ORGANISATION PROFILE 1. NAME OF THE APPLICANT ADDRESS ; PARIVARTHANA Parivarthana, Rural Development Society Near Govt. Hospital, H K Road, SHIRALAKOPPA 577428, Shikaripura TQ, Shimoga District Karnataka State, India : 08187-233330, Cell:9880444749 TELEPHONE : Email 2. RESPONSIBLE INDIVIDUAL (Name and Designation) : Mr. D. SHANKARAPPA Secretary / Project Director 3. ORGANIZATION REGISTRATION :1.Registered under KSSR Act 1960, [LEGAL STATUS] No. 9/SOR/SMG/1994-95 dt:04/04/1994. 2.Registered Under 12A and 80G IT Act 1961-PAN: AAATP 4564 C. 3.Registered Under FCR Act 1976 No; 094620027, dt: 26/12/2003 4. BANK DETAILS; Bank A/Cs in the name of Parivarthana S.B; A/C NO; 54041140993, SBM – Shikaripura IFSC; SBMYOO40137. S.B.A/C NO; 54045609587. SBM-Shimoga [FC] IFSC; SBMYOO40132. 5. ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE : Administrative staff Field staff Technical staff TOTAL 03 16 01 ---20 ---- 6. BRIEF HISTORY OF THE ORGANISATION; PURPOSE OF ESTABLISHMENT; PARIVARTHANA is a registered organization established in the year 1994 having an aim to serve the community in terms of social, economical, education and environment promotional activities and to build a good socially responsible society. It aimed to look for the development of the rural poor, empower them towards their sustainability. MISSION: Literacy and social awareness, self-reliance and self supported Community, community health and wealth liberation, Leadership development, Relief and Rehabilitation, Empowering women and encouraging people. VISION: To create a new world where there is no caste, creed, race, Religion discrimination but only humanitarian ship. AIM: Motto of organization is to create on environment of socialization and cultural Understanding, equitable distribution of wealth and mutual help, social justice, peace, love and humanity. OBJECTIVES: Create awareness among rural community - Organize people to participate in social action process for village self reliance Promote all round development of rural poor with social Justice Promote youth & women groups towards poverty eradication and sustainable development process through - Skill development; Promote primary and adult education; Promote general health of villagers about Government; Development programmes and encouraging people to exercise their rights to access the programmes Develop healthy working relationship between villagers, Government and voluntary organizations. Promote participatory exercise for the conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. Strategies: To initiate socio-economic, educational and health development programmes in rural areas. ACTIVITIES / BACKGROUND; Core competencies: promoting savings & credit managements in SHGs, IGP, women & Child Development, Rural Literacy, Environment conservation, Natural resource management, community Health & Hygiene, Sustainable Agriculture, RCH, HIV/AIDS prevention, awareness on Child Labour & other various developmental issues since the last 15 years. PARIVARTHANA development activities are spread over 59 villages of which 44 villages is in Shimoga district and other 15 villages in Haveri district of Karnataka. The project villages are situated in the semi hill region with an average rainfall about 130-mm/ year. The project villages are located around 15 –20 kms radius from the nearest small town Shiralakoppa. The target people covered under the project are Lambani, Bhovi, Koracha, Adidravida, Adikarnataka, valmiki, Kurubas, lingayaths and muslims who are weaker sections of the society. The socio – economic conditions of the target groups are far behind of satisfactory level and the project villages are lacking the primary infrastructures. Parivarthana as part of its comprehensive holistic approach to improve the quality of life of the rural communities is facilitating a number of need based and people centered activities in the project area. Some of the main activities are: Community organizing, promoting savings and credit managements among SHGs, Income Generation Programmes, women and children development, rural literacy, natural resource management, community health and hygiene, sustainable agriculture, awareness on child labour from the past 15 years. It has been the philosophy of Parivarthana to identify committed women and youth leaders from among the community for planning and implementing of all the development programmes and to involve the community in each and every step. This has, over the years, ensured that the participation of the community is full-fledged in all our activities and the communities feel a sense of ownership to the project. Thus all the initiatives and development programmes of Parivarthana are aimed at facilitating the vulnerable communities attain selfreliance. MAIN ACTIVITIES; 1. Women & Child Development Activities. 