submission to - Department of Agriculture

1,000 local, artisan, speciality food firms + €1.65 billion in their local output at consumer prices
= €4.1 billion in circulation in the local economy +7,500 more jobs by 2020.
Page 3
Required Action from Agri Vision 2020
Page 4
A Realistic Vision for Sustainable Job Creation
Page 4
Page 5
A Potential Framework as a Basis for Strategy
Page 6
Key Facts in Support of This proposal
Page 7
Value for Money
Page 15
Appendix 1 – Members of TASTE Council
Page 17
Appendix 2 – Teagasc Report on the Artisan Food Sector
Page 22
Appendix 3 – The Grocer - Article September 2009
Page 23
1.0 Introduction
This document is a submission from the Taste Council to Agrivision 2020.
The central aim of this document is to communicate the TASTE
Council’s request for 1 specific action in Agri Vision 2020 on behalf of
The TASTE Council is a voluntary representative group of the smaller
food business sector made up largely of local, artisan and speciality
food producers and formally established in October 2003. (For a list of
the TASTE Council’s current membership please see Appendix 1).
departments, government agencies, non government organisations
and education establishments to promote the interests of the
traditional, artisan and speciality food producing and farming sector
and to assist in its strategic development to maximise its current and
potential contribution to Ireland’s food and agri economy, society,
culture and environment.
The TASTE Council formally represents the sector on the Food Safety
Authority of Ireland’s (FSAI) Artisan Food Forum and the Agri Vision
Artisan Food Sub Committee.
The TASTE Council made a detailed submission to the last 2015
Agrivision committee many of the recommendations included have
been acted upon particularly in relation to the support and promotion
of artisan and speciality and regional foods.
TASTE Council’s Objectives are:
 To provide a national framework with access to international
expertise and markets for the strategic development of the sector;
 To form a cohesive group representative of the sector;
 To draw on the expertise of the group (experience, skills, and
knowledge) to address strategic issues facing this sector.
2.0 Required Action from Agri Vision 2020
The Taste Council requires one focussed action from Agri Vision 2020
and that is a commitment from government to prepare a cross
departmental strategy for the sector covering enterprise, education
and skills, tourism, food, fisheries and agriculture and environment.
The high level outcome of the strategy will be sustainable job creation
through food, farming and fishing entrepreneurship.
3.0 A Realistic Vision for Sustainable Job Creation
By 2020 the existing base of 350 artisan/speciality food firms could
double their output at consumer prices and increase their market share
of the local market from 3% to 6% resulting in 1,000 new jobs created
and (through a multiplier effect of local food expenditure see section
6.3) would circulate €2.1 billion into the local economy per annum,
During the next 10 years 650 new food entrepreneurs could establish
businesses, resulting in 6,500 new jobs created and based on current
local output levels this group could result in a further €2 billion into
circulation in the local economy.
In combination this would result in 7,500 new jobs and an additional
€4.1 billion in circulation in the Irish economy.
In order for this to occur the policy and intervention landscape would
need to be adapted. In addition collaborative government body
actions developed in partnership with the sector would need to be
aligned and in place to deliver on these jobs.
For key facts in support of this proposal please refer to Section 6.0.
4.0 Rationale
This submission is made in the context of:
High levels of unemployment in Ireland,
10,000 people having been made redundant from the food
processing sector since the beginning of 2009 largely due to a
repositioning of food processing sector due to currency
fluctuations and increased production costs,
A 16% fall (during 1998-2007) in employment in agriculture,
forestry and fishing and the continued drift from fulltime farming.
And as part of the TASTE Council’s view of the food industry’s collective
responsibility as a prime mover in economic recovery.
5.0 A Potential Framework as a Basis for Strategy
The strategy should work to appropriately support the sector’s potential
in order to deliver on the growth targets as outline in section 3.0. This
includes finding ways to mitigate or reduce barriers to growth or to
convert these to enablers. It should also include developing ways to
maximise enablers of growth.
Growth Enablers
By 2020 1,000 small food
1. Consumer Demand for Local
2. Tourist Demand for Food Experience
3. State Aid regime in support of
4. Direct Sales Growth Ecommerce/Internet Channels /Farmers
Market System…etc.
