PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE NEW-COURSE PROPOSAL FORM ORIGINATING CAMPUS: ( X ) Ammerman ( X ) Eastern ( X ) Grant Date Submitted to Curriculum Committee: _____3/11_____ To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. PROPOSER E-MAILS ENTIRE COURSE PROPOSAL PACKET TO THE APPROPRIATE CURRICULUM COMMITTEE CHAIR AS A WORD DOCUMENT. Proposal Checklist Proposer records appropriate departmental votes here and checks to be sure all the documents are contained within the packet. ( X ) Electronic Letter-of-Intent ( X ) Electronic Letter-of-Support from Executive Dean(s) ( X ) Vote(s) of Department: Name of Department: Social Science/Ammerman For: 24 Against: 1 Abstentions: 0 Date of Vote: 3/15/11 Proposer's Initials: NSM Select One: Approved X Not approved_____ Name of Department: Social Science/Grant For: 10 Against: 0 Abstentions: 0 Date of Vote: 3/8/11 Proposer's Initials: LLM Select One: Approved X Not approved_____ Name of Department: Social Science and Visual Arts/Eastern For: 12 Against: 0 Abstentions: 0 Date of Vote:3/24/11 Proposer's Initials: FL Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ ( X ) Campus Dean Final-Approval Form(s) (Proposer completes form to this line before sending entire proposal packet to the appropriate Curriculum Committee Chair) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development Dr. Tina Good, Chair of College Curriculum Committee Academic Chairs of affected departments ALL FORMS MUST BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY Revised 10/2008 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant Curriculum Committee Chair completes form below this line and, upon approval, the Curriculum Committee Chair e-mails the entire proposal packet to the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, with electronic copies to the appropriate Executive Deans and the College Curriculum Committee Chair. (If the proposal is not approved, the Curriculum Committee Chair e-mails proposer and explains why proposal was not approved and sends an electronic copy of explanation to the College Curriculum Chair and the College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development.) ****************************************************************** ( ) Vote of Curriculum Committee Name of Committee:_______________________________ For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ ( ) Vote of Ammerman Faculty Senate (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ( ) Vote of East Congress (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ( ) Vote of Grant Assembly (if appropriate) For: _____ Against: _____ Abstentions: _____ Date of Vote: __________ Select One: Approved_____ Not approved_____ Abstention_____ ****************************************************************** Proposal is _____Approved _____Not Approved Date________________________________________ Comments: 2 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant NAME OF PROPOSAL: PSY217 ADOLESCENT PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT/DISCIPLINE: SOCIAL SCIENCE/PSYCHOLOGY I. CATALOG DESCRIPTION: An examination of the changes of the period between childhood and adulthood in its social, historical and cultural context. Emphasis will be placed on the physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes as well as the influence of family, peers and the broader culture. Topics include; puberty and growth, identity formation, moral reasoning, value clarification, gender and intimacy issues, peer pressure, media influences, coping skills and substance abuse. II. STATEMENT OF LEARNING OUTCOMES (Course outcomes should be stated in the form of what students will be expected to learn in the course precise, e.g., “Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate . . . . ”) Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: A. Demonstrate knowledge of how scientific methodology is applied to the study of adolescent psychology B. Critically analyze major theories which attempt to explain adolescent behavior C. Analyze and evaluate current findings and latest research related to adolescent psychology D. Identify and discuss the roles of families, peers, schools and culture in adolescent behavior E. Communicate the understanding of how psychological principles can be applied to practical issues faced during adolescence F. Understand the relations between social settings and adolescent behavior G. Describe the relevance of racism, sexism and other prejudice on adolescent development H. Demonstrate an understanding of research techniques used to address questions in adolescence I. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of cognitive development on adolescent behavior J. Analyze social factors influencing interpersonal attraction and sexual behavior in adolescence K. Analyze the impact of an individual’s unique culture on adolescent development III. RELATIONSHIP TO STUDENTS 3 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant A. Credits and Contact Hours (Provide a rationale for proposed credits and contact hours. See the formula for credit hours and contact hours on the Curriculum Website.) Credit Hours: 3 Lecture: 3 B. Contact Hours_____ Lab_____ Studio_____ Internship_____ Course Fees (Will the student be charged additional fees for this course?) Lab Fees__________ NO Course Fees__________ Please explain as necessary:_________________________________ C. Required/Elective/Restricted Elective (Will this be a required course? If so, for which curricula? Provide a rationale as to why this course should be required. If this is proposed as an elective or restricted elective course, state what elective category it will fulfill and why it is appropriate for that elective category.) In June 2010 the Teacher Education Transfer Template for SUNY determined that this course would be the appropriate course for optimal transfer as part of a course requirement in Adolescent Education programs. Within the next year, these programs will be submitted for change and this course will be added. D. Prerequisites/Co-requisites (What prerequisites or co-requisites will be required for this course? Provide a rationale for these requirements.) Prerequisite: PSY101 E. Transferability (Would this course transfer to any other institutions? If so, give examples of transfer institutions/departments who would accept this course. Give the name(s) of the courses it would transfer as. Demonstrate how transferability was determined.) In June 2010 the Teacher Education Transfer Template for SUNY determined that this course would be the appropriate course for optimal transfer as part of a course requirement in Adolescent Education programs. Similar course offered at other institutions are: SUNY, Onondaga Community College, PSY207 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits 4 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant F. SUNY, Cayuga Community College, PSY216 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Cortland, PSY232 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Cobleskill, PSY222 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Ulster, PSY206 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Oswego, PSY323 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Dutchess Community College, PSY204 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Delhi, PSYC240 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, Rockland Community College, PSY213 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits SUNY, New Paltz, PSY204 Adolescent Psychology, 3 credits Master Schedule (How would this course fit into the Master Schedule? How often would it be offered? Would it be offered in the Fall? Spring? Summer? Winter?) Offered every fall and spring semester. G. Estimate of student enrollment (How many students are anticipated to initially enroll in this course per semester? Per year? How were these enrollment figures determined?) A minimal of one section of 33 on each campus each semester H. Class Size (What is the maximum number of students that should be allowed to enroll in one section of this course? Provide a rationale for this class size. Should the class size be forcible?) 33; same as all PSY courses. Forcible. IV. RELATIONSHIP TO FACULTY A. Number of current faculty available to teach proposed course and number of additional faculty required. When this course is added to the schedule, PSY214 Child and Adolescent Psychology will no longer be a course offering. The faculty (full-time and adjunct) who teach that course could be certified to teach this course. No additional faculty required. B. Number of other staff positions required. None C. Discipline(s) required and/or minimum preparation in order to teach the course. 5 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant Psychology with emphasis on adolescence V. RELATIONSHIP TO SUNY GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS Is this course being proposed as a SUNY General Education Course. If so, A. Identify which of the ten SUNY knowledge and skills areas the course would fulfill. *The ten SUNY knowledge and skill areas are Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, American History, Western Civilization, Other World Civilizations, Humanities, The Arts, Foreign Language, Basic Communication. Social Sciences B. Demonstrate how the course outcomes map to the SUNY Learning Outcomes for the knowledge and skills areas you have identified. (See the Curriculum Website for further details about the required outcomes.) Students will be examining the major theories of adolescence and the research methods underlying them. They will examine the body of empirical evidence which supports our contemporary understanding of adolescence in our culture as well as the processes of normal and abnormal development during this stage of life. The role of normative data and the use of statistics for both description and inference will be introduced. C. How does this course incorporate the SUNY infused competencies of Critical Thinking and Information Management? (See the Curriculum Website for further details about the required outcomes for Information Management and Critical Thinking.) Students will compare and contrast major theories of adolescent development. They will critically evaluate the empirical basis of these theories as they apply to our contemporary understanding of adolescence as a life stage. Students will employ technology as they gather information from a variety of sources for their own research and communicate the results of their efforts in formal writing. D. Do the faculty within the department/discipline agree to assess this course according to the approved *SUNY General Education Assessment Plan, using assessment measures, i.e., instruments that measure the attainment of student learning outcomes as described in the plan? *Be sure to see if the original assessment plan has been updated either through the strengthened campus-based assessment plan or through a closingthe-loop process. Contact Dr. Allen Jacobs, College Associate Dean for Assessment of Academic and Student Affairs for further information. 