Otto von Bismarck Chancellor of Germany, Architect of German

Otto von Bismarck Chancellor of Germany, Architect of German unification,
Nickname “Iron Chancellor”, Bismarck’s Motto- Real Polotik (do what you have to do to
get ahead), Raised Taxes w/o legislatures permission, built a more efficient military,
Made peace with Russia, His main fear: a two-front war (a war-attacking from both
sides). Strict conservative. Main goal after unification: Maintain peace with France,
strengthen German state against socialist, Catholics.
Zollverein German customs union, founded by Bismarck to stimulate trade and
increase revenues. Customs union between German states, part of unification.
Wars of Unification Bismarck believed the way to unify Germany was through blood
and iron (war).
1) Schleswig – Holstein
Austria and Prussia took over S&H from Denmark
2) 7 weeks war/Austria Prussia War
Prussia tries to incorporate their territory into their state,
Austria gets mad, Otto makes deal with other European
Countries that he won’t intervene(and take Austria’s side),
Austria is beaten badly
3) Franco-Prussian War
Napoleon III VS. Prussia, Fought over the Spanish Thrown,
France collapsed, Napoleon captured, Prussia gains AlsaceLauraine, Gained South Germanys Supports/Unification bc
Napoleon wanted to take over Luxenberg & Belgium.
Alexander I 1st Czar to take notice of the Jews, and resolve their situation, wrote the
constitution of the Jews (weakens the Kahal, allows them to own their own land, moved
them from small towns to big cities), He doesn’t reinforce the laws and becomes more
Alexander II Czar tries to reform Russia, abolishes serfdom, Assassinated
May Laws Alexander III Establishes them, Restriction against the Jews - Jews get
forced back into pale, cities are stripped of Jews, Banned from University (numerous
Clauses), Jewish doctors are banned from practice.
Pale of Settlement Poor Jewish Community, Jews are forced back into after May Laws
and Pogroms take place. Area of western Russia, Ukraine- where Jews are forced to live
Pogroms Riots against Jews lead by the government
Russian Haskalah Jewish Enlightenment, Developed in 1830’s, 40’s & 50’s, Leans
towards nationalism/romanticism, reflects changes taking place within Russia as a whole
and specifically the Russian Jewish Community. Focused on Hebrew Language.
Bloody Sunday Peasants had a Peaceful Demonstration in St. Petersburg, Precipitates
1905 revolution, leads to revolution of Russia, soldiers killed many peasants
October Manifesto Gave the peasants’ civil rights that Czar promises in constitution
Duma Russian Legislature, Originally democratic and slowly became conservative by
changing voting laws.
Responsive National State States developed in western Europe starting in Germany
providing for welfare of population (pensions, health insurance…) effort to decrease
radicalism, spreads to France and Britain during people’s budget.
Reichstag Lower house of German legislature, elected by the people in universal
Manhood Suffrage
Kulturkampf Established by Bismarck to crack down on Catholic Church
Social Democrats Main German socialist party, originally banned by Bismarck, but
later becomes main party of Reichstag.
Third Republic Germany captured France after fall of Napoleon III’s empire, supposed
to be temporary government, but lasts much longer, tension between conservatives and
radicals bc conservatives believed France is moving in too much of a radical direction.
Dreyfus Affair Jewish High ranking French army officer accused of treason - selling
secrets to the Germans, No evidence, Found guilty & sentenced to life in Prison on
Devil’s Island, Divides France into 2 sides- liberals and conservatives.
Emile Zola Prominent French Writer- wrote editorial “Jaccuse” to reopen Dreyfus
affair. Goal was to get sued to reopen the case.
Home Rule Policy of granting Ireland it’s own government, giving them local
autonomy, proposed by Whigs/liberals.
Benjamin Disraeli Jewish born Tory, Prime Minister of England, supported extending
franchise to workers because he felt they were natural conservatives.
People’s Budget Budget that would create social welfare system in England- led to
House of Lords loosing its ability to veto.
Dual Monarchy After 1867 Austrian Empire become Austria Hungarian empire,
Hungarians demanded equality to the Germans.
Wilhelm Marr German journalist, added “Anti” to “Semitic” to refer to a specific
hatred of the Jews.
