The Iron Hills - Fan Modules

The Iron Hills
Selected Reading
1.0 Notes on the features and use
1.1 Definitions and terms
1.2 Special notes concerning maps and interpretation
2.0 Introduction to The Iron Hills (T.A. 1640)
2.1 Overview
2.2 The History of the Iron Hills
2.3 The Iron Hills in the Later Times
2.4 A brief Timeline
3.0 The Land
3.1 The Hills
3.2 The Valleys
3.3 The Basin
3.4 The Rivers
3.5 Climate and Weather Patterns
4.0 Flora and Fauna
4.1 Flora
4.2 Fauna
4.3 Creatures
5.0 Peoples and Cultures
5.1 The Humans
5.2 The Dwarves
6.0 Politics and Power
6.1 Government
6.2 People of Note
7.0 Places of Note
7.1 Dwarven citadels
7.2 Dwarven fortress
7.3 Orc hold
7.4 Troll layer
7.5 Mannish outposts
8.0 Suggestions for Adventure
9.0 Tables
Master NPC Table
Master Military Table
Master Beast Table
Encounter Table
1.0 Guidelines
This adventure supplement has been designed to keep true
to the format of the Campaign supplements created by Iron
Crown Enterprises (ICE) for their Role-playing system called
MERP, which is based on the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. While
it is based on the works of Tolkien, it uses for the basis of the
information and details from the works of ICE’s Middle-Earth
Role Playing materials now no longer published. Where
discrepancies between the two works occur, this supplement
will defer to the material published by ICE as the preferred
ruling source. While Tolkien purists will undoubtedly scoff at
this, it is done to allow easier integration with the MERP
gaming system which this supplement was designed for.
Created as a tool for GM’s who want to expand their
playing knowledge in the Iron Hills and surrounding areas. As
with all Fantasy Role Playing supplements, GM’s are
encouraged to modify and adapt any part of the material to
better suit their ongoing campaigns. Most of the material is
based on the campaign-taking place in the year 1640 of the
third age, except for sections relating to other times.
Carnen (The Red River): A prominent river in the Iron Hills area that has its
origins in the western part of the range and flows south into the Celduin.
Dorwinion: The area East of the River Carnen the “Red River” including the
eastern half of the Iron Hills.
Goda Sarker (The ______): The eastern branch of the Carnen river. Both
branches have high steep banks carved out of the soft sedimentary rock found
south of the Iron Hills.
Great Plague: A terrible plague that struck Western Middle-Earth in 1635
and lasted for 4 years having a devastating effect on the population.
Northman: The name given to the people found in the region from south of
the Ered Mithrin to the southern extent of Mirkwood.
Rhovanion: A vast region encompassing all the land south of the Grey
Mountains, North of Mordor. Rhovanion stretches East of the Misty
Mountains and west of the Red River (Carnen). The western part of the Iron
Hills is located in this area.
1.10 Definitions and Terms
Game System: MERP (Middle Earth Role Playing)
Character Stats:
Ag – Agility
Co – Constitution
St – Strength
Pr – Presence
It – Intuition
Ig – Intelligence
Game Terms:
AT – Armour Type
Bp – Bronze piece
Cp – Copper piece
Crit – Critical Strike
D – Die or dice
D100 – Percentile Dice result
DB – Defensive Bonus
GM – Game Master
Gp – Gold piece
Lvl – Level
Mod – Modifier or Modification
Mp – Mithril Piece
NPC – Non player Character
OB – Offensive Bonus
PC – Player Character
PP – Power Points
R or Rad – Radius
Rnd – Round
RR – Resistance Roll
Stat – Statistic or characteristic
Middle Earth Terms:
IA – First Age
FA – Fourth Age
Kh – Khuzdul (Dwarvish)
SA – Second Age
TA – Third Age
2.0 Introduction
Created by malevolence, the purpose of the Iron
Mountains was meant to be for the proliferation of evil in
Middle Earth. And so it would seem their fate, created by
Melkor early in the first age to guard as a gate to his ancient
citadel Utumno. But all ends are not known even to the most
wise. After the war of wrath when the Iron Mountains were
torn apart creating the Iron Hills men and elves avoided the
So it was for thousands of years before any of the free
people made this area their home. It would be the dwarves, the
children of Aule that would see the beauty hidden within the
hills and tame the region to call it home. Yavanna and Aule
took pity on the corruptness that Melkor dealt to the Iron Hills
feeling that no area should be created for such devises and
blessed the land with beauty and riches few men and elves
have seen on this earth. And so true with all that is found
within the Iron Hills; two sides one of dark and foreboding
and another of beauty and hope.
Day 96 - “We have explored many of the natural caves and
cracks within these hills over the past few months to discover
little but Orc and Troll holes. But there is something about
this area that draws me to continue looking. I can’t explain it
but it is akin to looking at a rough diamond and seeing the
beauty that lies within it when left to the capable hands of a
master jeweller. I feel as if the will of Aule himself pushing me
on to continue looking and delving in these hills. Its as if the
area needs to play a critical role in the fate of Dwarves for
generations to come.” - From the Journal of Fulla VII SA
East of Mirkwood and Lake Annen (Long Lake), just
south of the eastern edge of the Grey Mountains lays the Iron
Hills (Emyn Engrin). The Iron Hills were once part of a larger
chain of mountains and were once actually connected to the
Grey Mountains. During the War of Wrath, which occurred at
the end of the First Age, the Mountain range was split apart as
the land underwent a great upheaval. What was left was a
separate range of low mountains now known as the Iron Hills.
The Iron Hills is a harsh area, which has escaped much
notice by men and through the ages has had very little
settlement. The Northmen who settled west of the range along
the Celduin river stay far enough removed from Iron Hills, as
the area is very much untamed. The Dorwinions, Rhovanions
and men of Rhun have also left these inhospitable peaks to the
wild beasts and creatures better suited to its rugged nature.
Being left untamed and unsettled the Iron Hills have not
played a significant role in the development of the civilization
in the western part of Middle-Earth.
Through the second age the Iron Hills became home to
wild beasts Orcs, Trolls and Giants. In fact it was not until the
middle of the third age when Dwarves took up residence in the
range did it develop any significance to the free peoples of
Middle Earth. Around that same time the Iron Hills became
an important location for the Easterlings and their need to
establish a secure trade route to the west into Angmar. This
route was to become known as the Men-Rhunen.
Rich in minerals and ores that make superior steel, the Iron
Hills developed into an important strong hold for Dwarves and
Orcs alike. Later in the third age these Dwarven strongholds
became a safe haven for their kin, fleeing the Dragons attacks
upon their Dwarven mansions in the Ered Mithrin and Erebor.
2.1 Overview
The Iron Hills are not an imposing land feature that
dominates a region like the Misty Mountains or the Mirkwood
forest. Far enough removed from the settled lands in the east
and west the range has not played a role neither hindering nor
helping in their development. Nor does it create a significant
barrier to travel going east to west as it is easily
circumnavigated to the north or the south. It is no wonder men
and elves paid no heed to the area. Despite the original
purpose of the Iron Hills as a work of evil, the land was also
blessed with beauty if one knows where to look. In the
Valleys and shelter from the winds that blow from the north a
large variety of plants and animals can be found. In the open
plain of the basin, springtime brings a kaleidoscope of colour
like nowhere else on middle earth as dozens of species of
wildflowers bloom all at once. The varying land features also
make an ideal home to numerous species of animals some
common and some very rare such as the large mountain cats
found in the hills. Underneath the hills many ore deposits can
be found as well as natural underground caverns filled with
crystal formations of unmatched beauty. Small underground
aqueducts cut through the hills creating natural pathways that
reveal the beauty of the rock and crystal formations as they cut
their swath through the rock.
2.2 The History of the Iron Hills
Melkor and The Iron Mountains
The Iron Hills were once mountains instead of hills. They
belonged to the range of mountains called Ered Engrin or the
Iron Mountains, which existed during the first age. The Iron
Mountains spanned across the north in a large curve going
from East to West. Melkor, the most powerful of the Valar,
created the range itself whose song become corrupt with
vanity and jealousy. Melkor wanted to possess and create life
like Eru and was envious at the creation of the new world,
Arda and all that Eru had made upon it. As the parts of the
other Valar songs were being sung, creating what was to be
known as Arda or Middle Earth, Melkor added his corrupt
tunes, warping and bending what beauty the other Valar were
making. In this battle of songs not all was corrupt and many
things of beauty came to pass. So is true for darkness, and
Melkors song in these matters was the louder. So in his song
was the Iron Mountains created.
Within the Iron Mountains Melkor created a secret citadel
called Utumno and he placed it hidden underground away
from the eyes of the other Valar. There he dwelt and spied on
the world as it was created, plotting to have his will over all
things. Time pasted and it came to be that the First born, elves
began to walk on Middle Earth. Created by Eru, and things of
beauty, Melkor was angry and wished to possess and create
his own living things that would worship him above all others.
In Utumno, Melkor created demons and spirits whose essences
were corrupt and vile like his. Made of fire and darkness they
issued terror before them and in later days became known as
Balrogs. Other vile creatures Melkor created and distorted to
his song, too foul and many to mention they dwelt deep within
the bowls of Arda. Melkor was the first Valar that became
aware of the coming of Elves. He sent his vile creatures to spy
on them. Tales were spread of a rider who stole elves and
took them far away to the west never to be seen again. These
were the lies spread to fill terror among elves about the
coming of the other Valar. Then came the day when Orome
rode to the east and laid eyes upon the first-born. Some of the
elves were afraid and terror filled their hearts. Others looking
upon Orome and were not afraid and heeded his call to follow
him into the West. Of those that stayed behind not much is
known of their fate for sure. Most were captured by Melkor
and brought to Utumno where he perverted their beauty and
warped their spirit creating from his envy and mockery the
race of Orcs. It came to pass that the Valar held council and
decided to make war upon Melkor for fear to have the coming
of the first children grow up in his darkness calling him lord
rather then in light.
(Ered Mithrin) and the Iron Hills (Emyn Engrin) and the
Scattered ranges in the Far North.
“Long and grievous was the siege of Utumno, and many
battles were fought before its gates…in that time the shape of
Middle-earth was changed…” - Similarion.
All was quite for the Iron Hills as men, elves and dwarves
left the area alone and avoided the Iron Hills until later in the
second age. But the Iron Hills were not uninhabited. Deep
underneath the hills the under deep tunnels that intertwine and
connected the citadels and fortresses still remained. Some of
which crisscrossed under the eastern edge of the Iron Hills.
Trolls and Orcs moved in to the many cracks and caves that
are found through out the broken Hills in the East and north.
In the west and south Giants moved in and made their homes.
But deep below in the forgotten tunnels made by Melkor
forgotten evil laid hidden. Here foul creatures lay waiting for a
chance to once again walk on the surface of Middle Earth and
bring destruction and chaos to thee free peoples.
The Iron Mountains were brought asunder during this
battle against Melkor. The Valar laid waste to the area trying
to destroy Utumno the citadel used by Melkor.
Finally in a valiant show of courage Tulkas the champion
of the Valar, wrestled with Melkor and through him down.
Tulkas then bound Melkor with the chain Aule gave him
called Angainor and led Melkor away from Arda. The Valar
then laid waste to Utumno turning the under deeps out and
destroying all they found but they could not find Melkors
lieutenant Sauron. Thus ended Melkor’s rule on Middle Earth.
For three ages he was bound to dwell in Mandos from where
none could escape.
Return of Melkor (Morgoth)
Then came to pass the sentence of three ages had come
and gone and Manwe pardoned his brother Melkor. But
Manwe was not able to see all the evil in Melkors heart. It
came to be that Melkor feigned love to the Noldor elves and
found an instrument to corrupt to his evilness. Befriending the
elves he taught them much in the ways of secret crafts, skills
they should not have learned. From this knowledge did Feanor
create the three Silmarils whose beauty and craftsmanship was
unmatched before or since. The tale that follows about the
Silmarils is too long and to tell here. In the end, Melkor stole
the Silmarils and sped away to Angband. A final battle
occurred called the War of Wrath that ended the First Age.
Again Middle Earth underwent great upheaval devastating the
land and sea. The result was that the Iron Mountains were
split apart leaving in their desolation the Grey Mountains
The Second Age
For the first three hundred years of the second age the
Iron Hills lay barren. Slowly animals crept into the area to
live. Deer, elk, and wolves to name a few made the Iron Hills
their home. Then in SA 330 the 7th house of the Dwarven
Lords the house of Barin stopped their journey eastward at the
Iron Hills. Here they tried to settle and build their mansions
but the evil essence of Melkor was still strong in the Iron Hills
at this time. The settlement was plagued with misfortune and
strife. Disease and disaster made it hard for the clan to stay in
the Hills. After struggling for 3 seasons the house of Barin
abandoned their settlement and continued their journey
eastward. There they eventually made there way to the Land
of Ruuriik and joined with the Dwarves of the 6 th house
Druins folk.