5. Growth in independent outlets
Growth Inhibitors
Retailer Concentration
Finance for start up and growth
Strict regulatory regime
Access to equipment/process/skill for artisan process
Consumer inhibitors to buying local food such as perception of price/value,
access and distribution and trust.
6.0 Key Facts in Support of This Proposal
6.1 Speciality Food Business Population, Revenue, Employment
and Growth to date
The total food firm population is Ireland is estimated at 800 firms.
The majority of these firms are SMEs.
The speciality food business population in Ireland (defined by
Bord Bia as micro and small firms) with individual turnover levels
of between €100,000 and €3.5 million per annum is 350 firms.
This group excludes the firms which started as micro or small and
graduated to become bigger firms over the course of the last 15
years (e.g. Glenisk, Lily O’Briens, Clonakilty Black Pudding, Mr.
These 350 firms grew from a population of 60 firms in 1996.
These 350 firms have a combined output at consumer prices (i.e.
prices charged at retail or foodservice prices) of €475 million.
Approximately 10% of this output is destined for exports leaving
€427.5 million as local sales in Ireland or 3% share of the local
market for food grocery and foodservice (the latter worth €14.5
billion in 2008).
6.2 Benchmark – New Zealand
New Zealand is often regarded as a good benchmark in Agrifood for Ireland due to its similar population size, island status and
temperate climate. Through inventiveness, cutting edge
technology, research and astute branding and marketing, more
than 2,000 speciality food and beverage companies (excluding
wines) add value to a wide range of natural products resulting in
niche products which stand out in the international marketplace.
The foods produced range from traditional pastries, honey,
confectionery, speciality sauces, marinades, oils, luxury ice
creams, cheeses, organic soups, energy drinks, organic juices
and boutique beers.
New Zealand’s speciality food and beverage exports were
estimated at NZ$8.75 billion in 2006, up from NZ$2.9 billion in the
16 years since 1990. Key export markets include USA, Australia,
Europe, Japan and China.
New Zealand is often first to market with new niche concepts
such as avocado oil for example. The country is also receiving
international recognition for its olive oils.
Pioneering research work results in new high value products such
as for example Manuka honey as a medicinal product effective
against highly resistant bacteria.
There are only 80 farmers’ markets in New Zealand and all
require that 80% of product is local.
6.3 Local Food Revenue Multiplier Effect
A study by the New Economics Foundation in London found that
every £10 spent at a local food business is worth £25 for the local
area, compared with just £14 when the same amount is spent in
a supermarket. That is, a pound (or euro) spent locally generates
more than twice as much income for the local economy. The
farmer buys a drink at the local pub; the pub owner gets a car
fixed at the local mechanic; the mechanic brings a shirt to the
local tailor; the tailor buys some bread at the local bakery; the
baker buys wheat for bread and fruit for muffins from the local
farmer. When these businesses are not owned locally, money
leaves the community through every transaction.
This means that the €472.5 million consumer sales value of output
sold locally in Ireland from over 350 small, local and speciality Irish
food businesses, results in €1.01 billion in total revenue back into
local business communities throughout Ireland.
An increased share of the national food grocery and foodservice
markets (estimated at €14.5billion in 2008) would serve their
growth potential well. Provided these companies increase their
share of the local market for food and drink from 3% to 6% their
local turnover would rise to €855 million per annum which
through the multiplier effect would circulate €2.1 billion in the
local economy.
6.4 Local Food Jobs
The 350 small food businesses who are client firms of Bord Bia
employ approximately 3,000 people.
We estimate that these firms by doubling their revenue and
market share over ten years have the potential to increase their
employment levels by one third, thereby creating 1,000 new job
Smaller food companies are generally more labour intensive
than large manufacturing food firms. Large firms need to apply
technology to become less labour intensive and to compete on
scale. From 1998 to 2007 industrial employment fell by 4% in
Ireland. During the same period employment in agriculture,
forestry and fishing fell by 16%. During this period however, small
food firms expanded their employment level from 600 people to
3,000 people, largely through start up and growth.
