---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE ASIA AND THE PACIFIC UPDATE VOL 1, NO.1 – 9 DECEMBER 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Spatial Data Infrastructure Asia and the Pacific (SDI-AP) is a free email newsletter for people interested in GIS, remote sensing, and data management issues in Asia and the Pacific. It aims to raise awareness and provide useful information to strengthen national SDI efforts and support regional coordination. The Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) is the peak regional SDI coordination forum (www.pcgiap.org ). The newsletter is sponsored and prepared by the Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Association with input from the PCGIAP. To subscribe to SDI-AP, unsubscribe, or change your email address, contact: SDI-AP@gsdi.org If you're subscribing, please indicate your institutional affiliation and how you learned about the SDIAP newsletter. If you have news or information related to GIS, remote sensing, and spatial data infrastructure (e.g., workshop announcements, publications, reports, websites of interest, etc.), kindly send us the materials so that they can be included in the newsletter. This will ensure that issues are sent more frequently. The newsletter depends upon your continued interest and input. You are welcome to forward this message onto colleagues who may find the information useful. If you do so, please include the newsletter contact information at the bottom of this message so that others will know about the newsletter and subscribe themselves. This is the first issue. Issues of the newsletter will henceforth be posted at the following websites: GSDI: http://www.gsdi.org/pubs2.html#SDI-APNEWS PCGIAP: http://www.pcgiap.org/tech_paprs/tech_paprs.htm#GSDI Best regards, Jaishree Beedasy and Kate Lance Please note: Some long URLs (internet addresses) may occupy 2 lines. In that case, copy both lines into your browser. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------INPUT TO THIS ISSUE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Thank you to Serryn L. Eagleson, City of Melbourne (Australia) and Walter de Vries, ITC (The Netherlands) for their contributions to this issue of the newsletter. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SDI LINKS, NEWS, PAPERS, PRESENTATIONS - HAVE YOU READ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Just in case some of you are not familiar with the following initiatives, here are some important links: http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/ Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) The aims of the Committee are to maximize the economic, social and environmental benefits of geographic information in accordance with Agenda 21 by providing a forum for nations from Asia and the Pacific to: cooperate in the development of a regional geographic information infrastructure; contribute to the development of the global geographic information infrastructure; share experiences and consult on matters of common interest; and participate in any other form of activity such as education, training, and technology transfer http://www.anzlic.org.au/index.html ANZLIC—the Spatial Information Council is a joint initiative of the Australian Government, the New Zealand Government and the governments of the States and Territories of Australia. The Council's stated vision is that: Australia's and New Zealand's economic growth, and social and environmental interests are underpinned by quality spatially referenced information. ANZLIC's role is to facilitate easy and cost effective access to the wealth of spatial data and services provided by a wide 1 range of organizations in the public and private sectors. ANZLIC is fulfilling its role by developing nationally-agreed (in both Australia and New Zealand) policies and frameworks aimed at achieving "best practice" in spatial data management. Within Australia, the major vehicle for improving access to data is the Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI). http://www.anzlic.org.au/infrastructure_ASDI.html The Australian Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI) is a national framework for linking users with providers of spatial information and is similar in concept to a national highway or railway network. The ASDI comprises the people, policies and technologies necessary to enable the use of spatially referenced data through all levels of government, the private sector, non-profit organizations and academia. http://www.commission4.isprs.org/ The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Commission IV on Spatial Information Systems and Digital Mapping addresses science, technology and applications in the fields of spatial information science and systems, digital mapping from air- and space-borne sensors, and integration of remotely sensed imagery with spatial information systems. The terms of reference of the working group 4 of Commission IV (WG IV/4 - Spatial data infrastructures) are: Design and access of large spatial databases Development of comprehensive metadata, quality evaluation procedures and their standardization Development of techniques for data integration in spatial information systems Logical and mathematical data modelling for mapping of spatial data infrastructures Development of basic framework concepts for the selection, aggregation and integration of fundamental data http://www.gisdevelopment.net/ GIS Development Pvt. Ltd. aims to promote and propagate usage of GIS and related technologies in various areas of development. Main objective of the portal is information dissemination and knowledge sharing in the field of Geographic Information Sciences. It includes e-newsletters, technical papers, conference