JULY Friday, 3rd Church Office Closed Saturday, 4th 10:00 am Parade 2:30 pm Duck Race Sunday, 5th 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 1:30 pm Summer Choir Hymn Sing Worship Service/Communion Elijah’s Promise Saturday, 11th 9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal Sunday, 12th 7:00 am 8:00 am 10:00 am 11:30 am Leave on Mission Trip Praise Team Rehearsal Worship Service Star-Spangled Banner Rehearsal Monday, 13th Monday, 20th 9am-noon Vacation Bible School Tuesday, 21st 9am-noon Vacation Bible School Wednesday, 22nd 9am-noon Vacation Bible School Thursday, 23rd 9am-noon Vacation Bible School Friday, 24th 9am-noon 7:00 pm Vacation Bible School VBS - Closing Saturday, 25th 9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal 11:00 am Star-Spangled Banner Rehearsal Sunday, 26th 8:00 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 5:00 pm Praise Team Rehearsal Summer Choir Rehearsal Star-Spangled Banner Rehearsal Worship Service Trenton Thunder Mission Trip Tuesday, 14th Mission Trip Wednesday, 15th Mission Trip Thursday, 16th Mission Trip ****TIDINGS DEADLINE**** Friday, 17th 6:00 pm Return from Mission Trip Saturday, 18th 9:00 am Praise Team Rehearsal Sunday, 19th 8:00 am 9:15 am 10:00 am 5pm-7pm Praise Team Rehearsal Summer Choir Rehearsal Worship Service Young Adults - Happy Hour Pastor Rich takes Friday Off. UPCOMING EVENTS: July 4 – Duck Race July 26 – Trenton Thunder JULY 2015 Greetings Are you one of the 45 percent of people in North America who made a New Year’s resolutions. July 1st will mark 6 months since you made your New Years’ resolution. Are you still working at keeping that resolution or have you given up? Peter Chin in a recent devotion noted that only 54 percent will have kept their resolutions. He also pointed out that the percentage drops to a dismal 8 percent by December! He explains that part of the problem is that while new beginnings can be easy, leaving behind old practices can be hard. Before the Israelites could experience a fresh start in the Promised Land, they had to leave two old things behind: flesh and old ways. God commanded all the young men to be circumcised, for their fathers had turned from Canaan in fear and then neglected to circumcise their sons in the wilderness. So the lack of circumcision represented their lack of faith and obedience, both of which dishonored God, and had to be left behind before they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 5:6-9). But that’s not all the Israelites had to do. They had to leave old ways behind. Joshua 5 marked the end of manna, the mysterious heavenly food that God had daily provided (v.12). Eating manna wasn’t sinful, but it had been the way God fed the Israelites in the wilderness. Now they were in Canaan and God was providing for them in a new way—through the fruit and crops of the land. So they had to leave the manna behind. I believe we have a tendency to forget that all new beginnings start with leaving old things behind. Paul made this clear in Ephesians 4:22-24, where he called the church to put off their old self and put on the new. Jesus made it clear Matthew 16:24-28. Jesus called us to leave our old lives behind, take up our cross, and follow Him. What do you need to leave behind to move forward? Are you hanging on to old grudges, past mistakes, failed dreams which are keeping your anchored and preventing you from starting over. You don’t have to wait until New Years to make a resolution or to make a fresh start. BUT you do need to remember that when you look forward to a new beginning, God will lead us to remember what we also must leave behind! Godspeed, Pastor Rich WORSHIP 5 COMMUNION Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30 The Greatest Generation 12 Luke 2:1-20 Christmas in July 19 Matthew 6:9-13 Upside Down Kingdom 26 John 7:17 / 1 John 4:1 Is That You God MAIL CHIMP Do you mail chimp? Would you like to? Mail Chimp is a mail server the church uses to send out announcements, the daily slice, which is a daily devotional, and other important communications. If you would like to receive MailChimp send your email address to: stpaulschurch@optonline.net If you are receiving it and no longer wish to, you can unsubscribe by clicking on the link at the bottom of each mailing. WORSHIP ONLINE MISSED Sunday worship? You don’t have to. If you are reading this online click on the URL below. If you are reading a paper copy, enter the URL in your search window on your computer. You will be directed to St. Paul’s very own YouTube site. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCII6N 0njctlY1Ke8MXK7ybg/feed Let us know what you think. OFFERING COUNTERS Each Sunday a team of 4 people count the Sunday offering and prepare it to be deposited. After many years of counting we have 5 counters who are passing the responsibility off to others. THANK YOU: Marge Conger, Flo Torok, Doris Weber, Curtis and Joan Peck. We need 3 people who would be willing to be part of a team of four people to count 1 Sunday a month. Please contact the church office if you are interested and willing. COMMUNION OFFERING July’s communion offering will be given to Elijah’s Promise. Elijah’s Promise harnesses the power of food to break the cycle of poverty, alleviate hunger, and change lives. Their philosophy is that by sharing not only what we have, but also the tools for people to feed themselves, no one in our community needs to go hungry. St. Paul’s provides the Sunday meal every 1st Sunday of the month. BREAVEMENT Our sympathy to the families of Lynn Brennan, Daniel Holsten, Sr., John Perry II, Tom Gilliland and Ellie Bradley FINANCIAL MAY YR to DATE Income $19,163.24 $102,846.89 Expense $22,461.51 $120,177.62 Gain/(Loss)($ 3,298.27) ($ 17,330.73) Fun and Easy When it comes to giving at OUR CHURCH our desire is to make it fun and easy. That might sound crazy or impossible but let me explain. We want it to be fun to give here. How can giving your hard earned money be fun? When you see the amazing things we do with the generous gifts our people give us we believe giving becomes fun. So let me just share some things that have been happening around here. 4th of July Parade VBS Mission Trip Elijah’s Promise Your offerings made all that possible. Seeing lives changed and impacted makes giving fun! We also make it easy for you to give here at OUR CHURCH. Sunday worship online at www.stpaulsmilltownnj.org direct mail Whatever way works best for you to give we want you to know we greatly appreciate your gift AND that your gift does make a difference! PRAYER of the MONTH Dear Lord, There is no greater feeling of liberation than to experience this freedom from sin and death that you have provided for me through Jesus Christ. Today my heart and my soul are free to praise you. For this I am very thankful. On this Independence Day I am reminded of all those who have sacrificed for my freedom, following the example of your Son, Jesus Christ. Let me not take my freedom, both physical and spiritual, for granted. May I always remember that my freedom was purchased with a very high price. My freedom cost others their very lives. Lord, today, bless those who have served and continue to give their lives for my freedom. With favor and bounty meet their needs and watch over their families. Help me to live my life in a way that glorifies you, Lord. Give me the strength to be a blessing in someone else's life today, and grant me the opportunity to lead others into the freedom that can be found in knowing Christ. Amen YOUNG ADULT HAPPY HOUR DUCK RACE On Saturday July 4th the St. Paul’s Sr. Youth Group will launch 1,000 rubber ducks off the West side of the Main St. Bridge. The ducks will race under the bridge, over the falls and make their way to the railroad trestle to raise money for their mission trip this summer. The first 10 ducks across the finish line will each win a $100 gift card. You can adopt a duck for as little as $5. or can adopt a raft of ducks (5 ducks) for $20. For you non math people you are getting an extra duck with each raft you buy. JULY 20-24 9AM - 12NOON Day 1 God’s Plan 2 Make Us! Day 2 God’s Plan 2 Be With