We believe that a minimum of 650 new food/farming/fishing
entrepreneurs could grow the sector to 1000 firms by 2020. This
target number is conservative when you consider the number of
speciality food firms in New Zealand (see section 6.2). It is noted
that, on March 30th 2010, the Food Safety Authority of Ireland
(FSAI) reported a 50% increase in enquiries regarding the starting
up or establishment of new food firms in 2009 compared to 2008.
These 650 new small businesses can grow to the equivalent size
of the 350 firms active in the area to date resulting in an
additional 6,500 jobs created as these firms grow to an average
employment level of 10 people each.
Innovation, research, astute and cost effective branding,
marketing and distribution for national and international export
sales will be critical to their success as is the case in the New
Zealand model.
Direct routes to market will need to be facilitated further to
support this level of start up. An important growth channel for all
players going forward will be online direct sales and sales
through online resellers as the online channel is likely to become
a broader, all-encompassing destination for all things speciality.
These additional 650 firms would grow the consumer price output
of the small food business sector locally by an additional
€611million. Applying the multiplier effect to this output leads to a
potential turnover in circulation in the local economy of €1.5
6.5 Food Tourism
Food Tourism is defined as a visiting tourist’s experience of food
or food activity. No longer considered a niche, food tourism
covers all “touchpoints” or points at which a visiting tourist
samples and experiences the food from a place.
Food Tourism in Ireland is valued at €2.3 billion at consumer prices
in 2008. This means that visitors spend on food and beverage
accounts for €2.3 billion in Ireland. This figure is largely included in
the foodservice market valued at €5.5 billion in 2008.
Local Food from an artisan/speciality food producer, farmer or
fisherman translates into a story and experience for visiting
tourists which is unique to Ireland as a place.
This offers Fáilte and Tourism Ireland a critical advantage in the
place marketing of Ireland as a tourist destination in a highly
competitive area.
In 2009 Tourism Ireland reported to Bord Bia that local food
activity had risen exponentially up their target visiting tourist’s
agenda now ranking third or fourth place in order of priority. For
a visiting British tourist local food activity as a priority has risen to
the second most important priority after “seeing the sights”.
The potential for mutual gain for the food and tourism sector
through a collaborative approach to food tourism is substantial,
and has much to add to the sustainable performance of food
and tourism sectors.
6.6 Sustainable Food Systems
The price of food disguises externalised costs of environmental
impact and the impact on the health of the nation. Local food
has the potential to create a highly sustainable food system and
to protect our food security in the face of climate change and
volatility in energy input prices and commodity prices.
Supporting local providers supports responsible land
development and a collaborative effort to building more locally
based and self-reliant food economies. Self reliant food
economies are those in which sustainable food production,
processing, distribution, and consumption is integrated to
enhance the economic, environmental and social position of
This is central to the development of Ireland the Sustainable Food
Island (as a source of food) and to Ireland as a sustainable food
destination (for tourists). Buying local food also keeps us in touch
with the seasons. By eating with the seasons, we are eating
foods when they are at their most natural, peak in taste, most
abundant and therefore least expensive and most nutritious.
Organic production adds to the sustainability of food systems
and particularly in the context of local. The current targets to
increase organic agriculture will assist in this process and is
welcomed by the TASTE Council.
6.7 The Market for Local Food and Speciality Food
Demand for local food is rising in Ireland (source Bord Bia
However, importantly, very recent consumer research by Bord
Bia (February 2010) on local food in Ireland illustrates a
substantial headway for local food as defined by food from local
people and small scale producers. The shift reflects a move back
to basics in the local food arena as consumers support local
food for local community benefit.
The research proves that local food in Ireland is now a category
in its own right reaching 93% consumer awareness and the
‘definition’ has shifted from a geographically focused one to a
more producer and small scale product-centric one.
In 2007 41% of consumers thought of Local Food as ‘produced
within the Republic of Ireland’- today just 10% of consumers
define the category in those terms.
Instead now almost half of the population defines local food as
‘Food that is produced or grown by local people’ and a further
20% define the category as ‘Food that is not mass-produced’.