“…The Valar did not discover all the mighty vaults and
caverns hidden with deceit far under the fortresses of Angband
and Utumno. Many evil things still lingered there, and others
were dispersed and fled into the dark and roamed in the waste
places of the world, awaiting a more evil hour; and Sauron
they did not find.” - Similarion
Fulla VII
In the Second Age (SA) 2710 Fulla VII the heir to the
throne of Druin heard of the great siege and battle that the
Demon Muar lay upon the dwarves of Ruuriik. In SA 2711,
Druin along with his companion Balli (later to be known as
Balli Stone Hand) and an embassy of Dwarves and Men set
out on a journey to Ruuriik to liberate the Dwarven city of
Khazad-madur. This 30-year journey included a stop over in
the Iron Hills in SA 2731. Here they fought many Orc hordes,
partially cleansing the area of the foul race. Intrigued by the
area Fulla VII and his group stayed in the area for just over 1
year. While in the Iron Hills they mapped out the natural
caverns and caves that they found. They made detailed notes
and maps of the various loads of minerals and crystals that
they found or speculated would be there based on the
geographic features they discovered. They concluded that
though Gold and Silver were not to be found in huge
quantities, rare crystals, iron, coal, limestone, nickel and
graphite were plentiful. Aside from the Iron Hills area, Fulla
VII and Balli mapped and made notes on several hill and
mountain ranges that they came across. They were developing
a detailed encyclopaedia consisting of maps and notes on the
hills and mountains that they came across on their journey
east. Upon reaching Ruuriik a great battle ensued, and the
Dwarven Animist Balli, slayed the Balrog Muar. In the battle
however a mage from Muars army turned Balli’s hand to
stone- hence he became known as Balli Stonehand. Fulla VII
then claimed the crown and ruled Ruuriik in piece.
Fulla II of the house of Balli
In TA 825, Fulla II a direct descendent of Balli Stonehand
left the Dwarven Mansion in Ruuriik, Khazad-madur with 100
Dwarves and headed out on a long journey armed with the
maps and notes made by Balli and Fulla VII almost 1500 years
earlier. Fulla II was a very Charismatic dwarf much like his
ancestor Balli was. His charming personality and knowledge
of mining was renowned in all of Ruuriik. Unlike most
dwarves he did not enjoy the crafting weapons or armour but
enjoyed geology and engineering. When he was a young
dwarf he often would spend countless hours pondering over
the maps and notes left by Balli wondering what it would be
like to delve into new uncharted lodes rich in ore.
When he was old enough and he felt the time was right,
Fulla II approached the king and asked for leave to go out
exploring. The king agreed to help to fund the expedition as
long as his discoveries were made in the Kings name. So with
the kings’ blessing and financial backing, Fulla II gathered his
group and headed out. The journey itself was nothing short of
an epic campaign that would take over 100 years and included
many stops along the way. Each stop was for a varying length
of time allowing them to explore, mine and examine what was
charted before. They would make additional notes and maps
and update the information they had. Often samples would be
taken to see the type and quality of the minerals and ores
present. When they could, the expedition would send
messengers back to Ruuriik with what they found. This group
of exploring dwarves soon became known as The Rolling
Dwarves (K._______). As time went on the numbers of
messengers sent dwindled as the interest of the King waned.
Most of the Dwarves from Ruuriik soon forgot about both,
their journey and their deeds. Stories of the band of “rolling
dwarves” became not much more then legend. Aside from
exploring and mining, there were many hardships and
encounters with orcs, trolls and other fell beasts. These stories
and adventures are too long and numerous to be told here.
Coming near to the end of his travels, after exploring
many locations along the eastern and northern mountain
ranges, Fulla II knew his time was coming to an end. He
saved the Iron Hills area for the last, as this was the one
location that interested him the most. According to Balli’s
notes this place held a lot of promise for a new Dwarven
stronghold. In TA 925-926 Fulla II and his group wintered in
the halls of the Dwarven settlement of Nurunkizdin in the
Rhun Mountains enjoying king Thralin’s clan hospitality.
In the Spring of TA 926, He and his group of now only about
60 Dwarves left the Dwarven settlement in the Rhun
Mountains and headed northwest to the Iron Hills. With them
came 20 female dwarves as brides to help build the Dwarven
population at the new settlement. In return for the brides Fulla
II gave Thralin the king of the clan at Rhun Mountains
detailed maps and information of some of their findings of the
mountains to the south and east.
They arrived and spent the next year exploring and
mapping the hills. This included finding the abandoned
settlement by Barins folk in the eastern part of the range. That
was that same area where many orcs had made their
strongholds, which Fulla VII decimated 1500 years earlier.
Believing this area fouled by orcs and having some kind of
unknown benevolence, Fulla II moved his band westward
along the southern range of the Hills. In TA927, Fulla II found
the ideal location in the southwestern range of the hills
situated only about 1km from the headwaters of the Carnen
River. Here an old dry creek bed entered the southern side of a
hill. The creek bed wound its way for about 600m and entered
a huge natural cavern. It was filled with marvellous crystal
formations, a waterfall and a small river dividing the cavern in
half. Amazed by the beauty Fulla II decided then and there
that this was going to be the site of his clan’s mansion that
would later be known as Azanulinbar-dum. The hill they
named (K._______) which means “Fulla’s Peak ” and soon
set about mining and making the area their new home. The
hill itself was about 3000ft in elevation, and the valley around
it was sheltered from the harsh northern winds. In this valley
a mixed forest of pines, oak, ash, hemlock and yew gave the
dwarves access to timber for building machines, furniture and
wood for fire.
As they delved deeper into their new home, the dwarves
discovered that it was filled with small natural streams and
found 2 other smaller natural caverns. The greatest find was a
fissure in the hill that contained huge deposits of Iron, coal
and other ores needed to make steel. These would later be
found to be some of the purest lodes in all of Middle Earth.
The fissure was created in the first age as a result of the War
of Wrath and the cataclysmic changes the area underwent.
Life in the Iron Hills
The Dwarves of the Iron Hills prospered and their
numbers grew. On occasion small bands of orcs would try
and attack Azanulinbar-dum but it was too well defended and
constructed for any of these to be affective. The Dwarves in
turn would go out in war parties to try and route the orcs from
the hills when they could find the holes from which the orcs
came from. These sorties would keep the population of the
orcs around Azanulinbar-dum to a manageable level, never
really posing any threat until late in the Third age.
Fulla II and the all of Balli’s ancestors lived long lives
even for dwarves. Some say it is due to their pure heart and
the lack of sway over them from the Dark Lord, as none
possessed any of the 7 rings made for the Dwarven kings.
Fulla II wed late and had 2 children, Builla and Fulla III. Even
though Fulla II was up in years he still ruled the Iron Hills for
over 375 years. When he died his throne went to his son Fulla
III, who in turn ruled for 397 years. Fulla III became the 2 nd
lord of Azanulinbar-dum in TA1303 when he was slain by an
Orc arrow during one of the patrols to keep the local Orc
population in control. The Clan of Fulla III had prospered and
grown. The population was getting to the point that the great
cavern found in Azanulinbar-dum, which was the main living
quarters, was getting too cramped even for dwarves. Azaghal,
Fulla III’s cousin the great grandson of Ballis brother Zigli,
proposed to create an new delving another Dwarven
stronghold that would complement Azanulinbar-dum and
would be located under a hill nearby. Fulla III agreed to the
division and Azaghal founded the Dwarven stronghold of
Barak-Shathur under the hill (K._________) “the Forging
Hill” in TA 1490. The two strongholds were connected
together by a 6km long tunnel that followed an old fault line
and even crossed under a small branch of the Celdiun’s
headwaters. Never under the influence of the rings the
settlement grew in moderation. They never delved too deep or
wanted too much treasure. In fact it could be said that this
Dwarven settlement grew more in tune with nature than most.
As they delved and expanded the halls and mines natural
features were not removed to pure linear design but improved
upon and worked with. The result is a more natural flow of
tunnels then in other Dwarven colonies. This was done for
practical reasons as well as to preserve the natural beauty in
the many existing caverns and dried aqueducts. The perfect
example of this is the mammoth cavern that Fulla II first
discovered. Here is where the Dwarves built their homes to
live and instead of changing the entire cavern into a purely
linear hall they worked within its boundaries and limited the
effects on the crystalline formations found in the area.
Azaghal and his influence
While Fulla III concentrated on building the Dwarven
realm with the Iron Hills, his cousin Azaghal was concerned
about diplomacy and building trade and re-establishing contact
with the other Dwarven clans to the west. Azaghal was always
intrigued with the stories of the glorious halls of Khazad-dum
Ever the diplomat; Azaghal led a pilgrimage to Khazad-dum
in TA1590 to establish relations with the dwarves there. So
successful was this yearlong envoy that upon his return an
elated king Fulla III agreed to open up a trade route to
Khazad-dum. This roadway was called Men-i-Naugrim (the
Dwarven Road) and was construction was started the
following spring. As part of the trade agreement the Dwarves
from the Fulla clan had to construct a bridge that crossed the
river Celduin. They decided to construct a stone bridge at the
rivers low point, Lach Celduin. The Dwarves from Khazaddum in turn, built an identical stone bridge crossing the
Anduin. Trade soon flowed between the two Dwarven clans,
emissaries were sent and a bond was developed that would last
for hundreds of years. These were the days of prosperity for
Fulla’s clan.
Iron Hills in Modern Times
Soon trade was developed with the mannish clans of the
north and east. With the northern clans steel and finished
products were much sought after in exchange for foodstuffs
and northern beer that the Dwarves in turn needed. In most of
these trades the Dwarves were able to set the prices as their
goods were of more value. In TA1635 the great plague
severely hit the mannish populations throughout Rhovanion
including the settlements the Dwarves trade with. In these
times trade all but stopped. Men no longer needed Dwarven
steel, as basic survival not profit or war weighed heavy in the
minds of man. By TA1640, after the Plague had passed and
the mannish settlements slowly began to re-establish trade
with the dwarves from the Iron Hills. The trade that flowed
between the two Dwarven settlements Khazad-dum and
Azanulinbar-dum also slowed to a stop at this time. Once
demand began again after the plague, Dwarven goods were
once again travelling along the Men-i-Naugrim. This time
however the caravans fell prey more frequently to Bandits and
Orc raiders. This was especially true for the section of the
road that passed through Mirkwood. Here more frequent raids
would occur. Only large well-armed caravans travel this road,
and then only during the time from late spring to early fall,
when the weather is not so harsh as to add to the danger of the
road. Dwarven caravans themselves at this time are rare. For
most of the Dwarven trade during this time flows either west
across land to the town of Esgaroth (Lake town) where the
merchant’s there acting as middlemen will parley the Dwarven
goods to their final destinations or down the Carnen river to
settlements in the south. Located where the Celduin and the
Carnen meet the fortified settlement of Buhr Mahrling is
found. Most of the inhabitants here are of Eothraim heritage.
Further down river where the Donu River connects to the
Celduin a smaller mannish settlement called Ilanin the Waintown is located. Most of its inhabitants are Easterlings but
some Northmen make this their home as well. From either of
these towns the Dwarven goods either were sent south onto
Gondor or east to trade among the ports found along the
shores of the Sea of Rhun. Often the Dwarves would head
out in small well-armed caravans under the cover of darkness
to either of the destinations to the west or south. Once they
sold their finished steel goods that were mostly fine weapons
and armour they would then purchase foodstuff that they could
not or did not desire to grow themselves. Often this consisted
of grains, flour, vegetables mostly of the gourd variety, some
wooden craft products, cloth and other supplies. The one
product they always made sure they purchased was lots of
strong Northman Ale.
2.3 The Iron Hills after TA 1640
From TA1640 and on, trade between the Dwarves of the
Iron Hills and the men of Rhovanion prospered. Trade
relations were secure and Fullas’ clan did not have the same
prejudice as the tribes to the west. The finished products of
swords and armour made by the Dwarves were sought after far
and wide. The master forgers of Azanulinbar-dum developed
and perfected the rolling of steel in the making of swords. The
quality of these superior swords is unmatched even in the halls
of Khazad-dum. They are given a +5 minimum bonus to +15
even without the aid of magic spells cast upon them. The cost
for such weapons increase in multiples equal to that of their
bonuses above what a normal weapon would cost.
Each of the ruling houses of Fulla lived an abnormally
long time even for Dwarves. Not since the first fathers were
the number of days seen by a Dwarf. For the house of Fulla
was not affected by the twisting evil of the influences of the
rings of power. Evil held little sway over them and they did
not grow too greedy to delve too deep. The clan grew in
numbers and in wealth as trade with the dwarves from
Khazad-dum and the men in the area continued. When the
Balrog was freed in Khazad-dum in TA1980, some of Durin’s
folk made their way into the Iron Hills and the safety of
Azanulinbar-dum and Barak-Shathur. The population of the
two strongholds grew to about almost one thousand strong.