Us Day 3 God’s Plan 4 Us 2 Know Him Day 4 God’s Plan 2 Save Us Day 5 God’s Plan 2 Love Us 4-Ever With age-appropriate Bible stories, experiments, games, crafts and songs, each day of SonSpark Labs VBS involves kids in exploring an amazing aspect of God’s life changing plan. REGISTRATION FORMS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS TIDINGS This year’s co-directors are Maryann Redler & Diane Bradford TEACHERS! & HELPERS! are NEEDED SUNDAY, JULY 19 4PM - 7PM @ HARVEST MOON 392 George St. New Brunswick If you are between the ages of 21 & 33, give or take a year or 2. I leave the definition of young adult up to you. YOU are invited to share some food, drinks and conversation with old friends and new ones. RSVP: by email stpaulschurch@optonline.net; by clicking on http://evite.me/NRsUQXdEMC Once the evite opens Click: yes I will attend. by phone: 732-828-0020 SAVE THE DATE EXPECT A CALL This Summer the consistory will be call the church members to solicit you thoughts, opinions and desires for St. Paul’s Church. You input will determine the future direction of our ministry. We have noted that worship attendance has been down this year. We are attempting to be proactive and reverse the trend. SAT. OCT. 17th 6pm - 10pm AMERICAN LEGION HALL 4 JFK DRIVE, MILLTOWN, NJ 150+ WINES AND BEERS by Marketplace Wine & Spirits FULL BUFFET DINNER by Francesco's Restaurant LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 50/50 RAFFLE BASKET RAFFLES COST $40 per person Free babysitting at Church MUST BE 21 or older You will be asked 5 questions. 1. What is the 1st thing that comes to your mind when you think of worship at St. Paul’s? 2. Name one positive thing about St. Paul’s worship service. 3. Name one thing that needs improvement or change 4. Is there something St. Paul’s should be doing with regards to worship? 5. Why do you / why don’t you worship regularly? In an effort to make sure everyone is heard from you can answer the questions online at our website www.stpaulsmilltownnj.org Reply to the email that will be sent to you in July. If you choose either of these 2 methods make sure you identify yourself, this would prevent you from getting a phone call. Or wait for your phone call. SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED TO CONGRATULATIONS 2015 GRADUATES COLLEGE Patty Kastner – Rutger’s Ryan Napolitano – Bachelor’s Katie Ramsen – Master’s HIGH SCHOOL Jake Bacchetti – will attend Rutger’s University Thomas Kastner – will attend Rutger’s University Alec Lynn Gwynn Marotta – Rutger’s Lisa Milburn – will attend Georgian Court Christopher Paley Troy Posnansky – will attend Drexel University Claire Stout – will attend Duke University 8TH GRADE Hannah Bernstein William Bradford Michael Ciaccio Katie George Joseph Harold Curtis Holick Danae Hollingsworth Tiffany Irwin Sarah Johnson Marisa Keiser Katrina Leeming Alysa Maluta Cameron Withum Ryan Withum Jake Bacchetti Alayna Conger Benjamin Erb Jay Hipko Jessica Jones Thomas Kastner Christian Kircher Sarah Migliore Lisa Milburn Andrew Napolitano Stephanie Paley Allison Pelszynski Brian Pelszynski Krystal Ramsen PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY During the creation of a prayer shawl the Lord is asked to give the one who receives it blessings, comfort, courage, strength and hope. We now ask that you continue to keep the following person in your thoughts and prayers: Julie Park Julie Petry MEMORIAL FUND DANIEL HOLSTEN, SR. Milltown Firemens Assn. GENERAL FUND JONATHAN WURM’S WEDDING FELLOWSHIP HOUR Julie Park & Tracy Rucinski are coordinating fellowship hour. Sign up at coffee hour or be in contact with: Julie at 732-545-4266 mj1park@optonline.net or Tracy at 732-545-6982 traysee7413@yahoo.com. YOUR ASSISTANCE is still needed to provide refreshments for fellowship hour. You are responsible for providing eats, and milk for kids. Sunny D is generously providing juice. Coffee and cups are provided. SUGGESTION BOXES At the foot of the staircase in the education building AND in the Narthex you will find hanging on the wall suggestion boxes for