This shift in the definition of the category has also seen a shift in
the core motivations to purchase Local Food, with more
emphasis being placed upon “Taste” and “Naturalness”.
All of this is underlined by an increased reliance upon Farmer’s
Markets and Farm Gate sales as a source of Local Food – at the
expense of Small and Large Supermarkets. Some 12% of
consumers now buying local food from Farm Gates, compared
with 5% in 2007. And 35% are buying from Farmer’s Markets
compared with 29% three years ago. These are substantial shifts
in Irish consumer behaviour.
It appears the Local Food movement is developing in its own
way and mainstream retailers (with a few exceptions) have yet
to embrace this movement fully.
International visitors are also seeking out local food, making Food
in Tourism a key priority for tourism authorities in order to compete
in the international tourism arena.
Specialty food and beverages continue to exhibit strong growth
in spite of the economic downturn. This is particularly the case in
international markets.
By way of example in the US, craft beer generated $287 million in
sales in supermarkets for the 20 weeks ending Oct. 4, 2009 a
14.2% increase from the same period in 2008, according to
Information Resources Inc. According to the US National
Association of the Specialty Food Trade retail sales of specialty
foods and beverages rose significantly in 2008, despite the
turbulent economy, while foodservice sales declined amid a cutback in restaurant dining. Consumers increased their purchases
of specialty pasta, refrigerated and frozen entrees, baby food
and yogurt.
The boom in budget lines in Britain has slowed (see grocer article
Appendix 4). Asda has seen a change in consumer buying
patterns with sales of the chains’ extra special products rising as
people opt to eat in rather than dine out.
Despite strong evidence of Irish consumers cutting back on their
spending, RoI and NI consumers are reluctant to forego trading
up altogether. Three in ten Irish consumers (30% in NI and 28% in
RoI) continued to fill their shopping baskets with premium
products in 20091.
7.0 Value for Money
Equivalent grant levels for typical enterprise support or inward
investment is in the region of €7,500 to €20,000 per job or an
investment level of from €56 million to €150 million for 7,500 new jobs.
We believe that this sector can create 7,500 additional jobs more
cost effectively than this.
This would also be a significantly better investment for the state
compared to inward investment jobs in particular when the
multiplier effect of local food spend is taken into account which
supports a broader level of job retention/creation locally.
Source: Mintel
APPENDIX 1 TASTE Council Membership
Taste Council Members
Darina Allen
Veuve Cliquot Business woman of the year 2002, Owner/Manager Ballymaloe
Cookery School, Founder Midleton Farmers Market, author and journalist. Organic
farmer. University of Ulster conferred honorary doctorate for contribution to Irish
Cuisine and Irish hospitality in 2003. Winner of André Simon Cookbook Award
Darina has worked with small local producers through Ballymaloe for many years
has strong links to the US market. Darina is an advocate and practitioner in the
establishment of farmers markets.
Hugo Arnold
Food Journalist and consultant
Hugo Arnold has written food columns in the London Evening Standard, the
Financial Times and now in the Irish Times. He has written 11 books. He also
works as a restaurant consultant specialising in menu development.
James Burke
Having spent over 20 years with Superquinn holding many roles such as store
manager, business development manager, group purchasing manager and trading
manager. James is now a food consultant specialising in strategy and business
planning for small and large food companies. James has an MBA in retailing and
wholesaling from Stirling University.
Birgetta Hedin-Curtin
Background: Originally from Sweden Studied Marine Biology and started up Burren
Smokehouse in Lisdoonvarna 21 years ago. Produces award winning organic
Salmon,Trout,Eel and mackerel. Chairperson of Slow Food Clare, Chairperson of
IASC, member of Good Food Ireland. Member of Foras Organach Marketing board.
Jilly Dougan
Background: Moyallon Foods and chairman of the Farmers' Market in Belfast.