6 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant Yes VI. COSTS List costs and space requirements. No extra costs or space requirements VII. COURSE SYLLABUS (See Appendix Below.) 7 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE COURSE SYLLABUS FORM To meet the ideals of Suffolk County Community College, new courses should, if appropriate, consider issues arising from elements of cultural diversity in areas of textbook choice, selection of library and audio-visual materials, and teaching methodology. (Please note that a course syllabus is not the same as a course outline. A course syllabus outlines the general requirements for a course. A course outline is the specific document created by the individual faculty member to distribute to a specific course section. Please see the Faculty Handbook for further details as to what to include in a course outline. A SAMPLE course outline should be attached below.) I. Course Number and Title: (Be sure to consider whether this course is a 100- or 200-level course and give a rationale for the decision.) PSY217 Adolescent Psychology II. Catalog Description: An examination of the changes of the period between childhood and adulthood in its social, historical and cultural context. Emphasis will be placed on the physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes as well as the influence of family, peers and the broader culture. Topics may include; puberty and growth, identity formation, moral reasoning, value clarification, gender and intimacy issues, peer pressure, media influences, coping skills and substance abuse. III. Learning Outcomes: (Main concepts, principles, and skills you want students to learn from this course) Upon completion of this course, students will be able to: A. Demonstrate knowledge of how scientific methodology is applied to the study of adolescent psychology B. Critically analyze major theories which attempt to explain adolescent behavior C. Analyze and evaluate current findings and latest research related to adolescent psychology D. Identify and discuss the roles of families, peers, schools and culture in adolescent behavior E. Communicate the understanding of how psychological principles can be applied to practical issues faced during adolescence F. Understand the relations between social settings and adolescent behavior G. Describe the relevance of racism, sexism and other prejudice on adolescent development H. Demonstrate an understanding of research techniques used to address questions in adolescence 8 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant I. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of cognitive development on adolescent behavior J. Analyze social factors influencing interpersonal attraction and sexual behavior in adolescence K. Analyze the impact of an individual’s unique culture on adolescent development V. Programs that Require this Course: (List or indicate none.) In June 2010 the Teacher Education Transfer Template for SUNY determined that this course would be the appropriate course for optimal transfer as part of a course requirement in Adolescent Education programs. Within the next year, these programs will be submitted for change and this course will be added in all the Adolescent Education programs. VI. Major Topics Required: A. Study of Adolescent Development 1. Multidisciplinary approach to adolescence 2. Theoretical perspectives 3. Stereotypes versus scientific study B. Fundamental Changes of Adolescence 1. Biological transitions 2. Cognitive transitions 3. Social transitions C. Contexts of Adolescence 1. Families 2. Peer groups 3. Schools 4. Work, leisure and the mass media D. Psychosocial Development during Adolescence 1. Identity 2. Autonomy 3. Intimacy 4. Sexuality 5. Achievement E. Psychosocial Problems in Adolescence 1. Substance Use and Abuse 2. Externalizing Problems 3. Internalizing Problems 4. Stress and Coping VI. Special Instructions: A. Prerequisite(s) to this Course: (List or indicate none) PSY101 Introduction to Psychology 9 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant B. Course(s) that Require this Course as a Prerequisite: (List courses or indicate none) None C. External Jurisdiction: (List credentialing organization/association if appropriate or indicate none.) None VII. Supporting Information: (Examples – newspapers, journals, Internet resources, CD-ROMS, Videos, other teaching materials, textbooks, etc.) VIII. Optional Topics: (List or indicate none) IX. Evaluation of Student Performance: List possible methods to be used for evaluating students’ achievement of the course’s learning outcomes. X. Sample Course Outline (See Faculty Handbook online at for guidelines.) SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Course: PSY217 Adolescent Psychology Textbook: Adolescence by Laurence Steinberg Course Objectives: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of how scientific methodology is applied to the study of adolescent psychology 2. Critically analyze major theories which attempt to explain adolescent behavior 3. Analyze and evaluate current findings and latest research related to adolescent psychology 4. Identify and discuss the roles of families, peers, schools and culture in adolescent behavior 5. Communicate the understanding of how psychological principles can be applied to practical issues faced during adolescence 6. Understand the relations between social settings and adolescent behavior 7. Describe the relevance of racism, sexism and other prejudice on adolescent development 10 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant 8. Demonstrate an understanding of research techniques used to address questions in adolescence 9. Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of cognitive development on adolescent behavior 10. Analyze social factors influencing interpersonal attraction and sexual behavior in adolescence 11. Analyze the impact of an individual’s unique culture on adolescent development Procedures for Accomplishing Course Objectives and Meeting Requirements: 1. Textbook and outside reading assignments 2. Course lectures, exercises, and discussions 3. Audio-visual presentations Student Requirements for Completion of the Course: 1. Students are expected to read the assigned chapters in the test before the classroom presentation of the topic. 2. Students are expected to participate in class discussions and take every examination. 3. Students are expected to attend class and must notify the professor if unable to be present. More than two absences may result in an unsatisfactory evaluation or being dropped from the course. 4. Students are responsible for all that transpires in class even when not in attendance. 5. Students should familiarize themselves with the student absences guidelines in the SCCC catalog. In addition, any student with more than two absences can be dropped from the course. 6. Students who arrive late to class will be considered by the professor as an absence. 7. Active cell phones will not be permitted in class. If found using one for text message, the student will be charged with one absence. 8. There are no make-up examinations. 9. Any student caught with academic dishonestly on an examination, written assignment, or any other assignment, will automatically fail that assignment. Grading: Examinations and Quizzes: 75% Assignments: 10% Term Project: 15% Tentative Weekly Schedule: Week One Introduction to Adolescent Development Week Two Fundamental Changes: Biological Transitions Week Three Fundamental Changes: Cognitive Transitions Week Four Fundamental Changes: Social Transitions Week Five Contexts of Adolescence: Families Week Six Contexts of Adolescence: Peer Groups Week Seven Contexts of Adolescence: Schools Week Eight Contexts of Adolescence: Work, Leisure and the Mass Media Week Nine Psychosocial Development: Identity 11 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant Week Ten Week Eleven Week Twelve Week Thirteen Week Fourteen Week Fifteen Psychosocial Development: Autonomy Psychosocial Development: Intimacy Psychosocial Development: Sexuality Psychosocial Development: Achievement Psychosocial Problems Final Exam 12 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-INTENT TO EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) PROPOSER E-MAILS LETTER-OF-INTENT AS WORD DOCUMENT TO DR. CANDICE FOLEY, COLLEGE ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT. Dr. Foley determines which campuses are affected by proposal and forwards the Letter-of-Intent to the appropriate Executive Dean(s) for Lettersof- Support. Proposer: Thomas Coleman, Lynn Liebert-Marx, Faye Lourenso Campus: A: X E: X G: X Department/Discipline: Social Science/Psychology Telephone: 451-4497, 851-6548, 548-2591 E-mail:,, Name of Curriculum/Course Proposal: PSY217 Adolescent Psychology Proposer attaches a brief description and rationale for the proposal on a separate page. Date: November 9, 2010 College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development completes form below this line. ****************************************************************** Type of Proposal Course New______________X___________________ Revised_______________________________ Adoption______________________________ Curriculum New__________________________ A.A._____ A.S. _____ A.A.S _____ Revised________________________ Certificate Expedited Revision_______________ This proposal requires the following approval(s) 13 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant Single Campus _____ *College__X___ *College approval is required when the proposal has an impact on more than one campus. It was determined at the June 23, 2010, Teacher Education Transfer Template (TETT) meeting with Dr. P. Sandoval, SUNY Office of the Provost, that PSY214: Child and Adolescent Psychology needs to be changed to two distinct courses – PSY212 Child Psychology and PSY217 Adolescent Psychology. This letter of intent is to create a new course PSY217 Adolescent Psychology that will fulfill this SUNY request. 