you to make suggestions. Your suggestions are very much welcomed. THANK YOU… To those who served on June 7th. Our next date to serve at Elijah’s Promise is July 5th. Ann Malyshko Jane Osman Lorraine Fisezi Dawn & Molly Mostowski Karen Gourley Margaret Schmidt Following are the steps involved in this project: . Every first Sunday of the month we gather at 2:00 pm at 21 Nelson St. in New Brunswick. . Prepare the food and serve between 2:00 pm & 4:30 pm. We invite volunteers to be part of this noble cause. If you are interested, please contact Margaret Schmidt at 732-390-0169. Music at St. Paul’s Trenton Thunder Choir! On Sunday, July 26, the St. Paul’s Choirs and friends will sing the National Anthem at a 5 pm Trenton Thunder game. Come join us! There will be three rehearsals in July – you can attend any of these. You are also welcome to come and not sing if you cheer us on, but we want as many singers as possible. Tickets are $8 apiece. Questions? See Emily Rehearsals for National Anthem: Sun., July 12 – 11:30 am Sat., July 25 – 11 am Sun., July 26 – 9:30 am Summer hymn sings We will have three hymn sings this summer, each at 9:30 am (before worship) in the sanctuary: Sun., July 5 Sun., Aug. 2 Sun., Sept. 6 Summer choir Want to sing with the choir? During the summer, we don’t have a weeknight rehearsal. Just come in at 9:15 on a Sunday morning and learn that day’s anthem! Summer choir will sing on: July 12 and July 26. HEAD USHERS FOR JULY 5 Consistory Team #4 12 Jill Hipko 19 Grace Kothari 26 Bob Holzapfel GREETERS FOR JULY 5 Connie Michael & Carol Calantoni 12 Bunny Theurich 19 Bob Holzapfel 26 Gregory Reeves *Greeters are asked to arrive at church by 9:20 a.m. GREETER COORDINATORS Come in and enjoy singing through some favorites! Judy Skalla & Thelma Rudnitzky Thanks ********************************** CHECK US OUT On June 20, the praise band played at a fair in Metuchen. On July 4, they will play in Milltown’s 4th of July parade. Thanks be to God for the band members, who share their gifts with our community. You can check it out by going to www.stpaulsmilltownnj.org or look us up on facebook. Consistory Minutes June 8, 2015 IN ATTENDANCE Dianne Andreula, Joann Ciaccio, John Garback, Pete Herral, Rebecca Jones, Steve Kircher, Dick MacDowell, Debbie Paley, Chuck Rucinski, Sean Sullivan, Don Wesen, Rich Weyer Steve K. called the meeting to order at 7:40pm. Pastor Rich led us in devotion and prayer. Minutes from the May 11, 2015 meeting were presented. Approved – motion by Debbie P., 2nd Dianne A. CORRESPONDENCE Thank you from Salvation Army – Salvation Army had a banquet in May and listed St. Paul’s as a sponsor (communion offering March 2015) WORSHIP June 21 – preaching / Bruce Anglin - assisting / Rebecca J., Steve K., Don W July 12 – preaching / Krystal Ramsen – assisting / to be determined MINISTRY TEAMS CHURCH and FAMILY Pictorial Directory – completing final confirmations of names, addresses, email addresses. People are receiving their pictures in the mail. Church Picnic – September 13, Boro Park To be discussed at Team Meeting – June 22 SPRITUAL LIFE Drama Ministry (2015 suggestion) discussions for team meeting. FINANCES May’s financial report was presented and approved – motion by Pete H., 2nd Don W Covenant Players – discussion for team meeting, Players would need housing for one or two nights. Phone and internet bill was renegotiated for a lower price – same service Sunday Sermons are being recorded and placed on St Paul’s YouTube site. Link found on St. Paul’s website. May communion (Fish) stays in house for hosting Fish in the fall. Lost Jersey Church – budgeted for 2015 (no longer an income) Request to move $30,000 from Endowment fund to operating fund to pay bills. Approved – motion by Dick M., 2nd Sean S. 14 Scholarship applications have come in. $4,000.00 from scholarship funds has been transferred. Worship Keeper software implementation – be in full by September. EDUCATION Sunday school – survey presented to Ministry Team. List will be provided at Ministry Team meeting. Youth Group – Mission Trip July 12-17 Duck Race – July 4 Fund Raiser, Ducks are being sold after church in social hall Checking into World Vision Child sponsorship – once completed (obligations met) suggest funds to sponsor Wounded Warrior Project. Adult ED – At the Promise Land- 2 more weeks CONSISTORY Communion: July 5 – Team 4 August 2 – Team 1 PROPERTY Memorial Plaque – suggested listing organist who have served 5 years or more. (Agreed) Dick M. talking with vendor. Communion Offering: July – Elijah’s Promise August – Youth Mission Trip VBS: July 20-25, still in need of volunteers Waxing Social Hall Floor – put on hold Energy Audit – very complete. May qualify for new air conditioners in Sanctuary. They pay 70% of cost. Lights paid for in 9 months approx. FUTURE MEETING DATES Summer Break, emergency meetings if necessary Adjournment Gold metal inspected units in Social Hall. 2 x 6 ton units. Suggested to replace with 3 smaller units – no action. Lift chair now working – Dick explained how to operate Fence behind Social Hall belongs to Milltown – Dick met with Supervisor of parks OLD BUSINESS 2015 & Beyond – have been incorporate into Ministry team meetings July 4th Parade - People needed to decorate 7:30 am, candy throwers, banner carriers. Announcements/appeals have gone out during church service. NEW BUSINESS Young Adult Gathering – July 17 pm In need of another fund raiser – looking for suggestions Requesting volunteers for a creating sponsorship book for the Wine and Beer Fund Raiser Suggestion made that a collection taken by confirmation group and present church a gift. Pastor Rich looking into. YouthWorks not coming back. Looking into using multi-media and social media to promote church and activities. Survey the congregation- review questions. List currently being composed. Contact congregation via email, website, and phone calls. Approved. Motion – Debbie P., 2nd Dick M. Summer Appeal letter. Approved. Motion – Don W., 2nd Pete H. Pastor Rich Vacation: August 3-18, September 15-22 Motion to adjourn by Debbie P. 2nd Chuck R. Meeting adjourned at 9:25pm ST. PAUL’S CHURCH Founded in 1872 So. Main St. & W. Lakewood Ave. NEXT COMMUNION DATE July 5 2015 CONSISTORY Rev. Richard H. Weyer, Pastor Elders: Emily Sensenbach-Gopal, Director of Music Dianne Andreula Joanne Ciaccio Frank Devine Peter Herral Rebecca Jones Julie Park Tanya Roberts Don Wesen Church Office 732 828-0020 FAX # 732 828-0027 stpaulschurch@optonline.net www.stpaulsmilltownnj.org Please leave a message if no one is available. Church Secretary Mrs. Carol Lagowski Office hours: 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Financial Secretary Mrs. Debbie Paley (address inquiries to church office) Please address all financial inquiries to the Church Office. NEXT TIDINGS DEADLINE – Thursday, July 16th Deacons: John Garback Steve Kircher Dick MacDowell Debbie Paley Robert Ramsen Chuck Rucinski Emma Rumen Sean Sullivan ******************************** Save time and prevent mistakes by writing your parishioner number on your checks and envelopes. Example: 002W ******************************** Please notify the church office if any of the following changes occur in your household: address change, phone number change, email change, marriage, separation/divorce, death, birth, adoption, adult child(ren) moving out, or a family member being moved to a rehab. or nursing home. We would like to keep our membership list up-to-date, but we need YOUR cooperation to do so! ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 62 South Main Street Milltown, NJ 08850 (732) 828-0020 JULY, 2015 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED DATES TO REMEMBER: July 4 – Parade/Duck Race July 5 – Hymn Sing/Communion/ Elijah’s Promise July 12-17 – Mission Trip July 20-24 – Vacation Bible School July 26 – Trenton Thunder TIDINGS Worship Service Sunday School 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Rev. Richard H. Weyer, Pastor DATED MATERIAL JUNE 24, 2015 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #50001 NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ 08901