Evan Doyle - Chairman
Co-owner of the critically acclaimed Brooklodge Hotel at Macreddin Village,
For 21 years, now, through his menus at The Strawberry Tree, Evan has been a
pioneer of the organic movement, and has publicly advocated a total emphasis on
sourcing only organic, artisan and wild foods for his restaurant. Evan is a director
of The Organic Trust, a Committee member of Eurotoques, the European
Community of Cooks and has been deeply involved with SlowFood since its
introduction to Ireland.
Stuart Gates
Background: Stuart Gates joined Harrods Ltd in 1975, and from 1987 to 1991
held the position of Group Manager of their Food Hall. In 1991 he set up SMG
Associates, his own consultancy and import business, specialising in importing
goods from North America.
In 1993 he was appointed as General Manager of Fortnum and Mason PLC's Food
business where he worked his way up the ladder to Managing Director before
leaving in 2004. Stuart then moved onto the position of Director and General
Manager of Daylesford Organics. Stuart subsequently re joined Harrods and is
currently the Food Development and Hampers Director.
Eilis Gough
Owner of Mileeven Foods.
Eilis is a producer, and member of the Evaluation Committee - an advisory body
to the Kilkenny County Enterprise Board and the Consumer Foods Board - Bord
Ed Hick
Ed is a Fourth Generation Pork Butcher.
With experience in Traditional Pork Butchery including sausage making, bacon
curing and smoking, continental and native processing techniques, animal
husbandry and slaughter. Ed is a micro-producer and market stall holder.
Michael Horgan
Background: Owner of Horgans Delicatessen Supplies
Expertise: The careful sourcing of artisan food products throughout Europe, the
monitoring of consumer trends, and the sales, marketing and distribution of
speciality foods.
Domini Kemp
Domini Kemp trained as a chef at Leith's in London before co-writing New Irish
Cooking and working in the Michelin-starred Peacock Alley. In 1999, she opened
the hugely popular itsa with her sister Peaches. Together, they run four branches
of itsa, as well as the café, itsa@IMMA in the RHK. They run the outdoor
catering company, Feast catering which has recently taken over as resident
caterer in Powerscourt House in Co. Wicklow. They run the gastro-neighborhood
restaurant itsa4 in Sandymount and operate the restaurants in both Brown
Thomas Cork and Dublin. Domini is member of Euro Toques, writes a recipe
column in The Irish Times and her second cook-book will be published later this
year, by Gill & MacMillan.
Ross Lewis
Ross is from Cork and, and a graduate of University College Cork. He has
travelled and worked in the restaurant industry in New York, London and
Switzerland. His passion & drive to open his own restaurant brought him back to
Ireland where he has become immersed in Ireland’s emerging food culture.
Ross was Commissioner General for Eurotoques Ireland from 2001 – 2004 and is
currently one of it’s commissioners. He also sits as a member of the Taste Council
of Ireland .Both organizations are dedicated to promoting the use of organic and
artisan locally produced ingredients and Ross’ dedication to this is evident in the
menus he creates at Chapter One. Since it’s opening Chapter One and it’s team
have been the recipients of numerous awards for both service and food. Ross was
awarded with a 1* Michelin in 2007. Chapter One has also been internationally
feted by top U.S food magazine’s former food editor as his favourite Dublin
restaurant and by Australian Gourmet Traveller as having “a reputation for
serving the very best of Irish inspired cuisine”.
John McKenna
John McKenna is the author and publisher, with his wife, Sally, of "The
Bridgestone Guides", a series of independent, critical guides to Ireland’s food
and hospitality cultures. The McKennas have written and published the
Bridgestone Guides since 1991.
John McKenna has been described by The New York Times as "Ireland's leading
food critic", by The Financial Times as "Ireland's champion food writer", and by
The Guardian as "Ireland's most opinion-forming food critic and a powerful
commentator on culinary trends".
John McKenna has won four Glenfiddich Awards for food writing and broadcasting,
and he has also won the André Simon Special Award for "The Bridgestone Irish
Food Guide".
Raymond O’Rourke
A qualified Barrister and a specialist food regulatory and consumer affairs lawyer.