As time went on, rumour spread of the wealth that was held
within the Dwarven halls. A great host over a thousand men
were summoned by the warlord (_______) of the Easterling
tribe (________) in TA 2360 and the gates of the Dwarven
mansions were besieged. The fortresses of Azanulinbar-dum
and Barak-Shathur were not designed by simple miners
looking to delve deep and far, but by Fulla II a master
Dwarven engineer like none other. His designed the fortresses
so that they could be easily defended with only a handful of
Dwarven warriors. Seeing no easy way into the Dwarven
mansions, and under constant counter attack dwindling their
numbers while inflicting very little to the Dwarves, the
Easterlings gave up after a 6 month long siege. It is said that
none can enter Azanulinbar-dum without the kings’
permission and Barak-Shathur could repel a force 5,000. The
Dwarves pursued the retreating attackers back to their own
stronghold of Asharag. There the dwarves utterly destroyed
the Easterling outpost. Once the WarLord (_____) was slain
by (______), the remaining force of men lost their will to fight
and yielded to the mercy of the dwarves. Showing mercy,
dwarves let the surrendering Easterlings go after they sworn
an oath never to attack the dwarves in the Iron Hills again.
In TA 2770 Smaug the dragon laid waste to Erebor.
Hundreds of Dwarves fled both to the west and Ered Luin and
to east the Iron Hills. Now over 1500 strong the population of
the Iron Hills was at a peak. Some of Durins folk made the
Iron Hills there home for over 70 years. Then in the year TA
2941, one of the great Ravens (______) which spoke Naugrim,
arrived at the walls of Barak-Shathur with a message from
King Thorin II that Smaug was dead and their mansion was
under siege by men and elves. A good host of Dwarves were
then dispatched to the mountain of Erebor and participated in
the battle of 5 armies. The joined forces for the free people of
Middle Earth with the help of the Eagles defeated the Orc
army. Many from the Iron Hills moved back into Erebor soon
after and the population of Fullas folk returned to less than a
thousand. Trade between the two Dwarven kingdoms began
anew and men rebuilt the town of Dale. In the days during the
last part of the War of the ring Sauron sent a force from the
east to join up with the Orcs in the Ered Mithrin to battle the
Elves of Mirkwood. The Easterling settlement of Asharag,
upon hearing of the coming of a great host, heeded their
loyalty to the dwarves and sent runners to the Iron Hills to
warn them. In turn, remembering the newly founded alliance
with Thanduils folk the wood elves. The dwarves from Erebor
and the Iron Hills joined forces to repel the attack. The Erebor
dwarves attacked the army with a frontal assault at the base of
the mountain Erebor while with the Dwarves from the Iron
Hills coming up from the rear and south closed the Easterlings
and Orc army in. The enemy force was destroyed though
heavy were the casualties suffered to both Dwarven houses.
The King (_______) was slain in the battle. In early of the
fourth age a large number of dwarves from Ruuriik in the east
moved to the Iron Hills settlement replenishing the population
there and re-establishing the ties with the eastern dwarves. The
population of the Iron Hills was steady at around 1000- to
1200 as it became a gateway and freehold settlement for all
the Naugrim.
2.4 A Timeline
1st Age
Melkor raises the Iron Mountains to be used as his first line of
defence of his Citadel Utumno.
1st Age
The Iron Mountains go through a great upheaval as the Valar
battle with Melkor for the first time and try to destroy his
citadel of Utumno. Unknown to the Valar, Utumno’s deepest
halls survive along with many of the under deep tunnels.
1 Age
In the Final Battle with Melkor the War of Wrath the Iron
Mountains are torn asunder and divided, leaving some
mountains in the Far North, the Grey Mountains and the Iron
SA 20
Druin the Proud lays claim to Amon Lanc and founds the
strong hold of Tumun-gabil in what is later known as Dol
SA 97
Druin leads part of his clan to the Chay lands; Borin his son
stays behind to rule Turnun-gabil.
Barin’s Folk (King of the 7th house) leave the West and try to
settle in the Iron Hills.
Barins Folk after three years filled with misfortune and strife,
abandon their Iron Hills Settlement and move Eastward.
SA 700
The Dwarves from Druin’s folk founded the kingdom of
The Aged Barin and his tribe arrive in Ruuriik Planning on
settling in the North part of the walled valley Barin offers his
daughters Bis hand to Druin. The 2 tribes are joined.
The 2 tribes prospered and coexisted for over 500 years. Later,
Barin III establishes a temple at the mouth of Druin’s Cleft a
rock formation in the Valley). Designed to resemble the Birth
hall of the 7 Dwarven Fathers, Barin named it Kjalarazum.
Centuries later the Keys to Ahule were stored within it when
the banished fled westward when the Balrog Muar threatened
the kingdom.
SA 1143
Muar the Balrog, and his army started war against the Dwarves
of Ruuriik. Unable to force his way through the mountains into
Ruuriik, the war became a siege. The dwarves took some
comfort in their safe isolation from the army.
SA 1165
Some of Druin’s folk fled Ruuriik taking refuge in Turnungabil and then in the Ered Luin.
Disguised as the “Lord of Gifts” the dark lord Sauron begins
the seduction of the smiths of Eregion
Sauron’s teachings and suggestions take subtle hold in Eregion.
With the Dark lords’ arcane knowledge and the lore learned
from the Dwarves, the Elven-smiths reach the zenith of their
skill. They begin making the Rings of Power. The nine rings of
Men and the seven rings for the Dwarves are created.
SA 1590
SA 1600
Celebrimbor completes the three Elvin rings. The Elves Present
Durin III King of Khazad-dum, with the first and greatest of the
seven rings as a gift unknowing of their true nature.
Sauron secretly forges the One ring at Mount Doom. In it he
places a significant portion of his life force making it as evil as
he. Celebrimbor Now realizing his folly and the peril he has
placed his kind in, instruct the Elvin lords to remove their rings.
War between the Elves and Sauron
SA 1697
The Dark Lord and his army overrun the land of Eregion and
Celebrimbor is slain. The 9 rings of men and the remaining 6
Dwarven rings are retaken by Sauron. Fearing the Dark lords
armies onslaught, the Dwarves seal the West-gate into Khazaddum, shutting out both the dark lords forces and the elves. From
this point on Khazad-dum is known to the elves as “Moria” the
Black Chasm.
SA 1699
Sauron takes control of Eriador, but his westward thrust is
stopped at the Blue Mountains by the Elves of Lindon. In the
attempt to control the other free peoples, he distributes the
captured rings of power. The nine are given to Men who
quickly succumb to the Dark Lord’s power. The six Dwarven
Rings are passed to Dwarven Lords, but they fail to affect the
Khazad as planned. Sauron swears vengeance on all Dwarvenkind.
The Men and the elves form an alliance and drive Sauron out of
Eregion. The Dwarves keep the West Gate into Khazad-dum
For the next thousand years the Dwarves in the west keep to
themselves, mingling little with man or elf. The empathy that
was between Dwarves and other two races slowly turns to
distrust, fear and animosity. The Orc settlements in the Iron
Hills grow in numbers.
SA 2711
SA 2739
Learning of the siege at Ruuriik, Fulla VII the heir of Druin’s
line whose forefathers fled Ruuriik at the start of the siege
about 1500 years earlier gathers a host of men and Dwarves to
retake his land and free his people. Accompanied and Balli
(later known as Balli Stone Hand) a charismatic Dwarf
Animist, they set out from the Blue Mountains. On this 30-year
journey they stop at the Iron Hills for some time but do not
Fulla VII and his host arrive at the Iron Hills. Here they spent a
year cataloguing the hills and the ruins they found. They
discovered the abandoned settlement of Barin and his folk as
well as cleared out many a host of Orc that remained in the
SA 3441
Set out on a quest from his father King Galin, Naug recovers
the North Hammer from the halls of Mirrors. The Hall is
situated in the Mountain of Umlaher Danali in the ruined
Citadel of Utumno.
TA 100280
Naug becomes King of Ruuriik. The 180 years of his reign
were some of the most prosperous the Dwarves in the East ever
knew. Naug’s reign came to an end when he was slain in battle
by Amis Shug. According to the legend he dropped his famed
North hammer into a deep chasm the moment before he was
TA 823
Fulla II Finds the halls of records in the ruins of Kjalarazum
and learns of the maps and records Fulla VII made on his
journey to the east. He begins plans to lead an exploratory
TA 825
Fulla II sets out from Ruuriik heading west to find a place for
him and his followers to set up their own Mansion.
TA 926
Fulla II and his group overwinter in Nurunkizdin and enjoy the
hospitality provided to them by King Thralin II
TA 927
Fulla II settles in the Iron Hills and the Dwarven mansion
Azanulinbar-dum is established.
The Nazgul reappear in Middle-Earth. The Witch-King and
Khamul travel to Amon Lanc to prepare the Caverns for
Sauron. The Dark lord takes up residence in Dol Guldor under
the guise of the “Necromancer”
TA 1100
The Wise (three of the Istari and the chief Eldar) discover that a
stronghold has been constructed at Dol Guldor. The Evil power
of the Naked hill is thought to be one of the Nazgul. Saurons
servants begin limited evil activities in Mirkwood, making the
southern half of the great forest an increasingly dangerous
The wizard (Istar) Gandalf visits Khazad-dum for the first time.
He befriends Durin V. The Dwarves name the Grey Wanderer
TA 1225
Trade is established with the Mannish settlements around the
Iron Hills. To the south, Dwarven goods are sent to the
settlements of Ilanin and Buhr Mahrling. To the East Trade
goes to Esgaroth.
TA 1300
The realm of Angmar is established with the Witch King in
Charge. Supply trains pass from the east into Angmar along the
Men-i-Rhunen just north of the Iron Hills.
SA 2741
Fulla VII and Balli Arrived at Ruuriik and inadvertently led
Muar and his army into the secure valley. A Great Battle was
fought with the Demon Lord Muar being slain by Balli
(StoneHand) and the horde routed.
TA 1375
The Grey Wizard Gandalf visits the halls of the Iron Hills. He
befriends the new current king Fulla III. Warns Fulla of the
Dangers of delving into the hills of the eastern range- his
warning is heeded.
A final battle was waged foe the recapturing of Akhuzdah
(Ahule). Balli led this force; and finally the last of the Balrog
Muar hordes were either slain or driven out of Ruuriik.
TA 1395
Easterling outposts of Asharag appear along the Men-i-Rhunen
including north of the Iron Hills to protect the supply trains
heading to Angmar and the Witch King.
SA 34303441
The Dark Lord Sauron and his forces are finally defeated in the
last Alliance of Man and Elves. Isildur keeps the one ring for
himself instead of destroying it. Sauron is not seen again for a
thousand years and the Second Age comes to a close.
TA 1440
From Khazad-dum some of the Dwarves leave and establish an
settlement at Mount Gondmaeglom called Silverplunge in the
Grey Mountains.
TA 1490
The Dwarven stronghold of Barak-Shathur is founded by
Azaghal, Great Grandson of Balli’s brother Zigli. This becomes
the main outlet for the Dwarven goods, keeping the entrance to
Azanulinbar-dum secret and safe.
TA 1580
Azaghal Red Hammer (Cousin of Fulla III) now the ruling lord
of the stronghold Barak-Shathur, makes the pilgrimage to
Khazad-dum. A strong bond is made and a trade link is
TA 1592
The Bridges across the Anduin and Celduin are finished
opening up the Men-I-Naugrim between Khazad-dum and
TA 1600
The first of the dragons begin to stir in the North
Smeagol (aka Gollum) feeling the corruption of the ring and
wanting to keep his precious takes refuge deep under the Misty
Sauron begins to mobilize his forces by sending hordes of orcs
into the Misty mountains. Here their population grows and they
build secret fortresses to block all the passes through the
mountains. Moria becomes the focal point of these forces.
The great plague sweeps across the northwestern middle earth.
Rhovanion is devastated. The effects of the plague are not felt
in the Iron Hills but trade between Dwarves and men halt.
TA 2480
TA 1639
Dwarf Maiden Druis of the house of Barin returned the Mithril
Mirror to the Dwarves of Ruuriik retrieving it from the Wind
Mountains and the Nazgul Hoarmuraths grasp
The Dwarven mansion of Thundercleft is attacked and
destroyed by the Dragon Khuzadrepa. The few Dwarves that
survived by fleeing made their way to Norr-dum.
The dragon Angurth greedy for the wealth of Longpeak attacks
the Dwarven mine, few dwarves survive.
TA 1640
Fulla III the current king (a renowned slayer of orcs) of the
Iron Hills resides at Azanulinbar-dum. At this time population
between the 2 Iron Hills settlements is around 700. At this time
the Watch on Mordor Ends, all the Nazgul except the Witch
king re-enter Mordor and begin the prepare Mordor for
Sauron’s return.
TA 2580
The dragon Leucaruth attacks the Mine of Norr-dum. Leucaruth
is slain and Norr-dum withstands the attack though many good
Dwarves perished.