2. Natural Resources Management & Watershed 3. Youth Development Activities. 4. Comprehensive Community Health. 7. AWARDS THAT HAVE RECOGNISED PARIVARTHANA WORK. 1. Grant Assistance Award 2007-2008, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Govt of JAPAN, Consulate General of Japan –Chennai. Dt; 31-08-2007. 2. Swami Vivekananda National Samaj Ratna Award 2007; Shree Laxmi Institute for women & Rural Development–Dharwad. Dt; 29-12-2007. 3. Kittur Rani Channamma Award 2004-05; Dept of Women & Child Development, GOK- Bangalore. Dt; 08-03-2006. 4. Micro Finance Process Excellence Award 2006; ABN-AMBRO & PLANET Finance- New Delhi, Dt; 07-04-2007. 5. India Leader For Tomorrow award 2003 ; Sir Ratan Tata Trust, Mumbai and Indian Social Services- New Delhi, Dt;12-11-2003. 6. Rajiv Gandhi Environment award 2003 – 2004; Ministry of Forest Environment and Ecology, GoK- Bangalore, Dt; 05-06-2003. 7. Shadaksharappa & Tara Charities - USA Award 2002; Shadaksharappa &Tara Charities-USA, Dt; 01-01-2002. 8. ‘Dist Youth Club Award 1996-97;NYKS Dept. of YAS,GoI–Shimoga;Dt;20-01-1998. 8. RECEIVED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM DIFFERENT AGENCIES; The organization received funding for its activities from the following agencies of Government and international organizations. INTERNATIONAL Donor Agencies ;OXFAM – UK, ICA – USA, IGSSS – Germany, EU/GAA –OUTREACH-Bangalore, MoFA, Govt of JAPAN [GGP]. Central Government; (Govt. of India) Ministry of HRD – New Delhi, Ministry of youth affairs and sports – New Delhi, Ministry of Environment and Forest – New Delhi, Ministry of Health and Family welfare – New Delhi, Ministry of Shipping Road Transport and Highways – New Delhi, NYKS – New Delhi, NABARD – Mumbai/Bangalore, Ministry of Law & Justice (National Legal Service Authority) New Delhi and UII – Sagar. State Government (GoK) Department of Watershed Development-Bangalore, Department of women and child development – Shimoga, Karnataka state women development corporation – Bangalore, Department of youth services and sports – Shimoga, Zilla Panchayath – Shimoga, Karnataka State legal service authority – Bangalore, Karnataka Forest department – Sagar, and Haveri. Others. Search- Bangalore , KRVP – Bangalore, St. Johns Medical college and Hospital – Bangalore, Sangamithra – Mysore. Akshara Foundation-Dharwad. YVK-Bijapur. Pratham-Mysore. 9. COLLABORATION WITH NGO‘S / NET WORKS, GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS & OTHER AGENCIES. Parivarthana is closely associated with and affiliated with various stakeholders and working groups / networks. Coordination with NGO’s and Networks: Parivarthana collaborated with various Ngo’s / technical partners like JFPM; FEVORD – K; FEVOS; INGO; INSAF,CACL –K and MICNET. KPFLR. Coordination with government agencies: Central Government (Govt. of India) Ministry of HRD – New Delhi, Ministry of youth affairs and sports – New Delhi, Ministry of Environment and Forest – New Delhi, Ministry of Health and Family welfare – New Delhi, Ministry of Shipping Road Transport and Highways – New Delhi, NYKS – New Delhi, NABARD – Mumbai/Bangalore, Ministry of Law & Justice (National Legal Service Authority) New Delhi and UII – Sagar. State Government (GoK) Department of Watershed Development-Bangalore, Department of women and child development – Shimoga, Karnataka state women development corporation – Bangalore, Department of youth services and sports – Shimoga, Zilla Panchayath – Shimoga, Karnataka State legal service authority – Bangalore, Karnataka Forest department – Sagar, and Haveri. Others. Search- Bangalore , KRVP – Bangalore, St. Johns Medical college and Hospital Bangalore, Sangamithra – Mysore. Akshara Foundation-Dharwad. YVK-Bijapur. Pratham-Mysore. Co-ordination with district District Administration, District Police Department: The program of Road safety was organized and conducted in the District level & Taluk level spheres with the involvement by the District Administration, District Police Department, Regional Transport Authority of Shimoga District and such program was supported by the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport, Government of India, New Delhi. Co-ordination with district forest department: Parivarthana has been collaborating with the western Ghats project supported by DFID, New Delhi through Oxfam India; and the Eastern plains project supported by JBIC through KFD. Co-ordination with Sri Sakthi associations: 40 SHG’s training was conducted with support from NABARD and department of women and child development. Co-ordination with Banks:Parivarthana has established linkages with a number of nationalized banks.Canara bank. Shydrigramina bank.NABARD. Syndicate bank & Sangamitra.