He worked for many years in legal firms both in Dublin and Brussels. Prior to that
he worked in Brussels at the European Parliament and also for the European
Consumers Association (BEUC). He has written two books European Food Law
(3rd edition) (2005) Thomsen/Sweet & Maxwell and Food Safety & Product
Liability (2000) Palladian Law Publishing. He is a regular speaker at conferences
on food law issues. Raymond is also a member of the FSAI's Artisan Forum
Kevin Sheridan
Co-founder and owner of Sheridans Cheesemongers Ltd.
Chairperson Artisan Food Producers of Meath
Co-ordinator Irish Raw Milk Cheese Presidium
Peter Ward (Chairman 2003 - 2008)
Owner/manager Country Choice, independent delicatessen, Nenagh, Co.
Peter was the founding Chairman of the TASTE Council since 2003 and has been
hugely influential in the achievements of the Council to date. He represented the
views of Irish Speciality Food on curriculum enhancement for adult education with
TEAGASC, submissions to small business forum and the consultation process for
National Rural Development Strategy as well as appearing before a number of
Joint Oireachtas Committees.
Caroline Byrne
Caroline Byrne graduated from Trinity College in 2006 and has
since then pursued a career in professional food writing, in trade and
consumer press. She was editor of grocery and FMCG magazine, ShelfLife,
from April 2008 until January 2010, and is currently an editor and writer
with Bridgestone Food Guides. Caroline is also wine columnist for the Irish
Garden magazine and holds an Advanced Certificate from the WSET. She
also provides consultancy services to restaurants and other food
Siobhan Ni Ghairbhith
Siobhan Ni Ghairbhith is a native of Inagh, Co. Clare. She is a former
school teacher turned cheesemaker when in 1999 she took over the
making of St Tola Goats Cheese. At the time the cheese was being made
near her parents’ house in Inagh by Meg and Derrick Gordon; brave
pioneers in the Irish Artisan Food industry. Siobhan brought the cheese up
to full Organic standards (I.O.F.G.A.) built new, state of the art cheese
making premises and developed St Tola from a small local cottage industry
to a world recognised brand producing a range of cheeses. St Tola has
been the proud winner of many awards over the years including Best
Organic Cheese at the British Cheese Awards, Best Overall product at the
National Organic Awards and Premio Roma in Italy.
Siobhan is the former Chairperson of CAIS, a member of Slow Food
Ireland and a member of the Taste Council. She is a fervent believer in
organic farming practises, a fluent Irish speaker and a passionate advocate
of Irish food, culture and music.
Fiona Lavery
Fiona Lavery is the Invest Northern Ireland representative on the Taste
Council and has been involved since the Council's inception in October
2003. She has worked with the small business sector for twenty years and
her current role includes management of Invest NI's overseas participation
at food and drink shows.
Robert Ditty
Ditty’s is a thriving third generation bakery based in Castledawson, Co.
Derry, Northern Ireland, which has been going strong for 45 years. Robert
uses local producers such as traditional smoke houses, organic dairies and
local farmers to offer a broad range of oatcakes, specialty biscuits,
pastries, breads and savoury foods that combine natural ingredients with
traditional baking recipes. Robert’s passion for promoting Northern
Ireland’s unique bakery tradition resulted in HRH Prince Charles visiting
Ditty’s Bakery in 2004. Robert was the first Irish baker to become
chairman of the British Confectioner’s Association and was one of the
founding members of the North East Ireland Slow Food Convivium. Robert
is currently on the Good Food Ireland Steering Group and is a member of
the Institute of Northern Ireland Beekeepers.
Associate Members
Randolph Hodgson
Owner/Manager Neal's Yard Dairy, Chair of the UK Specialist Cheesemakers
Association. Instrumental in the founding and committee management of
London's Borough Market. Winner of the Tio Pepe, Carlton London Restaurant
Awards 2003 for an outstanding contribution to London restaurants.
Has also worked with international cheese makers for many years, in addition has
liaised successfully on policy adaptation for speciality food in Britain.