Drawn by the wealth within the halls of Norr-dum the cold
Drake, Ando-anca attacks the stronghold. He slays the dwarf
king Dain I, and destroys Norr-dum. The remaining dwarves
finally abandon the Grey Mountains. Most return to Erebor
with Thror the new king. Others go on to the Iron Hills with
Sauron learns of the return of Thror to Erebor. Sauron begins to
bend his will on the dragon Smaug. Poisoning his restful
dreams of lust of treasure to be found in the Dwarven
Stronghold of Erebor.
TA 2770
Under the suggestion of Sauron unbeknownst to Smaug, Smaug
attacks Erebor. He lays waste to the stronghold and to the
surrounding area. Destroying the town of Dale and forcing the
dwarves to flee. King Thror is left with no other choice but to
lead the survivors in a search for a new home. Some of the
Dwarves seek refuge in the halls of Azanulinbar-dum in the
Iron Hills.
Sauron is aware of the success of Smaugs attack and is pleased.
Now with the Northern pass secure he increases the skirmishes
into Mirkwood. Saurons control now stretches from the
southern passes of the Misty mountains, up past Moria, into
southern Mirkwood and on into northern Mirkwood. His
control over this part of Middle Earth is at its peak- he has
effectively cut off the west.
TA 2790
Arriving at Dunland, Thror with great sorrow gives to his son
Thrain the ring of Durin, the only ring not recovered by Sauron.
Thror then leads off with only his long companion Nar to
Khazad-dum. There he is slain and his body defiled by the Orc
lord Azog. Nar escapes to tell Thrain what has happened
Enraged the Dwarves begin what was known as The Great War
- between the Dwarves and the Orcs. United in a single causeto destroy all Orcs the Dwarves decimate many of the Orc
fortresses in the Misty Mountains and finally slay the Orc Lord
Azog. Unable to recapture Moria, Thrain II and Thorin II leave
for the Blue mountains.
Deciding to return to Erebor, Thrain II, King of Durin’s is
attacked and pursued by Saurons forces into Mirkwood. There
he is captured and brought to Dol Guldor where he is
imprisoned and tortured by Sauron.
TA 2850
Gandalf enters into Dol Guldor for the second, time. This time
the Dark lord is not aware of his presence. Here Gandalf finds
Thrain II dying. Thrain II gives the key to Erebors’ secret
entrance to Gandalf then dies. Gandalf discovers that the
necromancer is really Sauron in disguise and that he has taken
back the 7th ring of the dwarf lords.
TA 1975
The North-Kingdom of Arnor ends, but the Witch king of
Angmar is defeated and flees back to Mordor.
TA 1980
Under Khazad-dum the dwarves dig too greedily for Mithril
and the Balrog is released. It slays current King Durin and
attacks the Dwarven city.
TA 1981
In a last vain attempt to save his city then new King Nain I
(Durin’s successor) is also slain. The remaining Dwarves leave
Khazad-dum on an 18 year pilgrimage to find a save haven.
TA 1994
Durin’s folk establish Thundercleft, a new silver mine in the
Ered Mithrin. Others of the clan move on to Erebor (below)
TA 1999
After years of wandering the remaining group of Durin’s folk
that did not stay at Thundercleft, enter Erebor (the Lonely
Dwarves from Erebor begin mining and settling in the Grey
TA 2003
The 2 sundered branches of Durin’s folk re-establish. ThrainI
learns That Scatha the Worm, destroyed Silverplunge in 1635
and that Fram slayed Scatha and claimed the Dwarven treasure
for his own. Trade between Erebor and the Iron Hills are
Expanding their mining activity in the Grey Mountains three
more mines Silverpit, Long Peak and Norr-dum are established.
A Large exodus of dwarves leave Erebor all but abandoned as
the more to the mines in the Ered Mithrin.
TA 2063
Gandalf the grey secretly enters Dol Guldor by passing its
defences. Sauron discovers this intrusion, and not wanting to be
discovered abandons the Stronghold for the Chay lands. Here
he stays for the next 397 years. This period becomes known to
the free people of Middle Earth as the “Watchful Peace”.
TA 2210
The New King of Erebor Thorin I, leaves and goes north into
the Ered Mithrin
TA 2360
After an attack on Azanulinbar-dum by Easterlings and Orcs,
the Dwarves of the Iron Hills counter attack and destroy the
northern outpost of the Easterling tribes known as Asharag.
TA 2460
Sauron returns to Dol Guldor from the east with his greatly
increased forces that he gathered while in the East. He
continues his disguise as the necromancer.
The White council is formed to combat the ever growing threat
of the necromancer. Deagol the (stoor) Hobbit discovers the
One ring in Loeg Ningloren. Smeagol covets the ring and slays
TA 2941
King Thorin II and his party of dwarves including Bilbo the
Hobbit head out to Erebor to reclaim his throne and liberate
Erebor from Smaug. This trek was known as the hobbit or
“There and Back again”. Bilbo entered the mountain, Smaug
awoke and upset at the stolen treasure taken by the hobbit, flew
off to lay waste to all the surrounding land. When Smaug flew
to Esgaroth to destroy Laketown, he was slain by Bard. Thorin
II reclaimed Erebor and its treasure, however but the men from
Erebor and the Elves wanted a share of the treasure for their
part in liberating the Dwarven mansion and laid siege to
Erebor. King Thorin II sent a raven to the Iron Hills and asked
for help defending his stronghold. The Iron Hills sent an army
to their aid in the battle. As was is about to break out between
man allied with elves against the dwarves a new threat appearshordes Orcs join in the fray. The forces of good man, elf and
dwarf align against the Orcs and along with the help from the
great eagles they triumph. This was to be known as the war of 5
armies. Thorin II was mortally wounded and dies leaving
DainII to become king of Erebor. The White council meets,
now worried that Sauron will find the ring and Saruman agrees
to attack Dol Guldor. Sauron becomes aware of the coming
assault and abandons Dol Guldor for Mordor. Gathering most
of his forces, they flee before the forces of good arrive.
Under the leadership of Bard, the northmen rebuild the
kingdom of Dale to precipitate the new trade with the dwarves.
Orc numbers are slow to increase after losses from the war of 5
armies. In all of the Ered Mithrin there is only one tribe left
TA 2951
Sauron deciding that the time is right, openly declares himself
lord of Middle Earth. He summons most of his forces in
Mordor and begins the rebuilding Barad-dur.
TA 2989
A force of Dwarves lead by Balin leaves the lonely mountain to
retake the halls of Moria. Balin successfully retakes Moria and
re-establishes the Dwarven mansion of Khazad-dum.
Khazad-dum is besieged by Saurons orcs. Sauron sends the
Watcher in the water a Kraken up the stream at the west gate to
flood the entrance barring the dwarves escape to the west. The
battle rages for five long years before Balins folk are driven
back to a last stand and slain. None survive.
War of the Ring The fellowship passes by the Watcher in the
water and enters Moria from the West. They discover the fate
of Balin and his folk. Through the stupidity of a Took, the Orcs
find out of their presence and attack the fellowship. They press
on to the bridge where they encounter the Balrog. Gandalf is
lost and the fellowship pushes on. Gandalf falls and battles the
Balrog. In the end he slays the Balrog and returns as the White
The remaining Orc Tribes from the Ered Mithrin attack the
wood Elf realm of Thranduils folk. Few Orcs survive the battle.
Pressing east along the Men-i-Rhunen, Easterlings forces were
heading to join in the battle of Mirkwood but were assailed by a
joint force of Dwarves from Erebor and Azanulinbar-dum
which came in form the rear, cutting off any retreat. The
Dwarves were victorious and the Easterlings obliterated.
TA 3021
Third Age Ends
FA 201
The Fulla folk wipe out the last of the Orc tribes held up in the
Iron Hills. A new Settlement is established where the ruins of
Utumno once were.
3.0 The Land
The Iron Hills cover an area of approximately 3100
square miles in the north-eastern part of Rhovanion. It is not
the most prominent land feature in the area, but it’s location
and history does make it quite diverse. The area is made up of
a range of small mountains that have a west to east orientation
leaving their main slopes facing north or south. The range of
hills almost completely encircles a large elevated basin with
only a few secluded valleys lending access to the large plain
basin. The basin itself takes up about 1/4 of the total area of
the Iron Hills and has a mean elevation of about 300ft. The
peaks in the range are not as tall as the peaks found in the
nearby Grey Mountains.
The Iron Hills can be broken down into distinct land
areas: the Hills, the valleys and the basin. A wide variety of
flora can be found throughout the hills, valleys and wide basin
making up the Iron Hills. Wild beasts of all kinds can be found
on the slopes and valleys as well as grazing in the basin. Other
creatures such as Orcs, Trolls and Giants have made the hills
their home for centuries. Rogues and other unsavoury
characters can be found hiding in the many cracks and caves
found throughout the north-western hills.
3.1 The Hills
The geological make up the hills is a composite of
igneous and metamorphic rock that has undergone incredible
stresses as both Melkor and the Valar tried to shape and
reshape the formation to their own ends. These forces
continued to influence the reshaping of the Iron Hills and with
the final upheaval of the area after the War of Wrath the land
was left broken and battered. The range was levelled from
mountainous peaks to modest hills, creating many fissures and
fractures throughout as the pressure applied during this
process had to have been unbelievable. The result is an area
filled with crystalline deposits of a variety minerals found
little where else in Middle Earth. Much of the precipitation
that falls on the Iron Hills seeps through many of the fractures
and fissures and over the years have created many natural
caves, caverns and aqueducts.
The Hills that make up the north-western part in the
circular range are the lowest in elevation, never exceeding
1000ft in height. These hills took the brunt of the cataclysmic
blasts in the war of wrath and as a result their height has
changed the most.
As you move east along the top rim of the range, the
height and thickness of the hills increase. The southwesterly
winds that blow down from the north have made their north
facing slopes steep and barren. This area is the headwaters for
the Dyr River. The Dyr River winds its way north into the land
of Dyr and then on into the North Sea.
As one rounds the eastern edge of the range and moves
west you can find in this southeast corner the highest peaks of
the range. The hills in this area are from 2800 to 3200 ft in
Elevation. Like the peaks from their parent range to the North
(Ered Mithrin), the Iron Hills’ northern slopes are mostly
jagged and steep while the southern slope is typically more
gradual and smooth. The southern slopes have more diversity
in flora and fauna as the wind has had less an impact on what
grows and grazes there. This area is where the hills are the
widest. The headwater of the Angren River is located here.
The Angren is the eastern branch of the Carnen River. The
Highest peaks of the Iron Hills, are located in this area.
Coming to the southwestern edge of the range you find
yourself at the headwaters of the Red River (Carnen). The
river gets its name as it cuts its way through the rock rich in
iron, which in turn oxidizes giving the river its reddish
This south east corner of the rim of the Iron Hills are a
little lower than in the east ranging in elevation from 2400 to
3100 ft, but the range is wider. At the southern edge of the
range near the headwaters of the Carnen is the location of the
Dwarven mansion (Azanulinbar-Dum) and the Dwarven
Stronghold (Barak-Shathur). The area here is the most
protected from the harsh north winds and cold winters.
Though most of the range is home for only coniferous trees
and deciduous shrubs, this area is home of the only real stands
of hardwood trees made up of oaks and ash and birch as well
as pines.
3.2 The Valleys
The Valleys are as diverse as the hills around them. In
the West where the hills are low, little grows in the valleys and
they are often barren but for shrubs and grasses as the hills
provide little shelter from the harsh winds. When the height
of the hills increase the effects of the wind lessens and the
valleys become sheltered and give shelter in turn to that what
grows and grazes. The valleys of the hills are where most of
the life gathers. Here protected from the elements plants and
animals can find all they need to thrive. The soil in the valleys
where the hills are high and wide is a fertile loam soil that is
well watered by many small streams exiting the many
aqueducts crisscrossing the hills. Here in the widest parts of
the hills, mixed stands of Oak, Ash, Birch, Pine, Hemlock and
Yew grow. In these sheltered vales one can look upon the
slopes of the hills and see the stark differences on the slope
faces. On the south slope sheltered from the prominent wind
and basking in the sun, the canopy of vegetation grows high
upon the slope. While on the Northern slope, battered by wind
and cast in shadow for most of the day the vegetation grows a
little up its sides. Only hardy shade tolerant plants grow here.
Stunted are the trees on this side of the hills, hardy species like
birch, and cedar can take root here.
