Sunday 9:30 am 10:30 am 4:00 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 6:00 pm Wed. 5:45 pm 6:45 pm 6:45 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm Thurs. 10am–2pm Sat. 5:00 pm Sunday School Worship Deacon Ordination Service AWANA Youth Springvale University Family Night Supper Mission Organizations Youth SOLID Worship Prayer Service Choir Practice Lydia’s Helping Hands SeraphSong in Concert FINANCE REPORT Weekly Undesignated Offerings Needed to Meet the Budget: $6,577.79 Undesignated Offerings Received 9/6: $10,306.51 YOUR BUILDING FUND AT WORK Monthly Offering Needed to Meet Building Loan Payment: $7,250 September Offerings: $2,065 OFFICE HOURS (Administrative Assistant) Tuesday–8:00-12:00; Wednesday–8:00-4:00; Thursday–8:00-4:00 Announcements for Sunday bulletins are due by 9:00am on Wednesdays. Newsletter info is due on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Worship Guide September 13, 2015 Hebrews 10:25 Not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Prelude Welcome Invocation Choral Praise “All Your Promises Are True” Congregational Praise Adult Choir “Fill My Cup, Lord” #398 “Through it All” #507 Children’s Sermon Offertory Music “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” #8 Offertory Prayer Offering Special Music Leslie Martin Message THE WORLD’S ANSWERS FOR A MORALLY DEPRIVED CULTURE Invitation “Softly and Tenderly” #261 Benediction “Grace, Love and Fellowship” Sermon Notes: The World’s Answers For A Morally Deprived Culture Romans 3 1. ____________ OPPORTUNITIES DEACON ORDINATION -- This afternoon at 4:00 pm (Rudy Branham, Harold Rabon, Richard Veal) AWANA - 5:30pm -- Mustache Night! Wear your most creative mustache or mustache clothing. 2. ____________ Springvale University - 6:00 pm 3. ____________ 4. ____________ The Answer is Not in What Man Doesn’t Have. World Religion Study – “Buddhism” (sanctuary) Sign Language Class begins this evening at 6:00, led by Barbara Nelson. Meet in the Conference Room. Wednesday Family Night Suppers – 5:45 pm (9/16) Food Service/Social Team: Lasagna, salad, bread, dessert (9/23) Faith, Hope/Young Adults: Soups, dessert It is What He Does Have - _____________ and the Solution is _____________. SERAPHSONG IS COMING TO SPRINGVALE! This Saturday, September 19th at 5:00 pm Seraph Song is a choral group made up of women in music ministry from all over South Carolina. An offering will be taken at the concert with proceeds going to various organizations. Please make plans to attend this concert. Your heart will be blessed! All Ladies Are Invited! BABY SHOWER honoring Mary Gardner _____________________________________________________ DEACONS OF THE MONTH: Larry Dickert (438-9645), Randy Hilyer (438-6419), Bart Meyer (438-2945), Kevin Branham (420-3738) PASTORAL VISITS – If you would like a visit from our pastor, please use the attachment to this bulletin to make the request, and drop it in the offering plate. If you would rather make an appointment by email, our pastor’s email is: Visit our church website for the weekly worship bulletin, monthly newsletter, church documents and much more! Nursery Workers 9/13: Donna & Courtney Royson Nursery Workers 9/20: Hollie & Brad McCluney September 20th -- 2:00-4:00 pm in Fellowship Hall (IT’S A BOY!) Registered at Wal-Mart, Target, Buy Buy Baby WORLD CRAFT PARY Monday, September 21st at 7:00 pm All ladies, ages 18 & up, are invited to attend! Light refreshments will be served. Prisoner Packet info & bags are available in the fellowship hall and church foyer. Pick up a bag today, fill and return. The WMU will collect bags until the end of September. GUEST SPEAKER – NEXT SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th Rev. Jamie Murphy will be talking to us about Proactive Parenting Initiative. PPI teaches parents how to be successful in changing ANY unwanted behaviors in their child. Our methods are taught in small classroom settings and our instructors speak in real language through personal experience.