Kevin Thornton
Michelin star chef and restaurant owner. Upon graduating he worked at Walton's
in London, subsequently travelling through vineyards in Europe to learn about
wine. He then expanded what he knew by working and travelling - to Switzerland,
to Canada, then back to Ireland to the Shelbourne before going to France to work
at the multistarred restaurant of Paul Bocuse in Lyon. Kevin is the first Irish chef
to have gained two Michelin stars.
Kevin was instrumental in getting the DIT to set up a four-year degree course in
Culinary Arts.
Simon Pratt
Owner/Manager Avoca Hand weavers.
Simon was instrumental in the writing and publication of the Avoca series of
cookery books.
APPENDIX 2 – Teagasc Report on the Artisan Food Sector
Artisan Food: Artisan Food in Ireland (Extracted from Teagasc Website,
March 2010)
The production of speciality food in Ireland accounts for approx. €500m pa from a base of 300
producers. Of these almost 50 are farmhouse cheese producers compared to Holland which is the size
of Munster and has over 100 cheese producers or indeed New Zealand with over 2,000 speciality food
producers. So clearly it would seem that the market is far from saturated. But what drives our food
producers? Is it the lure of the euro? clearly one hopes and expects to make money from any business
venture but for our food producers it is much more, it is about the passion of producing top quality hand
made food and not the mass produced, processed and often flavourless varieties that are thrown in front
of us day after day.
The growth of farmer’s markets in Ireland over the past decade has been quite extraordinary and with
the assistance of local enterprise boards and leader groups this now result’s in a turnover in excess of
€10m pa., and reflects the diversity of products, our changing lifestyles and agricultural environment.
But when we buy ‘artisan’ what exactly do we get?
A product labelled or categorized as ‘Artisan’ has no set-in-stone definition because essentially it is
down to who you ask. Artisan for me in descriptive of a food that is unique, usually hand made with a
distinctive taste and flavour and with it’s own ‘persona’ which can cover a range of products such as
breads, meats, cheeses, preserves and produce.
Irish food writer John McKenna eloquently describes Artisan food as a test of 4P’s, ‘it is a synthesis of
the Personality of the producer, the Place it come from, the Product itself and Passion in the manner it is
Zingerman’s speciality food describe it as ‘traditional or traditionally made, mostly in batch sizes using
hand-done techniques which encompasses flavour, tradition and the integrity of the producer.
APPENDIX 3 – Article The Grocer Magazine 5th September
Fine food back on form
The market for specialist and fine food products has been in year-long decline. A
survey of 200 delis and farm shops by The Guild of Fine Foods last November found
a 15% drop in sales; the organic category has suffered a well-publicised slump; while
premium and super-premium products made way for more value lines at the major
retailers, including the launch of Waitrose Essential and Tesco’s Discounter range.
However, as well as exceptions, encouraging signs have started to emerge, according
to a number of key sources. A report by Nielsen last month suggested the boom in
budget own-label ranges had slowed to 13.7%; while sales of premium own-label
lines, which fell by 11.6% [Nielsen MAT August 2008] were up 4.5%.
And while Waitrose has gone out of its way to link its recent strong performance to
the launch of its value lines, it insists speciality and fine foods are still a vital
ingredient. “We have always been a destination for speciality, niche products and it is
an area we continue to over-trade in.”The Waitrose spokesman cites, as examples,
speciality beers and lagers, with sales up 40% and 36% respectively on the same
period last year; and “sales at our olive bars have so far been 12% higher this year
than last”, he adds.
Also targeting the key ABC1 customer of late has been Asda. “Customers are still
trading up on little luxuries,” says an Asda spokesman. “The Extra Special range is
holding its own in a tough climate. Customers will still trade up if they can see the
value. While we do increasingly see Smartprice baskets, there is still a mix.” As to
Tesco, the self-styled people’s supermarket had been accused of ignoring its ABC1
customers, which outnumber those of Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons combined,
with the Discounter range and an apparent move downmarket last year, but it, too,
reports a pick-up in sales of premium and organic lines aided by increased promotion.
“Most of our customers have a mixed basket containing Tesco Value as well as
Finest, underlining it’s people’s perceptions of ‘value’ that inform their
purchasing patterns. This is as likely to come from premium ranges as others,” a
spokesman says.