3.3 The Basin
The Basin is approximately 800 square miles in area, is
made up of mostly grasses and shrubs. Isolated copses of
spruce cedar birch and alder are found in small low-lying
areas of the basin. A blessing from Yavanna herself to the land
for the suffering it endured at the hands of Melkor and the
Valar the basin is a true wonder to behold in the spring. In
spring the blooming of dozens of varieties of wild flowers fill
the entire basin with a mosaic of bright yellow, purple, reds
and blue colours. Animals leave the shelter of the vales to
come to graze and bask in the first of the new years warmth on
the plains. Through out the spring and summer herds of deer
and elk can be found grazing in the basin. Small creeks
crisscross the land feeding the basin soil with nutrients and
water. In winter the Basin becomes desolate wasteland as the
vegetation dies off and the animals leave seek the shelter of
the valleys in the hills. The cold winds from the north blow
into the vast basin making it a forbidding place for man and
beast. Nothing lives in the basin for the 6 months of winter
Aside from the vegetation the basin is also littered with
deposits of rocks and boulders very similar to glacial till.
These deposits are really rubble blasted from the Iron
Mountains during their destruction in the war of wrath. Worn
and weathered most of the surfaces are now smooth. These
scattered deposits provides ideal cover from cool winds during
the night and for predators to ambush unwary prey.
3.4 The Rivers
Throughout the Iron Hills are numerous small creeks and
streams that wind between the hills and valleys, draining into
one of three main rivers. The Carnen (Red River), Angren
River, and the Dyr River all have the Iron Hills as their
headwater source. The Dyr River flows northward from the
hills and eventually drains into the northern sea. The Angren
River is actually the eastern branch of the Carnen River
proper. It starts its journey from the many creeks and streams
located in the southeastern corner of the range of the Hills. As
it winds south to where it connects to the Carnen proper, it
cuts a deep swath into the softer sedimentary rock located
south of the Iron Hills. This results in steep banks and sides of
the river often reaching heights of 30 feet. The Carnen River
begins in the high rolling hills of the southwestern edge of the
range. The river, runs for approximately 190 miles where it
flows into the Celduin, which empties into the Sea of Rhun.
The Angren joins the Carnen 35 miles north of the Junction
with the Celduin. Just like its eastern branch the Angren, the
Carnen has steep sloped banks of up to 30 feet in height as it
winds its way south of the Iron Hills.
3.5 Climate and Weather Patterns
The Climate found in the Iron Hills varies from location
to location. The southern part of the range is a cool
continental with temperatures never really getting too hot in
the summer and the winter starting early but not getting too
cold. The Basin is often cooler as the arctic winds that blow
down from the north blow right into the basin. In the basin
there is very little shelter from these winds and most of the
animal life either hibernate underground or over winter in the
southern hills. The hills to the north are hardest hit from the
cold artic winds. Snow can be seen on the northern slopes of
these hills until mid Norui (June).
Precipitation that falls on the Iron Hills in a year is
consistent with a total accumulation around 80 cm. An
average month will have 6cm of precipitation with the
heaviest months being in the spring and winter. The Iron hills
enjoy on average about 95 days of good growing in the
northern hills, 120 in the basin and in the valleys of the
southern range of hills.
The Main weather hazards to avoid in the Iron hills are
the snowstorms in the winter that are brought in by the heavy
arctic winds that blow up to 100km/h which has frozen both
man and beast where they stood. This is even more hazardous
in the basin where little shelter from the biting winds can be
found. Sudden thaws in late spring can also be hazardous. As
the snow clings late onto the precipitous northern slopes an
abnormally warm spring day can cause these banks of snow to
suddenly let go causing an avalanche.
Weather Chart
-25° -10°
-20° -10°
-10° 0°
0° +10°
+5° +10 °
+15° +25°
+25° +30°
+15° +20°
0° +10°
-15° 0°
Northern Hills
-30° -15°
-25° -10°
-15° -5°
-5° +5°
0° +10°
+5° +10°
+10° +25°
+15° +25°
+10° +15°
0° +10°
-10° +5°
-20° -5°
Southern Hills
-20° -10°
-15° -10°
-10° +5°
0° +10°
+5° +15 °
+10° +15°
+20° +25°
+20° +25°
+15° +20°
+10° +15°
+5° +10°
-10° +5°
4.0 Flora and Fauna
The varying topography of the Iron Hills, from the slopes
of the hills, to the valleys and in the elevated basin creates
numerous small micro-ecosystems. These ecosystems are for
the most part hardy systems that have established a strong
foothold in each of the topographical locations of the Iron
Hills. The animals rely of the plants for food and shelter. And
in turn the plants rely on the animals to aid in their
propagation through spreading of their seeds and pollen. It is
a symbiotic relationship that has served both well over the
years and through the harsh climate found in the Iron Hills.
The Many springs and small freshets found throughout
provide ample water for both plants and animals.
4.1 Flora
The variety of the plants in the area depends on the
topographical features. The Flora in general can best be
described as a northern type very similar to the Boreal Forests
found in North Central Canada. In the Basin Cedar, Spruce,
Alder and Birch trees are prominent. Often they are found
mixed together in small outcroppings. These outcroppings
speckle the Basin and are not found in abundance. The stands
rarely surpass a canopy height of 30 feet. Underneath the low
bows of the cedar and spruce, small mammals can find food
and shelter. The Basin is home to a large variety of wild
flowers that are very tolerant to the climate extremes and the
short hot growing season found in the Basin. Asters, daisies,
golden rods, lobelias are just some the flowers that can be
found blooming in the Basin. Herbs located in the Basin and
the other areas of the Iron Hills can be found in the Herb Table
(__) at the end of this supplement.
In the Valleys along the southern and western range,
stands of hardwood species such as Oak Ash and larger
Yellow Birch grow in the valleys shelter. As well Pine, Stout
Hemlock and Smaller shrub sized Yew flourish in the valleys.
The Pine and Oak are the prominent trees. The Oaks often
reach heights of over one hundred feet. Where an Oak tree
has grown in an area with little canopy cover it will often turn
into a wolf tree. Despite what this name implies all a wolf tree
is, is a tree that spends it energy growing wide rather than tall.
These can often reach diameters of 8 to 12 feet. The Pines are
the tallest reaching trees in the Iron Hills. Their towering
windswept crowns can often reach heights of 175’. The hard
Yew does not grow much taller than 30ft with most only
reaching an average of 15ft high. The wood of the Yew is
highly sought after as its strength and sinewy nature makes it
ideal for bows. In the hands of a master Fletcher bows made
from yew can get up to a non- magical bonus of +15 to its
Attack rolls. The value in the ash tree is really when it is a
sapling. For ash trees grow straight and long and are perfect
for use as arrow shafts. The Stout Hemlock is species of
hemlock only found in the Iron Hills. It is smaller than normal
hemlock and only reach heights of 40 to 60 ft. The Dwarves
in the Iron Hills call them (K. Tsuga Naugrim) “Dwarven
Hemlock”. Like their hardy namesake these trees are very
resistant. They are almost impervious to rot and disease and
as such sought for building material where wood is needed to
be resistant to moisture and dampness. The Yellow Birch is
larger than the white birch that is found most everywhere in
the Iron Hills. It grows tall 80’ to 100’ and is good for fire
and crafting tools and handles with.
On the Northern slopes of the hills birch and alder with
some ground pine are all that grow that reach any height at all.
Shade tolerant and really weed species these hardy species are
the only species able to grow on the northern slopes in small
patches. The southern slopes have more variety of trees. The
warmer southern facing slope is home to oaks and ash as well
as spruce and pines and stout hemlock.
4.2 Fauna
4.21 Small Animals
Many small animals make the Iron Hills their home.
Rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, skunks, field mice and prairie
dogs make this their home. In the Basin, mice, rabbits and a
form of prairie dogs (gopher like mammals that burrow
underground) indigenous to the Basin make this area their
home. In the winter these small animals hibernate or in the
case of the rabbits move into the shelter of the low hills
around the basin. Like the Varying Hare found in North
America the fur coat of the rabbits found in the Iron Hills
change colour (moult) to suite the season. This adaptation is
key to their survival as this camouflage helps them to avoid
being seen by predators. In winter the coat turns a vivid
white and then gradually fades to light brown in the spring.
The prairie dogs are known to the dwarves as (K. Mormoka)
or Woodchuck. Slow witted mammals (easy to sneak up on)
these creatures reproduce in large broods. If it not for the
predators such as the fox and martin that keep the population
in check, they would soon overflow the Basin and take over
middle earth! Their burrow entrances are hazardous to deer
that graze the plains. It is not uncommon for a deer to break a
leg in one of these holes as it flees running from a pack of
In the woods found in the valleys and slopes of the hills,
squirrels make their homes in the canopies of the trees while
in shallow burrows underneath chipmunks nests are found.
More common and suited to the cover of the trees the martin
makes its home. A natural predator with a sleek long body it
is as adept at ferreting out rabbits, chipmunks, woodchucks
and mice in their burrows as it is hunting squirrels and birds in
the trees. The Population of the predator and prey in the Iron
hills is cyclical. The population cycle is about 15 years in
length undulating as the population of the prey wanes a year or
two later so does that of the predators wane. Then once the
pressure is off the prey as the predator numbers have
decreased their numbers once again rise and not far behind so
to does the population of the predators. Hunting is easy in the
warm months as game is plentiful.
4.22 Large Animals
In the Basin small herds of deer come to graze on the
new spring vegetation. Here they stay for most of the warm
months and move into the shelter of the hills before the cold
winter winds blow. In the Basin there is a couple of packs of
wolves. The wolves mostly hunt the deer and the smaller
mammals found in the basin during the summer and then
move into the valleys during winter once food becomes scarce
in the basin. Foxes also hunt the small mammals in the basin.
These crafty hunters help keep the population in check of the
woodchucks in the basin. During the winter months these fox
mostly stay in the basin and only move into the shelter of the
hills in the harshest of winters. Staying in the basin in the
winter months the mostly scavenge and hunt the burrowed
animals which may come out during the bright sunny days in
winter to bask.
The undisputed predator on top of the food chain in the
Iron Hills is the Puma. This large cat makes its home in the
hills and valleys of the Iron Hills. Using stealth and power it
ambushes its prey and often has its prey’s neck in the grip of
its vicelike jaws before it knew what happened. A solitary
hunter its population is kept in check by a low birth rate and
large territories for the adults. These cats can live for up to 40
years though this is rare. Adult Pumas have no natural
enemies except Orcs. Any stragglers in an Orc patrol soon
often fall prey to these silent hunters and thus hunt them to
keep these occurrences to a minimal. An intelligent creature it
is said that they are able to speak to some animists and Wood
elves more with empathy then by full thoughts. They are not
evil by nature but will attack men and dwarves if hungry or
The Iron Hills are home to a variety of birds as well.
Starlings, Sparrows, Finches, Chick-a-Dee and about 20 other
species make this area their home. Most migrate south for
winter to areas of Gondor and points south. The Rock hawk
and the Grey Owl make the Tops of the wooded areas their
home. These 2 common winged predators mostly hunt the
small mammals found in abundance in the basin and in the
woods and valleys of the Iron Hills. The Grey owl is mostly
nocturnal making its nest usually in the tops of the stout
hemlocks. A mature Grey owl has a wind span of 6’ and can
fly silent through the air and swoop down on its unsuspecting
prey. It mainly hunts in the wooded areas of the Iron Hills
using cover and it’s stealth to surprise its prey. The Rock
Hawk is a small hawk with only an wind span up to 4 ft. It
often is found along the edge of the basin in the hills along the
edge. It hunts mostly in the basin diving down at its
unsuspecting prey at blinding speeds from high above. The
Rock Hawk does not play favourites and will even dive down
and take small foxes and martins for their prey.
4.23 Fulla’s Bain
Not a troll, not a Balrog nor a Nazgul…. But a small flying
insect a called (k._____) “fly that bites” almost prevented the
settling of the House of Fulla in the Iron Hills. These insipient
pests breed in creeks and streams and when hatched swarm in
huge clusters of thousands. About 1mm in size these small
black flies need fresh flesh to eat and have a nasty bite. Now a
bite from a bug so small in itself is nothing, but from a swarm
of hundreds- it is insidious! These bugs hatch in springtime
and flourish in the basin for about 2 months until summer
when it becomes too hot for them and the adults die off for
another season having bred and laid their eggs in the small
running streams ready to hatch next year. To travel the Basin
in the late spring to early summer months of Lothron and
Nurui is shear madness as Fulla VII found out the hard way.
Unprotected skin gets bitten many times and even when you
are clothed the little devils work their way under loose
garments and get you then. Animals avoid the area and are
used to the swarms, however they are not immune to the bites.
It is common place for deer and other animals to run around in
a crazed like state trying to avoid these creatures when a
swarm falls upon them.
4.30 Creatures
4.32 Trolls
There are many places for evil creatures to make their
dwellings in the Iron Hills. The hills themselves are by their
design littered with caves and caverns made during the war of
the wrath ideal for the likes of Orcs, Trolls and even a
variation of the Giant spiders make the Iron Hills their home.