14 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-SUPPORT FROM CAMPUS DEAN(S) EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) E-MAILS LETTER-OF-SUPPORT TO THE FACULTY MEMBER INITIATING THE LETTER OF INTENT. (Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, receives an electronic copy of Letterof-Support sent to proposer.) ****************************************************************** TO: Thomas Coleman, Lynn Liebert-Marx, Faye Lourenso FROM: Evon Walters DATE: November 9, 2010 *********************************************************** Comments: I write in support of creating this new course, PSY 217. cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 15 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-SUPPORT FROM CAMPUS DEAN(S) EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) E-MAILS LETTER-OF-SUPPORT TO THE FACULTY MEMBER INITIATING THE LETTER OF INTENT. (Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, receives an electronic copy of Letterof-Support sent to proposer.) ****************************************************************** TO: Thomas Coleman, Lynn Liebert-Marx, Faye Lourenso FROM: James E. Sherwood DATE: November 10, 2010 *********************************************************** Comments: cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 16 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE LETTER-OF-SUPPORT FROM CAMPUS DEAN(S) EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) E-MAILS LETTER-OF-SUPPORT TO THE FACULTY MEMBER INITIATING THE LETTER OF INTENT. (Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development, receives an electronic copy of Letterof-Support sent to proposer.) ****************************************************************** TO: Thomas Coleman, Lynn Liebert-Marx, Faye Lourenso FROM: James M. Keane DATE: November 9, 2010 *********************************************************** Comments: I write in support of creating this new course, PSY 217. cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 17 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM PROPOSER E-MAILS COMPLETED PROPOSAL TO APPROPRIATE EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) AND REQUESTS A COMPLETED CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM. The Executive Dean(s) completes this form and returns it to the proposer. ****************************************************************** The Campus Dean Final Approval acknowledges a campus’s ability and commitment to support a proposal in terms of: Academic Merit Availability of Personnel Adequacy of Facilities Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment ****************************************************************** Name of Proposal: PSY217 Adolescent Psychology Campus: A__X__ E__X__ G__X___ Type of Proposal: ___New Curriculum ___Curriculum Revision ___Expedited Curriculum Revision X New Course ___Course Revision ___Inter-Campus Course Adoption Approved_James E. Sherwood______________________ Not Approved____________________ (Name of Executive Dean) Date__March 30, 2011__________________________ ****************************************************************** Comments: cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 18 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM PROPOSER E-MAILS COMPLETED PROPOSAL TO APPROPRIATE EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) AND REQUESTS A COMPLETED CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM. The Executive Dean(s) completes this form and returns it to the proposer. ****************************************************************** The Campus Dean Final Approval acknowledges a campus’s ability and commitment to support a proposal in terms of: Academic Merit Availability of Personnel Adequacy of Facilities Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment ****************************************************************** Name of Proposal: PSY217 Adolescent Psychology Campus: A__X__ E__X__ G__X___ Type of Proposal: ___New Curriculum ___Curriculum Revision ___Expedited Curriculum Revision X New Course ___Course Revision ___Inter-Campus Course Adoption Approved__Evon Walters_________ Not Approved____________________ (Name of Executive Dean) (Name of Executive Dean) Date__March 29, 2011__________________________ ****************************************************************** Comments: I write in support of this new course. cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 19 PSY217 Adolescent Psychology New Course Proposal Ammerman-East Grant SUFFOLK COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM PROPOSER E-MAILS COMPLETED PROPOSAL TO APPROPRIATE EXECUTIVE DEAN(S) AND REQUESTS A COMPLETED CAMPUS DEAN FINAL-APPROVAL FORM. The Executive Dean(s) completes this form and returns it to the proposer. ****************************************************************** The Campus Dean Final Approval acknowledges a campus’s ability and commitment to support a proposal in terms of: Academic Merit Availability of Personnel Adequacy of Facilities Budgetary Needs for Supplies and Equipment ****************************************************************** Name of Proposal: PSY217 Adolescent Psychology Campus: A__X__ E__X__ G__X___ Type of Proposal: ___New Curriculum ___Curriculum Revision ___Expedited Curriculum Revision X New Course ___Course Revision ___Inter-Campus Course Adoption Approved___James M. Keane_______ Not Approved____________________ (Name of Executive Dean) (Name of Executive Dean) Date______March 31, 2011_________ ****************************************************************** Comments: cc: Dr. Candice Foley, College Associate Dean for Curriculum Development 20