Antisemitism Prejudice of Jews based on race opposed to religion, derived on Jews
gaining power in 19th century. Also known as “The Socialism of Fools”, A political
movement against Jews, All political party’s that added “Christian” to their names, e.g.
“Christian Democrats”, were antisemitic. Jews are defined as a collective whole-“the
Jews”-an individual Jew acts as a representative of all Jews. A Jew is defined by race.
Scientists tried to prove one race was superior to another (scientific racism). Semitic
referred to Middle-Eastern language and culture.
Theodore Herzl Father of Political Zionism, Born in Budapest to non-religious family.
Wrote “Judenstaat” states the Jewish question
Hovevei Tzion “Lovers of Zion” practical Zionist sought to return the jews to land of
Israel, made up mostly by students. People from Russia are taking action- moving to
Palestine and setting up farming communities. “Rishon Le Tzion” was the first
establishment by the Hovevie Tzion. First Aliyah was primarily from Russia.
Judenstaat After the Dreyfus affair realizes Jews will not be safe in other countries.
Solution to the Jewish Question: a state for the Jews’ (NOT Jewish state), Herzl writes
“Judenstaat” to propose his solution. Suggests Palestine or Argentina.
Max Nordau German Physician Writes “Degeneration of Man” which states Jews are
being weakened by the Diaspora and need a state of their own, Herzl’s right hand man.
Achad Ha’am Real name- Asher Ginsberg - Litvak (Lithuanian Jew), Member of
Hovevie Tzion, Disagreed with Herzl’s idea because Palestine didn’t have any Jewish
culture, all about the culture (not religion), Believers that Palestine should be the center
of a national Hebrew culture.
Agudas Yisroel Represented the traditional religious anti-Zionism. Head of AntiZionist movement in Poland, Protected orthodox Jews in Palestine against the Zionist
movement influence, agreed to support a religious state.
Second Aliyah Most of the people are Secular Socialists, early 20th century, made up
heavily of socialist Zionist, see Palestine as an opportunity to create not only Jewish state,
but also Zionist. Many Kibbutzim were established at this time.
Bund Major Jewish socialist party (in Russia). Established by the Jewish Workers
Political Movement, Specifically addresses Jewish Concerns, want to create a society
with cultural autonomy, if Russia was to have a revolution Yiddish would be the common
Imperialism The push for colonial expansion at the end of the 19th century to build
one’s Empire, Power, Establishment of overseas colonial empires.
Motivations: Economic, Nationalism, Expansion of Army Bases, Manpower, Location.
Rudyard Kipling Born in India, Official Poet of England, Many Poems Celebrated
British Empire, Therefore increasing Nationalism
White Man’s Burden His burden is to civilize others, others must serve him. Written
by Rudyard Kipling demonstrating imperialistic view of United States
Suez Canal controlled by Britain gave Britain access to India, Built by French bought
by Britain with Rothschild’s money.
Three Emperor’s League Established by Bismarck; Joined the Monarchs of Germany,
Austria-Hungary, & Russia against Radical movement, e.g. Revolution, Goal: to isolate
Militarism Needs of military supersede the needs of the state.
System of Alliances Included- Germany, Austria-Hungary, & Russia
Created by Bismarck to:
1) Preserve peace and separate France from the Great Powers (because he
believed France was going to take revenge on Prussia/Germany- this is after
the Franco-Prussian War, which France lost)
2) Create peace between Germany and Austria-Hungary, & Russia, so
Germany would not be dragged into a war with them, over the Balkans.
~ Based on Collective goals, (which disappears when nationalism takes root)
the collective powers of these countries prevent the smaller countries from
achieving their goal. ~
Balkans (See Map on P.892), 3 Balkan Wars, Austria VS. Russia (bc Russia took
Serbians side). Ottoman Empire Has controls of the Balkans, Balkans want
independence. Bismarck created Congress of Berlin in 1878 in it:
- Partial division of Turkish land in Europe
- Austria-Hungary obtaining Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Serbia & Romania won Independence
- Bulgaria won local autonomy
War 1) Serbia + Greece + Bulgaria VS. Ottoman Empire- OE lost
War 2) Austria intervened forcing Serbia to give up Albania
War 3) Archduke Francis Ferdinand (heir to Austrian-Hungarian thrown)
& wife Sophie was assassinated when visiting Bosnia by Serbian
revolutionists. A-H gave Serbia an ultimatum of 48 hours to give in A-H
conquering Serbia, Serbians disagreed, A-H declared war on Serbia.