Next to Orcs, trolls are the second numerous of foul creatures
making the Iron Hills their home. In the Iron Hills there are
two types of wild trolls that can be found. Forest Trolls are a
nomadic group that wander through the hills hunting animals
and mannish races (including dwarves and orcs alike). In
small bands from 2 to 8, these trolls can be found everywhere
in the hills except the Basin. Prone to turn to stone in direct
sunlight, they will often hold over in any convenient cave or
crevous during daytime. Currently there is about 30 such
bands roaming throughout the hills hunting and foraging for
food. Forest Trolls are smarter then other wild trolls and have
little use for treasure they may acquire from a slaughter of orcs
or dwarves simply leaving all the gear there only taking the
bodies to eat. The other type of Troll found in the Iron Hills is
the Cave Troll. These solitary trolls are not as smart as the
Forest trolls and often squirmishes between the two will occur
when a band of forest trolls stumbles across the territory of a
Cave Troll. Cave Trolls are stronger and larger then Forest
Trolls and often drive away the intruders, but not until a
successful raid of its burrow of its food stock by one of the
Forest Trolls. When times have been particularly hard for the
Forest Trolls they will often enter the territory of a Cave Troll
to lure him away from his den so a member can raid it for any
provisions it may have. A few dozen Cave trolls make the
Iron Hills their home. Their territory is scattered throughout
the entire range of the Iron Hills often consisting of an area of
up to 100 square miles. Confrontations between Cave Trolls
are rare as they seldom leave their territories.
4.31 Orcs
Orcs are by far the most common of the foul creatures found
in the Iron Hills. The breed of orcs found here are of the
smaller goblin stock. These lesser orcs came from the orcs of
Morgoths army that survived the destruction of the Iron
Mountains during the war of the wrath by cowering in the
deep pits and halls, which crisscrossed deep below the
mountains. Laying hid for many years the small pockets of
Orcs slowly and cautiously made their way back to the
surface. Over time these small pockets of orcs grew in
numbers and began to rebuild many of the destroyed halls and
tunnels, and for many years they were the undisputed rulers of
the Iron Hills until the coming of the Dwarves in the third age.
When Fulla and his clan decided to make the southwestern
part of the Iron Hills there home they routed out many of the
orcs from that part of the Iron Hills. The only remaining Orc
strongholds are now in the east and north ranges of the hills.
The orcs too have found deposits of the riches of iron
available in the Iron Hills and have become superb craftsman
of crudely designed but quite effective weapons and armour.
From some of these mines shipments are sent to the armies of
the Witch King of Angmar to the East. Often bands of orcs
will leave the iron hills to join the armies of the Witch King in
the east for promises of riches and spoils of war and to feast
on man flesh from their kills. The Social structure of the
remaining orcs is broken into 5 surviving clans which all hold
loose allegiance to the Witch King. All five houses send him
finished weapons and armour for his army in Angmar in return
for continued independence from his rule. Each clan is ruled
by an Orc chief who’s only right to the position is that he is
the smartest, strongest and cruellest Orc in that clan. His
position was probably won by defeating in battle the previous
chief though undoubtedly treacherous and foul means. The
chief of each clan does not trust anyone including the other
chiefs for fear of attack from another clan. Clashes between
Orc clans though not frequent are not uncommon either. Most
of the tunnels used by the Orcs are interconnected, as they are
the surviving passages created long ago in the first age by
Morgoth for his many strongholds built under the Iron
Mountains. At these junctions guarded checkpoints are set up
and manned by all concerned clans to prevent unwanted entry
from other clans. Each clan has spies in place in every other
clan watching for any sign of trouble or weakness for a
surprise attack.
4.33 Spiders
A variation of the Giant Spiders common to Mirkwood can be
found in the valleys and slopes of the Iron Hills. This
subspecies are called Stone Spiders and are smaller cousins to
the spiders found in Mirkwood, with an adult female growing
up to 3’ in diameter. The spider’s appearance is similar to the
common wolf spider found in North America. Stone spiders
have lost their ability to climb and to spin webs. In turn they
have developed the ability to jump great spans and to run over
ground at very fast speeds. Also adept at burrowing in the
many cracks and loose rocks in the hill slopes these spiders
have become masters of the ambush. Laying in wait until their
prey comes within striking range these spiders leap out of
hiding and pounce on their unsuspecting prey. A stone spider
is able to spring up to 8’ high and 20’ long to land on its prey.
Biting their prey several times it injects poison that paralyses
it victim so it can drag it off to its nearby burrow. The Stone
Spider does not kill its victim right away but later injects an
acid that slowly turns the victim into a jelly which the spider
then ingests this jellylike substance at a later time. Stone
spiders are loners who only can be found in small groups
during breeding season, which is late spring. The females are
up to 5 times larger then the males and usually will eat the
male after mating. Once mated the female will then create a
burrow and lay its eggs attached to a captured prey so the
young will have food upon hatching in 4 to 6 weeks. Stone
spiders would probably be a dominant species in the Iron Hills
were it not for the fact that Martins and fox love the taste of
the spider eggs. Stone spiders will attack any small animals
that happen by its ambush. Though they have been known to
take on up to man sized creatures when food has been
particularly scarce.
4.34 Giants
Along the northern range of the Iron Hills, a small group of
Giants make their home. Their territory runs the entire
northern range and into the basin. Little is known about this
band of giants except they are very reclusive and they avoid
contact with all mannish races. Occasionally however a
wandering Orc band will stumble into their territory- a mistake
they soon do not forget and quickly retreat from where they
came from or face obliteration from the giants. The group is
made suspected to be made up of 5 to 8 large males or rogues
that wander the northern range. It is believed they are
originally from the Grey Mountains to the north. Their
demeanour is not of evil but they do not take kindly to
strangers in their area. They will not confront the strangers, if
they discover a group of trespassers in their territory but will
watch and see what they are doing. If they perceive the
visitors as a threat, they will use all their cunning to formulate
an ambush and attack. Their natural enemies are the wild
trolls also found in the Hills. On occasion these 2 titans will
clash and battle for territory. Often the Trolls will retreat
conceding to the giants the territory. These battles are of
almost mythical proportions and the cries and battle noises can
be heard ringing through the valleys for miles.
4.35 Mearas
The pseudo-mythical breed of super-horse most treasured
above all by the Rohirrim and almost worshipped by them as
demigods, the mearas can on rare occasions be found racing
through the basin of the Iron Hills. For the past several
centuries, the mearas conjugate in the basin of the Iron Hills
once every 25 years or so on the eve of the new moon. It is at
this time the mearas stallions compete in races and tests of
endurance and strength vying for the right to mate with the
mares. Only lasting for 3 days this is a site to be seen. It is at
these gatherings that the intelligent race of horses elects a king
to rule them. This secret ritual of the mearas is known to
Radagast alone and is something he will not share with
5.0 Peoples and Cultures
Not until the third age have any of the free people of middle
earth made the Iron Hills their home. Even then it was the
hardy dwarves that settled first in the region. Small groups of
men Northman mostly have made small settlements just south
of the Iron Hills along the banks of the Carnen or Angren
rivers. These settlements would only enter into the Iron Hills
with large hunting parties only when food was scarce or the
build up their food stock prior to winter. Later in the third age
outposts of Easterlings such as the Sagath made settlements
along the northern range of the Iron Hills, as outposts and
stations for the wagon trains heading to the west for the army
of the Witch King. Also in the Northern part of the range the
secretive evil cult called Cult of the Long Night have made
their home among some mannish ruins of a long forgotten
time. The only true culture to become indigenous to the Iron
Hills is that of the Naugrim, but the tertiary influences of the
mannish races are mentioned here briefly.
5.1 The Humans
5.11 Easterlings
The Sagath in the early 1400’s set up the outpost of Lar-huz to
act as a citadel to guard and protect the wagon trains heading
to the land of Angmar the realm of the Witch King. This is a
small outpost of about 40 to 60 Easterlings currently led by a
12th level fighter Huz of Amov. They patrol the northern
range of the hills and along the Men-i-Rhunen keeping
unwanted travellers and eyes from learning too much of the
dark lords designs and interests in the area. Replacements and
new troops come from the land to the east along the eastern
shores of the Sea of Rhun.
Small bands of Easterlings will raid the remote villages and
farms that can be found scattered throughout the plains
between the Iron Hills and the western settlements of Dale and
Lake Town. They will then hold up in the numerous caves
found in the foothills of the Iron Hills to avoid any military
patrols that may be pursuing them.
5.12 Northman
The only mannish settlement found in the Iron Hills proper
other than the outpost of Laz-huz is found in a secluded valley
in the northern foothills about 15miles south of the Easterling
outpost called Nan Morsereg. Here the Cult of the Long Night
has established their school and their stronghold. Worshipers
of Sauron the Dark Lord, this secretive group of Northman
devise evil plots and schemes to disrupt and increase their
influence over the unsuspecting mannish settlements to the
west such as Dale and Lake town.
As the eastern border for the Northman settlements of Dale
and Lake Town patrols will often reach to the outskirts of the
Iron Hills in pursuit of bandits and to keep the amount of
Easterling invasions on the farms and small settlements in the
plains between the Iron Hills and the Settlements to the West.
They also loosely patrol the rough roads that lead to the iron
hills to make sure that the trade routes to the Dwarves
settlements are kept open. This includes patrolling as far
south as to the Men-i-Naugrim keeping the amount of raids on
the Dwarven caravans down to a minimum.
5.13 Eothraim
Later these Norse-like people would develop into the Rohirrim
the mighty horse riders of the plains of Rhovanian. Though
not overly common in large settlements, the Iron Hills mark
the northeast extent of their range. Patrols comprised of a
company of riders are not uncommon up to and including into
the Iron Hills especially when tracking raiding bands of orcs,
rogues and Easterlings who seek to use the hills as a refuge.
These patrols often are made up of dozens (12 to 40 are
common) of riders, as they are aware of the dangers in the Iron
Loose trade has also been established with the dwarves with
the Eothraim people. This trade mainly takes place at the
settlement of Buhr Mahring located where the Carnen and the
Celduin join together. Twice a year the Dwarves will travel in
small well guarded caravans down the banks of the Carnen
once in the spring and then later again in mid-fall to do trade
with the riders of the plains in Buhr Mahring. Stocking up
mainly in food provisions cloth and other materials, the
dwarves trade in return weapons armour and raw iron. In times
of trouble, leaders from the settlement of Buhr Mahring will
travel to do trade directly with the Dwarves at their stronghold
doors for additional supplies of weapons and metal. These
emergency trade negotiations only take place at the
Stronghold (Barak-Shathur) as no non-dwarves are allowed to
enter the mansion of Azanulinbar-dum.
5.14 Dorwinions
The Dorwinions, masters of commerce and trade are also
found in the area. Concentrated in the Town of Ilanin located
at the conflux of the Celduin and Donu rivers. Though they
are further down stream then the settlement of Buhr Mahring
the Dwarves make the extra journey to the settlement. Here
they can procure the superior Dorwinion wines and find a
market for the other raw materials that hold no value to the
simpler needs of the Eothraim. The Dorwinion are happy for
this trade as the superior Dwarven finished materials fetch a
high price in the far off markets of Gondor and Rhun. When
the Dwarven caravans leave Ilanin, Eothraim riders escort
them. These bands of horse back guards consisting usually of
20 to 40 well equipped riders, will accompany the Dwarves
back to the Iron Hills providing extra protection against
bandits and Easterling raiding parties. This extra protection is
provided to the dwarves free of charge, as it would not do well
to loose the trade with the dwarves because of marauding
bandit raids on their caravans.
forest (_______) located at the juncture of the Carnen and
Angren. Their numbers have grown over the past 190 years to
become a strong tribe of about 180. Though nomadic they
have set up a permanent settlement where they ride out the
winter located at the eaves of the (_____) forest at the rivers
junction. During the better months they travel along the rivers
and plains hunting and herding the plentiful deer herds found
in the lush valley. This lush secluded valley is filled with
ample tall grasses and small intermittent stands of trees
creating an ideal habitat for deer to procreate in large numbers.
The Tribe is now led by (_______) . In the warmer months
they patrol the entire valley in small groups gathering only in
the winter at the settlement called (_____). The Lossoth hunt
the predators such as the wolves that prey upon their
livelihood the deer. This keeps the number of wolves low
allowing the deer to flourish. This unnatural increase of deer
population is then maintained by the tribe though careful
hunting of the deer, making sure to keep the population in a
healthy balance. The level of husbandry over the herd has
become quite good and the overall health of the herd is
excellent. This small tribe of Lossoth, though not really living
in the Iron Hills do trade with the Dwarves on occasion, for
metals in return for furs and meats. They avoid the Iron Hills
as they are aware of the orcs and trolls that live there. Only
twice has this small band of Lossoth been attacked by orcs
both times they were victorious fending off the orcs and
retreating away from the incursion into the wide plains where
the orcs did not follow to avoid the bright daylight of the
pursuit. The Easterlings have not noticed this group, for they
have not travelled into this isolated valley, as it has no
perceived strategic value or riches to plunder. The dwarves do
not speak of the settlement to the other mannish races,
empathetically understanding the Lossoth’s desire to be left
alone from outside influences. Dwarves better than most can
appreciate the value of wanting ones privacy. What the
dwarves do not know however is that the Lossoth learned of
the location of the mansion of Azanulinbar-dum. They in turn
reciprocate the unspoken vow of privacy and do not venture
there nor do they speak of its location but keep it secret. This
is the band of Lossath that the ranger Chosum Drear belonged
(as mentioned in the ICE MERP product #8114 River
5.2 Dwarves
5.15 Lossoth
Between the rivers of the Carnen and the Angren is a
settlement of Lossoth. This small settlement of nomadic folk
makes their home in this secluded valley. Protected from the
north by the Iron Hills and to the east and west from the rivers,
this small settlement of Lossoth has prospered. The group of
Lossoth first came to the valley around TA 1450. Led by
(____) a brother of the tribe chief who wanted to go out on his
own, led a small group of 15 men and women on a journey
south from the Ered Mithrin after a particularly harsh winter.
