the
County. This position requires deep SAP product knowledge and technical skills. This position will
champion, consult, manage projects, and perform advanced level professional, technical, and analytical
duties relating to the operation, maintenance, and enhancement of SAP Business Intelligence and Data
Warehouse systems. The SAP BI/Data Warehouse Administrator Senior will perform a variety of
complex software tasks within defined areas of technical application and system development. This
position is involved in software development life-cycle processes including requirements, analysis,
design, development, testing, recovery and implementation of information systems for County customers.
This position will assess detailed business requirements for operational, analytic and executive reporting
to design, develop and support business intelligence solutions. This position works directly with
customers and other technical staff to resolve problems and provide technical assistance on applications
in production and development. This position performs research to remain informed of trends and
changes in the industry and in the County.
This position is responsible for data modeling and report development for the Business Intelligence and
Data Warehouse used at Multnomah County. This position also supports the Business Analysts and Key
clients in the performances of their duties.
Make decisions about using standard extractor, BI content, etc. or to enhance the supplied BI
extractors and content, or to build custom extractors and content. Be able to explain these
choices and demonstrate an ROI for the choices.
Establish standards and processes of when to use standard BI content and when to enhance it or
to create new content.
Propose SAP Reporting solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert
working knowledge.
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Experience and in depth understanding of the SAP products related to reporting including
Solution manager and SAP Business Objects.
Experience and in depth understanding of technical principles, theories, and concepts as related
to Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, Analytics and Data Management.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Build management analytics and reporting systems.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
Provide expert level understanding of SAP BI configuration of BW data objects including infoobjects, info-sources, info-cubes, transfer/update rules, infoProviders, multi-providers, DataStore
Objects (DSOs) and PSA maintenance.
Write business cases, gather requirements, create design/functional specifications, create
technical specifications, perform gap analysis, and research technical and functional solutions.
This includes the ability to assess detailed business requirements for operational, analytic and
executive reporting to design, develop and support business intelligence solutions
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Analyze existing reports and recommend new ones, design and write queries and other reports
using SAP tools including BW web reporting and web cockpit design and development.
Design mock-ups of reports including inputs and outputs.
Perform day-to-day maintenance, support, and enhancement of the existing reporting
Ability to complete complex configuration and development for reporting solutions that include
program changes, performance tuning, debugging, and unit testing. This includes working with
SAP ABAP development environment (ABAP programs, data dictionary objects, infosets, R/3
extraction routines, transfer and update rules, transports etc).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work, execute testing plans, coordinate user
testing, and perform change management and training.
Initiate and lead work with the SAP team to design, develop, and test reports, interfaces, and data
conversions; perform validation and reconciliation of data conversions.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP functionality, SAP modules, or
upgrade SAP to new releases.
Provide understanding of SAP Security, authorization and authentication that maintains integrity
and security of SAP BI/BW and data warehouse databases.
Provide leadership in business intelligence technologies such as data integration, data quality,
data warehousing, master data management, and data analytics.
Implement and maintain extraction and integration methods with SAP ECC, SAP SRM, BI/BW,
and other ecosystem applications including SAP Portals/NetWeaver involving ETL, OLAP, XI,
and PI technologies.
Create design specifications and technical specifications which involve translating requirements
into functional design specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Integrate Finance, Budget, SRM, HR data, etc into data warehousing and reporting solutions.
Define BI/BW strategies, standards, and processes.
Provide expert knowledge and leadership for SAP BI/BW and data warehouse database
architecture, meta data management, master data management, data stewardship, technical
standards and best practices.
Perform complex theoretical and technical concepts required for the SAP BI/BW database
including data restoration and recovery.
Perform data warehouse modeling to transform business data and processes into their
appropriate logical application system representation using best practice approaches (Ex:
Kimball, Inmon) for dimensional and multi-dimensional modeling. This developing and facilitating
a data governance model.
Perform index management of BW Data and BW Accelerator indexing.
Ability to work with SAP ECC, SAP SRM, and other SAP ecosystems’ data base concepts,
tables, and data dictionary.
Troubleshoot performance issues inherent to data warehouse and to BI and design for the best
performance possible and correct performance issues when they occur.
Perform data modeling to transform data and processes into their appropriate logical application
system representation.