Bosnia Herzegovina  Was obtained by A-H through the Congress of Berlin, caused
conflict between A-H and Russians.
Entente Cordiale Agreement signed in 1904 eliminated conflict between England &
Schlieffen Plan German plan to avoid a two front war by knocking out the French
before Russia could mobilize.
Outbreak of War War breaks out in the Balkans, Serbia becomes independent, the
Great Powers give Bosnia-Herzegovina to Austrians.
Trench warfare Static warfare primarily on western front marked by supremacy of
defense, Included: Machine Guns, Barbed Wire, High-Explosive Artillery.
War of Attrition War fought to grind the enemy down
Verdun (example of war of attrition) Germans plan to grind down French army.
Winston Churchill British, 1st lord of the admiralty/Navy, architect of Gallipoli,
Created the Tank, Defeated Austrians & forced Germany to Surrender, Opposed Hitler.
Rasputin Mystic (holy man) and adviser to the Czar’s family, Works with the Czar’s
wife while the Czar is at Battle and tried to Turn Russia into Dictatorship
Provisional Government Government that ruled Russia after the Czar and between the
2 revolutions of 1917
Alexander Kerensky Leader of the provisional government, socialist revolutionary
Bolsheviks Major fraction of Russian communist party, launched October Revolution
(Bolshevik revolution) in 1917
Vladimir Lenin Leader of Bolsheviks/October Revolution, Believed revolution would
be brought by a small group of highly dedicated revolutionaries.
Leon Trotsky Jewish Communist who became a high ranking Bolshevik & led red
army during Russian civil war
Russian Civil War Fighting between reds and whites, reds win because whites were
disunited without real leadership. 1918-1921.
Reds/Whites Reds=communists
Cheka 1st of many secret soviet police, Created by Lenin.
Balfour Declaration British national document announced they were going to help
build Palestine as Jewish national state.
Chaim Weizmann Zionist, Chemist, Gained British support for Balfour Declaration.
Fourteen Points Wilson’s plans for peace in the postwar world. Emphasized: arms
reduction, open diplomacy, self-determination
League of Nations Outgrowth of Wilson’s 14 points, which solved conflicts w/o war.
U.S. doesn’t join because they don’t want to be forced into war- want to keep themselves
isolated; League of Nations did not have an army.
Treaty of Versailles Treaty signed with Germany after the war- disarmed Germany
forced them to pay reparations, territorial reduction of Alsace-Lorraine,
Reparations Money Germany had to pay English & French, after losing the war.
War Guilt Clause Germany had to accept responsibility for the war.
Self-Determination The principal that peoples should be able to choose their own
government, affected many of the great powers.
NEP New Economic Plan allowed certain amount of capitalism in Russia/Soviet union,
in order to build up economy, Gave Russians false hope in Bolsheviks
Collectivization Effort to force farmers into state owned collective farms, Goal:
Government would own all land.
Kulaks Well-off peasants who were scape-goats during collectivization plan
Gulags Prisons camps
Josef Stalin Bolshevik, Believed Russia should be the only Communist country in the
world and not spread communism to other countries, became mass murdering dictator of
Soviet Union
Five Year Plans Stalin’s plans to jumpstart soviet industry/production rate
Purges“To cleanse” Great Purge begins w/ Stalin’s attack of the old Bolsheviks (Stalin
claims they have been conspiring against him) and spread throughout Russian society
Old Bolsheviks The old party members who are the 1st targets of Stalin’s Purge
Cult of Personality Entire state revolves around the leader/ Creation of the worship of
the leader- No one believed Stalin would harm them.
Benito Mussolini Founder and leader of fascist movement in Italy, socialist turned
fascist, wanted to reconstruct Italy’s government
Fascism 1919- Political movement, which advocated militarism, nationalism, strong
leadership, and government, Guidance of all sectors of society, including the economy
Italian fascism is NOT antisemitic- this is what made it different from other fascist parties
in Europe. “Black Shirts” is another name for the Fascist Army.