After travelling for 2 seasons and having over wintered in the
northern range of the Iron Hills, they made their way south
along the eastern edge of the hills and came to “the valley of
the deer” (______) where they set up camp at the edge of the
The only free people to truly settle in the Iron Hills and call it
home is the rugged mannish race of Dwarves. For over 700
years the dwarves have lived at the settlement of Azanulinbardum and later in the sister stronghold of Barak-Shathur. Here
the settlements have grown and prospered and their numbers
have swelled from just over 60 to now around 700. Led by the
self proclaimed king Fulla III, the band of Dwarves has
prospered. Not under the duress of any of the rings of power
and the rings evil warping of the dwarf’s sense of greed, this
small group of dwarves ends up playing a pivotal role in the
survival of their race. From being a safe haven for many
refugee dwarves either fleeing dragons, orcs or balrogs, all can
find a welcoming place to call home in the halls under the Iron
It has been the group’s inconspicuous
unglamorous status as a mundane location that has served it
well in its anonymity for the perils that has plagued their
brethren in the other mansions throughout Middle Earth. The
mansion of Azanulinbar-Dum was designed and built under
the direction of Fulla VII a Dwarven explorer and engineer of
unequal merit. Its superior defensive design allows the
mansion to be held with only a handful of guards as well as
another fortress with scores of Dwarven fighters. When
Azaghal built the new fortress of Barak-Shathur it was created
with a lot of the same defensive principles applied by Fulla
VII and his construction of Azanulinbar-Dum. The main
difference is that Barak-Shathur has a large section of its
construction outside rather built into the Hill. Though neither
of these Dwarven strongholds are as large or wondrous as
Khazad-Dum, they are well designed and have a beauty
unique unto themselves.
Trade established with the dwarves of Khazad-dum and with
the mannish settlements to the west and south have in recent
years increased the prosperity of the settlement. Despite the
slow down in trade due to the plague in recent years the
dwarfish settlements in the Iron Hills are prospering.
6.0 Politics and Power
The Iron Hills as a region remains untamed with no ruling
government that oversees the land or its people. Left alone by
all the major governing forms around it, Rhovanion and the
Eothraim and Northman to the west, Dorwinion to the south
and the Easterling tribes to the East all use it as a border to
their lands such that that no one claims the region as their
own. In the third age, the Cult of the long night use the
isolation of the Iron Hills to develop and grow their group in
seclusion away from the eyes of the west. The Sagoth have
made the hills on the outskirts of the main range of hills an
extension of their power to protect the wains traveling to the
west and the land of the witch king in Angmar. There
influence does not extend to the Hills themselves but more
along the road Men-i-Rhunen, finding the hills themselves
inhospitable and offering little in form riches and rewards. The
settlements with any formal hierarchy are in the settlements of
the Orcs, dwarves and the small group of the nomadic race of
Lossoth. Their political influence is limited to their own
settlements and do not extend any further then the limits of
their territories. These territories are broken down as follows.
The Orcs patrol and watch over the eastern and northern
section of the Iron Hills. Here their influence is strongest.
They pay partial homage to the Witch King with shipments of
armour and weapons added to the wain trains heading east to
the land of Angmar.
The Dwarves rule the southern and western range of the Iron
Hills. The Dwarves have a self appointed king of their
settlement from the lineage of the founder of the settlement
Fulla VII. The current king is Fulla III who rules all the
dwarves and the throne room and living quarters are situated
in the halls of Azanulinbar-dum. Azaghal the cousin of the
current king presides over the halls of the stronghold of BarakShathur. The dwarves of the Iron Hills do not actively patrol
the area surrounding the strongholds. However if orcs or men
come within site of the doors of Azanulinbar-dum or Barak-
Shathur they will pursue and slay the Orc party and capture
the mannish parties. If the mannish group is found to be nonhostile after days of interrogation, they will be drugged with a
poison that causes permanent short-term memory loss and set
free some miles away from the doors of the strongholds.
The Lossoth rule the lower valley between the Carnen and
Angren rivers, which form a triangle shape valley with the
Iron Hills to the north. They elect a tribal leader who rules
until death at which time they then appoint another.
Traditionally for the Lossoth people this position went to the
strongest warrior of the tribe, but here in the peaceful valley it
usually goes to an elder who is most wise in understanding
nature and animal husbandry. In the winter months the tribe
comes together to over winter at a seasonal settlement where
the Carnen and Angren meet at the edge of the (_____) forest.
This large tribe is broken down during the warm months into
smaller bands that roam throughout the valley and rivers
edges. Each small band has a leader who usually is the
strongest member of the group. If one of these groups are in
need of help they will signal the others by use of a
(_________). A (______) consists of a hollowed out rib from
a deer with a piece of twine tied to one end and the other end
of the bone hollowed out in such a fashion so as to produce a
unique high pitched wale when spun around by holding the
twine. This signal devise can convey many messages simply
by adjusting the speed of the spin, which affects the pitch
produced. Using such a signal other bands can rally to support
in defence of other bands under attack or who have an injured
member who needs attention that the group can’t provide.
6.10 Government
6.11 Cult of the Long Night
This group located in the north eastern steps of the Iron Hills
is a threat to the current northern settlements to the west. The
cult of the Long night is a secretive group of animists that are
servants of Sauron. They preside over the teaching of the dark
religion in the northern Rhovanion. The group is made up of
10 aminists that act as the governing body and founders of the
religion who hold power in the cult. Their followers trek to
Nan Morsereg (Vale of the Black Blood) on the evenings of
the new moon to perform unholy rituals to the dark lord. The
10 ruling animists call themselves the Maeghirrim (piercing
lords). In the cliffs above the Nan-Morsereg, are 12 domes 2
which are large and act as the library meeting halls and store
rooms with the other 10 being the living quarters for the
animists. Here the followers of the cult plot to place
themselves in positions of power to subtlety influence the
lands and free peoples to the west. Their members can be
found infecting the settlements of Dale, Lake Town and other
settlements further south even into the land of Gondor.
6.12 Orcs
The orcs in the northeastern range of the Iron Hills are divided
up into 5 clans: Bloodclaw, WhiteSkulls, BlackBlades,
CrimsonEye and the FellBeasts. Each of these clans has a
chief which rules over the clan. Every clan has a shaman
which is often the second in command of the tribe as the orcs
of the Iron Hills are very superstitious lot and worship
Morgoth as their maker. They now pay homage in the form of
weapons and armour to the Witch King thinking him a
lieutenant to their God. This amuses the Witch King as it
helps draw a good amount of zealots to his army to do battle in
the service of the dark one. They believe to die in such
service guaranties them a place at his side and untold rewards
upon death. Most of the chieftains don’t like this draw of their
warriors and in secret have a dislike for the shamans and their
preaching of the service of the dark lord. This draw affects
their ability to protect themselves from the other tribes and
weakens their force for raids between the rivalling tribes. The
five clans war upon themselves almost continuously, which is
a good thing. It is not until late in the third age (TA 2360)
before Sauron’s Lieutenants finally sway the orcs enough for
them to become a cohesive unit and attack the dwarves in the
Iron Hills with a large unified force.
6.13 Lossoth
The Lossoth’s government and power is as nomadic as the
people themselves. In the summer months when the tribe
breaks up into small bands that spread out over the entire
plains, the bands are ruled by the strongest of the warriors who
are entrusted to protect and guild the band during the warm
months, with successful hunting expeditions and protection of
the herd. When the first cold wind from the north signals
winter is on its way the small bands all make their way to the
winter settlement of (
) nestled in the forest of ( ). Here
the Tribe is ruled by the eldest of the Lossoth who is guided
by a council made up of the leaders of the bands. The number
of bands has varied over the years with the current number
being six. This disbursement of the tribe into smaller bands
made up of men and women and children allow for greater
coverage of the deer herds and also helps ensure that if a band
is attacked the entire tribe is not wiped out. On occasion one
or more bands will come upon each other during the roaming
season. When this happens it is time for celebration and tales
to be told over a large bonfire food and drink. At these
gatherings there is not bickering over who is the ruler, each
leader is still in charge of their band as they camp. In times of
trouble the bands signal each other in a unique method. A thin
carved femur bone with notches made out along its length is
tethered to a string made from deer gut. This (
) as the
Lossoth call it is a signal devise. The band elder will hold the
string and swing the (
) in a circle changing the speed to
change the pitch of the whistle sound that is produced. Each
band’s ( ) is unique and makes a distinctive sound that can
me identified as its own. Through changing the speed and
thus changing the pitch, simple messages can be sent out for
the other bands to hear. Anything from signalling that they
are under attack to they need a shaman to aid in a birth can be
sent this way. The noise itself created by the (
) can be
heard for many miles over the open plains. Often at night the
wailing sounds of the Lossoths (
) can be heard by those
traveling the plain between the rivers of the Carnen and the
Angren. Chances are they have spotted you and are reporting
to the other bands your whereabouts and if you present a threat
to them or their herd.
6.14 Dwarves
The Dwarves have been ruled by the descendants of Fulla II
since the days of him founding the halls of Azanulinbar-dum.
His title at the beginning was simply just the lord of the manor
but as time went on and their ties with Ruurrik lessened the
lord of Azanulinbar-dum proclaimed the settlement an
independent entity and as such elevated his title to King. This
occurred around TA 1375 after Gandolf the grey came and
visited Fulla III and in his announcement to Fulla III said
“Greetings to you good King Fulla, lord of the Iron Hills, I
bring tidings from your kin from the Misty mountains and
beyond….”. From that point on the Title of King has stuck
with the reigning ruler of the Dwarven Mansions in the Iron
Hills. Shortly thereafter as the settlement grew, they divided
into 2 settlements Azanulinbar-dum and the sister stronghold
of Barak-Shathur. The second fortress much more like a
human stronghold, Barak-Shathur is under the direct
command of Azaghal, Red Hammer the cousin of the current
king. The Complex has 7 main residential areas, one for each
of the original Dwarven clans. The heads of each house is
responsible for providing 1/7th of the militia. Fulla’s clan has
a separate head of the clan (this currently is Azaghal , Red
Hammer) so as to leave the King to focus on the entire
settlement not just the concerns of one clan. Typically these
leaders are Master forgers whose craftsmanship is unequalled
in the mines of the Iron Hills. This makes them highly
respected in their groups and with the others of the settlement.
With skills matched only in a few places in middle earth it is
this elite groups talents that create the masterful works of
metal that fetch such high prices in Middle Earth. Though
they do not interfere with the daily running of the settlement
they do make sure their voices are heard when the decisions
on where to expand and to delve are being discussed. Often it
is their opinion that is taken as rule in these matters. This is
more practical than at first noticed as these are the dwarves
who know the mines and grounds best and their opinion is
greatly heeded by the king. There are 7 militias, made up
from each of the Dwarven clans. Each clan is responsible for a
watch chamber strategically located in the mansion. Each is
manned by a single guard on a 7 hour shift rotation. An
Alarm can be sounded to the rest of the mansion and other
watch chambers by using a series of speaking tubes that run
through the complex. The stairs to each watch chamber is
trapped, allowing the stairs to be collapsed, closing off entry
into the mansion. There are 2 switches to set off this trap, one
in the chamber as well as one just past the stairs on the landing
only feet away from the trap itself on the inside of the
mansion. Though not much happens to in the Dwarven
settlements other then the odd brawl at a tavern over which
mining shift has brought up the better load of ore for the week,
it is a responsibly met by all clan leaders with diligence and
pride, taking their post most seriously.
7.0 Places of Note
There are many places worth noting in the Iron Hills, This
area will cover most of them that are not covered in other
supporting materials previously published by Iron Crown
Enterprises. It will however go over (with some changes) the
layout of Azanulinbar-Dum as this is a main focal point of the
area and needs more detail.