proceedings and GIS events http://www.gisdevelopment.net/events/year/index.htm Its Geographic Information Sciences magazine the GIS@development Magazine comes out monthly and is focused on Asia. http://www.gisdevelopment.net/magazine/gisdev/index.htm - The aim of the magazine is to promote & propagate the usage and benefits of Remote Sensing, GIS and GPS. The magazine covers the use of technologies in various application segments in the field of infrastructure, utility services, resource management and others. The magazine addresses the policy issues at national & international level. It updates the readers through its in-depth analysis of the activities pertaining in the field of GIS, GPS and Remote Sensing from all over the world with a special focus on Asian Region. http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/brunei_os_prog.htm 8th Meeting of the Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) 1619 April 2002 OPEN SEMINAR PROGRAM Proceedings April 17, 2002 Country Reports on the Clearinghouse: http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_australia.ppt Australia (PowerPoint), Mr. Peter Holland, General Manager, National Mapping Division, Geoscience Australia The presentation highlights the responsibilities for clearinghouse implementation at different levels, describes the clearinghouse model adopted, the progress made to date and future plans. The presentation concludes that although there are several good individual examples of clearinghouse implementation in Australia, a truly national solution has not yet arrived. Australia started early in the development of the core clearinghouse elements of metadata and a distributed directory and these elements have been used extensively, A national clearinghouse will need to involve both public and private sectors, and will need to link to regional and global implementations. http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_brunei.pdf Brunei Darussalam (Word/PDF), Miss Hajah Salmahwati binti Haji Mohsin, Senior Land Surveyor In this paper the author discusses the growing demand and hence importance of a reliable spatial data infrastructure (SDI) to provide support for land administration, planning and examining the information 2 used in decision-making process. The LIS project and SDI development initiatives in Brunei are also presented. http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_sbsm.pdf China (Word/PDF), Prof. Chen Jun, President, National Geomatics Center Attention is drawn to the efforts of the National Geomatics Center of China, on the research and practice of spatial data clearinghouse. A prototype APSDI China Data Node has been constructed. The dataset consists of international and provincial boundary, main rivers and lakes, main roads and railways, cities and counties. The Distribution and Services Network of Geospatial Information project and other SDI initiatives being undertaken are also described. http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_indonesia.ppt Indonesia (PowerPoint), The Role of Precise GPS positioning in Regional Geodetic Network: Status Report of Indonesia, Dr. Bambang Sapto Pratomosunu The paper gives an overview of the current NSDI focus areas in Indonesia: National Organization “Geodata Alliance”, NSDI Financing Study and Open Geoprocessing. A conceptual development of national spatial data infrastructure in Indonesia is presented. The present conditions, driving forces, the regulations and partnerships are also discussed. http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_gsi.pdf Japan (PowerPoint & Word/PDF),Dr. Hoshino Yoshihisa, Director General, Geographical Survey Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport This article describes activities of the Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) concerned with discussing metadata standard and applying ISO 23950 to metadata search system. The author also introduces the clearinghouse gateway developed by GSI based on these standards and a peculiar problem in dealing with multibytes characters as a step towards development of multilingual clearinghouse http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/brunei/seminar/clearh_korea.ppt Korea (PowerPoint), Prof. Kim Kyehyun, Inha University Clearinghouse Development in Korea- in coordination with PCGIAP Strategies of various phases of the NGIS project implementation are explained. The purpose of the clearinghouse, and the pilot project are discussed. The two phases of the main project plan are presented. http://www.sli.unimelb.edu.au/research/publications/IPW/Journal of GIS Development-June2003.pdf Asia-Pacific Region and SDI Activities, By Abbas Rajabifard and Ian P. Williamson Journal of GIS Development, July 2003 Vol. 7 Issue 7 This article draws a picture of the status of SDI development at different political and administrative levels in this region. The main focus would be on institutional arrangements, technological, social and economic dimensions, which affect the SDI growth nationally and regionally in this region. To achieve this aim, the article starts by reviewing regional cooperation in this region and providing a brief description of the past and current status of spatial data and information in this region. Then it discusses the need for SDI development followed by a discussion of its concept. Based on that, the article then reviews the Asia- Pacific SDI activities, mainly at national and regional levels including the structure and activities of its coordinating committee. http://www.geospatialtoday.com/news/geo_newstable.asp?id=68 [Thursday, June 05, 2003] In a recent meeting with Thailand's Prime Minister, ESRI President Jack Dangermond discussed the role of geographic information system (GIS) technology in aiding the Thai government in accomplishing its long-term goals. In support of education in Thailand, Dangermond recently provided 100 K-12 GIS kits, which include GIS software, a community-teaching guide, and student handbooks, to the country's Ideal Schools program. Thailand's Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) is responsible for national standards and infrastructure for GIS, space technology development, remote sensing, and geoinformatics. It is also acting as a clearinghouse for all GIS data in Thailand, particularly government data, in anticipation of the development of the country's NSDI. It plans to implement a pilot NSDI system this year and to proceed with a nationwide implementation in 2004-2005. http://www.geospatialtoday.com/news/geo_newstable.asp?id=58 [Monday, May 12, 2003] ESRI join hands with DST, India in developing NSDI ESRI, the world leader in creation of GIS software will assist to Department of Science & Technology (DST), India that will work in collaboration with Department of Space and other Departments of Government of India in developing National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). The parties desire to pool their experiences and resources in taking the concept of NSDI beyond access to standardized geospatial data to 3 operationalizing embedded applications and solutions to cater to the societal needs. DST created a task force in November 2000 to establish NSDI and the task force is working on various issues and activities connected with the NSDI in India, including drafting standards for metadata, data exchange and networking and achieved considerable progress. The project will be executed from July 1, 2003. http://www.isotc211.org/Outreach/Newsletter/Newsletters.htm ISO/TC 211 Outreach newsletter. The ISO/TC 211 Outreach Mission is to promote the awareness, adoption, and advocacy of ISO/TC 211 standards in user communities. At the moment, there are 30 participating (voting) nations and 26 observing nations contributing to the work of ISO/TC 211. Of the 30, 9 are from the Asia and the Pacific region (Australia, People's Republic of China, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, and Turkey) and of the 26, 7 are from Asia and the Pacific region (Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Oman, Pakistan, and the Philippines). Any queries about participating in ISO/TC 211 Outreach activities can be sent to Henry Tom, Co-Chair, ISO/TC 211 Advisory Group on Outreach, Tomcaros@cs.com See link below to obtain contact information for your national standards body: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GIS TOOLS, SOFTWARE, DATA ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------http://sedac.ciesin.org/china/ China Dimensions World Wide Web (WWW) Home Page You will find a variety of socioeconomic data in this site, including Geographic Information System (GIS) databases that cover the administrative regions of China, presented at a scale of 1:1,000,000. These databases may be integrated with agricultural, land use, environmental, and socioeconomic data to track China's economic growth, population increases, and environmental change. http://www.cred.be/emdat/mapcentr/georef.htm Disaster Databases: Georeferenced data (1975-2000) Thanks to collaboration between FAO and CRED, EM-DAT Asian disasters recorded between 1975 and 2000 have been georeferenced. The georeferencing process aimed to localize each disaster within the country, by identifying geographical names recorded in EM-DAT and assigning administrative level location codes to each registered disaster event. In total, more than 2,300 events included in EM-DAT have been georeferenced. It has resulted in 3,900 records at the first administrative level. http://imgs.intergraph.com/newsroom/pressrelease.asp?id=173 Twenty-one software grants available for FIG members pursuing excellence in GIS research, education and interoperability. Intergraph Mapping and Geospatial Solutions announced a new partnership with the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) to promote the use of advanced technology in land administration and management infrastructure among surveyors and surveying organizations worldwide. Through the partnership, Intergraph will award 21 GeoMedia® grants, valued at over $8.2 million (U.S.), exclusively to FIG members. FIG is a federation of national associations with members from 100 countries and is the only international body that represents all surveying disciplines. http://www.ogcnetwork.org/docs/03-050r1.pdf OpenGIS® Web Map Server Cookbook, Version 1.0.1., August 13, 2003 The Cookbook provides the basic understanding and steps needed for implementing and exploiting the WMS interface and related technologies. In addition, the Cookbook includes examples of implementations, applications, and related helpful information for beginners and more advanced users. The Cookbook includes "recipes" or step-by-step instructions and recommendations on developing OpenGIS infrastructures using the WMS interface. It is an implementation guide. http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/guo/ http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/guo/esri_gis.asp http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/guo/documents/press announcement of MoU.htm UN HABITAT Grant Programme. The goal of the grant program is to provide GIS technology and training for up to 1,000 cities in developing countries so that they can participate in the collection of urban indicator information. Urban indicators include information about poverty, environmental degradation, lack of urban services, degeneration of existing infrastructure, and the lack of access to land and adequate shelter. Cities can 4 use GIS for the collection and analysis of urban indicator data to facilitate better urban management and the formulation of participatory development policies. (Appropriate applicants would be city councils or whoever is responsible for collecting/maintaining data about city infrastructure and services). Contact: Martin Raithelhuber, Global Urban Observatory, Tel. 254-2-62-3665, E-mail: Martin.Raithelhuber@unhabitat.org http://glcf.umiacs.umd.edu/ GLCF has its Landsat 7 GeoCover holdings online. You can Try downloading and redistributing any and all of this product. http://www.gsdi.org/docs/SDIA/Southern_L7.bmp Also, the MODIS 16-day composites are now available. GLCF is currently negotiating an arrangement to provide low-cost orthorectification services for new data, so stay tuned. For more information, contact Ben White, bgwhite@umiacs.umd.edu Global Land Cover Facility has over 19,000 Landsat FREE Landsat scenes. In addition, a variety of new MODIS tree cover and composite products have come out. Look for MODIS fire maps and ASTER data in the near future. http://www.melbourne.vic.gov.au/clue/ If you have an interest in the city of Melbourne, CLUE (the Census of Land Use and Employment) online can provide information on industry structure, floorspace type and use, spatial distribution, offstreet parking, lettable space, vacancy rates and more. CLUE is an invaluable research tool that can help you make informed, effective and efficient business decisions for your business. For the first time in its 40-year history, the 2002 CLUE provides comprehensive information about land use, employment and economic activity across the entire City of Melbourne. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES / AWARDS / SUPPORT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.sprep.org.ws/iw/docs/Information Sheet.pdf http://www.sprep.org.ws/iw/docs/IWP Pacific Regional Scholarship Scheme Application Form.pdf (application form) International Waters Programme (IWP) Pacific Regional Scholarship Scheme There is no closing date for scholarship applications but it is likely that countries will have selected their scholarship recipient by 31st December 2003. http://www.start.org/links/announce_oppo/FVS_12_Announce.doc http://www.start.org/links/announce_oppo/FVS_App_Form_12.doc START Fellowship/Visiting Scientist Award Program START invites applications for START fellows and visiting scientists to participate in the 12th round of the START Fellowship/Visiting Scientist Program. This program is designed to increase the number of developing country scientists who serve as active partners in global change research in START regional networks and in the Joint and Core Projects of the Earth System Science Partnership (DIVERSITAS, IHDP, IGBP, and WCRP). Through this effort, these scientists will also be able to contribute to related aspects of sustainable development for their respective countries and regions. Deadline for submissions has been extended to 16 January 2004. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GEOSPATIAL RESEARCH / APPLICATIONS / REFERENCE MATERIAL ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.fao.org/WAIRDOCS/LEAD/X6148E/X6148E00.htm Livestock Geography and Land Use Whilst still in its infancy, the development of geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) tools is paving the way for global land use monitoring. This paper provides a first, tentative description of livestock related land use. Preliminary results indicate that, in most of the developing world, the distributions of man and his livestock are closely related. This association is particularly prominent in India for large ruminants, and in South East Asia for pigs and poultry. http://www.nasda.go.jp/press/2003/05/forest_20030530_e.html Trial System for Monitoring Forest Fires - May 30, 2003 5 National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat at Tsukuba Office Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute NASDA and the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council Secretariat at Tsukuba Office (MAFFIN) have decided to publicize the "Trial System for Monitoring Forest Fires" on the Internet. This System is a result of the joint collaboration under the agreement on joint research cooperation between the two organizations for 2002-2003. The Trial System focuses on Thailand and its neighboring areas which are subject to frequent forest fires in the South-East Asia, and aims to evaluate the effectiveness of detecting fire situation by superimposing on the map several information on forest fires (fire criticality, location) obtained from different satellite data of NOAA and "Fuyo-1" (JERS-1) and so on. The new system, based on the old one, consists of the Research Institute's fire criticality data, MAFFIN's improved database, and NASDA's Internet and "standardization" technology for GIS. Anyone can superimpose on the same map fire information and geographic information on Thailand and its neighboring areas obtained by more than one satellites data from the following website, or you may have such data free of charge: http://fire.hd.nasda.go.jp/fms/index.php http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc02/pap0595/p0595.htm Ashraf, Salman et al. 2002. Integration of DEMs, satellite imagery and field data for alpine vegetation mapping in Pakistan. Abstract: Elevation, slope and aspect significantly influence vegetation heterogeneity in mountain ecosystems. Remotely sensed surface reflectance, if used to analyze such heterogeneity, is substantially affected by differences induced by slope and aspect. A GIS combining digital elevation models (DEMs), Landsat-7 imagery and georeferenced field data was built to map the distribution of vegetation in two community-based conservancies in the Hindu Kush cordillera of Pakistan. DEMs were used to divide satellite imagery into high and low sun illumination categories before image classification. Field verification and empirical rules relating to the altitude and aspects at which different vegetation types occur were then used to refine the landcover classification. http://www.itc.nl/library/Papers_2003/msc/wrem/Nader_Najmoddini.pdf Najmoddini, Nader. 2003. Assessment of erosion and sediment yield processes, using remote sensing and GIS - A case study in Rose chai sub-catchment of Orumieh Basin, W. Azarbaijan, Iran. 63 p. (Masters Thesis Report) Abstract: Many watershed management decisions would be aided by an understanding of ongoing sediment production and erosion characteristics. In this thesis an assessment is made of the erosion and sediment yield in Rose chai subcatchment of the Orumieh basin in northwest part of Iran. Efficient erosion analysis incorporates the following steps: collection of background information, interpretation of aerial photos, making data base, preparation of terrain mapping units, field work and analysis. The methodology also included GIS and remote sensing techniques. http://www.photogrammetry.ethz.ch/tarasp_workshop/papers/suzuki.pdf Recreating the past city model of historical town Kawagoe from antique map, Sayaka SUZUKI *, Hirofumi CHIKATSU, JAPAN International Workshop on "Visualization and Animation of Reality-based 3D Models", ISPRS WG V/6 Workshop, 24-28 February 2003-, Vol. XXXIV-5/W10 Abstract: Existing colorful antique maps were mostly produced at the Edo period in Japan, and these antique maps which show situation of land use and streets in those days often give important information for studying history of city planning, civil engineering, architecture. In particular, visualization of the past city model help to make understanding for situation at the time when the antique maps were produced more efficiently. On the other hand, virtual archeology has recently received more attention from possibility that people can appreciate or experience the archeological objects, the past space and art through the computer at any time and without going to the museum. With this motive, the authors have been concentrating on recreating the past city model and visualization using the attribute data such as shrine, house, street, river and so on which exist in the antique maps. Visualization of historical castle town Kawagoe was demonstrated using 3D Computer Graphics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.iirs-nrsa.org/coursecalender/2004/CALENDAR_2003_04.pdf 6 Calendar of Training And Education Programmes 2004 At the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS,. India. Courses vary from 1 week Awareness Workshops to 10 months post graduate courses. IIRS which functions under the National Remote Sensing Agency, Department of Space, Govt. of India is a training and educational Institute set up for developing trained professionals in the field of Remote Sensing, Geoinformatics and GPS Technology for Natural Resources and Disaster Management. Contacts: Dean, IIRS: dean@iirs.gov.in , psroy@hotmail.com Technical Staff Officer: tso@iirs.gov.in For sponsorship, financial support and fellowship information: http://www.iirsnrsa.org/FrameProgrammes.htm http://www.itc.nl/education/programme_levels/short_courses/default.asp ITC short courses in 2004 Note that there are possibilities to obtain a fellowship for these short courses from the Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP). Information on this can be obtained from the Netherlands Education Centers (NEC/NESO) or from the fellowship officer at the Netherlands Embassy. Fellowship application forms can be obtained from the NUffic website: http://www.nuffic.nl/nfpnpt/pdf/short2004.pdf For further information, contact, Dr. T.M. Loran, loran@itc.nl http://www.geom.unimelb.edu.au/SDI-course/index.html There was an International SDI Short Course from 19-21 November 2003. Developing Spatial Data Infrastructures - "From concept to reality" Centre for SDIs and Land Administration Department of Geomatics, University of Melbourne, Australia In conjunction with the PCGIAP Executive Board Meeting. http://www.fao.org/gtos/meetBAN.html GLCN-ASIACOVER land cover mapping training workshop was held December 1-6, 2003, Bangkok, Thailand. Contact: Mr John Latham, GLCN Coordinator, GLCN@fao.org ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.bundabergcity.qld.gov.au/positionsvacant/index.php#52 GIS Officer, Reference: 37/03, Bundaberg City Council Job Location: Australia Queensland - Bundaberg This role is only available to residents of Australia or to those who hold valid working visas or permits A vacancy exists for a GIS professional wishing to develop their career in a dynamic environment. The purpose of this position is to provide assistance to the GIS Supervisor in developing and maintaining Councils Geographic Information System. It is anticipated that the successful applicant would hold relevant tertiary qualifications or be well advanced in a relevant tertiary course such as surveying or cartography. A knowledge of GIS packages is required. Good communication skills are essential as is the ability to work effectively in a multi-disciplinary environment. Applications: An information package may be obtained by telephone (07) 4153 9900 or e-mail ceo@bundaberg.qld.gov.au Please quote Position No. 37/03. Applications will close on Friday, 12th December 2003 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OTHER ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.giscampus.org/intergis/project/intergisFLYER.pdf International Cooperation for GIScience Education http://www.gis-learning.net Curriculum Development for Geographic Information Science Education in Europe and South Asia A project co-funded under the European Commission under Asia Link Programme, http://europa.eu.int/comm/europeaid/projects/asia-link/index_en.htm 7 http://www.unescap.org/enrd/space/stasmc/framework.htm http://www.unescap.org/enrd/space/stasmc/mcpf/common.htm The Minimum Common Programme (MCP) Framework (2001) At the regional, national and even local levels, requirements for data and information for sustainable development planning assume varying importance, depending on the examination and consideration of the very factors that would enhance sustainable development. Hence, some countries might be more concerned with alleviating poverty and enhancing their economic growth, whereas others might be more inclined to protect their environment and natural resources. Besides the national development interests, countries of the region are affected by concerns about global warming and its attendant climatic changes and environmental transformations. The countries of the region are also concerned about the widening digital divide. In order to address these specific issues related to environmentally sound and sustainable development and improved quality of life, a set of common denominator projects has been conceived to integrate appropriate space technology applications in this context. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------EVENTS CALENDAR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 to 10 December 2003 Armidale, New South Wales, Australia http://www.ecolsoc.org.au/conferences.html ESA ECOLOGY 2003 Ecological Society of Australia Annual Conference There are 16 symposia proposed for ESA ECOLOGY 2003. The purpose of one of the symposiums, Wetland ecosystems: ecological applications of spatial information technologies, is to examine current research in the use of spatial information technologies (SIT) for understanding the ecology of wetland ecosystems. We envisage a range of presentations covering different aspects of wetland ecology, as elucidated by SIT, including environmental flows, vegetation and water birds. We will also look at the status of current technologies, new developments in sensors and systems and how these could be used to better understand wetland ecosystems. Contact name: UNE Conference Company Contact e-mail: confco@metz.une.edu.au December 10-13, 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.unescap.org/icstd/main/calendar2003.asp Ninth Meeting of the Regional Working Group on Remote Sensing, GIS and Satellite-based Positioning. Further information can be obtained from UNESCAP - Space Technology Application Section, escap-stas@un.org. December 13-17, 2003, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/stdm http://www.oosa.unvienna.org/SAP/stdm/STDMWA_infoE.pdf Space Technology and Disaster Management Workshop The objectives of the Regional Workshops are: (a) to increase the awareness of managers and decision makers involved in disaster management of the potential benefits and the cost-effectiveness of using space technologies; (b) to determine the types of information and communications required to manage specific disasters and the extent to which these requirements could be met by space technologies; (c) to develop a regional plan of action together with the definition of possible pilot projects that incorporate and test the use of space-technology tools in disaster management and that will help define the structure of a regional network to support the use of space technology in disaster management activities. December, 13-14 2003, Kowloon, Hong Kong http://home.netvigator.com/~hksts/conf.htm The Eighth Conference Of Hong Kong Society For Transportation Studies Transportation And Logistics. Jointly organized by Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies and Airport Authority Hong Kong and Department of Geography, The University of Hong Kong. Topics include; Technology and transportation: Intelligent transportation system (ITS), Geographic information systems in transportation (GIS-T), E-mobility Infrastructure and transportation planning: Land use and transportation, Railway planning and construction, Public transportation 8 December 15-16, 2003, The Chinese University of Hong Kong http://www.jlgis.cuhk.edu.hk/Training/15-16Dec03/details.htm International Advanced Workshop on Virtual Geographic Environment and Geocollaboration This two-day workshop will address research works and applications concerned with geographic environments that are represented, visualized and analyzed using advanced technologies. The technologies to be discussed will involve virtual and augmented realities (VR and AR), photo-imaging, 3D and temporal GIS, and new ways of communicating such visualizations and representations in theatres, CAVES, and networked environments. There will be an emphasis on applications that involve experts and users in the context of collaborative decision-making, spatial decision support systems, and user participation. December 15–18, 2003 - Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh (M.P.), India http://www.rrlbpl-we2003.com/committee.htm International Conference On Water & Environment WE-2003 The proposed conference is an invitation to all scientists, researchers, engineers, decision makers and administrators who are dealing with water and environment to discuss perspectives, problems and solutions. Deliberations would bring out appropriate and modern technologies for the new millennium. It is a call to consider challenges and directions for the 21st century to reduce water and environment related global problems. One of the Conference Themes includes Environmental and water data: Data Acquisition , Data network Design, Data Accessibility, Data Base Management, Data Storage, Archiving and Retrieval Systems Contact name: Dr. R.N. Yadava, e-mail: dryadava@ yahoo.com December 19-21, 2003, Bogor, Indonesia http://www.hdp-ina.org/ International Symposium on Land-Use and Land-Cover Change (LUCC) and Environmental Problems January 9, 2004, Seoul, Korea http://urban.tutrp.tut.ac.jp/AURG/sympo2004/ International Symposium on Environmental Planning and City Management in Asian Countries January 13-15, 2004 Putrajaya, Malaysia http://www.esrisa.com.my/home.htm 11th ESRI South Asia User Conference Event Details: Geodatabase Storage & Data Interoperability, Software Application Demos, Technical papers presented by users from Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Australia and Bangladesh. Workshop topics include Future GIS Approach Using Intelligent and Scalable Geodatabase and Ways to Manage GIS Metadata. Contacts Yvonne Tan, Malaysia, - Email: yvonne@esrisa.com.my Esther Chew, Singapore, Email: echew@esrisa.com Yulia Halim, Indonesia, Email: yhalim@esrisa.com January 18-22, 2004, Dunedin, New Zealand http://adc.massey.ac.nz/adc04/ The 15th Australasian Database Conference (ADC'2004) The Australasian Database Conference series is an annual forum for exploring research, development and novel applications of database systems. January 13-15, 2004, Putrajaya, Malaysia http://www.esrisa.com.my/uc2003 11th ESRI South Asia User Conference January 28-30, 2004 New Delhi, India http://www.mapindia.org Map India 2004 Theme: Geospatial Democracy. 'Government of the people, for the people and by the people' constitutes the basic ingredient of democracy and encompasses in itself greater guidelines for code of conduct for most democratic nations. The institutions and organizations of mapping sciences in India play a crucial role in the enhancement of geospatial democracy in many ways. January 30-31, 2004, Bangalore, India 9 http://www.gsi.go.jp/PCGIAP/ 10th Meeting of Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia & the Pacific February 2-6, 2004, Bangalore, India http://www.gsdi7.org.in/ 7th Global Spatial Data Infrastructure Conference The Conference will address and focus on the following five technical symposia: National SDI Programme, SDI Technologies, Policy and Legal perspectives of SDI, SDI and Sustainable Development , SDI - Business Opportunities and Potentials February 7, 2004, Bangalore, India http://www.iscgm.org/html4/index.html 11th International Steering Committee on Global Mapping (ISCGM) Meeting The meetings of the 10th PCGIAP and ISCGM will be held in conjunction with the GSDI-7 on January 30-31, 2004 and February 7, 2004, respectively. February 4-7, 2004, New Delhi, India Delhi Sustainable Development Summit, Organized by: The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Last year's World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) resulted in water, energy, health, agriculture, and biodiversity (WEHAB) were identified as key thematic areas for attention. Entitled Partnerships for Sustainable Development: addressing the WEHAB agenda, the 2004 Delhi Sustainable Development Summit will focus on, analyze, and assess innovative partnerships in the post-WSSD scenario. Contact details: dsds@teri.res.in February 24-25, 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.macres.gov.my/acpa/index.htm 1st Asian Conference on Precision Agriculture March 26-29, 2004, Washington, DC http://gsdi.org/SDIA/gdinfinal.pdf http://www.gdin.org GDIN2004. Sixth Conference of the Global Disaster Information Network. Global Disaster Information Network (GDIN) is an organization that is dedicated to improving the flow of information before and during natural disasters. Conference themes include: emergency telecommunications, disaster manager needs, the UN International Strategy on Disaster Reduction, information management (including homeland security), urban search and rescue, and many more. Contact: gdin2003@hotmail.com [the GDIN Secretariat is pleased to announce that the Government of South Africa has offered to host the 7th GDIN Conference]. April 2004 – Malaysia http://www.sli.unimelb.edu.au/maritime/pcgiap.htm Asia and the Pacific regional workshop on marine cadastres as part of PCGIAP-WG3 Workplan. WG3 will host a workshop in April 2004 in Malaysia to develop both Guidelines for the establishment and maintenance of marine cadastres and a Future Action Plan for the development of marine cadastres. The project also aims to review best practice, to establish networks and to evaluate the potential for ICT expertise in establishing marine cadastres. The work and activity on this component of the WG3 Workplan started since the 16th UNRCC conference in Okinawa, Japan in July 2003. April 20-29, 2004, New York, NY, USA The Twenty-second Session of the United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names (UNGEGN) is planned to take place in New York, April 20-29, 2004. http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/ungegn.htm http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/englishUNGEGN.pdf http://unstats.un.org/unsd/geoinfo/frenchUNGEGN.pdf May 10-12, 2004,Johor, Malaysia http://www.gsdi.org/docs/SDIA/gisdeco7_Malaysia_May2004.doc http://www.fab.utm.my/gisdeco2004 7th Conference on GIS and Developing Countries: GISDECO 10 2004, on GIS Capacity Building and Infrastructure. Proposals for papers and posters dealing with the following topics should be sent to the GISDECO Secretariat by November 30, 2003. GISDECO Secretariat: Email :b-haris@utm.my. General information on GISDECO or Details of past events please see: http://www.itc.nl/gisdeco/ or Email Richard Sliuzas, GISDECO Int'l coordinator at GISDECO@itc.nl. May 24-28, 2004, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia http://www.isotc211.org 18th Plenary of ISO TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics Scope of ISO TC 211: Standardization in the field of digital geographic information. It aims to establish a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth. These standards may specify, for geographic information, methods, tools and services for data management (including definition and description), acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting and transferring such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The work will link to appropriate standards for information technology and data where possible, and provide a framework for the development of sector-specific applications using geographic data. 7-9 June 2004, Gävle, Sweden http://www.hig.se/geoinformatics/ GEOINFORMATICS 2004 Geospatial Information Research: Bridging the Pacific and Atlantic 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics: Suggested topics include, but not limited to as long as they address issue related to geoinformatics: Location based services and mobile GIS, GIS and planning support systems, Spatial decision support systems, Information extraction from remote sensing data, data fusion and digital mapping, Multi-scale and multi-media representation, Spatio-temporal modelling/analysis, Geovisualization and virtual environments, Spatio-temporal databases, Geocomputational modelling Uncertainty and spatial data quality control Advances in earth observation technologies GIS in urban and environmental management, Integration of environmental modeling and GIS Remote sensing and geospatial information for transportation planning, Landscape modelling and visualization, Urban modelling and simulation, GPS in geoinformatics, Terrestrial laser scanner for 3D data acquisition Important Dates: 01 December 2003: Deadline of Long Abstract 10 January 2004: Acceptance Notice 25 March 2004: Deadline of Final Manuscript All submissions should be made via email to geoinformatics@hig.se (in MS Word format). June 4-11, 2004 - Tapei, Taiwan http://ccms.ntu.edu.tw/~btguan/ Conference on Applications of Statistics, Information Systems and Computers in Natural Resources Monitoring and Management.(IUFRO Group 4.11). -. The conference will focus on the following themes: Applications of Spatial Statistics, Merging Process and Statistical Models with Heuristic Systems, Decision Support for Sustainable Forest Management, Statistical Methods in Remote Sensing, Applications of Bayesian Inference, Multi-Criteria Analysis for Modeling and Monitoring Natural Resource Management, Inferences Based on Non- and Pseudo-replicated Experiments, Computer Applications, Tropical Forest Modeling and Biodiversity Conference contact: Dr. Biing T. Guan, E-mail: btguan@ccms.ntu.edu.tw July 15 -17, 2004, Dalian, China http://www.neu.edu.cn/waim2004 5th International Conference on Web-Age Information Conference scope: With advances in the Internet and, in particular, various technologies around the World-Wide Web over the past years, research on design, implementation, and management of Internet and Web-based information systems has become increasingly important. As more and more information of diverse types becomes available on the Internet and Web, and query and retrieval as well as the management of information over the Internet become more complex and extremely difficult. Nowadays, the anywhere/anytime/any means paradigm is becoming the challenge in conceiving, designing, and releasing next generation information systems. The WAIM series of 11 conferences aim to provide a unique forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners from around the world to share their rapidly evolving knowledge and to report on new advances in Web-based information systems. Paper abstracts (soft deadline): 09 February 2004 Full papers (firm deadline): 16 February 2004 Notification: 12 April 2004 Camera-ready papers: 10 May 2004 Contacts: Qing Li: ITQLI@cityu.edu.hk Guoren Wang: wanggr@mail.neu.edu.cn October 3-7, 2004, Jakarta, Indonesia FIG Regional Conference for Asia and the Pacific Contact: FIG Office, email: fig@fig.net November 2004 (date tbd), Cheng Mai, Thailand http://www.aars-acrs.org Asian Center for Research on Remote Sensing (ACRS) 2004 Contact: Dr. Suvit Vibulsresth F: +662-561-3035 E: suvit@gistda.or.th November 20-24, 2004, Brisbane, Australia http://www.itee.uq.edu.au/~wise04/index.shtml The Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering The aim of this conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, professionals, and industrial practitioners to share their knowledge in the rapidly growing area of Web technologies, methodologies and applications. Workshop proposals due by 15 March 2004. Abstract submission due by 7 June 2004. March 2005, Tokyo, Japan The next International Symposium on Digital Earth will take Place in Tokyo, Japan in March 2005. ISO/TC 211 &the OGC have already been invited to conduct a Standards Seminar at this symposium. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You are welcome to forward this message onto colleagues who may find the information useful. If you do so, please include the newsletter email address, SDI-AP@gsdi.org, so that others will know about the newsletter and subscribe themselves. If you have news or information related to GIS, remote sensing, and spatial data infrastructure (e.g., workshop announcements, publications, reports, websites of interest) kindly send us the materials so that we can include it in the newsletter. This newsletter depends upon your continued interest and input. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12