Size and prioritize requests for programming changes or for development of new systems.
Follow software development lifecycle processes within the SAP environment.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
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Identify the need for new or changed end-user secure roles; test roles; clarify conflicts; and
coordinate with Business Process Owners on a strategy to manage conflicts.
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget/schedule using formal
systems development methodologies and project tools.
Provide leadership and project management skills in planning, scheduling, and managing
projects. Organize and assign work, set priorities, and follow up and control project status to
ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Provide project management and work with other departments or outside agencies to integrate
data from multiple database platforms and data providers.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Design, plan and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Coordinate SAP BI&BW functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB,
SAP Development, Applications, SAP Basis, SAP Security etc.) using formal systems
development methodology and project tools.
Analyze customer business processes and recommend simplified or more efficient processes
(process improvement).
Troubleshoot customer issues to determine cause, workarounds, and analysis to develop
requests for programming changes when appropriate.
Provide staff augmentation support to system owners and users requesting reporting solutions.
Develop and deliver
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Experienced SAP Center Of Excellence (COE) Senior Solution Architecture
The SAP Center of Excellence (COE) is responsible for creating and maintaining SAP standards and
processes for Multnomah County and ensuring high quality solutions and adherence to these standards
and processes. The SAP COE is also responsible for setting the architecture and strategic direction for
our SAP Enterprise application.
The purpose of the SAP Center Of Excellence (COE) Senior Solution Architecture Administrator is to
provide technical leadership and drive the adoption and implementation of SAP solutions for the County.
This position is responsible for ensuring the County can better leverage the functionality available in our
current SAP platform, make recommendations, and coordinate and lead staff to implement changes. This
role helps set the SAP Architecture direction for the County. This position is s key contributor to the
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) initiatives and development of services. This position defines and
develops best practices, coding standards, and processes used by SAP Developers and Business
Analysts. This position performs quality reviews for the software development life-cycle (SDLC)
processes. This position is involved with the waterfall SDLC as well as exploring and implementating
other SDLC methods (Lean and Agile Development) as appropriate. This position requires expertise in
performance monitoring and tuning as well as system monitoring. This position provides technical
expertise to solve complex problems and troubleshooting issues in production.
This position works with the Basis team and the SAP team members on system builds, environment
planning, SAP upgrades, support packs and enhancement packs. This position develops solutions,
develops strategies, and makes recommendations on a wide variety of complex issues and projects.
This position requires deep SAP product knowledge and technical skills. This position works directly with
customers. This position performs research to remain informed of trends and changes in the industry and
in the County.
Architect, Design, Manage and Troubleshoot
Provide and apply the SAP architecture vision for the County. This includes SAP’s Service
Oriented Architecture (SOA), ABAP objects, and Object Oriented architecture. Ensure
consistency of design with the architectural vision and strategies.
Design, install and troubleshoot SAP Solutions. This includes the design of new interfaces
to/from SAP.
Detect, troubleshoot, analyze and resolve complex SAP system problems.
Research and troubleshoot highly complex OSS notes and issues related to the application of
support packs.
Evaluate long-term requirements and perform overall SAP System planning.
Identify and recommend new SAP technologies that may be used in order to reduce costs and
meet or exceed customer’s needs.
Evaluate SAP solutions and make decisions about the best SAP solution for business
requirements. Be able to explain these choices and demonstrate an ROI for the choices.
Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on wide knowledge of
SAP architecture.
Perform architecture reviews.
Provide technical direction for highly complex problems.
Support IS infrastructure (hardware, databases, operating systems, local area networks etc).
Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Provide recommendations based on in depth understanding of the SAP products, technical
principles, theories, and concepts as related to SAP.
Provide information used to make business decisions using data mining and querying, reporting,
and business analytics.
Build management analytics systems.
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Identify and solve problems and negotiate with SAP for fixes. This includes monitoring OSS
Notes, creating and monitoring OSS Messages.
Stay current with new technology and business solutions. This includes research to remain
informed of trends and changes in the industry and in the County.
Mentor IT staff.
Maintain integrity and security of SAP (SAP Security, authorization and authentication).
Maintain data integrity with appropriate failover or recovery processes.
Ensure County stays within our SAP License counts per our contracts with SAP.