7.1 Azanulinbar-Dum
Main Entrance
Cart Road
Pit Trap
This trap covers the entire 70’ diameter of the circular
chamber. When the trap is “set” (unlocked), anyone or
anything weighing over 84lbs. will cause the
counterweighted floor block to rotate down into a wall
space. Anyone in the circular chamber will fall 40’ onto
a floor covered with three-foot iron spikes; the pit is
tapered to a forty-foot diameter at the bottom. This trap,
controlled by a lever concealed in the wall to the south,
is Very Hard to detect; Hard to disarm; and Hard to
Ceiling Trap
When Sprung (either by 84lbs. Of weight on the floor or
manually from a concealed lever in the wall, Very Hard
to perceive or disarm), this trap causes a block of stone
30’ long and the width of the corridor 16’ to drop from
the ceiling, mashing to a ribbon-like pulp anyone or
anything below it (2-12 Fall crush +60 attacks;
extremely Hard to avoid) and effectively blocking the
Guard Room
Four guards are on duty here at all times in rotating 4
hour shifts.
Murder Holes
These are accessible from the guard room (#6) by an
iron ladder set into the wall, which leads up to a small
chamber atop the main passageway.
Armour Stores
This large, circular chamber (130’ diameter) holds the
majority of the weapons and armour of the Dwarves an
Azan, carefully stored in shelves, racks and chests.
Residential Complex
The Typical Dwarven lodging consists of a 10’ x 10’
living area with a smaller adjoining storage room.
Hall of Columns
This room contains a large cistern holding an emergency
water supply.
Small Chapel Of Aule
This sacred chamber is vaulted in glittering obsidian,
and illuminated by torches on the wall below.
Main Chapel of Aule
Even more beautiful and sacred then the adjoining
smaller chapel, this chamber’s vaulted roof is laced with
gold filigree, and supported by rows of white marble
columns. Hundreds of bright torches flood the huge
room with glowing light.
Hall of writing
Walls are inscribed with the history of the Tribe of Balli
Chamber of Records
Legal documents and record of business transactions are
kept here.
This vast chamber contains fourteen alcoves; seven are
devoted to Dwarven craft, and seven to Dwarven
Assembly Hall
Here the dwarves gather to trade or discuss issues.
Hall of Balli
(Council Chamber)
Durin’s Chamber
Crossbow and Ballista Slits
These chambers hold most of the stores for the complex,
and are stacked with casks of water and wine, sacks of
grain, and barrels of dried meats and vegetables.
Loading Area
Four carts can unload here.
The deeds of Durin the Deathless are inscribed upon the
wall here.
Great Armour stores
This room contains a large assortment of extraordinary
magical arms and armour.
Watch Chamber
In each of these rooms, three Dwarves keep watch for
trouble in the main entry corridor; more may be
summoned when necessary.
Guest Quarters
These rooms are large and comfortably furnished. Each
has a large hearth set into one wall.
Hall of feasting
Reception room
Here visitors await the audience of the King.
Throne Room
The grandiose ceremonial chambers of the King, where
official business is conducted.
This room is lined with huge stone chests carved from
the same rock as the walls and therefore absolutely
immovable. These chests hold the bulk of Azan’s most
precious wealth, a vast store of precious metals, gems
and finely-worked objects.
Royal Apartments
The King’s sumptuously furnished bedroom, lounge and
This room holds 20 small (6’ square) cells.
Royal Tomb
This low, unlit chamber holds the stone sarcophagi of
past Kings.
Side Chamber
Reserved for relatives of the royal family.
Clan Tomb
Similar to the Royal Tomb (#39), this adjacent room
houses the burial cairns of the King’s clan
Secret Exit
This narrow corridor leads half a mile to a 2’x3’ hidden
door in the east-facing slope (Very Hard to detect from
the outside)
7.2 Barak-Shathur
Established in TA 1580 by Azaghal, Barak-Shathur has
become a dwarven stronghold in its own right. Located at the
bottom of a hill with a high cliff wall surrounding the
stronghold it looks more like a human fortress with walls gates
and towers. This is the outer section of the keep. For most
outsiders, this is the area that they are allowed to see and visit.
Barak-shathur in truth consists of two parts, the first is the
surface area made of walls towers and buildings and the part
which is the underground section.
7.21 The Outer Area
The outer area is designed as the main trading location for
most of the dwarven goods. Its purpose is two fold: to provide
humans with familiar surroundings in which to do business
and to keep the dwarven home beneath, private.
A narrow path winds between two small hills, crosses a small
stream with a stout stone bridge. Here people are greeted with
a sheer cliff face approximately 300ft high and running in
length for over 1400ft.. Located roughly in the center is a
stone wall 30 ft high with 2 towers and a stout gate.
The outside bailey is home for 2 squads of armed guards. One
squad makes their home in each the 2 towers. Each squad is
made up of 12 guards and is on duty for 2 weeks then off for 2
weeks. When the squad is off duty they return to the families
and halls under Barak-Shathur. Also living in the fortress here
is a small group of men. A patrol of 12 men sent from the
lords of Eothraim are posted here. The men are posted here
for a duration of 3 months and are rotated out 4 at a time each
month. This keeps the full contingent fresh but yet retains
experienced warriors. It is this group’s job to represent and
foster good relationships with the dwarves by protecting and
escorting the caravans to and from Barak-Shathur. This group
is housed in the inn. Also in the compound is a human
horseman who lives and works at the stables. He lives here
full time all year round. Another group of 6 rangers have also
set up camp here. They have been living here for 9 months
now and are welcomed by the dwarves as added aid against
Orc patrols and the wandering Trolls. The rangers have horses
and are independent from the troop sent from Eothraim. The
Rangers have been sent from Dale and their orders are to help
ensure the trade route stays open and is hassle free. This
group patrols the west and north sections of the Iron Hills and
are often gone for 2 to 3 weeks at a time.
Curtain wall
This 30’ high stone wall runs about 500’ in a semi circle
providing a solid defence against attacking Orcs. The wall
itself is made from cut stone amply provided from the
excavation in Barak-Shathur. The walls are 10’ thick and
made by master Dwarven masons. Where the walls tie into the
side of the cliff they are actually built into the cliff using live
rock from the cliff face to anchor the stones blocks in a tongue
and grove fashion. There are 2 towers both 50ft high and equal
intervals from the gate that can be found along the wall.
West Tower
The tower is made up of 3 levels and the crenulated roof. A
cellar area for storage and holding prisoners, the main floor
which houses the guards’ sleeping quarters and eating area and
the weapons room above with arrow slits for crossbows. The
roof top is crenulated and armed with small ballista and hot oil
tubs. Access to the tower are by a 2ft wide external stone
staircase that runs parallel with the wall to a small 4 ft long
landing. It accesses the Weapons room/ second level. From
the Weapons room, there is a small tunnel that connects to the
Main gate and its two levels. The tunnel is roughly 2 ½ ft wide
and only 5 ft tall.
East Tower
Same as the West Tower
The Main Gate
The only accesses to the main gate’s 2 levels are via the East
or West towers. Level 1 is mostly storage and access to the
arrow slits for firing crossbows. The second of the gates have
access to the dead man holes for pouring hot oil and or poking
long spears into the double gated area. Also located on this
level are the mechanics for raising the gates.
This area is where the horses for the Eothraim and the rangers
are housed. There are 24 stalls in all as well as a small
blacksmith shop attached to the stables. Here an old
blacksmith Eorthal has made his home for 20 years. Is course
dwarf-like demeanour and prowess with an anvil and hammer
makes him well liked by the dwarves who think of him as one
of their own rather than of the Eothraim.
Inn/ Bunkhouse
The Bearded lady is a good sized tavern with living quarters
on the second floor. The tavern is mostly designed to provide
the rangers and Eothraim with a familiar location for passing
the evening with food and drink as well as to provide them
with lodging. It was become a common place for off duty
Dwarves who do guard duty, to stop by ever now then and
enjoy a sip of good ale. Though there are Dwarf drinking
houses in Barak-Shathur proper, these guards have developed
an affinity with the surface dwellers and enjoy their company
as well as the good humoured ribbing and jokes. The second
floor has 8 semi-private rooms, 2 private rooms and 1
common room. The Eothraim take up 6 of the semi private
rooms, while the Rangers use one of the private rooms and the
common room when they are not on patrol. The food and
drink here is fair and good respectively. The food is local fair
made from what is grown in the area while the Ale is imported
from the Laketown. Dorwinian wines are available as well but
only “Fancy Elves and Little Lasses” drink that!
This well goes down 150’ to the underground stream that
meanders it’s way through Barak-Shathur and is the power
source for the spiral lift in the inner bailey. The water is fresh
and cool. The well is 5’ in diameter and is walled with stone
and is sturdy. One could climb down to gain access into the
inner bailey but would have to battle the current and chill of a
fast running stream. The stream is approximately 15’ deep
This is where goods are temporally stored prior to shipping
them out in caravans. A final inventory is done and extra items
are often added to help sweeten the pot during negotiations.
In the smaller storage areas, extra food stuff is stored which
would not keep well in the damper parts of the mines.
7.22 Inner Bailey
Protruding 40’ out of the cliff face is a half octagonal stone
building which accesses the main part of Barak-Shathur. The
Large stone double doors swing outward magically when the
password is spoken or someone inserts the dwarven pass key
into the hidden keyhole (-50 check). There are only 2 such
keys, one held by each tower sergeant on duty. The keys are
made of limestone and easily broken if feared they will fall
into enemy hands. The Bailey is a large hall with a 20’ high
ceiling with a width of 60ft and a length of 120’. Fifty feet
beyond the double doors is an unique site, a large 40ft hole in
the floor with a large 3ft diameter axle protruding up into the
ceiling. Here is where the spiral lift which brings goods up
from Barak-Shathur is located. (See details). The hole goes
down 130’ to the entry hall below. Steel tracks run the entire
spiral, from the floor of the entry hall up along the carved out
ramp to the inner bailey. As the low moving shaft has steel flat
sides like a paddle turns trolleys with bumpers engage the
edge of the paddle and are pulled p the spiral track to the top.
The rail and trolleys are on the outer edge of the ramp leaving
a 4’ wide path against the wall for dwarves to walk up if they
wish. The back of the inner Bailey is set up as a junction
station to hold and store the trolleys once they reach the top.
The direction of the spiral lift can be changed, allowing the
trolleys to go back down at a controlled speed.
7.23 The Halls of Barak-Shathur
Entry Hall
As you descend the spiral lift, about 100’ down the ceiling
open up and the ramp that once was carved out of stone is now
a stone block ramp which continues down another 30’ to the
floor. The entry hall here is 30’ high and about 200’ long by
100’ wide. Stone pillars carved with dwarven warriors
likenesses are located throughout at equal intervals to support
the arched roof. Here to the one side is a stock yard of trolleys
for the spiral lift.
2. White Skull Cavern
7.3 Orc holds in Eastern Range
3. Black Blades
Five Orc clans have inhabited the eastern rim of the iron hills
for thousands of years. Ever since the fall of Melkor at the
end of the first age Orcs have called these caves and caverns
home. Relatively left alone with no outer influence to sway
them, 5 distinct Orc clans have developed and thrived. Except
for when Balli Stonehand and his band of dwarven murderous
mercenaries arrived and inflicted serious casualties to the
clans. Since then the Orcs have regained in numbers since
then. There are frequent battles between the five Orc tribes for
territory and power. It is these inter-clan skirmishes that have
kept the Orc population in check.
The population is also depleted by the Witchking, who from
time to time conscripts some warriors into his army to help
guard the men-__________ road.
The caverns the five Orc clans inhabit are actually a small
portion of a much larger and older complex of caves. To best
depict the vastness of these caves, caverns, tunnels, lakes and
underground waterways, three maps drawn in perspective
point of view showing main tunnels caves caverns and points
of interest have been created. This area of the Ironhills is vast
and links to long lost dark areas of Middle Earth called
DeepEarth where evil has been left alone to grow and thrive.
Many of Melkor’s vile creations still dwell in the lowest of
these dark chasms.
4. Crimson Eye
5. Fell beasts
7.5 Mannish outposts
8.0 Suggestions for Adventure
9.0 Tables
7.31 MAP 1 of the Deep Earth
This map depicts areas and levels closest to the surface. Here
are where the Orc tribes and their territories are located.
There are three distinct layers making up this map giving the
caves and caverns a three dimensional aspect for adventuring.
The upper most layer is the level is contained within the
elevation of the Iron Hills themselves. The second layer is
hundreds of feet lower then the level of the surface and the
third level is several hundred feet below that. Some area will
have a detailed description to help the GM with developing
story lines while others will be left so they can add their own
touch to the cavern.
1. Blood Claw Cavern
Geography: This is a large cavern with a stalactites and
stalagmites formed throughout. Some of them actually joining
together to create columns 10 to 20 ft in diameter. The ceiling
height varies throughout from 40ft to over 100 ft. Many of the
areas have been carved out and worked upon by the Orcs for
hundreds of years, removing the natural features to leave
worked faces and passage ways.
Denizens: The Blood Claw clan make this lone mountain cave
complex their home. As location goes it is the most exposed of
the Orcs holds.
Unique Features: