Chapter 13 Homework

Chapter 13 Homework
Case Study
Colorado Symphony Orchestra
1. The team values the CSO musician used to build their new team approach to
managing the orchestra were putting members first, trusting members to do
their best, helping members to self-actualize, developing members’
capabilities, delegating, and eliminating barriers to success. The team
concepts and technique used were self-directed work teams, which were
committed to a mission, had specific performance goals, an agreed upon
common approach to working together, and mutual accountability.
2. Bacchetti should play the role of a coach and/or facilitator to encourage
continued participation, shared decision making responsibility, and
delegation. Bacchetti will need situational leadership skills because he will
need to adapt to the new situation.
3. CSO’s team-based structure could work in other orchestras provided they
adhere to the values, concepts, and technique listed in answer #1.
4. It is unlikely that the orchestra could apply the same team approach to
conducting its presentations without a conductor, as the orchestra needs a
leader to bring all of the orchestral groups together.
You Be The Consultant
Building Teamwork at JetBlue
You and your team are consultants to Mr. Neeleman, who is depending on your
management expertise to help him navigate the launch and management of
JetBlue. Here’s what he wants to know from you now:
1. What do you think of the steps JetBlue is now taking to ensure that it hires
only team players? Create and list five specific structured interview
questions you would use to help screen out nonteam players in order to
supplement the current target selection interviews.
2. Many of JetBlue’s meetings now have “time caps” to make sure that
everyone’s time is respected and that the meetings last no longer than
necessary. Based on the information in the chapter, list five other specific
steps you would suggest JetBlue take in order to ensure that meetings are
as short and productive as possible.
3. Show, in organization-chart form, what JetBlue’s organization might look
like if it made the decision to organize the company around teams.
Suggested answers
1. The main effort is the targeted selection process. Questions might cover
any of the points raised in Figure 13-4 (p. 352) and should be situational.
2. Five steps to better meetings can include:
a. Make sure there is a good reason for the meeting.
b. Distribute an agenda in advance, including the time allotted to each
c. Stick to the agenda.
d. Encourage full participation; don’t let one or two people dominate
e. Select a group-decision making procedure and follow it.
3. Answers will vary but the teams might be organized around flight paths or
departure or arrival points, or around functions such as aircraft
(maintenance, pilots, etc.) and passengers (reservations, flight attendants,
baggage handlers).