Ensure the County can better leverage the functionality available in our current SAP platform,
make recommendations, and coordinate and lead staff to implement changes. Find the right mix
of customization and using standard SAP solution while aligning to SAP's vision of where the
software and customers are headed for the future.
Design, develop, innovate, and implement mobility solutions and the mobility platform. Drive the
quality delivery of mobile solutions. Apply mobile enterprise and technologies (smartphones,
tablets, etc) to County’s business requirements. Play a key role in landscape design from the
business and technical perspective including topics like authorization and data distribution via
NetWeaver DoE.
Size and prioritize requests for changes to our SAP systems.
Review and approve the work of others and provide feedback. Ensure solutions are focused on
the long term viability and quality of custom solutions.
Setup and manage quality checks in the Code Inspector.
Manage, coordinate, and support system builds, support packs, enhancement packs, SAP
Upgrades and SPAU/SPDD resolution. This includes researching and implementing SAP
support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP functionality.
Write business cases, gather requirements, create design/functional specifications, create
technical specifications, perform gap analysis, and research technical and functional solutions.
Complete complex configuration and development for SAP solutions that include program
changes, debugging, and unit testing. This includes working with SAP ABAP development
environment (ABAP programs, data dictionary objects, infosets, R/3 extraction routines, transfer
and update rules, transports etc).
Solve performance issues inherent with SAPs ecosystem using expert knowledge of SQL,
database indexing, and cost based optimization techniques. This involves performance tuning.
Ensure designs and solutions are engineered for the best performance possible. Research and
troubleshoot complex system performance and stability issues.
Develop highly complex SAP objects (e.g. shared user exits, classes, services, etc.).
Contribute expertise with CE (Composition Environment), NWDI (NetWeaver Development
Infrastructure) and Portal skills (iViews, roles, pages, single sign-on) and Web Dynpro.
Provide expertise with ETL, OLAP, XI, PI technologies.
Integrate SAP ECC, Budget Software, BI/BW, SRM, and other ecosystem applications (including
SAP Portals/NetWeaver) into SAP Solutions.
Work closely with vendors, contractors, department management, and other IT Staff to install,
configure, test and implement new SAP hardware and software.
Research, evaluate, implement, and administer third-party software tools to enhance SAP
functionality and streamline business processes.
Define SAP strategies, standards, processes, and best practices. Ensure high quality and
adherence to standards and processes.
Make recommendations for process improvements. Be able to explain these choices and
demonstrate an ROI for the choices.
Establish processes and standards for our use of multiple development methodologies (Waterfall,
Lean Development, Test Based development etc…). Ability to recommend and lead projects with
these different methodologies as the situation dictates.
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Make decisions about the best approach, standards, and processes for managing transports
(STMS, Transport Organizer tools, Solution Manager, and Version Management). Be able to
explain these choices and demonstrate an ROI for the choices.
Establish DDIC process and standards. Perform data modeling to transform business data and
processes into their appropriate logical application system representation.
Manage project resources to complete project objectives within budget and schedule using formal
systems development methodologies and project tools.
Provide leadership and project management skills in planning, scheduling, and managing
projects. Organize and assign work, set priorities, and follow up and control project status to
ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Provide project management and work with other departments or outside agencies to integrate
data from multiple database platforms and data providers.
Managing concurrent projects of varying sizes and demonstrated knowledge of project
management tools and techniques.
Design, plan and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis, SAP Security etc.) using formal systems development
methodology and project tools.
Provide staff augmentation support to system owners and users requesting solutions.
Develop and deliver one on one and group training on SAP systems.
Develop online training materials which includes UPerform and LMS.
Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations.
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Experienced SAP Basis Administrator
The Application Services mission is to proactively participate with County customers, customer
advocates, IT infrastructure, other governmental agencies and other resources to supply application
service technologies, techniques and human resources to meet County application systems needs. The
Team will apply a wide range of technologies and processes to solve business problems. The team’s
focus is to manage the supply side of the customer relationship to better utilize the County’s existing
assets, to eliminate redundancy and duplication of effort, and to enhance resource utilization (and focus)
on priority projects. The Application Services Team will act as an authority on technical architectures,
application development best practices and standards and provide a reference framework against which
commercial or internally developed applications will be mapped, qualified and approved.
The purpose of the SAP Basis Administrator is responsible for implementation, up keep, performance
monitoring, and security of the SAP system landscape including ECC 6.0, Enterprise Portal, Solution
Manager, Process Integration, Business Warehouse, and other SAP compenents. The SAP Basis
Administrator will ensurea high degree of performance and availability of the SAP systems and SAP
applications by using best practices for architecture and design of systems infrastructure. The SAP Basis
Administrator will periodically review and improve design standards to ensure current SAP advances in
technology are being used, as well improving redundancy and maximizing uptime of all SAP systems.
This role requires strong customer service and organizational skills to manage the SAP infrastructure with
a focus on SAP operations. The SAP Basis Administrator will execute daily operational activities related
to the SAP environment including; object transports, setup/configuration, operational SAP monitoring,
error handling, performance/tuning, and problem determination/resolution.
SAP BASIS configuration administration on ABAP and Java NetWeaver platforms
Provide collaboration services to SAP based development and support teams
Perform system refreshes of test environments
Perform SAP systems monitoring and performance tuning
Perform database backup and recovery administration
Perform SAP system upgrade activities to all SAP environments including support packs, hot
packs, fix packs, and enhancement packs.
Log and monitor OSS messages and apply OSS Notes.
Evaluate, install, configure and deploy SAP applications, systems software, products and/or
enhancements to existing applications throughout the enterprise.
Provide direction and assistance to functional and technical teams in support of SAP operations.
Assist SAP Security Administrator to manage SAP user's roles and responsibilities.
Support performance tuning/proactive monitoring of SAP systems.
Provide 24 x 7 response as well as evening and weekend hours when necessary
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP teams.
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Business Support
Expert experience and understanding of business requirements and the ability to architect
complex business requirements into well-engineered and integrated technical solutions.
Advanced knowledge and skill with critical thinking skills, ability to accurately analyze information
and make sounds decisions.
Advanced knowledge and skill to establish and maintain credibility and collaborative relationship
with business and functional resources.
Advanced knowledge and skill to work with diverse teams including resources in remote
Systems, methodologies, architectures, and/or
Advanced knowledge and skill with technical integration in heterogeneous enterprises.
Advanced knowledge and skill applying complex operating system software precipices, theories,
and concepts.
Advanced knowledge and skill to determine optimal system software configuration, hardware and
software compatibility, operating system software and enhancements for client-server computing
Advanced knowledge and skill with data backup and recovery processes, and associated
hardware and software.
Advanced knowledge and skill with disaster recovery design and implementation.
Knowledge and skill with local and Wide Area Network design.
Advanced knowledge and skill monitoring and tuning system resources to optimize application.
Basic knowledge and skill with SMTP architecture methodologies.
Advanced knowledge and skill to optimally install, configure, administer and troubleshoot Unix
Sun Solaris systems with a primary focus on SAP/Basis support and development.
Knowledge and skill to manage and install Solaris zones/containers.
Knowledge and skill to perform administration of Linux major distributions.
Knowledge and skill with file transfer solutions (FTP/HTTPS).
knowledge and skill with job scheduling and data archiving applications.
Database and languages
IrfaKnowledge of database architecture.
Ability with scripting languages such as: VBScript, Unix shell, PowerShell.
Project Skills
Knowledge of project management tools.
Advanced ability to perform technical lead duties.
Knowledge and skill with PM and SDLC processes and methodology.
Advanced knowledge and skill with effective team management.
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Experienced SAP Identity & Access Management Administrator
The Multnomah County Information Security Program provides an Information Security Management
System (“ISMS”) for Multnomah County. The Program establishes implements, operates, monitors,
reviews, maintains and improves the ISMS.
This position is responsible for the successful operation, administration, and analysis of enterprise-level
security procedures and related technical controls associated with user, role, and profile management
within SAP.
This position is focused on the identity and access management component of IT Security. It supports
the Information Security Program through the coordination, analysis, planning and implementation of risk
controls in
(i) SAP, the county-wide Enterprise Resource Management system,
(ii) Active Directory,
(iii) Google Apps,
(iv) Postini,
(v) Information Security Incident Handling, and
(vi) general enterprise-level Information Security duties covering all aspects of the county
networked information system including supporting processes and development
Multnomah County is actively recruiting persons from diverse backgrounds to enhance service delivery to
our diverse community. Our commitment to exceptional customer service relies upon a team-oriented
workplace and a continuous quality improvement environment.