March on Rome Mussolini’s seizure of power in 1922
Propaganda Information used to convince people of something (whether it was true or
Weimar Republic Government that ruled Germany from end of 1918 until rise of
Dolchstosslegende (stab in the back) Idea developed at end of war that Germany lost
the war because of home front “stabs in the back” by the Jews & Socialists.
Beer Hall Putsch Hitler tries to take over government of Bavaria in 1923, Put on trial
for treason, got minimal punishment from Weimar republic, but publicity gave Hitler his
1st national audience.
NSDAP National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi)
Mein Kampf “My Struggle” Hitler book of his theories
Great Depression Collapse of global economy in 1929, helped create conditions that
helped Hitler to rise to power
SA Strom Troopers also known as “Brown Shirts”, Hitler’s paramilitary
Ernst Rohm Commander of SA killed by Hitler during the Night of the Long Knives.
Night of the Long Knives Purge of SA in order to satisfy the German army
Personal Loyalty Oath Loyalty oath taken by German army to Hitler NOT GERMANY
January 30, 1933 Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany
Enabling act Gave Hitler complete power for 4 years
Lebensraum “living space” Major goal of Hitler’s policies: living space in the east
Sudetenland German speaking part of Czechoslovakia, Hitler claimed he needed to
protect to folk-duetsch (originally Germans) living there
Anschluss Hitler forced Unification of Austria and Germany.
Polish Corridor Strip of land bisecting Germany given to Poland through Treaty of
Versailles to have access to the sea.
Appeasement The idea that if you give Hitler what he’s asking for, war can be avoided
Blitzkrieg Lightening war, style of war based on rapid movement, independent tank
formations, powerful air attacks, focused on striking hard on breakthrough point.
Maginot Line French defensive line built along Franco-German border.
Dunkirk Belgium port on English Channel- Sight of successful British army
evacuation from Belgium in 1940
Enigma Secret coding machine British got that allowed them to read German codes
Barbarossa Germanys suprise invasion of Soviet Union, Britain tried to warn Russia
but Russia didn’t believe them, Defeated bolshevism, Gained Germany Lebensraum
(living space), and convince English to surrender.
Stalingrad Major battle at which German army was surrounded & destroyed by Soviets
D-Day June 1944
El Alamein Turning point in N Africa that led to the Germans being led out of Egypt.
Nuremberg Laws Laws passed separating Jews from German population
T4 Code name for German euthanasia plan against physically and mentally ill.
Aktion Reinhard Code name for the 4 extermination camps of Poland
Einsatzgruppen Mobile killing groups in the eastern front of Germany
Haganah The official military branch of Jewish agency.
Histadrut Zionist labor union- Helped Jews get jobs in Palestine.
Jewish Agency Zionist Government in mandatory Palestine
David Ben-Gurion Head of Jewish agency, Socialist, 1st prime minister of Israel.
Zev Jabotinsky Right wing Zionist leader, founder of revisionist movement, believed
in a more aggressive stance against the Arabs, Palestine should include more land.
Revisionists Right wing Zionists who believed Israel should include more land on both
sides of the Jordan river and therefore were less willing to vote for it.
Arab Revolt 1936- Uprising against the Zionist and British, sparked by resentment at
increased Jewish immigration.
Irgun/ Etzel Revisionist army, Jewish underground group, affiliated with the
Lehi Revisionist army, Radical Jewish underground group, very Anti-British
McDonald White Paper 1939- British policy to limit Jewish immigration and create a
bi-national Arab majority state, 75,000 immigrants would be let in over 5 years.
Biltmore Plan Plan adopted in 1942 by Zionists demanding open immigration and
Jewish state.
Bricha One of the underground groups that smuggled Jews into Palestine
The Season The period in 1945 which the Haganah was used by British to track down
and arrest members of the Jewish underground
King David Hotel Target of Irgun bombing in 1946, at the time served as headquarters
of British military in Palestine
Exodus 1947 ship sailed from France to Palestine but was sent back by British- Bad
publicity for British
Partition United Nations voted in 1947, decided to partition (split) Palestine into 1
Jewish part and 1 Arab part
Deir Yassin Site of massacre of Palestinian villagers by Jewish underground at
beginning of 1948 war.
May 14, 1947 Israel is declared =) !