In order to meet the screening qualifications for this recruitment, applicants must have a combination of
education and experience equivalent to that outlined below, plus any other listed screening qualifications.
The following guidelines will be used in evaluating applications. Credit for work that is less than 40 hours
per week will be pro-rated. Post-high school education will be credited on the basis of 30 semester hours
or 45
quarter hours equal one year.
Education: Bachelors degree or equivalent. AND
Experience: Five plus (5+) years of industry-related Information Security operational experience, OR five
plus (5+) years of SAP system administration/security experience, OR an equivalent combination of
Information Security and SAP administration/security industry-related education and experience. AND
Required Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Advanced knowledge of SAP user, role, and profile security.
Intermediate knowledge of SAP system architecture.
Advanced knowledge of SAP system administration processes, dependencies, required
configurations, and methodologies.
Working knowledge of Active Directory including authentication methods, directory architecture,
monitoring, and system administration processes and methodologies.
Working knowledge of Active Directory security.
Working knowledge of critical Information Management processes including change control,
information design, asset management.
Advanced operational knowledge of Information Security including asset management,
applications and database development, risk/ vulnerability management, information processing
facilities, third-party service delivery management, and physical and environmental security.
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Advanced ability to apply security concepts and methodologies to the security analysis of and
system security operations in an evolving SAP environment.
Advanced skill in crafting and utilizing scripting technologies to achieve efficiencies in automated
information security analysis and configuration of system components.
Preferred certifications: Security certification (ex: CISA, CISM, CISSP, GIAC, IRCA, NERC/FERC,
FISMA, CJIS …) and/or familiarity with the FISMA or ISO 27000 series of information security standards
is desired.
This position requires passage of a criminal history check.
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SAP Business Analyst Senior– SRM PPS, MM
This SAP SRM Business Analyst Senior consultant will work on our SRM projects and Production
 Enhancement Pack 6 Project. This is for testing of our SRM components for Enhancement Pack
 Production Support calls. Resolve support tickets maintain existing SAP SRM PPS applications;
provide technical specifications to ABAP and NetWeaver developers.
 These projects could cover the following SAP Modules/Areas:
 SRM Strategic Sourcing (RFX)
 Document Builder
 Records Management
 Purchasing (SRM Purchase Orders)
 Contract Management
 SD
 3-way match (Goods receipt, invoice receipt)
 MM
This contractor is needed on site.
The purpose of the SAP SRM PPS Business Analyst Senior is to provide configuration support for the
SAP SRM PPS and MM modules. This role may have primary or backup responsibility for other SAP
modules. Activities include providing Staff augmentation, providing expert level understanding of SAP
configuration, implementing business process solutions, managing projects and providing end-user
The position will propose SAP solutions that meet County business process needs based on expert level
SAP working knowledge. This includes writing business cases, requirements gathering and completing
gap analysis and then researching technical and functional solutions. This position also provides the
expertise to resolve end user support issues and includes one-on-one and group training. This role
performs advanced level professional, technical, and analytical duties relating to the operation,
maintenance, and enhancement of SAP. This role assists system users in the analysis and timely
resolution of business process or configuration problems in SAP and performs a variety of complex
analytical duties relative to assigned areas of responsibility. The Senior Business Analyst partners with
customers to design and implement process improvements, manages projects, and performs other duties
as required.
This role will coordinate project activities including leading work with various other groups including the
SAP Development team.
Business Process Consultation
 Propose SAP solutions to meet County business process needs based on an expert working
knowledge, and experience with County business processes
 Consult with County management, County Business Process Owners, County super users, SAP
staff; and outside agencies regarding County business needs, SAP solutions, and best industry
 Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs
 Prepare, coordinate and/or lead SAP demonstrations
 Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity
 Upgrade, Maintain and Enhance SAP
 Provide expert level understanding of SAP configuration and functionality in the assigned
business area(s).
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Monitor and apply regulatory and legal changes that affect business processes and SAP
Document requirements and business rules for creating custom SAP solutions.
Analyze and document processes and procedures for SAP modules.
Create design specifications which involve translating requirements into functional design
specifications, including interfaces to internal and external systems.
Design mock-ups of reports or new screen layouts including inputs and outputs.
Design, test, and reconcile data conversions.
Define, write, and execute test strategies and test cases and testing custom developed
applications for two purposes 1) to validate that requirements were met or programming defects
resolved and 2) for conducting end user acceptance testing.
Perform business analysis and configuration for SAP SRM PPS, SRM Strategic Sourcing (RFX),
Document Builder, Records Management, Registry of Suppliers, Purchasing (SRM Purchase
Orders), Contract Management, SD, 3-way match (Goods receipt, invoice receipt).
Design workflow processes.
Perform business analysis and complex configuration of MM Module processes, data and
modules. Ability to do complex configuration. This includes Business Partner, Contracts,
Purchase Orders, and Requisitions.
Provide expertise with broad functional knowledge of SAP.
Write and coordinate Business Cases, perform requirements gathering and complete gap
analyses, research technical and functional solutions, evaluate processes in relationship to
County business needs.
Recommend simplified or more efficient processes (process improvement).
Interact with business representatives to prioritize work and perform change management.
Initiate and lead work with SAP Development team.
Audit and assess validity of data in SAP and recommend SAP system and/or business process
changes to improve data integrity.
Research, analyze, apply, and test SAP support packages regularly to assure up-to-date SAP
Work with outside consultants or County teams to install new SAP modules or upgrade SAP to
new releases.
Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionalities, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff. Determine the best reports to use, set report specifications, and analyze
report data
Design, plan, and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.).
Analyze and create design and programming specifications based on business needs.
Implement Process Solutions, Process Improvements and Manage Projects
 Coordinate SAP functionality with other technology groups, as necessary (e.g., WEB, SAP
Development, Applications, SAP Basis).
 Design and configure SAP functionality to meet business needs, develop and design testing
scenarios, test new and changed functionality, identify problems, recommend solutions, and
implement fixes.
 Design reports, analyze and identify specifications, and coordinate report programming with SAP
Development staff.
 Design, plan and coordinate an implementation plan with end users, SAP Support Team, and all
stakeholders (this may involve outside agencies, Multnomah County IT, etc.)
 Develop and implement project plans using formal systems development methodology and
project tools.
 Provide project management skills in planning, scheduling, managing, and reporting; provide lead
direction, training and work review for a project team; organize and assign work, set priorities,
and follow up and control project status to ensure coordination and completion of assigned work.
Support and Provide End-User Training
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Investigate and solve end-user problems; instruct users on correct processes or correct SAP
configuration to meet customer’s needs
Teach one-on-one and group classes on SAP business processes, incorporating County rules,
contract requirements, and other state and federal regulations
Consult with Business Process Owners on training materials; write and maintain training content.
Use tools to design user instructions for use on the Commons.
Analyze user-issue trends and initiate training, procedural communications, and other means to
improve user performance
Advise and help end-users to understand SAP data, determine best reports to use, set report
specifications, and analyze report data
Provide content for training and approve training materials
Time Frame of the project: Consultant needed in August and will run until Employee hired.
Where do you need the vendors located to perform their services? Onsite
Consultants must work one of three schedules (no exceptions):
1. Eight hours Monday through Friday
2. 9/80 schedule: Monday - Thursday 9 hours Friday 8 hours. The next week Monday - Thursday 9
hours Friday off
3. 4 9's/4 schedule: Monday - Thursday 9 hours Friday 4 hours.
Special Requirements or certifications that may be needed: They must be an experienced SAP SRM
Business Analyst. SRM PPS experience is a plus.
Submit the following information per candidate by noon Friday, July 27th
 Resume
 All inclusive rate – Travel expenses must be declared as a % of rate or $ of rate.
 Start Date availability
 Work Schedule (one of the three mentioned above)
 Indicate if consultant is an employee of your contracting firm, a consultant direct to your contracting
firm, or via a third party. Note, if via a third party, you must disclose the/all contracting firm
 Consultant authorization to allow proposer sole right to represent consultant for this requirement.
Failure to provide this documentation results in consultant not being considered for this
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